>killing nazis is simply epic! bazinga!!
lmao i was gonna link a thread but it got straight up deleted. guy was asking why his thread got locked and admitted to being an old fashioned white man (ie. a sane person) and now hes literally banned. he wasnt insulting or trolling anyone.
go ahead and make a thread with any kind of right wing theme (like asking for motivations behind moderating decisions or discussing the obvious extremist left-wing propaganda in the game) and you'll get banned & deleted, this shit is fucking hilarious.
why cant leftists handle opposing views? why do they seek to create hugboxes wherever they go?
>inb4 POL POL FUCK OFF POL :'(((
this is on the level of getting banned from the ubi forums for referencing the we wuz kangz meme lmfao
Left wing censorship on youngbloods steam forum
Other urls found in this thread:
Who gives a shit?
Fuck off, nerd.
Fuck off, nerd.
>Not to be racist or anything but as an old-fashioned white man...
powerful argument, leftist retard lmao
>porn is ok, but sexualizing women isn't
leftist double-think at it's finest. women are permanent children.
>killing nazis is simply epic! bazinga!!
That is, quite literally, the point of the game yes.
>old fashioned white man
an old fashioned american white man would be completely for a 'fuck nazis' stance.
nice conversation you just had with yourself, schizo. nobody mentioned the marxist social construct of "racism".
so is crying when anyone asks a simple, three letter word: why?
it really is simple: don't give them your money.
jesus christ this reads full of severe autism
Ask 50+ years of american movies and television that.
if by old fashioned american white man you mean propagandized retard, sure. even patton said we were wrong to fight the national socialists.
>inability to discuss something contrary to your personal beliefs
>not autism
ok dude haha good post
you forgot to call me an incel who needs to have sex
video games
Used to be you could use lens flare artistically without being accused of being cucked
this post is embarrassing
What are you talking about? The place seems based enough.
fucking kill yourself, you mentally ill cancerous /4/chan troll.
>even patton said we were wrong to fight the national socialists
of which he almost lost his command for.
He also didn't say it was wrong, just that he wasn't sure about it.
Do you have a screencap or are you talking out of your ass? The overwhelming opinion on Steam is that Wolfenstein is dead.
you're projecting. you are an embarrasing left wing idiot who knows he cant make a counter argument without getting completely shit on by facts and logic.
yeah, it's a thread about video games and left wing censorship. triggered?
first post is not a thread starter so likely got ignored, second post has nothing at all to do with this thread
proof that questioning presuppositions (basic philosophy) and asking questions is a bannable offense in our propagandized, extremeist left-wing ruled world. leftists are philosophically bankrupt and think simple questions constitute a crime.
powerful argument.
>"incel" tier response
left wingers can't handle dissent lmao
almost like it's a videogame forum dedicated to talking about a videogame and not muh white genocide
because killing Nazis is fucking awesome
>posting a vegan
>white genocide
you're the one who brought that up, retard. i swear you left wingers are all schizos on a fundamental level. if you have a problem with the fact of white genocide being real, take it up with the united nations, you pussy ass bitch.
AND you're a vegan? Yikes user.
>thinks thread is a legitimate call to action and personal army request
nice brain dude haha. how about you discuss the content of the thread? not that you're able to, but just saying.
i know you retarded left wingers think anyone who agrees with OP is OP, but cmon dude haha
>Legit call to action
Fuck them for using this song
>not actually a call to action
you're retarded. providing a link to where said things are happening isn't a personal army request.
Who cares
I just so happen to be linking to some forum drama on a Chinese midget fighting website
Totally not a personal army request
congratulations, you hit the nail on the head. consider the fact that not everything you think is a reality in itself.
based non-sequitur poster
I just don't care anymore. All the games I buy are from real game developers who don't do dumb shit
they want the air of being a serious company with artistic and intellectual integrity, but also want to virtue signal and ban people for wrong-think. video games are fucking terrible nowadays, nothing but an excuse to flaunt shitty left wing ideology that doesn't stand being scrutinized.
Nigger, just stop, he's obviously a lefty faggot and this is Yea Forums not /pol/. you're never going to change his mind and he's never going to change yours. Just shut the fuck up about it already and enjoy shitting on a dead franchise. Eventually this rotten society will collapse and left wing faggots and right wing faggots will have a go at it. Until then stop shitting up V with pol bullshit.
so why don't we get that instead of le quirky movie
hear-hear, these people deserve to be out of jobs. support companies who refuse to get political. maybe one day video games as a concept won't be a left wing circle jerk.
exactly what do you think this thread is dude? i came here to laugh at retarded leftists and they did not disappoint. if a video game or company gets political, then it belongs on Yea Forums whether you like it or not.
>Anything that makes me look bad is a false flag
based thread
I don't want to be a shill, but try THQ NORDIC and Deep Silver games. They're usually SJW free and fun to boot, especially series like Darksiders
nigga I know what to play, you don't have to tell me. But thank you for the suggestions.
No one cares you outrage monkey.
>angry incel talk trying to stir up shit again
Thanks for stopping by plebbitor.
What the fuck is this thread?
>almost 50 replies
>bothering to reply
>nobody cares
leftist """intellect""" on display.
>"outrage monkey" for discussing virtue signaling outrage culture-based leftists (redundant)
>no argument, just adhoms
the hugbox you crave already exists on your home page, redditor.
>year of our Lord 2019
>doesn't smoke cigarettes
Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?
>b-but it kills you
And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?
>it's addicting!!!
It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation
>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!
Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel
we can see the threads too moron
also not your personal army
also kys
also i hope that reaction image is supposed to be of you crying because you look pathetic
What extremist left wing propaganda?
Killing nazis?
is this your thread as well?