yea, that's gonna be a yikes from me
I played these in last games. Decide my main in 3.
1 - Lilith
2 - Maya
PS - Athena
3 - ?
Lilith is best girl, shame how they ruined her in 2.
leave Lilith alone you bastard
shut the fuck up retard she looks fine
you even get a long hair maya
Borderlands 4 will grapple with the important question of what happens when a female born Siren goes F2M.
I like the black non femininity very powerful.
You now realize the only reason the new Siren isn't black is because she's melee focused and would have come off as a ape-like stereotype.
muh sjws making ugly girls
Who fucking cares this series was always trash
imagine defending this just to be king of the contrarians
Well if im going to play this garbage it's definitely going to be pirated. Last 2 borderlands games were terrible.
They're just staying true to reality. Black women look like men.
>draw a man
>say it's a woman
Imagine caring about the appearance of a virtual girl in a videogame. Why are you worried about the appearance of a character? She's not real.
Obviously the lot of you have mental illness and jack off to cartoons
this x2
wtf happened?
Here's the (You)
They don't look like many people, really.
I bet she's really rough in sex.
what do curry farts smell like?
I can cherry pick too user. Stop posting.
Here's yours.
who is that bald tranny on the right?
>black scene girl
Oh god, why.
Judging people for masturbating to cartoons.
So intolerant! Borderlands already has Ellie for the SBBW fetishists, we could at least have a musclegirl with a feminine face.
East Africans can look amazing, and a Nigerian accent on a woman can be lovely.
I honestly hate independent strong womyn being forced into games but I actually like her design BUT I hate how she's the fucking siren in this game, what the fuck? Should've made her a DLC char and have given us a real siren. You don't go from pale girls with colored hair to literally the exact opposite randy you mong
>cute punk girl
>cute punk girl
>ugly nig
This is offensive.
He's compensating for being caught with legal teen porn and suspect statements related to illegal stuff.
Is Burch writing on 3? That's the important question.
>posting this on Yea Forums
back at you
Gearbox so unoriginal.
Is that Sasha from the Telltale game? it really looks like her
at least the tank girl is pretty cute, I don't know how randy didn't manage to fuck that one up
>always liked picking the sirens because dey cute
>now the siren is ugly
whelp, at least these two guys make up for the lack of a cute pale siren
>put lilith like a good example
lmao, fuck off.
Is it just me, or did we see a phaselocked enemy in one of the quick cuts towards the end of the trailer?
that's a man
Decide for your fuking self
Another user said Burch has nothing to do with 3 but I have no real source on that
Yeah she's pretty damn cute
>Is Burch writing on 3? That's the important question.
He isn't
There's a fun screenshot from Kotaku in another thread showing how a couple of faggots actually complain about that, because apparently his meme writing made Borderlands
stfu fag
Even Gearbox isn't that insane to keep Burch around. He's a walking meme. In his darkest moments even Randy can say >tfw not Anthony Burch.
Beastmaster is trans.
>not liking delicious brown muscle girls
I'm glad you onions sipping zoomers are getting filtered, I'll only get more of her for myself
always Siren
He/it's a robot, so I can see it being a gay robot.
i want to wrap her hair around my dick
lilith is shit, you fag and every lilith fag can take a rope.
There's musclegirls, and then there's steroid chomping dickclitted he-women. This is the latter.
Can you play as her?
it's so tiresome. and people keep pretending like this isn't a trend but it clearly is. it's a video game. you can make virtual perfection catered to men (your audience) and you make these obnoxious ugly looking retards. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHY!??? WHY!!!??
Have you come out of the closet yet. I think it's time you do it.
No because she looks ugly.
When I think of musclegirls I think of Korra, not that manfaced monster.
>tfw you're not Anthony Burch
And you're the one determining which is which, right? Fuck off back to your animus, faggot
they had to make the siren ugly so virgins would stop picking her every playthrough and have a chance to give the others a try.
you have to intersex with ugly women to get them to hate men or something
>people don't like the cute Asura's Wrath chocolate girl is ABS
God, Yea Forums gets gayer by the day.
Most devs are part of an incestuous social circle centered primarily in the American West Coast. Virtue signalling is a big part of what semi-educated middle to upper class urban whites see as important culturally, even when said signalling actually shows their innate bias and prejudice.
Why is Lilith not dead yet after getting based Roland killed?
She better be goddamn playable
>>posting this on Yea Forums
Are you implying I'm wrong in laughing at retards who take every change in the industry as a personal attack and not jews just shiting their targets for easy money? Video games are mostly subjective in quality, the only thing that stands its ground for criticism is bugs and glitches as well as any other hardware/software issues. Outside of that you can't say something is objectively good or bad, you might like a story but other's don't, you might despise a character while some stupid tabloid site decides their the "GREATEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME".
In the end, it's all meaningless rabbling to the ones who hold the reins for game development, they decide what's goes out and what doesn't. Now they don't even have to defend their actions because fantards will do PR for them for free.
buddha nigress in this one obviously
I don't want to look at ugly people any more then I have to.
>women have to be beautiful in my video game
Unless that's some really bad clipping this chick has got a fucking bald spot on her head.
seems legit desu
I hope that ability is as fun as it looks.
sauce please?
Siren = melee?
Soldier = co-op class?
Beastmaster = summons?
Assassin = sniper with decoys?
Probably going to go with Beastmaster. It's a shame that the classes I want to play most in BL rarely have special abilities I like.
Because the people they're appealing to eat it up and wash it down with their Basedlant, then go on their discords on write long paragraphs about why it's problematic and how it still isn't progressive enough. There's an old white dude in it.
>women have to be ugly in my video game
If it plays anything like Krieg, it will
Nigger this is gearbox, most of the stuff in the trailer would fit in 2015-16. The text was written by someone who had just discovered the black twitter meme.
They have to be attractive to be a delicious brown muscle girl user.
>Yea Forums is scary of /fit/ girls
Thats a yeuck fot me lads
Not as far as the devs are concerned. To think we could have had a hot Bollywood looking woman instead.
How long before the Epic exclusive announcement?
No, she would be fine if she just had the face of the other two.
Reminder scooter is dead and been replaced by his fat sister.
You realize attractiveness is subjective right? You're a sheltered white kid who's seen a total of 4 non-white women, probably european too. Ton of people are into dark skinned women. IF anyone in real life heard you bitching you'd sound like such an autist.
Think about perception beyond this echo chamber
It's a clipping issue because Randy thought Mass Effect Andromeda was good.
No Gaige
No buy
Still best girl. Hip cleavage still crazy hot.
The guy who did his voice wrote the first game and apparently BL3.
hair should have been white. Is she balding?
I don't think it's happening. They release remasters for the old games on steam then don't release 3 on steam? No way.
>cuckerafags and shills trying to damage control by going "B-BUT CUTE BROWN GIRL WITH ABS"
She needs to actually look hot to be delicious brown you fucking cucks.
they're not, they're universally undesirable
I know, it's fucking disgusting. Black women are the ugliest.
Don't move the goalposts. You know damn well this is more about the masculine facial features than about skin tone.
Don't be fooled. 80% of women can't cum from penetration. Stop being fooled from camwhores
shes a lady with psychic powers, thats what a siren is. its entirely possible for a siren to make giant psychic fists to punch with, and i for one welcome the variety
is this your first time on Yea Forums? The entire board spergs out at darkskin women
they just haven't had the good dick
The dicklets have arrived.
Not true sorry, and don't bother posting the 1000 Sample Size OkCupid image either.
an american issue - women can't cum from circumcised penus
it's also why condoms come "ribbed", to mimic the function of the foreskin
did they give a release date?
Randy likes money though.
Nope. Just real data, not based on anecdote
Waiting for SFM and Blender
Thats gonna be a hard yikes
Just Maya.
user...I assure you the function of the foreskin isn't to pleasure a woman. Please step outside
i hate her nose
>not true sorry, and don't point to reality
ok ok, I'm not that set on bursting your bubble anyway
fuck dicklets
Are her pits actually that deliciously well textured in game?
Vidya girls almost never have passable pits.
Why the fuck would you play the second game if you thought the first was bad, much less the third?
Wait, we're on Yea Forums, never mind.
Siren are big whores
Borderlands 2 was somewhat entertaining but it went to total trash afterwards, not sure why people act like they give a shit when the consensus around here was that Borderlands now belongs in the trash.
>1000 sample size from a dating site, only which unattractive people use in the first place
You really don't get it, imagine your IQ being so low that you think that's representative of the planet. The absolute state of shelteredwhites
They look like Baboons and have nostrils the size of quarters. They also smell bad. Strong pungent body odor.
wow u mad
>those abs
>People keep asking for previous characters to be playable
Have they even played borderlands before?
Show me a single woman in a video game. There aren't any? Because they're all just lines of code? Oh, ok.
I need to get a better view of her tits
Then I'll decide
Looks fine t b h
Not actually sure desu
a siren that punches people sounds fun as fuck and it looks like it'd be cool
you know, in a game that isn't borderlands, because borderlands is shit
Got any more pictures of Maya pits?
No! Miss Gupta! Please don't shove my face in your ass and fart!
In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Greeks hated depicting penises in their sculptures. The male anatomy was considered gross or unimportant to the sculpture and as a result was made as small as possible so as not to distract. Large dicks and dicks in general were not considered aesthetically pleasing.
seems they've killing off Lilith from the looks of the trailers.
This game has beeen out for a million years, you can't find pits by now? Fucking live a little autist
that's a really dumb way to interpret what I said
during intercourse, the foreskin works to stimulate the woman (and man) and to keep lubricating fluids in instead of scraping it out like a cut penis does
vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, and difficulties climaxing and be stimulated enough, for and women, is epidemic in the US because of circumcision
curiously, it's also why you're into sodomy so much
Not a dicklet, but i've honestly never cared if i've given my partners orgasms or not. Who gives a fuck. I used to finish as fast as i could before she started sweating and stinking up the place.
I feel like only virgins and cucks put so much importance on "pleasuring your woman".
I know that it gets at an insecurity you have, but you'd be better of facing it
there's a reason why white on black rape is non-existent in the US
>were not considered aesthetically pleasing.
by men obviously, what's important is the opinion that women have on big dicks, and history doesn't like to record that sort of information
Has nothing to do with being a dicklet user...please do some research
yeah but can you play as maya?
didn't think so
History doesn't typically make record of things that aren't important, like the opinion of women.
Fucking nice
There are tons of melee focused blacks in games you dumb cuck
Well considering there's only been 2 games, and only one of them where they reintroduced characters as NPC's, it's not too odd that people would suggest the idea. Of course the character would have to have some big gameplay changes to be as fresh as a brand new character.
You mention it as if there's been a long series of titles beforehand. And no i'm not counting that shitty spin-off.
>posting links to statistics like a /pol/cel
>basing your argument on feels>reals like an SJW autist
I dated a girl that looked sort of like that, we went to the same gym
Not nearly that muscular but you could see her abs a bit
It was exhausting tho
>doesn't understand what sample sizes are
>can't conceptualize past his own area
>tries to say the rape rate is indicative of no one liking black women
Wow 3for3 on retarded posts. I should make a collage
its a FPS and if you don't play with someone that picks her you don't see her
>Anons are now complaining about non-whites being in Borderlands
Fucking why? Did you faggots skip the last 3 games?
>waaaaah data waaaah
t..theres gonna be a cute girl too right?
i only play cute girls
the more tiem passes. the more I think /pol/ is turning into a place full of fags.
Talking about video games on Yea Forums is so tiresome.
Not true at all. In fact most attractive girls i've known have met with people from dating apps. When was the last time you saw people going out and meeting at bars and shit. Doesn't happen any more. Crawl out of your cave and see for yourself.
It's just realistic.
Sex is infinitely better if she's enjoying it.
Of course
It’s /pol/cels invading because one guy shared a pic of a woman or PoC in a game on that board and everyone comes because /pol/ is ACTUALLY muh personal army
>Maya's relatively untouched
Am glad. Here's hoping older Gaige goes through alright
Aged like fine wine.
>dating apps
Tinder is popular as hell of course, we're talking okcupid, which is where the main image posted around here is sited from
Is that a bald spot?
Was this the magician Randy had in his usb stick?
She's not even close to Kassandra from AC looks, you are a fag
There are 3 games and none of them include repeat playable characters, it's not rocket science considering they already announced the 4 new playable characters anyway.
I was hoping the intelligence of the average person was a bit higher, between the dumdum posting and the idiots claiming shills these threads have been quite hard to read.
Bad clipping I guess this confirms we can still change clothes and faces
Nobody complains about a black woman when she looks like Lisa from DoA.
This one looks like a shaved gorilla, and about as muscular.
LoL fags are the biggest retards on this planet I swear
Tell that to Randy Pitchford
Bordelands team are still the kings of clipping
I'm not saying there aren't people with fetishes, modernity is producing a lot of aberrant people who get their wires crossed, and some are willing to "breed down" because conditioning has made it acceptable instead of intolerable, as it should be - in most cases, it's because they feel like they can't compete for a decent white woman and they would be a prize for an exotic woman
but the fact of life is that the the darker you are, the less coveted you are - and it's not just about skin colour, but what skin colour is fundamentally indicative of - a more base species of human
Feel free to provide a actual argument.
Nope, in fact i enjoyed it a bit more when she was less willing or disinterested.
When they're completely slick and wet through it feels boring, almost no friction.
feel free to stop samefagging my post incel
>a women's guide
Stopped reading there, what kind of cuck are you that you care what a women thinks?
It's weird watching these people be genuinely excited for the game and I just don't get it despite playing almost every FPS under the sun, including Destiny, another looter shooter.
>aesthetic is like mad max, except worse
>humor is usually just kind of obnoxious more than anything else and most of the characters aren't really likable as a result, either
>has "a billion million guns" but almost all of them feel like garbage because like any other part of game development, leaving it up to random generation just means you end up with something mediocre that hasn't been balanced in a satisfying way
Not to mention, you know, the whole "giving randy money for borderlands after he killed colonial marines to make borderlands 2" thing.
Either you're doing it wrong or you'd be more satisfied by becoming a rapist. When they're turned on it's much better because their muscles contract much more.
god I just love how hot this brown girl looks, amirte my fellow 4channelers?
yikes, that's the cut dick life, grotesque
wtf retard stop talking about the game. what do you think about the minorities? clearly sjws are trying to commit white genocide right?
Believe it or not, people other than yourself have different tastes.
I swear to god I never saw this gif before and I knew what was coming. I was actually expecting every element except the nose to become a fear grimace mouth but that's okay.
I like it already, I dont know why Yea Forums does this thing of "heres a female character oh no no no" all the time
You are perfectly allowed to laugh at marvel quips. That doesn't make them good humor, it just means you're retarded.
I would love to wrestle her into submission.
>what is post-nut syndrome
First game was good
Bruh, look at the too of the left one's head.
That hairline lmao
I finally realized who reminded me of.
Makes sense because the audience is a 1:1 overlap, the same people who unironically say "The Man" without jumping off a bridge afterwards.
Yeah, but I'll try almost anything else in the shooter genre.
Borderlands has this almost uniquely generic and stagnant feel and this trailer doesn't really seem any different, and yet for some people, this seems akin to Half-Life 3. It's just weird to watch.
People like borderlands because it's fun, diablo style loot is fun, crazy weapons are fun, playing through all the missions and dungeons with friends is fun, leveling up and trying new skills is fun, and it's all done within a not so serious humor based setting. Admittedly the humor in 2 did start to slide too far down the wrong path but overall it still maintains a good base.
No one is saying you have to like it. If it's not for you then that's fine, just accept that and go back to whatever threads you don't shitpost in.
It's a Gearbox thing; most of their playable characters that opened its mouth will be ruined by default.
>retarded leftoid deciding what is mental illness
I bet it was, you lucky bastard.
Why is she bald?
they probably have the same hairline, you're fooled by the fake hair on the other
we need to be able to put some clothes on this ape and a burka or at least hijab. no one should have to see that in public.
Isn't the new petite girl a robomechanic too?
A lot of the attraction stems from the loot and gameplay, you've got a "Diablo" loot system that provides you with a large variety in random drops so you're always finding something new and interesting while the overall gameplay tends to be very MMO like. You've got classes, abilities, skill trees, the quest system feels very MMOish, zone design does as well. It's just a very comfy style game to play and it's one of those games that gets 10x better when played with friends.
Other shooters tend to be just shooters while borderlands is more of a mix between genres that's played in first person. I personally don't like everything about the games but I have a hell of a good time going through them with a couple friends, grinding out some cool weapons and whatnot.
girls that put that much effort in are more mental than usual - if your woman is injecting test to get muscles, there's a problem
>why do people care about things being high quality in their entertainment?
>if a penis feels too big it means you're not aroused enough
>Always finding something new and interesting
You're not, though. In my playthrough-with-friends of borderlands 2 90% of my drops were pure trash and from about the middle of the playthrough to the end I was just constantly using a jakobs sniper rifle because it was the only thing that felt vaguely satisfying to use.
women can look like this without injecting testosterone. so maybe she was crazy.
Based SPH cuckolds baiting anons
>autistic conservatoid sperging at nonwhites in media
>high quality
>subjective trait
Holy shit nice selfie
2 had a bit of a problem with enemy level scaling so it didn't really work as well as it should have. The leaks talk about 3 having weapon modding so who knows, it could be amazing or terrible.
I really don't get it. She looks decent/good in the shoots leading up to this but the close up in the op looks really off
>women health
jajaja nope
i understand the backlash of OPs example. What often happens, in what you call a current trend, is the alterations of existing ips with an already established history, playerbase and expectations
Change those and backlash is to expected. This is because of context
but you are also universally autistic, you can't stop making people like what you don't like, it's like people purposefully stunt understanding of theory of mind, and subjective tastes. Regardless of percentages (99% of everything is shit anyway as a universal rule), subjectivity is still a thing and you can not deny this. Appealing to the largest common denominator isn't gonna make anything exciting on its own. (unless, as mentioned above it already has an established history and playerbase) If you truly browsed this website for longer than this summer, you would've firsthand experience what wildly bizarre shit people are into. Flat boobs, big boobs, monstrously overweight characters(that may or may not swallow you whole or explode), monstrously skeletal and fanged eldritch horrors that suck your dick, fucking kitchen tiles and the outline of a map.
You can give datingsite pol tier spreadsheets all you want, but this is characterdesign for a fictional universe we're talking about. If you somehow think everybody is pretending to enjoy certain things that are considered virtuesignalling then you purposefully forget games like beyond good and evil.
Mega 'sjw' aesthetically and thematically so to speak, yet it was still unanimously loved among critics and the non fifa/medalofhonor only crowd. It's because its context was different than it is now. (apart from the american lmao elections and general polarized identitypolitics outrage thing we have going on)
It was n original setting, it was coherent in its design-choices instead of being randomly tacked on accesoiries, and most importantly: it was a completely new ip that did its own thing.
She wasn’t really doing anything out of the usual, we just did some PR sets, exhaustion sets and then went to Gogo Curry together and would watch TV at my place after cleaning up
Normal strengthening training will take you far
Why can't they just make her white with a tan instead of brown.
not far off from being a qt tomboy with a few changes
I always played borderlands alone, I got stuck in BL2 ng+ mode because enemies were dealing too much damage.
I wish I had friends to play with
>dudes who have to play as the girl
You fags are hilarious.
>fukin borderfag just can't take critcism
Nah you're just a fucking retard and your reasons for the inept autistic shit you do and think is hilariously au-fuckin-tistic
Never has it been this easy to decide to skip a game.
>only 6 sirens can exist at any given time; they shared very similar genetic characteristic
>one of them is a nignog
Makes more sense for a character that uses Hindu imagery in their abilities to be Indian
Being an Indian doesn’t make the character unattractive, they’re fine I think
>you can have NPC allies when playing solo
>yfw Salvador Krieg Gaige and Axton are available to pick as allies
They already broke that rule with Asian Maya
I don't want to play as an Indian
same, its a fun series but if you dont have friends you cant fully enjoy it
Women do not get capped shoulders and low enough body fat for ripped abs without taking anabolics, user.
I'd know, I've dated more than a few. They get crazier and crazier as they up their cycles and around the time they're considering the more extreme ones you should be on your way to the exit.
It's because they're fucking autistic. They have no real problems in life because mommy and daddy are footing the bill to sit in their cozy room in the corner of the house and not get into trouble or cause them grief. They become NEET and like fat retarded lazy cats they become part of the furniture and unable to comprehend and actual life issues. They don't have to face any. So they sit behind their crusty fucking gaming rigs looking into their fucking cheeto smeared monitors clutching a monster and crying about video game girls.
What a life. Albeit one of quiet, pathetic desperation.
Are you that same faggot that admitted to going on reddit earlier? Because you're fucking stupid if you don't think women can achieve abs like the character naturally.
You could still see some similarity between Lillith and maya, but this new nignog belonged in an entirely different category. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if she even got a dick
Its really the only online game I play with my friends that isn't shitty FoTM they made me download
And yes it as absolutely better with friends, by a fucking mile. I think the reason I don't hate the humour as much as Yea Forums is because I spent of the time making fun of it with him
Sorry if I distract you from your waifu wars, what about the steam DB DLC rumors? Was it just Gearbox testing stuff for the BL2 and TPS remasters?
Go away Randy. Its always waifu wars time.
Why do all western companies put nigger characters as of late?
>Because you're fucking stupid if you don't think women can achieve abs like the character naturally.
And you're a virgin if you.
you'll fight the toilet witch and like it
Anthony and I have been trying to work on a transgender character in the game, I was inspired by a transgender programmer who worked on Borderlands 2 and she taught me a lot. It's really difficult if you're somebody whose genitals match their orientation and self image if you happen to be one of those it's difficult to intuit the reality that there's different things that affect each of those vectors, right? There's a lot of diversity just in the biology of how our genitals might have ended up, and there's a lot of diversity in what we might be attracted to and that's, those are completely different vectors, and then the third one is the vector of how we see ourselves. I used to be kind of a bigot against men who got fake breasts, I thought there must be something wrong with them and that's, and there's a weakness there, I was actually kind of, not, kind of intolerant about that. She made me understand that it's common knowledge for human beings to see themselves differently than they're actually built, and that the way our brains are wired is not always is not exactly in pairity with the way our, our uhm, in all the things like the way our bodies form uhm, might you know end up. And if That's the case how fortunate it is if we can do something about that with science. How fortunate it is that the modern medicine can help, uhm, uh, to some degree and if we're fortunate as a species we'll get even better at that. And that was a really kind of awesome kind of discovery for me, that she helped me figured out. And I thought man, we really need to cover that in some way. And get that out there, so I've been trying to encourage us to get us a transgender playable character, uhm, and I think we will certainly at some point
-Randy Pitchford
I only posted because I wanted attention. I don't actually care what people suggest
BASED dylan
they can't, my man
maybe she wasn't telling you, or maybe she wasn't as yolked as we might infer from how you described her
>press X to poo
>press Y to launch a sub-orbital multi-stage rocket
Frankly it would be fun