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I can see why. No one would want to fund them after their shady deal with SEGA was spilled to the public and the disaster that was Battleborn.

>buying Pitchford game

based and floppilled

I'll honestly buy the shit if it's on steam and day 1 torrent if it's not. It's that simple.

I really don't think Epic has enough money to pony up the hundreds of millions of sales guarantees Gearbox would want to keep the game exclusive - and if their execs decide to go through with it anyway, it'll be their funeral

Pirating a game is fine. Pirating a game because it's not on Steam is 100% shill. I sincerely hope you just meant you'll pirate if its on EGS, because if you pirate a game because its on a DRM free service like GOG you a fucking corporate cocksucker.

>I'll buy from reputable companies but not scum
I dunno user it's a pretty reasonable stance

>redditlands 3

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epic is footing the bill on this one, fine by me

I don't even want to pirate this.

Wasnt gonna buy it anyway. You'd have to be a real cuck to just forget all Gearbox has done just cause theres a new memelands

Did you read my post? I said it's fine if he pirates from epic, but he's cancer if the reason is "muh steam library".

fine by me, just another reason to buy or look at it

Probably the only way to not go bankrupt when it bombs. Epic probably payed up.
>giving Randy money after Colonial Marines
Fucking idiots.


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What a dumbass. Epic has zero features. No achievements, no reviews, no cloud saves, no community forums, no modding workshop, nothing. It’s absolute dog shit

attention whoring: the post.
Go back to plebbit for that. You already have their mindset.

>Epic exclusivity
>Borderlands 3 is announced years after anyone cares into an environment where looter shooters are past their commercial prime
>Gearbox are already in a precarious financial position owing to Battleborn dramatically underperforming


As a person who installs cracks to his legitimately bought steam games, I don't really care which platform the game uses.

>DLClands 3: return of the goyim on chinese owned data mining platform
yeah keep it there

The game could end up being online only so you couldn't pirate it

It's not gonna be on GOT either you fucking chink.
>45 CHY has been credited to tour account, thank you for participating in our Epic Games Store initiative program
Walk the fucking gangplank, you scurvy dog, we /pirate/ now.


>who cares which store
because I want only one app open with all my games in it?

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Crack your games my dude.
That way you don't have to have any botnet open while playing.


but then I don't get achievements

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He's not wrong though.

I have no problem buying it on the console I want.

Absolutely based. Eat shit steamtards.

They're funded by 2K

LMAO what a retard. This is why preordered VTMB2: it came on GOG. This is why i won't be buying Borderlands 3:it is an Epic exclusive.

user you're doing harm to yourself.

Hey, this just means they don't get my money.
I'm playing it anyway.

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>Citing "information and belief," Callender alleges that the USB stick in question contained "Randy Pitchford's personal collection of 'underage' pornography,"

>Additionally, Callender alleges that Pitchford "syphoned Gearbox profits to fund parties thrown by Pitchford and his wife." The suit describes these parties, known as "Peacock Parties," as gatherings where adult male guests "have reportedly exposed themselves to minors, to the amusement of Randy Pitchford."

>Pitchford: "It was 'barely legal' porn. This girl's handle was 'Only 18.'"

GOG is shit, shill. Steam or bust. I dont care about your shitty witcher sales every weekend

It doesn't surprise me at all, of course he'd say something asinine like that.

>march 12th
>all these replies
you fucking idiots need to learn to read

Go suck Gayben's dick faggot, you people killed PC gaming.

That's fine. I don't care about piracy, I just care about less revenue going to Valve.

So Randy doesn't care if I get his game from the FitGirl Repack Emporium?
Yabsolutely based!
I am not going to play Borderlands 3

That will come anyway.

>GOG is shit
>DRM free
>optional launcher
>games actually run
>have their own team that checks every game before they put it on sale
You are shit.

>Giving Gearbox money.

They clearly don't want to be given money, what are you talking about.

and nothing of value was lost

>buying gearbox games

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I remember pirating BL2 and playing it over hamachi with a friend.

Had a fucking blast. As long as the game isnt some mmo bullshit log-in daily for reward kind of crap im probably gonna buy this one and have my friend buy it too.

Sort of funny that pirating the 2nd one will make me buy this one now that im a bit older and have a job heh

a pc is a pc and a pirate is a pirate

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>who cares which store you get your games from?
Holy shit, based! I'll take 1 Collectors Edition, physical without online distributor from my local vidya store please.

>A PC is a PC
A digital distributor isn't a PC you fucking dingbat

>downloaded a camwhore's stream to figure out how she fakes orgasms
>calls faking orgasms "magic"
Why is Randy so fucking autistic.

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exclusives for multiple digital distributors for a single platform is the single dumbest fucking thing about this entire fucking industry right now

Why would you pirate the kind of game that's only fun with friends? BL1 and BL2 were trash solo, as is every looter shooter.

Why was this such a big deal? I mean, it's autistic but nothing more than that.

The CEO of epic ridiculed steam for allowing porn games. I personally know japanese developers who struggle making porn games cause "who buys porn lal" and the fact they were finally allowed to sell on steam was huge for them, plus we get eroge in english.

And here is this chink dick sucking piece of shit saying "oh yeah? well my store doesn't allow those creepy kind of games, unlike that immoral steam!"

If you make your game epic exclusive, I'll pirate, I'll tell all my friends to pirate it too. Epic is never getting a cent of money from me.

i wasnt going to buy it after realizing there was no cute girl to play anyway

Eroge reminds people from Tencent of famous musician Nanking Cole

good ol piratebay has my back yet again

I wonder how many games are
a) Not on steam
b) on GOG or other DRM free services
c) still profit the developers rather than the publisher/the site

Yea Forums, I hope you don't forget Randy's pass transgressions.

MAKE HIM SQUEAL AND SWEAT, until Borderlands 3 drops. DO IT!


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People still use pirate bay?

I’ll buy it on steam so I can play with friends, otherwise it’s an obvious pirate even if it’s on steam

If Randy thinks its ok, then the opposite true.

Then there is a chance that Epic Store could be that one app. There is only one reason why you have all that launchers on your desktop - Steam.

don't need to worry about seeding then
still paying off the leeching debt for torrenting a show 24 days after I downloaded it

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ah, I see you too use those jews at IpTorrents

What's the problem? I understand when people get mad at Steam games being pulled for Epic but if it starts off as Epic, what are you fags complaining about? We're all going to pirate it anyway.


>literally the only reason why I replayed Metro 2033 when it was free

Stop shilling your terrible shit here faggot

Why one when you can have zero? Why is Steam forcing you to use a shitty app ok but it's not ok for Epic?


and the trailer showed that the game has quite the small budget judging from graphics. many of the models look like reused assets

>tfw seed for weeks running but no one downloads the episodes of Hells Kitchen I dl'd off me

time to pirate without feeling guilt

Randy has learned from his past mistakes. Give him another shot.

>As long as the game isnt some mmo bullshit log-in daily for reward kind of crap
Judging by how the recent trends are for looter shooters, I can almost guarantee BL3 will have something like this.

I don't want to support Epic because their exclusivity deals are harmful to me as a consumer. They enforce higher prices and force me to use an inferior platform which lacks features while also not having any worthwhile perk. It's just a bad deal all around for a person who buys video games. If they're successful with this garbage, then it may very well spread to other shops as well.

Go fuck yourself Randy

And nothing of value was lost

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Because he left the memory stick at fucking Medieval Times then told the guy who found it not to look at it because it had "company secrets" on it. Also the girl looked underage.

Borderlands is an IP for the retarded. I just don't care.

member that with a pirated boringlands 1 you could play online just fine with buyfags?

they basically robbed sega to make battleborn.

>Expecting anything from Randy "Snitch on a man trying to make some extra cash before the holidays" Pitchford.

What else would he say if he realized he fucked up and left his porno USB somewhere?
>Don't look at the USB I left, it's my porno USB!
Also she was 18 IIRC, I didn't think this board would have a problem with that considering they look at animated children all the time.

I'd be much more willing to use the epic store if it wasn't owned by china
they will completely own it outright within a few years.

there really is no saving this board if even one user feels comfortable saying "I like shitlands"

it's straight up among the worst franchises of all time.

>dude just use a store with worse/less features lol because fuck steam am I right they didn't release boomer life 3

>be Gearbox
>get loadsamone from Sega for Alien game
>make a lot of promises about the game
>use said money to fund Borderlands
>use the change to outsource said Alien game to some literally whos
>exploit Sega for years
>finds out the game is nothing like Gearbox promised it to be
>literally 43% metacritic score
>ruins the name of Alien in video games
>Randy pretends he dindu nuffin, in fact claims he was the victim
Anyone who supports Gearbox should be hanged.

>buying gearbox games
Literal cancer

Why is TJ Henry Yoshi making the decisions of a big company/