The perfect music for a trailer doesn't exi-

The perfect music for a trailer doesn't exi-...

Attached: 3515384-trailer_streetsofrage4_20190326.jpg (1214x933, 1.05M)

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Looks really bad in comparison to the old ones. Feels like I'm playing a shitty flash game.

Yet the music is supreme

why do you guys always link gamespot and ign and shit rather than the official video

>16-bit gameplay
>handdrawn aesthetic

creative misfire.

>Looks really bad in comparison to the old ones.
Hang yourself

He's right, though. Just because it's less-pixely doesn't mean it's a better fit for the kind of game it is. Sidescroll beat-em-ups only work as a nostalgic genre.

Is Yuso Koshiro involved?

No, and the OP is a fucking fool if he thinks the music they've used so far is actually good. I want to like this but the fucking music sounds like awful Streets 3 instead of the godly Streets 2.

Streets of Rage Remake is better, free, and 100% modular. (Beating the game unlocks stage editor and source code tools)

I just picked the first vid. Don't care who the fuck uploaded it

>look up gameplay on youtube when just the announcement trailer was out
>find some video of some dude who claims to be "the best streets of rage player in the world" complaining about how it's not exactly like the games he's spent the last 20 years playing.
What a pathetic non-accomplishment to build your identity around. The best part was when he said "they should have known I wasn't going to like it, they shouldn't have let me play it if they didn't want me saying this stuff" as if they even fucking know who he is.

where can I find it

>he said "they should have known I wasn't going to like it, they shouldn't have let me play it if they didn't want me saying this stuff"
How'd he manage to say that with a fat cock in his mouth?

That's got to be one of the most entitled ideas I've ever read.

>shitty flash game
Is anyone else tired of people trotting out this dead meme anytime a game is 2D but not pixelshit?

And just because the original game was pixely, doesn't mean that's the best fit either.

Looks fun, what's this franchise about?

You walk right and whoop on street toughs.

I didn't download it from here, but it should be good

Thank you, user. Could never find the game on the "official" website.

Attached: it's perfect.png (197x251, 97K)

I dont think it has anything to do with it not being pixels..

I think that user means that just, the general character art quality looks sort of flash-gamey.

dumb bait. why would you waste your time like this user?

sega sent a cease and desist to the creators, and I wouldn't be surprised if they've been going after download links since they announced 4

So like, where's Adam, Skate, or Max?

I was gonna say I felt underwhelmed from the trailers music and figured as much but OP probably just wanted a streets of rage thread. Can't blame him for trying

Honestly surprised they did that, seeing as how they never did that to Sonic fangames.

i want to like it but the artstyle for sprites/backgrounds is a bit too cartoony
like yeah i'll buy it but trying to improve the original design rather than trying your own thing with an old ip is a better idea
for instance the ninja warriors snes is getting a proper remake

Attached: e90ab899c34ab7f1852889c27ac404a2.gif (400x280, 22K)

Literally, this looks and sounds generic. I'll stick to Streets of Rage Remake.

I'm not watching some autist rant about OLD GAME GOOD, NEW GAME BAD for an hour.

But thank you for the link, nonetheless.

well dude thanks again, I had been looking on and off for a good link for a few years.

Attached: what a lovely day.png (420x332, 244K)

God I'm so hype for this game. It can't come soon enough for me.

It‘s amazing the sort of cup sizes modern technology can achieve.

why does it seem to speed up then slowdown frames wise?

You beat up gang members/henchmen.

Why are you replying to me?

christ, it looks like a flash game

>like awful Streets 3

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