Someone drew this
Someone put this in the product
Hundreds of managers and testers saw this
And not a single person pointed out how fucked up this is to include in a videogame
Someone drew this
Someone put this in the product
Hundreds of managers and testers saw this
And not a single person pointed out how fucked up this is to include in a videogame
Other urls found in this thread:
can you shut the fuck up already you god damn nigger cunt
And that's a good thing
Based Japan.
I don't read japo somebody translate
What exactly is "fucked up" about this? They are drawings, you know.
Little girls are really cute and nudity doesn't offend me
cringe and incelpilled
Ah who am I kidding, I can't lift that
What's fucked up about sexy drawings?
All drawings and all anime is unironically pedophilia.
>27 Kg
>132 cm
wtf is that a gnome?
I'm getting tired of seeing ironic anti-pedo threads in this board, will the jannies do something if I bother to report these shitty bait threads?
KYS normalfag
Yes, hopefully they'll ban you.
I want some cunny.
Based Tsunako
>still no official release date for Super Nep RPG
IFI needs to give us some info.
Japan has no sense of actual weight. Goku is 175cm, and weights 62kg. Mother fucker should weight a lot more than that.
You can try.
Reminder that the one who drew that's a woman.
Reminder that that woman loves little girls.
OP's a homosexual gay faggot.
stfu incel
How are there no good doujins for any of the flat characters? It makes me sad
hoe can one entire country be so based
>15 seconds apart
Having spent 11 years on Yea Forums, I've never seen a triple hivemind before.
They should make another conquest ending desu
You're right, OP. She should be oppai.
based pish
It's like an entire continent of incels!
No one gives a damn about this series enough to complain.
Yea real strange that in a place where 90% of the conversation is just endlessly recycling the same three phrases that this would happen.
Who says we can't talk about Ryzen 3000 while looking at anime titties?
Don't count on it, jannies get ordered to put advertisements first
I'm gonna send a tip in to kotaku. Based Jason Schrier will BTFO the incels.
This is why I only buy Japanese games.
Holy shit, I could caber toss her across a parking lot.
>mfw i see the anti-pedo brigade
From what I hear, the game was a disaster with terrible sales, so they may be trying to at least patch the technical issues before sending it out to other regions, or are abandoning it altogether.
>132 cm
>27 kg
Why do anti-pedos even come to Yea Forums?
It's still funny that it happens all at once nigger
wtf if Goku is only 175 how fucking short is Vegeta or Krilin
Because it's really easy to bait lolicons.
>implying it's unironic
capcom tiddies
>4 stone 2 pounds
>4 foot 3 inches
Contrarian assholes and Resetera niggers who think they're in good company. Both are filthy subhumans who don't belong here.
Based and fpbp
You know Japanese have the saying: "Cute is justice."
I think it's something we should adapt. If something is cute, it's okay.
Japan knows what sells.
Cute drawings sell games even if the game is shit.
Western pigs should take notes.
Apparently everyone in DBZ is a midget
Why do gays and trannies come to Yea Forums?
>terrible sales
Yeah, the game bombed hard in Japan. I think it was one of the worst if not the worst selling Nep game at launch. I'm kind of hoping CH just goes back to making mainline games. VII was actually a good game by Neptunia standards.
why did they feel the need to put measurements?
i don't get it
Yea Forums is majority lolicon, get over it.
To make my dick harder
vegeta is 164
>1 vote
Buncha faggots.
they're great at it, pic rel
Hush, incel.
Contrarian contrarians, you mean.
This is place is regular contrarian.
t. Guy who wants to have sex with children
This is the best kind of thread.
If Michael Jackson can fuck little boys so can I.
That's fucking ignorant HEE HEE
Blame lolicons for being so fucking insecure all the time.
The holy grail of bait is equating being a lolicon to being a pedo, ironically when you do that they become more anti-pedo than the anti-pedos because of their insecurity over masturbating to children.
are you ok?
The chad dreamkings, harnessing purity of spirit to inhabit far-flung realms of fantasy and unattainable joy.
The virgin nonvirgin, hopelessly moored to social pressures and banal reality, forever barred from the ethereal plains.
>drawings are children
Isn't it britfags who have actual thought crime laws?
hAavE sEx
do these games have any romance
How can I be a pedo if I picked up a loli fetish from anime?
red and basedpilled
Because it was always present but unrealised. You're still a latent pedo, don't worry.
Dont you Get tired of making the same arguments all over and over?
Then all men are latent pedos I guess
Everyone is a latent Pedo.
drawings are drawings
now post more bitch
>Young girls and tits bad
>Violence and gore good
Thanks for proving me right
You can draw a child by the way no clue why you think the terms are mutually exclsuive.
They wilfully put it in the game since they were aware it would rattle up the moralcucks and nawrmalfags
because it'd be a drawing you absolute faggot
how does it harm a kid in any way?
>b-but everyone is an incel!
No, sorry boys.
No, I just like anime aesthetics.
I don't like the hyper-realistic art by the way, that stuff doesn't appeal to me.
It doesn't but society hates incel pedos so much that they just don't want them to have any joy in life. Deal with it.
GodDAM! I'm so fucking sick of redditers. I'm legit actually angry right now.
I never fucking said it harmed a kid, why you putting words in my mouth.
A woman made this bro
god I wish that were me
My favorite is Sol Badguy. Japan wants us to believe that this guy only weighs 163 lbs (74 kg) at 6 feet (184 cm) tall. There's no way Sol would weigh less than 220 if he was 6 foot.
stfu SJW tranny scum we don't want you on our board
Height 132cm
Weight 27kg
B=Beginning to swell
H=Small/Thin (Different connotation from word above implying weakness of state, i.e. a weak tasting soup)
Cup size: AA
Am I retarded for ever expecting CH to ever make a good game?
Maybe his bones are hollow DID THEY EVER SAY THEY ARENT NO
Enjoying loli =/= pedo, they're not fucking real
Stupid whitey always pretending to take the moral high ground when your race is literally the most barbaric and violent in all of history
Thankfully Blanc isn't attractive so not even pedos will be aroused by her unsightly face and body
say the truth dont you find this appealing?and would not all the mens like it,if we wouldn't not have such taboo over liking it_
most of that weight would be muscle. even with hollow bones he'd still be like 190 lbs.
Death End re;Quest is a legit good JRPG.
Why would they be against this peak of sexuality?
Not really.
I do find Tsunako's art appealing, though, despite all of them having the same face.
Not especially. The child face is a turn off and the body has been made to look like a post pubescent girl anyway.
So you like childish characteristics?but cant admit that young girls are atractive?
but that's not blanc
And I suppose liking anime girls doesn't mean you are straight?
>being a pedophile is bad
only real pedos hate and bash loli bacause they make them uncomfortable with their psychical illness it's fact
I want to fuck that thing
Video game are wish fulfilment and I wish I was a loli
How hard is it to grasp that anime characters don't look or act like real people.
I don't like 3D little girls, no. And don't get me wrong, I don't mean hot or sexy, I just find them cute.
Then again, I don't consider 16/17 year olds little girls.
Fucking this, every fucking time. It's like how when furries rag on anime and yet they fuck dogs and molest kids like Kero or whatever his name was.
>tfw you fap to sexualized images of children and children performing sexual acts but you're not a pedo becuase they're PHOTOGRAPHS not children
Feels good
Normalfags cannot separate fantasy from reality, ironically.
Reminder that all loli loving weeaboos collect actual CP.
Thad was literally retarded.
Thad's waifu was an old hag from School Days, not a loli
That is what young girls bodies look like Range Murata based his art in idol junior.
Reminder that everyone who condemns loli is a real pedo themselves.
There are definitely people that genuinely don't like it dummy. That amirox shit was pretty funny tho. He got pissed on by a black dude in prison.
Because he got found out or because he collected unironic CP?
Because he bragged on facebook how the feds missed his stash the first time.
Drawings are not, and can not be, victims; therefore loli is fine.
The fucker was collecting the shit and bragging about it in public, he was legit defo 100% real retarded.
this is true, my friend likes to make pedo jokes and I always act weirded out by them while in fact I'm an actual pedo
Based and quite possibly red pilled.
I cant understand like so much people is so ofended by being called pedo.
god I want to lick her all over
Absolutely BASED
mmm.. loli
LOL so true
Why does anyone need to know this?
No one wants to know this
Holy shit lmao
>girl has no tits
>girl has tits
>"soggy knees!"
>girl has penis
>guy is masculine
>"toxic male fantasy!"
Is there a way to win this, or are the people who whine about this shit just invariably ugly, out of shape troglodytes that unironically feel insecure when fictional characters are in any way attractive?
>Not liking both
>the mouse is unplugged
kek, never noticed
>loli is pedo
But it's not.
Let's not get too crazy here.
They can go their whole lives without robbing anyone?
Reminder that Danes couldn't prove this claim, either time.
So all pedos are rapists, got it.
It's really not. Loli doesn't look like 3d.
Pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children. That's a drawing made of shapes and colors.
Loli look nothing like actual children. Irl children are utterly disgusting.
Wow, let's not go that far either man
What’s wrong with feet?
What if I'm a non virgin with a great but I still love flatchested underage lolis?
>Irl children are utterly disgusting.
Pedos always say this because they're afraid of looking like pedo. Normal people don't think this.
>admits to looking at cp
>"b-but it's totally different"
Mental gymnastics to the max.
>Just like niggers can go their whole life without robbing anyone.
Quints of truth.
nothing, as long as you don't steal someone's kid and rape them
i hate this fucking website
>>admits to looking at cp
>he hasn't gone outside throughout his entire life
>much less interacted with the opposite sex
>t. hasn't worked with children
also nice quints
I would never fap to an obese woman, even though I'm attracted to slim women. Guess I'm not a heterosexual because I only like one kind of the same thing :(
You know what you have to do.
Are you projecting? It's normal to find the idea of children sexually repulsive. A child can be cute and even charming, but sexy? They'd have to be some kind of freak of nature with insanely good genes but I won't rule it out entirely. But generally speaking you're retarded.
This. Just like the SJWs screaming murder over lolicon are IRL pedos as well.
Good old "doth protest too much" never fails.
Speak for yourself. Loli has no resemblance whatsoever to real children except for some creepily realistic drawings. Just because they look small and flat doesn't mean shit.
How is it not different?
Not fat enough.
>Loli has no resemblance whatsoever to real children except for some creepily realistic drawings.
except when the artist uses tracing
damn, I never thought that a normalfag board like Yea Forums could be this fucking based
>loli porn is CP
Some mod got hardcore booty blasted
How is saying that irl lolis are disgusting protesting too much? You're not saying you disagree are you?
You're either exactly what he described, or you're a turbo-autist that can't understand how your choice of diction has a completely different connotation than simply stating that you're not attracted to them.
compelling argument, bill nye the pedo guy.
>makes a strawman, trying to make it seem the other user was talking about 3d porn
>claims backpedalling when it's mocked
Guys 4channel is censoring your totally innocent drawings of not children! RISE THE FUCK UP
>tfw was lolicon for like 5 years
>now into thicc girls and milfs because loli doesn't do anything for me anymore
What is happening to me lolicon bros
The definition of pedo doesn't include real or fake. It says you mastubate to children.
Has nothing to do with the medium, it has to do with the subject. The subject in a photograph of a child is a child. The subject in a drawing of a child is, guess what, also a child! Censor this mods!
>keeps backpedaling
Only thing rising right now is my dick. ya feel me playah? ya dig?
>claiming multiple anons to be the same person
>in CY+4
literally false, thad did an interview after he got out, that post wasn't made by him and didn't get him in trouble.
You're just a man with healthy sex drive. You weren't attracted to lolis because they were lolis, just because they were female.
I Will Kick again latter that you like loli dont mean that you cant like others things the majority of artists like like both ej asanagi,shindol etc.
This is one of the first things you see in the game. Imagine seeing this in your videogame and actually thinking "Wow, this is so fucking sexy" and not "What the fuck, this is fucking creepy and gross, they are little kids?"
Demented fucking japs.