Why don't you play league anymore, v?

Why don't you play league anymore, v?

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i didn't play it in the first place because it's shittier dota.

>implying I ever did
Garbage genre. Post more best girl Ahri.

My bf quit and I don't like supporting randoms that won't punish me for loosing.

That's fucking hot.

I got permabanned two years ago

I got tired of being dumpstered or dumpstering the other team with very few games that felt like i didnt win/lose in the first 10min also no buy back destroys whoever gets picked late game. Cant forget the absolute RETARDED balancing, no real build variety, all the items are stat sticks, and the no brain *rollfaceacrossk eyboard champs that just win if you have enough of them on a team.

He likes to play Koikatsu in VR with me now while I mimic the characters motions

I did play it when the game was alright in S2 and 3

Imagine actually playing assfaggots.

But I do and I hate every minute of it. Send help.

Game has been killed since season 5 when they realized they can milk a lot of money by creating gimmicks for each hero that you have to master (they call it minigame internally) and balance around 'high skill' champions because it makes the player feel like they are actually good when they win games off them.

For example 'high skill' champions like Fiora have been consistently overturned and every champion release been plagued with some kind of a gimmicky minigame (GP barrel) which tires out players in the long run since it doesnt give any meaningful interaction between heroes

t. ex-LCS EU player who quit playing competitively around that time

This honestly.

League peaked around season 3 and really dropped the ball in season 5-6.

Riot Balance Team is absolutely the worst for the past 2 years, they either are bunch of retarded idiots or they simply get controlled by Chinese businessmen who simply want to manipulate the meta to the point that skins sells best. New skin for X champion? Let's fucking buff it by a lot, we will nerf it 2 patches later. Yasuo, Riven and other champions that are pretty much all-time favorites of masses are literally untouched, unless their win ratio and pick rate goes below certain point, then they wake up and buff it again. Besides that recent greediness are absolutely the worst, paying for essentially golden chroma in the name of 'prestige' about 200 bucks is a madness. Besides that seems they have dropped season pass thing, which was in my opinion best monetization move since ever for this game for the sake of these prestige trash points, which expire every year by the way, so you can't hold them for long. Gemstones skins are cheaper than prestige skins, yet they put much more value to it. Oh and I forgot about huge decline of quality in Kayle skins post-rework, the legendary skin looks absolutely awful and it's pretty much the worst skin of all.

I haven't played since 2017 and I feel much better. I loved the game when I was still learning the basics and I was playing with 3-4 friends every time. Then I was introduced to the thots who were boosted or carried to Gold / Plat / Diamond V 0 LP and I stopped having fun and getting angry to all the mistakes after I learned how to play. Lastly, I became estranged with the friend I used to play with. I shouldn't have played more than one year of this cancerous game.

Please dont. That's 2 days in a row with the same thread.
Your waifu is shit.
The game is shit.

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Never played, only thing I know is that I've emptied my balls to yordles more times than I can count

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I never started, mobas aren't my thing

because i'm not a brazilian or a tranny or a gamer girl

Here we go with the fucking yordlefags again.
Look, can we just name this thread "Yordle General"? Mods don't fucking care and this thread is garbage.

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I want to be a Yordle!

Most of my friends stopped playing it so I defaulted to ranked and that’s a fuck fest at times. As a supp/jg main I can confidently say there are games that are just beyond your control and no amount of communication or teamwork you attempt will save it.

Are yordlefags closet pedos?

yordlefags > Foxniggers

I moved on to something fun, League is just Overwatch without anywhere near as much porn

>League is just Overwatch without anywhere near as much porn

You have to be kidding, right?

I'm not savvy about the balancing aspects of the game, but for me, the idea of a game taking at least 15 mins to figure out whether you might have a chance at winning or not wasn't something I could put up with. And then if your team wasn't willing to surrender early on, you'd be playing around in a game that you knew you were going to lose. But if you tried doing something a little more unorthodox with your build during that, you'd get chastised for it. There was just far too much investment going into a single match, and so much that could go wrong, that it didn't feel like the payoff of winning was enough to justify it.
I tried getting into a somewhat similar game, Awesomenauts, which was basically a 2-D platformer with MOBA mechanics. The upside to that game was that the matches were much quicker, taking on average about 15-20 minutes if things were going decisively. However, you're still at the mercy of your teammates, so it still kinda felt like you were rolling the dice as to whether you'd win or not.
I've stopped playing both games for a while, but I definitely had more fun with Awesomenauts than League. I think what I really liked about it, and maybe why people like games like League in general, is the characters. Having a wide range of characters with interesting designs and unique mechanics to them is a great idea for a game. I just wish there were more single player games that did that instead of just team-based multiplayer games.

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>Poor balance
>Every VGU after Warwick's were garbage that made the character into an OP function made for sales
>Extreme advertising of esports and characters like Yasuo and Darius
>Rarely any good skins to a point where 750-900RP skins like Toy Renekton and BBQ Leona are better than 3000RP skins
>Game functions changes every 6 months
>Lore rewrites remove a lot of connection to certain characters
League is just a soulless husk of a game where you're just playing with functions. If you remove all the aesthetics to a point where it looks like a MUD, then no one will even complain about it.

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ive been playing off and on since beta

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Because they permabanned me for my heinous crime of saying a single word


They're both equally cancer and should be gained accordingly

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because ahri, katana man, NUgalio, NUswain


let go, singed bro. you shouldn't be bitter because of yordles. what hurts more was Force of Nature and Ult's Tenacity

my friends tried to get me into it, but the amount of anti-fun mechanics was too much for me to get over.
>getting knocked up, stunned, rooted, ect. is a death sentence for anyone except tanks
>getting one-shot for getting too close to a bush, even if you're under tower
Im glad I realized the shit they were pulling me into and got out of there before it was too late

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league is for teens who fap to sword art online
i'm the quite oposite of that

Because self-flagellation isn't a healthy hobby. Honestly, between the time required to play just a couple rounds, the potential for a game to be ruined because one teammate did horribly, and some of the new champions of the time being utterly broken, I just got sick of it.

I played it for a week back in 2009. Got sick of it pretty quick.

They reworked my favorite champs and made them shit also created op champs

For what?

to league's credit it does have some better porn

bcs i value my sanity
the incompetence of these devs is unparalleled.

cant believe this game used to be so much fun in s3

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>For example 'high skill' champions like Fiora have been consistently overturned
fiora is dogshit now, mr ex pro

good decision.
the mechanics are disgned to cultivate a cowardly and humiliated turbo autist cuck irl.

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they were so retardet to catrer to the casual kiddie crowd, loose the passionate OGs and then the kiddies all migrate over to fortnite.


It's not fun anymore, atleast to me.

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aou would have liked s2 and s3 league a lot.
after that its all downhill

Lol so silver NA?

By calling Fiora "high skill" you outed yourself for having autism. Nothing skillful about a literal RNG based champion.

when i realised how much agency some champions have over the game (riven, yasuoh, new irelia, akali) i was literally dumbfolded at how this was not hotfixed 1 day after.

and to this day shit like yasuoh and riven is broken as fuck. these insectoids deserve boot.

I've busted so many nuts to ahri and kindred
I'm not a furry I swear

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I did my time with assfaggots before it was even a thing

I stuck with this game even after all of my friends left. I even defended it from all criticism. But then, they hired a "diversity officer" and kept adding more nigger and faggot shit. I loved League but I hate niggers, faggots, and Jews much more.

Which team? Come on, give us some clues.

well said.
I still join my friends in group calls and every time these fags are playing league at least one of them is throwing a temper tantrum because he got killed.
I don't know why they do it either, they all expect this shit to happen every game and still they get mad about it.

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mr fucking dumbass she was literally just played with non-nerfed conqueror

>non-nerfed conqueror
Keyword there is non-nerfed.

She wasn't overtuned. Conqueror was overtuned. She's back to being shit.

Sorry, user. It only takes the one time.

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yes but she just doesn't have a viable keystone is all, if she did, she'd be played.
Generally isn't really her meta rn though, without any tweaks we'll see her if the meta changes.

I dont
Im only here for the footporn

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If she had a viable keystone she'd get smashed with the nerfbat because she'd end up having a positive winrate.

I don't even care if it is furry I want to FUCK that Lamb holy shit

i mean. yes.

Because the Riot team literally admitted a year ago that they only focus on a few champions each year and they consciously rotate the balance of the game instead of actually trying to balance the entirety of it.

>b-but muh weeb skins and waifu!!!
Their shit. They have no personality beyond 3 dozen voice lines and a lore written by a literal self-admitted cuck and a company that is owned by the Chinese. There is not a single reason why anyone should be playing LoL at this point. Not even people who work at Riot like Riot anymore.

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literally designed for porn and nothing else, especially with that less than non-existent personality.
pic related. she's too damn thick to not bust multiple nuts to.

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If you weren't here for at least season 2 then I don't know what's keeping you here.

ive never played mobas because they have characer exclusivity and i cant be assured to play my one and only waifu

Built for BWC (Big Wolf Cock)

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this pretty much
zoe was the nail in the coffin because anyone retarded enough to release that would never turn the game around and make it fun again

The downward spiral started when they changed renekton's splash art to the chinese one. If only I knew then what I know now

I wanna _be_ KDA Ahri