Classic raiding is so easy a baby could do it

>classic raiding is so easy a baby could do it

keking @ you delusional retail babies who think you'll just clear all the content easily and be decked out in best gear immediately

There will be a glorious reeeeeeing when the retail babies realize you need to put actual time into the game and you can't just raid log 2 hours a week.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is grinding for prerequisite items considered difficulty?

you had to nolife it to raid at a high level in vanilla WoW.

Personally I liked it even though I never had the time to put in to do that. I was happy with the t2 I was able to get and loved seeing elite players in AQ gear right after it came out or full t3. It gave me something to aspire for in the game and I remember getting to know the names of players just because I'd see them in IF with sick ass gear.

Why wouldn't time investment be considered part of the difficulty? Doesn't matter how good you are if you don't put in the time.

>needing consumables to raid

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if you were in a truly good guild you were expected and required to grind for mats for a significant amount of time.

Because grinding isn't difficult.

Maybe not for MC. For BWL you definitely need some. For AQ and Naxx it's an absolute requirement you're not getting any progression done in Naxx without consumables.

Even guilds who have Naxx on farm still need some consumables. If you're doing progression you'll need a shit ton of pots cause you'll be wiping all the time. People really don't understand how expensive high end progression is in Vanilla. For Naxx progression you literally need to farm all week so you can afford all the shit you need.

Vanilla raids weren't that challenging up until half way into AQ40 and Naxx.

Yes faggot, any respectable guild expected you to have consumables.

>im bad

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40 man raids were hard as fuck to keep on track and coordinate regardless of the actual dungeon difficulty.

And by the way private server herb spawn rates are significantly boosted compared to real vanilla. Black Lotus especially is so much rarer on actual vanilla.

The price for flasks on Classic will be absolutely insane. I predict that the % of the player base that will clear AQ and Naxx this time around won't be that different from original vanilla.

my guild had little trouble with AQ until we ran into twin emperors

That's completely false. I got halfway through Naxx with a guild that started raiding way late(talking starting MC while AQ40 was on farm for the actual raiders) and we never forced anyone to get any sort of consumables. Flasks were also free of charge because any guild raiding had a huge bank from all the shit you can sell.

These classic server arent even remotely going to be like actual classic.

twin emperors is the easiest fight in that entire raid

>You're reddit LMAO
9gag guide to Yea Forums

>more newfags that don't realize classic was the casual alternative back in the day
Nostbabies will ruin classic.

Call me casual, but I like the idea of being able to jump on, do a raid, and then be done within a couple of hours

Already have a job--don't need another that I actually have to pay for.

That aside though, stop being degenerate nostalgia-fags and fucking move on.
>Game is uber casual now
>not even sure what skill trees look like now--if they even still have them
>And they were already terrible by the time I quit during Legion
>Ran by one of the more cancerous companies within the current gaming industry
>Replaying the same damn content you've already mastered years ago
I'd go one about playing without quality-of-life updates, but I honestly don't know what the cut-off is, nor if they included post-Burning Crusade updates

You can do that on retail

Nice thing about Classic is raiding was not the only interesting thing to do. Pretty far from the utterly abysmal state the modern game is in!

I'm dumb: I assume retail is the normal game?

Already mentioned it's dead. It's pretty much everquest-tier now.

Raiding is for faggots.
Raiding has nothing to do with what made WoW Classic fun.
Hardly anyone raided beyond Onyxia, MC and Zul Gurub

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Everything else that made vanilla "good" is shit by todays standards. If you're not interested in raiding you may as well not even play vanilla

t. private server cuck who never played retail vanilla

Because these people play the game as a job and have to justify their time played.

>mfw all servers have "Low" population only a couple months after release

cant wait for this garbage to fail

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They'll be opening new servers "a couple of months" after release. Nost literally grew up to the day it died.

Remember even the world best guild had retards who fucked up mechanics. They just kicked the idiots and didn't care about hurt feelings. If you want to succeed you have to be a ruthless autist.

Where is the proof it will fail.
I see your tears but no prood otherwise.
What are you just going to stomp your feet every thread with no proof of the servers failing?
Because Nos was huge and huge in the end.

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Those items aren't even necessary, our raid had a no-extra consumable (like Demonic Runes, Troll potions) and we did everything fine. If your guild requires you to hoard those items just quit because you know they are fucking shitters.

If your guild is pretending to be an "epic competitive guild" and require you to farm those items just tell them they are fucking retarded since they will be playing in babymode with those items.
Even with those items you will be consistenly threat capped and the only thing you need will be consumables on tanks, defensive items aren't needed if your healers aren't complete fucking morons

I don't even care if my RP PVP guild has trouble on MC and ZG we're gonna be bros and have a great time. Any minmaxing autists will be class leaders, but they'll be removed if they bully people.

Someone explain the OP screenshot. Do you need all of that consumable trash for a single raid or something?

lmao no wonder WoW hud is always gross.

They probably will clear the content easily. Remember that what we will be getting won't be vanilla; it will be private server shit.

First of all, Nost was free, so no shit it had a lot of F2P players dicking around on it. Second, nu-Blizz will inevitably fuck it up.

The appeal won't last forever, the population WILL fall off at least once Nax comes out, because there will never be new content, ever.

Post your guilds stats because the list is mildly over some of the stuff you need but not really.
I see a lot of posters in this thread pretend they raided but never post proof nor have any idea what it really takes to start naxx fresh and not end of the xpac geared full 1%ers.

i raided in private servers as a ret paladin by logging in for 2 hours a week.
and we cleared everything including naxx

vanilla is not hard, its just that during vanilla's time, no one knew what the fuck they were doing and wowhead/similar sites did not exist to hold your hand.

Ok idiot

>0 proof only "I KNOW IT WILL!"
Keep crying all you like but you have nothing to back it up with.

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it only takes 5-10 autists to carry a 40 man that shit is not hard and the grind really isn't that hardcore unless you are an "hour a day of FIFA"-tier normie. WoW has always been the zoomer MMORPG, the fuck outta here.

wow a few people have to banish and cleanse, whilst the rest of your brainless drones cast frostbolt over and over what a tough raid encounter.

>vanilla was not hard
>i raided in private servers

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>No new content ever
Source? If it works they'll release a TBC classic server. If it works they could fund a new team to release new content for classic WoW. (Note this will upset NO CHANGES from my pserver autists, but they are a minority no one cares about.)

I haven't played Vanilla servers since 2016 since ones after that are for r*ddit normies who never got on the train before and only read about LE NOSTRALIUS on r*ddit

The vg guild on gummycraft 2.0 didn't use any consumables and cleared AQ with 36 people
Joined Grizzly once during Valkyrie? whatever the name is, didn't use consumables except for first 2 weeks

it can be if you're competing for resources on a pvp server or you're not properly specced

Where is proof

That’s an epic mounts worth of potions required for every naxx run. You’re a lying retard.

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>private severs

Every time

>haven't played Vanilla servers since 2016
So you raided on a private server with bunk stats and claim this as proof.

New content as in 1.13+, I'm not talking about re-releasing old shit and calling it "new content".

Okay moron, name literally one MMO whose population grew after its last content patch, I'll wait. Because that's literally Classic's future after Nax patch

I've watched this video in its entirety and while he's not WRONG, keep in mind that a lot of this is "playing it safe" and simply stacking the deck as much as possible.

I have nothing to prove here. Only you.
You can't give the proof.
Why would i waste time with a screaming baby like you when you can't even back up your claims?

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go try playing one yourself retard
AQ is literally beatable mathematically with 25 people, they designed the raid around 25 people then raised it to 40 people because of deisgn choices

>private server so it makes it invalid!!
okay retard you realize the server's gonna be released in 2019 right?

It's funny how you think pservers are undertuned, they have been consistently overtuned because raiding guilds find it so boring.

haha it's so funny you r*ddit retards think pserver scene has gotten better. Gummycraft was better coded than any of the servers released post Nost. If you seriously believe Kronos (hack jobs that literally re-released their server 8 times) are doing a good job... rofl

you can pvp and have bwl gear and do just fine. raids aren't really that time consuming or difficult til aq40

ye, I just cleared naxx on my alt right now and not only didn't I need consumables but I did it with just ONE CHAR LOL! ppl rly were just shit before

Yes, I am aware we will be getting private server vanilla instead of true vanilla. It's why it will be complete shit.

not everyone who wanted to play vanilla played on private servers, myself included. private servers are such a minority, you have no idea. go back to doing your world quests and island expeditions you salty belf

ok then

>Already mentioned it's dead. It's pretty much everquest-tier now.
Because of casuals who like the idea of being able to jump on, do a raid, and then be done within a couple of hours.

>Thread full of Private server raiders using Private server numbers to say a blizzard game will fail
How does it feel to know you were dropped as a child and your brain smoothed over a bit?

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>hating on pserver players when they are literally the only reason anyone is getting classic

Should be licking my shoes. You're welcome.

it wasn't ever that good, it was only good because of the people during that time period

Vanilla did a lot of things right but also lot of things wrong, but were passed on because everyone was new to MMORPG

The biggest pro to Vanilla will be also it's biggest weakness, WPVP sounds fine on paper, but 99% of it will be one random NEET retard camping a zone because he has nothing better to do (which will probably be a low level zone). This was a problem back in Vanilla and Vanilla servers will attract those specific kind of players. Few of them at a time is fine, but these 'PVP Guilds' can kill entire faction economy.

>needing knowledge of the entire game and not just l33t skillz to beat the game

>the main reason why I dropped vanilla back in the day is the reason why faggots have nostalgia for vanilla
Fuck off. Vanilla was great because the leveling was amazing. The world was large, interesting, varied, and mysterious. The pvp, ganking, and interactions with the opposite faction was exciting. The dungeons required good teamwork to finish and for the most part, were large and expansive and not the garbage linear affair of BC and beyond. The moment you reached level 60 in vanilla is when the game turned to SHIT. IT TURNED TO SHIT, except if you did PVP. Then it was good.

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People have min maxed vanilla so hard that its literally going to be easy. Every class has farming methods to make bank and its just grinding 2-3 hours a day and then buying mats off of cucks who actually gather shit.

Sorry your mother didn't just end you when she dropped you.
I know you live in pure ignorance.

it is unless your an autist

You don't have to play with those people. Plenty of us despise min maxers and avoid them/black list them from friends.

>using B-BUT PSERVER as excuse when pointed out wrong
>vanilla raids have been consistently overtuned in pservers, and have been much harder than Vanilla

ahahaha cope reddit faggot I'm out
I'm afraid to burst your nostalgia bubble

WoW raiding was literally never difficult.

Retail is the normal game.
I think people don't like the "I have to farm for an entire week to do this" aspect of the classic raids for a valid reason. Rather
1. They like it solely for nostalgia reasons (unlikely).
2. They (perhaps pretend) to like it because they HAD to do it, and you should have to do it too (which is a logical fallacy of sorts, and a crab-bucket mentality).
3. They (perhaps pretend) to like it because they don't want to give ANY ground to changes, as they feel it'll corrupt the classic experience.
The problem with this is that they assume they need to advocate for this aspect in order for it to be preserved. That's just silly. You can say it sucks but should still be in there for authenticity reasons.
4. They never did any of this shit themselves in the day. I don't just mean they probably didn't run Naxx (few guilds did), but they had guild autists/mommys who did all this farming for the whole guild.
5. They want to scare away as many casuals as possible by (pretending to) like it.

Say what you will about retail, but raiding is, and has always been, something of a strong point.
One caveat: outside of LFR. LFR has issues.
1. Pretty much every guild with enough active members has a weekly raid on at least normal
2. You can't be an anti-social shitlord, else you get kicked form raid-nights and perhaps the guild.
3. You learn fights and bond together while conversing in voice.
4. People still donate feasts and consumables (which are less necessary on normal and such of course).

>ahahaha cope reddit faggot I'm out
Leave you mentally ill smooth brain.

min-maxing is CANCER in Vanilla and literally not what 99% of you are expecting btw.
for example our guild had to make all our tanks quit, re-grind to Troll warrior because they did more dps through racial = more rdps since more aggro

>I consciously remove competent people from my social circle
freud would have a field day with this

>>vanilla raids have been consistently overtuned in pservers, and have been much harder than Vanilla
What? That's not even close to true. You can literally stack different armor removal debuffs to bring bosses to 0 armor on vanilla private servers. And on top of that, you have a very solidified meta of world buffs,pots and flasks that would be impossible to achieve on an actual blizzlike server.

That's how it should be. How come players can touch mythic raids of earlier raids with lfr gear from further raids? The prestige of doing these mythic raids is gone by then. In vanilla, you can tell who's dedicated and who's not by their gear.

You can find competent people that aren't total asshats. I'm one of them, but I'm also a casual and very carefree. A rarity these days.

It sure is a coincidence that they were working on BFA around the same time they announced Classic, huh? When they started allocating their retail team to it. And that BFA turned out to be dogshit because no one worked on it.

Was it worth turning retail into fucking garbage just so you rose-tinted glasses-wearing faggots can play a 15 year old archaic shit-tier version of this game?

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all the servers post Nostralius have been garbage coded, it's literally retaining it's massive playerbase because it became popular among normies. Pservers back in 2014~2016 were much, much better coded

30 year old manchild

Define halfway through.

No one gives a shit.

People play classic for leveling not for raiding.


>Was it worth turning retail into fucking garbage just so you rose-tinted glasses-wearing faggots can play a 15 year old archaic shit-tier version of this game?
Hell yes!

>S E E T H I N G
i can tell you are

I'm only raiding to get gear to pvp. Then it's time to camp level 60's like they're level 40's.

The retail team isn't working on classic, there's no point for them to because all the work was database updates and QA, there's no actual content to be developed.

>Where is proof?
Can really tell the winners from the zoomer crowd are here.

Don't worry, nobody's gonna play Classic. Blizzard knew what they were talking about when they said people didn't want it.
The number of 30+ year old gigaNEETs (the only people who will play Classc) is not nearly as high as it seems on the interwebs. They're just extremely loud on the internets.

I think even nost had dynamic spawns on gathering nodes? Black lotus being on a 2 minute respawn instead of a several hour per zone respawn rate is a pretty big difference.

This, when I hit max level I'll bounce between running 5-mans and UBRS and leveling an alt, then maybe doing weekly MC/Ony. When 'progression' slows down to a huge consumable farm is when I stop.

From what I understand, vanillagaming has a buffed version of Naxx, so it would require more consumables in return.

>Don't worry, nobody's gonna play Classic.
where is proof
You said you where leaving the thread. Yet here you are.

Bros what is it about Classic that makes everyone seethe so much? They all say Classic is just nostalgia and it's going to fail but Classic lives rent free inside their head 24/7.

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my proof is that I'm a good 50 iq points above you
you should take everything I say as word of God

>rent free
>paid shills keep threads up 24/7
Think again.

Any half decent raiding guild will have funds to provide pots and shit to their raiders. Sure, you're still expected to buy/farm your own shit but it isn't as bad as that chode makes it out to be.

Imagine being so mad you sit in threads and type stupid shit like this all day and tell others they waste time in there life.

Honestly as long as you can find a way to mitigate threat for dps, that makes way more of a difference than anything minmaxing does.

>It sure is a coincidence that they were working on BFA around the same time they announced Classic, huh?
According to Ythisens they had already been working on Classic for 7 months when they announced it so yeah, it was kind of a coincidence.

Nost had Lotus spawn hundreds of times more often than is actually accurate, it was meant to be like 13 random spawns total, they had 13 random spawns per zone.

They're upset they can no longer feel the good feelings videogames and MMOs give them. Their dopamine receptors are broken/trashed and only anger lives inside their hearts. We're going home.

If you were competent, people wouldn't be shitting on you, and if you were "casual and carefree" you wouldn't be bothered by occasionally being shat on anyway because you'd be socially competent enough to handle it.

I realize you've probably constructed a delusion so powerful that nothing I could say could possibly change your mind at this point, but, still, I feel compelled to let you know that, unless you have objective proof to the contrary, the things you believe about yourself are probably wrong.

you are going to kill yourself when classic fails and knowing it brings me great joy

Truly the most cancerous thing in private servers soon to come to a server near you.

Nah, no one deserves to be shit on, even terrible players. That's not the community I want to foster or be involved in. You on the other hand are more than welcome to bully and create communities of people that are exactly like you. Don't fret, your echo box will be just fine and some people won't like you as some people dislike me. It's cool.

I won't you're just such a massive rager.

>deflecting this hard

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All the vanilla servers have an increased black lotus spawnrate.

you will think of me when you put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger

Angry, empty husks of a human being can't take seeing other people succeed and being happy.

Because even though it is the same game you have two totally different versions of it.

We all know what retail WoW is, it's not an MMO but a instanced gear treadmill based on primarily raiding and dungeons.

Classic is then literal opposite design philosophy, it's a slow leveling experience, where all of your problems are literally solved by having people help you rather than just getting better gear or leveling. Most people do not want to play solo, or care about end game. They just want to play a race and character they enjoy in a community.

Retail players simply do not understand that. Which is why they keep harping on about raids, class minmaxing and other shit which no one cares about and they get upset when people point out their views are irrelevant to enjoying classic WoW.

my guild was pretty competent and it didn't provide shit
except maybe flasks

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How is it deflecting.
You don't understand what that word means yet you use it like you do.
Anime has maybe your iq somewhere below room temp and you need to relearn the english language

>twin emperors is the easiest fight in that entire raid

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The fuck is that chat interface, and that ability wheel.

What a disgusting UI. No mods for me!

>Doing mediocre dailies
>Farming mats all week for a 40 man raid try where a few faggots can ruin everything at the end, without even a dual spec to do maybe some pvp or so in the meantime

Playing Classic on anything else but a good RP PvP server is just idiotic.

Minmaxxing is pointles in Vanilla raiding because if you wanted to minmax there would be no other choice than for everyone to roll Allaince

If you actually played Vanilla raiding or have fundamental understanding of raiding at all, you will know how fucking broken Paladins are. Shamans cannot, ever, ever, compete with Paladins. Paladin's HoS is the most broken spell in Vanilla wow.

That doesn't matter, any good DPS will be constantly threat capped so only thing that matters is the tank's DPS

You've been deflecting everything in this thread with LE PSERVER RAID!11
keep being low iq AHAAHA not even worth replying either bait or brain damage

I'm not going to harm myself you're just being edgy because mommy said for you to get a job.
Maybe listen to her you're 30 years old at home with your mother and mad at the world.

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Somebody post the roll sheet, I want to make a new character.

Not really. If you want to do Ragnaros then you need to grind grind grind for rep though.

If you want to see absolutely awful UI set ups, then vanilla screenshots from back in the day is great for that. I remember back when everyone used those HUD addons that put a health bar and mana bar vertically on the side of your character. Shit was ugly as fuck, like some kind of early 2000 idea of futuristic.

Private server player that cleared Naxx first reset on Elysium

Naxx/AQ40 are hard but in terms of coordination and guild management(consume prep and loot management) C'thun/4H/Kel'Thuzad are really the only challenging bosses we had

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>tank dps
that would be troll then with berserking

Or you just join a good guild. God forbid you create social connections.

I actually like that ability wheel though.

>Private server data is accurate!
Imagine being this stupid.
I sure can't.

>on Elysium
in the trash it goes

I remember watching a video a few days back from an OG Naxx raider. They didn't even use world buffs unless it was a super hard progression encounter.

Interesting to see how much world buff crutches we have in WoW Vanilla raiding now.

I notice convenient side-stepping of my challenge that you're not actually competent. I assume because you aren't and you know it. I hope this confrontation, if nothing else, nags at you, in the back of your mind. That the next time someone calls you a worthless shitter for ruining the group you're in, that the fast-thinking part of your brain files that away as confirmation that this conversation's accusation was correct. That over time this builds and builds until you can't deny it any longer. And then you stop playing the game entirely due to the cognitive dissonance-induced anxiety merely interacting with strangers generates in you.

And let me pre-empt your response to that by also explaining that, when you take to the forums to complain about toxicity, the problem is you. Your brain will have broken, and nothing any game dev will ever to to combat "toxicity" will ever make you feel comfortable again.

Remember. Remember this thread. Remember it.

I remember I used it for a while in TBC, I don't remember what it's called though. Is that curse site even a thing anymore?

World buffs weren't allowed until 4 weeks after the first KT kill

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Curse got bought out by twitch but yes they're still around and is still the primary source for WoW mods.

Roll 'em, boys.

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yes for a 1.8% overall dps boost (btw any hardcore guild will force the tank to play Troll)
while Paladins are stackable 3.4% dps boost to the raid per Salvation/Blessing. With 5+ paladins Allaince will be doing bosses 15% faster

World buffs had an internal cooldown on retail vanilla that doesn't exist on private servers. It'll be in classic though.

You sound like a very upset and broken individual. I hope you can get the support you need, friend.
On vanilla or pserver?

>implying naxx isnt going to get nerfed into the fucking ground

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Do you mean BoS?

they aren't, they are much harder but still a cakewalk
most pservers boost boss defense/hp by 40% because with the known methods of armor shredding the bosses are braindead mode (which will be the same in Blizz server as well)

and I'm not even talking about bugs that let you stack armor shreds, you can get most bosses armors to 0 with all the techniques people have found over the years, and Vanilla raiding is going to be much easier since Blizz won't overtune bosses

How dare you trashtalk that top-tier UI. I got my aims sighted on you motherfuckers.

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Let's be honest the best thing for classic would be blizz deleting raids and tell raidfags to fuck off. Immediately you get rid of the worse part of WoW.

Private server

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Now THAT'S a beautiful UI

We never got past Gothik the Harvester back in the day. Everything was tuned too tight for us. How does he hold up now?


ye BoS, I don't play the English client, wasn't sure if it was blessing or hand

Post the Jaraxxus one

>they are much harder
Imagine being so brainless.

World buffs will be really difficult to get
Black Lotus will be literally hundreds of times more difficult to get
Herbs in general will be much rarer

Classic raiding will be more difficult just cause all the easy mode crutches from private servers won't be available.

Only the most dedicated farmers will actually be able to afford a flask.

You minmax for your respective faction, obviously.

People make fun of it but they forget that enhancement shaman in wrath had a billion fucking procs they needed to work off of in order to be efficient.

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So if Black lotus sells for 60g on a pserver how much could I get from it on a busy retail server? 400g? Seems pretty silly I could get my epic mount in 2 lucky spawns.

Why would they nerf content that is already done being patched? You actually think blizzard is going to put that much effort into maintenance on the classic servers?

The whole fucking point of classic from their perspective is that it's a big money yield for very little effort. They don't need to make any new content, they just have to follow the mold and ship stuff at different dates. It's far less money put in for an equal to greater reward of retail. And the best of all, they can do this for years! Why wouldn't they jump on this?

>gives players inaccurate numbers and huge buffs with bugs that let you skip
Absolute zoomer trash in this thread trying to defend private servers smells of pserver shills

Sorry, wrong one

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We wiped like 2/3 times, but keep in mind, we minmaxed everything beforehand and had much better coordinated gear/specs

We had no memespecs and really good healers, not to mention 13 years of theorycrafting to go off of.

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raid based endgames are for casuals by default because they have lockout timers.
only mmos that require constant grind eternally are hardcore
im not being ironic btw
fucking saturday night normiecore scum

I raided Naxx to 4h in Vanilla and bosses are much harder, their hp is way higher than Vanilla, you can check their stats if you want, but I'd suspect you'd wont since you are in a denial

I'm getting a feeling you haven't even played Vanilla back in the day and are nostalgiafagging because your life is shit and want thinks to go back to the old? lmao get a grip

but the dude is a DK.

>plays BDO
>"softcap" gets increased
Even Korea grinders aren't what they used to be.

yeah, there are no good mmos anymore

Black Lotus is BoP, Private servers made it sellable because having only a dozen black lotus in the world and untradeable was kind of bullshit.

Not him but the reason certain mats are so expensive on private servers is because the the population cap is much higher than normal, meaning competition is much stronger and thus a greater demand on the market. I have a feeling they'll be cheaper in actual vanilla.

>Get a grip

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>cheaper in actual vanilla.

This nigger doesn't understand how supply and demand works

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Dude he's playing at 8 fps he's not gonna keep track of shit.

ahahhaha keep seething you are either past the point of no return or trolling

Classic raiding was a time and gear sink more than anything else. Yes some encounters had major mechanics but later expansions had similar or more in depth ones. Its worth noting that Naxx and the like had some (Lothab, Patchwerk etc) that literally had to be rewritten because they were predicated on a mod API that allowed automation (ie one button decursive).

I don't understand the infatuation with Classic, aside from rose colored glasses. Creating time sinks (rep grinds, extremely difficult or specific gear requirements etc) didn't make it a better game back then etc.. nor did things like the Raid/Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder difficulty "ruin" things. Community (guilds, the entire roleplayer experience, way more ..) and difficulty are still there. There's nothing wrong with there being a less hardcore difficulty (with lesser rewards) that lets more than the .05% the original players to see/clear Naxx. You can still run whatever you want on Heroic, Mythic etc. One of the more insufferable elements of MMO players is "I dedicate my life to the game and anyone who doesn't shouldn't be able to really get very far. Furthermore, there should be content only for me and the few like me, which is only visible from afar so the rest can know exactly how much they suck". Grow up.

With all the knowledge about consumables and the slower Black Lotus respawn rate, it's gonna be interesting to see how much competition there's going to be between guilds on the same servers when classic releases, especially on pvp servers.

>>classic raiding is so easy a baby could do it
>keking @ you delusional retail babies who think you'll just clear all the content easily and be decked out in best gear immediately
>There will be a glorious reeeeeeing when the retail babies realize you need to put actual time into the game and you can't just raid log 2 hours a week.

.t didn't play vanilla

Why would having less people fighting over the mats not reduce the price?

>Black Lotus is BoP
They removed the soulbound aspect in 1.7

Children are the only ones with enough free time to farm all that shit.
Id rather just wait for TBC and do some BG's/ganking after work and some arenas on my days off with my resilience gear instead of getting shit kicked because some poopsocker has more time to kill than me

inb4 chinese botters get all the black lotus

Because the herb itself will be much much rarer than the reduction in people competing for it.

The pay for subscription aspect will honestly keep out a giant chunk of the botters.

If the lotus is BoP can't you still sell the flask for obscene amounts?

>only mmos that require constant grind eternally are hardcore
that shit doesn't fly anymore, it just makes everyone bot. some mmos even just straight-up add botting to the game for you out the gate

well... I guess maybe a very inconvenient world that's just too harsh for the bots to operate in COULD prevent that

This kind of thing will likely be moderated better in Classic. I hope at least, I guess we'll see. But shit like that is allowed to fly on private servers because the owners want a gold selling friendly environment. And is also a factor. Not saying it wont still happen, but it should be less egregious at least.

OP and classic fags btfo

They're not going to do progressive patches witch means BL will be tradable from the start

We don't actually know that yet. I mean yeah you're still probably right but for all we know they'll tweak its spawn rate down the line.

>If the lotus is BoP
Only prior to patch 1.7, we're playing on 1.12.

Are you dumb enough to buy gold and get banned in classic? Y/N

Because the price of convenience erodes the player engagement, vanilla had problems but consider it like this

Vanilla guild is like a bootcamp, you have a lot of issues and tedious shit to do, but doing it with other people gives a sense of accomplishment even if it is tedious, this also includes challenging shit, i've played both vanilla, vanilla private servers, and Legion and raided in all 3.

Vanilla guild chat was always active and lively, discord was up, still theorycrafting about the game and shit, retail was the same but it was mostly about parses and not much else except off topic shit

Retail got rid of the tedious shit so there's really not that much reason to interact with people in the guild except to raid/mythic+/pvp

Classic certainly isn't mechanically challenging as retail, but it is more engaging and intense imo

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I had the Warlock version of that ability wheel. I think it was called Necrosis. It pretty much had all non-combat abilities on there.

There's really no need to. Making gold in vanilla wasn't as hard as people made it out to be, people were just less knowledgeable about optimal farming and couldn't play the AH very well. That said it will take a good amount of time before there's even enough gold in circulation for people to make a substantial amount, let alone enough to let gold sellers thrive.



>replying to a wow forums copypasta

Yeah google says it's Necrosis, thanks user.

The thing I love about vanilla is actually having people to talk to, grind through the game with, dungeon with, and meeting new people. That doesn't really exist in retail. Everyone's a fucking clique having bastard that doesn't talk to one another in the open world.

>it just makes everyone bot
only when you are able to solo grind
proper mmo requires group grinding

while yes it is theoretically possible to have many bots having them cooperate together and target prioritize in a more classic combat system would be difficult, and they would be easily spotted and reported by legitimate groups wanting to take the spawn.

>Favourite race isn't in Classic

Attached: 1542434320480.png (665x515, 551K)

That's what I thought.

I'm just hoping the inevitable flood of retailfags doesn't poison the well for others. You just know there will people who don't know how to interact properly and sperg out over basic shit. I'm really curious to see what the early community looks like. Things will shape up once the shitters get filtered out though.

that wont change this time around. There was nothing in vanilla WoW to enforce this behavior, it only happened because that was the standard at the time because until then mmos did require this sort of activity to occur with their leveling mechanics.

The fond memories people have of vanilla WoW mostly stem from the residual habits and social customs of previous mmos which WoW is responsible for destroying.

>Bros what is it about Classic that makes everyone seethe so much? They all say Classic is just nostalgia and it's going to fail but Classic lives rent free inside their head 24/7.

Classic isn't nostalgia but 99% of the things you guys post about it is.

Classic is great and it's going to be great. It just triggers the ever living fuck out of me when retail babies parrot everything Asmongoloid/Tipsout says.

>Classic is ACTUALLY hard
>The debuff limit makes raids interesting
>Copper and silver actually matters

Only a brainlet retard would hold these opinions.

Attached: WhatADumbFrogposter.png (1508x892, 171K)

>I'm just hoping the inevitable flood of retailfags doesn't poison the well for others.
No, it won't. They'll probably just get bored and quit around lvl 20.

>There are people in this world, some in this very thread, that actually trust Activision to handle vanilla WoW without fucking it up or trying to appease their investors.
>There are people in this world, some in this very thread, that actually are going to give money to the company that shit out WoD, Legion, BfA, HotS and Overwatch.

Attached: 1544947297445.jpg (483x589, 78K)

People actually say this?

Like 75% of every class was useless and shit.

It will change because you can't just do everything solo like on retail, and there aren't UIs where you just press a button and get grouped with randoms from other servers that you'll never meet again. You'll play with the same people who share the same world as you, and that is a pretty big difference.

You can't rest the blame solely on WoW. Modern MMO's basically just followed the trends set by social media. The way we interact online has changed fundamentally since 2004. People are really impatient and unreasonable these days.

>Implying HotS was bad
The HotS team is literally the only good dev team at Blizzard. You watch your fucking mouth, newfag.

Theyve literally been making non stop changes to classic so far to make it better, they even put out the spell batch change today

Keep being a retarded doomer

>he likes mobas
Kill yourself, zoomer.

>The fond memories people have of vanilla WoW mostly stem from the residual habits and social customs of previous mmos which WoW is responsible for destroying.
Yeah god forbid people didn't want to play an MMO where you lost all your shit and xp when you die.

I actually cleared Naxx back in Vanilla but I don't remember much about it. I doubt I'll be be in a Naxx guild on Classic either.
Unlike retail, leveling and early endgame is the best part of the game imo. It's going to be quite a while before the power gap from raiding gear ruins everything.

You forgot your feelsguy Wojack meme face, nigger. I'm probably older than you are, you sub-22 little bitch

Sorry, I mean I'M A BOOMER XD

I'm just concerned that this will cause too much culture shock in the modern fan base. Private servers seem to do an okay job, so I'm optimistic, but there will undoubtedly be a lot of people dipping their toes in Classic from retail, and I'm worried what their mentality will do to the communities. Imagine being stuck on a server that's 80% retail transplants. If they adjust then awesome, it might work out, but I wouldn't hold out hope. They're anti-social approach has been reinforced and unchallenged for about a decade now. Some of these people might genuinely not know how to interact with strangers in a reasonable way.

Can you imagine the drama in case Classic actually grows and Blizzard scrambles to support it? I have a feeling whatever content, outside of Classic stuff, they'll put out at some point will instantly kill it.

in effect the antisocial activities people complain about in modern (and less recent) WoW are a result of the mmo playerbase evolving to fit the optimal playstyle of WoW (including classic vanilla)

Right out of the box WoW rewarded simply solo quest grinding and ignoring everyone else and mitigating the need for interaction entirely. Even right at the beginning things like requiring people to be over geared or already having done things was standard and thus it shows people were already seeking the same streamlining effect of not having to interact that the later autogrouping dungeon finders simply filled the desire for.

The way you have a good mmo community is to force people to spend hundreds and thousands of hours in small groups grinding togeather, dropping in and out as people come and go. By the time you reach the level cap in these mmos (if ever) you already know half the server and have a huge friends list to draw upon you have accumulated over the past 6-12 months you spent leveling. You also know whos a moron.

People actually say this?

Yes. Just read enough of these threads or if you dare, read plebbit.

Ignore this retard Nost was exactly as you described and there was no reason for that to happen other than the game mechanics of classic enforcing it, which it does.

>keking @ you delusional retail babies
You will be a retail baby when you resub for classic. Never forget that cuck.

They've already said they have no interest in developing 2 mmo's and retail is still printing money for them. Classic is just them filling a market demand and cashing in on what it gets them, they wont do anything new with it.

I think TBC is peak class design. Classes were still different and not homogenized like they were in wotlk and onwards where they adapted the "bring the player not the class" mentality, but you could still play most specs. You also had a real proper hybrid in shadow priest in TBC, something that you never really had in wow after that.

They'll have to adjust or just be stuck in questing greens at level 60 pretty much.

>can't take seeing other people succeed and being happy.
You've been crying and obsessed with a dead game for years, learn to grow up and cope and maybe you'll actually find success and happiness, sport.

I agree with this. Obviously TBC classes have problems but it is the best iteration.

>taking the word of a publicly traded company
They'll do what ever the big heads think will bring them money. They will be developing two mmos if Classic has enough pull, no doubt and it will be a glorious trainwreck.

>You'll play with the same people who share the same world as you
except you wont, because you and they were never in the world, the world is just your private soloquestgrinder. you will stand in a city using the LFG channel. the autogrouper did not remove any special kind of interaction, it just streamlined what was already humans manually operating an auto-grouper

>which it does.
>he says as he follows an optimal quest grinding guide to level his character, never talking to anyone, and then a guide to tell him how to play a dungeon/raid which he is required to read before playing it so that nobody has to actually talk to each other

I think Classic is being kept out of Activision's influence. If you listened to the last earnings call they didn't even mention Classic. The true believes left in Blizzard are trying to keep it on the low, that's why they integrated it with retail.

The Classic devs are also listening to the community feedback, something Blizzard never does.

You can't "ignore everyone else" when you're constantly in direct competition with them like you are in vanilla wow. Even just mob tagging, ignoring every other party-encouraging aspect of the game, makes it impossible to do that.

Well... maybe if you have zero cares in the world and don't mind doing everything so slowly and inefficiently it would be socially acceptable to call you retarded in polite company, then you can indeed "ignore everyone else", but that's not how people who aren't retarded behave.

What are you talking about? On retail you literally do not have the same world as other people from your server, you get randomly placed in a shard across a huge group of servers. Meeting someone that is actually from your server in the world is rare, and with the LFG and LFR systems it's the same thing where you mostly play with people from other servers. Same with the LFG tool for m+ groups and pugs.

This is not how classic works. You can only play with the people from the same server as you. There are no randoms from different servers that you never recognize from before and never form relationships with because you'll never meet them again.

For better or worse, that person you play with in classic is going to be on your server. He'll either be someone you like and want to group with more, or someone you dislike and you'll avoid, leave groups you join where he's in or don't invite him because he's a ninja.

i killed c'thun almost 14 years ago and the only consumables i used were mana oils and occasional mana pots.

the extensive usage of consumables in private servers is because there's a culture of min-maxxing now (and hence why raids get cleared with no issue on private servers).
back then everyone was a baddie and the content was designed around that.


anybody, ANYBODY hyping up Vanilla because of raiding are redditfag zoomers who've probably never even raided in Vanilla

Raiding wasn't even that good in Vanilla, it was a tedious chore and wasn't even that difficult

The true experience came from player interactions, leveling, grinding 5 mans, fucking around with friends, etc

imagine being a dumbass anime poster who doesn't know what he's talking about

Attached: 1553729707641.jpg (640x605, 42K)

>Classic is ACTUALLY hard
It is while leveling, so most of the game. Retail doesn't get tough until heroic raids or mythic+, so on a whole, yes it's harder.
Yes, Blizzard should concern themselves about recreating the game first and maybe later down the line add new servers that go beyond 1.12.
>The debuff limit makes raids interesting
That one I agree, but then again, raiding is built around it.
>copper and silver actually mattered
No one says that, but they serve as a decent transition to gold which appears more later into the game, preventing visual inflation. Do you prefer dealing with 1000 gold or 10 000 000 gold for a mount?
Yes. Class design in vanilla worked perfectly fine until you introduced raiding. But instead of changing the raids to suit the classes, Blizzard decided to change the classes to suit the raids. And thus with TBC was born the focus on spec design, where the uniqueness of specs and their ties to each role (dps/tank/heal) was more important than the uniqueness of the class as a whole were you'd use every tool that you had even when not specialized in the respective tree of the spells that you wanted to use, and the difficulty of the Heroic dungeons exarcebated that problem.
Considering the different variations of private server scripting and how they will compare to Classic, I'd say yes.


yeah, TBC class design sure was great
>play mage
>get 5-point talent for 2/4/6/8/10% more SP scaling to main nuke
>get 10% baseline SP scaling removed from main nuke
and through the whole thing, blizz' team of geniuses kept saying that this wasn't going to kill mages
and then everybody rerolled warlocks

except me, I rolled shadow priest instead. that iteration of spriest was the best iteration though, I will admit that. too bad they killed off the concept of support specs

Cry more about how you can't put the work in. poor baby, i bet you want an easy mode for sekiro too so you wont feel left out

Activision handled wotlk, and you zoomies love the shit out of that one.

>he doesn't know

It's a fucking pasta you newfag fuck

While this will get a lot of hate I thought Wrath had great class design (almost) every spec was viable, had niche uses for underpowered classes (like mana regen on Ret), tons of synergies to build your raid around. Also had great diversity in healers as well.

Cata was the point I realized class diversity is dying, they gave every healer a big heal + aoe heal, the FUCK?

the min/maxing started after c'thun, which normalized every top guild flasking 24/7 for progress which was unheard of before that point, and then it just grew from there

while I hate activision it wasn't around until MoP Activision started handling in their business

the merger wasn't fair for Blizzard, it was more like 80-20 in favor of Activision, and they first let Blizz do everything they want to because Blizz wasn't making any mistakes. Then during late Cata + failure of D3 Activision started stepping in on Blizzard's decisionmaking and more and more people have been quitting from that date.

You faggots did this shit when you were 13 years old.

It's not an achievement.

Yeah man, if only we had gotten 3 more corridor dungeons, 2 new islands, and the barrens warfront, BFA would have been saved!

bruh, just because it was hard as fuck to grind on late nost/lightshope because they didn't up node spawns to match the player size doesn't mean they will not do that in classic
this, the game will reflect the amount of players per server not exactly how it was in classic, sorry to burst people's bubble but it will be easier

>and you can't just raid log 2 hours a week
This, so many disillusion artards that have absolutely no idea the time require to farm and maintain consumables for proper content progression raiding
Like this fucking idiot who clearly has no idea or played on a pirate server with a guild already farming Naxx so he didn't need to bring buffs for MC.
Shit, most of the people talking about not needing buffs most likely don't even know about dire maul buff runs and think we mean pots
>Because grinding isn't difficult.
>in PvP game
The devilsaur mafias would like a word with you

you're so retarded if you think blizz will try to reflect late nosts/lightshope shitty node spawn vs their player count

Things are only going to be cluttered for the first day or two. I played WoW right at launch. Making arguments that depend on the first level rush to defend the game is bad.

Using proper quest optimization and planning you need to do very little grinding in WoW. You are essentually arguing that standing at a spawn and killing 20 of something when someone else might be there doing the same thing is social interaction.

what im saying is that there is no world in wow to start with. Its leveling process is so short and is best done solo, you are basically just going to stand in a city and use the lfg channel to do your dungeons, so there is no world, its just a lobby based game in disguise.

>never meet them again
it was the same at launch finding people to run dungeons with, there are enough people per server that you can effectively ignore them. While you might encounter them again at some point you will have forgotten them by then anyway unless you made friends with them.

you are putting too much emphasis on server name. The reason WoW started the cross shard things was due to dwindling server population. This was just to increase the player pool. In a healthy server the single server pool is just as impersonal and foreign.

First thing i'm doing on my Tauren Hunter is heading to the Barens and dueling while talking shit in general.

It's the simple things that made vanilla so great. If people are going to rush and try and minmax and get everything done as fast as possible, you're ruining the experience for yourself.

>Retail doesn't get tough until heroic raids or mythic+
t.never done progression raiding in vanilla

I assume you are talking about the devilsaur mafia? Spawn type is irrelevant as it was based on zone control, they have people on both factions killing anyone attacking devilsaurs that are not paying them a cut

>niche uses for underpowered classes (like mana regen on Ret)
The thing with that is that a lot of the niches given to specs didn't tie at all with the class identity. For example, I've heard from Ion that frost DK's spec identity was made around procs. But what the fuck do procs have to do with the class identity of a death knight wanting more out of his frost spells? What the fuck does mana regen have to do with the class identity of a paladin who wants more out of his retribution spells?

Personally, and this might be a fun experiment, but I would have prefered in TBC or WotLK to still use the talent trees of vanilla (which only go up to 31 points max instead of 41-51) and instead you're able to spend 10-20 more points into other trees, thus making the game less about the spec tree and more about the class. Imagine a druid with 9/31/31.

>what im saying is
You're talking a lot of bullshit is what it is. I've played since vanilla, I know what it was like. You are wrong.

>Using proper quest optimization and planning you need to do very little grinding in WoW.
People outright ignore group/elite quest then wonder why they are falling behind in levels

Yeah i remember when they joined Activision around the end of TBC. The podcasts and shit i used to listen to were assuring everyone that Activision was purely good for business and would allow blizzard to make the game even better.

It's taken a while but they truly have destroyed retail. Mounts costing as much as a full priced game. Never ending grind for titanforged gear, never achieving BIS so they can keep your sub ticking along. A couple of months into BFA I canceled my WoW sub for the first time in 10 years. No regrets.

>Things are only going to be cluttered for the first day or two.
What's clutter got to do with anything?
>Making arguments that depend on the first level rush to defend the game is bad.
It isn't.
>Using proper quest optimization and planning you need to do very little grinding in WoW.
Yeah? You did that right at launch did you? Thottbot and allakhazam open at your side the whole time? Then you did not represent even the top 0.01% of the playerbase and may as well fall into the same category as the aforementioned retard for the purpose of this conversation.
>You are essentually arguing that standing at a spawn and killing 20 of something when someone else might be there doing the same thing is social interaction.
No, as context made clear, I'm arguing that that situation facilitates social interaction because you will want to spontaneously interact with that other player to make what you're doing more efficient.

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I mean, that worked out for PVP and PVE in some situations (like General Vejax being healed by Prot-Holy paladins)

I retired from gaming industry long time ago, but Blizzard was cucked from the beginning

They sold most of their holdings to some random company, which resold to Vivendi, Vivendi only let them keep their name because they have terrible reputation in the gaming industry
When they passed the company off to Activision, the siutation was similar and Activision held majority of the decisions in Blizzard
They only let them do whatever they want because Blizzard made no mistakes and was a successful company.

It was around the cata/d3 fuckup where Activision said "okay no more special treatment" and started ruling over

>50 years later and mages are STILL complaining about getting sunwelled

>Already have a job--don't need another that I actually have to pay for
Then you're not the MMORPG audience. Understand? Don't demand these games should cater to your normalfag ass. Find other games that offer you what you want.

as they should be

mages, just like gamers, are and have always been the most oppressed

rise up

>It is while leveling, so most of the game. Retail doesn't get tough until heroic raids or mythic+, so on a whole, yes it's harder.

Harder is not hard.

>Yes, Blizzard should concern themselves about recreating the game first and maybe later down the line add new servers that go beyond 1.12.

I actually agree with this. The problem is that most people who support #nochanges are just plain stupid and will defend retarded ass mechanics just because they existed in vanilla. I've seen people attacking the implementation of a better anticheat because it didn't exist back in 2005.

>No one says that, but they serve as a decent transition to gold which appears more later into the game, preventing visual inflation. Do you prefer dealing with 1000 gold or 10 000 000 gold for a mount?

People do say that. I'd prefer 100 gold for a mount instead, I think that gold should be worth even more than it is in vanilla.

>Yes. Class design in vanilla worked perfectly fine until you introduced raiding.

Too bad raiding is practically the only way to progress in the endgame.

>Considering the different variations of private server scripting and how they will compare to Classic, I'd say yes.

Just no. While private servers might not be 100% correct, we still have a good understanding on how classes work and what different stats do for them. The most meta changing thing that can happen is that certain effects that proc might have a lower/higher chance of happening.

So what you're saying is the raiding is easy, but they had to stretch it out by making you grind first?

I raided Naxx 40 back in 2006 as a literal 12 year old playing an Undead Combat Rogue.

I used absolutely no consumables except poisons and was always competitive on DPS for the most part. Usually top 6ish or so behind some Fury Warriors and Mages.

I cleared up to 4 Horsemen. Cleared all previous raid content.

If I can clear that shit as a 12 year old, even younger for the previous raids, with no consumables when it was RELEVANT content then people will be able to do it 14 years later with knowledge of how every single fight works beforehand.

>i was le ebin naxx raider at 12

And your dad works for Blizzard right?

>People do say that.
They say it in a sense of inflation making copper and silver pointless compared to gold, not in the sense of actual utility coming out of copper and silver. They only "matter" because of their presentation, but they don't actually do anything.
>Too bad raiding is practically the only way to progress in the endgame.
Well that's the thing, just change raiding. Present more diverse encounters that make more use of the strengths of each class.

If all that mattered were the tank's TPS then every top guild would MT with a Druid

It's been theorycrafted that a TPS druid tank could work but it's high risk cause if you every lose aggro you're fucked

You must have been a smart 12yo because when it came out i was 13 and It took me almost a week to figure out how to get my whirlwind axe. Then a friend convinced me the sword was better instead. I didn't forgive him for about half a year.

Just because you have never been good at a video game before and jerk off Vanilla WoW when you started off in WotLK doesn't mean other people have experiences that predate yours.

some tried, also fury tanks

>all these people claiming to have beat Naxx when they were kids
Kek most guilds didn't even finish Naxx due to not being worth the pain the ass for gear that would be outclassed in TBC.

Attached: 4h2pdxwa3ftz.gif (500x640, 2.97M)

You are just not remembering correctly. I not only played WoW right at release but i had already been playing mmos for 6 years at that point. WoW was just another mmo to me, nothing special. I played it due to the polish and the way instances were impressive and novel at the time, but it was always a game that encouraged soloing

Finding people to do them with wastes more time than skipping them.

>What's clutter got to do with anything?
you are implying the competition for spawns that happen right at the beginning is somehow a replacement for the kind of social interaction in proper mmos.
>It isn't.
unless your sales pitch is 'play classic for 3 months then quit' it is.
>at launch
no, because optimnized quest guides did not exist at launch, it took me over a month to hit the cap on my first character (still fast for the standards of the time mind you, but i 'immersed' myself in the world).
They exist now though, and people will be searching for them day 1. I would have used them if they existed at the time, because mmos are about optimizing your time spent in them, to get ahead of the other players, thats just the natural instinct of the mmo player.
>make what you're doing more efficient.
grouping to share kills then disbanding immediately after is hardly better.

I hate to break it to you but skill in anything is just grinding, you're just practicing that thing instead of farming gold.

less than 0.1% of the player pop ever cleared naxx but somehow everyone Yea Forums did it when they were 12

Attached: 1413915394887.png (600x580, 577K)

>skill in anything is just grinding,
this is correct. only people who never got good at something believe skill is more than leveling up through grind, rpg grinding is literally a direct realistic representation of real life skill

AQ was literally the first raid with anything resembling requiring tactics, and Naxx was literally just beef gated out the ass.
The """difficulty""" behind Naxx (or literally any Classic raid, but Classictards always wheel out Naxx like it's special) was timesinks. If you wanted to do anything related to group content you better infest hours into mindless grind for all the different shitty gear you only need for special bosses, situational potions etc etc etc.
The lie behind Naxx's difficulty became evident to all come WotLK, when it got ported over with not a single change to the actual bosses.

we were halfway through AQ40 when BC was close to release. Getting 30+ people together who were not complete retards a few times a week was a nightmare.

classic raiding is literally farming between raids and pressing 1 button
pvp atleast has some diversity

>wowbabbies think their casualized dogshit that was laughed at by everyone else when it first dropped is hardcore
L M A O, imagine that being what you fucking losers see as hard

eh not really, just get preBiS, tag along and kill him first or second try. He is not hard at all.

There are demanding bosses in vanilla tho, atleast to some degree.

The grind and special items required is what made it good you dumb zoomer. When will you retards understand that MMOs are about grinding. An MMO without grinding is shit.

If you want to play dumb simon says minigames and pretend you're doing some uber skilled mechanics retail is waiting for you.

Not a single change is right, they barely even raised the damage on their abilities, of fucking course level 80s would crunch level 60.5 content.


Attached: 1527733768215.png (1068x1080, 931K)

this is what rpgbabbies unironically believe

So what you're telling me is that the fights became easy in WotLK when the low numbers couldn't convert mechanics into difficulty. Hmmm, that sounds strangely familiar. What is the thing called in retail again? LFR?

the entire model blizzard had with WoW was to make a game that could let casuals think they were hardcore so they would keep playing
it unfortunately worked

people who did nothing but a microscopic amount of grind and then follow instructions on where to stand over ts while playing a single digit number of hours per week think they are the big man

Are you really that mad that user has a job?

my guild hit a huge brick wall after we got twin emps on farm, cthun trash was so terrible we had to start handing out dkp to get people to stick around. we only ever killed the two freebie bosses in naxx too.

Rag was kinda built around the earlier patches to be fair. Stuff like the buffs to classes, paladins not having to buff constantly with greater blessings thus being able to heal more thus needing less healers and more dps, warrior threat buff being able to raise the dps caps, prebis items depending on the pserver being literal catchup mechanics, DM, etc.

Not that user but not everybody was retarded as a kid. I played vanilla in fucking elementary school and played dwarf fortress around that time.

Leveling Warrior with Dagger and Shield

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I'll come around when the servers get to BC. I started playing when BC had just come out. Probably my favorite time in the game too next to early days WOTLK.

>not dualwielding daggers as a night elf in leather armor and using Shadowmeld to ambush people

Been playing on private servers for years and it is easy you absolute zoomer.

Just hoping resistance gear will actually matter for AQ and MC unlike on private servers.

I'm not 20lvl yet so i dont have dual wielding..
But Warrior Dagger progression where?!

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Tauren Shaman checking in. I'm ready to go home bros.


oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo





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Whats everyone rolling?

I cant decide, I really dont want to roll a dwarf or gnome, the zone sucks ass.

Maybe hunter, but no raid spots

>I really dont want to roll a dwarf or gnome, the zone sucks ass.
Speaking as a huge Hordefag, Dun Morogh is still the comfiest zone in the game.

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It has a lot of "pick up x items off the ground" which is complete aids with a lot of people, maybe if it was like retail where the item doesnt despawn and everyone can loot the quest item at once

>you are implying the competition for spawns that happen right at the beginning is somehow a replacement for the kind of social interaction in proper mmos.
>unless your sales pitch is 'play classic for 3 months then quit' it is.
>mmos are about optimizing your time spent in them, to get ahead of the other players, thats just the natural instinct of the mmo player.
99.99% of players do not do this, or if they do they do not play enough that they rush ahead of anyone else
retail is not a good comparison for vanilla, but in retail I'm usually only 6-12 hours behind the absolute highest level of power gamers in capping during a launch and I'm a top 1% player (which honestly isn't saying much; top 1% is still pretty trash). the top 0.01% are so far beyond everyone else that their play style does not reflect the people even 0.1% below them never mind the teeming masses

>grouping to share kills then disbanding immediately after is hardly better.
when everybody's an irrelevant, forgettable random, sure, but I literally made friends with people that I know to this day from leveling during vanilla, an experience mirrored by many

Human paladin for my main

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blast from the past i had a sp in realitysucks

>Paladin bis for healing is just stealing off-set cloth armor from priests

I love it

I have no idea what I'll roll. I only have a vague idea that I'll roll Horde because I find the races to be aesthetically pleasing. Gnomes and Nelfs are crap, Humans unremarkable, and Dwarves while cool, can't carry an entire faction for me. I also have had better experience with Horde players than Alliance players.
Though I do hear that Alliance has better quests and lore.

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How lazy can you be in a hardcore guild once stuff is on farm
I like the idea of farming for consumables but don't want to do it that much after prog.

he's completely right though
if you have a job, you are not MMO demographic anymore

>have full time job and a kid
still gonna play the shit out of it

>45% of the thread is 1 dude screaming it will fail over and over
How can some people even seethe about a game "they say they don't care about" so much?
How do you come back thread in and thread out pretending you don't care when you reply to anyone that laughs at you trying to spam "Cope", "Seething", and every other zoomer trash meme.

You aren't "pretending" to be retarded you're the real deal.

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Its really amazing that people are so angry over classic.

Any other images like this for other classes?

What universe are you living in? He's precisely the audience, which is why games like WoW have been made so casual.

Because it isn’t difficult. Is watching paint dry difficult because it wastes your time?

Lineage 2 elfs are better/sexier

I was in a naxx guild and every single guild on my server made fun of us because we required flasks to raid

There's going to be a fuckton of female nightelves, isnt there?

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Read old guides for naxx, look at old videos. its true. it was true at least

All the better to be ORC'd by me.

Leling at retards who think Blizzard won't "fine tune" the difficulty on their classic servers a few months after launch.
Modern gamers are too ADHD ridden for classic progression raids, old gamers have either moved on and/or don't have the time to play twelve hours everyday anymore. And the few neets who have time and autism enough to suffer through this garbage again will play on private servers anyway because they're poor.

It's difficult on your patience, yes.

>people were just less knowledgeable about optimal farming

I remember trying to farm items off the cultists in Silithus to get money for my mount, those were truly sad times

This pasta is delicious can I have some sauce with it?

>and be decked out in best gear immediately
Waste of time. I always unsub after I beat the latest raid once. What is the point of doing it multiple times? I have seen the story and beaten the mechanics.

>Time to re-visit my most popular video (again), but this time with having done the full raid on a vanilla private server. So was it really that hard? Let's find out!
>Fun server bosses with false armor values, missing, broken or simply incorrect mechanics
Yeah no. As much as he may have poop socked he did not clear naxx.

I was in a guild where we always had consumables on hand due to the select few that would always be grinding them so I can't say I'm used to thinking that this part is in any way difficult.

>that wont change this time around
that's simply not true. when i played the classic demo during blizzcon it forced me to interact with players to group for quests, because i was a healer. i talked with more people in group and say chat than on retail by a large margin, there's just fuck all reason to talk to anyone in the open world in retail.

Classic probably gonna have more players than chinkdale, so cope more seething faggot

It's almost as if its a game for children with no responsibilities and people too retarded for a real job.

>Fun server
>I cleared naxx by just raidlogging!
Yeah. You cleared it because the bosses are broken because it's a private server and they have no clue how to make anything work. Fuck, nigger. There was level 10 gear dropping in Dire Maul on these servers. Tell me about that.

i'd play a troll sham no matter what, but ill try this for fun

I understand the appeal of Vanilla WoW but I don’t understand how people can stomach the gameplay, much less call it the epitome of MMORPG combat.

I posted a jpeg. There is artifacts present in that picture which distort the appearance of my name. I am not Todd. I am Rodd.

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They do it because the board of anonymous. Unfortunately some people abuse anonymity and act like complete retards because none of the dumb shit they're spewing is attached to their identity.

false prophet. you are not the god of chaos.

I'm thinking based.

Should I play classic if I'm bored and have never touched WoW in my life or is this only going to be appealing to boomers?

i smell the bullshit and "never killed patch werk" by miles

This is a screenshot of me healing a Molten Core raid during 2005. Yes, ANYONE CAN DO IT. My job was literally whack-a-mole. I just clicked on the bar that was lowest. Please go fuck yourself. If you want to start talking about difficulty, let's talk Everquest.

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Sure go for it. It's a throw back to older MMO design before zoomers killed it with their impatience and ADD

>This is a screenshot of me healing a Molten Core raid during 2005.

Then why does it have a Yea Forums filename?

>you had to nolife it to raid at a high level in vanilla WoW.

Not true. We raided 3 nights a week. I was the first on the server to get Eye of Sulfuras, but lost the race to the actual hammer by a week.

>Yea Forums filename

>don't know if I want to support my bros as a Paladin or blast hordies with Mage
I know I can roll both, but I don't know who will be my main.

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What date is that in the filename?

You dumb motherfucker. Now you're going to say "b-b-but it was modified in 2006!!!!" like the faggot you are. Learn computers, god dammit.

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Alchemy and Herbalism to make your own potions with Warrior during leveling.

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>tfw wanna PVP but unsure whether to go engineering or alchemy

Strongly depends on HOW they implement it. As far as twinks and such go. You won't really be able to decide until you have more information. For twinks, I'm pretty sure it was engineering. But it's been a LONG time since I played WoW. Since, like, 2007.

God forbid there’s faction warfare in a game called world of Warcraft and a guild can have an impact on the world

Female NE healslut of course

Wrath prior to 8.2 was at its peak, ICC was balanced besides edgelords with shadowmourne, all specs and classes were viable.
MoP was when they got everything right, and WoD+ they smeared with shit.

Plus keep in mind that Blizzard removed Crusader strike from paladins on 1.0 because "they thought that paladins were warriors", which crippled the DPS and even the Tanking for a long time

why are you so angry over people being angry about a video games lmao just chill gramps

Good guilds will just sell ony/bwl/zg carries to shitters while they would have done it for their heads/zg stuff anyways and have full stock of consumables

To be fair this is the reason why 40mans suck very badly. Though you have to be really shit guild if you sell guild progression for other guilds

I mean for end game PVP. I'll be a Shaman. I was thinking Mining + Herbalism as I level up and just making a stock pile of shit along the way and then drop mining for engineering and keep my Herbalism so I can still gather for consumables.

Retail has been garbage for ~11 years now

Blizzard better keep on top of this shit because it's well known people pay for carries through content in FFXIV. They literally hand their details over to the good raiders, pay them a huge lump sump of in game cash they bought from gold sellers and the raiders run them through content as many times as they like. And of course the raiders justified it by saying their speed runs took up so much cash so it was okay to take money from gold buyers. FFXIV's raiding community is fucking PATHETIC btw.

I was thinking of NE Priest even though their racials are vastly worse than dwarf and human (mostly 5% and rep)

How much more effort is it to heal on a priest than it is for paladins?

I'll post a few.

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You'll have to use an alt for collection if you're gonna be serious about maxing PVP

Paying for a carry is explicitly allowed in WoW as long as you're paying using in-game currency. RMT is a different matter though.

I mean there's a limited number of engineering items you actually need. Couldn't I simply buy materials after selling herbalism shit?

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Yeah I understand. RMT is the big issue. If RMT is involved it needs to be stopped. Although I think it's pretty pathetic to pay for content runs anyway, they're not technically breaking rules by doing that alone.

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>You faggots did this shit when you were 13 years old.
Oh you

>lionheart helm used in every single tier
they sure dont make profession items like they used to, thats for sure

No idea, I don't know anything about minmaxing in Classic or care, I just want to play a cum dumpster night elf healer~

Basically, play the race/class combo you personally want

WoW and every expansion is complete trash. Literally just a skinner box like runescape with better graphics. You could get more fulfillment flipping burgers or stocking grocery shelves instead of slaving away at digital farms.

>quel over mirah's
>tf over hungering cold

Again, it depends on how they implement. In the beginning, a lot of Engineering (and other skills) trinkets didn't require you to have the skill in order to equip them. There was an alchemy one that was amazing for bear druids ... Alchemy Stone? It was a trinking with massive armor. That's one example. It didn't used ot have an Alchemy skill requirement to use it, but they changed it very early on.

So it depends on where exactly WoW Classic picks up, and what 'bugs' they fix and changes they decide to implement.

People don't realize how complex this whole issue is. For example, do you remember the Maine Coon cat? No, probably not. It came from Stormwind. And Blizzard changed it because it was racist apparently. I think they changed it to Gray Tabby, but I'd have to go check. Some sort of Tabby. But the point is that was done in like 2007-2008. Are they going to include that change? You bet your sweet tits they will. So what other changes will they keep?

This is why planning is pointless. Just wait.

What's the difference when Blizzard is now legally selling gold, and you can turn gold into Blizzard account money and buy games and sub with it?

You haven't played Vanilla and are just parroting memes.

Little. I hate RMT bullshit affecting the economy in any circumstances. If Blizzard is braindead enough to put WoW tokens on classic I will not be playing.

The issue isn't RMT exclusively, its that paying for or selling carries is allowed at all.

For classic to have any integrity at all, this should be never allowed.

>I can't think of a quality shitpost so I'll just post a bunch of buzzwords

They've said they intend on leaving some interactions or 'bugs' in. But nothing that breaks the game. As for what patch they're going for they've said they're using 1.12 for talents/items but they'll be releasing content gradually.

Paying for carries was a thing in actual vanilla, it doesn't matter at all. One of the most fun ways to raid in WoW was the WotLK GDKP pugs.


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>As for what patch they're going for they've said they're using 1.12 for talents/items
No, progressive Itemization was confirmed in the same update they announced they would release content over 6 phases instead of 4.

What class used demonic ruins?

funny thing about this pic is that everything on the note is true

Oh cool

GDKPs in wrath were so fun, loved getting huge payouts when dbw would drop

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>Tfw Shaman PVP Gear is explicitly designed for enhancement but the spec gets anally annihilated by kiters

>two autists need their very last shard for Shadowmourne
>It drops right at the end and they bid their entire fucking bank, their left nut, and their firstborn

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MMOs are such useless time sinks, I strongly urge you to reconsider playing them

people who play low skill time-sink grinding games are all huge losers

So is posting on this website, but you're still here.

How impactful is Berserking for a Shaman? I'm debating whether to go Orc or Troll.

not impactful enough to give up stun resist

War Stomp is pretty cool. Not like Shamans have disables.

I like Classic, but I wish people would stop pretending that raiding or 5 mans were difficult in a meaningful way.

Reminder classic wont be like private servers

There wont be admins generating items and gold
it wont be full of chinks farming it 24/7
It wont have 10000 people on at once, more like a third
Consumes and mats will be more scarce
You wont require a million pots and flasks to do content

Walk with the Earthmother brother

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The only ones claiming that are people who either didn't play in vanilla (despite what they like to pretend) or have no knowledge of experience of difficulty in modern WoW (despite also liking to pretend they do).

Why do some Taurens have their horn broken like that? Is it some sort of ritualistic thing or is it simply injuries?

How many hours for Elysium?

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I see people making the argument that private servers have no armor on bosses or incorrect values. Other times I hear that extra armor was added to private servers bosses.

Also should I join a guild that raids maybe 2 nights a week. Or join one that raids multiple nights and is more serious? I dont think I will get too many chances with nice raid gear when theres 40 people and the guild only maybe raids 1-2 days a week.

It's a sign of adulthood. They break one off when they fuck their first elf.


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You tell em! If they can't do the easy thing thousands of times they're fake as shit!

it's a shame that private servers are constantly menaces by chinks


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>kinda wanna role because I have a massive Vanilla itch at the moment
>scared I'll get burnout right before Classic

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You dont to burnout yourself wtf is that is that shit
im also taking chill and deciding to make good farming and grinding spots for Warrior.

I doubt you'll burn out. There's so much shit to do in Vanilla. You might not wanna spoil the joy of doing things fresh for the first time in forever though. I'm personally holding off as tempting as it may be to hop in and get a feel for things.

Also with a guild that already had done Naxx, he did no progression

So I've noticed that when people talking about Dustwallow marsh back in vanilla a lot of talking about Tabetha and her farm, what's the deal with that NPC?

This is why I could never take private server raiding seriously. It's just a broken mess.

Do any private servers have custom bosses or at least custom scripts? Or any new content specific to that server? That could be interesting

vanilla is so shit
why would anyone want to play this slow and unbalanced garbage

>the population WILL fall off
OSRS has the most players its ever had

She has some quests (or is part of some questlines) that give some decent gear. I can't remember if she is involved in ZF quests or some other instance.

They're all too focused on the "blizzlike" experience, despite not being blizzlike at all. The ONLY servers i've seen doing cool shit was RP servers.

I was in a top 10 us guild in vanilla. Got server first Rag and BWL. Never needed consumables. Most I ever had to do was farm nature resist gear. Ur just bad

MC was PUG tier shit later on, Naxx and AQ40 were the ones you needed resistance gear for.

There have been servers that enabled shit like making everyone a GM and as you stayed on the server and made events for the community you were gradually given higher "GM levels" which granted you more commands. Everyone's characters were level 255. Was honestly one of the comfiest servers to RP on. You could turn yourself into anything in the game. Literally anything.

>this punching bag post didn't have the nutsack to disprove any of the replies
you nu-wow fags should be rounded up in a mosque honestly


Every caster

I don't know why these fags are so desperate to doom post about classic. And then for them to go as far as to use examples like OSRS when they've never been better. It's just a new breed of autism.

All the Shaman races are good so just pick what looks best to you.

OSRS keeps getting new content, Classic never will. If you look at the population graph for OSRS, you can see the population was declining for a long time until content updates started getting pumped out.

Look out for it. These kinds of posts that don't address anything but have an air of superiority are a dime a dozen. Even when you try to discuss classes they just bump in and tell you you're wrong even though you laid out a dozen points on something. They'll address none of it and just act smug. I wonder who could be behind this.

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>Classic never will

You fucking retard Blizzard cares about money. If a boatload of people resub to play Classic they will make more content. You think Actiblizz will let a potential cash cow go?


oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo





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Allen said Classic won't be changed. I'm inclined to believe the president of the company instead of some random user

crossfaction communication is bannable offence. the retard mafia wont work on blizz realms

I've been trying to make a point of saying this for the past week and have come across quite a few people who adamantly insist on either Troll being the best or Orc being the best. In reality so long as you aren't completely avoiding PVP for some reason all three races bring something great to the class. We can make an argument for Orc enhancement shamans and axe specialisation but I don't think that spec is really good aside from maybe levelling.

>Is grinding for prerequisite items considered difficulty?
Yes and no.
Yes because if you don't do all of that, you don't get to raid to begin with.
No because it is more tediousness than difficulty.

Blizzard used to adamantly deny that anyone would want Vanilla. Now look whats releasing this Summer. People change their mind based on whats happening. They've already confirmed that they're looking at potentially bringing in older mechanics.

Have none of you spoken about the new classic update with spell batching, showing the insane attention to detail that this classic team are putting into this game? Has that not been discussed here yet?

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oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo

>some corporate shill said some shit

those faggots will do and say anything that will make them more money

So how are my fellow Shaman bros levelling their characters? Whether it's elemental or enhancement, don't fall for the resto jew while levelling. It is suffering and will make you burn out. You're perfectly capable of levelling without speccing seriously into the resto tree.

please god NO. PLEASE GOD NO

Not him but how are they going to stop people communicating via Discord and shit? Like what proof will there be unless someone from the inside snitches everyone out?

Red pill a nostbabby on spell batching please.
So I googled it and basically it lets spells happen simultaenously. So for instance two mages could polymorph eachother. Two warrior could charge one another. You could use a Dark Rune to break out of a Polymorph.

I don't think people realize, if they've gone backwards, and put in classic spell batching, this basically confirms, no changes. This is something even the most hardcore, of hardcore vanillafags thought blizzard would NEVER do, and they literally just confirmed there doing it. If spell batching is in, then anons I can assure you, this will be classic as classic comes. all we need now is the confirm on sharding.

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confirm on NO sharding, what I meant. Hopefully it is just the first zones.

Imagine the ERP possibilities
>finally I can have my (almost)real Alexstrasza wife

It's already been confirmed that they're just using sharding for the starter zones.

They already said sharding will stay only in starting zone and probably only for few months

I know that, I meant more if it continues past that. I want that confirmed to not be the case

It's starter zones but only on launch to deal with congestion. It's only logical and only people who have never been at a server launch for an mmo think this is a bad thing.

I don't think it's even gonna be for a few months. They said at launch. So it could be gone in a matter of weeks when the population has adequately spread out into the world.

Understandable. I feel the same way. I'd also like some clarification into how the report system is going to function. I don't want the possibility of a bunch of fag lords mass reporting me because I'm ganking them and then getting auto banned. Hopefully the fact that streamer fags will be present will be enough to make Blizzard think twice about having such a system in place. I played Overwatch and it was fucking terrible. You'd just get mutes out of nowhere when all you type is strats. And then when you'd appeal the '''''''decision'''''' some Blizzard representative would come along and point to you using two cases of 'inflammatory' language like 'fuck' or 'shit' and they'd uphold the ban. It was pretty lame and killed the game for me. The power to mute and ban players completely from the game should never be put into the hands of players. There should be investigations launched into reports. And I hope Blizzard opts to have out of game tickets or something. You'd be surprised how much of a deterrent it is to the faggots who rage report when they get owned in PVP.

And now because the genre has done almost nothing but get more casual, simplified and convenient vanilla is now the more "hardcore" mmo. Which is fucking hilarious to anyone who played a classic MMO.

You don't need any consumables other than mana potions for MC ZG Onyxia or AQ20(aka the raids 70% of you will only ever get to do)

BWL, yes consumables good to have but once your guild has it on farm not really necessary

AQ40 AND Naxx, yeah they are pretty much required, powercreep gets pretty crazy in these 2 raids.

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getting killed in pvp over and over again won't be a bannable offense, what WILL be a thing in vanilla, and this is just something we're gonna have to deal with, is reporting. saying fuck, cunt, faggot, nigger, shit whatever you want in /1 and /2 will probably get you auto banned/muted. this is just the rules we need to abide by to get official classic. another thing I am pretty sure they're going to do, with the world pvp. I just CANNOT see them, releasing in 2019, the wild west pvp open world vanilla gave today. You can, if you wish, just camp people. 60s can just kill you again and again. I can just imagine a new age zoomer REEEING the fuck out and crying. inb4 blizzard implement some kind of "OK. YOU KILL HIM TWICE, NOW YOU CAN'T KILL HIM FOR ANOTHER 3 HOURS! NAUGHTY BOY" buff/debuff or something. However, with this spell batching update, I'm a little more optimistic. Hopefully, if people complain aobut being killed on a P V P server, blizzard just say "roll pve then"

>best looking sets
>best looking mount
>best written class quests
>soulshards farm
>trolling with infernal
Yep, we are going home bros

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>ITT retards not realizing relativity and how these WE’RE difficult in 2005 when only 0.1% reached Naxx
Now the more mechanical and difficult mythic raids have much higher percentage of players, and yet the game is boring and dying. You fell for the raid meme my friend. WoW and MMO’s were never about the raids.

I'm still planning that do i level up Warlock first or Warrior.

It's also important because it puts less pressure on the server, which means raid vs raid won't be as scuffy.

>want tailoring on my clothie main
>also want herb+alch to make my own consumables
donI get alch on main and herb on alt or herb on main and alch on alt
are any alch recipes bop/behind a rep grind or is it okay if i keep that on alt

>Which is fucking hilarious to anyone who played a classic MMO.
I remember playing Anarchy Online, EVE and Shadowbane back in the day and WoW was considered the casual game. There used to be a joke in the EVE community that went like "When someone quits EVE to go play WoW the average IQ for both communities increases".

Nowadays, Anarchy Online is crawling on the floor. Shadowbane is straight up dead. EVE is like 75% alts and has been pretty casualised over the years with stuff like being able to buy and sell game time for in game cash. In a game that involves actually losing your ships and items you can imagine why this would spoil the experience. Comparatively from a modern MMO stand point we are going back to a more hardcore MMO.

didnt vanilla four horsemen need like 8 fully decked out tanks


Raiding has always been a circlejerk activity, unfortunately the devs are in on the circlejerk. They should have deemphasized raiding ages ago, it's neither fun nor conducive to long term player engagement.

>Hopefully, if people complain aobut being killed on a P V P server, blizzard just say "roll pve then"
This is what PVE servers are for. If they don't like PVP I don't understand why they roll on a PVP server.

Yeah alright buddy. You sit in greens and blues and play target dummy in BGs for me all you want.

>Shadowbane is straight up dead
It was never alive, same for AO. Those games were flops from the outset. These are the only MMOs of note, in order of release:

Ultima Online
Asheron's Call
Dark Age of Camelot
EVE Online
City of Heroes
World of Warcraft

What is the bigger indicator of a shitty player:
>a hunter with a named whatever butchering of Legolas wasn't taken
>a tauren with a beef/cow pun name

>saying fuck, cunt, faggot, nigger, shit whatever you want in /1 and /2 will probably get you auto banned/muted
come to oceanic, nobody gets reported for language here, because the default level of discourse is so fucked

Say what you want but a Tauren Hunter called Bullshot has to be the best name I've seen in an MMO.

a tauren with a horn pun in his name



me typing that, I've actually realized the worst one, 100%

Dwarf beard puns

and its always a version of there unique online game name, with just beard thrown on the end



Learn to use parentheses.

>TURNING retail into fucking garbage
user, what?

nobody knows what a fucking pun even is on this board ffs

What the hell are you talking about? Getting reported for corpse-camping was a thing even back in vanilla.

Getting banned almost never happened not because there was a "just roll pve" attitude but because a warning by a GM was usually enough to scare people into stopping.

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Nice. So it's an improvement to large scale world PVP also.

I would if I didn't have to play at 400 ping desu.

It's a pity. The PVP was cool in these games.

>Was it worth turning retail into fucking garbage just so you rose-tinted glasses-wearing faggots can play a 15 year old archaic shit-tier version of this game?

>still 34 hours for nethergarde launch
Will people lay it seriously? I just dont wanna listen to chinks at chinksdale

Attached: 1522945607074.gif (250x220, 1.36M)

>except me, I rolled shadow priest instead. that iteration of spriest was the best iteration though, I will admit that. too bad they killed off the concept of support specs
Because spriests got greedy and wanted to do as much damage as everyone else and still give everyone free mana. Only a handful of us are capable of enjoying the game without topping damage meters, it seems.

Gonna need a source for that.

Why can't it find the right anime?

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S[eaking of locks, what profession I shoudl roll?
Alchemy? Faggy but profitable tailoring, or ench?

Strictly in terms of playing ability, the elves 9/10 times. Their end goal is to be a badass master archer like their name, so they care enough to try or learn. The tauren are just playing for jokes and don't take the game or their performance seriously.

Can't wait for the glorious reeeeeeing when user realizes how easy raiding is when you're not a dumb kid and know what the fuck you're doing.

>Night elves are bad ass xd
>Tauren are bad but they dont care so its ok haha funny cow moo moo xd
So how was your 14th birthday sport

>be in competitive raiding guild in BC
>have strict rule that if officers have reason to suspect player may be under 18 or otherwise immature/childish they will deny applicants
>remember seeing all these trash names turned down because my GL was based and didn't want that trash in the guild
Just the thought of watching "Beefbuttz" get his decent application turned down and sitting in strat thinking to himself "damn, if only I didn't call my character such a stupid xD fanny joke!! name I might have been drowning in purples right now"

because it's not an anime

don't ever fucking reply to me again, retard

Just know humies i'm coming to shatter your souls and destroy your leveling at redridge.

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Grinding and preparation work is where MMOs shine. Not meaningless simon says execution barriers.

>grind a shit load for consumables
>lose all that gold when some dunce fucks up
truly the shining pinnacle of MMOs

He used them correctly you giga-faggot.

Tauren Warrior. I will be your bulwark, so long as you bless me with guidance.

No but they're going to immediately dumb it down for the tards though.

go back to retail who said you had to be here or play classic
you little whiner

But old things are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

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>tfw no tauren warrior bro to rp with as a tauren shaman

>it's a shame that every mmo is constantly menaces by chinks
Fixed. Chinks are awful awful people to play online with. They think cheating is a good thing.

wow dude ur guild was hardcore af

I've never liked wow but I hope wow classic is a massive success if only just to shut the fucking shithead """"""""journalists""""""""""""" who have been huffing their own farts about how "This will just prove that gamers don't want what they say they want!!!"
Not like blizzard's going to do anything else positive

So why isn't bfa or legion mythic raids not better than classic raids?

The difficulty is insane and you don't have to grind, just execute.

>you don't have to grind, just execute.
You don't have the ability to understand if you believe this.

>bfa prep is comparable to classic grinding

no bfa grind is boring and just for reskinned models of existing races.
the gear is free handouts worse than anything wotlk ever did
90% of your time is sitting around or doing M+

Female trolls a best except for the feet. Jesus, those feet.

Question about classic here.

MAY give it a go, but was wondering if Destro warlock was any good? I wouldn't want to go affliction personally, I prefer more direct damage to damage over time.

destro warlock is the glass cannon of warlock

SM/Ruin is considered to be the jack of all trades build for warlocks, good at pvp and pve but not the master of either

Why would you get this upset about someone complaining about shitty players single-handedly ruining raids? Unless you're one of them.

>this upset
i called you a whiner
no one is upset but you that i'm correct you whiny bitch

GMs never did anything about it on pvp servers

SM? Shadow mastery?

