40) Durotar
39) The Barrens
38) Silithus
37) Eastern Plaguelands
36) Westfall
35) Swamp of Sorrows
34) Moonglade
33) Blasted Lands
32) 1k Needles
31) Burning Steppes
30) Wetlands
29) Felwood
28) Deadwind Pass
27) Azshara
26) Badlands
25) Tanaris
24) Dustwallow Marsh
23) Hinterlands
22) Tirisfal Glades
21) Elwynn Forest
20) Un'goro Crater
19) Western Plaguelands
18) Searing Gorge
17) Winterspring
16) Teldrassil
15) Feralas
14) Darkshore
13) Alterac Mountains
12) Dun Morogh
11) Hillsbrad Foothills
10) Stonetalon Mountains
9) Loch Modan
8) Desolace
7) Arathi Highlands
6) Ashenvale
5) Mulgore
4) Stranglethorn Vale
3) Redridge Mountains
2) Duskwood
1) Silverpine Forest

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Other urls found in this thread:

>westfall so low
>desolace so high

>has hasn't taken the desolacepill

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Attached: Do you have a single fact to back that up.jpg (900x900, 39K)

How in the fuck is Arathi Highlands so high? That zone was basically empty in vanilla. Elwynn Forest is also too low

Teldrassil and Wetlands should be in the top 10

Terrible list crafted by a rumored homosexual, feel free to disregard OP everybody

Dun morogh is my favorite I think. First character was a dwarf paladin so I was young and excited about exploring the world with my holy warrior dude so it maybe had more of a lasting impact on me. Tirisfal is also high on my list for similar reasons.

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Barrens is great though. Wetlands is underrated. Redridge is trash.

desolace is fucking awful. i will never understand what you tards find "comfy" about it. especially when there's a beautiful and comfy zone literally right next to it.

Attached: feralas.jpg (1024x640, 132K)

>Retail unironically has fat fucks in it
Did they do it deliberately to make sure Classic has every advantage, or something?

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>Barrens is great though.

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too green

>39) The Barrens
>36) Westfall
Not even gonna continue reading this shitty list.

stupid walking simulator yellow areas

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Nigga you're too green, get out of here with that shit. Feralas is rad as shit and should be at least top 5.

Barrens is good for a while. The real issue is just how long you can stay there. Doing the early quests and the ones around ratchet is decent though.

>both volcano maps not being the lowest

that list is too long. i'll make a simpler one for you

6. durotar
5. dun morogh
4. tirisfal glades
3. teldrassil
2. elwynn forest
1. mulgore

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>5. Dun Morogh

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Jesus, imagine unironically having taste this shit.

You people really can't go two minutes without throwing a tantrum over Kul Tirans.

>Retail unironically has fat fucks in it
Ogres have been in Warcraft since the second RTS game.

Ogres are absolute units, though.
Bog standard fatties need to be gassed.

>these obese lardballs are good because I identify with them
>those obese lardballs are bad because I do not identify with them

>was playing on a wrath server
>server slowly dying, guilds disbanding
>go from raiding ulduar weekly to my guild dead and most of them hopping to the new wrath server >i don't even
welp that ended abruptly, feels absent man

One is a monster, and fine to be whatever the fuck shape it feels like.
The other is a monster masquerading as a human.


Private servers are just way to volatile to get bother getting invested in. It sucks because they're essentially the only way to recapture whatever experience you're looking for, but they are plagued with so many issues that their lifespan is always critically short. I'm glad I never got in to them, it'd be painful to get attached to a character and have it disappear overnight.

So it's okay for one monster to be whatever shape it wants but it's bad for the other monster to be whatever shape it wants.

mulgore is underrated as fuck tb h

That wasn't the issue for me. I played on Nost until it got shutdown because of retard spineless devs and the BC server I played on is still up years later.

>tfw you like both desolace AND feralas

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You're damn right you do, because you have peak fucking taste. Those are two of the comfiest god damn zones in the game.

You Elf whore.

I do like them both thou

Ogres can't help the way they are, and it's frankly bigotry to insult them for it.
Human fatties culturally appropriating ogres with their disgusting sloth and gluttony is revolting, even disregarding their appearance and smell.

Can we get some honest estimates for release? I don't expect it to come before August.

In a perfect world, I'd hope for it to be out in June, but I expect them to push the Summer release date until the very, absolute end of Summer.

Those "human fatties" work building naval ships, running busy ports, and toiling the earth in a cold climate. That's flesh over muscle you're crying about.

Brehs, is there a better feel?

Attached: WoWScrnShot_032819_023043.jpg (2667x1500, 758K)

>that feel when you contemplate what class to play for 3 months and finally make a decision

I did it bros

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Literally every fatty uses that excuse.
They're lying.

Attached: this is what fat people actually believe.png (2488x1776, 425K)

My top 5
1. Dun Morogh
2. Hinterlands
3. Teldrassil
4. Un'Goro Crater
5. Tanaris

Great, now you've got 3 more months to change your mind again!

Around the time a new patch comes out would be my guess.
patches tend to encourage subscriptions, and classic would get even more. A double dose for their corporate overlords would look good on them.

Playing WC3 helped me with that decision.
going Tauren Warrior

Attached: file.png (1200x800, 977K)

Yes pressing the green eye in the upper right corner, alt-tabbing to my porn tab waiting for the signal, pressing accept when I hear it, activate auto-follow on the tank and tab out again.

Winterspring is unironically the best zone in WoW history. Nothing has even come mildly close. When I was still playing retail and bg'ing til my eyes bled, I used to just ride around Winterspring on my favorite ground mounts and it felt so good.


Attached: Big Fat Ogre Shit.jpg (1920x1080, 427K)

Actually the speculation is that Classic will release about a month or so after the next patch, once people start to run out of new content.

>two-handers will always clip with your tail

Time to reroll bro

Reminder that humans have the best pve talents for any melee class and female humans are the best looking race in the game.

>female humans are the best looking race in the game.

Just like real life

Every fatty uses the excuse of building naval ships, running busy ports, and toiling the earth in a cold climate?

It depends if they go for long term or short term planning, and who the different teams are beholden to.
The smart idea would be to stagger it, but while the classic team has their shit together, upper management and retail certainly don't.

I thought we were supposed to despise real-life women.

I'm kinda mad we didn't get northrend or more zombies in WoW vanilla. BC should have been cancelled in favor of a zombie expansion.

>i-it's muscle! I don't need that bodybuilder look anyway! Real X have curves!
Fatty cope every time.

Fat is what allows women to have curves, yes. Sumo wrestlers are fat and very strong, and the male Kul Tiran is what realistic core strength is.

I despise women on all levels except the physical

Idk horse pussy is pretty hot

>Swamp of sorrows not in top 5

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>she loved fishing
>and snow
>and pvp

No, excess fat is what makes women have a curve.
Real women have multiple curves due to being human, not pig hybrids.

Female humans will never be real

But you people cry about those women being fat BECAUSE they have curves. You want women to be stick figures.

2 blackrock mountain
5 Un Goro
6 Silithius
7 Hillsbrad
8 Barrens
9 Duskwood
10 Redridge

You seem to be confused.
Fat Women have one blob like curve throughout their body.
Real women have multiple curves due to proper distribution and the magical ability to put the fork down.

Are you actually retarded? This is prime fucking fat logic. There is a huge difference between a fat bitch calling herself 'curvy' and actual curves. It has more to do with hip waist ratio and bust size. Excess fat doesn't create curve, it creates folds that coping whales like to pretend are curves.

Why aren't the plaguelands in the top 5? They're the whole reason you are in WoW. To stop the undead menace.

This is why I love Yea Forums, watching people tie themselves into knots crying over fictional characters in video games always brings joy.

Better than ops at least

I played wow to stop all*ance menace

>barrens that low
kill you'reself UD edgelord shitter

I'm in wow to escape the reality of chad bullying me at school, retard

>run around WoW
>still get confused about post-cata and what i remember from pre-cata
>Org still feels back-to-front to me

gonna be even worse if i play classic again. classic and post-cata is all mushed together in my brain.

Quit Cata around level 71-72 thankfully. My memories are largely unmolested from the changes.

>g-guys, I-I'm not even mad haha

>quit in TBC
My memories are pristine

This could never happen and even if it did Blizzard would fuck it up, so I'd rather just stay Vanilla; but in another universe I wish for this.

>alternate timeline with different story
>goblins in the game at launch instead of undead
>TBC adds belves, draenei and demon hunters
>WOTLK adds undead, worgen and death knights
>timeline ends with Arthas defeated

This would condense the only good parts of all the expansions and end the story where it should desu.

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I'm not the one losing his mind over nonexistent characters, so you're right.

>alternate timeline wow
>Tauren + NE become a third faction
>Instances are all gone, 'raid' bosses still exist but they all exist in the game world to be fought over between factions
>More emphasis placed on social/player interaction in general
>players who dislike PVP can participate in supply line style objectives
>Game allows for full city sieges
spoiler]server is reset once one faction wins[/spoiler]

>tfw some of the Vanilla zones were greatly improved in Cataclysm
You'll never be able to convince me Vanilla Azshara, Silithus, and Thousand Needles were good.

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Reminder that if Hinterlands isn't your favorite WoW zone, you're stupid filthy alliance scum and your opinion doesn't matter

Just waiting on an official reply on sharding and RP PVP servers then I can be a very happy man.

Thousand Needles is probably the vanilla zone I miss the most.

>quests everywhere
>points of interest everywhere
>varied enemies everywhere
>3 dungeons
What's not to like?


The salt flats stuff was fun. The canyon area was shit.

Been leveling Alliance on a pserver after leveling to 50 with horde. Horde have it much easier to level since everything is so close together. The only hard part is getting ganked otherwise they have near perfect dungeon placement and hardly ever have to venture anywhere dangerous from 1-40.

Nah the canyon area was fine too. It was a great place to farm ore too.

allisnce fag detected

Still is, and nobody else goes there so it's always ripe for the taking.
>get 300+ mithril ore and 100+ gold ore in just half an hour

DID YOU KNOW: Tanaris is one of the comfiest zones in the game, surpassed only by Redridge Mountains?

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>1) Silverpine Forest
That's the most irritating low level zone, every mob is hostile and you're constantly drawing aggro because you can't see them behind trees and they blend in with the foliage. It's also poorly designed with all the mountains funnelling you down a linear road.

Don't forget the Sons of Arugal.

>zones with actual content higher than Deadwind Pass

Tanaris is awful if you play Horde. Alliance gank the fuck out of everything and I would say based on my pserver experience it's a more terrible zone than STV. Fuckers sitting at the pirate camp all day ganking people.

You don't get to call yourself Horde if you complain about people camping and ganking.

Even better I'm a male undead Rogue that ganks the fuck out of everyone.

>Desolace not #1
>westfall that low
>thousand needles that low
>loch modan that high
>fucking silverpine

Silverpine should be 40, the place is a total load

It's fucking not. It looks like an old man with a beer belly. That is NOT "thicc".

Sure you are, you're losing your mind defending them

>alt timeline
>still wanting belfs, draenei, demon hunters, worgen and dks

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