Save the Vampire queen with your vidya knowledge

Save the Vampire queen with your vidya knowledge.

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Ask the judge "what is a man?"

Guy's name is 'the judge' so the answer is simple.

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Alternatively, just let him prosecute the bitch. Who the hell saves a damn vampire?

What's weightless, can be seen by the naked eye, and if put in a barrel, will make it lighter?

A duck?

Somebody who wants to get sucked?

quest line to get a cool weapon of course
but there are other routes to get it

At last I truly see... Man was the true monster all along...

As a punishment the man must live with the Vampire queen in her castle, with her whole family, to learn love and tolerance.

For all eternity ;__;

How are we the monster for sitting idly by and doing nothing to help the vampire the judge is prosecuting anyway? Vampires are unholy creatures and that judge guy is decked out with holy symbols like something out of SMT.

Maybe he's a corrupt asshole, or someone with claim on her throne? I mean, look at him, he looks suspicious as fuck.


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Just look at his title, he appears to be administer over 'all cosmos', and he's a judge, not a king. What would he want with the throne of some old rachety ass vampire? If anything he just administers justice on a scale beyond our mortal mind. He's prosecuting a vampire, not an innocent, vampires can't be innocent.

a ballon?

Eat them both and get the "you take over everything" ending.

He's also related to Roman empire. And those fags are greedy as fuck for lands and titles

Why would you save a vampire? They are unholy monsters that only exists to despoil creation.

You sound like a dirty mud-born g*ermanic who's also a vampire. I guess since the guy has the cross painted all over him that means you oppose him on the basis of being a chaosfag too, huh? Well I got news for you pal, this is a LAW board. Get out of here you fucking hellspawn.

get her addicted to other bodily fluids besides blood

It would be improbable to feasibly produce a sufficient amount of it to satisfy her thrist without wounding up in a coma or possibly dying due to overworking the prostate. She would just go back to drinking blood and you'll have just exacerbated the problem. Just kill her instead.

>there are people on Yea Forums right now who would rather save a vampire than follow through with righteous justice

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he's pretty big, are you sure you don't want to wear him down first?

a balloon*

Figures a dog wouldn't understand man's dual nature of love and morality

OBJECTION! Your Honor, my client is too hard to draw, I'd like to appeal for a redesign.

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denied. verdict is 404

Granted. You are subject however to add meaty thighs to the redesign by law.



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