Senran Kagura Creator Kenichiro Takaki DID in fact leave Marvelous because of censorship demands by sony
>Takaki-san explained that the main reason behind him leaving Marvelous can be found the new regulations related to sexy imagery that have become a big topic since last year. Things have changed in the past and after been hearing “this is not ok. This is not good either, maybe this isn’t ok” for a while, at some point last year he felt like the rope was pulled so much that it snapped.
>Asked whether those regulations have made an impact on development, Takaki-san answered that despite the with limited staff, time, and money, he always did his best to create games that were as good as possible. Yet, having creativity limited is what hurts the most.
>While some criticize sexy content, many enjoy it and have supported the Senran Kagura series. Takaki-san believes that this kind of diversity increases the appeal of the gaming industry as a whole and the fact that it was so easy to tear apart became a chance for him to think.
>He actually welcomes regulations and restrictions that protect specific genres and demographics, however, the current trends have been crushing. While he can try to come up with ideas, what can be done in the current situation is really something that can be called “Senran Kagura” and is it really what the fans want? Especially the situation with the next mainline game raises a lot of questions.
Regarding Senran Kagura 7Even
>it was supposed to be a big straightforward evolution of the series, but the path for that is partially obstructed, so it might take some time. Maybe in a while, the worldwide trends will change again. He has some hopes, so he will take his time. In the meanwhile, he will work on those parts that aren’t a problem.
Senran Kagura Creator Kenichiro Takaki DID in fact leave Marvelous because of censorship demands by sony
Other urls found in this thread:
And nothing of value was lost.
literally resetera poster
That's fucking sucks.
It seems like moralizing censorship of fiction is having a real resurgence lately, unfortunately.
People should just be allowed to make and play what they want, I don't get how someone can dedicate parts of their lives to getting upset about and trying to morally dictate what kind of fiction people enjoy.
Any people like based Giuseppe Nelva to follow on Twitter? I'm bored and enjoy reading Tweets
Some gold face is probably going to go "based" but i can't believe Sony is even ruining it for Nintendo fags now
It takes a very childish mindset to be unable to understand that other people have different preferences than you, and that it's okay for that it is not a personal attack against you.
I suggest you work on that. Preferably before entering middle school.
resetera had a celebration thread yesterday, many posters here were saying he didn't leave because censorship also
>he always did his best to create games that were as good as possible
In other news water is wet. Takaki's displayed concerns over the growing censorship for months before he left. Anyone capable of reading between the lines knew this was the issue.
>"We don't want to take away your ga-"
Fuck Sony. Stopped supporting them ever since they showed nothing but lies back in 2005.
That's the thing I don't get, why couldn't resetera just fucking ignore it like everyone else and buy the plethora of games made pandering to them? Why do they need this series to die?
Aaaahhhh I fucked up the quoting, only meant to reply to
It's not just Sony, sure they may have been the final straw but this has been building up for a few years now. Self-censorship due to fear of backlash from western twitter warriors is at an all time high.
I'm fucking glad. This boring series no fucking more.
go back to era.
SK has problems with depth and challenge for sure but it also wasn't an absolute misfire of an action series. A sense of fundamental action mechanics are present to varying degrees, the teams working on these games could make a solid action game if they tightened up some of the loose ends. Hell, Valkyrie Drive was a positive step in the right direction with the addition of its Phantom mechanics, adopting shit like witch time-esque dodges and aerial rave mixups. This is building upon a foundation that's already adopted mechanics like parries, cancels, launchers into said aerial raves, and (aside from EV) decent hit feedback. They could make a good game if they tried just a little harder, they aren't working off the shittiest foundation but the issue is their seeming lack of interest in quickly evolving it further than its barest basics.
you know, there was some excellent screenshots from the resetera thread posted here yesterday, let me look up, stuff like "gaming is my safe space, not theirs, theyre the invaders" some mental shit like that
RiP , but it was the right choice
Its not just the gameplay, although all of that is true.
Its the story and characters. Perhaps even moreso. Its clear they have no desire to ever tell the kinds of stories the DS games did, and instead he's just fighting to keep the superfluous fanservice elements.
So fuck him. Have a good life.
>Valkyrie Drive
Agreed, that game was much better than I expected.
>Takaki is also working on a new multimedia project published by Marvelous that involves both a game and anime. Character design is by Hanaharu Naruko and the anime is directed by Hiraku Kaneko. It is unrelated to the Senran Kagura series. There will be beautiful girls, but unlike Takaki’s previous games, they will remain clothed. It will be an orthodox-style and fervorous game. Development started about a year and a half ago. An image in Weekly Famitsu shows a girl riding something that looks like a motorcycle.
Watch it be a PS4 game lelelel
jokes aside he's still going to make games and he had basically done all he could with SK anyway, and those spin-offs and ever recent mainline games weren't really knocking peoples socks off. I hope 7EVEN turns out great, even with less fanservice.
He should have focused on making an actual good game with fanservice as an accessory instead of making a series that was so on the nose about being fapbait for otaku that it forced the hand of Sony.
>artstyle not appealing
>girls bland as a toilet paper
>games are pure trash
>fanservice? HAHAHAHAHAHA
>MUH TItS ArE liEF AsS HOmEton xD
Simpleton as fuck.
>Boco actually making sense
what the fuck
oh yeah, here are some
The story is...honestly, I think that too could be salvaged with a bit more effort. SK's narrative post-Deep Crimson hasn't been outright ruined so much as just put into stasis. Nothing that matters has happened and very little in the way of meaningful character development has occurred. Seven could bring back the tone and characterization of the earlier games while basically ignoring EV and PBS and not much would be missed. If anything, I'd hope that their revistation of Burst with Renewal would remind them of the charm the earlier entries had on that front and that it would inform Seven's development but fuck knows what's even going on with Seven at this point.
Sony unironically saving Senran Kagura, the series was stale and bland under Takaki, now they have a chance of becoming games worth playing
now he can focus on making full on porn
This guy gets it.
>I'd hope that their revistation of Burst with Renewal would remind them of the charm the earlier entries had on that front
Its funny, when the Burst remake came out, even the harshest reviews praised it for its characters and story. Makes ya think.
They already talked about SK going for more spinoffs, which were shit, after 7EVEN. Now they're struggling to even release 7EVEN so I wouldn't be surprised to see it die off instead.
oh fuck, i found it
can't say I cared about any game after 2 anyway
I liked shinovi, but estival flanderized them even more
I assume monlith got banned for wrong think
I don't like the new(er) girls much but the cast from the first two games is pretty damn likable.
now there's like 100 of them, granted most of them are from the browser game, but still.
>series literally dies due too censorship trash
>sonyfags immediately come out of the woodwork too celebrate
This is why the entire board treats you lot like the cockroaches you are.
They just need to go back to where SV left off, with everyone learning how all the ninja factions and training is really just for preparing for yoma. Make them graduate to fighting monsters for story and ripoff Ninja Gaiden for gameplay.
>We're not taking away your games
This is why I will continue to argue that white women are a cancer on society.
>still can't change online ID
What a great year for Sony.
>series literally dies due too censorship trash
The series was dying because the games weren't any good, if there was anything of value there besides the tits the series wouldn't have been struggling even before this happened, stupid fag
>characterization and drama from Burst and SK2
>yomas from SK2
>have everyone graduated and in squads
>let Hibari control her OP powers and go full Daidouji with her hands and ass
>Estival/Peach Beach graphics
>Estival/Peach Beach combat
>SK2 duo attacks
How hard is it
>serie is shit
>serie dies because is shit
>b-b-b-but censorship!!!!! SNOYY!1!!*farts*
Sony needs to stop calling it censorship and say just no more T&A games. We all know Sony will never touch violent games because they bring in too much money. Imagine if they censored the blood in an upcoming AAA game like CoD, the backlash would be massive.
I don't think they have any real allegiance, some people here just hate weebgames. Shallow, ecchi weebgames get double hate.
They were straight up fighting yoma in Deep Crimson. Not only that but even challenging the antiquated dichotomy of good and evil that its ninja world stubbornly clinged to. They could easily continue into a SK3 where Shin happens, people die when they're killed, but ultimately come through with the power of friendship overcoming tradition or some shonen bullshit. After that the series can run itself into the ground with fanservice for all I care but at least tie up the threads that DC hinted at.
It literally does not matter you fucking sonyroach, it still died entirely due too censorship, and your kind are celebrating people removing choices of things too play. In addition where the hell does censorship end? Should God of War die because it's nothing but a blood and gore fest? Same with from soft games. Should the last of us die because there are zombies depicted you Fucking retard?
How long did Monolith get banned for?
"Ew, that takes effort. Just put em on a beach again and have Yumi do everything. That'll work."
Not him, but I'm not celebrating. Not everyone that likes/used to like sony is happy about this.
>The series was dying because the games weren't any good
how come they keep putting games out in that case? they've been making games almost yearly since the 3DS ones
Will you relax? Censorship or not, this series is a pale imitation of what it was and could be. This was more like a final nail in the coffin.
And not a single one since the 3DS has been good. So there ya go.
I know they did. The reason I suggest SV is because you know they won't leave out Yumi anymore. Just look at what happened with Burst Renewal's DLC. Although Miyabi's was pretty good, Yumi's basically retconned her to somehow have gone through her SV arc before it even happens.
That's so bonkers. They don't have to buy the game. It's' not like it comes packaged with their system.
If there was one game I'd be happy with hearing "We're toning back the innuendo and huge boobs to focus on more important aspects of the game" from, it was SK. The early games were way more balanced. It's kind of like what Tecmo faked with DOA6, except I'd like them to actually do it. I defy them to ever make serious ninja outfits for the girls.
>censorship is the problem
>not the fact he hasn't made a good game after 1+2
Maybe if the new games weren't hot garbo I'd care more. But at this point before I even get to the censorship part I'm already disgusted by what this fag considers "gameplay" for his games.
again, if theyre so bad why keep making them? we literally just got a remake of the first 3DS one and 7 is in the horizon
Sauce on the Killic95 avatar?
Literally why do only games suffer this type of garbage, you can literally make movies and books about racist people killing niggers and mass shootings and just straight up people getting gored to death after intense sex scenes but why the fuck are videogames the only ones submitted to this.
I want to personally flay alive whoever the fuck is resposible for censorship of videogames.
Because Japan is full of idiots who will buy anything with their precious waifu Yumi and some pointless tit slapping mode in it. So why bother making them good?
>games are for children
>movies are art
Contrary to what you may believe, this absolutely retarded line of thinking is still prevalent even today.
>yakuza supporter
As I said before, no crocodile tears over this trash franchise, but I'm worried for when these policies start affecting games that are actually worth playing.
because games aren't seen as art like those other mediums
In comparison to books and movies, it's the youngest media
Because game devs are full of fat rainbowhairs and thirsty betas who want to cum inside them.
>you know they won't leave out Yumi anymore
...Fuck, you're right.
I've never played a Senran Kagura game in my life.
Still sucks to lose that guy though.
"No ones taking away you're games."
No, you're just pushing increased censorship and regulations on them until people quit making them or change them completely.
Fuck the west, and fuck California.
Wow this post is pretty spot on. If the games were actually improving and fun to play I'd agree, but they have been cheap jank trash that has stopped trying.
Rest in pieces happy boobs
Legendary user. I love mecha girls.
>that pic
it's like a regular schoolgirl trying to cosplay as the one on the left
>people here 5 years ago were saying this SJW crusade would never reach Japan
>here we are now
I hope the faggots saying everything would be fine and some of us were paranoid will die in a fire. It's obvious were it all would lead to.
its sad how marvelous could have immediately made a stand for japan by moving senran to xbone/switch but they pussed out and even censored the ps4 games.
giving up and killing your own series isn't going to accomplish anything in the long run
thing about cultural Marxism is that it wants control over everything, it doesn't matter if the game is targeted to a different audience, anything that represents a counter argument for them is considered a treat
Snoy ps5 will die next gen. HAHAHAHA!!!
They're all (?) getting new models for 7, finally, but I don't think we're getting any redesigns or wardrobe changes. That would be neat though.
Movies get cut all the time though, not to mention studios interfering with them mid-production. It's not outright censorship like Snoy are doing but "compromising the artistic vision", sure.
>cultural Marxism
good thing you said that so early, i could just ignore your other words.
I'm usually a day wunner.
I'm skipping the PS5 unless this whole censorship policy is reversed.
Its still fucked up that a director has to leave/can't make his game due to censorship. I'm a barafag and I don't care about hentai girl titties but I'm not going to go out of my way to make bullshit laws because I don't like seeing them. It's really easy to look the other direction when I don't want to see something I don't like- but people in this generation don't know that or can't think for themselves.
Plus its a fucking drawing. No one is getting hurt- nor does it encourage to hurt others. If fiction had that sort of power it would of been banned a long time ago.
Pretending it doesn't exist doesn't make it go away, faggot.
you can blame the guy for that, he's a big Vita supporter and he'd rather have SK games being exclusive for sony consoles more than anything, everything backfired when sony moved their HQs to california and started to censor 3RD party games. you can say what you will about nintendo but they never censored any of the 2 3DS SK games even when one of their NOA employees wanted SK banned in the west
>Fuck the west
this probably has to do with China more than anything else
companies wanna get as much money as possible so they become globalist shitholes
however they don't understand that this global citizen does not exist
Plugging your ears and saying "lalala I can't hear you" does not change reality.
>muh politics boogeyman
no reason to alarm user, no one is taking your games away
pretending gays and blacks are the reason you can't get a GF is not an argument.
Except it isn't your sjw boogeyman it's the 2020 olympics
>no argument
I'm still disappointed that they didn't just improve on this game. SK2 was like the last time it looked like they were trying to take the series somewhere.
seething pedes lmao
>it's yet another thread about censorship on a board that bans you for SFW pictures
Every day.
>durrhurrhurr incel!
literally every time
come up with something new, homo repetativus
No. And even if it was, they're promoted by SJWs anyway.
>come up with something new
he says, while repeating CULTURAL MARXISM lmao
>LITERALLY no argument
every time
That's funny because Yea Forums supports censoring you. That's why threads like
>PS4 exclusive? lmao just make a Switch port lol what's the problem xD???
You know that's not how it works.
>They're all (?) getting new models for 7,
watch how ends up still looking like still shit
>We're not trying to take your games away
>if i say CULTURAL MARXISM i have a compelling argument
Sony destroyed his dream
We're just trying to convince everyone to stop making the games you like.
>still no argument
Literally cannot even counter 's post
embarrassing desu
Maybe he should've made good games instead of pretending that worshipping women would make anyone happy.
reminder that pic related is being sold on switch right now
Supporting any kind of censorship is sickening.
Fucking based. Anime loving incel trannies BTFO
lmao incel
Weebs being BTFO so fucking hard recently. Who's next bros?
Then why are you on Yea Forums.
im playing the same ps4/vita games on pc, and i own ps4/xbone/switch
its exactly how it works
You're next fagola.
probably you
What does this have to do with my relationship status or blacks/gays?
Imagine being this mad over anime tiddays
Doesn't matter if it's anime or tranny shit. All censorship is garbage.
Not going to pretend Senran was good for anything besides tits and ass because it wasn't. They should just release artbooks or something.
Why are you talking about yourself?
>But we won't take your games away!
Should I get Burst Renewal on steam? I've never played a Senran Game, and I heard this ones uncensored on steam. Seems like a good send off to buy his last uncensored game on a platform thats not fucking him.
well, when they tell me I can't have fun and I'm not allowed to enjoy something, I do get upset.
>visual novels
>not about video games
Have sex
Im sure you would be saying the same thing if it wasnt generic weeb incel game series
It's the second best SK game. The only better one is a 3DS exclusive.
>being retarded
I love boobs. Not the generic shit you trying to push.
1. not only do /y/ and /cm/ exist, but I can go to other imageboards and websites. Yea Forums is not the only website in the world.
2. Law censorship =/= community guidelines. Pateron for example banned fictional lolis and beasting a few years ago, but the basic US law states that its legal everywhere else as long as its fiction, so artists can still post them somewhere else.
The issue is if censorship keeps getting pushed/encouraged, it'll eventually reach law.
3. Mods are fickle. Some ban homo shit, some don't.
the first SK from 3DS is solid, my favorite is still Deep crimson the other 3DS one
but yeah i pirated it and its still fun
>Gibbity Crockett
> Takaki-san answered that despite the with limited staff, time, and money, he always did his best to create games that were as good as possible
What a fucking bold faced lie holy fuck dude, these games are so fucking bad from a gameplay perspective. Dude should have made better game and maybe the tits would have gotten a pass
"I can just drink from the dirty fountain" isn't really a defense against that post. Also there's no rule against threads for posting males.
Kimishima was the based presindet
>w-wasnt because of censorship
>came out and said it was because of censorship
>a-and nothing of value was lost
And Yea Forums will keep falling for it.
>its exactly how it works
You're one of those idiots who after reading that Omega Labyrinth got pulled just went "lmao just port it to Switch ya??" and had to have the publisher literally explain to your dumb ass that even if the game was finished and translated it would cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars to do something like that.
Marvelous is a niche jap studio without a lot of money . They're not going to scrap the PS4 game they've been working on for years, break the exclusive contract and magically develop a Switch or a Xbone version.
no one will take your games anyway, so it doesn't matter in the end, we're just complaining about nothing
Well obviously not an Xbone version. That console is dead in Japan and its US userbase would never play SK.
so this is what Yea Forums is like nowadays
Well my main point, and the first thing I posted on this thread, is that censorship shouldn't be pushed by the mainstream or majority of internet users because of dumb petty shit like a feminist reeeeing at titties even though the hambeast herself never experienced sexism or know what it is.
I'm seeing more and more people in twitter communities and e-celebs themselves pushing for censorship or outright accepting it even if they don't like it because "if I give up my liberty, I can live in my comfortable internet bubble a little longer before they get rid of me too".
>man appreciates the female body
>people everywhere hiss and boo him for openly enjoying God's gift to man
>company he works for buckles down despite it being wholly unnecessary to do so
Personally I never cared for the series it sucks to see a guy whom was enjoying what he was doing leave to circumstances beyond him.
Well my point is that you're on a website that has censorship and can remove your posts for absolutely any reason they feel like. And they have and will continue to.
So I hope you see the irony in that.
If they have the budget to include breast and ass physics in each game, they have the budget to make a good fucking game. No excuse.
Yeah the games are cool fap material but thats all they are.
fuck off tripfag no one likes you
fuck you for acknowledging is special snowflake identity
i actually imported omega labyrinth z
this isn't 1999, assets can easily be reused across versions. especially senran kagura which has been running on the same vita engine for years
I'd ask you to bend over but i don't fuck transexual niggers with suicidal tendencies.
>Reee everyone I disagree with is a tranny!
every time. Stay classy Yea Forums
Way to chime in an hour later.
Seems that he couldnt wrap the world in happy boobs, or that happiness didnt reach Sony.
Its a disgrace that the political correct swamp of the west is enforced worldwide.
I mean the games are mindless and boring. I was honestly shocked to see how the basic gameplay from the 3DS game never really improved after so many games but regardless it still sucks that this had to happen. Fuck censorship and fuck whoever supports it, it's like every 10 years we go back to all the bad things that this industry used to do. And yes, they ARE taking our video games away.
Not an argument.
When Sony will fucking lose the game market like Sega? Everything they do is anti-consumerism lately, let people have fun with their titty games, retards. Senran Kagura is more than fanservice, it shows how strong and sexy women can be with hard work and friendship, even if their parents died or they had to deal with poverty in the past.
>it shows how strong and sexy women can be with hard work and friendship, even if their parents died or they had to deal with poverty in the past.
Then they made Shinovi Versus. So so much for that.
reminder that by defending censorship you're grouping yourself with this sort of individuals
t. onions era
cali-cucks strike again
yeah, weird enough all the sony timeline games are absolute crap, only a Senran Kagura 3 rpg beat 'n up instead of musou shit could save the franchise.
A winning Sony is a shit Sony, this was demonstrated with the transition from PS2 to PS3 already. Sony needs to be struggling to actually do something great. Post 2008 PS3 and onwards was fucking awesome for example.
He's going to work on a console game now at Cygames. I hope it's Project Awakening and he adds a lot of titties.
Time, money and manpower. It's obviously not about the assets, even if there's no way to tell if the Switch could even run 7. I don't even know what their Nintendo people are doing now since there's no Reflexxions or pinball DLC coming.
and Renewal was a remake of a 3DS game and still didn't get a port, there's most likely a reason for that. But they should just rip up the Snoy contract, stop the development on 7 and move everything to the Switch like it's nothing. Burn that money.
Nigger did u even touch the versus games?
Shitty franchise was on life support after SK2
You say this while the only good Nintendo game is SK2.
The rest is a pinball game, shitty massage simulator and a an inferior game.
>weird enough all the sony timeline games are absolute crap
SV, PBS, Burst Renewal and that rhythm was pretty good.
Whos trying to argue? Definitely not the user calling others trannies for having a different opinion. At least get some more original bait.
Renewal was good
Yeah SV was pretty good. Anyone that disagrees is a contrarian
I really liked the original SK1 Burst, there was no reason to change the TMNT gameplay for more musou trash in Renewal.
some things they've done recently can be attributed to them feeling cocky for being ahead of the game (in terms of total PS4 sales and psn revenue)
stuff like:
>not allowing cross play
>not supporting backwards compatibility and even mocking people for wanting to play old games
>increasing the price of Plus
>skipping E3
but all the censorship bullshit comes from them moving to california in 2014, the most loyal fanboys in this board will say otherwise but they know its the true and they miss the days when they could shitpost 24/7 about nintendo censoring 3DS games
Don't forget the Playstation Classic.
jesus how could i forget such blunder, holy shit
They did do that with PBS actually. It's amazing how PBS was the one to push story plots like Ikaruga and Katsuragi graduating while also having to come to terms with what their future holds (I.E. fighting Yoma), Ayame getting introduced into the Hanzo group as an official member, Imu's obsession with Miyabi tearing apart Murasaki's relationship with her, Rin and Kiriya helping the girls to understand their place in life along with helping Crimson Squad out of their squalor into the life of professional shinobi, bringing DC Kagura and Narauke into the SV universe to help the girls prepare for Shin, having all the leaders come together in understanding to fight together against Shin's threat, and harping on the idea of how Shin is literally going to kill everyone alive and how he's already killed multiple multiverse incarnations of the girls including the Burst/DC timeline and Bon Appetit's. Obviously they didn't go in-depth with the entire situation like DC did but they sure covered a lot of ground compared to EV and Sayuri just saying everyone was a naive idiot not prepared to fight, Ryobi and Ryona getting some backstory, and Miyabi putting her past behind her.
As a generic musou , sure. Put estival if u want too
Comparing with burst/2 ?
My fucking sides
Takaki had it coming , he betrayed his first idea for "le boobs"
Good. The series lost its value long ago thanks to Estvial Versus dropping the ball so fucking hard.
>already killed multiple multiverse incarnations of the girls including the Burst/DC timeline
Wow. Fuck you Takaki.
It plays nothing like a musou and plays better than Burst.
>that spoiler
They already explained that in EV's DLC ending
Sony just wants all games to be about over the shoulder view and walking through thick a forests.
Oh, my bad then. I never got the side mission DLC so I thought it was a PBS thing. I also forgot to mention EV added the Mikagura Sisters (Though the most we learn about them is Sayuri trained them and they know Kagura) so that's another something it did even though it really didn't play into much in the actual story besides them being hard opponents for the main schools since they were trained by Sayuri and all.
>Regarding Senran Kagura 7Even it was supposed to be a big straightforward evolution of the series, but the path for that is partially obstructed, so it might take some time.
I wonder what that game is. I feel like if it's just another beat em up/musou they wouldn't be so secretive.
inb4 it's another Versus game and they just spent the last few years making 40 new models at a snail's pace
stop posting your articles here giuseppe
Takaki is a hack so it wouldn't be so surprising to see 7Even being another shitty versus game with only new models to standout.
I hate you Boco.
I hate you.
Yeah but it could have all been condensed into a chapter or two while finally dealing with yoma in the rest of the game. That Gessen "campaign" for example was pathetic and could have just been a Shiki side story.
That or they could have just timeskip'd it all and cover how the girls got to where they are in their separate missions.
Also, It's not just about moving on in terms of story but also gameplay. Focusing on yoma, which could bring new designs, mechanics, and more.
If anything that Xenoblade game on the Switch is proof that fully embracing the weeb makes your games dogshit just like it happened with anime already where it crawled into every possible form of anime until everything became degenerate garbage catering to autistic incels
2 is better than 1
There is still hope for the gachashit like New Link and a western version, right? The franchise isn't dead yet.
So I’m guessing Shinovi Masters flopped?
I’ve never seen anyone talk about it outside of Yea Forums and /skg/
Living on as gacha is no way to live.
>Valkyrie Drive
Damn, I was actually surprised at how good this game was. I need to go back to it.
how do you even know what the game will be about? at this point we might never know what the original visison for the game was after all the alterations he has done to please master sony, i will give it the benefict of the doubt, will see when they show actual footage
you mean the new senran yumi anime starring yumi and yumi's long lost sister yoma yumi?
Me too, buddy. Me too.
>know what the original visison for the game was
inst that the anime? i was watching but couldn't keep up with it because of the terrible animation and bland story, i think the first anime was way better than this
It reminds when people would say anime will never be effected by these retards, then the one anime director got shit canned because he had some retarded opinions.
The anime had potential, but holy shit did they screw it up so bad. And Kagura losing to Fubuki because???
He said in the Famitsu interview that the base of the game hasn't and won't change, so that's cool. In typical snoyfag fashion they're just fucking with shit on the side, yelling at CGs or something.
>TMNT gameplay
The first games might have the perspective of more traditional beat em ups, but the gameplay was always closer to how a musou game would play in 2d. The real problem with later games is that the short mission formula never changed, so we ended up with what's basically a game made with handhelds in mind but on PS4/PC.
If this faggot had a self-insert male protagonist like in Honey Select for those games, I'd respect him more. Instead he makes these crappy yuribait games.
Christ you faggots are worse than them.
Fair point on Shiki, but the whole graduation situation mixed with Ayame, the Imu/Murasaki fight coming to a head, Crimson Squad finally moving on, and everyone getting their heads together were kind of needed for us to proceed so rushing through that would have been a mess. Dealing with Yoma with water guns would have also been an odd way to take things all things considered.
I personally think a timeskip would have been a bad idea considering you'd be watching recaps while getting very little Yoma coverage or having the girls just blather on about how they changed as characters with more backstory than present story. It would be better to take a game like PBS to explain all the in-betweens leading up to 7even rather than cut the game in the middle between two gameplay styles and story direction in terms of seriousness and then have 7even deal with all the serious and current stuff instead.
I'm all for more Yoma though, the SK team has some great monster designs yet we only really saw them in Burst and DC which is why I'm hoping with 7even they took an introspective of how they want to proceed with things. I'm assuming that's one of the things Takaki was thinking of along with potentially making the gameplay more different (Or at least more varied). They were already experimenting with wall running in EV, they experimented with the Yoma's Nest/Shinobi Stones/different weapons in DC, and they experimented with platforming in Valkyrie Drive. I can see them mixing these all together to have you fight tons of different Yoma. Obviously it's still a niche series at the end of the day, but they're at least trying to refine the gameplay as seen by Burst's remake so I can hold out hope they'll keep improving.
Yeah and pic related is fucking garbage. What’s your point?
I’ll fight you
In story it was because Yumi was "destined" to fight Fubuki, so she held herself back, but we know the real reason was so she could have all the spotlight in the final battle.
On one hand, I'm glad this kusoge series won't be around anymore. On the other, this censorship shit is getting out of hand and will spread to other games like a disease.
my point is, reflexions is a game made from the ground up just for oppai pandering and its fully translated on the switch with all the DLCs they made for it, no cut backs or censorship, just the creator's vision untouched
Censorship is driving talented people into direct competition with these idiots, not out of the industry. The market for anime titties isn't going to just disappear.
SK2 is also the last mainline game, the rest are essentially spinoffs.
Remember when it was the right wing trying to ban sexuality in games?
How the pendulum swings.
>I'm glad this kusoge series won't be around anymore
he literally said SK will live on with him.
He's probably referring to some interview where they said that shinovi master's plot was originally going to be SK7's before rewrites.
Makes no sense, man. Fubiki's half yoma. Kagura should have trounced her no problem.
murican conservatives still look with despise anime tiddies, thing is, now that the left is in all rage mode against japan, people immediately assume that the right must like japan content
Yes now it's going to all end up in gacha to bleed their retarded fans like it should be.
>Censorship is driving talented people into direct competition with these idiots, not out of the industry.
Is it though? I've yet to devs RISE UP because of this bullship, just straight up leaving companies or worse yet, getting fired and that's probably because publishers don't want to deal with how that would affect their public vision.
what if somebody censored something YOU liked and nobody cared?
Some sanfran anons...
he doesn't even play games user, don't give him (You)s
>caring about sk after 2 flopped and ev killed the entire franchise
Beyond help
Hey you aren't any better
>Makes no sense
that sums up the 2nd season
Honestly giving the other games the amount of care in the story/character delartment (and enemy design in the case of SK2) that the 3DS games had really would have elevated the series; it’s what hooked me in the first place. I came for tiddies and beat ‘em ups and stayed because I was surprised at how heavy some lf the shit got, but most of the series doesn’t provide that at all.
I’m actually kinda excited to see what his non-SK project is, and I hope it’s got more of that.
That said I don’t think he should have been restricted in the tiddy department at all and it’s a bad sign for things to come.
We are actually living in the bad future.
>Artstyle not appealing
I cannot abide by this slander
Glad I dropped PlayStation for good and went to the other consoles & PC for my vidya fill. And I unironically think that the Xbone is now the least worse 8th gen console after Snoy made their censorship policy last year and the Xbone did whatever it can to lose every exclusive that Microsoft had.
>The market for anime titties isn't going to just disappear.
Oh it won't disappear, it's all going to be on gacha mobile for here on out.
>retard missing the point
a franchise dying from low sales or studio going bankrupt =/= killing it with censorship
Shut up
Dab on Senrancucks
Series sells fine, it’s only dying because director didn’t want to deal with restrictions m8
What is he even going to do on Cygames?
imagine being so retarded you cant open a read the link OP posted, let alone actually read OP
And that's that.
He's working on a multimedia project (game + anime). Still not sure what's it about but we know besides this image and another one, that it's for consoles and it might be some action game.
What's the point of owning a PS4/PS5 if you can have this types of games anymore? I'm certainly not getting one for Last Lesbians. DMC/Sekiro/RE2 are best on PC, VtMB2 will be best on PC.
Why are sonyroaches celebrating? Sony is shitting on all of you.
Trying to ruin something. Hopes he don't touch the Granblue game and stay fucking away.
We are the ultimate evil that Jesus(Right) and Lucifer(Left) would tag to kill us.
>Takaki-san believes that this kind of diversity increases the appeal of the gaming industry as a whole and the fact that it was so easy to tear apart became a chance for him to think.
If only others thought the way he does.
wow it's almost like that studio couldn't make a good game to save its life and was on ninja tiddy life support
i never got a PS4 and i plan not to get one ever, went with PC this gen and
>Microsoft shits the bed porting every single exclusive they could to PC
>the full Halo library will be on PC by the end of this year
>Sony cant maintain the exclusive deals they had in the PS3 days now everything launches on PS4 and PC or gets ported eventually
>all these last gen upgraded ports removing the need to ever buy a PS3
>even atlus is porting games to PC now
>all console multiplats runs like fucking shit and require paid membership to play online
>even fucking david cage is porting his Movie games to PC
>all these NEVER EVER posters getting BTFO in matter on months
>Monster Hunter for the first time ever on PC
>Sega porting everything to PC
>building a PC to get performance higher than consoles has never been this cheap and easy to get done
yeah nah sony can fuck off, i had a PS3 and played many of their movie games i wont miss any of their exclusives
Ruin is their goal.
I don’t understand why people want to stop others from enjoying shit. I didn’t get it from the right and I din’t get it from the left. SK doesn’t cause anyone to go out and strip women’s clothes off or some shit.
Why not just publish it on the switch like everyone else not terminally retarded
I want to hear your explanation on a pinball game being censored by Sony. I really want to hear the defense for this shit.
I like that dude's helmet
AND Yea Forums FELL FOR "they're only censoring x"
some people in this board still genuinely thinks that TLOU2 will be the second coming of jesus despite knowing that the game's director Neil cuckman has literally and openly stated his feminist agenda being pushed into his games so they will shitpost with golden faces and metacritic screenshots how great sony is
Is not shitch only?
t-thanks sony...
user because SK7 being a sony exclusive is probably a deal he made with them long before sony turned into california sony, now he's fucked because he had to censor the game even before its done and actually deliver the game as the contract states it, by the time they might consider porting the finished game to switch or pc you will only get the already censored and butchered version
dady sony cant do wrong user
aren't you glad you bought a ps4 to stop censorship of anime tiddoes?
>caring about feminist agenda
>not the fact that he's going to lie about the advanced AI like last time
the stupid fem shit is the icing on the shitcake
i mean, that CGI trailer was obviously scripted pre rendered bullshit i though it was c'mon sense so i didn't mention it but yeah again i cant look that game with any objectivity when the director has real connections with anita
Based Sony on the right side with the real pedos.
>He bought a PS4 to censor games
Thank you Sony drones, pawns of Sony California.
OMG, I love censorship and I can't wait to play The Last of Us 2! Who cares about weebshit!
supporting sony is literally being a cuck
It didn't. Instead, Sony came to America. As soon as Sony's main HQ went from Japan to California, they unsurprisingly went SJW.
Japan still thinks western SJW shit is awful and has a ton of sexy stuff, much of which never leaves their little island.
Senran Kagura was low-hanging fruit. Gaming media had a hate-boner going for Dead or Alive for years. Once Team Ninja and Koei-Tecmo capitulated and self-censored, they moved on to other targets. With SK out of the way and other developers hopping on the self-censorship bandwagon rather than risk the slings and arrows, it should be obvious that creativity itself is being stifled. We already have ratings systems, but this censorship goes even further than that, which can be frustrating because there's no clear guidelines on what's going to trigger someone into attacking your creation
Reminder that the real reason why we can't have tiddy games is because Visa and MasterCard strongarm merchants into not selling them by their terms and conditions. Since merchants can't accept credit card transactions for tiddy games, no investor wants to invest in them. Without investors, we'll be forever stuck with the Patreon model for our tiddy games.
That is so retarded, why do credit card companies and banks care about what the fuck their customers are paying for
I wonder what would happen if Lars von Trier got into making video games and just made the raunchiest most violent meaningless bullshit video game? He's "literally a nazi" too but people still meme him to death.
And that's the end of that chapter
>going to Cygames
Looks like this guy is right
>movies and books about racist people killing niggers and mass shootings and just straight up people getting gored to death after intense sex scenes
Name 5 (FIVE) movies that have scenes like this in the last five years.
The new thing he's working on isn't a gacha game though.
Because muh human trafficking.
>human trafficking
U fukan wot m8?
T-thanks sony...
>merchants can't accept credit card transactions for tiddy games
This sounds like a really stupid claim, and I'm gonna need you to substantiate it. If that's true, why can I order Burst Re:Newal on Amazon right now? It's software. No transaction you make with any retailer is gonna tell your credit card company exactly what games you bought.
i worked for a payment processor and they did business with chase paymentech who in turn processed visa and mastercard and amex transactions. since if you want a merchant account then chances are you're either going through chase or moneris and not calling up each credit card provider
Not like it matters because once he put out EV the whole series turned to shit
Disapointing but not unexpected. The moment they decided to make the titles focusing on Yumi's team and that mediocre 3D musou like games everything went downhill fast
I like the designer and most of the girls but the games are plain boring and even the fanservice was kinda bland. I guess it work when the 3D models are a way better.
I bet you thought that was clever. This guy worked hard at making games exactly the way he wanted to and even has the support of his wife and family in his passion for tits and ass.
Meanwhile the best retort you can make to his passion project stangled by people who could've just ignored it is a greentext and someone else's drawing.
If that's a good joke, you're a bad one.
Actually this.
The games are super shit.
This pretty much.
pc gaming is still being ruined by denuvo which ironically is owned by sony
Fuck Sony.
You can bet that as soon as someone decides to raise a stink about something, Amazon will remove it. Just like they did with Rapelay.
It doesn't matter if there's a middleman, if a site that displays the Visa and MasterCard logos is selling stuff they don't like, they will make sure something is done about it eventually.
For a long time it was really hard to buy adult shit on DLsite with a credit card. Now it's possible but only because they are going through Japanese PayPal. But you can sure that will end too if Japanese PayPal starts getting pressured by gaijin about it.
Not even being a Nintendofag, but why don't they just move the series to Switch? They actively aren't censoring shit like Sony and Valve.
>this probably has to do with China more than anything else
If it was they'd be censoring Mortal Kombat, TLOU2, Sekiro(can't have ghosts you know) WELL before they even touched Senran Kagura. Chinks hate two things to an incredibly high extent and one is just a cultural thing yet. Fags and nigs are NG for them yet TLOU2 isn't touched, Mortal Kombat is only banned in Japan because of their rules with extreme gore but china are to our knowledge still getting it and Sekiro released there no problem. You're sorting coke if you think its China and not the commiefornian scumbags.
Absolutely based.
How can the weebs ever recover
fuck weaboos and incels
>it's true
7even seems to be under exclusivity deal
>Action games are now visual novels.
I'm sorry can you please explain where I messed up then because I don't remember how to get onto Lady's route in DMC5. There weren't any dialogue options when you save her in Mission 3.
it's not titty games but porn games with certain content
>patreon bans projects with incest and rape
>people make new crowdfunding site that doesn't ban things
>visa and mastercard refuse to process payments for it so it dies
they did the same thing to some /pol/ tier site
These games are the definition of shovelware. I remember getting the vita one, physically even because i prefer physical. It was shovelware like dynasty warriors with probably the most boring script ive read in a game next to persona 5. Then the fans said no no, the vita one sucks. The 2D one on the 3DS is better. So i got senran kagura 2 3ds and it was equally shovelware. That redpilled me on anime games and made me realize 99% of them suck. Fact is, if youre not a virgin, these games have nothing to offer to you. I hate censorship but its funny to snoy weed out the trash in such a heavy handed way
pirated copies has denuvo removed and yeah it has been proved that denuvo CAN affect game performance BUT under very specific situations like, lets say youre playing on a laptop and youre GPU bottlenecked so the game uses more CPU resources and youre playing at some very low resolution, that way the framerate can dip like 10 frames compared to non-denuvo version, its all about using CPU resourced but truth is, you wont notice a difference if you have very low tier build, if you have anything better than that you will live without knowing that denuvo took 1 FPS from you, im not defending denuvo btw just in case
>retards think a series was good because it gave them a bone
Unironically as bad as those that think an exposed shoulder is the devil and needs to be censored, it's still supporting a shit practice in the industry
Go to an asian massage parlor or hire a hooker if you can't get laid and stop letting all your sexual frustration cloud your judgement
youre missing the fucking point dipshit
What's the name of the type of middleman you have to make, and how hard is it to make one? That smells like a business opportunity.
gonna need a citation for that because the only thing i've heard along those lines is someone being retarded enough to use paypal as their processor and you obviously deserve everything you get for using those cunts
also there have been issues with kickstarter not being allowed to have pornographic stretch goals even though the main goal is for a hentai game to get translated.
only a handful of denuvo cracks actually remove denuvo. most of them only bypass it. I don't even care if it affects performance. I refuse to install a program that spys on my computer to make sure it isn't stolen. fuck drm and fuck shills.
payment processors and it's literally impossible to get into because of government regulation
proof: my ass
i'm not defending them but hey bro, you can play on consoles if you want but there you're limited to certain resolution, input method, framerate, paid online and hardware level DRM so i personally just pirate them so they don't get a penny from me for using denuvo
I dont care what the point is. The less shitty games floating around, the better for everyone. Not a single line of code in any senran kagura game is worth your money. Most anime games are forgettable flop trash shovelware shite unless they are riding off a popular anime series like dragon ball or naruto. Then you have the rare examples of good games that just happen to have anime art, such as catherine, danganronpa, radiant history, persona, and breath of fire.
So what? either way its a shit games, I never heard anyone praising it for the gameplay.
Basically you need to make a new credit card especially for stuff that fails the Miller test (also known as rape simulators), and you need to convince large banks not to reject transactions between your cardholders and you.
This is why BitCoin was supposed to be a big deal by the way.
Let's not kid ourselves here.
>i consider it a shit game so its ok if it gets censored to hell and back
drink some bleach you fucking cucks
>daganronpa and persona
Sony should have axed them a long time ago desu
the website was called hatreon look it up fag
Persona 3 and 4 will be remembered forever for their stories, music, characters, settings etc. Shovelware kagura is fogotten unless news of it being censored is out there
So basically if you don't like it, it shouldn't exist, even if it doesn't actually affect anything else and it's basically secluded in its own niche? I would love if the games were actually good, but that's a very shitty mentality to have.
By the way, pretty much everything not overly realistic made in Japan can be considered to have "anime" art.
and it turns out the dumbasses buying into bit coin learned about why regulations are in place with how many times people got scammed with exchanges running away with millions of dollars worth of coins. the only thing i can find about visa and mastercard refusing transactions are for people on a terrorism list
>be a terrorist group
>get refused by visa and mastercard
and nothing of value was lost. just because you're white ISIS doesn't make you legit
that same mentality is the one tranies at resetera have, they don't play these games, they don't care about it but they want to see them crash and burn because it defies their own beliefs and ideologies
I really don't understand Sony, they want exclusive ninja titties but without the titties/lewd parts, it's like they are actually wasting money trying to kill all fanservice series.
But all of those games are shitty, boring RPGs except Catherine, so by your logic they shouldn't be allowed to exist.
they need to please their new californian overlords
that name is too obvious, you have to be more subtle
Check what gas been going on the past couple years with anime and manga. Japan is trying to clean up anything that could hurt tourism or reflect negatively on the country in what will probably be the biggest influx of foreigners the country has had in years. Not to mention foreign tourism has been increasing year over year.
youre not wrong, california is still high tier communist state
Yeah basically. There is zero reason for it to exist. The gameplay sucks, the characters suck, the story sucks, the music sucks, the fanservice sucks, the writing sucks, the presentation sucks. Every single element to these games is garbage and not worth anyones time or money. Its so bad that a few lines in danganronpa 3, this girl talking about taking pictures of her shit is more erotic than anything in shovelware kagura.
Ive played 2 of them, lost $100 in the process, and decided they are terrible. I am loving that its suffering and hope the series is cancelled soon
More like only sk2 was on life support on nintendo is the same with reffle or pinball,nada cero,toddlers shitpost the ps4 but even they dont buy sk games.
>instead of improving with each game, SK has been stuck in mediocrity since the Versus games
>makes the plot of the series revolve around Yumi while relegating every other girl into the background
>turn Yumi who had a chaotic good sense of morality into a generic waifubait girl
It is a shit games you retard, it catered to the lowest form of niche and social outcast permavirgin
>Yea Forums will submit to sony's dick just for the sake of being contrarian
Is literally diorama mode with a bunch of scenes added that's why is cheap.
Section 5.11.7
>A Merchant must not submit to its Acquirer, and a Customer must not submit to the Interchange System, any Transaction that is illegal, or in the sole discretion of the Corporation, may damage the goodwill of the Corporation or reflect negatively on the Marks.
>The Corporation considers any of the following activities to be in violation of this Rule:
>The sale of a product or service, including an image, which is patently offensive and lacks serious artistic value (such as, by way of example and not limitation, images of nonconsensual sexual behavior, sexual exploitation of a minor, nonconsensual mutilation of a person or body part, and bestiality), or any other material that the Corporation deems unacceptable to sell in connection with a Mark.
>A Member must not use the Visa-Owned Marks:
>In relation to, or for the purchase or trade of, photographs, video imagery, computer-generated images, cartoons, simulation, or any other media or activities including, but not limited to, any of the following:
>Child pornography
>Rape (or any other non-consensual sexual behavior)
>Non-consensual mutilation of a person or body part
Someone should have told that guy that PC doesn't require censoring
>Yea Forums will submit to mediocre fanservice games just for the sake of hating sony
Then let it die due to it eventually dying due to being a shitty series that doesn't innovate than trying to kill it with stupid policies that can screw over games which aren't as of a hackish thing like SK.
It's partly because they can do whatever they want now since they don't have any real opposition
The rest is the sjw infestation
>the music sucks
you're still missing the point
Japan doesn't give a shit about PC and any Japanese games ported to PC are solely for Western markets.
You'd think after the sales of the 3DS, Vita, mobile games, and now Switch that the people who are trying to push PC in Japan would realize that mobile is king.
Marvelous must be pushing the censorship pretty hard, but Takaki is being such a bitch, he said "sexual content" is 10-20% of the game, which is bullshit. SR has nice characters and story, but fan-service is always the priority, SR didn't evolve since SR2, you always get more shit to customize and better interactivity with the girls.
>continues to wonder why there's been an increase in identity politics and censorship over heterosexuality while the same media pumps up tranny and homosexual shit at 1000
>Yea Forums: CoD sucks, mediocre shooter with nothing new to offer
>also Yea Forums: SK was an example of a perfect game despite the series being a mediocre brawler with nothing new to offer
COD was good up until Black ops 2
anything past that is trash
what the flying fuck, why are you so fucking racist and homophobic, bro?
i'm going to rate your post an oof and yikes
look like you gotta be a real retard to get hit by those because dlsite seems to be doing okay in that regard processing visa and mastercard
And SK was good up until 2, anything past that is trash
Yea Forums plays nothing but mobile and gambling games, why act as if their opinion matters anymore than needed
>Yea Forums is one person
>everything is extremes
>porn game
No one cares.
that still does not justifies censorship to damage the new game and force the creator out of the studio, youre acting just like the SJWs mobs cracking on anything they seem offensive
BASED SONY censoring shit games like senran kagura and then allow this to be on their mobile game
>i have never played a single SK game so i resort to memes and strawmen
>developers and corporations are letting worthless twitter accounts dictate what's morally correct
>content from games are getting stripped away
>nothing is being added in its place
>people who play the role victim or people who are "offended" have more power than die hard fans that actually supported the series
>there are probably hundreds of many games that have been scrapped mid development from fear of social media
>this will continue until company's stop giving a gram of a fuck about social media
Social media was a mistake
>make dosh on something that isn't their gaming platform and no one bothers to properly look up the connection for
Well, yeah.
they cant censor android games, i mean they could but they'd have to remove google play from all their new mobiles and make people install apps from a new store front they can manage so they can decide what can sony xperia users play and what not, their mobile market share is minimal so doing this would effectively kill the brand
>that still does not justifies censorship to damage the new game and force the creator out of the studio
I mean even if the game didnt have any censorship, the series was on its way out going to the sales of each new title, also Takaki is a hack in the sense he would just keep pushing fanservice while neglecting every other aspect of the game he was making
>>also Yea Forums: SK was an example of a perfect game despite the series being a mediocre brawler with nothing new to offer
Quote one person ITT right now if your claims are legitimste
>Microsoft shits the bed
Funny how people complain about exclusives, then the moment a company does something about it, it's called "shitting the bed".
Remember when we used to call people playing garbage titty games weaboos on this board? We should bring that back.
Thank you for reminding me of that time period.
i mean, the whole point of being a console seller is to bring users to your specific hardware through game exclusives, even stadia is trying that shit now, M$ used to understand this back with 360 but now they lost the console race by far so now they're clinging into windows 10 as gaming platform and "games everywhere" witht he xcloud service so yeah i'd still call it shiting the bed because the only reason theyre doing this is because they realized xbone is a massive flop
Like I said, as soon as someone emails the credit card companies about it, DLsite English will either be forced to shut down the adult section or remove anything that conflicts with the rules. Of course it's possible to do all sorts of schemes routing your credit card transactions through middlemen but at the end of the day Visa and MasterCard have absolute control over what is allowed to be purchased with their card.
Remember how Russian oligarchs were so butthurt about US sanctions that they threw their weight behind the current POTUS? Visa and MasterCard were a part of that scuffle too.
arguably, sony is already trying to viciously kill it's brand with its constant middling and fucking around with loyal fanbases and developers of products that are mediated though them.
>he thinks Yea Forums is an american culture oriented board
>sony is already trying to viciously kill it's brand with its constant middling and fucking around with loyal fanbases and developers of products that are mediated though them.
they are but they don't know this, i stopped using xperia phones back in 2012, all my past cellphones were either sony xperia or sony Ericsson, moved to motorola and never looked back, nokia is back in biz, i might try them some day
they never learn
the same
>"x game was shit anyway"
>"they can go somewhere else"
Just like in this thread, will always be the same response of a game getting censored
I don't even think most of Yea Forums feels this way since this isn't a closed forum
there are obviously many resetera posters here
Cringey wingey
Peach ball was such a massive disappointment, it could have been the most kino pinball game ever but they cheaped out on the content and went crazy with the DLC
>the only games that are allowed to exist are ones I like, even if they're garbage with shit gameplay and shit story
How can you be so retarded?
Holy fuck, why the shit are there a bunch of neogaf resetera faggots on this board? Jesus christ, you censor loving fags probably play FGO and are looking forward to TLOU2.
I don't even like mentioning them by name but Yea Forums has found a way to live in their minds rent free.
Why didn't they just release them on Switch/PC and turn the sexuality up even more to attract more customers? The PC playerbase is growing in Japan anyway.
they didn't get to based japan, its cause snoy moved to cali
the 2020 Olympics could also have something to do with it
>The PC playerbase is growing in Japan anyway
And before some asshat says I'm lying.
It says there was a 50% increase in PC gaming in just on year, 15 million gaming PC users vs 23 million console users.
>even if they're garbage with shit gameplay and shit story
I dont like those games so your strawman doesnt work
>Jesus christ, you censor loving fags probably play FGO and are looking forward to TLOU2.
Strong claims for a man who's FUMING because people dont like their dying franchise, also
>Shinovi over 2
>SK2 is the best meme
it's not your boogeyman of SJWs though like look around pal, the right and left don't give a shit about our titty games, they'll both stomp all over them to feel like their gaining ground against the other.
It's p popular to hate on anime online now especially in meme circles.
So don't just pretend it SJW twitter hordes pulling this shit.
Based japan
Its not SK, its the sony shit more. There are always contrarians on Yea Forums calling everything shit.
everyone with half a working brain knows that pc is growing everywhere
thats why im still not sure if tanaka is bound by some contract to say retarded shit like
>pc are for fps only, therefore sony is our salvation
when he fucking became a thing thanks to nintendo, i doubt hes retarded
different sony divisions you idiot
>Me one is taking your games away bro
The SK mobile games are doing real well so that keeps the franchise interest alive but they'll need to actually try with SK7 then. Takaki said the fanservice wasnt everything.
Literally just grow up and watch porn.
Sony moves it's base of operations to liberal central California and all this shit started going into overdrive.
Hope his new projects dont flop like uppers or valkyrie drive. I like the dude.
SJWs get into positions where they can make decisions. That's what's happening. It doesn't have to be a horde.
That's just a coincidence and a very bold accusations towards Californian citizens
The only reason PC gaming was dead in Japan is because no developers releasead games to PC, once they started doing it for the West the Japs realized the PC gaming experience was the superior experience.
Also they're obsessed with tiddies so mods are great for them.
This. Thanks sony for making the PS5 obsolete so I don't have to give them any money.
Did VD actually flop? I know the mobile/gacha/whatever game died pretty quickly, but it felt like the game and the anime actually did okay, even if it didn't manage to get as much public as SK.
I mean, nothing ever followed it after the gacha game died. So I guess they never got an ok to follow up on it. And I doubt it will be revived now.
Now that I got a job and am making real money. I can finally get a gaming PC. Fuck Sony and fuck the PS5.
Why not get a girlfriend while you're at it?
Have one, get laid sony incel.
>people pretend it has anything to do with quality
The games would have to be censored regardless.
rent free
Sorry, you have to kill yourself now for having shit taste
But I dont like SK games
based, fuck weebshit
the irony
But you do like shitty rehashes of dragon quest and VNs that barely even count as videogames
trannies everywhere...
>But you do like shitty rehashes of dragon quest and VNs that barely even count as videogames
But I dont so you're still wrong and a fag
Also you shit on VNs despite one of SK games being basically that
No. Yea Forums is a japanese site
Yea Forums is for anime
Yea Forums is for videogames
We don't like anime, neither should you.
Get out.
>Yea Forums is for videogames
clearly not
I never said SK was good. But how can you be so blind?
You don't magically have good taste because you don't like titty ninjas, all the "good games" you mentioned are shit. If you can't understand that people are allowed to enjoy different things, then go shoot up Atlus to prevent persona 6.
>playing videogames
>You don't magically have good taste because you don't like titty ninjas
I never implied that was the case, seems like you can only argue with strawmans
You are a strawperson, your entire argument is "if I don't like it then it has no merit and shouldn't exist"
The only redeeming factor about your entire lift is that I know you don't actually believe in anything
>if a game is catered to someone who finds pleasure in visual things, they should be censored
have sex, incel
Sex appeal is a core aspect of the Senran series, but it's also a huge crutch. Remove the sexy girls and all you have is mediocre gameplay. If the creator couldn't handle having to make good games that can stand on their own without sex appeal, then good riddance.
Maybe they should focus more gameplay instead of fanservice, just a thought.
just because you don't like the gameplay means others did not enjoy it?
then don't play it fucking nigger
>"if I don't like it then it has no merit and shouldn't exist"
I never said that
>someone who finds pleasure in visual things
aka Males, and we all know male sexuality (PRIMARY VISUAL BASED) is sexist and wrong, all my patriarchy resisting feminist allies said so!
Seriously when you think about it this current bullshit is because not enough people realize male and female brains handle arousal in completely different ways and males are SHAMED for their visual-based nature of arousal by having it demonized by females (male gaze, objectification, rape stares) are the loaded and biased terms they use
Good. The series is sexist and needs to shut down. There's no trans characters or women of color.
When are Yea Forumsirgins going to realize you shouldnt praise a game just because it has tits on them
You can have fanservice in a game as long as the gameplay is good, otherwise you'd better off jerking it to gameplay of it while saving yourself the trouble of going through a mediocre game
okay genius
Real question of this thread, are they gonna stop putting the focus on fucking Yumi
>Yea Forums is for videogames
There's literally nothing wrong with censorship. Get a life.
kek, homura is of color and there's a girl who used to be guy but mastered the shinovi arts of transformation
when will you learn to stop shilling your opinion
don't like the game then don't play the damn game
fucking crazies
Homura is tanned, not of color.
There's no trans character.
Also the proportions and faces aren't realistic.
>don't like the game then don't play the damn game
Ok but im still entitled to voice my opinion to it, otherwise go to a forum if you want an echochamber
your opinion are welcome in resetera, come and join us
>still entitled to voice my opinion on a game i haven played/ like
this is Yea Forumss definition right here
>(You) are the arbiter of what games are good and worthwhile
Bestow your wisdom upon us Yea Forumsirgins.
>People still don't realize Virtue Signallers are virtually all closet degenerates hiding their own shit whenever the chance
Straight laced people who genuinely think shit like "oh good, it's too lewd" don't fucking argue on fucking Yea Forums.
This is the future YOU chose to allow to happen, sonyfags. Are all those millions of sales worth it knowing that the people in California running over your favorite corporation are literally fucking over your games and game developers? Is this what you wanted? IS IT? If it this is what you call "winning". Then I'd rather be a loser then bend over backwards for this shit. Fuck this. I'm utterly disappointed and disgusted that Yea Forums is willing to accept this just because it makes people mad. At what point will you stop defending Sony's shitty business choices and realize that they are ruining everything?
Go fuck yourself.
We're slipping back towards totalitarianism faster every day.
And I, for one, am enjoying the ride. Put a real maniac in charge for a decade or so. That'll put the liberal's whining bullshit back into perspective.
He should sue Sony.
Yes echochambers are welcome in resetera and reddit thanks for reminding me
>I don't get how someone can dedicate parts of their lives to getting upset about and trying to morally dictate what kind of fiction people enjoy.
These are the people who can't separate fiction from reality and seriously believe that no one else can either so they have to be the fiction/moral police lest society run amok with incorrect values and opinions on things.
They won't stop until they impose their moral standards on everyone else and feel fully justified doing so.
>(You) are the arbiter of what games are good and worthwhile
I mean not even SK fanboys would call any of the recent games good, also I never said I was the authority Im just saying how things are
i belive it's the tranny
but for Sony fags, ill laugh at them when their games dies in censorship.
no ps5 for me
>That's just a coincidence and a very bold accusations towards Californian citizens
I was a senior at UCLA when Trump won and girls were literally wailing on campus like they'd just received word their fiance died in the trenches. Liberalism is a disease that infects the youth in all the major cities.
>You can have fanservice in a game as long as the gameplay is good
If you don't make that decision, then who does? And it's looking more and more like you just can't have fanservice in a game anyway.
hey crazy, why are you still here? we need you in resetera
Why are YOU still here if you're so desperate to go back there?
I just checked that thread and shockingly he isn't banned. Especially after the next argument they baited him into. Like fucking hell I am absolutely shocked he isn't perma banned.
but I'm already there... what's your user so I can look you up?
That whole chain was hilarious.
>Don't go to their communities
>They suck they dont deserve any
>They will make another if you ban it
>Then we will ban the other!
>Then they will make another
>Shutup centrist!
kek its fucking hilarious and worth a read. That whole thread is gold with delusion.
>but I'm already there...
then kys tranny
sure I'm the tranny :^)
You can be pinhead.
>goes to resetera
>not a tranny
you're a pedo then?
This. Fucking SJW cunts.
>MUH TItS ArE liEF AsS HOmEton xD
Get back to facebook or twitter you retarded normalfaggot, don't bother coming back here.
>instead of making switch and PC games he just fucking leaves
what a cuck
oh well, nothing of value was lost, only burst and deep crimson were actual games, the rest was just moeshit with fanservice
That's what people been saying all these years but others just go reeeee tranny! you hate the series!
>don't worry about SJWs they said
>they won't take your games they said
>Ryoubi bros saying this
i have to disagree with you on this
why cant we just agree that not all games fits everyone tastes. i did like ev
but i agree quitting was a weak move... he might just be tired of doing senran stuff. or more likely contractual obligations
sjw and snoy can fuck themselves in not buying any Sony stuff now
fuck off back to the jojo and mob psycho generals on Yea Forums if all you want to do is discuss about how much you want suck on fat anime dong
Yea Forums is dead
>why cant we just agree that not all games fits everyone tastes.
Yes some like actual games while others like button mashers with tits on them
>artstyle not appealing
is this gay or you like onepeice/dbz shit artstyle better?
The artsyle has degraded a lot ever since the first game, now every girl is half chimpmunk and their bodies are made out of silly putty
The first game artstyle sucked.
muh dick. them ass andjavascript:; hips.
sure, nan's style differed from game to game,
i did like hibari more in old style but the twins are better in the new style
Still better than current one
I enjoyed the artstyle getting more erotic. The weight on the boobs is nice. Is that Ryoubi ass edited?I think I saw a version with panties on her.
I just want some closure. If not SK7, at least an artbook detailing what happens with the characters. Who knows how long new link lasts but thats doing well apparentely.
These games weren't good anyway. Besides, he's still the head of SK just not at Marvelous anymore.
sure that's your opinion, but who are you to tell what games are good? how can you justify this logic? what makes a good game anyway? it's having fun more important?
The official reason is because muh moralfaggotry. The real reason is because jews do not like anime tiddie games encroaching on their porn monopoly (which you can pay with a credit card without anyone crying THINK OF THE CHILDREN), so they'll do anything in their hand to kill it or take control of it. Same reason anything slightly politically incorrect gets denied web hosting and payment processors with the flimsiest of excuses.
If you died on the spot right now, nothing of value would be lost either.
So any other site like Yea Forums but with no reddit fags?
Maybe once Takaki comes crawling back to Nintendo, he'll retcon all the sony games out of spite and build off SK2.
I literally cannot comprehend the idea of being for this in any sort of way. If something bothers you, then just look away, nigga close your eyes. You don't have to fucking buy them, you don't have to fucking support them, if a game is not for you, then just don't buy the fucking game.
There is not a single argument I have seen for this that isn't some stupid white girl making shit up and just expecting people to believe it, people trolling, or just venomous little mother fuckers that make enemies out of everyone.
It fucking boggles the mind.
It's ok when Nintendo censors games
Do they have a lot of posters or something?
Nintendo is releasing lewd shit recently like SK's peach ball and Steam still currently is selling porn.
That could change but Right now its sony bullshit.