What do you honestly think about Minecraft?

What do you honestly think about Minecraft?

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It's just a core for great mods.

Notch's masterpiece

They have to make meaningful updates

It's not fun. As it is usually, it's just uneventful & boring. With mods, you just make worse versions of games you actually like. Worthless game.

recommended mods?

i was playing it withoiut mods because i updated my world to latlest snapshat to make a composter and now i cant use any mods :( oh well i was only using a mini map and dynamic lighting anway
i downloaded harvestcraft but never got around to playing it

>t. home got rapped by a creeper

Souless mod

I bet you never played in the sandbox because "it's boring"

Fuck creepers. They always seem to spawn outside your door.

It was really amazing and fresh back when I played it, I didn't like it when they added hunger meter but It was still fun. It probably still is fun now but I played it too much to start again.

Play vintage story

I played it loads back in 2010-2012 and then stopped. Recently I've started playing it again with a mate and it's just as much fun as before.

They seem to have unfucked the worldgen in that it isn't as shit as it was before but not as good as it used to be. Caverns all seem to be joined together now which is good and bad. The new mobs are okay, nothing special, the little zombies are fun, the new flying things that find you when you don't sleep are not too irritating.

I don't like how half-arsed villages are, it's like they never bothered with them.

Next update overhauls villages.

It's legitimately poorly designed, and the actual "game" part of it is really weak. Wish they would add more bosses so you have shit to do after you beat the ender dragon.
Other than it's an amazing sandbox, mods are fun, the core mechanics haven't changed that much since the adventure update, and hunger wasn't that bad in hindsight.
I like it. Shame about the whole Notch thing, but what can you do?

but yah i know that feeling :(
they did my house in few times

I like to play with mods, and to build cool shit, that’s about it

Building is fun until I realize I'm fucking dogshit at building and I give up.

is pixelmon fun to play alone

Autism Simulator 2009

How often do you masturbate?

I see you notch

It was home before 1.8, then they fucked everything up

It is like wurm, if wurm wasn't as good as wurm is.

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officially revived

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Defeat mod on sexlab :3

It's an amazing unique game but insecure highschoolers will tell you otherwise because you're not allowed to like things you did before you turned 14

Beta 1.7.3 was peak Minecraft, prove me wrong

i like catching shills at work

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I think it's the 3D equivalent of Tetris.
Notch is a genius.
I'm 27

>creepy old man playing with an underaged kid
gross and delet this

It's fun

it alright

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it's fun and comfy, but usually starts getting boring when you find rarer materials, because it doesn't feel like there's anywhere to go from there
it's fun to play with friends tho

who is this notch guy and what does he have to do with Microsoft presents Minecraft tm?

> adds illager raids on villages
> as well as new husk, drowned, and skeleton raids
all the villages will be empty by the time you can travel there

I enjoy it, but I've never felt compelled to do anything past getting diamonds. Is there really any point in trying to make it to The End? It seems like a slog for something with little to no reward.


Good game.
The updates haven't made it worse, they just haven't improved it ad much as they should have.

I thought that it was a great beta to make a game with but they never actual added much content to it. hytale looks to be shaping up to be exactly what I originally expected miecraft to become

It's literally just an idea he stole from infiniminer.

Why does this keep getting posted?

Can be comfy but it's best played in multiplayer.

When the Minecraft devs first start advertising Minecraft on Yea Forums, there was a tripfag called Notch who kept calling them faggots. Whenever they tried to make a thread, Notch would spam pictures of gore and gay sex, until the thread was finished. For some reasons, the mods and jannies never stopped him, so it's believed he was a mod himself. After they stopped posting on Yea Forums because Minecraft got bigger, Notch continued to follow them around, from Reddit to twitter, shitposting about them. At Minecons, he even showed up and streaked with his fat little willy out, screaming and shouting as the guards grabbed and pulled him out. But he always got away with it and never went to jail. One day, the Mincraft team paid him some billion dollars to just leave them alone, and that's how Notch became rich. But every now and then, he still chats shit on twitter anyway.

> things only happen in chunks you have loaded
> you have to intentionally start an illager raid
> undead of all types already raid villages

it was fun when it was just a bottomless tub of e-lego and you could build mindstorm tier things. then hunger rpg shit came out and the game was lost.

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Boring without friends

that sounds cool, i wanna be like notch now

Pokemon is better

It's boring but has its comfy moments

I like it for a few years, but it just felt like they weren't delivering when it came to updates that I wanted to see. I want to play it again though.

It's fun but stale now. There hasn't been a new, innovative mod created in literally years.

Still waiting on a Thaumcraft successor since that died. And all tech mods are the exact same thing: collect specific ore, shit down machine to process ore, create new tool from ore to mine next ore tier, repeat

basically nothing.
the most noticable thing I can say relating to it is, people who play it extensively are weird, and strangely easy to anger when they want to tell you about it and you ask "difficult" questions.

oh, and that I wonder whether microsoft has made their 2 billions back yet.

it was peak comfy before they added the hunger bar

What a sad thing to say.

>File: image0.gif (3.74 MB, 640x480)
>circle pool

10 years later and it still looks like shit

>difficult questions
How could a question about minecraft be difficult, it's not a complicated game.

good game, shit community

Imagine playing without Chisel and Bits

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Honestly it's just too tedious for me to deal with. And I'm uncreative as fuck so I just end up using it to hide wires in walls and shit like that rather than make anything actually good.

is this real?!?!?!?!

It can be satisfying building stuff, but there's just absolutely no incentive or drive to build anything other than "just because".
I am not an imaginative man, so I just get to a point where I feel like I have nothing to do very quickly.

I liked the sense of progression Terraria had.

I wish half of these were real - especially placing blocks halfway on another block. Would make building so much better.

Even if uncreative it's much comfier to slap down blacksmithing tools and water trough next to your furnaces, or a kitchen with sink and cutlery in a room in your house, or a lumber mill with those log cutters like Skyrim has
Give me a blank canvas and I'm fucking clueless but in minecraft you can just recreate shit you've seen and it's fun

i know, can't believe he's dead


But that shit isn't functional. It's just decorative, which kills it for me.

I recently went to play Alpha 1.2.6 and when I built simple things like a small house, an archery tower, strip mine, and a short minecart system from spawn to my house it was really fun.
But there was no reason to other than it's fun and that's a fine reason.
I feel like if you try to build too big, then the collection of materials kills the fun unless you've already gotten to a point where you're autistically efficient

I guess building small to medium structures are the best way to enjoy the building part of the game

>not just going creative and carving mount rushmore with different races

Shitty world generation

Nice game for children, as long as they dont get obsessed.

>round trees

Finna get dethroned

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