No one wanted this
No one wanted this
post the tits and call it a day.
All these years, lied to
it's been years since i've heard of titeuf
will it include scenes where underage girl shows her boobs
I've seen the cartoon adaptation so much as a kid I ended up hating it with a passion, especially since it always aired right before I had to get my ass to school. Fuck Titeuf.
>The Game
What's the catch of the show? Does the MC have a fetish for immigrants raping his mother?
It's super shit.
So's Cédric.
Hated those even when I was literally their target audience, all those years ago.
>No one wanted this
That seems to be the theme of this decade.
Remember Martin Matin?
Holy shit, that one was buried in the depths of my brain even though I watched it so much I could probably remember every single episode if I watched like 5 seconds of each. I have no idea why I kept watching it too because I didn't even like it. Knowing my kid self I probably endured it because yu-gi-oh was next.
Dude bruh no guns no buy LOL!
the chinese girlfriend maybe
No, that was way before my yellow fever kicked in.
Oh how the somewhat mighty how fallen
Amerifat here what's titsuf about?
Who would win in a fight?
Kids being retarded.
Still waiting for that Bamse game
What happened?
shame is just a dumb minigame compilation
The cartoon was actually good
>Cartoons that no one liked and still kept airing for years and years
Why was that a thing?
preteens being preteens, no american censorship so plenty of slightly sexual themes
Eh, theres always someone. Why do you think that Asterix comic won't go away?
This was all Europeans had
(old) Asterix is based, you tripfagging mongoloid
>still waiting
it came out in 1993
>hating on Asterix
Kid Paddle was better
That came out in 2003, I was much too old.
I was talking about the comics btw, not the the cartoons. I remember watching a few episodes of the cartoons when they came out and thinking they were complete shit, worse than the comics.
So sorry.
tl;dr: 8~10 years old kid trying to figure what's sex about and getting a gf. There's also random stuff like dealing with his months old sister taking his parents attention, trying to understand why his parents are divorcing, why's his dad unemployed, that kind of shit. But largely, it's the sex thing.
>tfw no Jacob Two-Two game
Europeans enlighten us Anglos on this.
What is this and why is this?
I wish Mortadelo y Filemon got some fun slapstick videogame.
Totally Spies game with sex scenes.