Forbes just released this article titled:

"Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Needs To Respect It's Players And Include An Easy Mode"

when did gamers become such pussies?

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article here:


normalfags ruined gaming

Seriously about to get BTFO for this comment:
For the sake of accessibility for literal disabled people, I understand the desire for games to have an easy mode.
Despite that, stupid journos need to get good. If you can handle dark souls, hell even Mario 64’s level of dexterity, then you can handle Sekiro

I even like the nuance of the combat, but shit, it’s about timing L1, deliberately using R1, and mikiri countering and dodging when necessary.

If you can’t handle these simple combat mechanics, I can’t imagine what inspires you to write about gaming in the first place

Its not gamers.
Its video game journalists.
Its always video game journalists.
They were taught how to write articles first, and how to play video games second.

>Needs To Respect It's Players And Include An Easy Mode
That's the opposite of respect.

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i wish souls games went the extra mile and punished those who summoned help
like at least not getting the boss killed achievement would be nice

Easy modes should straight up disable trophies/achievements altogether.

Sekiro isn't even super difficult if you aren't a braindead retard. Then again journos probably have massive brain damage or otherwise they would't be working in game journalism. What a joke of a career.

The only thing I ever have a problem with is that Mikiri feels super inconsistent for some reason

My brother gave up on chained ogre. He's just not good at these kind of games (or gaming in general. Watching him play cuphead and only get like half way into the game was pretty funny). I've at least beaten Lady Butterfly and on Genichiro.

If you're disabled just watch a lets play.

Genichiro is a kino boss battle.

i think i'm just getting older, this game invokes those old fears I used to get as a little kid playing ninja gaiden on NES

don't think I'll be able to say I beat this one

I can understand where this is coming from but I also say if you are disabled in any way, I would just say this game isn't for you UNLESS you have massive cojones.

I mean I've seen someone without hands play and succeed at a top level in mobas and shooters, so its not impossible

It's about the same difficulty as other souls games. Im just at the part where ashina castle has a change and have been finding it as hard as past games.

I've heard the final boss is a nightmare though.

Any of the bosses can be beaten with enough attempts to memorize the move set. Firecrackers are a cheap win as well.

At least post an archive link, silly.


Okay, wait a second, are they trying to say that someone's offended by the game being too difficult? Are we going on the whole new level here?

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When will people realize that not every game has to cater to them? Do you demand that horror movies have versions with the creatures replaced with people in shitty Halloween costumes? Or that a seafood restaurant should serve you a steak?
No? Then why would you insist that video games do the same thing?

what if the shitty halloween costumes make it more scarier?

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aint that the banned image

Stop dodging towards them, just press the circle button without a direction

ok now i'm scared... i just saved it from some shitpost

wtf is this about?

from is one of the few devs that actually respect the skill of gamers

some dude said he took it inside his car and some /x/ computer guys did a super reverse search and found nothing, then Yea Forums went down

this user is right

its not about including easy mode in every game but simply advertising games as hard
Quite frankly though there is a discussion to be had about Sekiro being difficult just for difficults sake though

>i believe everything i see on the internet
I have a bridge I wanna sell you

It has the ayy lmao signal code inside it, they're tracking you now to probe your anus.

I can't. Not everything is for everyone.

how much

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>hurr everything should be accessible for everyone
i guess we need to ban all sports because disabled people cant do them
and women need to start opening their legs for incels since they cant get any otherwise

if the game is too hard for you then dont play it

>Many assume that From’s goal is to make games that require a high skill bar; that’s not true.
How does this even remotely make sense? Does the twitter man think they ended up making a game like that on accident?

gamers are the most retarded demographic
"waaaa waaa the game dont respect my bad skill i cant ever get good waaaaaaawaaaaaa"

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But there are accessible "ports" of sports for disabled people. The special Olympics, wheelchair basketball, t-ball.

haha even the main character in sekiro is a cripple with special access from his prosthetic

the shinobi were also masters of the shinobi wheelchair and shinobi brail

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When did challenge become a negative thing? Games used to be challenging on purpose, like that was the entire point. Now people are so challenge averse that we have an entire genre that is just about walking

>don't think I'll be able to say I beat this one
Have you hit a wall yet? If so, keep trying. If not, then you have no reason to quit.

>When will people realize that not every game has to cater to them?
They don't care. Casuals want to be able to talk about whatever games their friends and followers are talking about on Twitter.