It was outdated the day it came out
>another janky-ass troika game
>cringey early 2000s goth aesthetic
>tries to be deus ex, fails
>terrible illusion of choice
>endless dungeons full of samey enemies coupled with terrible combat
>edgy lol so randum XD humor
>only a few good hubs, Hollywood and Chinatown suck
>game falls apart at the end, totally unfinished
>shitty ending, why tf would you let lacroix have the key, for all you knew there was an ancient vampire in the coffin.
Why do you people like this game so much?
This game is shit
You can't refute anything I said
Name a better vampire RPG
Don't the ancient vampires want to kill and eat their clan? Did Lacroix want to eat the ancient vampire first?
Who would win in a fight? Army of Shadowrunners led, or backed and bankrolled, by Lowfyr or an army of Vamps lead by Lacroix?
Yes and yes. If LaCroix drained it, he’d have gained its power. However, unless he could suppress the soul of the ancient, he would have been a my a great risk of ultimately becoming possessed by it
Don't worry OP, your post inspired me to redownload this and start up a new playthrough. Can't fucking wait to have a few jack and cokes and love every minute of it.
Bloodlines 2 will be great. I will finally learn to accept the normalization of other dudes chopping off their dicks because they want to be women.
OP here. I'm actually reinstalling to. What mods should I get
Legacy of kain blood omen
The shadowrunners. LaCroix doesn't inspire confidence in his Kindred and most of them would probably defect to the other side during the fight.
have a you, now go shitpost somewhere else
I only play vanilla faggot.
Okay you got me there. But doesn't that make VtMB the 2nd best still? There's really not much out there to pick from. From what I understand, both Dark and Vampyr aren't good.
What if they didnt for whatever reason? Maybe Lowfy has made it clear he wont tolerate even more competition for most string puller? Based on average tech, combat abillity, and unique resources who do you think would win?
I still think the runners but it would be a hell of a fight.
Second playthrough as Nosferatu or Malkavian?
In a fair fight, the shadowrunners would probably have the advantage. The shadowrunners would have mages or shamans to summon fireballs and fire elementals, not to mention access to stuff like incendiary munitions. The vampires won't put up much of a fight if they're running around like headless chickens due to rötschreck. That being said, ancient vampires get to that age by avoiding fair fights or fighting altogether.
I'm gonna do malk. Sewers are the worst part of the game so i don't wanna do nosferatu
Recommended reading? I want to read all the cool lore about the clans and elders. Should I ignore all the newer books and read the old clanbooks?
This, nos is for speedrunners.
hey look, I found a family photo of OP!
Ignore V5
That looks average LGBT protesters/pride parade.
I think its a bit overrated but there is nothing like it so its not like you can compare it with anything
I thought Toreador was for speedrunners because Celerity is busted out the ass?
>waaah I don't like game better make thread
The Revised Edition books probably have the best writing and the best art. I'd start with the core book, the Storyteller's Handbook, the guides to the Camarilla and Sabbat and whatever clanbooks pique your interest. That should get you set. Even if you're not planning on running a game, the Storyteller's Handbook is still worth a look, since it helps get you in the mindset of the world of darkness. I never actually read the player's guide, I don't know if it has any decent information in it.
fuck you, nigger