Why is Jinx the most beloved LoL character?
Why is Jinx the most beloved LoL character?
god i wish that was me
she isnt, Draven is
What the fuck is that toilet?
Jinx toilets
that boot on right corner looks weird
never been outside the US?
imagine the smell
Same reason Harley Quinn is the most beloved female DC character
Flat and crazy
I unironically would love to fuck Jinx down and piss all over her.
what is Japan for 4chin the weeb site
Never played LoL but I've spilled gallons of semen to Jynx
Um flat is a bad thing though
Fuck off, how in the hell does that toilet make sense what so ever? You'd literally have to squat just to use that shit if it isn't a urinal and good luck doing that cause it's physically impossible to hold a squat for more than a minute and you'd just fall in.
This entire list is flawed.
>Illaoi and Zoe F tier
>Camille, Evelynn, Lissandra and Kalista D tier
>Janna A tier
i thought this pic was real life gore
fuck u for wasting my time faggot
the nidalee halloween splash art is the best in the game by far though. and don't @ me about in game models they all look like garbage
>it's physically impossible to hold a squat for more than a minute
How fucking fat are you?
Maybe your fat ass can't hold a squat for a minute, but most japs aren't 320lbs like you.
>cause it's physically impossible to hold a squat for more than a minute and you'd just fall in.
As a fellow American, please take better care of your physical health. You're embarrassing us.
>it's physically impossible to hold a squat for more than a minute and you'd just fall in.
I'm 100% sure this is a bait, but still I'm going to give you a (you)
You should get your eyes checked blind user.
that artist's actually korean, not jap, but same principal
>you'll never snort jinx' hairy pussy
why live lads
Ok fine but even if I could squat for more than a minute I sure as shit couldn't hold one for the 30 minutes it does take me to shit.
10/10 bait
Time to schedule an eye exam.
user you realize taking a shit from the squat position is THE natural form of human shitting and what we did for the majority of humanity's exsistance?
Just how fucking fat and retarded are you?
>you will never piss on Jinx
Nuh uh
>toilet thread on Yea Forums
>doesn't change from the usual threads
Lux and Morgana at C
Syndra , Kat and sons at S
I wholeheartedly disagree with your opinion sir
you realize, that people that ARENT hilariously obese take at most a couple of minutes to shit, for someone thats healthy, you can reliably shit in under a minute
>nami anywhere but S
dude flat girls IRL usually have fridge-mode or skellington bodies. these depictions compensate for no ass and tits with massive hips/thighs
10/10 bait.
Why is she there?
I would rather have her piss in my mouth.