>Vidya character is a facelet
Vidya character is a facelet
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Not everyone is supposed to have sex and reproduce. Just because you are worker class does not mean you are entitled to a wet hole.
its amazing how incels mock basic advice like "go to the gym" or "be more confident". then i guess you are incels for a reason
That's not what society tells them lmao
No one was meant to be anything, God doesn't exist and life has no inherent meaning.
gym is a cope. You're still a facelet or manlet, you're just one with more muscles.
inb4 someone posts the image where they photoshop the guy on the right to look passable.
i guess you are an incel for a reason
kys yourself
*burp* focus on science morty
Well it's not society's fault these manchildren believe disney shit past the age of 8.
You cut your mother with that edge, kid?
this one?
Make up your god damn mind already.
I go to the gym 3 times a week and i have semi visible abs and decent muscle mass but can you fix your fugly face if you are too poor for a plastic surgery? My eyebrows are too thick, my nose too big, my ears too out, my eyes make me look like a rapist who never sleeps with permanent black eyebags.
wait who's the guy on the right? he looks a lot like a weeb dude who went to my school
this is why gamers are starting to rise up
and kill all normies
Uh what
He's not wrong except technically the meaning of life is to reproduce so life goes on
Are you guys retarded or something
I'm a chad. I mog on manlets who go to the gym and waste my time.
no matter how hard you work out, your face still has nerd genes.
Note that the face shape isn't touched and in fact this photoshop looks worse than he actually would since his shoulders get fucked up when the jacket is added.
Don't use your laziness as a scapegoat you pathetic fuck.
>these balding 40 year olds dont look as handsome as these 20 year old models therefore gym is meaningless
jesus christ
>not believing in god = edgy
u wot m8, oh wait, is this burgertime on 4channel?
Right. Life is about sex and reproduction. Not everyone gets to do so because only the best genes deserve to be passed on.
Are the ones on the right supposed to look handsome? They're more feminine than most trannies
>the meaning of life is to reproduce so life goes on
No, it's not. Reproduction is a byproduct of existence. The notion that nature itself intended for any of this is quite stupid.
>got a broad strong chin, high cheekbones and beautiful hooded blue eyes
>constantly complimented about my appearance by men and women
>cucked a couple of my male friends
I literally don't know what it feels like to be ugly.
Whats it like?
>fashion = getting plastic surgery for your neck
yeah no
>face surgery
Are you gonna cry about that or are you gonna take steps to improve your life instead of making excuses?
Make your choice
>putting yourself on the same level as animals
i will treat u like one
>"go to the gym" or "be more confident".
>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces
>Newborn infants prefer attractive faces
>Your face heavily affects your entire life
>Love at first sight is real
>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality
>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide
>Height is extremely important
>Halo effect
>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)
>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men
>Women care about face much more than body
>when surveys are done. Men place attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.
lmao they changed his entire fucking face, this has to be bait
If your dad who looks like your ugly ass managed to get laid you can too
That nigga is so fashionable he fucking glows
>cut hair
>it gets taller
>enlarges head
>as if he has anything to smile about
Best part is he still looks like shit
You niggas are face blind
Absolutely based, hope you fucked their women without condoms.
Im telling it how it is you insecure beta, maybe take your own advice.
>just fix your hairline bro
a woman edited this photograph
>An example on how men can't rate other men
Giga Chad Photoshop aren't attractive.
Reminder that lifting can't fix ugly.
>actually wanting to fuck the "top 10/10" women when they're all vapid holes
Disgusting. If you ever wanted to fuck a Stacy you're a literal subhuman and no better than a nigger.
>tfw good facial features, just a fatass
Feels kinda nice to be judged by my skills and not looks and not being irrelevant in 20 years from now helps too. Yes, I am seething.
I used to be a skinny, depressed friendless loser, but ever since I've gotten /fit/ my life has changed drastically. Now I'm a good looking friendless depressed loser.
>daily /r9k/ thread
Always remember that those discouraging from going to the gym or improving yourself aren't doing it to help you out, they're trying to feel better about themselves
Don't fall for the NEETs tricks
I see what this post is getting at, but altering his hairline and jawline to prove the point immediately undermines anything it's trying to say.
COPE BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHA ugly people are less productive than attractive people and less desired in a work place. That's a fact.
>imagine being this guys psychologist
>bro just change your bone structure
whatever man im just trying to help if you choose to live and die alone thats your choice
>go to get a haircut
>show them a picture of what I want
>get something completely different
>"How's it look?"
>$10 tip
>wear a hat the next 3 weeks until it's grown enough to look not as JUST'd
every. single. time.
>wife tells me I'm hot/attractive/handsome/cute on a daily basis
>don't believe her
But if I don't fuck a 10.00/10.00 (willing to settle for a 9.80 if they have a rich family) I might as well not fuck anyone!
Life isn't just about passing on your genes.
Cope. Top women are top women for a reason. Your insecurity shows by you pretending not to desire them and instead try to find your looksmatch, but given the chance you know deep down you would rather fuck a 10/10 instead of a 5/10.
No, you literally are blind if you can't see they changed his entire face.
His jawline is not altered, the photo's just been color corrected. The lighting of the original is unflattering and hides his jaw.
This. What the fuck am I paying tax for? This shit?
>you insecure beta
But you are the one crying about muh genetics and I'm the one telling you to quit making excuses
Jesus this cope is beyond me
please tell us how gym is going to alter your face bones geometry
>doesnt provide a single source or proof
Yeah I'm a facelet
I'm on the virgin wall of shame.
Cope. Everyone in your family lineage did so. Except for you, because you're a genetic failure.
FACE IS KING. Statue is also King if you're celeb tier. Height is an add-on but it's diminishing returns (5'9 8/10 >>>>>>> 6'3 5/10).
Everything else is cope.
Top women are top women because of looks, just like "top men".
I bet you have a wonderful personality :)
Well, that's just like your insecurity bro. Also you clearly want to fuck other females.
>literally cope
The fact you fuck a hot woman doesn't mean you marry her. Lmao incel.
Except the ugly girl can get 6/10s while Ugly men are completely fucked. Cope more.
>I'll try wallowing in my own misery, that's a good trick!
Who'se crying you retard? I'm giving these incels a dose of the truth. I have good genes, I'm successful. If anyone is crying it's the mutts in these threads coping with their shitty existence that no amount of muscle will change.
cut it yourself, retard
I cut my own hair and it looks great and I don't have to pay to a talentless whore that will make me look like shit
Fucking without emotional attachment is for sociopaths to be fucking honest with you my goddamn fucking senpai.
Someone post that 3-part comic about coping out of the gym
>I cut my own hair
>it looks great
Show us a picture.
someone call the janny to wipe this r9k spill
you guys are pathetic
Piss off christfag
What a chad
their faces look sheltered cause they live sheltered lives. You can lift all you want in a nice cozy gym but you won't get a chad face.
Place these lads in a coal mine job for 1 year and you'll see em transform
Oh check it out it's that lardass that like to pretend he's a seven foot tall personal trainer
not even barbers cut their own hair this is bullshit and i dont believe it
Not even religious desu. I'm sorry I'm not sociopathic.
>They think some bullshit articles and online debating is enough to figure out what women like
>They think science knows what women like
>They honestly believe women know what they want
That is and has been the fucking trick since day 1. They don't know what they like because what they like changes all the fucking time. It's why cheating is at an all time high, why you see ugly fuckers that AREN'T rich score these ridiculous model-looking girls, which I've seen in front of me, and why the age old jokes about women still hold true to this very day. No one gets them, not even themselves, and most will flat out tell you that's true.
Also, not vidya.
All chads are sociopaths, but not all socipaths are chads.
Or you know, normal young people? How out of touch with reality are you, senpai?
>mfw im Arabic so I van get arranged marriage with a beautiful girl of my choice
Sucks for you white boi
No one on Yea Forums is a chad, son.
Middle left has probably crushed more pussy than everyone on this board combined.