May 23th

we're going home boys

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Other urls found in this thread:

>giving money to Randy

fucking lmao

Is this going to be the whole game or did they decide to do the episodic shit?

Episodic, this is going to be the Haruspex, just like we saw in the alpha. I wouldn't expect the next episode until next 2020.

What does Randy have to do with it? The publisher is Tinybuild, not that that's any better.

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Bachelor storyline only for now.

>What does Randy have to do with it?
This is Yea Forums. The trailer was released during the same session where Borderlands 3 were announced. This board is filled with actual retards. You do the math.

Given the last Pathologic Thread lasted for whole of 50 posts, I think we'll need to wait for sunday again for a decent one.

They're releasing Haruspex first.


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>Bachelor storyline only for now.
Nope, Haruspex.

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I've only done the bachelor route for now
Should i wait for the remake for the Haruspex, or just plow through it?

Can't wait for youtubers to play this shit and everyone downvote it because its not a generic survival game

Plow through it, oynon

I don't see why you would not wait for this thing to release. Judging from the Alpha, it's pretty much a straight-up improvement in most ways. Just wait for the first batch of impressions and reviews to come in to see if they did not end up cocking something up royally.

Playing Haruspex twice in a row seems like a pretty bad idea to me.

This is still largely a niche stuff, so I would not worry about major Youtubes even thinking of picking it up. It's not exactly a fucking thrilling Twitch material.

>Haruspex is now the "tutorial" route while Bachelor will be the more advanced route
It's going to be a completely new route

slav kino is back boys, cant fucking wait, this maybe will be my first game purchase this year

>Episodic, this is going to be the Haruspex, just like we saw in the alpha. I wouldn't expect the next episode until next 2020.

>game in development for like 5 years
>still only the first episodic chunk after all this time
>next chunk is at least 1-2 years away

This is depressing. I will most likely die before the entire thing is out.

>It's going to be a completely new route
Not really. A lot of changes are being made, but not crucial. Haruspex was not intended to be the "tutorial" route from the start, the decision to cut the game into parts was only made about a half a year ago, and Haruspex just happened to be the one that A) most people who had tried original did not play, and B) happened to be the they made most progress on, so it was easiest to push out in a reasonable time frame.
Nothing about the release of Haruspex first actually indicates anything about the story. Nothing about the Alpha suggests anything of the sort either.

Think of the poor mountainbladefags. At least there's something coming out.

Thanks, i was actually planning to wait until the first impressions, and maybe the news regarding the updates - so i think i'll try the haruspex route.
Also, do you think the miracles of polyhedron and the rule of Maria Kain is a fair price for the town?

We have actually absolutely no info or clue about how long the episodes will take. They might take a year, they might come out in four months, they might never come out. It was a fairly last-minute decision. And apparently quite a desperate one.

Still. Most people won't be able to beat a single campaign of this game, and even those who do usually take months or even years break between the episodes, so it does not seem that horrible. I'm more bummed about the fact that Artemy comes out first, since Bachelor just feels like so much better introduction to the town and it's secrets... But what-ever. Beggars can't be chosers.

I leaned towards Haruspex desu. The town grew on me as time went on

>he thinks he knows about the polyhedron after only playing the Bachelor's route

not him but yeah, u gotta play all 3 routs, one character is not enough to get the full picture

Ah, the warmth of the Steppes...

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I love them so much.

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Replaying the Alpha literally just now... it feels like the story has been slightly moved forward in time (the world is now even more WW2-ish than WW1 ish) and it all feels a little... darker?

>it all feels a little... darker?
it better, the alpha was very atmospheric

Can someone explain what's going on? The game will be episodic and a remake of the first game? How many episodes are there? I've waiting for this game since 2015 ffs, why can't they just release the full version already

Well it's not like the original was lacking in atmosphere. I think it's the music though, which is a lot stranger and a lot less cheezy in the Alpha. Plus the fact that there is greater fidelity on everything.

>those ps2 graphics

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Remake of first game. From what I got sotry will stay the same but they changed quests and overall gameplay like fights. It's not exactly casualized, more like they try to make game playable for more people since original is well quite shit in gameplay regard.
Will be released in three episodes one per character. Still buffed why they call it Pathologic 2...

>Still buffed why they call it Pathologic 2...
Maybe they're planning to do more than three episode.

Each episode is a character's route - we're getting haruspex first, and then it's probably bachelor and changeling in that order

episodic as in per one character, yeah its a remake but not 1 for 1, it has new stuff and some changes, cant release all 3 character game cuz they are indie as it can get and lack money

Not sure how I feel about Haruspex being first though. His playthrough does leave a lot to be improved though and Bachelor has been played to death, so I can understand why.

Wonder if they're gonna meta fuck with us. Punish us for trying to use our gamey knowledge from original or somethinf. Icepick seems like the types to do it.

I can't be hyped because the alpha ran like shit in my pc
I hope it gets optimized though

>Can someone explain what's going on? The game will be episodic and a remake of the first game?
In case being remake / sequel: it's fucking complex considering how the original work, but the bottom line is - it replays the events of the first game (albeit with alterations), and you do not have to have played the first game. So "remake" is more technically fitting term.

As for "episodic", well the original game consisted of three campaigns. All three being three different perspectives on the same series of events, but each being an independent campaign with it's own quest lines, events and even some minor alterations to gameplay mechanics. Each of them usually clocked at around 15-20 hours for average players (though they cut be cut down to half of that if you knew what you are doing).

The Remake / Sequel, Pathologic 2, is releasing each of these three campaigns separately. So three episodes, again each roughly around 15-20 hours, presumably. We don't know when the second and third campaigns are going to be released.

They can't release the whole thing because it's not done, and the studio is entirely out of money. The kickstarter was never really enough to fuel such a massive fucking project, and all other investors backed out: the studio is barely running on fumes right now. No major publisher is willing to invest without forcing the studio to give up their creative freedoms, and it's an extremely risky game with niche appeal.

does it come to GOG? if so I will buy it.
I know pathologic classic hd is on gog.

>and all other investors backed out: the studio is barely running on fumes right now. No major publisher is willing to invest without forcing the studio to give up their creative freedoms
fuck this gay world.

I will support them out of principle alone

As a Russian I always asked my self how they financed original and void in the first place. Like their office is close to morgue or something and many of the staff have theater background. But yeah, games were cheaper to make backthen. Those two are actually quite well known in Russia and had a somewhat big coverage by gaming journalists.

Maybe I should update pic related

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Actually, no.
There are two reasons for why they changed the name.
Number 1:
Marketing. Sequels are easier to sell. And there has already been enough confusion with Pathologic and naming.
Number 2: the game's meta-narrative. If you'd knew anything about it, you'd immediately know it cannot NOT be a sequel at least on the meta-narrative level.

>theater background
thats a good thing, real artists should help make games, and i dont mean just making character art, but influencing the gameplay and design decisions

>Punish us for trying to use our gamey knowledge from original or something

>you can get infected from looting trash cans
>walking diagonally makes you trip and fall
>hunting too many bandits at night makes them ambush you as a group
Oh, the horror.

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>cyka blyat all the world is a stage
Truely genius narrative

I'm waiting for it to release to see if people like it to know if I'll play it or the original version.

>I hope it gets optimized though
Would not expect miracles. I fucking do assume that the 4+ minute game loading and 2.5 minute saving times are going to be solved, but still it's a Unity open-world game done by studio that is not exactly known for their technical proves and passion for optimization.

Smaller, local Russian publisher + the studio consisting of a bunch of idealistic youth working on a passion project, partially while studying or working.
Pathologic was a smash hit in Russia, it actually more than paid for itself, and same for The Void. IPL really lost it's winning streak only with CARGO!, which was such a major flop that they had been massively struggling to find investors ever since. Plus, you know... the industry has changed a fuckton in Russia since 2008.

you dont have to see the remake to play the original

>Truely genius narrative
It actually kinda is.

Well, there is quite a lot of small tricks that can throw you off balance in the Alpha. Though admitedly, it feels a little more familiar than I expected.

I'm both. Thank god for having a backlog.

>the industry has changed a fuckton in Russia since 2008

How so? I don't keep up with the slav side of gaming too much, other than knowing they're really into WWII nostalgia, guns, mulitplayer, and the realistic/grim/unironic gritty aesthetic in general.

>Akella gone
>Buka gone
>Fargus long gone
I know most of their publishing efforts were shit but damn, I still have some CD boxes from them. Even with fucking Starforce heh.

Financial crisis hit Russian gaming industry pretty hard. Publishers, developers even whole gaming magazines went down.
>tfw 30 выпycкoв ЛКИ нa пoлкe

>Wtf this video game was just a video game? How cheap!
Game literally calls out people like you, you knew everything was fake the moment you booted up the exe. So why do you care what happens in a fake world of fake people?

>there is quite a lot of small tricks that can throw you off balance in the Alpha
Care to elaborate? I didn't play past the fist day because I didn't want spoilers.

>I'm both.
It could always be worse, you could also be waiting for Star Citizen


>Pre-order on steam!
>tiny build
lmao, fool me once...

Much like in countries such as Czech Republic or Poland (albeit at a few years delay), the international distribution and production companies either destroyed and brought out smaller, native distributors and publishers, or forced the few that were left to play the same international game. All eastern-european countries went through a brief period of wildly creative, wild-west era of game publishing and development, but all of them were eventually caught up in the grind-mill of post last-gen console transformation of the industry.

Can anyone tell me without spoiling how the story in this game is that great? I've read that the plot twist was "it was all a dream all along lmaoooo" if that's what it is then it really sucks.

Memba PC Игpы?
>issues used to come out with either 3 CDs or 1 DVD
>some kiosks used to sell 3 CD version at higher price

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kinda, but it is presented in a unique way

I can't believe this is actually happening, actors. Now we just gotta survive till 23rd.

>>tfw 30 выпycкoв ЛКИ нa пoлкe
Я тaкжe нe мoгy пoвepить, чтo хoть ктo-тo c Yea Forums читaл ЛКИ. Oни зacлyжили бoльшeгo.

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Characters and the main plot are well written. They feel extremely alive and believable which is still rare for videogames.
There are two stages of twist ending from what I remember. The last one being probably one of the wisest fuck yous in vidya history, considering you spent around 60 hours to get to this point.

I hope it's different for Pathologic 2 but since it's a semi-remake I don't think they'll change that key part, then.
Seriously, I always hated these "dream" narrative bullshit. It's so easy to use it to explain all of the fucked up things you build in your universe. It's lazy, unoriginal, not interesting.

i like that each characters size is adjusted in the game

Funnily Cтpaнa Игp is the only magazine to survive it. Even Igromania died, albeit way too late for what it deserved.
Пepeчитывaя я нaчинaю пoнимaть, чтo пo кaчecтвy этo был нaвepнoe caмый интeллeктyaльный и cepьёзныц игpoжyp. Хoтя кoгдa нaчинaл читaть читaл paди пpoхoждeний тaк кaк ни пeкapнт cильнoй ни интepнeтa тoгдa нe былo. Эх вpeмeнa...

From the marketing point of view this seems like a very poor choice.

All people (me included) will wonder if they have to play the original pathologic or not.

Difference is that it is not used to explain anything. It is used on a metalevel. Because you still have enough explanations to choose from what you learned about the world yourself.

Man, there actually was a neat 2d rpg in one issue of game.exe and i cannot remember it's name at all
I think i threw the discs away quite some time ago

It's not like that's the selling point of the game. Even without that part (which you can miss) it's still a masterfully written game

>twenty thirth

Buka, if I remember correctly, published original Pathologic and I think even The Void, selling the rights to another company. But I might be wrong about that, I'm not a Russian myself.

>Can anyone tell me without spoiling how the story in this game is that great?
A) Good main plot that has an insane level of complexity and intricacy. The core philosophical questions it tackles may not be the most original, but the game presents them in a VERY smart way, exploring each perspective in great depth, presenting really good arguments for each side, and leaving a lot for the player to figure out.
B) Great world-building. There is an immense amount of detail and thought put into the settings, together with really great art direction, it just makes the setting incredibly immersive.
C) Unusual degree of involvement and actual player agency. The quests are designed in very unique ways, the progression is not straight forward, and it all results in the player getting more invested than usual.
D) some fairly clever meta-narrative, and no, it's not the "it's all just a dream". The meta-narrative is largely just optional though.
D) Fantastic characters. Actually some of the best and most complex characters you'll ever see. Seriously, this last point may be most important, it is what REALLY brings the game alive.

The "plot twist" you've heard is STRAIGHT UP WRONG. On so many levels. You can forget about it entirely. It does not happen the way some morons tend to present it at all in the first place, and it definitely does not mean what idiots think it means. If anything, it's a funny little troll side-track that the developers put in for fun and giggles.

While we're on the subject of comfy pc game magazines, any germanbros remember these?
>tfw discovering the RPGmaker scene with games like vampires dawn or Düsterburg

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I visited my home city last year and teared up when I saw a shitty pirate vidya and movies look being replaced by Ashots vegetables and fruits. Used to spend whole days annoying students who worked there talking about vidya and saving up 150 rubels to buy shitty pirate copy with atrocious Russian Google translate localization.

>From the marketing point of view this seems like a very poor choice.
Not all traditional marketing wisdom works as well as those who parrot it think it does, but it was the main explanation.
But the answer is no, you don't.

I remember getting into Legacy Of Kain series due to games being on those CDs. Can't thank Computer Bild (I guess?) enough since it's still one of my favorite franchises.

>I hope it's different for Pathologic 2 but since it's a semi-remake I don't think they'll change that key part, then.
Again, that segment does not mean what you (and most people yapping about it) means. And there is another segment about fifteen minutes later that explains why it does not work that way, suggesting to me that people who talk about it and present it as a "twist" have NOT actually played the game in the first place, and are just continuing to parrot something they heard someone else say.

Yeah, those were the times.
But hey, remember when pretty much all of the local gaming press praised pathologic?

>Igromania died
It was killed by the same cancer that took AG. RIP Nomad and my forum rep (damn, a single thought about this shit makes me laugh. "Forum reputation").

Exactly. And Allods and Vangers and other great games that fell into obscurity now.

Everyone ITT is talking about the "it was all a game" ending that is much easier to get than the extra ending that requires saving everyone.

Sheeit I still have to play 2 of the 3 original stories.

What is even the biggest vidya site now? I remember posting on many forums, most of them either down or defacto dead populated only by spam bots. lmao

Based on the beta they released, there's enough of a difference between the original and the remake to warrant playing through both, but it'll both be tiresome to go back to the original after the remake, and playing the remake immediately after doing his playthrough in the original

So what are the plot changes that we heard of so far?
I have only heard that haruspex has been friends with grief and out of town for just 6 years
t. didn't play alpha

This seems like the right place, and standalone threads never take off, so can we take a moment to discuss space rangers?

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>Coming out May 23
Fuck yes!
>Only one character

I'll still buy it instantly though. Funny to think I first played this game 13 years ago, and it was old-looking back then. But damn it captured my mind like nothing else.

Do you think they'll fix up the crappy optimisation from alpha? If not I guess I'll have to save up for a new PC pretty damn quick

Haruspex's friendship with Grief has been implied in the original. And yes, in the Alpha it is very much confirmed that Haruspex has been gone for little over five years. I don't remember him being out of town for longer than that in the original. Though it is a bit odd how much he managed to learn in that period.

Also, wasn't the first outbreak of the plague TEN years ago in the original? Because now it's just five, shortly after Haruspex left the town.
Other than that, it is now confirmed that Haruspex and Lara used to be childhood friends (actually, Haruspex, Lara, Grief and Rubin all were).
Oh yeah, and unlike the previous game, this one actually takes place on Earth, somehow. But we have figured that out in Marble's Nest already.

It also seems to me that Bachelor and Haruspex slightly switched personalities, with Haruspex now being the slightly more naive-feeling, and definitely younger of the two, while in the original it kinda felt the other way around.


>Do you think they'll fix up the crappy optimisation from alpha?
Well, the start-game, load-game and save game time have probably been fixed or at least toned down. But I would not expect miracles.

Bachelor is also now an even bigger dick than in the original

Played Classic HD and enjoyed it thoroughly. I wonder if they will actually make a sequel if this sells well.

Well, he always kinda was, it was just not so damn obvious when you PLAYED as him. I remember being quite surprised when I started playing as Haruspex in the original, and realizing just how much everybody fucking hated him in the first game.

t. uneducated backwater peasant with no medical degree

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>I wonder if they will actually make a sequel if this sells well.
This IS the sequel.
Well kinda. Something halfway between a remake and a sequel.

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Fuck off Danill, nobody likes you

I wouldn't expect the next episode at all

When are they going to make more english copies of the tabletop

>tfw even if we'll actually get all 3 campaigns Changeling will probably be made on absolute last scraps of the budget and underwhelming as hell AGAIN
IPL is too good for this world

Unfortunately the only real chance this has of taking off is if it gets big with streamers, which isn't exactly ideal. Intimidating systems and a bleak as all hell atmosphere isn't a great formula to capture a wider audience, all you can do is do your part and support the game as an existing fan and see if your friends might be interested in it.


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They should run another Kickstarter, I’d be happy to kick in again if they need it

Fun fact:
Impostress now looks like a cancer patient, and is just as fucking annoying to look at as she was (and still is) to talk to.
In the original game her concept art was pretty cute, though I actually learned that you can't kill vital NPC's straight after my first discussion with her.

I bought the original Pathologic that got remastered for myself and a friend. I hope that helped. It was actually very cheap though.

>tfw you own the tabletop but no one will play it with you
The boardgame perfectly encapsulates the miserable experience that is Pathologic.

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>What is even the biggest vidya site now?
Dunno but csrin is active. It's for pirates though.

Fuck. I remember googling latin to make this image long, long time ago. It's still around.

>tfw you actually have lots of friends who are into tabletop games and you play with them regularly, but none of them played Pathologic so you wouldn't have anyone to play it with anyway
I know your pain user

same my nigga, I got to play it with my friends once and they were so fucking confused we never played again.

Getting a package to my dorm from Russia was fun tho

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I think Konung would be a better fit behind Pathologic and Vangers, than Allods/Rage of Mages.

Don't get me wrong. Rage of Mages 1 is one of the best goddamn most satisfying balls-to-the-wall games I have ever played. It's pretty much FarCry1-on-realistic of the fantasy realtime tactical games. But it's not particularly great about anything artistry-related. The semi-pixelart on equipment is nice, I guess, but that's it. The core punch that game delivers is connected purely to how things play out in this game. Not to how they look or sound. It's brutal and relentless purely through its mechanics and mission design.

I don't think that can be said about either Pathologic or Vangers. Even in their wildest dreams they wouldn't be 1/10 as tight as Rage of Mages 1 was, but they have much more interesting things to look at, read, and generally experience for the very first time in your life.

If you haven't played 2 yet, play 1 first, then go onto 2.

1 is tighter and has more purity of concept, so to speak, but 2, when played first, makes it absolete, by basically being "bigger and better addon".


The experience system in the first game is so horrible though, it makes early game even more of a slog than it already is.

What? I thought this was going to be a remake?

>my Pathologic memes folder only has one image


Fear not, Oynon.

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>haruspicus only
No thanks.

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It's kinda both. You don't have to play the first game, the events are repeated, and functionally it is basically is a remake.

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Nah, it makes sense for you to scour around for a bit, like a kind of a "space cockroach". Also, I don't remember it taking THAT long.

What I primarily like about 1 is that there is generally less garbage in the game. Like, even the graphics look so much crisper and clearer. 2 is kind of overdesigned to me, in my opinion, in a way, that doesn't really suit the naivete of the game. In the first part, it's a far better match, in my opinion. The world is simple, the rules are simple, you are just playing and more or less having fun.

this one is really clever

I still prefer not being forced to ferry full cargo of protoplasma to ranger centers for ability to level up your skills.

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>everybody fucking hated him in the first game.
which kinda clashes with the gameplay fact that he starts with maxed reputation. I guess people were just pretending to like him?

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>been following the game so long that it's hard to get excited anymore, even with the release date finally announced and only a few months away
Why does this keep happening to me?

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too janky*

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>After living with him for a week, a woman killed herself

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Oh sweet Jesus, yes.

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I have just enough time to get a new pc and finally play Marble Nest before release.
I'm so fucking happy.

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What was up with her and the Commander? I didn’t get it

>GPU acting weird
>See this announcement
Objective: Survive until May 23.

I would also like to know this.

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