Called "final" fantasy

>called "final" fantasy
>has endless sequels

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they were all self contained until x-2 balls it up


Cringe honestly, rethink your thread and potentially life.

it's boosette actually. still mad about your brother, Luigi? No hard feelings, right.

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>called "Street" Fighter
>you fight in arenas, not the streets

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your thread is based and so are you

Sometimes you fight in streets.

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>Making a super crown bait thread
>Mods insist that you stop posting it but you continue
Wow, holy shit, shameless, I think I legit cringed a little, but just a little. I hope you get a public ban for this shameful display. Sad, you're as bad as Senranfags, Koikatsufags, Gachafags, Wojak and Pepe posters. You know Bowsette isn't allowed and get banned but continue. Truly sad you post this all the time, also sad that crown fags somehow think I'm on some imaginary other side, "My shitposts are better than yours", no I just think it's sad you have been told at least three dozen times to leave off publicly by mods but instst anyone who tells ou to fuck off is a Pepe shitter, or a newfag when you're no better, once again, really, really sad. Rethink your post quality, where you're posting, why it's not allowed and why I think it's so sad. It's not even about Bowsette or Boosette or Kirbette, which I all actually like now, it's just sad that you need to be told time over time.


Post her feet

>Mods insist that you stop posting it but you continue

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>game is called Stalker
>you don't obsessively follow someone all day, rummage their trash to find discarded belongings to keep as treasures, call their phone number just to masturbate furiously to the sound of their voice and eventually get bold enough to break into their property, rape them all night long and then suicide together come morning so that you can remain together forever in the afterlife as you were predestined to be all along

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Pretty big Jr. Or small user.

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>The Last Of Us

>It's not literally about the last human being

>you dont dont board off Mexicants from crossing the boarder


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>Bowsetteposters are also wojack and pepe posters

makes sense

>what is falseflag
Hi newfag

its called bussiness you retard


XV will probably be the last one. They fucked up pretty damn bad

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting!