Why are you not playing BfA?
Why are you not playing BfA?
Because it sucks
There's literally no point to doing any type of content other than getting more ilvl. World quests are boring, dungeons are boring, raids are okay-ish, the only salvagable thing in this pile of shit expansion is pvp and even that's fucked without pvp vendors. This expansion is even worse than one year of Hellfire Citadel.
I am, user
Because its sucks. The endgame is weak. You just grind the same world quest over and over. You just get fewer buttons. And because the fucking fanbase got more retarded , they got a bg against bots. AGAINST FUCKING BOTS
Because i'm not a fat american nerd?
>they got a bg against bots.
Wait, what?
I will try my luck with the Elder Scrolls Online
It's a really nice coincidence that you can test it for free for a week not only a weekend
yep, you just fight against a group of retarded bots, who are confused when you kick her skills. there just standing there for 6 second without doing anything
It's bad.
Because I'm not a cuck or a discord tranny
It was a limited time pvp brawl against AI. You do Arathi Basin against AI. It was fucking amazing because I go exalted with the Defilers since every game was an auto win with 750rep.
I don't play MMOs anymore because they're too circle jerky for a loner like me. They're dumbed down to the point that everything is trivialized by just having bodies there. You have discords full of butt buddies who may as well be NPCs in-game because they don't interact with anyone outside of their asspartner group.
Used to be that I could work hard to grow my character and game knowledge to a point where I'd get noticed and then be able to get my foot in the door. I made lots of friends that way in classic.
I am
Please play
waiting for classic
Cause they cucked low level pvp matchmaking and certain level brackets were the only fun thing left
>Please PAY
>Please buy the game
>Please pay a subscription
>Please buy overpriced toys
>Please buy mounts
>Please buy race change
>Please buy character boosts
Yeah... I don't think so
>Please wait for new content to unlock
>Play this ingame mobile game while you wait
>Play this ingame Pokemon game wile you wait
>Please don't unsub...
those dead eyes
>Please level characters through a world devoid of interesting content
>Please grind endlessly to gain the right to grind some more
>Please restrain from crafting as it's useless
>Feel free to buy some expensive shit to numb the sense of monotony and believe that you actually achieved something
Because I'm not going to pay $15 a month for a video game like a fucking retard.
But subs don't cost $15
They are mocking you... don't you see?
Why haven't unlock us yet player? Don't you want to experience what this expansion offers to you? You will look much better playing another reskinned race. It's the same as always, but slightly different! AMAIZING!
Oops, sorry. I meant $14.99.
sounds like the bulk of the playerbase to be fair
They don't cost $14.99 either
In fact, it's $0
I'm sure this game produces so much money that can sustain itself even if it was turned a free to play
I believe that by removing the initial barrier of a monthly payment, many more players would like to try the game. Of course, that decision will lead to the implementation of an unheard number of micopayment products in the game store
I have no interest in seeing how the game would change if they add additional sources of digital revenue. Knowing Activision Blizzard, it won't end well
>it's a retard who thinks wow tokens are free
Someone is paying $20 for those to auction them. Bliz is making even more money this way and you are still supporting kikery.
How will WoW ever compete?
like this
>Blizz makes $20 off me but because somebody else pays I'm not supporting them
>another human race with cosplay ears
stop nerfing Jaina's breasts
because it's the worst expansion I've played. Shit gameplay, nothing to do and an absolutely abyssmal story
We are almost home
The question is, why am i playing BfA...?
I didn't find the endgame enjoyable, it was too much grinding with very little payoff and Azerite Armor was a terrible system.
Plus the story seems like it's gonna be a shitty rehash of the MoP story with Sylvanas being the next Garrosh, because fuck the Horde being at war with the Alliance when the Horde can be at war with the Horde.