Sekiro Help Thread

Patrician's Taste Edition

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Why chicken so mean?

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500 replies already?!

giant cocks

This game was too hard and I am a Souls veteran. Every boss was harder than Orphan of Kos. Prove me wrong

>young isshin crawls out of genichiro's butt
Unironically, what the fuck did they mean by this? Does the game even explain it?

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yeah fuck that. Triggers my ptsd I got from seeing that downhill skier breaking her ass and having her organs fall on slopes.

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I just arrived at the very first story boss in 3 days, i don't want to get help here but i was curious to now how many of you people of Yea Forums already finished the whole game.

I finished it yesterday and I bought it 2 days after release

Yo FUCK this guy

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has anyone gone to final NG+ yet?
has anyone found any sekrits?

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how do i kill monkey

need a link to a trainer so I can beat this faggot final bosses 3rd and 4th phase


I finished it and NG+. Overall it feels a bit shorter than dark souls games.

Genichiro's Mortal Blade can summon people from the underworld

He summons young Isshin with the dark power that has riddled his body.

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>Second Owl fight
Yeah, no. I'll go back to playing other games.

Why is Lord Kuro so fuckin' cute?

made it to the last boss 3 days ago and dont feel like playing anymore. shits just frustrating.

pretty sure it was his neck but honestly I don’t know, I thought the black mortal blade opening a path to the underworld was something else but the memory you get from that fight implies that was his plan, though I don’t know what he was ultimately trying to accomplish, save Ashina? Then why fight Sekiro? Did he come back just to have one more badass fight? Did he want to die? His motivations confuse me

Where can I find a shield? I'm tired of parrying everything.

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>you can actually survive that with full upgrades
I'd rather die

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These fucking rehashed terror based fights are fucking awful.

i got all achievements

Why didn't Wolf try to court Emma? Is this nigga gay?

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finished it yesterday, bought it on release, took me around 50 hours

Genichiro has a mortal blade that can open a door to the underworld. When you defeat him he brings Isshin in his prime back to fight you. There is a scroll you can pick up by Isshins room that explains the blade.

Is the moonlight greatsword in Sekiro?
I beat the game and I'm on NG+

He was trying to get that sweet dragon blood from Kuro
He even stabbed him with his blade

how about you git fucking gud

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Why is Kuro so cute?

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Well that's that...

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>beat Owl and Corrupted Monk first try

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He was raised to be an autistic shinobi whose only purpose in life is to protect his Lord.


I can literally get through his first two phases without taking damage, and then on 3rd one fuck up and I'm dead because there is no room to heal and he can attack from 15 meters away

buy the umbrella from blackhat badger in Ashina Castle

I'm not very far, but I'm curious. What's the big twist? The "There are aliens in Bloodborne!" or "You're secretly that God no one cares about the whole time in Dark Souls!" style twist.

I could've sworn that genichiro's mortal blade sometimes had that "interact" symbol on it during that one phase at the end, whenever he charged it up

Hey fellas, anyone up to drop their summon sign for Isshin? Having a hard time with his 3rd phase. Greatly appreciated.

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Just to show how much of a bitch this guy was (even though I managed to get him on the 3rd try), I used up all my gourds and pellets.

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no I meant Isshin, Genichiro’s motivations are pretty clear


Sorta kinda. Not really.

There's one Seath-looking boss that swings around a big, green, glowing sword. That's about it.

There's no big twist of that sort

Kuro is such a good boy

to give wolf extra incentive to keep him safe

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>literally random ass boss moves
>can leap across the map and hit you when you are trying to heal

no thanks, it is artificial difficulty bullshit x9

I beat guardian ape on 2nd try, beat 2ape on first try (was incredibly easy tbqh) but the final boss is just exponentially higher levels of complete bullshit

His third phase is easier than his 2nd phase, because its pretty much the same except he uses lightning which you can fling back at him easily for damage.

post his cute feet

Oh, you sweet summer child...

I wish I was a shota so I could have handsome old men fight over me.

bugs, I guess

I kill butterfly lady, spear guy and general with the marksmen on the stairs and im lost. The door doesnt open from the front.

ehhh it gets a little weird at Senpou temple and fountainhead palace but there’s nothing quite on that level, I still don’t understand the connection between the divine dragon and the centipedes

>Put a boss in poison lake
>Dont make the boss immune to poison

>Run into Corrupted Monk without Confetti.

Please. Let ne Homeward away.

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What's all in NG+?

She looks pretty young. Maybe not loli young

go up on the roofs, you're a ninja

Just HOLD the block button to parry. You dont need to hit it at the perfect moment, the window is very generous.

>this post

Here's an idea, instead of giving up like a faggot, learn his moveset, get better, and kill him

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now get ready for wifey

Imagine being a soldier grunt in 1500's Japan and charging into battle aginst a middle aged samurai weilding a Jumonji Yari, a katana and a pistol. I'd run for my life

>isshin first phase
Elder god tier swordfighting kino if you deflect all of his shit instead of running around or dodging. It is often beneficial too, e.g. I found that deflecting the iai attack 8 times out of 10 forces him to do a thrust you can mikiri.

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No one tell them, I want their innocence to last.





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Fuck you.

That poison was the only reason I could beat him.

>Just HOLD the block button to parry
Eh, no?


Wrong fight? I killed him but don't remember a wifey

i pirated the game and beat but i want to buy it because i liked so much yay or nay?

It's not worth it.
Don't waste resources on it!

>Mortal Blade that connects to the Underworld has Isshin return to fight your dumb ass
I sure as fuck hope the DLC will lead us into Yomi

Kind of like japanese Orpheus.

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if you hold L1 you’ll just block attacks which will build up your posture meter, don’t be stupid

lmao the dragon is a fucking gook

How old is wolf anyway? everyone calls him young but he looks mid 30s minimum.

fuck emma
marry divine child
kill kuro


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Divine Child.



But I'd marry and fuck all of them

Divine loli and Kuro

His spear combo in phase 2 and 3 always managed to break my posture. Always. When I finally beat him I'd just managed not to get that one, or avoided it.

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what controller did you use
can't get any to work

LORD Kuro.

>being a pleb that didn't do the return ending first
It even tells you it isn't native to Japan and came west.

oh my god what was that?!

Shes definitely older than kuro maybe like 14

marry kuro
fuck emma
kill the stupid bitch that refuses to give me rice

Just parry her shit. It's easier.

you're supposed to marry emma and adopt kuro and divine loli retard

I'm pretty sure Isshin was just honoring his dead grandson's final wishes.

He pretty clearly didn't agree with what Genichiro was doing with how he went out of his way to help Sekiro at every turn, and he still compliments Sekiro throughout the fight. I get the sense he was fighting Sekiro out of that Japanese sense of obligation toward your family. Didn't seem to have any beef with the guy.

But this is all guesswork on my part. I may be full of shit.

Get good pussy.

Today i've beaten the Lost Kin (hollow knight dream broken vessel) and the last boss in Sekiro, what a day.
I love both games but i had more fun killing lost kin


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She's probably 200 years old or something

either because he's an autist or because he's into shota

Are you using the steam controller settings? I just plugged in my switch pro controller and it worked out of the box

somebody told me that there are centipede Larvae in Fountainhead lake, but I never saw them.

Dont hold it all the time, press it shortly before being hit, just dont immedeatly release it again. You dont need to hit the button at the exact moment.

Divine Child

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SPOILERS, but I still don't get two things:
Why the hell did a younger version of Isshin pop out of Genichiro?
How did the Sculptor turn into the Demon of Hatred?

He was a child when Owl adopted him, and they cut to at least twenty years later, so 25 to 30 years old. I'm shit at guessing ages though.

Isshin also wants to preserve Ashina from the Interior Ministry fucks and win the war so Ashina can be independent, so in that one instance they both are alligned. The only difference was Isshin doesn't want to go so far as to make an immortal army from the dragon's blood but Isshin from his prime brought back wtih the Mortal blood, using Genichiro's immortal blood, is essentially the strongest fucker alive. Isshin Sword Saint could probably preserve Ashina by himself being that powerful so when Genichiro loses, he decides to just bring him back and let him win


I meant the skier. Sorry for not specifying. I want to know if she survived.

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if bloodborne gave you the ability to swim and dive ala fountainhead palace lake it would be the most horrifying game of all time

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I can only afford one, should I get Nioh or Sekiro?

user... the katana Kuro gives you in tutorial IS the moonlight sword

Why does Isshin fight you once he comes back? Now that he's in his prime once more does he think Ashina can actually take on the rest of Japan and become its own nation?

For most of the game Genichiro and his forces are against you and Isshin, while Genichiro's grandfather, doesn't think his one man army plan will work.

Why do people find this boss hard, i've unironically killed it in second try


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Why are there age limits? why is it illegal to marry a 12-year old? Helen of Troy was 12. Juliet and Cleopatra were still teenagers when they became famous. Most heroines of classic novels and poems were underage by today's laws. Thomas Edison married a 16-year-old. Medical studies show that the best age for a woman to have children is between 15 and 25 (lowest chances of miscarriage, of birth defects and, last but not least, of the woman dying while giving birth); while the worst age is after the mid 30s. And the younger you are, the more likely you are to cement a real friendship with your children; the older you are, the more likely that the "generational gap" will hurt your children's psychology. Therefore it is much more natural to have a child at 16 than at 40. In countless countries of the world women have their first child at a very young age, and stop having children at a relatively young age. Nonetheless, in the USA it is illegal to have sex before 18 (but, note, only if the partner is over 18, which is like saying that it is ok to rob a bank if you are a banker), while it is perfectly legal to get pregnant at 40 or (thanks to medical progress) even at 70.

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i just have the xbone controller

Why are people saying enemies can't be dodged in this game? Does the dodge not give iframes anymore?

Near the giant koi skeletons

The game is awful.

you can't stop biology. surely even an autistic shinobi gets horny

>I can't beat it so it's artificial difficulty
>I'm so good at this game
>Th- The game is being unfair
Fuck off. I beat him on my third try. You are incapable of adapting and you suck as a result of that.

He could just be an asexual.

nah that was basically my interpretation as well, he was such a badass he came back from the underworld just to have one more great fight and genichiro was such a failure that was his backup plan

of course not

You genuinely deserve the death penalty


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you're gonna see plenty of these ayy lmaos later on.
They're monks from the fountainhead palace that have been corrupted by the river of the divine dragon.

He is the Divine Heir though?

You underestimate the powers of autism.

it's legal to marry 12 year olds in the US and the middle east

>souls veteran
fucking kill yourself faggot

What is this face trying to convey?

Literally didn't do anything wrong

Am I the only one who finds Mibu pretty comfy? Especially the O'Rin location. It's just so calm and soothing

yeah they’re all over the fish skeleton near the headless at the bottom of the lake but did the dragon bring the centipedes to fountainhead or show up at fountainhead because the centipede were already there?

What is the Fountainhead Palace Water for?

No there is not, but somebody modded the katana to look like mgs

To whatever user posted the bead list, thanks. Helped me figure out where the last 2 were. I just completely missed them because I'm a brainlet.

No twists this time.

This isn't a Souls game.

we dark souls now

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How about a spoiler tag, you tool?

Who's fucking idea was it to make the default item use button up on the d-pad? That button should have been that swap prosthetic button. Absolutely retarded. At least the game lets you fix it. Also, you should be able to equip multiple combat arts at once and swap them with down on the d-pad. This control scheme seems like wasted potential to me.

I think Isshin at that point just wanted to fight kinda like Oda Nobunaga in Nioh.

I wish you didn't have to do finishers.

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>calm and soothing
>kill corrupted monk
>get the item
>go back to orin's location
>fucking ghostly samurai pops out of nowhere on the bridge

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The guy in the mibu village house before the ghost monk

He said Divine Loli not Divine Heir. As in Divine Child of Rejuvenation aka Rice Loli

buy a gun to kill yourself with faggot.

makes sense but the game mentions the ministry was eyeing Ashina because it’s eyes were ‘bloodshot from the rejuvenating waters’ it was kinda justifiable to take it down on the ministry’s part

isshin comes out of genichiro's neck

game is super long if you explore everything.
Just finished it for the first time, played since release. Spent some time farming SPs out of boredom tho

I love when this happens.

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>he doesn't know

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>have to see an item on screen to pick it up when you're right next to it
>have to hold x to drag in loot instead of it just coming to you automatically

So where is the cherry tree around the castle that Emma speaks about? Kuro speaks something about snake temple, but I cant seem to be able to progress from there? And does that Tengu give me something if I fully upgrade his combat art path?

wtf is that weapon!? I've finished the game and I haven't seen it.

That's where you find the MLGS.

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The Divine Dragon inhabited the divine realm beyond Fountainhead. The Fountainhead Palace waters were imbued with its divinity, somehow. The centipedes were just centipedes that happened to grow in it and become immortal parasites that could could confer immortality to humans by turning them into Las Plagas.

I realized too late that you can switch buttons and I am scared to change the layout now

Are there any more lewd Sekiro pictures? Doesn't seem that there are any r34 pages yet.

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This centipede shit is 2spooky

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Farewell, old friend.

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I already beat the game. I'm just looking out for the other sorry souls here.

>And does that Tengu give me something if I fully upgrade his combat art path?
Yeah he gives you another combat art. You need to talk to Isshin when you fully upgrade Tengu's combat art because Tengu is Isshin in disguise

Genichiro wants to preserve Ashina as Japanese power.
Isshin also wants to do so, he even initiated the coup from the previous balance of power to make Ashina clan more powerful.
Sekiro and Kuro don't really give a fuck about it though, they just want to get out of dodge but everyone wants Kuro's ass for his dragon blood

Oh shit, I thought people were meming when they said this is hard.
I beat every ninja gaiden on MNM but here I'm already stuck on the Shinobi Hunter on the second fucking level.
>I have Mikiri
>I see his trust coming
>half of the time I input a dodge instead
>every single time I properly parry it, it doesn't seem to lead to a deathblow
What the fuck? He also has a long range trust and I see no proper timing for that one.

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Because Genny wanted someone strong enough to save Ashina from the ministry fuckheads, and the only one he knew who (at least at one point) strong enough was grandpa
Because bloodlust. He even says when he makes his buddha statues that if he focuses too much on his anger, the statues come out looking demonic. Also, he, at one point was possessed by Shura, and Isshin cut his arm off to stop him, so I imagine the ministry coming in with their war triggered his hatred and Shura came back with a vengeance to give him his wish of just murdering some fools.


chill it's a Yea Forums meme

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>a literal 10/10 that could get any grill or shota he wants
Meanwhile here I am a horny fucking 5 and no one would fuck me. It's not fucking fair

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>never used mortal blade skills
Did I miss much? Are they any good?

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That's no twist when you realize they're just illusions created by some weird flute monsters out of the mist. They are not summons.

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Tree is kill. You get the thing from a boss later. You get another esoteric text if you master any of the arts. Tengu can give it to you at the great snake shrine or near the end of the game you'll get it.

Just got info to go to the sunken valley bottomless pit and mt kugo.

Issshiin mentions that Tomoe is the one who taught Genishiro the lightning techniques.
Is this Tomoe a boss and i thought Isshin was dead but revived by Genshiro when he dies.

Could some kind anons shed some light on the story i have gotten to so far?

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those things were disappointing though, party bait and the only spirits I ever saw were those samurai, nothing unique

Mikiri counter/parrying doesn't give you a free deathblow, it just builds the enemy's posture up.

You have to dodge forward into the thrust as soon as you see it coming towards you.

The window is pretty forgiving.

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Mikkiri tip
Wait for the weapon gleam before you go in

I don't know a whole lot of Japanese but I'm getting a suspicion that the English subtitles for this game have a lot of slightly weird mistranslations. Can any fluent Japanese confirm or deny?

Work out more, that can bump you up to a six, and good hygiene will get you to a nine.

see below your post

it's not a mod

>Flower Viewing Stage
Absolute cancer. How did they manage to make such a peak aesthetic zone so fucking shit?
Between the fucking soccerfags who somehow one-shots you harder than any boss in the fucking game and the fact that touching water instakills you is just fucking awful.

The immortality that everyone seeks is either parasitic infestation or becoming an aids spreading magic vampire who drains the life of everyone around him in order to resurrect

You'll get good eventually and the game will become tons of fun and suffering

The devious thing about Seven Spears is that the mikiri counter has to be delayed. I didn't figure that out until the second fight in Ashina Reservoir, nearing up to the final boss.

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So its safe to say he was this game's crestfallen right?

Who was Robert?

>watching ENB get filtered on corrupted monk

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Literally first Google search mong

DLC boss along with master Dogen

the subs are from the english dub, that's why

That guy that prompts the deadly attack tutorial, General Naomi Kawada, and drops the first gourd seed and bead, gave me a hell of a time. Am I going to make it?

Really? I did it on some peasant enemies and it did lead to deathblow. It won't work on bosses? If that's the case I'd rather jump and kick them in the face
Thanks though, I'll just focus on his posture then


>this entire section
b r a v o

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literally perfect and his japanese dub is so good

I'm in the same boat. I've literally struggled less with games like Shinobi (PS2), God Hand, or Ninja Gaiden Black. Maybe it's me, maybe it's the weird parry timing, who knows. But Sekiro just doesn't feel right to me and I suck at it.


okay, makes sense and were the centipedes feeding on the fish carcass or do the ‘masters’ harbor the centipedes within them? I know the pot nobles become masters but the nobles aren’t the same as the infested

What area are you talking about? I don't understand

Fuck O'Rin
Marry Emma
Kill Kuro

You can pretty reliably take out his first health bar by sneaking through the flowers. He's standing right next to them, just asking to get stabbed.

After that, his second life bar becomes more manageable. I was able to Mikiri Counter him semi-reliably, though as a miniboss, he won't get full posture from just one. It's really only an instant deathblow on grunts.

I just pushed aggressively as possible to build up his posture. In hindsight, I was pretty much just R1 spamming. I'm sure there's a better way to do it, but it worked for me.

it's not a question of being a 5. I know I can become a 7 or an 8 easily. It's a question of me being afraid of sex

Lads, in the misty forest there's the old guy who's like "yo go kill that faggot noble in the temple" and once you've lifted the fog he says something about how he'd love to see a buddha in the temple.
Anyone figured out what he wants or how to do it?

Not mistranslations so much as creative license. For example, near the end of the game (this isn't a spoiler), if you offer a drink to Emma she says "Excuse", but the translation reads, "Please forgive me, but now does not seem an appropriate time for libations."

I'd fuck him. I'm not gay, though. I swear I'm not.

Yeah, I think it's different. People will repeat themselves, "hey hey hey," "wh-wh-what's going on," and that sort of thing, but the Japanese VAs don't stutter or repeat themselves.

Honestly, the succ is so odd. By all rights, it should just be automatic. There's no reason to not pick up enemy drops, after all.

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>legendary warrior
>probably so hardcore the Okami Warriors copied her
>Even prime Isshin was no match for her
I truly wonder who this Tomoe could be.

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Post kino shots

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10/10 would give own blood to revive

I beat the game today and i probably wont play it again, but i just realized i never figured out what the 2 snake hearts were used for, anyone knows?

He is saying Wolf is a 10/10, not the game, but it is a pretty good game.

Maybe I'm going insane by fighting Genchiro so many times, but is it just me or is there sometimes an iresponsiveness to blocking?

Why is Owl such a slimy cunt?

damn he handsome

>I did it on some peasant enemies and it did lead to deathblow.

You probably built their posture to the max. Once you break an enemy's posture you get your deathblow.

You can also get a stealth deathblow in on him if you stealthily take out the bandits on the ledge first, then sneak up to Enshin when he's walking past the flower bed.

where are my lobsters it's been 15mins

it's heavily implied that the giant koi is the pot noble from the memory area, and he didn't seem to have parasites on him, because you can kill him.

That isn't just a misty illusion. It's a Buddhist Hell where the souls of the savage dead are doomed to wander a misty forest like savage monkeys, until the day they are reincarnated as lowly apes.

Every one of those Bandits is a soul of the damned, living like the animals they were in life. A very Japanese twist to the Underworld, that one. They even got the repentant souls of monks in hell, working hard to ascend their Karma once again into a higher plane of existence.

Literally Ninja Kino.

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Just be not scared?

>isshin died before i could "master a technique"

feels bad, sorry dude

Should I not bother with Ashina Depths just yet or is that just the level of "FUCK YOU" the game's gonna start throwing at me from this point on?

How do I kill owl? He's pushing my shit in

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Bros... fan art of rice loli when?

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mmm he cute

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>it's heavily implied that the giant koi is the pot noble from the memory area
What makes you say that?

how were you supposed to know that the giant carp body would wind up in the great ape watering hole? I didnt hear any dialogue hinting towards that, but also forgot to talk to the flashback pot noble before the palace pot noble killed him and became a fish

Another thing. Anyone else noticing any input delay? Are you guys playing wireless or wired, and does it matter?


I reccomend fighting Lady Butterfly to get your shit kicked in and get good.

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I just stabbed them in the eye, please tell me they show up more later?

>firecrackers are actually useful
>I only used them on monkey trouble
things could have been so much easier

you're in for a treat

post favorite boss

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Miyazaki can't even beat this game himself. I guarantee it.

The pot nobles are the same weird slug people you see in Fountainhead Palace. Their hands are identical. Something about Fountainhead and its waters makes its immortal recipients obsessed with the carp. The infested are those who accept the centipedes into their bodies, whereas the nobles drank of the Fountainhead waters. Two types of immortality.

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Dunno, i ran into the corpse by accident when i was looking for something else.

>inb4 it's actually rice loli

>Literally Ninja Kino.
literally zero masked ninjas falling from the ceilings.

sekiro was fun but ninja kino it was not.

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>Wha? Robsta? No robsta here, gaijin. Onry fishu, four hundred dorrah prus taxu prus tipu.

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god you really just arbitrarily installed every current sekiro mod out there

of all the fucking things to model rip

souls fans have godawful taste

Go up. You're supposed to kill the lightning fucker so then you can go swimming.

just got to the ashina being set all on fire and shit and told that I have to go after kuro who has gone through the secrety reservoir tunnel is that the final fight? Should I be clearing up all the minibosses n trying that fire fuck?

just beat owl
if the game keeps up this pace, this might be my favorite soulsborneKINO game yet

There are actually 2 snakes in the game, did you guys realise? I mean you kill one snek and get one of the fruits and then the other snek guards the other fruit

Two more.

Owl desu

Is that Laurence?

How does that make sense? The pot noble gives you bait to kill the giant carp so he might turn into a carp himself.

Does anyone else spastically tap the parry button when anticipating an attack because you're scared that you're going to fuck it up otherwise?

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>Stuck on a fight for over an hour
>Get up for 15 minutes to cool down
>Immediately win next try

anyone know this feel?

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Chained John Cena
Not the one in the castle though, fuck tight space camera

there are two giant snakes.
you must seek both of them, if you want the true best ending. Good luck.

would marry and live a quiet life on a japanese farm

What's the best place to farm exp? I'm currently at NG4 and i'm farming the shinobi next to the ante room sculpture who gives me 4.2k exp per kill, would be nice if it could go a bit faster to max out all the skills.

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Finished it yesterday, took about 25 hours doing all bosses+minibosses and taking my time with things.

>Should I be clearing up all the minibosses n trying that fire fuck?
You should, it's a pretty good boss, and gives you lazulite

Check your controller and if you're on some "Smart" TV, they often have processing that causes latency so make sure you're on Game Mode, etc.

Blocking should be fine, despite what the game says you need to deflect just BEFORE an attack lands so it aligns with your parry window. This means you should always favour blocking in advance of attacks.

If Genichiro is giving you grief, keep in mind there are multiple different areas you can visit. You don't have to kill him now.

yes, it's the last boss
you can still continue playing after you beat him
you can choose to go to NG+ later

Why are so many people pedos on the internet?

I thought of coming into these threads and giving intentionally wrong answers to lore/combat questions too. Doing God's work.

I don’t think there’s anything else you can do with him unless I missed it

The Giant carp is the in the Fountainhead lake area. The Map shows a waterfall from the fountainhead lake leading to the sunken depths. There is a waterfall pouring into the guardian ape area of the sunken depths. Carp fell down the waterfall

Thats about the only thing I can think.

When I face bosses like Isshin I always wonder if FROM employees actually play their games before releasing them

works everytime. it's like a real life cheat

thanks lads

I did it lads, I killed the fucking demon. Now only Isshin left, should be easy right?

It's a stun that allows a free 2-3 hits depending on the enemy, or gives you enough time to heal up without getting hit.

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There is no quest with him. He's just a dying dude who wishes the temple wasn't tainted by some faggot alien fish

I do, it has yet to fail me.

The appeal is that he's cute like a girl but has the same parts as you.

talk to him in the memory area, he says that he's collecting the scales because his dream is to become a Koi.
That, plus the creepy human face and human teeth gives it away.

fuck Owl jumping ass bitch

rice loli eats them in best ending

stealth kill fountainhead palace nobles

next you're gonna tell me just to b myself

That’s pedo shit my man.

I guess thats why the camera is always facing towards the watering hole when you spawn at that idol

one of the from PR guys said it took him 13 hours to beat the last boss

Sekiro has one of these inside him too, doesn't he?

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The bottom of sunken valley is where "the Fountainhead waters pool deeply", according to the Lotus flower description.

is the second owl fight locked behind the purification ending? And does that mean I can't get all prayer beads until ng+?

What do we call the genre now? How do we work Sekiro into Soulsborne?

Demon is easier than Isshin.

Well i know that, but i don't see why that implies he is the same as the full grown one.

no, his immortality comes from the dragon blood

What's the best option for the Jinzaemon and Kotaro quests, worth sending them to the surgeon/vendor

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No you can get them at any time past the first owl fight and before the Divine dragon fight

The feminine face and that hair style go well togther.

Oh ok.


How fast can you consecutively deflect? Fighting Ashina Elite in the Ashina Dojo place, can deflect both hits from his quick 1-2 combo in separate deflects or am I just supposed to stay out of range?

Sekiro has legot immortality. The centipide shit is from drinking water infested with magic centipede eggs.

yes? But remember that he doesn't know that was him he was trying to kill, because this is in the past.
He becomes a koi, and then ends up a giant koi in the present.
This is a sad cycle where he kills himself in the future, to then him getting killed by his past self...
Man time travel paradox are trippy af

Just stop being depressed and be yourself, in a widely accepted way.

Fuck, I killed the divine dragon.
NG+ it is.
how do I do it?

all the fountainhead water eventually flows to the apes resting area, the flower description tells you that, not saying it’s obvious but I think that’s the only hint


Dont do anything with Jinzaemon and he will meet up with his music playing waifu. Give Kotaro the white fan so he can be with his friends in monkey heaven

the quickdraw iato guy? you have to deflect both hits, just tap the button twice really quickly

Logic/reasoning. You've been told several times before that the fountainhead waters end somewhere in the Ashina depths, which you find out is the Ape boss room.
I looked for the carp everywhere in the palace before the memory came back, and I figured it's reasonable a place he'd end up.

My taste is great though...

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>literally zero masked ninjas falling from the ceilings.
But that's what you literally do all game. There's even those hidden revolving panels. At one point a guy on a kite literally YOOOOOOOOOs at you while falling from a kite at breakneck speed. You get a cursed sword that takes the life of anyone that draws it. Shit's ninja as fuck.

Nah, he is of age for Ye Olde Japan. It's just gay.

You can't do that, every parry attempt will reduce your parry frames and you'll get hit more often.
You need to block by default, then when you anticipate an attack, release the block and re-apply it just as the attack hits. Do it with measure or timing.

The only time you should ever spam parries is when the enemy is literally spamming attacks at you.

Just mash L1 and you'll be fine

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we la plaga now

I honestly think this is BB tier kino.
This scene and the Divine Dragon scene are stupid good.

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I think you just have to hit it once, pay attention to the sparkle on his model, press it then.

>fight isshin over and over again
>genichiro becomes a mere speedbump that does nothing but fuels your second res node
Kinda feel bad for him

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Is it worth it to keep the demon bell on? Keep in mind I don't feel like taking it off before every boss, so I'll have to fight them all with it turned on. And I'm watching other people fight the same bosses without the bell and it seems a lot less stressful.

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1) What should I do before last boss? If I beat him, is that a point of no return? I wanna beat all bosses
2) where's 10th upgrade for gourd?
3) will I keep upgrades on NG+

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Except that the "Master" has been there for a long time since Grandma's slug father has been feeding him for a long time. You only meet hirata pot guy 3 years in the past.

He felt like a boss straight from DS, you don't even need to parry to kill him. Also his
stages and new moves were fun.
Why thought? He's probably the easiest out of all endgame challenges

>At one point a guy on a kite literally YOOOOOOOOOs at you while falling from a kite
Yeah that was alright but he wasn't even a ninja he was a tengu fag.

at first i though genishiros point blank arrows were the worst but its actually isshins p2 and 3 jumpback spear swipe holy shit it makes me rage.

>two types of immortality
that’s what I thought, and who killed the pot noble in fountainhead after I gave the Hirata pot nobles bait to the master? Or was it suicide because his master died?

I want another boss fight like that one in the DLC

Fuck emma
marry kuro
kill rice loli

Ape Apocalypse by far, none of the other bosses were as cool or as hard, although i didn't fight Owl2, Emma or Old Ishiin.

Demon bell is worth only if you feel like game is too easy.

Does giving the rice loli infested tome lock you into a specific ending route?

Immortal severance is definitely the most impactful ending. So good.

But if you help out the second noble, Harunaga dies in the past but the Giant Carp is still there.

>centipedes everywhere
>corpses littering the outskirts
>jizo sculptures all over the place
>rice loli the only child to survive
This whole temple is fucking depressing, man.

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>just beat game
>fucking TIME loops
is the entire game just purgatory for shinobi sekiro after his death at owl's hands? some odd, bloody path to redemption that he keeps failing at?

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1. You are pretty much locked to an ending if you are the last boss. You can fight other bosses that aren't tied to different endings like the Demon.
2. Palace Grounds building unless you missed one earlier
3. Yes

canon it is

Feudal era asian, where you can be a galaxy-brained mastermind warlord pulling next level trickery on entire opposing armies and establishing intense, borderline homoerotic rivalries with generals in enemy provinces while literally pissing testosterone.

No, nothing locks you into an ending except betraying kuro


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Isn't that just a mistranslation? Aren't centipede and dragon kinda close in nipponese?

>moonlight sword
You're a fucking faggot, dude.

There is no time travel paradox here, user. He's just obssessed with becoming a carp, so he wants to kill the current great carp.
Think about it. It's only 3 years between the memory and normal game. But, when you go to the palace, you meet an old ass woman asking you to help her father, who has been feeding the carp since she's been a child. How can that be true and it still be only 3 years?

Alright I give up

How do I get across here?

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That was the only part of the game where the stealth didn't suck balls, and only because it was built purely around stealth. Highlights what a stupid decision it was to try and combine combat and stealth into a single game.


No, it's just one of those "history repeats itself" things.

Return feels the most 'canon' to be honest

Pro tip: When you successfully get a jump kick counter on a sweep attack, a way to further push your advantage and convert it into damage is to follow up the jump kick with a mid air prosthetic, either fire or firecrackers depending on the enemy. It is 100% safe and effective

Ape to be honest, it's just a fun brawl and I love the arena. Whenever he is about to throw poop at me I book it until he's in the air and then grapple a tree to get away and it feels so good

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he didn't die from Owl hands in the past because Kuro ressd him

>ENB STILL getting filtered at Corrupted Monk

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hm? None of the endings are canon, you can choose.

Am on second playthrough. Two things I don't get:
How does Sekiro know about Emma being a good sword fighter? He asks her about it after unlocking kuros castle hideout.

Also at that point, when you next talk to sculptor, sekiro thanks him for saving the divine heir? At what point was he saved? He seemed in Genichiros control the whole time. Maybe during the bossfight? I guess that's what could be implied by the shinobi shortcut present in kuros domicile.

Asking cause I'm looking for missed eavesdrops.

He gave me the most trouble by far, Owl was a close second though.

sprint yamp

True or the ghost?

the gayest scene out of all

>Not air-deflecting the poop so you don't get hit by the backsplash
The tiny poison stack is worth the cool factor.


Wolf isn't actually immortal. There are only two truely immortal beings in the game, and Wolf is not one of them.

>He's probably the easiest out of all endgame challenges
Challenge isn't everything, atmosphere and overall feel are everything though. Feels good seeing an eastern style dragon weilding the seven branched sword and the way to beat it is to do the stylish move in the entire game while dodging and deflecting a sword that is 10x your size

>and only because it was built purely around stealth
What? How? I literally ran toward monkeys and killed them.

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Nope. No time loops. You just take over Sculptor's job when he dies. If this was a time loop, you would have met Emma's father who built the prostethic arm to begin with, and a lot of other dumb.

Reminder: This isn't Dark Souls. This is the most straightforward game FROM Software in a while.

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>How does Sekiro know about Emma being a good sword fighter?
I just assumed he guessed because of her posture or how she carried herself or some shit, because he is such an epic shinobi that he can just tell by looking into her eyes. Japanese love that kind of shit.

jump down into the water and swim right, grapple up and go through the door and theres another ledge to jump off of

>Wolf isn't immortal
>keeps returning to life after he is killed


> 2. Palace Grounds building unless you missed one earlier
hmm, where is that? I found 1 gourd seed in waterfall near the top.
Anyway, thanks for answer. I'm going to clean up those headless then and fight Demon, even though he seems impossible to beat

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yeah I did the return ending first and never got the chance to fight him at Hirata Estate, I didn’t find Isshin until after I fought Ginichiro, or maybe it’s the Owl fight you have to do it before not sure

Its pretty anime tier trope where someone realizes that a seemingly innocent person is actually a capable fighter.

One of the easier bosses in the game in my opinion. She does her slow long jump then cleave attack so many times its easy to get her posture up in less than a minute.

How come Kuro made Sekiro close his eyes when he cut his chest?

>How does Sekiro know about Emma being a good sword fighter?
Ninja sense.

>Also at that point, when you next talk to sculptor, sekiro thanks him for saving the divine heir? At what point was he saved?
I believe that was in a booze talk.

So I am trying to get the purification ending and after hitting my face against the Owls fight in the memory I need to take a break and maybe power up if possible. How long can I delay this fight? The longman brought me to the fountainhead palace but I haven*'t continued on from there. At which point do I have to kill the owl again at the latest to get the purifiication ending.?

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bad webm

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pls no bully

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>not the real corrupted monk.

Even though I am not near the real one even I know that was just an illusion version.

O'rin is just predictable, her combo always ends in a sweep and she will always do the combo after she deflects you a couple of times.

He wanted to maintain his chastity by not getting naked infront of him.
Kuro is pure and gay, and he is in love with Sekiro.

>How does Sekiro know about Emma being a good sword fighter
Seems like that shonen anime thing you always see. A character can tell when someone is super skilled just by the way they compose themselves, even if they haven't even them with a wepoan in hand

>Find the openings in his combos to dodge to the side and get a hit
>When he starts to throw his smoke bomb rush through and get a hit
>When he throws two shurikens he's going to do his jump attack, dodge to the side and punish with a charged attack
>Getting posture broken is fine since you have enough time to dodge and punish his stomp
>Never EVER do a thrust from the front, he will Mikiri you
>Keep antidote handy for phase two

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I think the Emma thing is Wolf just using the drink to pry into her life. Aka, "I didn't know, but thanks for telling me now"

Owl mk 2.

>fighting isshin over and over
>start tilting to genichiro and losing a rez every now and again
After 20+ attempts he just annoys the fuck out of me.

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What changes time of day progression? Is it the amount of bosses you kill? You start the game with kino lighting but after killing either Genichiro or the Spirit Monk dude the lighting goes to shit and it's all grimdark.

As long as you dont kill the Main boss in the fountainhead palace you will be fine

Do you see that fag postin webms? fuck em.

It's a special attack called Mortal Draw or something like that. You do a massive one or two attack swing with the mortal blade after a short charge period.

>2nd owl fight
Jesus Christ no other boss has fucked me up this much so far

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tfw getting past a casual filter only to run into another one

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>and he is in love with Sekiro.
me too

>no time loops
>even though you go back in time for an entire level and get spirited away and there is constant divine intervention in your life
i dunno
ill have to see the other endings but im really leaning to time loop

>May you live on, and embrace what it means to be human.

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he was definitely the easiest by dodging giant shockwaves and blasting lightning into its face in that giant cloud arena was just fun as fuck, I would say my favorite ‘challenging’ fight was the first Genichiro before I got gud or the demon of hatred

Wolf himself isn't immortal. He's borrowing the power from Kuro. It's the difference between true immortality and just a corrupted form of it, especially since Wolf causes dragonrot if he dies too often by succing the life force from people around him.


So why did Grampa Sword come out of Genichiro's neck, and why in the fuck did he want to kill me? Not only did he like me, we didn't have any kind of conflicting objectives.

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Yeah deflecting poop is pretty kino too

my webms suck too guy but at least we're posting them

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I can't decide if killing him is merciful or not. rice loli is proof immortality doesn't HAVE to completely suck, and rape ape seems to be doing just fine for himself too

Does everyone with a centipede eventually become those awful hosts or were those failures?

Loved this fight. Got me nice and warmed up for the Genichiro fight, which is also fucking awesome.

user why would you say such harsh things to such a cute woman.

>die a couple of times to the seven spears guy in the starter area
>get 5 rot essence

The boss isnt hard
The level geometry and shit adds are.

use strats

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The fact that he dies means that he is not immortal, he needs to revive himaelf and his revives are limited in both gameplay and universe lore. If he got hit by a mortal blade, he would die. The only confirmed immortal being in Sekiro is the Divine Dragon. It gets stabbed in the face with the Mortal Blade and it doesn't die. The Divine Child is also suspected to be truly immortal. That's it.

>having trouble with snake eyes

This fight was pretty easy but thats probably because I knew the patterns before hand since I fought the gun fort version without cheesing. Also didn't bother using the poison lake on her.

Fucking hell user, that fire absolutely torched him. What upgrade is that?

Is it ever actually confirmed that Kuro is actually a boy? Shit like that only makes it seem like there's going to be a reveal in DLC that Kuro is actually a girl.

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The second Mortal Blade opens a path to Yomi. Basically Isshin came back from the Underworld.

No sequel then?

The Hirata estate is not time travel, you fucking retard. It's a vision of the past. Wolf is not actually travelling through time.

It's not a loop. Also, the memory isn't time travel, it's just Wolf sorta reliving the experience in a sense.

sounds like there won't be any power ups. Guess I'lll have to keep trying myself at the second owl fiight.

I feel you so hard. This is the first real wall I hit in this game.

Wait this is a mod isn't it

The Divine Dragon doesn't die because Sekiro didn't try to kill him, he just cuts open his tear ducts to get his tears.


Thats the room with the quick draw samurai guy before Genishiro.
Do you eventually have to backtrack to ashina castle and fight new enemies bosses?

Jumping thrust attacks doesn't always work, sweeps are for jumping and kicking in the face

Mikiri Countering is basically always 100% worth it, it builds up a shit ton of posture damage and can be talented to build up even more, and virtually always leaves enemies vulnerable to followup attacks for more free damage

Why would Owl kill Sekiro here?

you only lightly cut open the dragon's eye socket

why is she down there?

"Ah yes, this giant magic crystal greatsword will really suit my new ninja game"

That's not even time travel you dipshit.

I'm 99% sure the rice loli is truly immortal as well.

Actually, if you kill the merchant in the memory, the merchant won't be there when you come back. Eat a dick

>that sword
wait a fucking minute what am i looking at here

the dragon would die if you tried to kill it
but that's not why you go there

you will have to backtrack two fucking times

>not posessing the second guy so you can finally have a boss with (npc)co-op

I dunno I think the third?

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>being this much of a faggy little bitch

After killing the guardian ape, I tried to go to Kuro in the castle and realized all the idols were locked out. I went to the closest idol to find out shit was getting real.

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if its a memory how come sekiro has his prosthetic? or sekiro has to ask what year it is?

What the fuck was up with the four monkeys
I think I missed something. It was strangely easy

Imagine you're Isshin. You were hot shit back in the day, hell even in your old age you can still kick the shit out of some purple ninjas that sneak into your domain. But it sucks that you're old and dying of illness. Even so, you'd rather be out killing shit but fucking Emma keeps nagging at you to stay inside so you can't go out. Now you just popped out of your shit grandson's neck in the prime of your life. A young buck is standing in front of you that has lately been kicking all sorts of ass. What would you do other than fight him?

a mod

I think if he fails and died, the divine heir has to choose another Shinobi. So Owl probably wanted to be the one to receive the dragon blood.

I'm bad at the game but I'm also not a cheesing faggot

Not even close. Centipede is 蝍 and Dragon is 竜. They're also pronounced very differently.

is sword saint really the end?
seemed kinda easy compared to the demon

There's a hidden cave to the left right after you meet the gunlance chick. Monkey Trouble and his wife are there and you have to fight both of them in the den.

Yeah BB MLGS and whatever MLGS I'm using as well as most DS3 weapons have been ported already. Though the DS3 weapons mod looked really off when I tried it.

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The game just came out who knows? Dark souls has sequels and they barely relate to eachother. A sequel doesnt need the same characters. And if they make a sequel they can choose one of the endings to be canon if they want. But right now they can all be considered canon

But, you don't come back. The second hirate thing is also a memory from the past. Emma even literally tells you this.

I tried that, I kept accidentally killing the puppeteered guy or get hit in the crossfire.

>so i can beat
The trainer is beating it though

I dunno, go save my fucking country from the bunch of red assholes torching it?

I really wondered about this, Kuro is clearly hiding some shit the whole game

Do not play with english dub, it's absolute dogshit compared to original

Its a puzzle/gimmick boss
From does this in a lot of their games

Why is rice loli so precious and why does she have to suffer?

It's the same snake, you can only get the one fruit after getting the dried one.

That makes sense

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imagine the smell

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you impregnate her with kuro

Because it's a spirit journey that shows him his forgotten past.

Then why does the merchant just disappear from the game if you kill him in the memory? That's some poor game design if that is the case.

> A sequel doesnt need the same characters
Well if the game is not about Sekiro then it's not Sekiro I guess

What are you even saying? If you kill the snake and go back to get the dry one, the other snake is still there.

He don't give a fuck about those plebs, he can mow them down by the dozens but a fight against Sekiro isn't something that comes along every day. The guy was known in his youth to always be in the pursuit of strength and perfecting combat.

I see. I ran into the area before I did the guardian ape.

Guess I'l go and backtrack.

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can you even kill him in the past if you find him in the present first

So DS2 can't have a thread without the iron keep elevator being mentioned, yet I've heard nary a PEEP about THIS bullshit

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No, I got the fresh one first

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Thanks, and I did it.

it is a fantasy world, but not that much

Getting cut by the mortal blade makes it steal life, the fact that Wolf stabs the Dragon in the face and it doesn't die proves that it's actually immortal. His intent means nothing based on how the sword functions. The dragon got wounded by it yet didn't get killed like everything else.


I didn't see Robin Williams anywhere

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>tfw Divine Child gets so happy when you give her the Special Persimmon

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Because it's a memory you chucklefuck.

Same if you run into this guy who becomes a merchant. If you kill him in the memory, he never becomes a merchant.

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I think he just cut it's face below the tear ducts to gather some tears.

Because it's technically the same memory.

It leads to an elevator that goes deep into the earth
then there's a really long tunnel leading to an elevator that goes up to the shrine.

Legend says the sculptor built it overnight.

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>lightly cut open
He jabs it into the Dragon's face, user. He doesn't "lightly cut it"

>Sekiro 2 opens with Wolf's arm getting smashed
>makes his own crappy arm
>upgrades it over the course of the game
I think'd be kino, what about you?

b-but Yea Forums told me about s-s-shockwaves!!

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>>even though you go back in time for an entire level and get spirited away and there is constant divine intervention in your life

To explain thia, I would have to explain a bunch of esotheric Taoist Japanese bullshit. The gist of it is MEDITATION.

REAL great warriors can enter a super-secret form of meditation where everything that happens in them kills you in the real world.

The Hirata State levels are Sekiro literally diving into his old memories to find out what happened that fateful night 3 years ago when Kuro got captured, and find out WHO did it, and how Sekiro got his immortality.

The twist is that it was an inside betrayal by Lady Butterfly. The BIGGER twist is that it was also Owl who caused everything. You even get a hint about it if you somehow beat Genichiro in the tutorial battle, where you get distracted by one of Owl's shurikens before Genichiro kills you anyway.

The Hirata State battle with Owl is something called Image Training, where a Japanese Warrior pretends REALLY HARD that he is fighting a certain opponent.

In Owl's case, Sekiro is pretending to fight his father at full strength.

Just google Gohan Krilling Image Training for an example.

But I suppose this isn't very obvious, because the game itself only gives like one line stating that Wolf has amnesia and must recover his memories through the Hirata Estate memory.

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If the Hinata estate was not time travel, but a memory, then how come I can get three prosthetics from there? How come I can interact with the Carp Pot dude and do a quest in the future spirit realm? How come I can kill a present day merchant NPC by killing in the past?

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He's the Headless.

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It's a kappa that steals humans anus soul or so i heard

holy shit, that guy's arms are literally ape tier

What happens if you talk to the merchant before entering the memory then you kill him in the memory?

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That doesn't matter.


If you kill him in the memory he never becomes a merchant.

Sekiro 2 will just be called Genechiro and is about his own anime lightning quest

Isn’t it possible that Owl orchestrated the attack on Hirata in the first place? One of his shinobi is guarding the pagoda

The game crashes.

why did you make all this webms? They show nothing and It's worse than avatarfagging, kill yourself

It is not owl's shurikens, it is one of the dumb feathered ninja shurikens. The same one that carries off Kuro.

Well it would be very fitting since all the player does in these games is fail and die over and over again.

They're just really good friends.

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What the fuck was Owl's actual FUCKING problem?

>backstabs his own son
>pretends to cry like some harem anime bitch trying to win over the MC for herself, only to try to backstab his own son again

Seriously, what the fuck?

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you're stupid though because you get real items from there, can kill a dude to kill him in the present, and killing owl in the redux gives you an ACTUAL item needed for a ritual. An item that can only exist in the past because it withered away by the time the present happens

>Hirata estate
>"noble shinobi take my blood"
>ashina castle
>"but my cannot bleed"
Did the writers forget this important part?

He did, eavesdropping in the second Hirata memory has a purple dude mention that Owl was the one behind it.

Nigga, that's the actual plotpoint. How are you this dense?

I talked to him before the memory though. Are you saying there wasn't time travel involved and the merchant suddenly becomes a different character once i go through the memory? fuck off.

Sekuro 2 will be about his adventures in China.

Anyone using Sabimaru? feels really underwhelming.

He's just a faggot

More like snake.

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your taste is shit

>raise a kid just to kill him
dumb story

Good luck. You don't fight both of them immediately, but he will call for her when you take out his first health bar. I suggest you take her out first since her HP is very low and her attacks very predictable.

I don't get the Owl's plot at all, so he was evil and wanted to get the divine shota all along right? Then why the fuck did he not just take him back during the Hirata State show? He fucking stabs you in the heart and then what? Just fucks off for 3 years and comes back to get the divine shota? What the fuck.

she was on a period

owl looked cool in the opening, why did they make him such a bitch

>backstabs his own son
You mean the son who betrayed him by not following the code
>pretends to cry like some harem anime bitch trying to win over the MC for herself, only to try to backstab his own son again
You mean like something a sneaky shinobi would due

Owl is the only one who acts like an actual Shinobi. Sekiro acts more like a samurai. MUH HONOR.

Yes. Miyazaki is a hack.


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>he made dad cry

Eh, does it have to be literal blood, or symbolic soul energy passed on with a firm hand shake? A lot of real life old stories use blood and soul interchangeably. It's where the term "lifeblood" comes from.

I need money, what's a good farming spot?

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If its fine for Mohamed to marry an 8 year old its fine to fuck an immortal loli/shota.

Can timid maid and sick son be saved? Or are they destined to die?

When i perfect parried his ass i would take damage.
Why this guy takes no damage?

That's also part of the Image Training. Meditating strongly enough summons items from memory into reality.

>A code is determined by the individual, that is what I've decided.
Name a more ALPHA CHAD mentality then that.

He is saying if you talked to the merchant before you go into the memory and then kill him in the memory, there is obviously either time travel going on with the memories or just shit game design that lets your actions in the past affect the future. MEANING FUCKING TIME TRAVEL IS CANON IN SEKIRO

Read my post though.


How do i kill Lady Butterfly?

Only have 3 flasks, should i try the other areas first?

perfecter parry


Why are you so mad?

you have to do perfect parry to take no damage.

golden fan
run up to a group of enemies
collect moneys/items and run back to idol

the ideal time to farm is at the end of the game when all the factions are fighting each other so you can run up to like 6 dudes and pickpocket their gold

just clipping someone with the mortal blade doesnt kill them