Baba is You support thread

Attached: baba is not ok.png (960x576, 31K)

Anni is no longer best.

Literally impossible.
Stop lying on the Internet.

Attached: 1542674130969.png (1920x1080, 66K)

But it's not.

I respectfully disagree.

Explain this, then.

Attached: ure rong.png (1920x1080, 118K)

Your first objective is to stop the kekes from breaking "FLAG ON ROCK IS ME"

Finished it, I literally can't think ahead.

>it's a "you have to utilize an unexplained and unintuitive interaction between rules" level

Attached: baba is pissed.png (1508x742, 240K)


What's the win condition? PLAYER IS WEAK AND HAS ROPE?

Thanks asshole now I'm blue and my dog is retarded.

Looks like the FOTM craze has died down. Bit of a shame.

Risk of Rain 2 was released apparently and some Burgers are still at work.

Well shit. The level was patched and my previous strat doesn't work now.

Attached: Forest E insulation.png (870x519, 17K)

fucking how

Attached: 20190328214243_1.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

Happened to a bunch of levels. On one hand, it feels bad to have them still completed, even though I probably did the "wrong", but on the other hand I don't want to start all over again.


__ IS B

You can create 2 entities with a single entity.

holy shit

Attached: 74854568.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Well, I figure the Up and the ability to make the wall into Stop are both relevant somehow.

Attached: Forest E insulation 2.png (870x519, 17K)

Would this be a good game to play with a little Japanese girl who only knows beginner English.

Please respond.

Ah there we go. Swap yourself into the wall.

Language is -almost- irrelevant to this game.
You can completely Chinese Room it.
I say "almost", because the verbs do correspond to their english definitions ... roughly.

Attached: Forest E insulation 3.png (870x519, 17K)

Well, there are those few levels late in the game where you have to put together words out of letters. Those might prove difficult.

>play with a little Japanese girl
You got some explaining to do, mister.

Garden is raping my little space cat ass.

Attached: 1526717034740.png (1920x1080, 155K)

That level is easy to get just by screwing around, seeing what works, and seeing what doesn't. You do need to get the key out of the alcove but you should be able to figure out how relatively easily.

How pretty is your Baba, Violet?

I remember this level being slightly different, too.

Attached: Forest 13 factory.png (870x519, 19K)

I'm currently stuck on this and level 10 of Garden
Plus I can't even beat the first level of Cavern
On the plus side I did just beat the first 3 available levels in Chasm

And I also just got a fucking BONUS ORB AWW YEAH

Are there any easy to miss levels at the end game? I seem to be missing a few and I don't see any more.

That level is easy though.
Volcano's 1st is easy too if you screw around with it.
Two secret levels in ???, the red dot at the bottom right of the main overworld, a secret level in Meta, and the two extras in Meta that are hard to reach. Which levels don't have flowers?

yes but BRAINLET is ME

It's not like the level gives you many options. You've got KEY, IS, PUSH, ON, FRUIT, BABA, and a spare IS available.
Some combination of those will let you push the key out.

Meta, Depths, and ??? are all missing flowers when viewed from another map. I got the red dot and two extras in Meta, though.

someone explain this game to me. It seems big brain 300 IQ.

Attached: 1550756333551.jpg (633x476, 66K)

I've tried a lot of them already believe me, just hard because of the bend there that stops you from pushing stuff out of the grass, the grass being shut stopping you from doing stuff with KEYs early
KEY on BABA is PUSH doesn't work either sadly

I'm just kinda stuck atm. I'm sure I'll get it eventually but for now I'm stumped

Odd. Post a screenshot of your Depths and I'll tell you if you're missing any levels.

Try KEY ON FRUIT IS PUSH when you have two fruit side by side. Bit of a spoonfeed but you already know what you need to do it seems.

Block pushing puzzle game where the rules of the game are blocks and you can push them.

The only way this level is really hard is if you get unhealthily attached to being baba. It was really hard until I figured that out.

It's a combination block-pushing/logic-puzzle game where the logic is part of the blocks

Here's my Depths map.

Attached: D2x3uAJUgAEsRu7.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

>somehow I missed the most obvious fucking way that you can make 2 characters to control in this game
Thanks Lad. I'm retarded about the simple things sometime. I already fucking knew too that you had to be a fruit because the other things couldn't be transformed and that you had to do something with X ON Y is PUSH

God fuck me

The Me, the Rock, the two babas, the level (text), the flag, and the skull don't seem to have been won yet.

Well now that you've done that, Volcano-1 should be easy.
That's the other one you're stuck on, right? Where you have to swap a key onto a rock using a bat?

I've got it so far as pushing the KEY on the first tile of the passage but that's as far as I got

You need to get the Key out of the alcove
You need to get the Rock out of the alcove
Once you've done both of those, the rest should be simple.
Sounds like you've got the Key already.
Go get the rock.

I was afraid of that. There doesn't seem to be any indication I've beaten them normally because I definitely went for the Win condition first because I knew this would happen. Guess I'll just have to go back and do them all again to be sure.

They normally have purple outlines when won, but I'm not seeing them.

Was that patched in at some point? This is the Switch version.

It's on the March 10 build so I doubt it, but you never know. Maybe they had to be disabled due to hardware limitations.

I don't remember this level being this difficult.
I understand what I need to do but the execution is a little challenging.

Attached: space 9 platformer.png (870x519, 18K)

This level is genuinely easy. It's just overwhelming. Having a leash significantly limits the number of possible ways you can fuck up.

goddamn I'm racking up so many hours on this game because of these fucking puzzles

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still not following, how?

I am dumb once again
time to stop playing for the night



Attached: 1525682431705.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

Any tips on turning Meta-3 into text?

I don't understand why Shift and Swap seem to give people trouble. Both are simple enough. It's ON, TEXT and NOT that should give people trouble and nobody bitches about those.

Get two text overlapping and make TEXT IS SHIFT.
Wait, are you talking about Crushers?

NOT is fun
figuring out a level requires you to do a double SHIFT levels make want to gouge my eyes out

Crushers is depths-3, not meta-3

For me, it's Empty

Wait until you get to the text overlapping levels : )

Aww, they fuckin patched the jank solve.

Attached: Space 12 Guardians.png (870x519, 16K)

i already beat the whole game.
there's like, two, maybe three text overlapping levels in the whole game. the only one that game me any trouble was return of lake pond or whatever that double-hard-mode of that fall level was called

wait shit I for sure used that right corner that's now clouded up
This is supposed to have a more logical solve?

So I went through and did all of them just to be sure. Still nothing. You don't see any other level on Depths I could be missing, do you? And any hints for those secret levels in the other maps?

The standard solve still works fine.
You used to be able to surf an iceblock up to CLOUD IS STOP and tear it apart, but they patched it.

Did you do any of the following:
The Water in ???
The Rock in ???
The Flower in Meta

Attached: Space 12 Guardians 2.png (870x519, 16K)


Yeah that's what I did, I surfed and iceblock up there so I could drag the WIN block out (for some reason I now realize I was too retarded to just break cloud is stop while up there but whatever, I was gonna win anyway)

I didn't know about the Rock and Water, so thank you. And do you mean that yellow flower outside the wall? I got a ghost out there once.

>tfw you beat a level without even touching half of the tools they give you

Attached: 1472502723076.png (634x623, 943K)

Hm. Well those three are the only real hidden levels. There aren't any "turn thing into a level" in Meta that I know of, and everything else is relatively spelled out. Have you beaten Meta (i.e. moved You to Win)?

Yes, that yellow flower outside the wall is a level.

Finally managed to complete the Garden. Somehow completed level 10 without REEEing in the thread.

Be there soon

Attached: garden.png (870x519, 22K)

>beat a level
>get to same level but harder
>beat it the same way
>cant figure out what the easy way was supposed to be
Don't know if that makes me smart or extra retarded

Attached: leo.jpg (267x323, 14K)

Literally me with the Prison and Dungeon.

For instance, this level. Piss easy once you realise you have to overlap text, hard as balls to realise that you -can- overlap the text and that would help.

Attached: Garden Extra out at sea.png (870x519, 22K)

This level has a lot of leeway actually.

Don't put the stuff in the clouds is what helped me. Just ferry him above until the lower ice.

Another one got hotfixed.

Attached: Maritime adventures.png (870x519, 18K)

Push him through the top ice and let him fall onto the bottom? Huh. That would make more sense wouldn't it.
Oh well, I got it done anyway with my stupid way.

This was kind of fun

shit now I'm spoiled on this one
but I'm also kinda glad cuz fuck
that is bullshit

I mean it makes sense but FUCK

I was already trying to overlap the objects and trying to make extra text but I didn't realize you could overlap text like that (but it makes perfect sense in that level)

What was the "glitch"?

Sorry for the spoiler.
But text overlapping becomes a regularly used part of your toolbox in depths and meta, so now you know how to do it.

What the fuck should I do?
I know, I'M SURE the solution is NOT BABA IS NOT YOU but I can't figure out how to push the text from the side.
If I use the text to push the rock in the water I can't get the NOT back.

Attached: Catch.png (1630x595, 40K)

The Lava used to only be one tile across. Making Baba is Move would let you skip all of it without touching anything else.

It's just more of a pain in the arse now to keep one You alive while the other bullshits its way through the level. Level is still completely doable though.

Attached: Maritime adventures 2.png (870x519, 18K)

If only you could push the water.
A shame that water is not a rock.

>Unreachable Shores

I think I did it the right way today with HAND ON WALL IS YOU
Your walls look risky as fuck though.

I can push the water with NOT ROCK IS PUSH but the only ones that can be pushed are the 7 blocks on the top row and I can't go inside because the tree is blocking me

>moved You to Win
I moved Level to Win. I think that still counts.

It worked well enough. On Adventurers now. Adventurers has a bit of setup.

>and I can't go inside because the tree is blocking me
This is false.

Attached: adventurers.png (870x519, 24K)

No just so he is right above the bottom ice. Just have to put two text above the ice and have a key or ufo in the far right ice. Think you can just ferry him on the bottom with that two text as long as you get him at least over one cloud.

I'm stuck on Metacognition because I can't figure out what the WORD block even does.

+ (Literally a fucking flag) IS WIN

In layman's terms, why does STAR not open door? KEY has been both PUSH and OPEN in previous levels, and has unlocked doors.

Attached: 2019-03-28.png (1920x1080, 78K)

DOOR is not SHUT.

Is the door shut, nigga?

Beautiful, thanks anons.

This is the only way I can get inside with that rule

Attached: Catch 2.png (1630x595, 41K)

The only intrinsic rules are that TEXT IS PUSH. Everything else has to be specified by level

False. The gap you open up is one tile to the right of that.

>baba is not ok
>baba has rope
baba is rip :(

NOT makes things do the opposite. The more closed off a thing is the more open ended it becomes.

Maybe if some water wasn't in the way...

post thicc baba

The amusing thing is that the level is solvable.
The horrifying, or perhaps doubly amusing, thing is how it is solved.

if only you had some spare items to remove some obstacles


Attached: babaisfit.png (1200x1719, 222K)

The fuck does "Wait A" mean?

Press A and one turn will pass. By default waiting is [Space] or [Enter] but you must be on some console version.

By the way, if the Kogasa-tier brainlet is still stuck on Volcano, I managed to reach it and I've spoilered the solution.

Attached: Volcano.png (870x519, 19K)

Or just play with a controller on PC.

Possible but why tho?

I fucking did it. I just needed to combine two of my previous failed ideas.
I feel so fucking autistic trying to do the wrong thing multiple times.

Attached: 1553535245640.png (348x352, 4K)

>I just needed to combine two of my previous failed ideas.
Welcome to puzzle games. It's a long way down.

Because it's comforable? Are you retarded?

LITERALLY impossible, I'm missing an IS for this to be a complete-able level

prove me wrong
por tip: a hint will be fine

Attached: 1532416571265.jpg (1291x727, 258K)

muh comfy

Why not?

Nah I already solved it, when I said I was dumb and needed to stop playing for the night I was meant it because "holy shit that was easy how did I not see it before, I'm dumb"

Because for some fucking reason just getting the rock out was what didn't occur to me until that user told me

Lava and Ice need to be push at the same time. It's doable with only one IS and only one PUSH.

Good luck in Coronation! Coronation is a bit tricky and tends to stall people for a while.

Look up some of the spoilered images in this thread and read the text attached to that post.
You gotta stack some shit up.

>Text Is Not Push

That's very helpful. Although, I just got to FLOAT, so I assume if "TEXT is FLOAT" and BABA ain't floating, BABA can't push TEXT.

You assume incorrectly

Fortunately the game is quite good at teaching you how Float works. Not so much with More or Make though.

This fucking nigger game

Do you mean PUSH, STOP, and PULL work irrespective of FLOAT?

BABAS ARE YOU spoiler.

Attached: 1533303680317.png (1920x1080, 44K)


PUSH, STOP, and PULL work irrespective of float, but WIN, SINK, TELE, HOT/MELT, and DEFEAT do not.

Odd. I'm guessing the NOT is interfering in some way. Form it in a different location I guess.

Fuck it, managed to complete it. Since when does NOT affects everything it after is without using AND?

Volcano 13 seems to have had a change.

Attached: Volcano 13 - tunnel.png (870x519, 21K)

Basically, Float affects properties that involve two things overlapping but doesn't prevent movement/proximity based ones.

Solved it after a bit of dicking around to get the old solution to fit in the new level geometry.
seems a lot of old solutions aren't working anymore.

Makes sense. An Overlapping FLOAT and non-FLOAT do not interact.

>Deep Forest E: Insulation [beta]
That was obnoxious as shit. Can confirm you have to use the whole level now.

Getting Swapped into the wall was kind of a cool solution once it occurred to me to try it.

Refunded the game
I am just too fucking stupid for this shit
10/10 goty

Glad you enjoyed it :)

>the exact same fucking solution, but now you have to use both objects to transform into

Transforming once every turn isn't a viable solve anymore. You must control your transformations


Elusive Condition (Chasm C) has been mirrored.

Attached: Chasm-C Elusive Condition.png (870x519, 9K)

Relax, and think carefully about your options. Steady progress can be made if you understand what you can do, what will help, and what you need to do.

>Transforming once every turn isn't a viable solve anymore. You must control your transformations
No, Baba Is Bat Is Rock Is Baba works. The transformations buy you 2 Skulls and moving was you shift back to Baba buys you a third.

This hurt my brain the first time I saw it.

Hm, I'll have to try it. Sounds janky but fun.
Rock and Baba are you, or just baba?

Just Baba.

can someone help me out with this? I'm kind of at a loss

Attached: 20190328180334_1.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

It has been over a DECADE. A DECADE you have made fun of the same webcomic

And quite frankly ... I'm at a loss to explain why it's still funny

Chasm-1 Metacognition seems to have had a change that makes it more obvious what Word does.

Attached: metacognition.png (870x519, 13K)

One more turn and I would be home free. Fuck.

Attached: 1529870374295.png (1920x1080, 77K)

The text needs to move over slightly. You're very close to the solution.

>get to Fragile Existence
>mucking around with works, end up making LEVEL IS BABA
>oh shit that's really cool
>how do I go back in the level

Move your cursor onto the level.

Or, perhaps instead, move the level onto your cursor

Chasm-6 Visiting Baba is still solvable ignoring half of the level mechanics.

Attached: chasm 6 visiting baba.png (870x519, 19K)

I don't get this at all.

What part of "Simultaneously create the two phrases Rock is Key and Rock is Baba" is unclear?

It doesn't let me. I can't put my cursor over to where the level used to be, and moving the baba that used to be the level onto the cursor doesn't do anything.

The part where my I question whether or not I even have a brain.

Get the level in this, or any similar configuration and move baba right twice.
Baba cannot move into a level, but it can move onto the white line. If the cursor is on the same white line, your cursor rides baba.

Attached: riding baba.png (870x519, 53K)

Get the level in this configuration and press the down arrow.

Attached: Skull House.png (870x519, 19K)

Alright, Baba became the level and I can't do level 7 on the main map screen. What gives?

Oh! I never thought of that. Clearly.
I feel like the game is about to go all kinds of extra fucked up on me if it's pulling this shit.

Turn level 10 into a flag and see what happens when you move baba onto it.
Might want to go back and beat level 9 first though

You just hit the halfway point of the game. Buckle up son.

Oh fuck, I meant level 9 become Baba, sorry.

God, I barely made it to the halfway point. I dunno if I'm gonna make it.

test this is nothing to do with baba is you but some threads are not loading for me. can some one reply to this post calling me a faggot so i know if it's Yea Forums or my internet being shit.

You are a wonderful person and I hope you have a lovely day. Also Yea Forums, to my knowledge, does not shadowban

Ok once that level is baba what other place i go besides bottom right ?

Attached: 1529724545057.jpg (433x380, 34K)

Why does this game have a 6.6 user score on metacritic?

If this is some stupid bullshit about SJWs and censorship and politics I'm going to be fucking pissed.

Journalist is brainlet

Did you play level 10 yet?
Check the text in he bottom right of the world map.


Attached: baba is you metacritic.png (669x675, 93K)

Don't worry, the game won't be as difficult as it is at the halfway point forever. It gets much harder.

Attached: hell.png (702x162, 6K)

Level editor WHEN?


Attached: baba is you steam.png (958x447, 24K)

It's a 6.6 for Switch. Maybe it's a shitty port or something?

And for what it's worth I'd say that 8.2 / 83 is accurate. The game isn't all that polished, but it's still a damn good game at its core.
Yeah, the Switch version is shit tier. But this is yet another one of those games that runs on a potato. I'm pretty sure a Pentium 3 could run it if you tried hard enough.

Unless I'm wrong
push the list down, GHOST would be safe in the first tile because of the dropped rope and the second because EMPTY would not be defeat, then move KEKE to IS WIN and go win

I've sunk 30 hours into it on Switch and haven't had any problems.

Baba hangs himself. His vengeful ghost kills Anni's boyfriend and then possesses Anni to win.

>Why does “box has box” clear a path through a lake of water? I couldn’t say, but I gathered it was what I had to do eventually.
And for blatant lying.
>By puzzle 50--there are 200 in all--levels are flipping upside down, rules are compounded elaborately, and sentences are sprawling out to command things like “wall and hedge and key and flag is word,” to take one real late example.
ONE fucking level in the game flips and it's nowhere near level 50. It's fucking Depths 2. Even skipping the maximum number of levels, you'd still be on Map by puzzle.

oh shit I just realized you're jumping off the crate, fucking kek

Switch version is slower to patch and can crash easily if too many objects spawn.

I quit.

Attached: 98513547572262.png (675x416, 3K)

Relax bro how hard could it possibly be? : )

Attached: map2 extra 3 baba has keke.png (870x519, 27K)

By the time you even find that level you'll be an ultimate puzzle master so it should only take you like 45 minutes to set up. 1 hour and 15 tops.

Attached: Baba Is Injector.png (1920x1080, 23K)

That level was easy for me, but it probably helped that I'd played a lot of Pokemon Stadium.

Every level is easy if you don't make a bad assumption and the actual solution is one of the things you're aware you can try.
Every level is a ball buster if your assumptions are shit or you're unaware of some mechanics involved in the solution.
Game is good.

>Every level is easy if you don't make a bad assumption and the actual solution is one of the things you're aware you can try.
>controlling 5 Babas at once while navigating a maze of pitfalls and objects you can't shove against a wall is easy.

I guess not every level then. My bad.

Once you get to the letter levels it starts to open up.

Attached: ABC 3 AB.png (870x519, 14K)

And meteor strike seems to have changed again.

Attached: meteor strike.png (870x519, 19K)

>Lunar Gallery
Now what?

>updated levels
Is the switch version gonna be patched?

Look for other shit you can spell.


That's an older change I think.

Huh, I thought the wall was shorter. Oh well.
Getting Together is down!

Attached: Getting together.png (870x519, 16K)

Ah, Depths 3. A classic map.

Attached: Crushers 1.png (870x519, 16K)

Possible to fuck with it quite heavily, too.

Attached: Crushers 2.png (870x519, 15K)

The wall was shorter. What I'm saying is that change wasn't in this patch, but in the patch before this patch. They've had persistent issues with those levels. Even on [beta] you can still cheese Stardrop without figuring out the intended solution. Just Belt Is Fall as your first move to get the belts to the bottom row where the Is from Flag Is Win gets pushed then turn your Belts into Stars into Flags into Belts and Stars and once you can start spawning multiple objects you basically win because you can forcibly put the Is back in place by chaining Belts.

You can literally turn it into everything on the map at once

Attached: Moon Is Cheese.png (1920x1080, 51K)

That is some good cheese right there.
Reminds me of the level where you have a Box, a Flag, a Keke, and a teleporter to a room containing "Is Win"
I forget which area/level it is.
It's possible to win that one without ever making Text Is You if you abuse the shit out of text stacking.

This game makes me feel absolutely fucking retarded, and I'm usually pretty good at logic puzzles.

If you put Text in the Flag hole before doing Level Is Shift it will eventually line up with Stop which can then be pushed in from the outside, freeing up the whole level and allowing for infinite text stacking.

That was definitely meant to be spoilered.

Attached: Wall Is.png (1920x1080, 39K)

Also possible to do Text is Weak to smash the stop, which I did. Quite a fun level for breaking.

Fuck Mouse Hole.

Fuck anything that revolves around the consistently unexplained properties of WORDS.

But your way does get the Belt involved. Can't go wrong with Belt.

What a mess.

Attached: 1541146520215.png (1920x1080, 72K)

If it works, it works.

What unexplained property are you bitching about? Cause Mouse Hole is a fairly normal level.

Well, that's Depths done.

Attached: Endless Corridor.png (870x519, 14K)

>Lake is already pushing my shit in
guess I'll just play Overwatch and enjoy a night with no further thinking

Wait, no it isn't! They actually made it harder.
Not hard enough though.

Attached: Endless Corridor 2.png (870x519, 13K)

If it's the 2nd EX level, that's fine. It's the first casual filter in the game.

Is FLOAT a dumb meme? Cause nothing works here.

Attached: 1527184718173.png (1920x1080, 86K)

Bought the game today. Solitary Island 06, 08 and 10 are my roadblocks for now

>Cause nothing works here.
That's how you solve it. Do the one thing that could even conceivably do anything.

Level involves text stacking.

The actual dumb meme in that level is every time Tele comes up.

Attached: nyow-youre-thinking-with-portals-e1303609354625.jpg (420x336, 21K)

here is the first step and from there it's easy
push FLAG ON ROCK IS ME up two

Are you on PC or Switch? Cause Solitary Island's levels are very different between them.

I think there used to be more boxes

I caved and bought it. What am I in for boys?

Tiny Pond (06) I can see it involves getting either the key or flag moving with AND YOU but can't find a configuration that also gets OPEN
Unless I've been caught in a red herring the last hours.

>What am I in for boys?
Sokoban x Zachtronics x Inception

This game's rabbit hole's rabbit hole has a rabbit hole.

And I'm very much being literal.

Attached: a88.jpg (400x226, 15K)

Remember blocks have 4 sides.

Was this supposed to be super boring and tedious or did I do it the long wrong gay way

Attached: titious.png (1515x869, 56K)

You don't need Up.

Attached: 1552827926872.png (776x439, 25K)

Tree Has Tree

Have you considered reporting that as a bug?

This game has a magical way of making you miss the obvious.

Holy shit

You don't even need Push

Attached: get on my Level Is Float.png (1920x1080, 42K)

That doesn't seem too hard but i'm probably missing something
change belt to push then position the belts so it constantly swaps between baba has keke and keke has baba?

But you probably need some push ups.

That Would work if you have enough belts and could turn them all the right way.

That said, the last step is obvious once you get that far and realize what is missing.

You don't need anything

Attached: 1532128451574.png (689x408, 24K)

>clearly used Push
>You don't need anything

That is a text stacking level. You need to make both Baba and Keke pushable but you only have one Push block.

Sometimes you need to give it a PUSH.

Baba Has Cushion
You Is Pushin

Attached: 1553654117740.png (600x857, 234K)

Wait... What Is You?

Also, Baba is a rabbit, not a cat.

Baba is GOAT

Baba is RABBIT ewe idiot.

Small brain: Baba Is Cat
Normal Brain: Baba Is Bunbun
Big brain that beats puzzles instantly with no guide: Baba Is Goat

GOAT Brain: Baba Is You

Ice is Tele
Keke is Tele
Baba is push

>Keke Is Tele
does nothing. There's only one Keke. Is Tele objects aren't on a single network. They're isolated by sprite type.