this or original for a first time?
This or original for a first time?
>edgy grimdark sickdark garbage
Remastered because it already has the dlc
i'm going through remastered right now and it's still fun
Just skip it and play Bloodborne and Sekiro instead.
The only reccomendable versions are Prepare to Die on PC (if they even sell that anymore) or the Switch version of Remastered which is basically Prepare to Die edition with compressed audio.
Don't listen to the retards in this thread and definitely get the orignal version with DSfix.
On PC you'll have to pirate that version, since it's unavailable now.
OG, they ruined the lighting in the remake for some reason, and that's about all they changed.
If you care about FPS there is a mod for the original that fixes that.
>or the Switch version of Remastered which is basically Prepare to Die edition with compressed audio.
have sex nintendronie
remastered is better because 60fps