>P-please buy my game
>it's gonna be badass, I swear
P-please buy my game
>i will let you piss on my mouth
I wasn't going to, but now that I know that it's going to continue the Tales story I actually might. Hope the writing is 90% shitty memes this time around, Tales-style writing would be much better.
Does anyone actually care Borderlands 3? And no shills, you don't matter so fuck off.
I cannot possibly imagine the context of this picture
Randy is a well known gay bar piss slave.
He's about to get BLACKED
I will never understand what compelled him to have this picture taken.
What's the story behind this pic?
Uhh wtf is that?
>Windows Media Player
>WMP on a fucking laptop
Randy is a Chad so I will be definitely buying his games from now on
Randy goes home each night to his beautiful wife and family, who's really winning here user?
I bet lots of men go home to Randy's wife, so that's not much of a positive
Reminder only Redditors hate based Randy
No matter how upset you are about people liking a video game you don't like, it's not going to keep me from having fun.
instead of peeing in the urinal in gay bars, you pee into the mouth of a piss slave who drinks it.
>beautiful wife
I can't see why everyone hates on him.
He's maybe a raging liberal but at the same time he's kind and autistic and passionate about games developed by his company.
I think he's just a gullible fool who got brainwashed by whole "left=good" movement.
Have you ever seen him on twitter arguing with trolls? He never called anyone bad words, unlike majority of leftists who call everyone they don't like "incel" of "nazi".
The most offensive thing i remember him saying is "bully".
He's nice but stupid guy.
>beautiful wife and family
God damn, even if Randy wanted to leave her, the gravitational pull would stop him.
His son looks like reddit incarnate
What's his name again Yea Forums?
randy pitchford
Randy "Feeling horny, want some cunny" "Badass" Pitchford
Horny Gardenhoe.
only if your wife does her magic trick for me
the main bl3 is full of gearbox shills randy pitchford himself prob
Someone left a huge piece of shit outside the toiletbowl, gross.
>does anyone else like game i dont like
>and no liking the the doesnt count because your a shill in my mind
we're still gonna shit on the game for being shit, you can still eat shit if you want to that badly, no one is gonna stop you
can I get a quick rundown on this pedo meme I keep seeing
I think Randy is an ok guy. He's just a harmless liberal. Whatever, some of the shit he believes in is kinda lame but whatever he seems like a big softie no matter how much shit is thrown at him. I respect him.
Only if it's on Steam and you promise to not sneakily take out DLC from the season pass a year later and thinking I wouldn't notice.
>Can I have a job?
post yfw you're not me