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Grim Dawn: Forgotten Gods
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Eye of Reckoning is a lot of fun. I can't tell if I get better single-target DPS with it or Cadence though
Post progress.
fuck dude I remember playing the very first alpha build of this game. Come a looooooooong ways. How is the new xpac? I gotta finish sekiro before I get this
more like grim yawn the forgotten game haha
hahaha fucking good one xD
>using Amarasta's Blade Burst crashes my game
Do I have to pick another class now or is it a subpar ability anyways?
fuck dude I remember playing the very first alpha build of this game. Come a looooooooong ways. How is the new xpac? I gotta finish sekiro before I get this
just wait for the fix bro
How do half the classes sustain themselves? I mained occultist/shaman for the longest time and it's so easy to leech health that when I play other classes I'm constantly chugging potions.
start a new character
if you dont end up playing at least 10 characters then youre missing a huge portion of the gameplay anyhow
Whirlwindeded on Eye Of Reckoning into this thread
I want take Demolitioner to oathkeeper. Take this fire weapon skill, that gives fire and phys damage, take Fire Aura skill that attack everybody around and gives damage, and this Fire Shield that absorbs damage and give some shit
should be totally rad
with adcth? Only a very very few builds rely soley on health pots. adcth is literally the only reliable alternative atm
inquisitor and nightblade have self healing abilities
arcanist has damage reduction abilities
soldier, oathk, and necro are tanky bastards already
necro, shaman, occult has lifesteal abilities
demolitionist is the only class that nothing comes to mind
there are plenty of defense procs in the blue and yellow constellations with life steal abilities in the red constellations. Ghoul and turtle are two starter constellations with such
Anyone know if Solael Sentinel is viable or should I just go Dreeg?
Can I pirate the dlc if I own the base game?
So with the new spinning skill there's no point in taking other attacks, right? Just spin to win and stack some fat auras.
Im thinking ranged+shield as an upgrade over commando as far as damage and activated abilities are concerned. Im pretty bummed OK doesnt do any chaos damage though
yeah, i'm sure you'll go 150-170 crucible extra spawns no problem or 75+ shards with that
you won't
probably. my only concern is the steam client but even that shouldnt be an issue
you level all three factions up so why not
end game damage is based off resistance reduction. with occultist or inquisitor you could get some easy debuffs to trigger while you spin then youll be good
I just bought a SSD to play some games, especially Path of Exile, but Grim Dawn is kinda getting me interested.
>How many builds are there?
>How neato is the character/armor appearances? I'm a huge armorfag.
>Is it 'endless' end game?
spinning around smiting shit with avatars following you around is awesome
I just bought base game since it's been on my wishlist for awhile. How long can I expect a playthrough to be without any expansions?
First expansion requires you to finish the base game before you can start it it anyway. If you get that far and still want more grab the expansions.
whole shitload of builds
appearance is ok and there are lots of items and some customisation, but almost all gear is "grim dawn style", no elves with butts
no endless endgame i think, but some hard coliseums. i completed some levels once in a while but overall it s tough. although now with new expansion there are some new things, havent got to them yet
>whole shitload of builds
>no elves with butts, gear is grimdark/grim dawn style
>no endless endgame i think, but some hard coliseums
oh nice alright
It's kinda sad that there are like 4 DLC's. I might buy the base game and that's it. I have to save some to build and paint miniatures.
Post some new things you found
Only the expansions are worth it. Loyalty thing and Crucible are easily passed up.
posting new stuff
this is brand new leg of some bug, there wasn't such things before
>no endless endgame i think, but some hard coliseums
Did you miss the part where forgotten gods introduces the shattered realm?
>want to do an dual wield attack speed fast as lightning build with Oathkeeper's Eye of Reckoning
>nightblade is cold
but i didn't get there yet, i dont know what is shattered realm
i just know people spend 5 hours there and then game freeze
shattered realm is an endless dungeon with crucible tier rewards that gets better the further you get.
at least 30 viable "classes" with several builds each. Viable character building is way more diverse than poe
big flashy armor in the blizzard style, nothing unexpected
once you beat everything and finish your build on one character, the endgame is starting a new character
>2h nightblade occultist
>Updated melee Blitz Attacks to feel more dynamic and impactful for each weapon type
>Added new charge animations for 2h and Dual-wield melee configurations
fucking NEAT
i don't know what to play. i went through the new content yesterday on my 'main' and I have two other 100s I could do it with. I could farm rep and that sort of stuff on my main dude or I could play one of my many alts. For some reason, I'm excited to play dual-wield phys melee but I also have a dw cold melee and a bunch of other shit.
What skill is giving you a stand?
That's an OK/NB or OK/Occ weapon
>me waiting for Rah'Zin set pieces to drop
Cleared elite on my main yesterday and doing ultimate now to get rep so I can buy writ for my other chars.
Then I'll probably start an oathkeeper this week-end.
>can't even farm crucible for the gear i need for my eor oathkeeper cause crucible keeps crashing
is that your first character?
guardian of empyiron
just use a relic to gain access to DW bro
Nah, I have like 5-6 max level ones, it's just the one I like the most right now.
That's a bad idea. If you want dual wield it's better to find anything else that gives the dual wield bonus. Your BIS relic is too good to pass up for any reason.
>theorycraft a build using vanquisher's set
>can just farm the roguelike dungeons to collect them all
is this jojo reference
there are 2 ghosts with you, yes. they re not so bad but scale with character bonuses, not pet bonuses, so they not suck
3-4min alkamos runs. gonna have to make a vanquisher build eventually
I like this new fucking spears because they look so good. but they almost always DPS loss, and survivability loss, because im losing shield and 2 weapons with 2 augments is lot better than 1
Of course you sided with Bysmiel. We all know why, user.
>Poison tank
Yes ...YES
Should I buy the base game or the whole jazz? (Base game + Ashes of Malmouth + Forgotten Gods)
How long until i unlock transmutation?
Is this gamefucking fun?
Are there any difference? Besides, i (as everyone else) always liked this greed girl on loading screen
I just understand nothing. KORVAAK ULZUIN BYSMIEL all those names i dont know who are they, what is going on and who is bad or good there. Before this was nice, people was fucked overall because Chtonians eated them, Aetherials possessed humans, cultists killed everyone else, Wendigo people eated other people, and the survivors eated and killed each other and was total death and chaos, like in Diablo 1.
but now looks like there are going on some politics and i fucked all this stuff, just playing game
o i forgot picture WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all those korvaaks and others
The Witch God trio has been around for a while. Mentioned in numerous item/skill descriptions and had a secret quest line.
Why does this game have such trash ability descriptions?
Seriously half of the descriptions are filled with bloat lore before the game actually tells you what the fuck they do. And the other half have colourful language that is ambiguous as fuck.
you dumb as hell its already on anyone that does dismantling
What did you pair oathkeeper with?
speaks the truth
It's a better move to get yourself a myth direwolf crest
this t b h
i have no idea what to do
Big spoilers here, possible secret quest chain, read at your own risk
I found a cellar in the Conclave that leads to a crate with the shape of the Crate company that starts some sort of secret quest. Found another in the first ruins you get to after the vanguard camp. Anyone found any others?
All of it, my dude. I hope you have a good time with all that content.
Play the base game first and see if you enjoy it, only get AoM if you really want to play with the new classes. As someone who likes the game, I can say that both expansions are well worth their value.
I found a thread detailing the full secret quest chain someone already discovered... or well, A secret quest chain as there are evidently multiple. Want a link?
First set piece get
Alright. Does the expansions come out in discount frequently? -30% is not that much, to be honest.
Sure, why not. Whoever designs those secret sidequests at Crate is autistic as fuck and there's barely any bread crumbs to follow beyond STICK YOUR ASS TO THE EDGE OF THE MAP AND LOOK FOR BREAKABLE WALLS EVERY FUCKING WHERE
Seems like Oathkeeper's Vire's Might, Judgement and Eye of Reckoning could do really well together.
Shield throw is just too fun to give up though.
who cares, respec is ez and you dont really understand an ability until you try it out anyway
Fuck man I need that chestplate
I found one, pretty sure it's the one mentioned in Yharna's Diary, also there's that whole expanse of desert to the west that we can't visit so hopefully it leads there;
holy shit fucking obliterated
Do you have to play through the entire game again to get to the new DLC?
but if you use Eye of Reckoning - you dont need, and you cant use judgement and Vires Might. and shield throw is useless because of EoR aoe attack+aoe dot
He means using vire to charge in, judgement to pull enemies to you, and then eor to cleave them all up. It sounds good on paper but it doesn't really work.
Where is the Korvan Plateau altar? Now I can't find the fucker.
So, which skill is Whirlwind? I'm dying to try it out.
Eye of reckoning. 25 points in.
Eye of Reckoning. It's a lot of fun, I'm currently fighting a bunch of undead and every time I kill one I see their bones get launched out from the center of it
Thanks breh
Happened to me too before I closed it. At least I know what cause it now
No, you need to be level 15 and have beaten the act 1 boss
Is taking Dreeg's Reproach with Safeguard, Smite and Shattering Smash a good idea? Cause it doesn't look like they mix well.
But it works more fun if you boosting run speed. I hope to met more auras and put on them devotion skills, so i can be fire tornado
>the Korvan Plateau sacrificial alter boss
What even is your build?
Anyone used the shifting sands devotion ability yet?
Unsure if to tie that the eye of reckoning or flame torrent.
Rest of devotion is more aggressive retaliation than anything else so wondering if flame torrent is being utilised enough
i want to take and max these skills, and then i'll think
Would OK+Shaman work? I know very little of the builds in GD.
so retaliation of some sort, okay
i am thinking spin2win acid retal when I make my oathbringer. I have a 50 witch hunter melee poison thing but I could always convert that into a caster or disregard it completely
are you HC ult stun jacks guy?
no, no retalitation. it s just retalitation comes as bonus in almost every OK skill. and no, im no stun jack guy, im using only eye of reckoning, buffs and these shadows
are you supposed to play this game solo or with friends?
>Grim dank: the forgotten chad
Nightshade's reach seems pretty good for a EoR sentinel. Two handed means you're missing out on the shield bonuses though.