Isn't it about time they just add real nudity?

Isn't it about time they just add real nudity?

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It would kill gaming

Actual stripping during pole dances and topless volleyball are actually real things. No reason DOA shouldn't do it.

Thank you to the user in the last thread that gifted this code, sorry I didn't post the screenshot before the thread got locked.

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They should add dog companions

No that'd be Haram.

Hey I can get the new shit as DLC if I have DOAX3 Vanilla on PS4, right?

Will it censor existing shit if I do it?

the game wouldn't be allowed to sell if they did that.

I'm not sure that's true. It seems like they've been punishing niche games but if an actual AAA game comes out then there would be a battle. Sony isn't going to say no to Grand Theft Auto, for example. And if they did then Microsoft or even Nintendo would say "welcome, friend."

Actual nudity would ruin the entire appeal of DoA, girls barely covering up their lady parts are way hotter than nude girls

CERO bans console games with full nudity, DOA's audience is primarily japanese.

there yougo

YOU killed gaming

>topless volleyball are actually real things
this literally only happens in porn

You need to take the frillpill and realize girls dressed in conservative, feminine clothing is way more alluring than nudity.

Then censor it in Japan. It's not a complex problem.

Porn is a real thing though. And I actually think he's right. Obviously not in any official capacity but it happens in "real life."

In a Lot Europe of east beach

you realize how retarded that sounds?

>more people are playing venus vacation than doa6

what went wrong bros?

This is only really true to a point. The tease is great but it's even better when it actually builds to something. Poledancing is amazing when it builds anticipation for the top coming off, for example.

What? Just give them the softcore they're already getting in Japan but make the western release have actual full frontal

It's not alienating the japs since they were never going to get nipples anyways, you can make it just as lewd as what they're already getting

The west is a much larger market than Japan so it's moot. Their "primary audience" would become heavily western if the girls got their tits out. Besides, they wouldn't be alienating shit. The game already doesn't have nudity by default so the Japanese lose nothing. The only benefit is the west GAINING interest, not to mention reverse importing being a thing.

Venus Vacation is already on DMM so by obtaining VV through the DMM launcher you're seeing it listed alongside games like Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena.

The region locking and censorship.


Attached: cero.png (616x752, 67K)

if Japan caught word of that, it would destroy Tecmo's Japanese audience. Imagine hearing that a game company from YOUR OWN COUNTRY decided that westerners get to look at nude girls and you don't(even if they try explaining the reasoning it's still not going to sit will with them)

real nudity sucks

DOA never ever show a single nipple.
Xbox,nintendo and Playstation will blocked(and every game of team ninja) and PC japan gaming is a joke.

Videogame market is heavy regulate on sex

I get more boner looking at pretty girls in hot outfits.
Nudity is boring.

>Their "primary audience" would become heavily western if the girls got their tits out.
The problem is that KT is retarded and have gone out of their way to make X3/VV unavailable to the west. At this rate I expect the DMM version of VV to implement an IP block soon.

If anything the Japanese would rebel against CERO, not Tecmo. This isn't an uncommon phenomenon either. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe was censored in America while Europe got an uncensored Joker fatality because of the differences between the ESRB and PEGI rating scales. And Japanese games get enhanced when they head west all the time. It's been happening since the NES.

>implying that more people would be buying the games if there was actual nudity
heck no, you know how cringy fans can be sometimes, dumb weebs are the ones who carry DOA in the west and that's because of their dumb belief that the girls are "pure," doing shit like official nudes would make them flip and be like "WHAT THE FUCK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY PURE WAIFU!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Missing the point

The only thing that matters is that Hitomi is /bestgirl/

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I don't get why people say this when God of War, the Witcher, and GTA have gotten full nudity privileges in recent memory. The ESRB clearly doesn't care and happily allows it in the M rating. And if one console manufacturer says no another will happily take the exclusive.

this, the whole point in DOA is the teasing, it's how they keep people enticed enough to buy hundreds of dollars worth of DLC.

I think trading the weeb audience for the chads and normies would only improve sales overall.

It's not teasing if you know there's not even the slightest possibility of a payoff though. Once you get wise to the gimmick there's no place to go from there. Now earning nudity through gameplay unlocks? THAT becomes interesting.

Never going to happen now. That particular 'suit malfunction' is already censored out of Scarlet on PS4 (but still in for Switch), so if they're not allowed to even go that far anymore forget anything else.

weebs are the most dedicated of all... they're the ones who buy all the DLC, merchandise, and inflate all the gacha numbers, normies and chads don't do that shit.

How I can get the code?

I bought the HK digital version and JP collection physical edition.
Got no code

>In a Lot Europe of east beach

East Europe as in "Russia" or as in "Israel" ?
Cause in both ways, you have no idea what youre talking about kid

I’ve seen people do this at nude beaches, although it was men and women playing and they weren’t just topless but fully nude and obviously the women weren’t attractive like the ones in DOA
Regardless it’s still something people do

This game had full nudity. Bush and everything. For a sims knockoff, it wasn't bad.

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not at all, because once you see the nudity once, you're like, "okay cool, got a quick fap and I'm done" and then you have no reason to go back to it. It's like Huniepop or any lewd VNs.

I don't have the game so I have no idea where the code is, sorry. He just sent it to me via email.

This applies just as much to DOA VV as is. Once you see all the swimsuits and shit you have no reason to go back to it. I'm not talking making it 100% nude and nothing else. I'm talking adding nudity as a feature on top of what's already there.

Nudity is boring.

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people don't actually care about that. Again, what people like is the teasing, that "you MIGHT accidentally see something" once you get full nudity, the magic of that wears off and you're like thinking "well now what?" like when you finish banging all the girls in Huniepop, from there the only reason to keep playing depends on how much you REALLY liked the puzzle part of the game when the main appeal was seeing the cute girls show their tits/unlocking the CGs whenever you cleared a puzzle.

But you won't "accidentally see something" in DOA. There's no "might." Add nudity and now the "might" is actually plausible. Imagine playing volleyball and there's an invisible RNG that determines whether or not a girl loses her top? You never know when it's going to happen but you know it might.

Nudity? No. But stuff like nip slip, braless with jeans on, or trimmed bush hint would certainly make it better

P-please respond

gaming wasnt just killed

Hitomi, Pai, Kokoro who cares. All the same. Both looks and personality.

No, that defeats the point, but they should do strip pole dance where they go from an outfit into skimpy bikini.

Why would you ever think israel is eastern europe? what the fuck?

Nudity is legit boring. I’d apply it once, maybe crank one out, then go back to skimpy outfits.

Now id the skimpy outfits could fall off enough to expose the girls, that’d be a different story

god i'm so fuckin lonely

>Make Xtreme have full nudity
>can't release it in the US because of SJWs
>can't release it in Japan because of CERO
It's a lose-lose if they do that, user

Why stop at a bikini? Just let them finish with a full frontal dance. I get that people like the tease but why is everyone adamant that a payoff from that tease would make the experience worse? This sounds like the SJW kool aid taking effect. If they've successfully convinced us that we don't want nudity then they won.

Same, my man

Is it possible to emulate the first two DOAX games? I tried the gacha and you can't do anything with the girls besides stare at them. You can't even pause while in photo mode.


This. The tease is often much better.

Before SJWs were a thing I was printing out bikini pics from my mom’s work computer to stash under my bed, and never the ones after the top came off.

Nudity is boring if you’re not gonna fuck it.

The entire fucking point of DoA games is that it's a tease. They show off the girls in extremely revealing lingerie and bikinis, but once you go all out, to me it just ruins the charm. It's just like why not have them topless the entire time, you might as well since that's what you're there for.

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why are virgins so cringy lol

nudity in DOA would ruin it. bare butt is ok, but the point is you're meant to fantasize. the moment you see the girls nude in gameplay, you'll jack off a few times and then realize there's no fantasy behind it anymore. you're just watching a nude fight when you could be watching porn/hentai/ecchi/whatever.

Because japs unironically hate full nudity.
Citizens have intentionally kept censorship on their porn because it "helps their imagination"

Japan legally cannot not add full frontal nudity. And I'm pretty sure theres a bunch of hoops to jump through just to get a nipple.

That leaves mostly Western developers to have the most leeway, and yet everyone wants to put burkas on everyone

We're not going to see true nudity in a game for along time minus Slav developers putting a sex scene in the Witcher here and there

but the point is that it never happens... it's the ILLUSION that it could that's appealing, not that it actually can happen

Since a Smash rep has been confirmed, who should be added as the playable fighter? Ayane or Kasumi?

How bad is the Switch version?

Fuck full nudity. That shit is hot enough. I just want to see the characters actually play with their tits instead of just pretending like they aint even there.

it's fine. unless you are super pissy over butts jiggling, there is nothing really wrong with it.

Croatia has some topless areas
Or at least I went topless and no one batted an eye. Helps that I'm originally from there (albeit during Yugoslavia existence)

I'm not happy until we get full 4K 120Hz VR fucking with valve knuckles for your balls

I do like butt jiggle

I have the PS4 version of the standard version and am trying to figure out the best route for new content. It’s got some HD rumble shit, right?

This man’s got it

Only in the strip though, everything else is just vouteristic vacation stuff.

yes it has some HD Rumble stuff.

I want Venus Vacation DMM to have an English version since I can already have nudity through mods.

Attached: Hitomi 19.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

What’s it do? Can I slap tiddies like SK Reflex?

>cuck shit and niggers everywhere
no thank you

You use an item that puts the camera in front of the girl and as she moves the controllers shake in 'precision' ways.

Where did you put the code in? Im not that familiar with the UI yet.

Under options.

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mods , and that game is great aat tease so ...

Well I looked it up and it's still a WIP
can't believe I got nostalgic for the music


Reminder that the next page is the guy blowing this idea out of the water by stripping her naked and raping her.

>feet still look like trash


Sounds like the guy is a fag.

Attached: BC69971B-3FC0-4CDA-8E3F-3D8341BA2AD8.jpg (928x1824, 488K)

Sounds like you furious that he made that page to mock people like you.

This, onvious the dude is homosex

>there are people who think this would unironically look better with half ass low poly nipples.

The same people who miss the point of cosplay porn or any fetish outfit for that matter
I'll take nicely designed full lingerie (garters, stockings, etc.) over anything all the time

She was already naked you dumbass, that's why she's complaining.
She's right too.

Good luck with that

Why isn't this fucking game available in my country? (Southern Europe)
Someone knows how to play it/when will it be available?

I installed the full nude mod, but it looks like only the mesh is working and not the textures, there's no Nipple coloring. Any fix?

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Nah, sounds like he's just a simpleton.

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>Porn films exist
>Porn games cant

But then parents wouldn't take out their credit card to spend 300 plus dollars on a game console every 2 years

>Porn games cant
but they do?

Attached: Honey-Select-UNLIMITED-Free-Download.jpg (620x347, 53K)

>I'll take nicely designed full lingerie (garters, stockings

I see you are a man of fine culture, as well.

Why buy a porn game when you can just look at free porn?
assuming you even paid for it in the first place

Would download in a heartbeat if it had a roy12 misaki port in it but it doesn't.


How are the joycon boob simulators for scarlet?

Hot and sexy outfits > nudity

Please tell me there is a way to kiss Nyo's feet.

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are zach coins only used for training slots or should i save them

It's about context. People who want nudity in DOA want it because it's DOA, with these girls in this context. Telling them to just go watch random porn is not a solution. Nothing else works like that so why should porn?

only on DMM

Official softcore stuff would be nice.

How I unlock the third girl? Poses can only be unlocked in events?

How do I do anything besides stare at them during volleyball matches?

It's ludicrous that gamers must have this discussion with the fucking game dev who tries to sell a product 100% based on erotic content, but will constantly watch out for the criticism of western journalists. Why must video games be such a fucked up, cucked hobby where the only providers of quality sex games a teatime and illusion.

>tfw 15k stones spent and no SSR

Is this really an option?

You have to roll a SSR, you should have a free ticket from account opening already. Scroll through the event cards in the Gacha menu
Or you sacrifice a ton character specific clothing to eventually get that character, you should avoid this

unofficial nudity is better

Find me a porn where I can watch my two waifus gang rape a shota

no, its a seperate game>

in the steam version? I don't think we got a free SSR ticket, I only have like 8 SSR cupons from the event.

>Two waifus

Attached: say-ahh-32268665.png (500x302, 73K)

>a pair of titties, a pair of balls or anything in between is not ok
>But literally shooting the head of someone is

The american puritans are fucking weird, how messed up do you have to be to see sexuality as worse than straight up murder

How is this pathetic incel shit series still alive? It can't sell more than a few thousand copies outside of nipland

its playable with some shadow issues on cxbx reloaded

Someone said at some point there’d be a DLC pack for the original but RIP

Something got censored, right? Wardrobe malfunctions? VR stuff?

you can't just objectify women shitlord

Is it to much to ask for vulva outline and nipple bumps, I mean games that aren't even as fanservice heavy as this do it

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billions from dlc/costumes, retard.

>being a beta that has one waifu instead of hundres
i must kek

the mods from loverslab are pretty shit on instructions and dependencies. you probably need the costume cusomizer framework and hi metals skins

dmm what is the bottom most graphic option? the guide doesnt picture it

You don't even know what the word means if you have more than one, those are just characters you masturbate to.


It’s fucking bizarre man

I can get super hyped up about a dude breaking someone’s neck in a movie and everyone’s about it, but suggest you might like tiddies and you’re gross.

But hey, all social shit is arbitrary like that. It’s not even really that people think dudes don’t like tiddies, more that if they don’t realize that openly expressing it is socially unacceptable, then that’s a slcial failure and there’s something off about them.

In reality it’s not “Ew you like tiddies”, it’s “Ew, you failed to adequately navigate this social situation”.

I don’t really understand the support for sex workers going hand in hand with the condemnation of sexuality in other contexts

Only real women are allowed to be titillating for some reason? I’d think it was instead “only in sexual contexts” but these people also oppose onviously sexual games like DOAX so I don’t see the consistency.

Not advocating shitting on sex workers, they’re fine. It’s just weird.

And thats a good thing!

DOAX2 has nipple bumps

No idea why DOAX3 doesn’t

my DMM player keeps defaulting to restricted mode, blocking the tiddies, can anyone tell me the correct moon runes to click to allow venus vacation to launch?

I don't think it's arbitrary though.
I think it's because if killing was actually seen as it is, something horrendous, then the military industrial complex would have a much harder time existing and they own some 40-50% of the American economy.
there's a huge push towards normalizing guns/killing to the point where most people think guns are just a "thing", comparable to a car, not a tool made specifically to murder.

I just don't get how the divide can actually exist, like the actual logical divide.
I want to blame education, I really do, but I don't know enough about american education to say

full nudity and even partial nudity n mainstream gaming has always been a big controversy
Slapping a 18+ only or a "Adult only" sticker on the games do nothing to deter the big groups that rally against such things.
If you recall, the manhunt games were considered as so violent they were banned all throughout Europe. GTA 5 was banned or at least removed from certain stores in Australia (I think) because it was deemed as violent and offensive.
How do you think europian governments, groups and retailers will respond to games that feature nudity as it's main selling point?
Hell. even digitally Steam cracked down on a lot games with nudity because the characters LOOKED underage

The fact is not a lot developers are not going to gamble sales money just so a niche amount that can purchase their game can get their rocks off

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Apparently the complete pack doesnt include the skins, but it says Unavailable. Is this just LL requiring login for hosted downloads?

>How do you think europian governments, groups and retailers will respond to games that feature nudity as it's main selling point?

don't bring EU in to this, we're way more chill with nudity than violence.
We've had all our sexual revolutionsexcept mayybe russia and the papal state
it's the USA that gets their panties all twisted when they see a nipple. Not europeans.

>why not just make an h game that would generally sell less than normal game

probably. they require a login to view and download stuff

Finally, after all these years....I will be able to see a woman fully naked.

I don’t doubt that, there’s definitely a push from military advertising (including them funding game development) to make war a “heroic” thing. But I think it comes from both sides. The US’s puritan roots and anti-sex shit in the 1800s definitely make us weird about that stuff even in a society much more open than it has been.

Still baffling that ratings aside, nearly any mother would rather her kid go on a GTA murder spree than see a single nipple.

One of these things is normal to see regularly in the course of a healthy adult life and it’s not the violence.

>don't bring EU in to this, we're way more chill with nudity
not really. you literally have multiple christian political parties ruling Europe with christian in their party name my dude. and all of them are far more restrictive than the US who has seen it's christian identity you think exists die since thew 90's. The people preventing this shit in the US now are feminists who are pretty much atheistic in their arguments against it seeing it as taking power away from women.

GTA V was also banned in Germany. All these regulations are made up by bureaucracts divorced from reality that go wherever the moral panic leads them.

little help?
it worked earlier

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It's not a puritan thing anymore though. For all intents and purposes, the right wing puritanical censorship brigade lost the fight back in the 1990s. The anti-sex activists of today are left wing feminists.

do you have to be always online to play that game?


Because newsflash teasing sells more than nudity.
Camgirls make more than pornstars
IG Models make more than pornstars

Teasing is the sexual market with the most money, graduate highschool or ascend above 40 IQ to realize bucko.

I agree with you 100%, it's so fucking surreal to me.

I can't speak for every single european country, but as far as I know the only country where the christian parties have been on a rise is Sweden and they still can't get a majority,
I know in my country Denmark our christian party has literally never held any political power ever and the church haven't had any power for literal centuries.
and looking at I don't see any christian parties to be honest.
what I do know is that 90% of northern europe is ruled by some sort of socialism.

>and all of them are far more restrictive than the US
also not true, there is no limitation on porn as long as everyone who's participating is over the legal age 18 and consent.
you're probably right that it's other people doing the yelling but it's the puritans that have the money and money = power

WTF i just deleted the error logs and the game started

Camgirls strip when people pay dude. And the only reason IG models can pull off their business is because they sell the fantasy that they're attainable. No such possibility exists in a video game.

Nah, they’re louder in these spaces and gaining a foothold in manipulating the rudder of the industry, but most hesitation having sexuality in products still comes from soccer moms who’s children are actually potential buyers of these products. They just don’t get invited onto TV talk shows as much now.

Or maybe I’m wrong and it’s more political-left, but the bible-belt types are still there and still writing letters.

Source: I work in marketing spheres and this is mostly what I hear neckties worry about.

I could also argue that the left’s schizophrenic embrace and condemnation of sexuality stems from trying to rationalize puritan values hammered into them from their upbringing (i.e. I know women should be free sexually, but this image still makes me feel uncomfortable). But that’s just me playing armchair psychologist.

switch to japanese system locale and reboot

I think the difference is that right wing "family values" folks were usually old farts and a lot of industry insiders realized that these people were not popular so they went out of their way to NOT listen to them. That's how we got shows like the Simpsons and the early 90s marketing directly to the youth rebellion. It's a little different now that the loudest voices are typically young women. Everyone laughed at Jack Thompson as a matter of course. Anita Sarkeesian not so much.

That’s partially true but is a bit of a youth-centric view of things, I laughed at Jack Thompson, You laughed at Jack Thompson, but he (or at least his ideas) unquestionably had a pretty big swath of public support at the time from older people. But yeah, it’s a different dynamic when you’re arguing against someone saying “This will effect you negatively” than it is against someone saying “you are harming me with this”.

I still think it has roots in the puritan beginnings of our society though. I don’t really know what it’s like in more sexually liberated countries, but I don’t think you can support sexual liberty and deny men their fantasies at the same time unless part of that is coming from outside your base ideology.

Erotic swimsuits are more tiltillating than straight nudity, which is boring.

I feel like people who don’t get this don’t fuck

Like I’m not chad but what’s more exciting: taking off your girl’s work uniform and fucking her nude or when she puts on an outfit for you and you find her waiting in bed?

Routine nudity is boring as shit. Exposing certain parts is exciting and necessary but pulling down her underwear and fucking her with the tiny skirt still on is way more exciting than just doing it nude.
