What's Your Excuse?

It's free on GoG right now.
Go experience maximum comfy, faggots.

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I've already played it. Getting it for free isn't going to make me play it again.

Post yfw Bethesda's shitty launcher is far more profitable than GoG.
Now Post yfw the Yard sale when I sold my car was more profitable than GoG.

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I've already ploughing got it, you... you DOUBLE KURWA

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It's 1.39 euro for me?

>Bethesda's shitty launcher is far more profitable than GoG
Factually impossible because Bethesda's shitty launcher exists for:
>Quake Champions, a known flop
>Fallout 76, another known flop
>ports of mobile games which nobody cares about on PC
Keep seething over the very existence of a DRM free service, Steamdrone

I do not like the Witcher games.

This was unironically my favourite in the series

Already bought it and played it on GOG.

I already own it on GOG and have finished the game many years ago

this game is the ultimate zoomer filter

I played it on steam
it's the only good witcher game

the combat is the biggest dogshit combat ive ever experienced in my life. You're couldnt pay me to play this game.

you have to install gwent to get witcher 1 for free, you dont have to play gwent tho

why are you GoG shills always so triggered by steam? it's not even the same market. they are not competitors. they are not related in any shape or form. they do not share the same userbase.

so why are you so triggered?

It's sad how easy the game is, as far as standard card battles are concerned. The puzzles were pretty nice though

Not going through 20 hours in the fucking swamp again

I've already finished it three times and the last go was for a marathon of all 3 games while transferring the savefile over.

thronebreaker isnt free

It aged like shit.

you choices?

Still better than 2nd game's combat.


I use both GoG and Steam.

ironic, really. witcher 1 is the ultimate zoomer filter. witcher 3 is the ultimate zoomer dream game.

all witcher games have dogshit combat. they are fucking awful. i was tricked into buying them because i like a good rpg and didnt realize the combat was so fucking awful.
at least i was able to refund 3

at least 1 does the RPG parts well and has amazing atmosphere/soundtrack

It crashes on every second loading screen for me. I guess it's because of w10.

if by maximum comfy you mean uninstalling witcher from my hard drive and never playing it again, then you're right. otherwise that shit is boring af to play.

that's the reason why i bought them. i've rarely, if ever, heard someone talk shit about the games. Most people dont hate the combat as much as i do i suppose. i just couldnt overcome how unbelievable dull it was.

ah cool, thanks for the heads up

I don't see it, link?

nah I fucking despise it too, especially for 2 and 3. 1 is made bearable by the other excellent elements, and I wasn't bothered by the CLICK CLICK CLICK as much as the ROLL ROLL ROLL

I especially hate 3 because of the empty open world, shit quests and rabid fanbois

>muh combat
>combat this
>combat that
lol nobody cares, enjoy the atmosphere and story

I've played it, glad I played it and I had some fun. That said I never want to play it again. One time experience.

unless you have some outdated version of enterprise from 2016 it shouldn't

im sorry i only buy from the epic store

Call me a boor but all the games were okay except for W2's combat reliance on rolling which makes it look laughabe. The only gripe I have about W3 is how they deluted alchemy instead of keeping it just like it used to be in W1 and making it mandatory for strong monsters and big packs on the hardest difficulty.


> That combat
> That backtracking

No thanks

>it's not even the same market. they are not competitors
When a game is released both on Steam and GoG, I usually buy it on GoG, barring exception. I was kind on the verge to buy Dusk yesterday. I saw one of the dev said they were soon pushing it on GoG with a bunch of goodies, so I decided to wait. There's definitely a part of the userbase that use both plateform..

get gwent on gog

I played it and hated the combat. Seriously awful combat.
Uninstalled it soon after.

meh I just buy on steam because it's more convenient. and there hasn't been a non-steam game on GoG yet where I haven't been better off with the pirated retail version. I was going to buy w3 on steam tho but luckily I gave it a pirate first and fuck me did I dislike

might buy the warcraft pack tho

If only it had good combat.

imagine getting BTFO by a game that literally just has rhythm game combat

it's not hard fuckers

3's combat is even worse and I bet you foam at the mouth over it

I didn't like the demo when it released

I already have it on steam and have beaten it

It's not hard, it's just fucking boring

Never even played it after disliking both W1 and W2

You forgot Fallout Shelter.
With the China launch it topped 1 billion.

garbage gameplay as all witcher games have

>Want to get GoG version of Witcher
>Be linux user
>Cant install gwent cause windows only
Guess no GoG Witcher for me

it's always funny to see normalfaggots complain about witcher 1 gameplay because they jumped on the bandwagon with w3. It's more telling about w3 by how many plebs love it