wtf I love borderlands now
Wtf I love borderlands now
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Would gladly suck her thick veiny cock.
Needs way bigger tits and a prettier face
that's a shemale top
never more looked forward to a characters r34
>literally appropriating Indian culture/religion
Really, Randy ?
Probably a tranny.
That is so fucking hot
Holy shit I'm so skinny, I weight 55 kg, I just want to get completely overpowered by a woman like that
Was there a trailer released yet?
>based pitchford giving us delicious girl abs when Ed Boon could not
>muscular siren
>her siren powers are like a stand
>melee based
might be the first time i ever touch a siren character in borderlands.
This, it has a dick for sure. Gearbox is extremely PC.
Face is fine but bigger tits would be good.
Do buff woman like skinny fat men?
And baby faced.
even better
her face reminds me of kaybear, which kinda just makes her even hotter
Definitely needs a different face. Doesn't necessarily need bigger tits but for sure needs more of a womanly shape. As it is right now it looks like dude.
Literally breedable.
>Would gladly suck her thick veiny cock.
First post best post
>stronk womyn
cant wait for futa mods
>more migs and shitskins
I'll pass. Thanks.
Ugly nigger tranny
Is that a poorly rigged armpit or do I spy delicious pit hair?
Isn't this Hindu/Buddhist appropriation? It thought Gearbox was supposed to be PC.
>Imagine being overpowered and pinned down by her
>Imagine being subjected to hours and hours of cock and ball torture
>Imagine her forcing you to breed her through the entire night
>Imagine licking her sweaty body clean in the morning
Probably stretched textures.
Of all the futa shitposts for female game models in Yea Forums, this one seems one of the more appropriate one.
I wouldn't bat an eye if they just said she had or has a cock.
Its ok when theyre cute.
>8 hands
Imagine the foreplay
Go away Randy
sirens cant be male you dummy
That's expected, but disappointing nonetheless.
The stretched texture on her armpits looks like hair...
How about now?
so how long until the shills fuck off?
She unironically looks like she has a cock.
Finally some trans representation
I wonder how much they're going to rip off my friend again.
imagine her cockslapping you in the face and putting it up your nose
She can shove 8 fists of your ass at once!
He's cute
I mean you don't really see some Catholic dude with a longsword and a halo on his head in a Borderlands game.
Haha imagine her forcing your face into her sweaty abs
ew what the fuck
Imagine the blender porn
Borderlands is anti-Trump, isn’t it?
i dont like the midget squishy face
>But Grimsby, 8 arms.
>8 armpits
La creatura...
>new game comes out
>people talk about it
>wow wtf shills?
People are excited for a new game you stupid cunt if you're not interested go somewhere else.
Would lick abs but that face is horrendous.
gearbox hired protomagical>girl?
>Was a dude
>Get the surgery, take the estrogen shots
>Now it's a "woman"
>Gets siren powers
Also nobody is born male or female user, they get to decide not you, you fucking nazi.
It's Randy himself shitposting.
>not her hugging your entire body with 6 arms while jacking you off with her remaining two
Man, you have no imagination.
What was the old dudes powers? Honestly between her and the mech girl how can the others compete?
>hugging while she jerks you off
yeah dude, so imaginative.
Wonder if she can do this trick with her feet.
she will NEVER EVER hold your hair tight and make you suck on her pussy
>they STILL do that thick black outline cartoon shit
Goddamn I hate it so much why doesn't anyone else hate it as much as I do?
I find it so ugly it renders me unable to play the BL games.
seething weebfaggots
>tfw Gearbox will probably turn her into some turbo lesbian.
That's not a women it's a man man
Any one with Voice acting, can do a feminine guy or tranny type voice for her. Record some some lines upload it.
watch her be femdom mommy
i would literally
how many more lesbians can they fit into this series anyways
surely there has to be an upper limit on this kind of stuff
Imagine if they retextured her to have unmistakable armpit fuzz, haha.
Scars from a tit implant.
Burch is no longer allowed anywhere near gearbox so its only a possibility
Ever heard of an artstyle? Do you seriously expect them to drop that when it's one of the defining things of the series?
It's called cel-shading and it's an extremely old and common artistic style choice. You have the autism.
>make male character
>slap tiddies on it
so progressive
The character is Indian.
Haha, made ya look, user! Now I get to punch you on the shoulder!
Cel-shading is Borderlands' "thing", you dumb nigger.
show feet and im sold
It's an art style and I enjoy it
I need multiple hands to point out the amount of anons on my fingers that obviously don't take of themselves and go to the gym
I didn't want to fap right now but I guess I am.
Wow, so she's literally a white supremacist neonazi.
>wanting to watch another man anywhere near her
I bet you watch heterofaggot porn and think you're not a cuck.
>animeposter posting trannyshit
oh the irony
Yes, user. She's a female.
There is no limit for them. I played through the pre sequel once and there were more gay/lesbian couples then straight people.
Either way me and a friend are both excited to play again. I hope the game itself is fun.
i love fit girls, i would fuck the SHIT out of her
Why do you fags want every fucking character to be a damn tranny? Why can't their be a single fucking thread where anons aren't screaming tranny over and over anyway?
based neverplayedwithotherkids poster
Sirens are female fag, did you even play the games
Stop posting
Mate, it's Randy Pitchford
This game will 100% without a doubt be SJW beyond belief and have tons of tranny shit in it.
>Robin-inspired character
very nice
but can she do that with feet....please tell me she can do that with feet
The only things they need to make the game fun desu are
>guns are fun to shoot
>loot feels rewarding to collect
>dialogue is less 2005 reddit """humour"""
Hopefully PC mods can fix that
is what you told the other kids under your breath, as they passed up the chance to pick you for their kickball team
Absolute MOMMY
Do the fags on Yea Forums who like muscle chicks not realize that muscle/muscular and masculine share an etymological history?
ok randy confirmed as white supremisist
backlash against LGTBQ+ propoganda. this stupid is shit is pushed everywhere and people hate it but are too polite to say anything. 4channel is an outlet.
Shut up nerd
I'm going to play as Adam Jensen
sooo this game is doomed.
Pretty sure Randy has gotten like 500% more SJW since the last game, so expect the worst
sure but muscular chicks irl arent as pretty and extremely rare
its just fantasy
like monster girls
What is his power anyway? Is he the designated turret guy?
You are reaching so hard right now
My dick doesn't care about etymological history
he can smash the patriarchy
No that's the little midget girl's role.
No turret guys this time, he’s more stealth based with a bunch of gadgets
Who and what?
That fucking angled jaw though. Also, rock hard thick abs on a woman is not attractive.
>Also, rock hard thick abs on a woman is not attractive.
inb4 25 replies
Fuck off zoomer
a double/ traps dude
Fuck off, South Kore*n.
doesn't look much like a bulge to me, could be puffy vulva
Puffy vulva
It's a hairy bush
>Lady abs
My same exact reaction.
I can't wait for the SFM clips of sucking on her big futa cock.
Gays out.
Is it even possible for cell shaded graphics like that to look next gen for lack of a better word, looks exactly like borderlands 2.
That is what makes a borderlands game a borderlands game you stupid fuck.
>hiding the Adam's apple
You think we wouldn't notice!
Looks more like an npc than a playable character. Needs a little bit more flair or something.
The environments.
>rock hard thick abs on a woman is not attractive.
bet you prefer your women with rock hard thick cocks
i thought it was millions and millions of guns
That's a man baby
Some of it probably is. Remember when he obviously made that Battleborn porn subreddit and tried acting all shocked it existed?
>rock hard thick abs on a woman is not attractive
I unapologetically love both thicc women and these body types, you're just a fucking gay, dude
Nah, just lithe but also soft. Firm tummy is okay too. You know, how the most attractive women are. Wanting thick, huge abs on a woman is at least a little gay.
>implying theres anything better than wet soft pussy right bellow rock hard abs
> retaining large muscles in a post apocalyptic world.
Everyone would be sticcs or are juicing on some kinda crazy steroid without proper eating.
big fat titties
Fat shemale cock right below rock hard abs. And a thick, matted bush as well.
I want to slap my dick against her abs and make sweet, sweet music
>Why are they still doing one of the biggest things they're known for? reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>Thick, manly abs on a girl isn't hot. I prefer a feminine figure, and also she should be fairly slim (petite is ideal for me, hot as fuck).
Big yikes from me to all of you. Chase them muscle girls tho, I'm not judging.
>post apocalyptic world
the absolute state of Yea Forumstard zoomers
it's fucking futuristic wild west setting you mong
Cringe and gay
user I'm not gonna read it, its too much and I will gain nothing from it, so tl;dr or fuck off
Rad, still gonna pick either the robot dude or the guy with the robot eye tho
People here obsession with trannies is worrying
You're gay, bro.
>post apocalyptic world
stop embarrassing yourself user
You're honestly the only person who hates it this much.
Sorry, autist.
Nobody's obsessed, we're laughing at you. Now run along back to ResetGender
Can't expect too much of them when all they play is the latest twitch streamer bait.
I think a lot of people overestimate how many of them are, or its just another buzzword of the year since no one seems to be using cuck anymore
>rock hard thick abs on a woman is not attractive
How do you even breathe with so much gay cock in your mouth?
>that's a shemale top
very nice maybe she can stop my face barefoot
Never had sex with a guy. Had sex with more than a handful of women. I'm working out now, for once, because I want to get a bit more masculine/muscular. Those things kinda go hand in hand. So yeah, seeing a girl with huge bulging abdominals isn't attractive or feminine. Is this seriously a controversial opinion?
That's not real cel shading though, it's just in the textures.
I want nothing to do with anything by Gearbox or Randy "The second most cucked man alive" Pitchford after Boy Love 2.
Suckers I was merely pretending to be retarded. Baited ass punk niggas.
what do you think happens when women go to the gym to be healthy and if they want to be in peak physical condition
>splitting my favorite character into different ones again
whatever cuck tranny
what is that ugly thing?
Is some kind of alien trying to look human?
user, stop. You're just embarrassing yourself now...
Wonder what's gonna be next.
>xD i wus jsut pertend
Sure thing, retard
>a woman
You're probably in for a surprise then user. A thick veiny one.
It's an enemy so it's fine
Trannies can't reproduce once they mutilate themselves.
Most women who go to the gym, even religously, do NOT have huge bulging abs. They have muscle under their firm, flat stomachs, which is super hot. If they're super fit, the stomach might be a bit defined with some muscle showing, but it's not the same as a really fit man who lifts heavy weights often. Flat tummies are the best.
Maybe you should stop projecting your gay fantasies onto everyone and everything.
So its just a goliath but with a skin mask instead of helmet
You know that doesn't turn this argument in your favor, right?
Place npc and soiboy in there, no need to hold back
>Had sex with more than a handful of women
user, are you expecting devs to care about that?
the comic look is becoming a liabilty.
Hold the fuck up dude, she clearly does not have "huge bulging" abs. Why are you describing bodybuilders (like Hildryn from Warframe)? This brownie is just peak /fit/.
But you faggots talk about it every fucking thread even Jap games
Get with the times. "OK" sign only ever means neo nazi. Don't you pay attention to twitter?
>Needs way bigger tits
Fucking based. Get this man a job at Gearbox so he can un-soi them.
>toned muscles and abs
>everything else
Eh, not really. I'm not complaining about the character model, just trying to make my case that it's not feminine or normal for women to have since a lot of guys jumped down my throat about it. Didn't realize it was weird for a misogynist white male to not like bulging muscle women lol.
Also, not everyone on Yea Forums is a foreveralone virgin. I'm sure there's plenty of people who have gotten laid/get laid occasionally/often. At least.. I hope so.
maybe try r*ddit next time
Threadly reminder that calypsos stole llith's powers and she's finished now
Nah, that's just you having a shit taste, no need to explain yourself
I remember some sort of file tweak from BL2 that lets you turn off the edge outline, might be possible for the other games
>Adams apple
>Square jaw
>Masculine appearance
>S-stop p-projecting user
Yeah, sure kid.
oh so that's why you sound out-of-place
I took a look again because I was like "okay, maybe he's right and I'm over-exaggerating.
Dude, look at these two pictures and tell me she doesn't have massive, well-defined, manly abs. Most guys who are gymrats would kill for this.
good, I was hoping for her to either get destroyed by new bad guys or having her turn bad so you can kill her.
few, for second there i thought i fell in love with a *gross* women.
underrated post
>doesn't even know how sirens work
Good, she's a shit character
They ruined everything good about her character in 2 so her dying is a blessing
>Also, rock hard thick abs on a woman is not attractive.
I admit I browse reddit occasionally (well, not browse, more like see their opinions on games I'm into/curious about occasionally. Although I look at Yea Forums muuuch more, unfortunately.) However, I've never posted there, don't have an account, nor a desire to do either.
god i hope so
fucking fridge the bitch already
Yeah, I guess there's more people on Yea Forums into really muscled stomachs on women than I thought, or had any reason to think. I like them flat, solid muscle underneath is fine. Trim stomachs are the best, petite is a bonus.
>Gives no shits about killing anyone, it's all just a job to him and if it pays well enough he will fucking do it
>Makes himself stronger than mere mortals by replacing parts of himself with superior technology
>Absolute madlad goes so far with it that he eventually integrates himself into a massive loaderbot frame
>Hetero white male
We will never get a BL character as alpha as Wilhelm again
I like the robot guy's design
google "hildryn"
It's Pajeet mythology not a fucking entry level garbage animu
>Becomes a joke tier powerloader boss
normalfag get out
This, but with black skin, is what I expected the new Siren to look like. I'm glad I was wrong.
The sad thing is despite the shitty tranny memes most of the porn will be futashit cause of the obsession with those subhumans
Liking toned females is suffering
What do you expect from a foot pleb?
Looks like Destinyfags and Anthemfags are about to learn what a real SHOOTERLOOTER looks like. BorderlandsCHADS coming back at you.
>No sign of my husbando Krieg
Why even live?!
I saw like 20 abs on her, which is just stupid lol
Regardless, a mecha-suit type thing being unrealistically muscular doesn't mean the new borderlands character doesn't have bulging abs.
Beastmaster looks amazing
>going to reddit for opinions unironically
i hope your don't le do this
>becomes an easy boss that dies from being shot in the dick
Screw Krieg, where's my boys Salvador and Zer0?
Forgot pic.
Zer0 with Rhys in newly reformed Atlas
Zero was in there with some crimson lance dudes, forgot about the dwarf tho.
it was more the fact that she has a musclegut going on which perfectly fits your description of "huge, bulging abs". the borderlands girl we're discussing... seriously just has abs and muscles. really good looking ones, but they're just abs that she clearly takes care of with repeated physical exercise.
I don't care about any of this controversy. I'm going to draw her with a [spoilers]cunt[/spoilers] and it's going to be great!
Based Randy
True. I'm not even a fan of Zarya but look what happened to her.
Here's your beastmaster, bro
If that's a seductive or alluring to you, I'm pretty sure you're gay. Do you get a similar thrill looking at pictures of men flexing? Just be honest with us.
he was the kid that was bullied in high school and now look at him
Rad, dunno how to feel about his new armor tho, think it takes away from his ninja stchick
>People are trying to claim that Axton's gay now
0-4 Hobo Robo
5-9 Musclefu
Wait, is he actually a beast master? That's my favorite class
he always was
Faggots, user. That is what faggots do
hopefully it will go the Doom route
hes literally bisexual
fuck i want to impregnate their armpits
source on the doujin?
The fucking porn that’s going to come from this game. Hooo boy.
Robot hobo bros where we at
People suspect it, but it isn’t confirmed
>He literally always was
>Made gay in an open letter in 2018
That was an interesting read.
Good point, put a bullet through your head, faggot
Sauce me up lads.
Melee siren is a cool concept, but I decided I was playing the Titanfall chick as soon as she was leaked
Right fuckin' here, i'm super hyped if he is loaderbot from Tales From
On another note, I have a feeling they'll make a very small, one time nudge hinting Handsome Jack may be alive in Reiss
in tiny tina's assault on dragon keep he says he likes dudes
We had Suicide Psychos since borderlands 2 tho.
Truly a shame
no, i remember knowing that a long time ago which is why i never played as him
pretty sure athena wouldn't have fucked her senseless if she was a tranny
from what I heard, Robo Hobo might not be loaderbot but he is closely connected to loaderbot
Maybe he's referring to hiring mercenaries?
>All these newfags who can't use RIS
>Play Lilith in Borderlands 1
>They absolutely destroy her in all the sequels
It's not fair bros. She's the only attractive siren.
he literally says something about visiting the local tavern for some wenches and maybe later some dudes
Imagine picking the up and doing it on some rusty box
Flak has some yellow parts visible and disguised LB looked fairly similar, so I hope they're the same guy
>I won't be able to play Borderlands 3 until 2 years from now
It's not fair bros
RIS is gay and doesnt work on everything, you would know if you ever did RIS
made my day user
>only attractive siren
Maya is better
I thought the quote was essentially "Get guns, some women and them some men" meaning he's going to hire mercenaries?
>they work for the mercenary
You would know it did if you even bothered this time, you mouthbreather.
but wait a minute, hindu people don't fuck themselves up
that couldn't be a tranny
I want Pickle to be playable.
>Tales of Borderlands characters are in the trailer
>have to actually play Telltales garbage now
pull that horse cock out of your ass ya dingu he wanted to hire more mercs
The mosquito man?
who the fuck talks about picking up some women and men like that when they are buying mercenaries
jesus fuck are you that same guy that didn't understand what Confirmed Bachelor meant when they picked that New Vegas perk as well
>99% of the discussion is waifufagging because people here refuse to remember how shit and boring the previous games were
the aesthetic was the only saving grace of these games but even that got stale now that we have like 5 games that look identical to each other
if they don't fundamentally tweak the gunplay and gameplay structure this will be a shit boring game just like the last one, but you fags will eat it up because of the memes
I can fucking guarantee they'll include some edgy anti PC Yea Forums humour just to appeal to the average 17 year olds browsing this cesspool of a site
I sure hope they bring back my favorite character, Pickle.
but user...
i already found it anyways
If she did peach bomber, would you be hit with multiple blue ghost asses
just watch a lets play of it, its basically a movie anyways
Tales from the Borderlands is the best thing Telltale has ever done. It also has better writing than any of the actual Borderlands games.
Telltale user, they're movies instead of games
watch it online
I WILL cum on her abs
Just watch the lets play, same experience anyways
They'd better fucking surprise announce a meele guy like Krieg, he was the only fun character.
>Mania for leveling and mobbing
>Hellborn for everything else mixed with some left treet talents.
>you'll never explode a female psycho midgets head and fuck the corpse
why even live?
which one first, Yea Forums?
cool story bro
Tina looks cute as a teen
he'll have the mechs
I'm going with Jensen
Oh I see it now, it's pretty blatant. Here's gearbox sucking gay cock in 2014. Dropped
Why watch a let's play when you can play it yourself for the same effort and time spent? Just pirate it.
Zero's roiding brother.
The siren, electrical melee magic class is like the best thing possible
eh as long as there are good hairstyles she can look good
pic related is still my fave
>It also has better writing than any of the actual Borderlands games.
Oh yeah because that's such a huge achievement.
On the one hand, obvious Shiva reference and straightish hair screams Indian.
On the other hand, that nose, those lips and that facial structure make her look black. Probably mixed.
Either the siren or Beastmaster.
It's almost like muscles are a masculine trait! Just like dicks
Will there be a PC version. And will there be mods?
Actually Axton was made gay because his voice triggers the same lines when interacting with both men and women.
The most OP one, of course.
Commie Waifu
I don't know how you queers think muscles and manface equate to something attractive in a woman. When you think femenine and breedable, you think big muscly arms?
on one hand shes indian and shits in the shits
on the other hand is some lotion
notice how that it's on (((her))) chest
Unironically a sexier design than MK11. From Randy fucking Pitchford of all people
I've got a feeling about zane on that one
Can you make a hi-res version of 2:13? Her abs look fucking delicious and would bite.
Jensen or Beastmaster
Artist is SHD
Eat a cock nigger
me and my friend played every borderlands game for about 10-20 hours before we got bored at how repetitive and badly written they are, I expect the same of this game
One of the new main antagonists in BL3 is a male siren.
>We should be frustrated every day because gay people don't have rights
-Randy Pitchford
Yeah, aesthetically I like the bum robot the best but summoner classes tend to be complete shit against bosses, and that ain't a good time if I mostly play solo.
Did we get a good look at the beastmaster guy yet? Haven't watched the trailer
What kinda fucking question is this?
why is she so fccn yoked
Big guy
Bot & Dog. Using fleshbags to do his bidding is the best feeling.
>Spoonfeeding retards
I'd tell you to do the same, but I'm sure you already have at least five in your mouth at the moment.
No, that's the new gunner girl
Shiet she is a fucking nigger
Yeah. He's got the skags on some kinda leash, I bet it explodes as a suicide bomber thing, if Gearbox is grave enough.
Google, IQDB, and Saucenao all give 0 results you idiot. You realize that image searching doesn't always work, right?
Reminder Axton originally was only supposed to hit on female characters when he revived them, but an oversight made it so he hit on the males too. People in the fanbase started theorizing that he was bi until a developer came out and confirmed it wasn't intended. This disappointed the faggy crybaby fans so instead of sticking with their original vision, the faggy writers went back and made him actually bi
I want to make cider out of her big lickable Adams apple
>those abs
>probably gonna be bogged down with extremely shit writing
Face looks alright there, downright monkey-like from some other angles. I'm down for the brown and fit meme, but I can't say I enjoy where beauty trends might be heading with faces
Isn't his the ultimate with a giant robotic bear thing or something? You can see him riding it in one scene in the trailer.
Mech girl first
Robohobo second
tfw no PURE FUCKING DAMAGE class like Sal or Krieg. Guess they're saving the big guns for DLC.
Would buy that DLC for free of course
does it really fucking matter you insecure fag
If Flak is Loaderbot, then him. Otherwise Siren. Then the stealth dude, hope he's one suave motherfucker.
I bet you even used this first like the sub-70 IQ mong you are.
Too thick outlines
This artstyle is so fucking ugly, it ruins everything its in.
Not really. He's the twin brother of a Siren and likely is forcibly abusing that to borrow Siren powers.
I think the Titanfall mech is the Vladof Girl's summon
I'm clearing up what people have been arguing about in this thread, mongoloid
He was initially canonically straight (had a wife and all that) but also had this quote when reviving a teammate:
>"Wow. Do you work out, or...?"
By itself doesn't really mean anything but the fags and trannies in the community took it as him being gay for saying it while reviving the other male characters. Gearbox being the cucked company it's always been, felt pressured by the claims from this vocal minority and added some quotes in the following DLCs implying he's actually bisexual:
>"Guns and women. And sometimes dudes."
My husband was hurt by toxic masculinity in first person shooters so I'm here to make Borderlands as gay as fuck.
-Gaeme Timmins
Athena never fucked Tannis, you are thinking of Springs probably
Nigger, I use Saucenao first. It tends to be the only thing that works at all.
nu-Tannis and Maya a cute. CUTE
la creatura
feet is feet
Always go Siren.
NoIt was said in leaks that your teammates could jump on the mech after she calls it
Would let myself get pounded by
Reminds me of Mira
Someone her age would not have a puffy vulva
>/int/ still only has ONE (1) meme
Needs bigger tits, not giant milkers but something that makes her more feminine. Face is ok, looks good in some angles but does need a little touch up
Top Tier:
Tannis, Maya
Tier 2:
Gage, Angel, Athena
Tier 3:
Low Tier:
Lillith, Moxxie
kys tier:
shit boss, easy kill, drops fucking shit loot
Toxic masculinity is douchey and I'm here to change that, Gearbox is a safespace for my ideas.
-Gaeme Timmins
>maliwan army planet
How to spot a fucking retard
Someone post that image of the post from 2008 that had "Reddit spacing" in it.
Short stack girl probably. The mech seemed cool.
Gay characters are more authentic than overly masculine characters.
-Gaeme Timmins
>we got you boo
Borderlands 3 is going to have Mr. Torgue or someone go on a "funny" yelling rant for 5 minutes about sexism or racism, isn't it?
Underated post
Marcus looking good
I wish she was that cute
You people are so repetitive and boring
maybe but who cares
Beastmaster, took them three games to add in a Mad Maxx faceless character that looks like they belong on pandora to be playable
A shirtless retard screaming about poop was not at all what I wanted, bandit looking chief like Krom or Flynt.
Absolute unit
If Mechanomancer and soldier had a baby
Nobody wants to be defined by their sexuality, except when we push it on other people through social media and videogames.
-Gaeme Timmins
Probably the dude with the cyber eye and pegleg, he actually looks like he fits in the world.
Does it really matter if someone rides a dick or not?
Bi leaning straight. Fuck it, I'll take it
We put gay and gender non conforming characters in our games to reach a broader audience.
-Gaeme Timmins
Brick was pretty mad max, unless you meant psycho style
Honestly as long as they're not obnoxious about a characters faggotry I don't really care
>multiple limbs
Now if only she had multiple tiddies
Yeah when they constantly gotta tell you about how they love riding dick and how you should also ride dicks.
The stakes are automatically higher and you're more invested when there's gay people in our games.
-Gaeme Timmins
Fuck it, I'm gonna keep loving my big girls. Someone has to.
the australian dyke in the presequel didn't really give a choice as to whether or not I wanted to hear about how not-straight she was
literally every other interaction with her involved her referencing her lesbianism
Why do people keep saying she's really smol? I must've missed something
I wanna fuck a brown girl
We like what Bioware is doing forcing sexuality in their games, I really identify with it and use it as a facet in my own life.
-Gaeme Timmins
Can i achieve this natty
I'm sure someone will throw you a bone and you'll get your giant blue siren arms snu-snu
so basically, not a repeat of Springs in TPS
If he actually chucks a ton of those floating balls and says that I will bust a nut
lol clean your room faggot
Jesus. 2D wins AGAIN. How can 3D women even compete.
Why would you play presequel
4 Arms to hold you tight
2 Arms to spread your legs
2 Arms to finger your assholes one for each of you
Learn what cringe is instead of kneejerking with buzzwords.
We also like Naughty dog and their added of gay characters in their games. It really broadens the audience and makes the character more real.
-Gaeme Timmins
I like the setting
low grav is fun
>complaining about the ugly faces as if it's something new to Borderlands
>those armpits
lol is that a skyrim mod
can she rape herself with those arms
Yeah, so a male siren.
the real question is will they continue to make Mordecai a complete fucking loser
This. It's worth at least one run through, especially considering that it also has
Claptastic Voyage.
We're trying to normalize homosexuality. Take Sir Hammerlock for example, my favorite part about him is that he's gay and it doesn't matter.
-Randy Pitchford
Lilith gets her tattoos stolen by the twins
And that's a good thing!
0-4 Hobo Robo
5-9 musclefu
>Chad meme face
I'm dying
>Mordecai a complete fucking loser
His Latinoness will protect him this game.
What's cool about how we handle his sexuality is we present it like it's something totally normal.
-Randy Pitchford
I guess she looks short here, but she's not much shorter then the other girl. She's also asian so being short is a given. People saying she's a midget or loli or whatever are really exaggerating
Watch the trailer brainlet
Def agree on the bigger tits
A male that can access Siren powers due to a rare circumstance. A technical seventh Siren. Neat concept.
I don't even care at this point, any reason is good enough
Someone post the leaks
In the universe we created it's totally the natural coarse for people to be gay.
-Randy Pitchford
>imagine winning the underdome and asking for the universes biggest slut as your reward
>imagine being cucked by handsome jack by said slut
>imagine still wanting her back
The absolute state of mordecucks
>Finally some trans representation
something this right , can't be wrong
Fuck off to retardera
You can disable it by editing a single line in the .ini lol
I did. I didn't notice because she's not even that tiny. Just a bit of a womanlet
if she doesn't have a pseudodick from all the test she's shooting up, I'm not buying it
Being a fat fuck? Yeah, it isn't too hard. Nice job wasting trips on such a shitty post.
Is gaige dead or something? I stopped following this after 2
AND having a cut line about how small his dick is
What a fucking shame
based and whitepilled
Keeping a 1:1 ration on male to female characters was a huge goal for us in the pre-sequel.
-Anthony Burch
Nah, her ugly roid muscles can't even be penetrated by dicks
>no slag
Good shit
i'm gonna play as Tank Girl!
She is the smallest of the playable characters.
She can penetrate me any time.
This is some good bait
Ellie was purely us trying to be inclusive of people of other bodytypes.
-Anthony Burch guyss think robohobo is a nigger? i feel like he'll have a deep black voice
People should stop panicking about not seeing some of their BL2 favorites in the trailer. They could be holding off on the reveal for spoiler reasons
>leg-locking with 8 arms included
Fat people cosplaying Ellie is the best thing in the entire world.
-Anthony Burch
I want to fuck that octo
I know, I was just expecting something smaller
Wow looks incredible compared to 2, like only weeks passed instead of a decade since the last game! What beast will you need to run this perfect emulation of circa 2010 graphics?
quick guys whats a good/the best balance mod/patch for bl2? played the ucp late last year and thought it was cool but idk if anything recent has cropped up thats better.
No, literally nothing about him gave me that impression
Axton was bugged and we never fixed him so we made him gay by accident.
-Anthony Burch
Discord trannies are desperate to come up with some new catchphrase of their own.
I want to worship her cock all day&night
Of course, look at that hoodie. Probably throws Skittles and Arizona Ice Tea at the enemies.
I think there's a mod that makes the game much harder, regular skags attack as fast as rabid ones and stuff like that
>Copy a Boba Fett poster from some artist for the interior art of a game manual
>huge public shitstorm leading to an official apology
>Copy the entire premise, aesthetic, mood, and setting of 2006 short film Codehunters
>fucking zilch
Eat shit, Pitchford.
neither literal faggots do, faggot
And twice in the morning!
>no laser
Damn it, that was the only thing I liked from TPS.
look at all those white supremacy symbols
Finally someone I can cosplay
Mr. Torgue was a terrible character and it was really shitty of me to write some of the things I did for him. Stupid sexist bullshit, as I tried to be less fucking stupid in my life I made him a social justice warrior.
-Anthony Burch
Ya it's weird how hardly anyone mentions this.
There is a female midget psycho. I'm sure she will get some r34.
finally the BLEACHED representation we deserve
It's a fucking robot you insecure soi boi
he looks like a monkey
and a male siren? what's going on?
The more diverse the cast of Borderlands 2 the better we were making the world. We're trying to put black people in space with our game.
-Anthony Burch
>Wonder what's gonna be next.
I hope its a bullet to the noggin.
>Tales from the Borderlands is the best thing Telltale has ever done
>t also has better writing than any of the actual Borderlands games
These are the lowest bars any game could hope to hit.
In the trailer you can see Lilith losing her tattoos so they probably have a way of stealing it
Spot the American
Well if the shortfilm creators wanted to make a game in that style I'd support the fuck out of them, until then this is as good as it gets. I don't think artists taking from each other is a bad thing if the outcome is enjoyment.
I was super passive aggressive and being an asshole because the games weren't diverse enough.
-Anthony Burch
There's no such a thing.
Spot the obsessed cuck. If you're having trouble, just look in a mirror.