Borderlands 3

Here's your new game bro

Attached: Borderlands 3 Official Developer Trailer 3-20 screenshot.png (3840x2160, 3.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally looks like Borderlands 2
Fucking yawn

because Borderlands 1 was good, right

It's literally Borderlands 2

Why the fuck is Yea Forums shilling this?

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Game will be Epic Store exclusive.

That's why they ended the stream without saying anything about the release date. They didn't want people to rage and just accept it.

is the new Borderlands 1 version going to be free for original owners on Steam?

it still wont:
>have good gunplay
>have good writing
>have more than 1 active skill per class
>have skill synergies between classes

i bet it'll have some woke attitudes in there too, it's probably worth buying a year after launch i guess, provided they dont pig out on microtransactions

they never said anything about a pc version

i assume they want to avoid mentioning epic games store


Why do you keep making new threads? Are you a shill?

I like it

The end of the trailer mentions steam.

You mean Borderlands 1? The look hasn't changed at all.

Dem abs

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>that futuristic city
interesting change of setting

oh im blind my b

bl3 might come to epic games though

>People are actually exited for this

These are the morons known for famous line like

>Ayo we sirens n shiezz now

>talked about doing a special deal for RoR with "our buddies at steam"
I doubt it

I get paid $0.50 for every thread I make

>Yea Forums will say this isn't hot

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thank reddit, they actually like claptrap

was the character from the telltale games there?

Borderlands is a terrible series. Dude bullet sponge enemies and terrible writing lmao


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Yea Forums is creaming Maya and Tina's non-existent panties in three other threads jerking off to her.

Rhys yes, but no sign of Fiona.

I came to this board to see people inevitably cry about this game

Well, most men aren't attracted to brown women, so yes.

Wait for like couple hours at most.

so she's the Brick/Krieg of this game then?

Looks fun actually.

it astonishes me that people can have this bad of taste

Looks pretty good and I'm interested to see what the big twist with Tannis will be. I'd unironically be really hyped if unreal wasn't on my blacklist

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Why would they include the Telltale characters?

Looks just as shitty as 2 did with the same trademark Randy """""""""""""humor"""""""""""".

>those comments

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>Borderlands 2 weapon variety

Attached: babyspaghettislamdunk.gif (360x260, 1.4M)

Damn, Tina looking fine as hell.

>literally a man in a wig

get out of the closet already

Trailer was kind of boring and the music was shit but some of the environments looked cool.

The leaks said that there was more than 1 active skill per class and the leaks were real.

>Character models that look stiff as a board walk towards the camera
>Play some gay ass dubstep
Wow it's like any generic trailer from 2010. Which makes sense because this game looks like a game that came out in 2009.

Arms are too thick. Otherwise fine.

better than destiny 2 and anthem

Gearbox has been pretty consistently good with Borderlands but I'm gonna wait and see with this one since their last title was fucking Battleborn.

Jesus Christ. They just had to do this, didn't they?

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ok so like 50-100 guns tops with random rolls

>the best thing that ever came out in the franchise was a fucking Telltale game

At least this was actually good, enjoyable and the comedy worked quite well. I can't believe that those are the same writers from the cringe as fuck mainline entries.

>crowd cheers loudly when it shows Lilith

Why? She's literally the villian.

Learn how to spell retard.

I'm still a Mayafag desu


The trailer showed her confronting the antagonists.

Merely an act

>they ruined Lilliths face
Good job


Incredible. What about the other fucking problems?

show the leak then

Meh I never liked borderlands or any loot shooters or any high ttk bullet sponge shooters, halo ttk is the most I can tolerate in an fps.

Why does a robot need to blink anyway, that was fucking stupid.


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So they just redid borderlands 2?
Why? Who's going to play this shit?
Also why are the villain more intresting looking that the "heroes" AGAIN?

Fucking hard pass.

They aren't even trying to hide that they a marketing the game here

Is that a boy or a girl?

I WILL fuck that musclegirl

Attached: 1536212087860.png (844x1200, 253K)

Why are you here commenting, when you've clearly never even played any Borderlands?
Go back to whatever bing bing wahoo thread you were just in on Reddit.

That kid is somehow uglier than Tina.


it's a "girl"

Then i pirate

a bunch of idiots that like easy satsifaction by getting a new gun every 2 minutes
>1 billion guns
can any one take this statement seriously ?

It looks like a girl but they'll try to spin it as a boy since its sjw shit

The first thing that made me pause the video
This muscular chocolate goddess might be the reason I'll eventually buy this game from 10 dollar sale with every DLC, just like I did with the rest of the games in the series.
Phew, at least they got some based boys doing designs, I like the look of the villains too, and that robot dude with the puff jacket.

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Mate, I've got bad news

I kind of want the game to be online only just to prevent people from using cheats to get the guns they want

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Ur a big dum dum

Your shit game will be Epic exclusive, and the sole reason I know this is guaranteed is because they refused to announce this with the trailer and tell people to wait for April 3rd

See you faggots next Wednesday when the meltdown begins

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Nice how you can tell so little with so many images. You showed us some models, cool. Thanks for the vid user, but I'm still holding my fingers crossed we can kill Moxxie & Lilith for being awful people.

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He's dead friend scooter catch a ride to heaven

>shill literally sitting in different threads

this is how you do cyberpunk buildings

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There is nothing wrong with HOT brown women, but majority of them tends to be ugly as fuck because of crossbreeding ( and possibly decades of inbreeding ) and the male counterparts of black people usually being ugly monkeys, in which case the uggo genes go to the kids.

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There's four up and i did the same thing for sekiro and splatoon 2

Fuck you idiot i like videogames

>When a Borderlands game is more cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077

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That was the vibe I got as well. She summons up all those arms and just goes Asura's Wrath on mother fuckers I'm betting.

>Implying children of the vault won't just be reflavored cultist bandit.

what is Mordecai wearing?

Attached: gears of far cry 3 - fury road.jpg (1920x1080, 414K)

Anthem might not have VISUAL variety but there sure is weapon effect variety, imagine having a weapon that heals enemies when you kill them, now THAT is some good design by Bioware.

i saw this on twitter

Attached: 5EeRJvo.jpg (1175x518, 438K)

looking too clean
the buildings need 1000000 AC units on the sides

Ok paki

true, its kinda sad, why cant we have those in cyberpunk?, even if we cant travel there, just for the visuals looks awesome

I wish it was a boy, then I'd give it a pass as being a 6/10 trap, but a biological female? YUCK!

F. one of the few characters i liked.

A Truxican wrestling mask with feathers on it. Are you blind or something?

Looks like Athena fucked her so good that she walks bowlegged now.

its been confined that at least the soldier class has a whole tree about synergy

Why the fuck do you care about people cheating in a singleplayer experience? The common notion is that people who cheat in singleplayer ate just cheating themselves out of the full experience of the game. Sounds to me like you subconsciously realize grindy loot shooters are a boring waste of time.

>eventually buy this game from 10 dollar sale with every DLC
This is the only way to play this series after the first game.

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user shut up, they all look exactly the same and if you say otherwise you're obviously a shill.

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What was the free stuff they were giving out?

well no, but i wanted to start a conversation about the character redesigns

her tits got bigger, wth

will slag weapons still be a thing? i hate it

It took them this long to just create an expansion? They didn't even do any significant asset upgrades or add in new tech. And those models are pulled right from the Epic marketplace (I have some of the faces downloaded on my PC right now). They even use a Marcus Fenix asset flip. Wtf how lazy is this shit gonna be? Budget game? Also what is up with the fucking music, that used to be the one thing Memelands got right!

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>That chubby ass face
more like a 4/10 trap

I just want to know what ma boy Krieg is up to now

Tina looks like a goblin

thats the same with most fallout/elder scrolls and v dick suck those


Nah. Borderlands 2 looked a lot more sci-fi.

the enviroments details haven changed in 7 years, making the new models seems out of place sometimes unless is dar.

Dead in a ditch

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is vidya saved bros ?

Attached: CUUUUTEEE.png (600x609, 258K)

try milleniums

no thanks

I hope they revamp the loot system
It felt pretty satisfying to get a legendary drop when you first started playing, but after you're decked out, it just doesn't feel as good anymore
Would be kinda cool if they added like a deconstruction mechanic where you need specific rarities of guns to break down into special components which you can then craft into weapon augments and shit like that

56% mutt

Would you do Maya?
only downside is that you have her retarded daughter/apprentice to annoy you after the act.

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>wanting prequel star wars tier cyberpunk over cyberpunk based in realism like CP2077

>Why the fuck do you care about people cheating in a singleplayer experience?
Because you can play the game in mulitplayer together with others

>Sounds to me like you subconsciously realize grindy loot shooters are a boring waste of time.
But that's literally every game

Nice talk, get cocked on little bitch.

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Wow bros, that is some badass epicry!

that's not even Krieg's buzzaxe

>Gearbox has been pretty consistently good with Borderlands
the only decent one was BL2 the fuck are you talking about


thats still a lot of guns

Cailling it, this guy is Jack's doppleganger from TPS, he just got full madman.
It's literally jack's face.

Attached: hold on.png (593x667, 773K)

thats what happen to carpet munchers

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she was always a tiny freak, suited her really
now that she's older and not living in the middle of nowhere she doesn't have an excuse to look starved though

It's literally been the same game since the first one
I don't know why people still like it.


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>Here's your pet

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Were they a couple or something, I didn’t play presequel

If you told me this is Borderlands 2 footage, I'd believe you. Wtf is this shit? What did they spend those 5 years on?

Nice to see the trans community getting representation in this game

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I'm going to say its the trailer rendering or something because BL2 just looks better

Because Tales is the only good thing to come out of the franchise so far

we DmC now

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>Neon lights
wOAw iS tHiS CyBerPUnK????

>I hope they revamp the loot system
>1Billion guns
yeah not happenning

honestly theyshould copy Shadow warrior 2 loot system where you get atachments rather than guns.




This game looks so fucking boring oh my god
Why is it so fucking boring? They have had YEARS to try and make it right,and they just make 2 all over again.

>siren so can't actually be a tranny
>is probably a tranny anyway because lol retcon

Maya is for Krueger imma leave her alone

>First games been resold several different times and people are gonna pre order or day 1 this
>Gearbox meanwhile stealing money
Bravo Randy

Is that motherfucking Loaderbot?!

No, Athena was with aussie chick mechanic and not Tannis

>see the vault
>"So you must be the secret ingredient"

Why can't the west design characters that aren't butt fucking ugly?

I thought she was chairsexual

BL2 had suicide psychos though, so they were in even back then

i think youre right
otherwise dogo would look more distinct

Oh shit, they're not the same character. My bad.

according to the Leaks his name if Flak.
Loaderbot might of started some kind of cult of ex-Hyperion bots trying to reform that Flak is a part of

This pretty much. But really, it's a PvE snoozefest who gives a shit.

7 years and the graphics look the same, can gearbox get bought by EA already?

She already got fucked by Kreg
the midget is their daughter.

Damn, I was hoping fiona to hook up with rhys.

>everyone ignoring this

>Tall as fuck skyscrapers in a megacity
>In a world filled with poor fucks who live in shacks on a desert planet
That's pretty cyberpunk if you ask me

>except slag, laser and ice
we saw laser
also we better bea ble to use multiple skills at once becasue if not im gonna be mad.

do you the siren tats go into Maya's pussy?

Attached: eh hahsadhhh ahs he ahs pets wohoaooah (craszu))))))))).png (1896x944, 1.91M)

except that girl looks at least 12 and and BL3 takes place 5 years after 2

>Over a billion guns again
Oh, boy, yet again I'll get guns with shit part configs on useless elements.

>People on a video games board talking about a video game on the day it's announced
>the word "shill" being thrown around because people DARE to talk about a video game I don't want to talk about
What the fuck do you faggots want to talk about if not new goddamned video games?
Still the best borderlands intro song

2009's Borderlands is returning in a new Game of the Year Edition, releasing on April 3rd. It'll be free to all existing owners of Borderlands on Steam

not much you can do to make cel shading look "next gen"

it really doesn't

Imagine the sekiro faggots seething when BL3 take home game of the year

no one cares

I really liked that trailer, including the tone. Humorous but not ridiculously OTT.

Ehh, the level of detail has increased, but cel-shaded hides it. They also have some really nice set-pieces there. The Borderlands have aged really well graphically due to their art design.

Yeah he definitely is

Looks like I know what I'm doing for the next few weeks

Well, i don't know, Siren's magic.

>wanting boring realism when you can have an enormous city with skyskrapers that reach the clouds which we won't see in our lifetimes


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>It'll be free to all existing owners of Borderlands on Steam

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Underrated post.

the ones doing the designs are ugly, or they try to pander to an ugly minority demographic whom they do not want to offend
if the characters are ugly, they can relate to them, it's an inferiority complex
Can't have fantasy proportions and looks ON FANTASY CHARACTERS

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I'm genuinely hyped for the guns in this, it looks like they have actual variety

Thinly veiled /pol/shit, wojak threads and console warring, of course.
Oh, and did I mention waifu threads?

She really is. I honestly grew to fucking loathe her after the presequel.

>except slag

Oh god, so much of this has been confirmed so I really hope this one is too... Honestly I thought slag wasn't a bad idea, but being so goddamn reliant on it in end game was atrocious design.


Huh. Reminds me of Catwoman.

Maybe if you weren't spamming 50 threads, talking like redditors and sucking off Randy people would believe you

No, she's the Jotaro

Attached: borderlandsbizarreadventure.png (621x658, 725K)

I'd still suck its dick

>guns with legs
so it that a grenade mod or an actual weapon

>They also have some really nice set-pieces there
also terrible ones too, desert and green areas look so simple like BL2.
the only new one that looks good is cyberpunk city.
And could at least upgrade the animations of te players and enemies.

Shitposting on Yea Forums about borderlands?

>help help. I’m being assaulted

show feet

could just be a son he had with some random slut on pandora

>Maybe if your opinion was my opinion I wouldn't be having an autistic shitfit

This art style does not look good past the 360 / ps3 generation. lmfao

So... Did Krieg hit that blue haired pussy?

You have to hate things that are popular, that's rule number one for people who can't like two things at the same time on Yea Forums
It's only okay to talk about a popular game if its from japan

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I doubt they're that clever. I doubt we get to kill Moxxi and Lilith, I doubt we can even be at peace from these cunts.

You play in first person, so it isn't that bad? also, if you use alot of black you can shade the ugly :^)

fuck slag, fuck it to the deepest pit of hell.


>it looks like they have actual variety
is BL2 all over again.

You people realise that there is more than one buzz axe right?

watch it be the new Tediore gimmick

That logo on his patch is the same one Axton has iirc

lol no one cares if it looks like borderlands 2, borderlands 2 looked great


so whos Dio?

lol I LOVE memes

It's just 5 years after 2 so i doubt it.
Actually no, that could be it, Jack's was quite old, Angel was already like 20 in BL1.

PvE can be fun, I had tons of fun with Diablo 2 way back in the day.

Borderlands is like sanitized Diablo 2. You don't get any of the crazy shit you could come across there that could throw magic spells or straight up break the build of your character.

You just get guns
They shoot bullets
Sometimes those bullets do things, but not all of the time
Rarely are those guns useful except for one or two exceptions that the random number generation creates on accident.

The only thing I'm looking forward to is Anthony Burch's latest built-in temper tantrum on how pissed off he is that no one thinks his funnyjunk-tier humor is funny anymore.

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I never understood why people like Borderlands. One of the most boring games I've played. Shit story, monotonous locations, bullet sponge enemies, repetitive gameplay and 95% of the humor is huge miss and cringe as fuck

Looks like a special Tediore gun reload or something.

They fucked it up baf. Especially the faces. Seems like they tried going for a more realistic look.

the leaks said him and the new Siren are Twins.
He also has access to some kind of Siren power, despite not actually being one (only woman can be Sirens)

He looks great from the front but looks like Willem Dafoe from the side

Attached: 1233.png (640x596, 604K)

My dick, she will have to beat it.

This shit JUST came out holy fuck, it's like bitching about Smash threads when all that was happening. Hide threads that you don't want to see you dumb nigger.

You're right, we need 50 Smash Brothers threads instead! Then it'll be accepted!

yeah, how could anyone hate epic GUNS WITH LEGS!


seriously, stop putting black/dark/indian girls into games holy shit. And they always try to make them as realistic as possible, only achieving them looking ugly af.

>tfw no tall brown-skinned Siren amazon girlfriend with exposed midriff and solid abs to push me around or bully me and then laugh as she turns and walks away while her ponytail flutters behind her exposing her neck in a feminine way even though she's clearly a tomboy.
How am I supposed to live anymore, lads?

Attached: BL3 Siren.jpg (859x1002, 240K)

>graphic overhaul to both BL1, 2 and TPS
Just please let them have an in-game option to disable the ugly as fucking sin black outlines. The game looks so much better without them.

>Bandits gone
Why play?

Handsome Jack was. Yellow everything and he threw those Road da Loaders down onto Pandora every chance he had.

Burch isn't at gearbox anymore

>Implying him looking like a madman isn't cool
I love him already.

only niggers use bandit

I don't know why they revealed everything in the fist teaser. It's almost like the story is weak as fuck or something

>american on his way to school

>The only thing I'm looking forward to is Anthony Burch's latest built-in temper tantrum on how pissed off he is that no one thinks his funnyjunk-tier humor is funny anymore.
>He doesn't know

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Tanny looks good desu

but we saw a robot shooting ice?


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Damn, they went with pure realism this time.

cause ur not a fun person that ever had freinds to play with

"muh humor is all cringe"

It's really fun to play for about an hour at a time, so it's for people with jobs/lives.

>so i heard you like crazy girls...

Attached: Fempsycho.jpg (328x351, 19K)

Looks like a nigger in drag

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Fuck you I care.

>like murder
>join murder cult with a name
>somehow still not bandits

haven't played BL2 since forever and just stumbled upon this video after watching the BL3 trailer...

shiet niggas, I'm getting hyped for some borderlands again, guess I'll play through the remasters since at least BL1 is free on PC

I thought the first one was pretty damn fun. I was in my teens and hadn't played a looter shooter ever, so it was a nice introduction to it.

Also the damage numbers weren't retardedly huge like in BL2, or the cringy humor ramped up like in BL2.

now she just needs some extra toned abs and maybe a latino accent to fullfill all my fetishes

Who are these people anyway?

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Literally nope, in her?, ugly design... and perfection on the right

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Main cast looks good

>psychopaths take time to wrap their tits

Well thank god, I guess this game at least has that going for it, now.

Only thing I want is a fucking FoV slider

A lot of the Borderlands 2 humour was embarassing, though. Too much wacky OTT shit.

Borderlands 1 was pretty funny at times.

right? the engine allows it so why isnt it just in the options instead of fucking around with the config

Yare Yare dawa

the Bandit manufacturer is gone, possibly because S&S might be coming back.

>australian on hi way to the mosque

I love slag

nigger what
the other threads were filled with Yea Forumsirgins creaming over her

>Female Psychos
fucking finally

Christ, everything about the characters screams overdesigned.


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>makes your gameplay look like a skater bro video
here's your fov slider bro

I already like her and her brother, they have some cool design.

She reminds me of Frieza

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>be at school

>lunch break

>see this two from a distance walking towards you

what do?

Attached: school bullies.webm (1920x1080, 2.01M)

A lot of characters are missing (Athena, Springs, Gage, Krieg, Salvador, everyone from TPS besides Rhys).
Handsome Jack was droppen in BL2 reveal too, but nobody was expecting him to that Handsome.
This trailer just has the bare minimum of confirmed characters.

Why does everyone keep calling her black when she's obviously Indian. I mean she has the whole multi armed thing and everything.

Let me tell you a story

What the fuck happened to Borderlands?
There's practically zero frontier grit left.

8ch hates it, and they know their shills. Don't trust anyone "enjoying" this sjw shit

Is this safe to assume that this is Zer0 clan?

Attached: zero.png (1897x947, 2.9M)

haha, imagine if they didn't wrap their titties, haha
imagine them just flapping around while they chase you
ha ha


Stutters at 2 fps

Big head small face syndrome.

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Call Tina.

Scooter's too good for this

has to be the worst trailer music ive heard in a long time.

Please tell me she appears back grown up

Attached: Tiny_Tina-transparent-sm.png (360x740, 236K)

Who thinks this shit is fun? It's always boring as fuck

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call them dikes :)

>American on his way to McDonald’s


maliwan headquarters?


it says Maliwan right there dude

>T. Manlet who can't bench more than this exotic but natural-born brown-skin specimen of the female persuasion.

Attached: BL3 Siren arms.jpg (1920x1080, 515K)

Shills are at a full force.

Aw hell yea they got death stroke and squirrel from conker live and reloaded

>Why the fuck are you guys in the library?
>am I fucking dreaming again?
>Why the fuck you look like cyberpunk?
>Want candybar?

fuck this gay earth man

Attached: sadkizaru.jpg (1081x923, 110K)

What with you people and the assumption of tranny?

This is maliwan city

Punch girl, Robohobo, Mom says its my turn to use the xbox and token homosexual.

Neither of those were written by Anthony Burch, who did the writing for Borderlands 2.

shut up it's hot, no one wants to see bare titties there's no mystery in that

Rhys wasn't in TPS.

did you forget about the part where hyperion dominated Pandora? did you expect every single planet in the universe to be exactly the same?

>literally admitting to being a paid shill
Screencapped, we fucking knew it, we knew nobody likes this garbage and it had to be you fucking shills. You seriously fucked up

Looks like it's a Tediore weapon.

More appealing than the new vault hunters.

Also fem psychos.

Attached: fem psychos.png (376x464, 133K)

She's in the trailer user and yes she is grown up.


why is the vladof commie using an american jakobs gun

Buff Amazonian Siren
Bearmode Zero
Scrappy Female Midget
Generic Safety Character (for people who want a vanilla-ass game)


Rate choices
1 - Lilith
2 - Maya
PS - Athena
3 - Black Siren lady who's name I don't know

Women don't look like that. Not even nigger women with more testosterone than asian men.

Looks like shit.

Yeah but she's ugly

>Vilain actually with the psychos
fucking finally.

>no gaige
>no krieg
F...fuck you too Randy.

Attached: 1536437774281.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>great In the main game
>legendary in the telltale spinoff
Truly the best of men

>third world "humor"

They remind me more of Gortys with the big ass thighs and shit

Attached: Gortysgiantmode.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Watch the trailer dumby

>Big M on everything
>Rounded designs with blues and oranges with a hex-grid finish
>"hmmm... must be Zer0"
Come on dude. It's very clearly Maliwan.

Okay, first gearbox game that got me hyped. So far these classes seem fun.

Children of the vault will just be the same as bandit/scav.

watch the trailer, watchlet

>loader bot got to tap this

I guess that's true, but they better compensate by increasing the amount of enemies or varying gun effects alot, I'm sure they won't and it will be another boring snore fest were I pull another slot machine in between missions to get a shot at something fun to use, or I'm sure they'll include golden keys as micro transactions
Fuck you, level of detail my ass the textures are still gonna look like shit up close like bl2 and 1, plus most of the environments look reused as shit.
fuck you it's a cell shaded game put more color in it.

>T. Lowtest

It's in the name, Borderlands, hence the frontier Wild West shit.
Not everything has to explode into confetti at every turn of the camera

I dunno, his twitter header image says a lot about him

Attached: randy_p.jpg (1262x585, 116K)

How do you know the guy is Loaderbot?

I can't stop thinking about mutilated cocks. My mind always have dicks in it

based falseflagger but yeah fuck memelands

none of them looks fun to play.

I remember that a blue quality Rokgun really helped me out with the warrior as I got it just before facing him and the rest of my gear was shite. why is the bandit SMG /w dahl barrel called rokgun though?

Good riddance i'm not alone, she does look bratty though…
what's with the neck though?

I deadpan them in the eye and slowly eat my sammich with peanut butter. I was the bully!

>the best company has the best looking tech

I wonder what new elements we get. No slag, PLEASE. Cryo would be pretty sure, but what else could there be in elements? brainwash?

>No Gaige
Good, her skill design was absolute garbage.

my sides

Are you joking or seriously so autisticly aggressive you can't tell he's joking

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Sir, please calm down!


They all look like ass with cancer i puked just at the thought


>tfw Scooter dies
>tfw you find out why the killed him off

Attached: sad mike.jpg (480x360, 15K)


I kind of didn't realise how much lore and how many characters Borderlands has

>I like sucking high octane farts out of nigger asses
It's alright to be gay, it's 2019

I don't play video games. I just stick around gaming to force developers to make every game about identity politics.

Nope, this is the clone. He has the two different eye colors

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>female psycho
Wew lad

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Aren't sirens sterile? Or rather, all children they bear dies before birth due not being able to handle mommy's psionic shit?

slag was a must if you played on higher difficulty which i hated.

Sugoi, sugoi.


"noone is allowed to enjoy a video game if i don't like it, also its bad"

now excuse me while i start up my 15th thread about sekiro a glorified Rythem game with zero fun charaters trying to hard to be deep

so what if siren bab

Dude i get paid 3 dollars.

Are you retarded?

Attached: 1538270695751.png (1280x720, 951K)

same. I played through BL1, BL2 and TPS with a friend and he was always using a skill trainer for his shit. I thought I didn't know, but he didn't realize we are able to look party members up and see their allocated skill points. Confronted he claimed it was a glitch. Sure thing. The same person has
a) a VAC ban
b) botted in Diablo 3
c) uses LOD bullshit in games like BF5

I love this dude tho, but still I wish BL3 will have online anti cheat or something

Is his face bolted on in pieces?


>looks exactly like a 7-year old game
I know it's stylized, but still...

oh shit that's her?
she cute

b-but I like turrets

Sounds like you need to go to a doctor

Nah, Jack's double isn't that old.
and he's not even a clone, he's a 18 years old dude who wanted to pay his college funding.


>dont show up in trailer
>possibly can be playable dlc again solely due to over popularity
>axton and salv missing as well

dont lose hope yet boyz

Attached: mcmahon.gif (200x150, 2.83M)

>T. Literal Homosexual
But there's nothing wrong with that, not trying to offend you or anything if that's what you're into user.

see this

wasn't the clone a literal college student? this guy looks like 40.

his sister

Attached: 0.png (500x460, 25K)

Cel Shading needs to die quickly

They develop it later if I recall the record tapes of Maya right

I want everyone to look at this post and recognize that when you argue with someone on Yea Forums, this is the level of intelligence you're dealing with. You are arguing against people so retarded they are actually incapable of recognizing how retarded they are.


Not seen anywhere in the trailer.
Cryo, Lasers and Hyperion are all there.

stress does that to a person

hit on his sister

that would be pretty badass

Attached: BADASS.jpg (600x800, 98K)

axton is fucking salv in his burrito hole

Dumb shill

I knew it was an Indian, called it just when they showed it in the teaser. Her lips were not really fitting for an Afro and the henna tattoos on Sirens are now explained with that. Finally some exotic looking girls back on the menu.

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Yeah she's in and she's grown up, as soon as I can rip her stupid model I'll try to fix her fetal alcohol syndrome face.

I want the one on the right to bully me

They'll be in

You have some weird fantasies user, but it's current year so keep it up

It SAYS Maliwan on the robot, family.

Xanax? Pandora is a drughole corrct? :^)

>dude playing three times with each character and running through Digistruct Peak and killing the same enemy for hours on end to maybe get the weapon you want with a shit element and parts is fun!
Fuck off. Gibbed's Save Editor made BL2 far and away much more enjoyable.

See you Space Cowboy...

Attached: 1425059294407.png (178x213, 4K)

>thicc thighs
>voiced by Ashley Johnson
best waifu

Don't forget that DMC, Monster Hunter and Resident Evil have all been allowed to have dozens of threads up at the same time without question.

Nice gun you have there, too bad you won't be able to shoot straight after I break it
break your face, that is

her skill design made solo play actually fun.



Elaborate further.

Dumb autist

Now that is real dedication.

the VA of Scooter is a writer at Gearbox, between 1 and 2 he suffered a massive stroke out of no where (he was only like 32 at the time)
He survived it, but it permanently fucked his voice and a few other functions, that's why Scooter sounded so different in two
Effects of the stroke are also getting worse, and by the time they were wrapping up 2 he was told he probably wouldn't have the ability to speak within the next decade.
He's still on the writing team but I believe 3 is the last game he will ever work on.

Voice actor is actually one of the devs. He got throat cancer and it hurt too much to do the voice.

Would this work like a pet?

Please her face looks like she got her face kicked in

He smokes

Attached: C7B8E04D-6556-47E7-B61E-A0154681E9BE.jpg (750x824, 201K)

All solid.

>I like trannies
Whoa guys, keep it videogames

>transitioning Arnold
I dig it.

tell me when they put the one-armed chick from blands 1 back in it

Attached: Helenapierce.png (407x655, 315K)

based bandit

Here they are, the damage control team. Right on cue, just as we knew they would. Fucking shits are too predictable and keep outing themselves. Every damn time.

>cleavages both in Bloodlines and Borderlands
I feel like Ed Boon got in a wrong train.'s her. It's my wife...

Attached: Oh Maya.jpg (656x982, 128K)

Literally zero visual improvement, looks just as buttugly like the previous game. You'd think with all that time they could'ave made the game not ugly but they don't.

what the fuck are you smoking
shadowruns system made me consider not picking up loot at all
you picked up 5 pieces from 1 enemy

Please don't ruin Moxxi

It's fine to like the game, but you can't really say this game looks interesting.
It looks like a map pack of the last two games.

And for some people, sure, that's all they need. For others it'll be akin to asking 'what's the point'?

I can't complain about people liking something that's become old and repetitive, I play Rust to this very day. At the same time, nothing in the trailer made it look better than the one Obsidian is making, at all.

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whats his endgame bros?

Attached: asdsdsasd.png (678x706, 579K)

Play the telltale borderlands game; it's actually not that bad a game, even with the campy humor at times.

Jack killed her in BL2 dude

Judging by the face on that spawn, he just might have.

She dead

she died in 2 ya dingus

Jack killed her between BL1 and BL2 tho

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umm user I have some bad news for you...

user, I...

what was the point of not showing us the platforms its on
it really is going to be epic exclusive

Only thing I shill is fried chicken. love me some fried chicken.

Sounds like you don't like looter shooters, and if pic related is true you'll be able to change the element and such anyways so the grind won't be as tedious

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Deathtrap is in the background of Tina.

Attached: 2532627990.jpg (900x1200, 208K)

Literally first 30 minutes of 2 you find that out.

She's dead

In b4 it's online only

She's dead, Jim.

bro she got killed offscreen during the intro of blands two, you hear about it on an echo recorder. they use it as a gag. kek

Looking forward to this game but damn son, that was a really bland trailer compared to this:

Based Krieg scored!

I don't wanna sound like a horny incel but please... anyone got any screencaps of that actress that played Angel? Her outfit was just... U N F

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No, I know he died, I mean the "you find out why the killed him off" part.

It says they have to be female. It doesn't say they have to be biologically female, sweaty.

user you may have a problem.

Attached: psychoPortrait.png (711x1280, 231K)

she dead m8

I like her haircut in BL2 better desu.
At least she has a loli with her now to go with her japanese character development.

Yeah it doesn't look that great. The resolution's better but that's probably just the 4k teaser

She stole my idea of how to combine Amano's and Nomura's Celes Chere designs.

manipulated by her sister therefore playable character in DLC/BL4

>start a cult
>steal lilith's powers
>bang his sister


so tina stole it

>long hair

Attached: 1550064406245.gif (283x250, 185K)

to lick his twin's bootyhole

>gaige is going to die offscreen like helena
please no randy

R-Remember to pre-order it fellow anons! Please I need the money my tongue permanently tastes like shit from rimming all these assholes

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>Female Azura
ok now im interested.

Open his faggy jaw like a predator then die horribly.

where is he?

Attached: ayy.png (849x800, 828K)


Becoming a School shooter.
I mean, a vault shooter.


it looks bad.

>all these shitflingers in the comfy borderlands thread
fuck off

she already is, hope she'll be a killable boss. Lilith too. awful cunts.

find a way to get that stuck buttplug out.

god.. I love them already

She died offscreen in 2.

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I want redneck moxxi

it looks like Robo Hobo is wearing part of his coat so maybe he ate it between 2 and 3

Mozz is the best tank loli

Attached: WYhNwQe.jpg (1755x720, 914K)

The art style. It's obnoxious.

gaige's bedroom

t. Kreig

I'm just hoping we get to play as the characters from the BL2 cast as well and won't just be stuck with the 4 mains until they eventually release DLC ones. They could have 10 characters to pick if they just pulled the ones from 2 over to 3, much more variety for squads.

I just want to play my girl Maya tho desu

Attached: unknown.png (453x492, 279K)

Off planet probably in charge of dahl now
Handsome bastard

I'm sorry user... he got the gay

He's a trans male siren

killed offscreen

I hope Anthony Birch feels guilty about promoting guns and literally harming the Muslims in NZ

To me 1 was perfect, 2 was pink meme shit.

Dead like all the bland ass soldier vault hunters should.

Bandit is hot garbage though

we could've getten an Iridian alien like revealed in pre-sequel, two of them, but nooooo! wasted potential Gearbox.

>Hong Kong is cyberpunk now.

Fuck your shit

What would Anshin and Pangolin weapons be like?

so NZ shooting was BL3 promo?

Oh no i'm caught!

Attached: 1501991502200.png (1014x720, 1.04M)

uh, guys
>white haired calypso is siren
>lilith is siren
>muda muda indian is siren
> maya is siren
>black haired calypso apparently can use siren powers

that makes it possible to have 7 sirens at play at once, breaking the 6 siren rule

Im guessing black haired calypso is gona steal lilith's powers, judging from the trailer. or is gearbox just gona say "fuck continuity" like they did with blood wing?

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So Loaderbot+turret=robohobo?

There's tits behind the wraps. What fucking mystery do you think is hidden? Shitting dick nipples?

This. BL1 had the perfect dry humor tone.


Stop trying so hard you dolt.

probably have big riot shields on the front

she looks ugly but in a cute way, tina however looks like a crackhead whore who suck dicks to sustain her crackhead whore lifestyle

>BL2 and Pre Sequel remaster
Fucking nice

>NZ shooting was BL3 promo?

Attached: 1553744485098.jpg (811x506, 230K)

>they're back
Time for glorious massacres

Attached: S&S.png (546x204, 49K)

If BJ Blazkowics can survive getting his head cut off in nuwolfenstein, there's no reason those regen tower things that allow you to rez every time you die cant effect other characters
And lets be honest its not like Gearbox cares about plot consistency here

ask which has the bigger dick

Attached: vorg.jpg (1032x948, 363K)

>suck dicks
isnt she lesbo?

Probably not being as evil, cunty, or manipulative as Handsome Jack was

looks like they stole lilith's powers and gave it to white hair

die overtard

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You just know the guy on the right is gonna be kino. Also I want to FUCK Tannis



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She's not a loli at all dude

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Can't wait for based shadster to give the gals the skag treatment like he's done with 1 and 2

Randy is no Todd, I'll tell you that.

>straight white male
>in a nu-Gearbox game
sorry boss not happening

Is resetera already crying?

Nigger you don't understand.
Her head EXPLODED. There ain't nothing left!

no Atlas no buy

Is that Moxxi with a bun?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-29 at 03.20.36.png (2928x1856, 3.84M)

yea sorry kid everyone fellates themselves over Kowloon Walled City despite it being shit to live in
funnily enough no one in hong kong gives a damn about technology

>that delicious brown siren
>maya with long hair
>all the returning characters
>graphic style is the same
>song by GRiZ

This is one of the few games I'm looking forward to, based gearbox

The male calypso twin is an artificial siren though? isn't he the crazy looking fucker?

but she is indian? you dropped on your head or something?

That's not happening. They'll be around for the story and that's it

Attached: muh boi.jpg (1920x1080, 734K)

>there's no reason those regen tower things that allow you to rez every time you die cant effect other characters
Those literally do not exist in universe. They are solely for gameplay and aside from a mission or 2 are never mentioned by other characters and is confirmed that they are non canon

>Speculating BL lore

are you for real?
literally ONE AAA game that has an artstyle that isn't just, haha it's like real life but uncanny cause we can't make it look real yet!
and you complain about it, really now

Anyone on Yea Forums wanna play Borderlands 1 remaster when we get it for free next week? I'm fucking hyped

But he actually has a big hard on for Maya.

I don't know if that true or not but honestly death is the only ending I could see for Axton? His whole character was primed for a "too drunk gets sloppy and dies" ending.

>Maid Dragon

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I feel you, they have so much potential now with the playable cast, here is hoping they won't fuck it up.
I'd honestly love to see all the wicked shit you could come up with and combos between characters.

sucking cock

Then i don't play. No steam no buy

>Not eight arm fisting with futa brawler siren


imagine being over the age of 30 and still controlled by your dick

Attached: 1457436410038.gif (200x200, 531K)

Just a matter of time til we're at prequel tier technology.

Damn, western vydia female characters look like THIS?!?!?

Scooter, marcus, zed.

Bro, she's brown, not black

Literally who? How much gay shit is going to be in this game from the presequel and the spinoff?

He's probably gonna start with pinups I'm excited either way

Attached: 1553639273695.gif (336x206, 930K)

>futa brawler siren

Attached: 1522388321533.gif (320x240, 1.39M)

>Scrappy Female Midget
thats a fucking obvious tank girl - like character

>Marcus standing up and walking
holy fuck this is cursed


Attached: Musclewizard.jpg (480x246, 40K)

cringe and not canon

they seem pretty consistent with the lore, metahumor and all
they go out of their way to establish the idiosyncratic nature of the New-U stations.

your the gay

Mecha is turret that walk, praise vladof

holy fucking shit. If you've never played Borderlands, I guess now is the time to do it.
Also the fuck is the difference between the Handsome collection here and the one they showed off at Pax today?

Attached: 2019-03-28 15_34_50-Steam.png (955x405, 399K)

>The perfect woman don't exi-

Attached: 1543909944107.jpg (201x219, 11K)

That's what I picked up from the trailer too, with the "friends" thing. I'd be super disappointed ngl, wasted potential if

There's actually a decent improvement, but most of them details are very subtle. Youtube started playing it at 720p automatically but you gotta turn the res up. If you look closer you'll notice a lot of the textures a slightly higher res than the original two games. Like in BL1/2, just looking at the ground while you're standing you can see the blurry pixels in the textures, especially in the black lines. But here, they're zoomed in on stuff and it looks a little better than OG BL games which were zoomed out further away. It's not perfect but it's an improvement. Also, the lighting and atmosphere is a bit better too. BL2 had some nice godrays for it's time but BL3 lighting looks a little more like Overwatch or Fortnite, as there's slightly more detail in terms of the colors used. You notice this particularly with the fog in the background. It's better than the previous games. Granted it doesn't look ground breaking over even significantly better than BL3, but as someone who spent hours looking at ground textures and backdrops in the previous games due to autism, I can definitely see an improvement if I squint my eyes. Also the shaders on models are better, and there's more detail when light runs across these surfaces, especially if the objects are shiny. In fact, that's probably the biggest improvement and I wish they could have showcased it more in the trailer. It's the same stuff they showed off a while back when they did that GDC talk. It's not much, sure, but I'll take it, and at least we know it can't run too much worse than the original games so we shouldn't have too many issues with optimization like current AAA pc games. Will probably look like shit on consoles though since there's no way to turn off the outline which makes everythign look better when they aren't there.

>her bangs go the other way now
fucking dropped.

She's obviously a mixed nigger. They don't have the balls to make a sassy black bitch

>he isn't joking

Attached: 1553290447180.jpg (750x581, 65K)

They weren't using Jakobs

dear god i just want playable claptrap back in a game that's actually good

and i'm thinkin this will be the one

so c'mon gearbox

Attached: f1n3tr4p.png (1000x508, 423K)

>8gag telling anyone what to think

I fact, i can tell that is a Maliwan gun.

im so happy rn
best boy is here

The Dude Twin isn’t a real one it’s Artificial plus there’s only 5

so who will I be playing as massive gun-nut that wants gear to be central? I love all the guns, except Maliwan pistols. Fuck maliwan pistols to hell.

The one they showed off is a free update for that kne

where the FUCK is dr zed?

They'll probably just explain what happens in Tales From, Presequel only has the ending tease.

>Tiny Tina was accused of digital blackface because of they she talked
>This time they give her a high society British way of talking and people will call white washing.

absolutely this

kinda reminds me of that bird from iasip

One,the rez machines aren't canon. Two, her head exploded

I assume they fixed a bunch of stuff

the what?

>Literally who?
neck yourself

The spinoff and the presequel were garbage, anybody who paid for them are zoomer filth.

ex-hyperion middle manager who stole the deed to the atlas company from handsome jacks office before destroying hyperions space station

you're right
she doesn't

That floating arm shit is very Hindu/Buddhist I almost guarantee that she's Indian or some flavour of brown from that area.

Not anymore... :(

he's going to die and be replaced by his daughter

There's a 4K update coming and BL1 will be getting a remastered version(free update for PC)

Ive actually only played all of BL1 and Tales from Borderlands. I quit halfway through BL2 and Pre seq because I got bored. Could Fiona be the girl walking towards Marcus and Crazy Lady whose name I forget at 2:47?

they just as bad as us, and thats saying something

Attached: 1529931900229.gif (288x198, 1.45M)

Low education

Probably Mozz, the soldier girl, or Zane, the old man.

oh shit what did they do to my boy Axton?

gay zoomer

He finally bought a real tie


where can I get shift codes for BL2 ? jsut booted it up again in years

Hongkong isn't even a megacity

I want to play as smol soldier girl with bug bot.

You have the explanation here

You're a gigantic faggot.

Because 95% of Yea Forums posters have had their brains rotted out by memes and can no longer think critically.

>they actually improved perfection

It's the same breed of artstyles just as an overwatch one, really. No need to settle for mediocrity in lack of anything better. Something like picrel, I could get behind.

Attached: Du4-bCMU8AI9bD1.jpg (827x289, 67K)

what, console?
if PC then just hack it in

Indians don't look like that you fucking spud

so...tiny tina 5 years after BL2 then

Tuck in that shirt, Rhys. You're a company man, act like it.

Dude's straight, white and handsome, there's no way Gearbox is keeping him around.

1 was boring as shit it was no wonder everyone called it Boringlands at launch

Fuck off nigger, she belongs to us pajeet

Tales of the Borderlands was so fucking good brehs. What's your favourite intro scene from it?

Mine is episode 2 ( or the last episode

so, the handsome collection is just triple dip for consoletards, and a free patch for PC users right?

No real person looks like any of these cartoon videogame characters. Indians are brown though so I have no idea why this is such an outlandish idea to entertian.

