Attached: borderlands_3.jpg (800x450, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>that maya

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>Muscular sexy siren

Based as fuck, boon on suicide watch.

>waiting until the 3rd to announce that it's EGS exclusive
clever randy

why is this series popular, I dont get it

redpill me on the Borderlands series

>they made a black female character actually somewhat good looking
is gearbox actually /ourguys/ after all?


>no release date?

Attached: 1507760063251.jpg (239x268, 26K)

being unable to understand basic human emotions is a symptom of autism

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (1258x652, 1.21M)

"More info april 4th"

t. born in 2000s


THEY LEARNED look at those fucking abs lads unf

Attached: 07f6e344e060d.jpg (493x386, 33K)

>muscle girl mulatto Siren

Zero is Rhys's bitch now

being hyped for a gearbox game is a symptom of autism

Fucking gearbox made this. This is the kind of build the twins should've had in the new wolfenstein.

Where are his girls

>purple eyes
>dark skin

Attached: 1553768381049.gif (314x232, 1.15M)

From middle man to top dog

Attached: kys.gif (227x292, 3.16M)


Attached: borderlands 3.jpg (1920x1080, 475K)

how the fuck haven't you played either of them yet


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looks like the new siren has phase shift too

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Looks cool, honestly thought the old guy with white hair was Rhys but we see him later on so.

Fuck, how does Gearbox do it, almost all the girls from their girls are cute as fuck
where the fuck is Fiona, we knows our guy Rhys is back, but where is she?

Attached: image0.png (1334x750, 1.46M)

only played the first game but i remember his laugh made my pp tingle

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>people surprised the girls look good
When has Borderlands ever failed with women?


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did they fire the guy who was the reason we didn't buy battleborn

That's a really good question actually
Both Rhys and Fiona disappeared after opening the Vault, so where did they go? Did Rhys just end up somewhere on Pandora and Fiona just nowhere?

Ourguy sure is big now.
I hope he's still a pussy ass bitch tho.

Oh no, the shill threads are gonna be back every day now.

Looks great but the trailer was weak af : Problems with the sound design.

so they made the telltale games canon?
thats pretty fucking based, im gonna get it day one
hush retard

Attached: 1552125093804.png (224x229, 12K)

bit higher quality
I'm so glad he is back. Muscle Siren,Maya looks great to. It's criminal that we didn't get to see Vaughn, Krieg & Gaige

Attached: my boi.png (1366x768, 1.38M)

There better be a skin that gives her white hair, and the SFM people better use it over the default.

oh no no no no
pedos btfo


Looks underwhelming, guess Battleborn really did a number on them

She's legal at least.

The whole reason I say the trailer.
Tales of BL>BL

Moar liek Basedderlands 3 AMIRITE?????

Vaughn has Krieg's axe in the teaser.

Long haired Maya tho.

Attached: maya.png (554x932, 679K)

The shilling is so obvious. Look how many threads they're making


>No platforms listed
>"Visit our website on April 3 for more info."

Prepare your fucking anus

Attached: epic games.png (1200x1393, 51K)

because I've been playing other games

You can see him in the teaser

Because they look like shit and so does this new one
Why is it popular?

>big robot man is playable

Attached: 1553549486567.gif (400x323, 1004K)

Face not doing it for me. Where's the cleavage?

She's probably around. Vaughn was confirmed in the mask trailer but wasn't in this trailer so I imagine they're all kicking around somewhere.

It's a reference to Akira you absolute troglodyte.

Attached: akira.jpg (1280x720, 640K)


Attached: MOM.png (813x535, 620K)

the video is only in 30fps

t. born after the 90s



I meant in the main trailer

I wanted to hate this new borderlands...
Fuck you user for making me feel conflicted

she looks awesome hoylshit!!

Attached: nice.webm (1000x562, 1.45M)

years later and I still want to suck her toes

Did she get /krieged/ ?

Don't worry they play like shit too

muh dick

Attached: muh.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

>they kept the bit of exposed hip
Shucky ducky

Borderlands 3 VR when?

Assuming the leak is true, which after this trailer is all but certain, this is five years since then.
The trailer teases multiple worlds so possibly Rhys and Fiona acquired the power of the Traveler from its Vault and are using it in different ways, Fiona becoming a vault hunter and Rhys using it to elevate Atlus and get Vault Hunters to pursue vaults on other worlds.

I want maya to phase lock my balls

ruining the thread by bitching about it wont make it stop, in fact no amount of bitching will

Attached: 1552969753602.jpg (1536x2048, 324K)

Too bad about the face.
6/10, would give at least an 8.5 if she was cute

Attached: 1542096660822.jpg (292x172, 7K)

>Long Hair Maya
>Strong abs mommy
>Redhead Lilith

Attached: 4ACC65E3-0E56-40F2-AEC9-6E7447E8ABDD.gif (367x265, 565K)

>Robot in disheveled human clothing
Top tier aesthetic



>Flakk/Beastmaster is the exact kind of character I want to play is in terms of looks and possibly playstyle as a summoner
>new Siren is a brown musclegirl with Asura arms
>I want to fuck both of the villains
>Maya is cute with her little protege
Randy is a negative charisma weirdo but I hope B3 is fun
I hope they don't kill off Lilith

Where is Loaderbot and Gortys, dammit!?


Attached: 1529201164526.gif (640x480, 1.86M)

>tfw tales of borderlands 2 will never happen

I hope randy picked up the writers of that for this but I doubt it

>anything cyberpunk is an Akira reference
kill yourself retard

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It's the DMC5 announcement all over again. Oh god my dick is gonna break. God is real my boys.

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> Suddenly niggers everywhere.


>No platforms listed

Attached: HAHAHAOHHHONONONO.jpg (632x215, 22K)

If the leaks about the guns are true, then the loot system might turn out pretty great.


He knew that if you would say
>EGS exclusive
they would have probably threw stuff at him on stage.

Randy wants those big shill bucks boi, he doesn't want to go back to jerking and sucking off strangers in a dark alley

The women look like shit. Not buying

bobandy is waiting up the 3rd to disappoint everyone


Attached: pc.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

are you gay?

Attached: 1546868903525.gif (200x150, 1.78M)


>make the remaster steam only
>make BL3 EGS only
bravo randy

Game looks really fucking dated.

Soo Just co curiosity...Anthony is not working on this right?

>born in the year 2000
>played borderlands 1 in 7th grade with my friends on xbox 360

boomers these days got no respect

t. posts in LOL threads

That's not the 3rd game though

100% guaranteed lesbian.

I have taste.

Can we at least get the new skinds into old games? Looks million times hoter than in 2.

I wanna fuck the new female bandit.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (390x451, 69K)

Nope, he’s not even working at Gearbox anymore.

>devils advocate
>they actually are paid promoters
>they have no idea what theyre reading and everyone just thinks youre a retard

Attached: 1547605192236.png (324x300, 109K)

they said its been in dev for 5 years

I can't wait for the Epic Exclusive reveal
fuck you randy

Attached: 1538876054650.jpg (409x427, 36K)

Garbage tier, looty shooty cartoony s.o.i.b.o.i crap. It is and was always utter trash.

Yes, the little girl she fist bumps is their daughter.

Why wasn't Roland in the trailer?

mates... my hype knows no bounds. fuck. is this what it feels like to get excited for vidya gaems again??

Attached: 1553518061207.jpg (921x640, 100K)

are you kidding me

Where is Fiona?

Attached: tales_from_the_borderlands_by_dandelion_s-d8ybj52.jpg (1024x1132, 315K)

wow fuck.

It's time for your hourly dilation, tranny.

One of the leaks said something about every character having multiple action skills

He's dead baby

Fucking Black Female Broly

I take it you skipped the second game.

>asshurt he got called out

yeah... shit taste

Attached: 1553737356742.jpg (1024x511, 35K)

Beat me to it. There's something inherently janky about the presentation.The game doesn't even look that better than the last one.

>”hype” for a Gearbox game
Fuck off Randy.

i can already imagine her sfm porn

Attached: WOKE.jpg (473x357, 17K)

It's a good day to be a yurifag

>not on Switch
Why is that always happening? It's not fair.


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Those have to be in.
So they're probably saving them for the game and not dumping all the spoilers.
Now I only hope Krieg has the same fate

Attached: punchi.jpg (1390x721, 170K)

What did the leak say?

The new villains sure look nice.

Attached: BL3-Villains.jpg (540x800, 114K)

Attached: sam.png (388x445, 274K)

>sax guy
I love this truly epic series.

same environments
same guns
old characters again

disappointing to say the least


Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-28 um 20.25.33.png (1280x800, 463K)

All of the Borderlands games have felt like they were behind their contemporaries in terms of graphical fidelity.

They shown the switch trailer first

In my heart. Oh, Laura.

Oh really? Top kek

I feel like a disgusting shill right now, I'd rather see some unedited gameplay to see if they fix their shit.
I thought I would stop video game and focus on important things in life after Devil May Cry 5 but I guess I don't have any motivation

That certain parts can be removed and replaced, allowing for some level of gun customization.

t.ugly fatass

Attached: 1552003066570.gif (320x240, 2.87M)

>brown muscular ABS siren that CAST FISTS instead of just modding bullets
>bad guys are a duo that complement each other
>futuristic city level
>finally decent humor with brick
finally they understood how to make money

/ourguy/ had the best ending then.
Evil, got pissy because Rhys fucked her sister.

have sex

pretty divisive series. there's a lot of "humor" in it but the shooting mechanics kinda suck dick. you'll either love it or hate it


I played the first borderlands and I don't get the appeal, it seemed so forgettable

Main acquired

Attached: 1536604089298.jpg (370x388, 35K)

>not being able to read

user... im so sorry

We waited 7 years for this, and just like with DMC5. We're not gonna let you ruin this for us.

I really hope Flakk being Loaderbot is true.

Apparently he's the CEO of Atlas, which is returning as a Manufacturer. Makes me wonder if Athena is gonna be involved.

what are their abilities/playstyles based on the leak?
I do not have it and i can't tell from the trailer

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 3.25.45 PM.png (1924x1082, 2.64M)

t.literally niggers

What leaks? Can somebody post them?

>the leaks were true
Oh shit it might be good.

The villains take the best designed parts of battleborn characters and put them into a better game, i like it

It's the other way around user, she acquires you.

Attached: tumblr_n70jfanPjA1re1qkwo2_500.png (417x234, 103K)

>user asks for more cleavage
>”are you gay?”
Do you not see how dumb you look

>that’s a dude faggot

eight arms to punch nazis with


Attached: vivaldi_2019-03-28_15-29-13.png (1863x655, 783K)

Who the fuck is "us"? 17 year old who played this garbage when they were kids?

fuck off


What if they make Krieg a boss and you have to kill him?

Looking forward to all the SFM porn with these new models

>Still only 4 main characters for each class
>Not just recycling the characters from the last games as extras for some fucking variety

Is the gunplay still going to be shit and movement still horrible and floaty?


>fighttan game
>animal summoner
>adam jensen/batman

I actually forgot all about that piece of shit

And the game looks like its 7 years old too!

then he better be a fucking game ending raid boss


This. Since when did Yea Forums drool over waifu bait? We're all dick sucking homos here

better be a damn good boss battle with a good reason for it or i'm rioting

Attached: myo.jpg (420x556, 69K)

Melee Syren. Punches shit. Beasmaster hobo robot. Summons 3 different pets. Tank girl. Summons a mech. Rich boy with gadgets. Holo-clones and teleportation.

I’m personally disgusted you bought DMC 5 and thus share in the fanbase with me.


Crackdown 3 looks better than this shit.

there's a girl called maja who broke my heart and i fucking keep to see her name everwhere how the fuck is it possible please stop she won't come back

Attached: 1542391765271.gif (326x326, 255K)

>i was planning on playing the siren as soon as I found out phase lock was back
>i found out she was going to be black aka some man faced monsterous nightmare tranny
>shes washboard abs, dsl, and shockingly pretty for BL's horrendous artstyle

Attached: op.jpg (500x500, 20K)

This unironically feels like shilling, I swear every time Borderlands is brought up it's met with "Memelands", somebody saying "fuck off Randy", and/or somebody calling the games boring and shit. This isn't even cautious optimism, it's OMG BASED RANDY THIS IS EPIC FOR THE WIN.

Attached: 1408680305046.jpg (329x399, 44K)

abs apparently doesn't do anything for him

Attached: 1553015298161.jpg (249x250, 6K)

Yea Forums hated the fuck our of Borderlands 2 for being full with cringe humor, mlp references and having a awful shotting and rpg system.
only thing Borderlands has going for it, its the art style they created.

I was really puzzled with "Melee Siren" and dismissed the leaks because of this.
Fuck I'm glad to be wrong.

no killing off old Vaulthunters

looks like she fucks ____ guys only

>I'm actually hyped for a Borderlands game
Did something happen to me or does this finally look interesting for the first time?

Fuck, all those female characters look good. and cute as fuck.
tfw no cosplayer gf

Attached: 1545254832959.png (378x406, 247K)

God I hate cel shading so much
It makes me unable to play these games. It's so fucking ugly and revolting.

Attached: 1544944894934.gif (487x353, 508K)

>We waited 7 years for this

Attached: condolences.png (799x599, 518K)

>go into FFYL
>drop your gun
>it keeps fighting for you and becomes a little co-op buddy

Attached: D2xJy2SXcAAnQbd.png (1920x1080, 1.27M)

Did Randy confirm that the game is Hobby Grade? I don't play non-HG games anymore.

any chance we get more than 4-player co-op

No fucking idea. The first two were boring as fuck.

Borderlands 3 has a better Cyberpunk world than than CDPR Sunpunk

We wuz sirens and shiet

Attached: 23623300-7EAD-41A0-B8FD-1C31AEE86721.jpg (1334x750, 157K)

Lasers and cryo back

The hi/v/emind isn't r-

just be a cosplayer yourself

>Hobo Robot with tamed animals
>Communist waifu with a Titanfall Mech
>Delicious brown Siren with a nice tummy
>Boomer batman operative
I don't know who to chose

looks the same as BL2
so amnesia happened to you


going from left to right
>Melee siren, mix between Brick and Maya
>Robot Hunter, calls in cyborg animals and prefers long ranged weapons
>Solider/Gunner, summons a giant mech ala Titanfall, also well connected with Vladof
>Assassin/Sniper, uses a wide variety of gadgets (decoys, smoke bombs etc)

quote 5 posts in this thread UNIRONICALLY praising randy and calling it epic. I'll wait.

t. low test

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Attached: loli.png (1161x533, 1.07M)

Its one of those "fun to play with friends" series


Attached: 1519528330045.png (1002x857, 813K)

Siren's continue to be the best Vault Hunters.

Lilith confirmed done for, she has no tats and the calypso brother's left arm is glowing red.

Attached: lilith no tats.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

That's a dude


Fuark that siren.

Attached: arZ3NYS.jpg (640x899, 682K)

So is the HD remaster of the first game not on PC?

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case.

I'm not a girl nor is fit.
What character is a slim short fuck in Borderlands?

>pairing DMC5 with this
Fuck off I already had enough shit when paired with Sekiro

Attached: 1545321543543.jpg (294x294, 18K)

Pussy deflector.

every fucking game is fun with friends.
you can have fun playing gfucking golden eye with friends and that is shit nowdays

Maya's apprentice, don't know much about her other then she's probably the newest siren since Steel ate it.

For those that don't know, there's always 6 Sirens in the universe, so when one dies a new is immediately born somewhere.

I think the reason they didn't announce it today is because they're seeing the current backlash against Epic and are having second thoughts.

They shilled for Steam pretty heavily with Gearbox Publishing too. There's hope yet.

first game in years I'm gonna pre-order
I will get the super duper premium gold platinum edition that will probably cost me 200€

I hope I live until I spent 1000 hours in this game, then I can die in peace

we jumped timelines again bro


Attached: desktop.png (2036x1170, 2.45M)

Proof. Now.

part of the leaks was that he can steal/leach siren powers

it looks like it's just more of the same old, boring, meme-filled stuff

Attached: 2-COv6HNx3MqE_7yrjbsLbrqzQZuY5Ex5BkWkqH8gs4.png (535x329, 56K)

Good thing, she deserve to die.

As much as I want to play with the delicious brown siren, I'm going to main Adam Jensen.


randy get out of Yea Forums

>we still want the underaged zoomer twitch audience

God, I cannot wait until it's announced as a DX12, Windows 10 title and Epic Game Store exclusive.

This board will shit its pants and cry tears of "boycott!" while the game sells millions and millions of copies and people like me enjoy it with their friends.


>Borderlands is associated with memes
>Gearbox is associated with memes
>Borderlands 1 was legit spammed by marketers
How the hell is this game going to be discussed in 2019 Yea Forums?

Attached: 1447502233614.jpg (1024x796, 50K)

>short character = loli
fucking stop with this

2k games commented that bl3 will come out "within this coming fiscal year".

never forget


How do i get a qt black gf?

Attached: 460546513021.gif (245x400, 879K)

>60 fps

Oh no no no no

because it is fun

Attached: 47shiteatinggrin.jpg (843x843, 242K)



Whoa me too...make sure to preorder at GameStop bro. Power to the gamers.

I'd let him kill me and uninstall. Krieg is the best boy.

Mordecai, Brick (sax solo), Lilith (BTFO! YAY!) Maya, and Zer0 right next to Rhys personal bodyguard,I'd assume.

If Krieg and the other BL2 characters are jipped I'll be very disappointed.

Election tourists and underage retards. It's why so much of the thread is just waifushit

Looks exactly like 1 and 2.

They needed 5 years to make this? LMAO incompetent as fuck devs

Attached: 67928e414fbc1a326537bd0b78c264db.jpg (1892x1061, 708K)

yeah hes gonna do it

wasnt this suppose to have some crazy new graphical engine? i remember them showing it off a bit a few years ago. i think it was at a GDC

this shit looks exactly the same as the previous games

Is Pitchford involved in the development? if yes, I'm not buying it. He's worse than Burch

Attached: 1552702320722.jpg (778x813, 362K)

I think he’s working at riot, but I remember hearing he got let go from there too.

>Yea Forums always talk shit about Borderlands
>suddenly hype about a third one
why is this place so contrarian?

Do you think maybe between Battleborn and today that Gearbox has learned not to make retarded decisions?

>no one talking about the playable robot

post pics he's looking rad

So either westacucks have such shit taste they're drooling at some average looking hags or it's shills.

Either one can be right.



Attached: BRUH.jpg (294x358, 12K)

Weren't the "children of the vault" Vaughn's group?

>based Roland died while this thot gets away with everything

>Explore the worlds




Just because you love playing a game, doesn't mean you like it

wtf these animations

Resetera here, i'm not buying this problematic game, the guy behind this decision needs to apologize and be fired.

Attached: 17847671809567.png (857x711, 737K)

>That Moxxi

good lord

He's the CEO, not a programmer. He's more PR than anything else. That said, he has a bad habit of making really weird statements and giving bad interviews..

You can easily see that the textures are more crisp and the models have higher poly counts. The new thing is the ink shader instead of having to hand-paint all the ink lines into the textures. It's the same style, but upgraded.

>dat rhys
>dat long haired maya
>that teeny tina


Attached: duane.gif (460x307, 464K)

That was pretty much hinted back in the pre-sequel ending

Yea Forums isnt one person

uh but according to Yea Forums all black people are ugly????

Do you have any idea how many fucking normalfags have come here in the past 4 years?

Shotgun Roland was so fucking based in BL1 too.

>annoying little kid again
Why must my coop fun be ruined with meme characters

Randy doesn't want another Battleborn so he needs to make sure that people are excited for meme simulator 3

Time to ping NotBoogie for more shortstack porn.

I'm used to Yea Forums having shit taste in games but holy fuck. Why would people support this pedo and this shit company. Whatever happened to mfw I'm not Anthony Burch? What the fuck happened to this board?

Did you completely miss the morbidly obese woman from the second game or do NPCs not count?

I want to have a threesome with Lilith, Maya, and Tina.

>guns with legs
excuse me what are you doing

There have always been Borderlands fans, it's top tier comfy.

The game just gets people S E E T H I N G like no other, and they need to let everybody in threads know.

So were they trying to say in that trailer that the characters from the first game are playable as well? Also was that short fat little mexican in the trailer? Didn't notice him.

What these screens don't show you are all of the loading screens.

If I can ruin your shills fun I have done my part saving Yea Forums from pozzed infil agents

I only ever 100%d the first one. How are 2 and the pre sequel? They were on sale on a bundle a while ago, does it include all the DLC?

it's not cel-shading, you dipshit. it's scribbled, comic-style textures and black outlines on everything.


Attached: 007cad3d74250df488c76fc9d2319a45.png (521x95, 7K)

AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA... Defend this marketers.

>Shortstack Bandit

Attached: 1535871812076.jpg (540x540, 60K)

I don't remember her tits to be that big.

Great tits.

Nice to see her knocked down a peg. Hope she dies or drops the ego.

>can't play as these suave motherfuckers

Why even bother buying this game?

Attached: Borderlands-3.jpg (1200x640, 319K)


Attached: 4FBD7269-96C5-46A6-8E86-1530F9CD1C49.jpg (1024x1024, 91K)

>he thought shills were just a meme

minimum effort this could actually pass visually and maybe technically for BL2 DLC.
the ink shader saved the time and did nothing new with that time, animations looks as stiff as previous entry judging by that dinosaur on the swamp.

Top ten photos taken seconds before disaster

Attached: 8103E431-5FD3-4C33-950C-614316D44988.jpg (1536x2048, 445K)

Kind of like a post apocalyptic looter shooter but ironic. It kinda works as a game where you turn your brain off and shoot a few things. Second one and pre sequel are atrocious, boring gameplay and a shit story constantly bombarding you with some of the worst humor i've seen in video games. I'm talking unironic 2005 memes, fart jokes and unskippable comm conversations about why the friendzone is an imaginary construct by misogynistic men. It also uses the word "badass" far too often.

>game sucks dick
>WHOA why do ppl on Yea Forums hate it

Why isn't Lilith dead yet? Why does that kid with Maya look so ugly?

Don't count your eggs before they hatch, user.
They specifically mentioned STEAM for all other games except for Borderlands 3.

>S E E T H I N G
I wish gamergate never happened

Don't you have a bingbing wahoo machine you need to get back to, little man?


Maya's daughter after getting KRIEG'd
Somehow twelve despite only 5 years passing


I dont care about the tech they used when the result is pretty much the same

Attached: 5000_Schilling_Mozart_obverse.jpg (953x459, 347K)

2 is fun to explore, but the guns are no fun to shoot and the plot gets in the way.
PS has some fun mechanics but the writing sucks harder than the vacuum of space.

I really can't tell anymore

>Randy is our saviour
now that's a really good twist

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Attached: 1536852123926.png (665x592, 326K)

If they were, they're not now. Maybe Vaughn got usurped by the twins.

Call it what you want, I just hate it personally. I know most people don't and that's fine.
Game looks very fun though.

I’m only hyped about the Siren

Attached: 36AF229A-BAC7-444D-8628-9236DC87EC43.jpg (551x649, 95K)

>Franchise of games with unique, cell-shaded art style and recognizable, signature character designs all appear similar in art style and character design.
>Yea Forums goes insane over "lazy devs"

I love this place.


Nobody likes that cunt

Borderlands: Yet Another One


Corrupted looking Maliwan laser, maybe Eridian influence?

Attached: 1.jpg (1904x1072, 481K)

where does Krieg x Maya come from?

What do you mean, we're getting a good ass booby shot right the-
Ohhh, tats, not tits

I see none of that shit in the trailer.

>implying memelands is better than bing bing wahoo

Attached: 1506475616965.jpg (727x727, 46K)

I kinda expected it to not grow beyond a certain point, shame though, Borderlands 2 had more of a wow factor, but is fine, I know if I were to make screen comparison the higher res and poly would pop out more.

>this pedo
wait what?
>this shit company
Alien colonial marine was shit, that Battle something game was shit, Borderlands 2 was very good, I hope that Borderlands 3 is good, if is bad, oh well. Don't know if Burch is involved.

>Yea Forums is one person
I know this is a meme, but this time it's legit.
There's a lot of Borderland fans who just don't speak up I guess


2 is good. Pre sequel is garbage. The handsome collection has all the dlc

Thanks for proving the point. Stay mad.

>so when one dies a new is immediately born somewhere
That part is speculations.

user:yet another nigger without taste.

>newfags weren't here during the major marketing of Borderlands 1 in 2008

Attached: 1459385034852.jpg (728x632, 55K)

>Yea Forums hyped for fucking borderlands

>her arms are almost as big as mine and I lift 5 days a week

anavar is a powerful and wonderful drug

Attached: 1551555490227.jpg (644x422, 69K)

to be honest they didn't even announce consoles for 3 despite it being guaranteed because they wouldn't make the remasters otherwise
I wonder why we have to wait for the 3rd though


Krieg's reveal trailer, duh.

This shit is the suicide squad of video games

this but unironically

>Borderlands 2 was very good

Attached: 1447214774981.jpg (722x676, 146K)

I look forward to buying it when it's in the bargain bin. The character designs look nicer so that's cool.

Stay mad.


Attached: 7AEA285B-E244-4834-B352-2614BBB75EA6.jpg (567x567, 78K)

I'm sure it's at least some combination of poor, unfortunate souls who have become attached to the borderlands IP, and fun/shitposters

Maliwan generally appeared pretty prominently.
I wonder if they're the bad guys corporation this time.

So what were the canon events and endings of Tales of Borderlands? Because it branches a little bit like is it canon Zero and Athena were in the robot?

Ugly ass kid

Attached: Kid..png (1717x837, 2.06M)

They literally copy their previous work. As in make new high-poly versions of older objects, rebake normals, AO, etc. BL2 was UE3 and this is UE4. You're absolutely retarded if you think those two engines have similar lighting. Lighting in UE4 has simulated radiosity, GI bounce, and better particle effects, etc. You're being disingenuous just to shit on a game you won't play anyways. Go do something better with your afternoon.

>this place
go back


2 is good, most of the DLC is shit and not worth bothering with but get the Tiny Tina one

Pre Sequel is straight up awful and not even something you should wish on your greatest enemy.

>attractive mulatto girl
she should look like a greasy sheboon wth guys

>Hype for a game that will inevitable get a complete edition or 3

damn dude, you have been here for 11 years? you should probably go outside

I'm just here for the best couple in vidya

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Yea Forums is a contrarian shithole filled with people that just shitpost and don't even play games, borderlands 3 is a fun game and while not perfect, is way better than the other loot shoot games you can get right now.

user, the first Borderlands game is almost 10 years old.

Attached: 1549579291337.gif (540x304, 1.39M)

imagine if they pulled an Apex and released this game tomorrow

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Shes not, shill. Better looking girls have gotten shat on and now yoy expect me to believe these bitches are hot?

Fuck off.

finally a good design from this company

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 12.44.28 PM.png (280x415, 249K)

I hope they have outfits this time, they kind of had it with pre-sequel with the recolors

Fuck i even look like him.
Catch a ride bro.


Another pic of my new gf

Attached: BL3 Siren.png (568x719, 664K)

Finaly female bandits

>no Krieg-type character
Fuck, how am I supposed to play this game if my character isn't constantly spouting weird cryptic nonsense?

Us gamers am i right

I just want to punch the shit out of everything. Please don't be EGS exclusive you fucks. Melee builds are great and she better actually have the proper skills to pull it off. Phase lock, Multi arm and unleash the barrage. I better be able to shoot AND melee at the same time when I have phase arms up.

That is true.
Only 2D brown girls are attractive, best thing you could do in a 3D game is emulate that as much as possible if you want a dark skinned attractive girl.
Pro tip: No thick ape lips/big nostrils. Only niggers like those

Didn't you kill the Cowgirl from TPS in BL2? It was a pretty underwhelming bossfight too, as a whole.

I think they're working with you.

The two people with Hammerlock: I think the guy is Jakobs CEO, the woman Maliwan.

The harder tortanic memelords on Yea Forums shit on something, the better it always turn out to be.

Nope indeed
glad they kept Maya hips revealing leotard, Gearbox can manage to be pretty based when they aren't multiplying retarded upon retarded decision

oh fuck is that awful mechanic from TPS gonna replace Scooter
the one whose name I can't even remember but I do know she's gay because good fucking lord did they ever beat you over the head with that bit of trivia

You can disable it with a quick ini tweak.


>animation look floaty as fuck and stiff in many places and enemy movement still slide trough the enviroment
>particle effects pretty much the same,
>FOV still in the range of sillent hill mist
>same kind of details on the enviroments as predecesors even tough its been 5 years
it is lazy, but then again gearbox has been making stupid fininacial decisions that probabnly cut their cash.

The new hunters look fun, but I doubt they'll be as fun as Krieg was

>YFW you realise these are bassicaly human versions of Kovu's brother and sister in lion king 2


Attached: 1553801603328.png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

>all these fags coming in these threads just to say "in case you guys were wondering I don't like borderlands"
Sorry but the hype train has no brakes.

my body is ready to see more of moxxi

Attached: mox.png (1092x611, 943K)


>didn't see him at all in the trailer
Is best character going to be ok?

Attached: Krieg.jpg (857x1000, 446K)

Literally looks like a man

After seven years of shitting on gearbox, they win my heart back in one day. You fuckers knew exactly how to win me back. I don't care how memey the trailer was, I don't care you've been sucking actual shit these last years randy. You've given me exactly what I've been craving. MY BONER IS THE FUCKING STRONG

Attached: 1432360400056.gif (585x242, 1.45M)

>this is the same company that released battleborn


> borderlands 3 is a fun game

Attached: myntthink.png (671x774, 18K)

>Yea Forums suddenly loves redditlands
what the FUCK happened

Randy is making the Borderlands 3 hentai reddit right now

absolute fucking unit
god damn you marcus

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Cautiously optimistic. First game was great, second one was a good game with shockingly bad writing. Never finished the DLCs because it was just too much.

Attached: guns.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

>Non retarded looking shotgun

Attached: sadasfasf.jpg (702x580, 65K)

Literally every thread.

I am fairly certain the playable robot with the hoodie is Loaderbot.

Attached: Loaderbot.jpg (1280x720, 238K)

looter shooter but its okay when gearbox does it

>tfw the Yea Forums leak was real

They literally copy their previous work. As in make new high-poly versions of older objects, rebake normals, AO, etc. BL2 was UE3 and this is UE4. You're absolutely retarded if you think those two engines have similar lighting. Lighting in UE4 has simulated radiosity, GI bounce, and better particle effects, etc.
and it doesnt show, thats the problem

>15 fps backgrounds

Um, that's MY new gf.

Don't lump us in with you nerds.

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Oh shit i just realized she is a siren....

Cailling it, the guy is Jack doppleganger.

Attached: 2709650-jackdoppelganger.jpg (597x960, 192K)

He'll be speaking perfect english and there's going to be a 30 minute CBT session with Maya.

Hiro really needs to implement an option to tag multiple posts for reports, it's all the same guy too

>psycho bitch & gun jew are fucking

Why is the kid's head so fucking big?


Nah nigga it'll be Ellie, she's already in the trailer

it would be a foursome them
>not having a foursome with Maya, Gaige, and the new muscle mommy siren
keep your shit taste in check, I wouldn't touch Lilith & Tina with a 10 foot pole

He ded. Or he's working with Vaughn.

Attached: Nbc45HHdfXI.jpg (648x850, 147K)

Not even gettin' one

Simple truth and you'll get called a shill for it.
Bet your fucking ass if it were developed in japan Yea Forumseebs would kiss the dirt around it

Marcus more thicc.

>the woman Maliwan.
That's Aurelia.

Maliwan was in one of the sidequests in one of the games, don't remember which one.
And the premise of weapon manufacturers is that they're all total dicks with no regards for human. Atlas in 1 and Hyperion in 2 were major antagonists, but every other corporation is the same shit.

imagine the smell

It looks like Drawn to Death

That doesn't even make sense.

>no frontal shot

Either her tits are too massive for the PAX audience to handle or her tits have been significantly reduced.

That face looks awful, needs a bag on it before I lick those abs.

When videogame historians write about Gearbox's redemption, this right here will be where it started.

Attached: 1544022808814.jpg (630x630, 35K)

El abominación


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Those red guys look like they could be Crimson Lance, so I guess Rhys is in charge of a new Atlas corporation instead of Hyperion.

Lots of stupid self important fagspectrum wageslavers in gaming

>hype train
actual shill detected

Attached: 1550018463817.gif (275x400, 34K)

Yea Forums has always liked borderlands, its just that bl2 humor got a bit much and they turned against it, but once you start showing the tits and the abs things change

Based on the moustache vault hunter's abilities, he is. Holo-clones and teleport

when does the remaster drop? I'm gonna replay these games to prepare

A poo siren, I can't even kek

Marcus doing the "haha, I'm in the same room with my ex wife" smile

Yeah but isn't the game gonna look very weird then? It wasn't made without that outline in mind.

you can't just ini tweak the textures into a different artstyle


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You’re not doing shit Incel lmao have sex

Well he certainly needs the money.


That's a plot point in Tales. We already knew that.

Get ready to have it get shat on non stop after they announce it on egs and flops.

the game will be alright, but nobody will really give a shit about it here and any thread trying to shill the game will be filled with bitching about the egs and chinks

Welcome to Yea Forums shill

Most inorganic shilling I've ever seen

>His personalities begin to merge
>Neither of them want to, but...for maya
>Have to baby sit him as he goes through a mental breakdown
>He asks who everyone is, his memory wiped as he awakens as a new man
>Krieg and the original personality are gone
>but he's found happiness and peace



Attached: BASED.png (1266x556, 204K)

April 3. Yes, next week.

That would be based

Please for the love of god.

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At least she's got some DSLs

at this point just about half the population of Pandora will have that smile probably

It definitely might be a super solid marketing strategy.
But it may have only worked for Apex because it's F2P anyway.


Fucking hell between this and Bloodlines 2 I'm starting to get hyped for games again

Post yfw you're not Anthony Burch

Attached: gook smile.gif (200x200, 1.49M)

>playing loot grind games

Man... Tales of the Borderlands was SO fucking good. RIP Telltale, I wish we got to see Tales 2 but at least they gave us the characters and we can see them in BL3

Goddamn Tales had the best music.

Remember ?

wait, people actually played the telltale shit


He's fucking huge.


Oh shit, that looks legit

I honestly do hope it's EGS exclusive, just 'cause it'll probably fuck Gearbox and a bunch of people who were excited for BL3

>Borderlands game finally has proper pump-action shot guns now
If you can slam-fire the Jakobs version I will literally get a borderlands tattoo.

Attached: ( 8.jpg (480x499, 21K)


We didn't see Axton or Salvador either.

Old guy can't be Jack's doppleganger.
Jack's doppleganger is suposed to be very young, he literally did the job to enter college.

Ahhh baby
I might fap to this shotgun later

that's black? i guess without an afro it really is hard to tell.

I think he was killed in BL2

Any sing of Krieg or Gaige?
Also, did they ever explain in the lore why Krieg was working with them?

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He does good work.

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considering it's the best telltale game, not counting old telltale games, yes

Oh no. No op Siren teleportation from her anymore. Lilith, don't tell me you underestimated them? Also, fuck. This means that the bad guys can phase walk anything they want anywhere. How the fuck do you fight that?

I'm convinced him and Loader Bot are related somehow


She got CUTE

Attached: 1479415239811.jpg (600x600, 31K)

Attached: ( 8).jpg (537x537, 101K)

the "clone" in BL2 is a bot, it's not the same characters.

>Western game developers
>knowing anything about guns

>When Borderlands as a series has so much flak against it that you literally cannot discuss any part of it on Yea Forums without being hounded by fucking retards who have never even touched the series

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Yes! BL2 return to Fyrestone track is the best nostalgia trip I've heard in vidya.

Is the telltale game worth playing?

Post yfw you will be playing Borderlands 3 in your lifetime

Attached: happy wojak.jpg (600x765, 31K)

You people all deserve to die.

Fuck you for supporting this garbage.
Your shit taste is destroying this industry and I genuinely wish I could hate you to death.

Attached: 1549771165706.png (512x512, 113K)

She actually looks cute in 3

made a pastebin for images I haven't seen people post yet

observations based on pics:
>guns look fucking wack this time around, more so than usual
>maliwan might be the evil corp this time, there are multiple shots of maliwan signs and a possible maliwan headquarters
>amara abilities are cool, arm based
>new slide mechanic?
>seems like the "nuclear" leak was correct
>cryo/lasers might be back
>third hammerlock?

post your thoughts based on the pics

actually BL is made for people born in the 2000s, anyone born in the 90's who isn't mentally deficient can tell the series is shit

Dukb shill

>no qt black gf for me

Attached: how dis make you feel Murr.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

tfw no tomboy gf

Sucks man. Maybe the badasses at the gearbox forums will be more supportive.

But that's trying to discuss every and any game on Yea Forums, user

>I picked up a series halfway through and know what's good
Fuck of zoom zoom


I might consider giving it a pirate now


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>over one billion guns
time to guess how many reload animations
I say 12

Attached: Doodgug.gif (357x311, 1.64M)

>For those that don't know, there's always 6 Sirens in the universe, so when one dies a new is immediately born somewhere.
I wanted failed male siren experiment character

>dive bombing and muda muda-ing your phaslocked enemies with your siren telepathic arms.

Fucking. Mained.

Because his inner-self wanted to, and the Psycho went along because he loved Maya.

I played 1 and 2 and they deserve this, not only are they meme filled shitfest with gay ass devs but holy fuck are they BORING

Randy Bobandy? He still works there, although he's in hot water for leaving a USB stick with underage porn & sensitive documents in a kid's restaurant.

Is that a kid or midget.

Yes as well as the Cyborg and Jack doppelganger

Maybe if the series was good it wouldn't be shat on

fuck yeah I've been itching to replay first one for while now

No, that was an engineer in holo disguise.

The doppelganger left jack because he was fucking crazy. I hope he doesn't come back because he was voiced by burch

borderlands style offline-RPG procedural-loot shit is the plain, unsalted potato chips of vidya

Gearbox is completely incapable of making a good game so yes, everything that makes the other games suck will still be present in 3 because shiteating zoomers eat this series up. Risk of Rain 2 just came out if you want a good co-op game.

I've only played Tales but since I'm gonna have to play this one to see what happens after the cliffhanger should I bother playing the others?
I've heard the writing in the main games is unbearable

just watch it on youtube
part of the reason telltale went out of buisness
why buy a interactive movie when you can watch it


Attached: lever.png (537x516, 346K)

>People are calling that siren black
Its obviously supposed to be a pajeet

>Pre ordering a game that will inevitably get an all in one dlc edition that will get resold 3 different times like the previous games

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you have spent 11 years of your life. quietly think about that.

20 and being generous

Will you post it on the off chance this and cyberpunk turns out great?

Been playing Borderlands since 2009.

>meme filled shitfest
No. You haven't played it. Fuck off faggot.

>looking at reaction videos
>nobody recognize Rhys
fuck, was tales really a disaster in term of sales?

marcus? what are you doing with that little girl?

I hope muscle Siren isn't shit. They've so far always been my favorite characters to play as.

kill yourself zoomer

>Cryo/lasers might be back
I hope so. I don’t see the point in getting rid of gun variety in a game all about millions of different guns.

They show Gaige in this?

my thoughts? Why my penis hard? those are my thoughts, why this make penis the big penis

Prolly nuTelltale's best game since season 1 of the Walking Dead. If you like the format you'll have a great time.

Why would anyone figure that a spin-off made by another company would impact the story of 3? Telltale was already overdone at that point, too.

His faggy old self was. Timothy underwent surgery; if he returns he'd be Dameon Clarke.

Brick on the left looking like Marcus Fenix


Fuck now I'm conflicted.

She looks just like the tomboy from the dev shit half an hour ago

>I've been here the whole time

>rifles have rifle grip now instead of every single gun in the game having pistol grip

I can't... this all looks too good bros.
It's gonna be Epic Games Store exclusive, I can just fucking feel it.

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Maybe it’s because of the retarded mustache they gave him. I could barely recognize him and I knew who he was.

I'm just not a massive fan of FPS games in general dude, I only played Tales because I have a soft spot for point and clicks

I wonder if there will be DOUK guns.

Maybe it's not a meme filled shitfest but it is fucking boring

>Shit gunplay
>meme writing
>Ugly SJW characters

Are we being raided by shills? The fuck is with this fake ass "hype"?

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>Shilling a game that literally just got announced

Do you know where you're at son?
This is Yea Forums - Viral Marketing

Actually not really. Basically the art style goes from looking comic book to being model figures. It's surprisingly clean.

because some people have good taste,hun

*offline-MMO procedural-loot grinding 'shooter'

I want to play this but I have no friends and playing alone was boring

Attached: 1547187008511.jpg (640x480, 43K)

>bad troll

We saw fuck all gameplay. You know borderlands has always been more focused on that than graphics right?

Yes. And it's more cyberpunk than 2077.

Is that kid going to be related to Maya or something?

Finally some trans representation.

Attached: 1552874492105.png (602x529, 712K)

>Still can't play the previous game's characters

Attached: 1553739119724.gif (500x375, 215K)

Okay come on 1 BBW fetish character does not count

I played both borderlands with their dlc for quite a time. I would go as far to say I even liked them.

I still shit on shills though.

user he had the same haircut, same outfit, the fucking robot arm.

It's a repetitive boring pile of shit where the vast majority of weapons are literally garbage in a trash heap, and almost every enemy can be killed by standing just outside of where their pathfinding allows them to go.

You have shit taste and pretending that anyone who dislikes bordertrash hasn't played it just makes you sound like an arrogant retard who can't accept he enjoys shit games for brain-dead fucking morons.

You got a copy of the leak picture? I'm trying to find it to compare and contrast with what we just saw.

Fiona where?

>He's the CEO
Meaning he is the one giving order and telling the direction dev should be heading to

Nice backpedaling, faggot. Keep moving those goals.

tbf the shitty facial hair he has in the trailer made me take a second to recognise him too

same here friend.

Attached: 1537163639519.png (900x1042, 90K)

>tfw this thread
>tfw can't tell who's a shill and who isn't
>tfw I finally realize this board is beyond saving

I'll never trust Yea Forums's taste again.

Shut the fuck up liberal

Attached: stfu-liberal-mao.jpg (800x450, 68K)

Huh, not bad looking actually. I expected much worse.

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Tanner's ta tas got bigger bros

It's both the best Telltale game and the best Borderlands game, so yes

Attached: Tales cast.png (1920x1080, 2M)

Remember, Yea Forums isn't made of carbon copies of yourself. People like different things.
Shocking I know.

these dudes are actually dwarves, I dunno what's gonna happend but in the teaser we saw them being actual little tyrion lannisters. so they got some mutagen or something to grow ridiculously

i'll play with you if you buy a copy for me

Attached: cat.jpg (640x725, 50K)

>I cant make my own opinion
its your fault

>do i fit in yet guis

So the villains are a Father and Daughter?

Attached: Screenshot (198).png (414x697, 493K)

So is Beastmaster Loaderbot? Same single eye thing.

Krieg and Maya's daughter
Probably new siren that replaces Steele

Why are people shocked people are hype again? Tales literally resurrected the setting/world. There's a reason everyone expected tales to be trash after bl2, but now is hopeful.

Possibly, but unlikely. The way Sirens work is a new one is created after one dies; the girl is probably Steele's replacement being trained by Maya.


twins actually

never, hopefully
VR is a mistake and waste of funds

Shitskins are shitskins and race traitors all die the same on the day of the rope.

Brother and sister, and the male has siren powers because he's so close to his sister or some shit