Hide behind pillar

>hide behind pillar
>guy just bank shoots me
lmao this game is great.

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Ocelot didn't get where he is for nothing

Change the direction you're running when you hear him fire

>use a top down camera
>zoom it in so you can have better graphics
>have every boss run around off screen because of this
mgs is such a well designed game...

This is a great tip

I like it so far

or you can just hold down the square and X button to fire while shooting and just chase him around until his life bar drains completely.

I've actually never bothered to just run ocelot down in this fight. Does he just keep trying to run to cover, or will he stand his ground and fight you?

He got where he is because big Boss took pity on his retarded ass for most of his life.

This. Remember that move user. There's a segment in the game where doing that makes that part easier.

Will use this against the next boss

After playing MGS3 it kind of seems like he did because he's an incompetent fuck up at the start of the game despite leading his own unit.

wat, is this real? did I never notice this

Yeah faggot guess what its a fucking bossfight, you cant just stand still

it's the jap version

>using modern tricks/hacks on old games
>playing MGS on a computer
>playing games on anything other than the orignal hardware it was released on
>being a zoomer piece of shit who can't beat a simple boss from 21 years ago

i pity the world that has to depend on your generation for guidance and decision making.

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>from 21 years ago
Holy shit it has been that long.

>provide specific legitimate criticism of a game
>retard with nostalgia goggles seethes and throws his shit around

>incompetent fuck up at the start of the game

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I have the original Metal Gear Solid disc

I've never played it


Git gud


Doesn't he have snake trapped, then tells all his men to leave so he can fight you alone, then he loses the fight? Is there even one point in the entire franchise where ocelot actually wins a fight?

Snake, don't forget that President Baker is there. He's wrapped up in C4, so don't use any type of explosive near him.

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Hiding won't help you.

Good move. It's impossible for you to best now: if you don't have the case, it's impossible to figure out a codec frequency you need at one point.

Op here. Yea I'm at that point now.

Ocelot is one of the easiest boss fights ever.
Stop trying to be stealth, dumb shit, he already knows where you are. Stay on opposite sides of the map and shoot him when he reloads.
Stop being shit at games.

Did you listen to the dialogue after the credits? Ocelot wasn't actually a Major in GRU. He was an undercover agent for the Philosphers who was working both against the Russians AND Americans. He needed Snake alive.

he was literally on your side, retard

I never understood why people kept saying that was an anti-piracy measure.
The colonel ends up telling you the frequency after some time anyway.

>impossible to figure out the codex frequency

Just go through all of them. It takes like 2 minutes. Also if I remember correctly, it is 141.12 or something close to that

He doesn't tell you the frequency, he just flat out tells you to look at the back of the case.

Nigga just google it. How are you two this retarded?

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All of the boss fights in MGS are easy.

So...does ever he ever win a fight?

If he loses on purpose to forward his plan, is it technically a loss? Ocelot is one of those villians that's always 8 steps ahead of everyone else.

No, if you call him repeatedly a few times, he will give you the frequency.

the code gets added automatically once you call the colonel a few times

It was 140.X5

Is that how it went? It has been almost 15 years since I have played mgs

But he doesn't win any fights in 4 either. Does he win any fights in 5?


>But he doesn't win any fights in 4 either.
his goal was to pretend to be retarded to allow snake to destroy the patriots.
the rest is irrelevant to him

Most people probably did have a legit copy of the game to use and wouldn't know that, and it's very similar to the copy protection used on some old pc games and thus the most obvious reason why something like that would be included.

Truth be told I havn't played 4 in a very long time and I have yet to play 5 because it's too painful. I just replayed 1-3 though and everything in 1 and 3 goes 100% according to plan for Ocelot. In 2, Ocelot has a split personality with Liquid Snake and the two interfere each others plans. From what I remember from 4, this is why shit really doesn't go his way.

I know I said I haven't played 5, but Ocelot is an ally and I don't believe he directly crosses you, resulting in a boss fight.

>everything in 1 and 3 goes 100% according to plan for Ocelot.

I worded that last sentence poorly. I meant, I don't believe there is a boss fight with Ocelot because he is your ally. But I have yet to play 5 so I don't know.

basically what this guy said about 4.

Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.

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Ocelot's only role in 5 is to repeatedly tell you about gunships. He doesn't fight anything at all.

It was my father's case and collection, I have MGS2, Resident Evil, Contra, and some other classics too. Idk why he gave them to me since I didn't have an original PS1 to play any of them on, but I do like having them for whatever reason.

this one and wings of liberty everything has casess

Attached: !!eB(Er!CWM~$(KGrHqIOKpEE0VDsRkP9BNQpM(,kMg~~_1[1].jpg (271x266, 30K)

It's what you get for not playing Twin Snakes, the definitive version of the game, it fixes so many issues and is all around a better game even ignoring the fixes.

A surveillance camera?!??!?!!

What part of the post was incorrect or inaccurate?