VtMB 2



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Other urls found in this thread:

www-oneangrygamer-net.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/03/vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2-gets-woke-with-pronouns-modern-day-politics-masculine-subversion/80691/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE=#aoh=15538081557300&_ct=1553808156811&referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s&share=https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/03/vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2-gets-woke-with-pronouns-modern-day-politics-masculine-subversion/80691/

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Nobody cares, The Last of Us II, Smash Bros Ultimate & Breath of the Wild 2 will dominate gaming discussions for the next two years, overshadowing anything else that releases

Some one post that Rud's group shit. Incase some one doesnt have it, its a leaked conversation.
>Antifa Vampires

Will the most based kindred from 1 return?

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>Bing bing wahoo
>Literal movie




Where are you getting any of this? Especially Deb of the Night?

fuck off with this sjw trash

Mod list?

Honestly I kind of home there aren’t too many that carry over, I’d rather get as original story as possible than get beat over the head with too many references and callbacks

Wow, trannies are evil and mentally ill, but I think they are still technically humans. I wouldn't call them monsters unless I'm being hyperbolic. Reported for hate speech.

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SJW shit don't @ me

Deb of the Night was literally confirmed on stream.

Its better if only a very few characters return. Or maybe just mention them in passing. Its a sequel but it should not be anchored on the first game.

The only faggots that will preorder this mess are the same that preordered anthem and ME:Andromeda.

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click to instantly get comfy anons

I really hope it will be good.
I just fear they will ruin Malk.

>P A N C A K E S

Makes sense and is an inclusion of a classic archetype if they do it how I think they will. Young idealists trade anything to get the power to enforce their ideals sorta gig. Conveniently look over the fact they’re horrible monsters that kill people.

Cope more, Zelda is the center of the gaming universe. Every time a Zelda is announced the entire gaming media & forums stop, BOTW's 97 alone crashed this board, and made it unusable for almost 3 months. And TLOU was the most circlejerked game of the decade, it's sequel getting a 97 on Metacritic as well will fuel endless console war shitposting on this board. Nobody cares about your EuroJank garbage



Where is anyone getting anything? So much bullshit from everyone. Like that there will only be six clans even though that is not confirmed anywhere


HUH? where is this confirmed, people keep saying this

pic related

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Its cute how people are seething over this game already

political trash

can't wait for another hiroshima

Still no gameplay videos but we already know it has a gender slider.


>shovelware studio confirmed
>SJW Polygon journalist has significant creative control confirmed

Trump 2020. Fuck off.

>gay and arab
If so he’s the niggerest looking Arab ever

> Implying any major country will get Nuked before America
LOL, seething. Americans are parasites & the world be better if America was wiped from the face of the earth

>Oh, and in case you're wondering, the Malkavians will indeed be in this game. I wasn't able to get a lot of details on how Vampire: The Masquerade's representation of mental illness will be realized in Bloodlines 2, but the team is keen about being faithful to the original game while also being respectful to the disabled community.

Is there any chance this game won't be ruined by politically correct bullshit?

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stop shilling your SJW garbage

It's just fascists. The game is NOT FOR THEM!!!!

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I haven’t been followig this but androgyny is pretty closely folded into to vampires at this point

What stream?

I haven't kept up with anything on this game because it's a year away, there is no gameplay as far as I'm aware and every time I even look at one of these threads it's a bunch of retards whining about SJWs or whatever.

I loved Bloodlines, hearing that the writer is back for this excites me, but I'm unaware of other news since it's just been a shitstorm surrounding the game and the only other thing I've seen is PRE-ORDER NOW PRE-ORDER NOW despite it not being out for a year, which does not seem that enticing to me.

So please, if you have actual information that can be cited, share.

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begone foul demon you have no power here

I’m waiting for at least game footage but goddamn if there aren’t s lot of red flags here

>Chris Avellone

What in gods name. Those individuals are truly disturbed..

will the new game have strippers? will you be able to make a slave girl that you can make live in your hideout in her underwear?

Where is this from?


can't wait til Lord Trump nukes China and takes you fagets down with em

Is there any lore on Native Americans? It wouldn't surprise me if the residential schools were ran by vampires

World of Darkness was never for fashies

this but unironically

they couldnt keep blacklight right. can they keep away from good IPs?

why can't anyone admit this dude is overrated nerdbait yet?
He just hires himself out to companies making RPGs, writes a few lines, and they get to slap "FEATURING CHRIS AVELLONE FROM NEW VEGAS" on the cover
Ever since 2014 he's basically become a meme. One article I read called him a "walking stretch goal" which is pretty accurate.

Can't you shitposters please stop?
I just want my comfy threads back.

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not in VtM, the reservations are borf territory, a lot of them are werewolf kinfolk and any vampire who tries their luck is going to get stepped on.

there's no quest markers in the game as well

gtfo bethesdards and cdprtards

>damage control
too late, get broke

VtmB 1 killed Troika
VtmB 2 will kill Paradox

another pozzed game (according to Yea Forums) Deus Ex Mankind Divided had prostitutes and uncensored tits

I seriously want the game broken in terms of difficulty like the first game, where if you don't put points into combat you're fucked.

He is an idiot. At the premier announcement event they streamed they said they would have something like Deb of the Night again players could listen to. Retards on Yea Forums unable to understand more than 6 words just heard Deb of the Night and filled the of the holes with imagination.
What is confirmed is a radio show to listen to.

Hope the map would be bigger than the first game 2bh


he has become a meme, but only because he does no serious work.

i think he still has it user, PoE1's durance and grieving mother were an indication of that before obsidian decided to butcher them both and didn't implement half the shit and basicalyl rewrote everything

1. VtMB again (obviously)
2. Legacy of Kain
3. The tabletop
4. Vampyr
5. Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
6. Sacrosanct and Ordinator (Skyrim)

1. Interview with a Vampire (1994, Film)
2. World of Darkness (2017, Documentary)
3. Kindred: The Embraced (1996, TV Show)
4. Bram Stoker's Dracula
5. Blade series
6. Only Lovers Left Alive
7. Underworld series
8. What We Do in the Shadows
9. The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967, Film)
10. 30 Days of Night
11. Dracula: Untold
12. Nosferatu
Perfect Creature
Let the right one in
The hunger
Forever Knight

1. Deb of Night (debofnight.andcuriouser.com/)
2. Chinatown theme (VtMB)
3. Hollywood theme (VtMB)
4. Downtown theme (VtMB)
5. Chiasm - Isolated
6. Massive Attack - Angel

1. Dracula
2. Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
3. mega.nz/#F!2nIH1ChC!3TkI45GJ3vhbk0zZ8NCOaA!HjYkGK5T

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activate blood shield, win easily, the shield stays on and violates the masquerade. Fuck I wish I could turn it off and not replay the fights without activating it desu.

What are the odd the new game will have something comparable to the "money" cheat?

werewolves man, Garou have two tribes (their version of clans) that are straight up native american and try to keep their breeding within that ethnicity. (werewolves can't breed with other werewolves, well, unless they want a sterile inbred metis, whole topic there)

Vampyr is trash.

The fucking guidebook. See, you can murder people, but its really not THAT bad. Raping woman or WORSE not being a leftist is much more monstrous

Dude the fuck is that webm

Into the bin it goes.

>watch doesn't include Vampyr
>just says Nosferatu, not which, let alone specifying the two good ones
>no Cronos
What a shit list, even ignoring the garbage that's in there.

But user, Smash Ultimate is fucking boring AND they take 80 years to release the DLC. Game's dead minus comp, which doesn't apply around here.

I thought they just wanted to avoid the whole
stereotype that is just there for the lulz and so random audience.

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>Forgets literally the best modern urban vampire film
What the fuck

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I think they just don't want to have to go in an re-write the entire game dialogue for one character again.

well, Malkavians are not 'disabled' they have to deal with outright derangement's.
otherwise some idiot would try to argue that ADHD qualifies for the malks requirement to take a mental illness at the start.

Yeah and he's bringing personal politics with it. Saying Malkavians need to be handled in a way that wont upset actual crazy people. I've gone from ready to pre-order to ready to pirate quickly.

Byzantium was pretty good.

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>still shilling this pozzed dumpsterfire

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>game is full turbogoth a scene which the right literally hate
>wtf why are goths not fans of them?

>game about bloodsucking
>not pozzed
go back to your drumpf rally or something

I heard it ends with you giving forced sex changes to all cis people an voting Hillary into office in the 2020 election

Well, at least their PR knows how to damage control

yeah wtf did he mean by that. was it the PC? voerman sisters? mr.grout??

>game is full turbogoth a scene which the right literally hate
>imbecile with no clue confusing goth and emo
>not knowing goth/industrial ARE the real unironic nazis
Goth are not the gay drug users retarded dancers, its followers of goth music scene - which is right wing as fuck, especially European one (and it only exists there really to begin with)


It is going to be a fucking disaster.

>censored version
no, not that thing, it definitely wasnt pussy

you say this about every new game tho



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you forgot

Yes, I do believe we're going home bros.

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I heard it ends with a vampire Freddie Mercury giving you AIDS.

>literally too dumb to meme


someone make a new thread this one's turning out to be the retard /pol/ containment one

>Not being a Nazi means you’re a leftist

I heard there'll only be 6 to start with which just makes me wander what the fuck is going to be missing at the start.

will it be hub area/world like in VTMB1 or gayass open-world?

I thought those characters were handled fine, so who knows. They're way tamer than Dev/Null.

>Not being a leftist means you're a Nazi

sam was a good kid.

FREE malkavian CLAN that has NEVER been heard BEFORE

hubs are confirmed, also confirmed there wont be a linear progression--you can move freely.

You say that like a vampire Freddie Mercury wouldn't be the tightest shit ever.

Hub based with no quest marks.

We’re talking about people literally getting mad about a book saying “Nazis are bad”, I think they’re probably Nazis m8

doesn't that mean, that you have less dialogue options but huge wall of texts as responses from NPCs?

Name 1 (one) bad thing Nazis have done

Could this answer be more vague?
What the fuck does that mean? Does that mean we will have the shitty lore version and everything will be about some trendy bullshit and your choices are a) "yes of course I need to believe women even if they are suspicious" and b) *crawls back to the shadows* "fuck women lol"

Guys chill the fuck out vampires have been associated with homosex since fucking 1872

Thank you.


I thought both Mr. Grout and the Voerman sisters were handled in a mature nonoffensive manner. The only offending one was the PC, "Le random hehe xd".


Yes!! This is for us who wan't to establish thought crime and eliminate certain kinds of people!

From the dead bum, go down the alley as shown in pic. In the sewers, follow the direction in the second pic. Follow the tunnels straight until you reach an area with a fence gate that can't be interacted with, shown in the third pic, and go into the crawl space. You will drop down into fourth pic.

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Original Mario game probably has more dialougue than VtmB 1 - its very very short on dialogue (and thats a good thing). Majority of text is in form of emails, you barely ever get to speak with character for more than few lines, quests are "go there do that" and dialogue options "tell me about X"

The lore, details, secrets - you all figure out from emails. Dialogues are explicitely short and concise.

Now that's good Yea Forums spirit.

They say nazi, but they mean anyone who isn't a brainwashed useful idiot.

V5 has removed dementation and every unique discipline. Also ruined the lore of most clans and took a big fat shit on the weirder ones, like the Tremere or the Malkavians.

They bombed civilians in the UK. Mainly working class areas of London.

I’m pretty sure they’re discussing actual fascism there, man

started the war

the pc just speaks in allegory 3/4 of the time, there's some 4th wall stuff and random media references together withlolrandom--but it's nothing that could be seen as offensive.

like, literally 0 reasons for mitsoda's comment.

What is this? Are the books on the 5th Edition now?
Old WoD
New WoD
God Machine/Chronicles/Onyx

Having sense of humor is offensive and a mental illness.

Ask him in Twitter, since he seems to be answering fan's questions.

>Not actually confirmed anywhere
Not even shills act this stupid.

>big corporations have realized that you can get free advertising if you put anti/pro SJW into their games
>so after a shity game is revelead, they put some politics into it to trigger a war between SJW and alt-right
>free publicity for the game, even if is bad publicity
>even if the game fail or is a succes, the same thing will happen again and again
NPC world.

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Fascism and Nazism has key differences user.
Just look how Mussolini and Hitler actually interacted with eachother, and also how Mussolini stopped the annexation of Austria first time around.

I hope they go balls to the wall and the game features some serious nightmare fuel in terms of designs. Goth culture spiraled into madness since the first game and body mod culture has become far more obscene.

What the fuck is this shit? What is this fake vampire shit

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the devs are nobodies with only failure as their credentials

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I made a twitter account and asked a question to someone else and then had my account deleted for suspicious behavior.

I just hope gangrel is not only good but more fleshed out. VTMB1 was good but I want to see how gangrel can be improved and made even more fun

>better combat from protean
>protean still cool bat boy
>animalism made better, maybe useful for environment stuff like using a rat to spy
>new stuff like blood mist form
>being able to climb buildings as proteAn maybe even glide or something

>fake vampire shit
Its from White Wolf, they are the authority on what is Vampire and what isn't.

Any word on how the SJWs will ruin it?

wasnt Debs VA the one that did the voicing for all of Tender? Why wouldnt she be back for the actual game?

There's the bums who seem to suffer from mental illness and speak gibberish, Voerman sisters is a bit of a meme take on dissociative identity that some might think they could write better but I personally see nothing too poor taste about either, and yeah PC apparently suffering from dementia but actually occasionally showing they're just exposed to Deeper Truths™ I thought was pretty good.

I just hope the talks by the devs means they want to write it better. Anything can be improved. And I hope they succeed. That's me being extremely optimistic but, eh whatever.

This can't be real. This is a literal caricature.

Just make the game you're planning on. Don't try to appease Yea Forums types. they may not preorder, but they may come around later.

hardsuit labs?

maybe, they've gotten like 40 additional devs on their team. and I kinda trust paradox as far as management goes, doubt they'd allin with some random studio.

>Forgets literally the best modern urban vampire film

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>getting your studio shut down to dab on cons

You literally kill ronald blumpf in the game and participate in white genocide. It's lretty pozzed, dude.

They are not. Heres an actual Authority on what is canon and what none. He singlehandedly completely btfo White Wolf and reset their universe.

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Probably it's Nosferatu. Neither of the 6 clans images in their website indicates to sewers or something else related.

Nah. I'm guessing they will go the Antitribu way by introducing Lasombra and Tzimisce for example. Although my money is on "tamer" clans like Ravnos for example.

Yeah but can't we have the consensus that after they ruined it they lost that authority? Or let's say, when they don't have anyone who created it making it and it turns to shit, why should anyone believe anything that they shit out to be anything more than fan-fiction?

Sure, but the point is there’s a big ol’ space between either and “leftist”

I sincerely hope it means they just want to improve the writing. Not ruin it with their SJW agenda crap.

I can scarcely believe it

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Are you hoping some other supers show up as a side quest?

so if *worst team ever* is under *publisher* its ok suddenly?

It's literally curse of the vampire coast

hardsuit labs ruined their own game

>wasnt Debs VA the one that did the voicing for all of Tender?
Sources say no she wasn't.

>Silent protagonist

I'm genuinely optimistic about the game after reading. Fucking dialogue wheels, fuck voiced protagonists and fuck all the dumbfuck writing that needs to take into account VA budget.

>Radio commercials returning

All smiles.

>the scene with him running around screaming about being a vampire had no extras, just real New Yorkers completely unimpressed by a madman charging around babbling nonsense
movie's kino


new wod is a trash fire ignore it, v5 is a revival of old wod because nobody liked new wod.

Please delete this.

>will kill Paradox
This is what happens when you remove all other FTL options in Stellaris. Get fucked, Wiz.

this game is going to be hot pozzed garbage. like the new battletech, like andromeda. it will be overly concerned with tranny homosex and drumpf memes. you sad faggots think you will get some awesome old skool rpg. nope.

Neither did I but regardless, they reported it.

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Yea, V5 is what the game is based on and it's a trashfire of retardation. Most of the old themes like the Jyhad are heavily downplayed or pretty much gone and vampire society is dominated by faggot hipster thinbloods now.

too soon?

not what i'm saying. paradox are a bunch of jews, if they just took some random studio and take one of the most beloved IPs ever and make it into a disaster, it would end them.

there's like a couple of things going for them. mitsoda is onboard, so if we go by the "lets judge X by what they did so far" that's very good. also like ~3years since the shovelware developer's last release. 30-40new employees at the studio since paradox acquired them ~3years ago.

i'm not saying don't worry, there's a lot of valid concerns. but at the same time there's no real reason to say it's gonna be garbage until we see the gameplay and the dialogue/writing.

Troika released like 3 games in total and 2 are cult classics, faggot.

>pozzed devs
Thanks no

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the devs lied and fucked one of their games and publishers are blind to anything but potential profit

did you miss the part were half the faggots in the brujah hangout were douchebags from the weathermen and blackpanthers before being sired

What about non-Vampire stuff? I remember Vampire being one of the one that suffered most going to nWoD but then nWoD had some gems like Changeling, Hunter, Geist and Prometheus that excelled. Does V5 have any good books then?

so, why did they fail?

patrician taste

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Arcanum was gay, fuck you

So who's getting cut from the first game's line up to be dlc later? Im guessing Gangrel


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I dunno bout the others but in bloodlines case it's basically the source engines fault and the fact they were working with a fucky early build of it cos half life 2 was still in development, and I think they had to delay the release cos valve didn't want a source game coming out before half life? which probably ties into the money problems.


A sales failure that becomes a cult classic later on is still a failure

Paradox are Swedish jews no doubt about that, but they would never touch this IP, with all its sensitive backstory, and fuck with it. They are a company that wants to exist and keep making money. They know better than that.

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Yeah, I'm sure, except that I see people talking about "actual facism" and then when challenged, it suddenly isn't "actual facism" but "pretty much facism because I say so".
People just wan't reasons to be angry and some of these anti-nazi people are fucking idiots and are helping nazis by making leftists look fucking psychos, do you understand?

That tranny is dead now.

You are a failure

no it's fucking not, the voice actress said she'd enjoy reprising the role, but she hasn't been approached.

Chad Isaac better return

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Dunno, got it from here


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Maybe the Clans that fucked off from the Camarilla?

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

I will only accept orange man bad punch nazis if nazi vampires are a faction in the game and Trump is the possessed vessel of Super Seiyan Hitler.

Then I will play as a transexual Tzimisce with Brujah sympathies to smash the Cain patriarchy.

I think not Gangrel. Nossies more likely, because neither of the 6 images remind of sewers and other stuff related to them.

Probably disappeared to look for Ash or something. Cue Ash sucking some dickhead in a random bar.

What do you mean? Money wise? Money and successful art don't always walk hand to hand buddy.

Whoops, meant Anarchs in the last bit. But lower castes are practically all the same thing anyway.

I mean, I hope you guys don't get thi4fed, but is there any reason to trust them?

Anyone else feel like this was a monkey's paw wish? We get a sequel to one of the best games ever made and it's already pandering to SJWs before it's even out. I won't write it off completely yet, but at the rate it's going it won't be long 'til I do

you really asking this, user?

troika was literally the last western game dev that made cRPGs. the market changed, then there's also the fact they were kinda shit at management. they had nobody who would chase good projects, nobody who would do the finances right.

they were a studio of nerds that just wanted to make games.

then there's also the fact that the kind of games they made never really were popular.

also to that other fag, troika made 3 cult classics. TOEE is the best implementation of D&D rules in a video game, btfo

Ganrel DLC, rent fangs for 20 dolla a day

>pulls out a bent card damaged from being stuffed behind an elastic waistband
You can bet your ass it'll smell like anything but mint after that too.

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Like what the hell, just like, enjoy a game for what it is, and let the lefty shit brush off you.
Or just mod it yourself to remove SJW shit like for Stellaris and Battletech.

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Sounds like you’re projecting your own outside shit here

In the case of VTMB they were retarded cause they wanted to use the Source engine, but Valve only gave them an unfinished version of it and demanded that they can only release the game after HL2, but the team didn't know how to use the engine and so constantly delayed the game and got released beyond buggy.
It also got crushed by HL2 in marketing
.I'd slash your face if you ever dared say this shit to me IRL, kid.


the way they talked about the conflict in Seattle and the player being able to ally with various groups makes me think they'll let you go Anarch clans

That one dev was super hyped for sewers though

>troika was literally the last western game dev that made cRPGs

literal bullshit
it's the literal opposite from what they said in the keynote
how is this news in a vampire game?

V5 is a VTMB rulebook, not a general nWoD rulebook. A revised Chicago by Night will get released in a couple of months but it's all shit and I have 0 hope for it being decent.

IIRC Temple was very poorly received at its release particularly for its heavy focus on combat (lol).
>tfw you married one of the party members to stupid angry bitch to get meatcleaver which is one of the better mundane weapons in the game

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steve blum said on twitter that he'd be happy if she was back
the VA replied she'd love it too
that's it, no confirmation whatsoever

Obsidian is Troika.

>Silent Hill protagonist confirmed

please tell me this is fake

No, they are not. Don't speak as if you know what you're talking about, you poser. Paradox has the final say on everything

Shit ignore this post I'm mental

>they'll let you go Anarch clans
Setites went Anarchs, right?

Yes! Exactly! Kind of like White Wolf idiots.

the quote in your post pretty much confirms there's zero chance to it

Fuck, really?
That's too bad, hopefully they got at least someone else to dub her then

Troika was a dev, HS labs is cheese manufacturer

by most based kindred I assume you mean the walking masquerade violation?

day of the stake soon gramps

yea I guess you're right. but it's not really a good point, since obsidian had to adapt to the new market and churn out some garbage

and even then they were saved by kickstarter, they were crumbling all the way.

No, they were Black Isle. Obsidian was founded before Troika went bust

Did VV have such big breasts in game, or is it a mod? I don't remember them that big.
Must reinstall it I guess.

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>it's the literal opposite from what they said in the keynote
Did you not read the OP image? that quote was elaborated on

pretty sure thats the original model

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Could be money 1.25

we had an absolutely comfy thread about vtmb yesterday
want to know the secret?
nobody talked about the cashgrab sequel by a no name studio with a writing staff so obnoxious they'd make Che Guevara renounce socialism

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>Did VV have such big breasts in game

Dude. Whoever designed the ladies in Bloodlines
was definitely a tits man. Them bonkers were fucking ridiculous.

I like how VV still managed to look classy in literal lingerie.

Did that user who was looking for the Companion Mod ever fix his issues?

your echochamber isn't comfy

wtf based
day 1 pirate

How is a game that's been worked on since Paradox acquired the license a "cashgrab"? Cashgrabs you throw out as soon as possible with minimally required spending

>writing staff so obnoxious they'd make Che Guevara renounce socialism
Also Mitsoda?

>shit like pic related
>fucking swedes developing the game
>no gameplay video, just talks about how the original game hurt the feelings of SJWs and they will fix it

And there are still morons unironically excited for this.

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we must go bigger and better

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Mitsoda can suck a dick too. I played Dead State, the writing is shit.

And Avellone.
This development wasn't cheap.


What do you mean? Paradox release huge free updates years after release, sometimes even chaning the whole flow of the game (Stellaris).
But yes, they are also dlc jews on top of it.

buy boobs 10 dollar

U wot?

Attached: Untitled.png (797x713, 99K)

biggest cunt in the game
only character i was unhappy i couldn't kill


well i mean VV is annoying too but not nearly as that hypocrite

Why would anybody be excited for this trainwreck is beyond me?

Here's a strong powerful werebitch who needs no Gaia. She's the strongest Garou in the world btw.

Attached: Zhyzhak_and_guardians.jpg (706x942, 294K)

>shit like pic related
>A character that has nothing to do with any of the writers for 2
>fucking swedes developing the game
Hardsuit Labs isn't a swedish developer. At the very least get basic information right
>no gameplay video
True. One would be wise to reserve some judgement for the gameplay reveal
>just talks about how the original game hurt the feelings of SJWs and they will fix it
Oh, fuck right off with this disingenuous shit. The only thing I can think of that you're referring to is the Malkavian comment, and that was hardly as severe as what you just described

Hilarious fact about Rudi: the person who wrote him, more commonly known as Gentleman Gamer on Youtube, basically wrote his IRL friend who's muslim and gay and can't come out to his actual family because they would literally kill him.

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>removed the pics from that image
Come on user, give us the real tranny pill

That has nothing to do with Bloodlines 2

Just remember anons, if they fuck the pumpkin with this game we'll still always have the original.

holy shit this is an actual term in the game

I would drown myself inside those boobs idc what.

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being a Malk sounds fucking terrifying and not fun at all actually...

Attached: Isolated Malk.gif (500x389, 968K)

wtf please no. i've been watching gentleman gamer for years, he's a SJW fag but he's the biggest WoD lorefag I know.


It's for SJW brains who think older editions were taken 100% seriously by the readers. Werewolf reads like satire even when the authors are serious.

>no day/night cycle
nigger why is this a good/bad thing? you're a vampire you can't go outside in the day anyway (unless there's some type of ability in you can unlock in the tabletop I don't know of) so it doesn't really matter desu

>deb of night with original VA
no fucking way

You seriously had no idea he's the one who wrote Rudi?

>unless there's some type of ability in you can unlock in the tabletop I don't know of
With strong enough Fortitude, vampires can withstand the sun

I'm a zoomer who grew up with Nintendo

and you sir are a god damn faggot, bet you main Ganondorf and cheese online too

this dude knows what's up

Attached: OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAjeSb77eIkEJ3wLfM6cvHgU.jpg (640x400, 47K)

I should've known he was a fag based solely on the name of his channel and videos

Well, that would have been stupid, you're a Vamire and all that.


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I don't want to be a thin blood. This game is gonna suck.

You won't stay that way

Diablerize confirmed?

no, I remember him showing off some random supplement with pre-made characters. but never bothered to look at that.

inb4 rudi's from there

Oh it gets better

Attached: 6f7a002f65eb2c59d4d952bbe127c7a7cc0d40dcb361758e7b3a50623534f6fa.jpg (1298x623, 101K)

Does it hurt?

Pretty much

Olga is sexy af

Attached: 1 (3).jpg (1200x778, 216K)

It hurts like hell

Yes it was and it wasn't the only thing. It was weird as fuck, it's like they didn't wan't to give actually useful info but to virtue signal some weird ass shit.

>hot gay vampires

Attached: pillarmen.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Nice, I don't want to be a thin blood either.

Stop shilling this vaporware.
No gameplay = no hype.

>VtMB shits on Bush and Republicans regularly while never shitting on Democrats
>no one cares
>Source material VtMB was based on has a female black, lesbian Muslim vampire so badass she convinced the Assamites to change their "no women allowed" policy
>no one cares
>VtMB literally features a faction with a woke Che-Guevara wannabe commie grill led by a hispanic who lived during the Great Depression fighting against the objectively evil wealthy elite LaCroix, while Strauss is basically a non-entity
>no one cares
>Mitsoda says one of the themes of the game will be technology vs tradition

Attached: 1553264148825.jpg (1028x5624, 1.38M)

That's good shit, but you can't write that shit and be afraid of criticizing islam/religion.

oh my

Attached: vtmb cos3.jpg (1024x733, 108K)

>literally convinces the Assamites to allow women in
???????????????????????? how is any of this satirical?

no one is going to come around to shit like this it sound like a collection of WOKE twitter post made into a story

>you can't write that shit and be afraid of criticizing islam/religion.
user, why don't you draw some pics of the prophet?

>learn how to be intellectually dishonest in one post

newfag retards

This shit already existed in the original WoD. Stop pretending that you care about the tabletop or the game.

Attached: fatima.png (868x685, 109K)

>it's okay because they did it in the past

Sorry tranny but no


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Sabbat Heather is going to be a villian in this game bois

>get exposed for being a newfag
>b-b-but it wasn't okay then!
>even though no one gave a shit then
Then stop pretending you give a shit about the franchise or that you're a "betrayed fan".

>imagine being triggered by Anarchs trash

Mercurio and Beckett should be the only characters that should return and make sense while doing so.

>Beckett arrives in Seattle to examine the story bullshit going down
>Mercurio gets chased out of LA after Fledgling creates total chaos using his arsenal

What are the rules on sunlight
Can a vampire protect themselves with thick fullbody clothing?

I do if I wan't to, it's legal in my country.
So you can be a macho man and diss the violent nazis but can't diss islam? Are they more dangerous or something because I can't support that implication.

Hi there, newshitter. Now read about muh strong Muslim vampire woman who executed le ebil vampire bishop (one off the vampires with True Faith btw even in twisted Lasombra way) and tell me you read with straight face.

Everything in that post is objectively true, though

The intellectually dishonest retards are the people pretending that WoD never had a female black muslim lesbian before, or that the original VtMB never had modern political references, because they clearly never played the game or read any sourcebooks


What does any of this have to do with Bloodlines 2?

Its a hallmark of the series. Why join and play a franchise with "progressive leanings" and then whine its progressive or leftist?

>it's only acceptable because I think it's satire

>Charlie Hebdo
>Danish cartoon artist

>tfw sex shops are mostly dead so we won't get a fun XXX theater/peepshow venue in vtmb2

Attached: girls staring longingly into eachothers eyes.png (1366x768, 1.07M)

How did he lose if he had true faith?

If VTMB came out today it would trigger SJW faggots, not right-wingers and you and I both know it.

The fact people mock Bloodlines 2 for this kind of shit we will inevitably see while older editions could be dismissed and laughed off.

>Are they more dangerous or something

>goes on and on about how badass she is
Yeah it sure sounds satirical to me, bro!

Admit it, you didn't know because you're a newfag election tourist who wants to be upset about a game and a series he never even played

Attached: fatima2.png (559x510, 128K)

This is correct, underage Yea Forumstards don't know shit about the lore of VTM, WoD is ful of real life historical references

>Everything in that post is objectively true, though

damsel is tread as a joke hell not even her allies like her not to mention for trying to act WOKE if you mention the kuei-jin she goes on a racist rant that would make /pol/ blush

the whole thing is a joke even nines comes off as that way

>Yeah it sure sounds satirical to me, bro!
It sounds satirical to me because I'm not going to take this shit seriously. You can post entirety of Werewolf for this like Black Furies fighting the Patriach.

If it came out today it would shit on Trump.

You can tell that most of them haven't even played VTMB. When the OP starts without mentioning the name and just posting a loading screen from 1, the political posts are mysteriously missing

How does this contradict anything, she is a humble servant of allah vampire, not fan-fiction faggot vampire.

How does a vampire even get true faith in the first place

I meant if it had the same content, retard.

>Already confirmed to be an SJW game

Attached: 1266809901844.jpg (126x112, 3K)

And? Some local book store started selling those afterwards because demand got bigger, they were sold out in a week.

The power of merciful Allah entered the lesbian

Considering there's nothing objectionable about the portrayal of Bloodlines Malk PC or the Voerman "twins" I'm not super worried about it. The Malk elder's mansion is the only bit I can think of that might've had anything akin to content that could be considered insensitive to the mentally ill.

>Camarilla stooge still too dumb to live without his made of masqerade rules that only benefit the top of the pyramid scheme

You forgot Batman Forever


Like humans, there are a bunch of vampire sects in vtm

Lefties would whine about titties and ass.
No, if you replace the Bush line with Trump you would have 50 daily threads about go woke go broke, communist infiltration of video games and whine how oppressed "white" NEETs browsing anime image boards are.

Why do neo-nazis seethe so much over the fact that they're such pathetic losers?

you can ignore the leftist garbage in a p&p as you want
you can build the setting as you want, you can roleplay as you want
we played vampire as edgy high school kids and one of the characters was a literal pagan nazi soldier
in a video game, you can only do what the devs put in the game, if it's written by lefty loons then you're getting a game about lefty loon fantasies

Just to add, I know this shit ok? It's just that you never should give power to extremists, as I told people REALLY started buying them afterwards.

It wouldn't and people would still get triggered over the Republican lines.
It was very much a game of it's era, maybe the next game will be more reserved, I don't think so.

The Masqerade benefits all vampires, as seen by the Gehenna scenario where they get revealed and then slowly fucked by the human race, until all the Kindred death leads to the Antediluvians waking up and murderfucking everyone

liberals would still call it a creepy rape fantasy for toxic young males

Belief in Caine?
Aside from God being racist against kindred there's nothing preventing them otherwise from being religious.
They could find some other deity to worship since those are canon(?)

Sssshhh, user. If the game sets Lacroix as the asshole main antagonist, any other group in the game with a grey moral area that ends up using you anyway is only painted as the holier than thou good guys.

Doesn't matter if you can shit on Nines's ideologies so much, he starts pouting and literally stops helping you early game. IT'S MUH SNOWFLAKE POLITICAL STANCE.

Where do you live?


Then why play a lefty loon game in the first place? VTMB was everything Yea Forums would hate today, except for the titties.

Why would there be a Day/Night cycle in a game about fucking Vampires?

No, you wouldn't. Give me one example of that.

And lefties wouldn't just whine about titties and ass, they'd whine about how you can have a female slave that you can order to always wear her underwear, or the racial stereotypes and etc.
Bullshit. There's a giant difference between a couple of ads on the radio about some douche politician and putting gender pronouns in the game. Stop acting dumb.

Because daytime can be a gameplay mechanic that changes how you navigate the environment? What a fucking retarded question.

Well, it was small news in my country, just some local shop starting to sell them. Not a big deal, hard to find, but listen, what about this?
This is even bigger.

because the left isn't what it used to be I'm afraid many people on Yea Forums used to lean left before they went crazy

I will take less sewer sections, thank you.

>Because daytime can be a gameplay mechanic that changes how you navigate the environment? What a fucking retarded question.
Because levels where if you step in the bad zone you die instantly are fun? What a fucking retarded idea.

You're missing the point, the thing is that some retard is gonna kill you for making fun of a death cult.
Look at White Wolf and the Chechenya incident, Paradox was cucked by the chechens.

It's important to be respectful to the often marginalized schizophrenic hobo gamer population

you were talking about the 'franchise', not VtMB
the game doesn't have that fanatist brand of lefty identity politics that some of the more politically motivated authors snuck in the books

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Maybe you start as one the weakest Thinbloods who can stay awake durng the day and walk under sunlight. As you get stronger you lose this ability.

>SJW game
What game isn't one these days?

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Completely baseless assumptions.

Literally couldn't give a shit about any of that gay shit.

I just want a qt ghoul and bitches, don't give a fuck if they make fun of orange jew

While I don't really disagree with you, posting Lacroix as an example isn't really that good of an idea

>damsel is treated as a joke
She's part of the Anarchs, which aren't treated as a joke. She never gets outright humiliated or harmed or proven wrong or anything either. LaCroix is arguably far more of a joke than her.
>not even her allies like her
Wrong. They never kick her out of the faction or anything, you get 1 comment that she's a college girl and that's it.
>if you mention the kuei-jin she goes on a racist rant
Wrong. She just shits on Ming.
> that would make /pol/ blush
This is completely laughable, you're a dishonest retard. You're pretending as if she said "LOL ALL GOOKS AND CHINKS NEED TO GET EXTERMINATED". She just whines about Ming after she frames Nines, that's it

>the whole thing is a joke even nines comes off as that way
here's what the Anarchs and Nines do for you
>Nines saves you from getting executed
>Jack gives you advice in the beginning when no one else gave a shit
>Nines saves you again in Downtown from getting ambushed by the Sabbat
>Nines helps you by fighting one of the werewolves in the area
>Jack saves you by helping you escape when LaCroix calls the bloodhunt

They are treated regularly as the most helpful faction to you

Now stop LARPing, faggot

ensured that israel will exist forever

oh Lord this is sweet

LaCroix is objectively treated as the villain in VtMB, LMAO

Did you even play the game?

>Wrong. She just shits on Ming.

by using harmful Asian stereotypes

I really doubt that the pleasure the mechanic could add would be outweighed by the frustration it would casue. I can only imagine running around in hubs in 1, and then suddenly being interrupted and having to run back to your apartment because the sun is coming up. Seems more like tedium

you fags are making me take screencaps of the game just to show it's not the sjw shitfest sjws make it out to be

Attached: bertram the shitlord.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)

So? You don't have to make fun of it, you can just criticize, and if you can't criticize something, you live in true fascism.

Why does /pol/ keep complaining about games they haven’t played?

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>She never gets outright humiliated or harmed or proven wrong or anything either.

>not even her allies like her

when you ask about her they all tell you ignore her and skelter outright dislikes her

think this writing would fly in a video game co-written by Cara Ellison?
girls can't be gold digger whores, it never happens

Attached: lily.jpg (621x908, 173K)

>Nines saves you from getting executed
>Jack gives you advice in the beginning when no one else gave a shit
>Nines saves you again in Downtown from getting ambushed by the Sabbat
>Nines helps you by fighting one of the werewolves in the area
>Jack saves you by helping you escape when LaCroix calls the bloodhunt


>Yea Forums

modern right-wingers who aren't cuckservatives, especially more libertarian ones hated bush, if you search up demoticational bush memes, you'll find a plethora of old anti-bush memes from the 2000s, it wasn't just lefties

Nines himself is a character you can relate to if you aren't a trustfund kid and he makes good points about the Camarilla being a literal pyramid scheme mirroring more of a giant greedy corporation rather than a actual Vampire society which is why he's actually able to be symphatized with, I've seen hate for Damsel before Gamergate and on here as well because she's a fucking commie and kind of a badly written character (hint: communism isn't anarchy by itself and a faliure of actual marxist ideology)

also the Sabbath made the Anarchs seem alot more moderate, if anything the Sabbath was a chaotic evil while Anarchs seemed bunch of liberal/libertarians

as for Strauss, there is a good reason for his passiveness: if you play through the game as a malkavian, there are dialogue options where you refer to strauss as the king while lacroix is the jester dancing around him and he tells you to stfu and not spread the truth that might not be appreciated by those who can't see it, implying that either he leads from the shadows and that Lacroix is just a frontman or that he sees all the vampires chimping the fuck out and assumes, possibly through Auspex might even know that Lacroix could be killed soon and leave his place as prince for the taking

see the imageIts the early 2000s equivalent of Fuck Drumpf, but Yea Forums gives it a free pass because its nostalgic for the game and can't fathom the idea those evil lefties could ever make a good game.
Are you forgetting the time RDR2 included a street preacher feminist and half of Yea Forums wished the game to crash and burn over it?
The left and the right never changed.

> She never gets outright humiliated or harmed or proven wrong or anything either.
Both Jack and the nigger from the bar talk shit about her.
Also, your dialogue with her during the quest for plaguebearer allows you to really go to town on her by calling out her hypocrisy and how alike to Camarilla they are.

also the writing is genuinely bad in some places but that's a different matter

Attached: 1.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

>Are you forgetting the time RDR2 included a street preacher feminist and half of Yea Forums wished the game to crash and burn over it?
No, Yea Forums hated that mary sue bitch you're forced to tag along with, not any NPC.

>2003 was like 20 years ago

Attached: 1548863723698.jpg (401x277, 15K)

The Carmarilla as an organisation is never presented any more negatively than the Anarchs. The one thing the game makes clear is that no matter who you choose, you're being used. Independent ending best ending

oh no Skelter, don't be an Uncle Tom!
you can't belittle an anti-fascist ally like that!

Attached: Vampire 2019-03-24 18-49-03-08.jpg (1920x1080, 222K)

I mean, you can critize it but those idiots will try to kill you for it. That's why you can see plenty of critics about christianity or jewery but not so much about Allah in the western media.
It's haram or some shit.

Are you going to repost this daily? Like that "tic toc larianiggers" thread before PoE 2 dropped? Are you the same autist?

go back to 1980 and ask Jimmy Carter about the necessity of gender-neutral washrooms if you think liberals haven't changed

I'm currently playing VtMB1, I don't know what to put my points into. I'm having a panic attack :(

There's no point in trying to defend themselves. They've already stepped in a pile of shit, and we we'll never let them convince us the shit was actually melted chocolate.

LaCroix is portrayed as incompetent and an upstart, not the Camarilla.



Inspection, Haggle, and the Auspex discipline are all pretty much useless. Everything else is good, even if some stuff is better than others.

also I actually forgot about , Nines saves your life twice while Lacroix sociopathically tries to kill you multiple times and even uses Dominate so it's not very hard to choose

back then it used to be a bit different from today where most leftists became authoritarian retards who want to ban you from manspreading while turning willingly infecting someone with HIV into a misdemeanor (looking at you Commiefornia)

Yea Forums whined about
>1 pose for Tracer getting changed, because MUH SJWs
>Soldier 76 being confirmed gay in supplementary material outside the actual game, because MUH SJWS
>A couple of lines of dialogue in Pillars of Eternity that you had to dig to find and were inconsequential to the rest of the game getting changed because trannies were upset over it, because MUH SJWS
>Wolfenstein 2 making a Trump reference on Twitter (not in the actual game) because MUH SJWS
>Wolfenstein 2 having ONE line where BJ says "come and get me you white-ass fascist Nazi pigs" as a joke because he couldn't come up with an insult, because MUH SJWS
>Far Cry 5 having a black character (nothing else, literally just having a black character) because MUH SJWS
>One of the devs for Subnautica saying he was anti-gun in a Steam post (again, ultimately irrelevant to the rest of the game) because MUH SJWS
But sure no one would complain if VtMB talked shit about Trump or his administration, LMAO

The real answer is that 99% of the shitposters here are underage and don't remember all of the shit Bush regularly got + probably didn't play the original VtMB in the first place to notice the anti-Bush and anti-Republican references. They think that Trump (or the president of the USA in general) getting hounded by the media is some new phenomenon. That's why no one gave a shit before and now suddenly everyone whines now

>Politics only in game shit
As opposed to out game?..

Why would his friend keep being muslim when his religion wants him dead? is he a malkavian?

That's why populists are winning all over europe, people need to drop the softie shit and get real. Islam is just a religion but those extremists are fucking pigs. Listen, those are really rare edge cases, if you write criticism to a rpg book who the fuck is gonna kill you. And if they do, you died for your freedoms, what a great way to go. Listen, you sound like you have let the extremists get into your head too much.

you are absolutely retarded if you think people didn't hate Bush; especially during his 2nd term

the media wasn't just shitting their hate for him into your head like they do with Trump, because Bush was a good little corporate puppet

If the things that got changed were small and didnt matter, why did they bother changing them? Stay mad retard

Can someone remind me again when Avellone was supposed to have been good?
Even during NV, his influence was horrible.
>"Muh bear, muh bull"
>Dude, post-post apocalyptic society is bad, my gay ass OC tunnelers will totally ruin society again!

I immediately remember which lines these were because they genuinely stood out as terrible in a game that's fucking amazing on the writing department.

Her VA didn't help none, either.

The best thing they can do is what Hello Games (No Man's Sky) did - a total press blackout. Just stop talking. Shut down all communication for 6 months-1 year. Then No Man's Sky popped back up out of fucking nowhere with a massive content patch, then disappeared again. Repeat 2 times. They didn't want people talking about them so they gave them no fuel to do so, no words to twist. And it worked like a charm. They're fucking legends now for providing support and updates for 3 years without asking a cent in return.

Dead Money was one of his best pieces.

people are showing you proof that they have played it and you're ignoring that shit while trying to push your agenda

>Dude republicans are evil lmao

Why do vsetera fags like this game

torment good
kreia good
cass good
durance good


didn't the dev fire one of their employees because he was anti immigration?

>SJWs writing the new VTMB
>They wont be able to write politically inspiried content without trying to push an agenda and teach you how to think right
>Obligatory evil camarilla trump ideologue

nice falseflag

Republicucks are evil tbqh

i didn't have the option because my seduction was too high but you can call her retarded

Attached: Vampire 2019-03-26 22-28-54-87.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)


www-oneangrygamer-net.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/03/vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2-gets-woke-with-pronouns-modern-day-politics-masculine-subversion/80691/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE=#aoh=15538081557300&_ct=1553808156811&referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s&share=https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/03/vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2-gets-woke-with-pronouns-modern-day-politics-masculine-subversion/80691/

not saying the right wouldn't complain, they absolutely would. even those random references shitting on bush and shit

but at the same time the SJWs of today would cry as well if bloodlines1 would release today.

racial stereotyping, exaggeration, male-centric power fantasy, sexist portrayal of some characters, etc. are some of the usual critiques you get from them

of course it's all retardation. characters in bloodlines1 are memorable even when they're exaggerations, i highly doubt we'll get anything like fat larry, chunk, or tseng in bloodlines2.

doesn't one of the chicks there call you a dike if you try and seduce her as a female?

Even the new populist right-wing hates Republicans and other brands of cuckservative, what's your point?

Take some responsibility and wash your balls like Peterson told you to

Hah, the first time playing this game were happy times. I knew I'd blew it by choosing that line but it was worth it.

It was clearly a liberal Marxist perspective and not a based perspective

>you are absolutely retarded if you think people didn't hate Bush; especially during his 2nd term
Never said that
>the media wasn't just shitting their hate for him into your head like they do with Trump, because Bush was a good little corporate puppet
Are you forgetting the time certain new outlets were calling Trumps predecessor a communist Muslim immigrant? President getting shit flung at them from the opposite side is nothing new. Trump is just as much of a puppet as every other U.S. president was, don't fool yourself.

So what's this I hear about the game taking place after some event where the whole world knows about vampires?
Also something about the Camarilla all being thinbloods now?

Yoooo I made that pic

I have never been so proud of myself than at this moment

Don't bring chuck tingle into this

he didn't just say he was anti-gun
he said the game lacks guns because he's anti-gun
he also said he intends the game to be a political stand against gun ownership

they fired him because he finished his work on the game
the guy's been spewing his (frankly very tame) political opinions on twitter for months by that time, Unknown World made an issue out of it when they wanted to get rid of him anyway

there's also reports of them fucking over commissioned artists hard, making them re-draw commissions over and over again and then rejecting it and not paying them a cent
some socialists

I'll wash them in your mouth with your spit faggot, come at me

Were there a bunch of schizophrenics being moved by the whims of eldritch gods that complained about the malks in the first game or something?
Who the hell are they trying to be "respectful" towards?

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I'll be sure to check out the original once I'm done with sekiro bros

To be fair niggers are ugly and abhorent creatures


I played a physical version of Masquerade tabletop in high school. We even had a dress-up party. Yeah, we were losers. So were you. This was before Command Keen even came out. Masquerade has never been about bringing alternative lifestyles into the spotlight.

It's always had them integrated into the world in a way they weren't shunned, but it never FORCED them and made sure everyone knew who was a faggot and who was post-op. There was no "Hi, I'm Sam, I'm vegan and do crossfit and like taking black cock up my ass". It just never came up because it wasn't relevant to the game or story.

What they're talking about now is bringing trannies and faggots and making them the star of the show. THAT is SJW shit. There is a huge difference between having a few queers making out in against a wall in a dark club, and having them in leather strap waving rainbow flags and dancing in front of it.

The disabled community are too retarded to care

i think she's the cutest character in the game desu
if you choose the persuasion route (ie. the non-sexual one) she gets so excited about showing you something cool

modern far-lefties have this weird as fuck synthesis of communist and neoliberal philosophies. It's freakish.

Holy shit it's retarded

I recognize your writing style and your argument. You've been in these threads for days spamming your shit even when people take the time to prove you wrong.
>>Wolfenstein 2 having ONE line where BJ says "come and get me you white-ass fascist Nazi pigs" as a joke because he couldn't come up with an insult, because MUH SJWS
I personally debunked this fucking garbage like twice already and you keep repeating yourself.
Seriously, fuck off, discord faggot.

>but dude all right wingers hate Republicans!
>that’s why the Republicans seizes so many house and senate seats!
>that’s why the overwhelming majority of registered Republicans are pro-Trump!
>I saw some /pol/ shut posts I must be right!

yea same faggots spamming the same shit

make it stop, there were like 2 threads that were nice

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Americans think in binary. It's either one or the other with them. In the rest of the world things are a little bit different.

It's pretty good

no clue but it'd make sense
Mira's one to talk though, she a huge slut
now that i've mentioned her, let us not forget that the game HIV-shames her even though we know there's nothing shameful about it

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You didn’t debunk shit, lmao

All you did was insist that it never happened when it did, because you’re a newfag underage election tourist

What's with the homosexual muslims? Must be some specific writer's fetish or something.

anyway you fags can see why the new staff wants to correct the problematic writing of the original game

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if VtMB was made today, they would literally have to cut half the content of the entire game

Yea Forums had entire threads where all the cringey as fuck cinematics got posted everywhere. You're trying to pretend that Yea Forums was completely fine with this game but just picked that quote to be triggered by, when that quote was just nr 51414 to mock the game.

no they don't, you are politically illiterate and generally uneducated if you actually believe this

Wanna know what G-Word would actually interest me? Gameplay

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Funny how most of those are because of things being removed, Because other people whined about them.

Maybe stop trying to change, remove shit from games and see how that works out for you.
Or quit being a hypocritical loser whining about other people whining about other people whining? -guy whining about you whining about other people whining about other people whining.

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There are plenty of retards here who will fall for it.

If VtMB was made today everyone would cry over the anti-Trump references

yea and damsel calls the kuei-jin bitch a sushi skank, almost all the mooks you get to slaughter are some minority doing crime

game was racist, sexist, xenophobic piece of shit. i'm glad that people like brian mitsoda have grown up and hired kotaku writers to work on the sequel. maybe this time malkavian dialogue won't be making fun of people who are ill.

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>y-you're illiterate
>gives zero evidence to the contrary

>Beckett is an individualist and he doesn't like labels
what next, is he going to show us a bell curve diagram?

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yeah you said that like five times already
contrary to your bullshit though, this is based on what's actually in the game


More like just 2 and PoE devs are hardened progressives anyway. They weren't forced, they were asked by their mentally ill crossdresser fanbase and they gladly did it. The Tracer thing was a PR stunt, jsut like Blizz "tried" to purge OW porn from the internet for 5 minutes while the articles got written.

literally all you need is to have a general knowledge of political philosophy and some sort of understanding of marx and the philosophical tradition he derived his thought from in order to understand why a statement like "American liberals are also communists" is pants-on-head retarded

let me guess, you believe in 'cultural marxism' being a thing too?

best way to get rid of brujah shitting up the thread? pic related

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>fat-shaming and neuroatypicality-shaming
ban this filth

>Yea Forums will now and forever be in perpetual fear of anything politics.
the state Yea Forums

>every prominent marxist thinker shits on liberalism and identity politics
>dude those sjw's are literally commies lmao

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If you have a problem with Chunk you have a problem with me

Beckett literally talked about the patriarchy and male dominated societies, lmao

I wouldn't call it cultural marxism, but Critical Theory, which is an important pillar of modern leftist thought is heavily based on Marxist theory and is seen as an evolution of traditional Marxist-Leninism

Will the friendly taxi driver return?

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not arguing he isn't, every president after Kennedy seems like a literal corporate puppet except for maybe Carter

and by "people" I did mean right-wingers who weren't partisan hacks, as far as I've read about politics from back then, they hated the fuck out of Bush from the get-go and it was more warranted while Trump gets so much unwarranted retarded fucking hate while there are so many actual issues with him and his administration

that was the point I was trying to make, the game had valid reason to say "Fuck Bush" when the game released, either way Bush was already hated universally because at that time it was already common knowledge that Saddam didn't actually have any WMDs and that Iraq probably had nothing to do with 9/11, meaning that USA started a war based on nothing while the MSM lied to them and sold a invasion war that lasts to this day, but as for Trump because of these same retarded outlets like CNN and MSNBC you can't be sure if you hear "Fuck Drumpf" that it's someone who actually knows about politics or some retarded fucking twitter troglodyte who's just virtue signaling, which is why many people take issue with that, and in a post-gamergate era of gaming with politics in games in general

I am gonna skip it
it would just suck to see one of my favorite franchise be turned into sjw trash where all the sexy elements of the first game get replaced with trannies, feminism and faggots

>will Caine return
most likely

where to?

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>Will Cain return?

In america there are 4 types of voters
Zealots: They don't care about who's running or what their policy is they vote for a color and they will always vote for anyone that is that color
Single issue voters: They are willing to compromise on everything else they might care about for the sake of a single pet issue and will vote according to whoever meets them on that issue
Uniformed voters: They have no clue what the issues are or what any politicians stance on anything actually is they just vote based on how they have been told they should vote.
Nonvoters: Realize that none of the available candidates represent anyone but the corporations and superpacs that finance their careers and that voting is an exercise in futility.

The people that are voting for republicans are just those that are voting not all right wingers.

P.S. "right wing" is not synonymous with "republican"

what the fuck are you talking about, critical theory/frankfurt school of thought contradicts and is in conflict with marxist thought on fundamental levels

read a book, something not written by a hack like jordan peterson

It's spelled Caine, dumb shit.

>muh things removed
Literally 2 involved things getting changed, not removed, 1 being a generic pose and 1 being a few lines from a poem

>an evolution of traditional Marxist-Leninism
It's one fucking sentence and you can't even be arsed to read through it properly, stupid fucking nigger


Mam, I am very sorry I used the biblical spelling and forgot for a second to add an E.

You go girl, nice gotcha moment, sweetie.

all you had to do was copy and paste a url and you fucked it up?

>More like just 2
Pillars of Eternity

>Far Cry 5 having a black character (nothing else, literally just having a black character) because MUH SJWS
I personally never saw this happening (although I'm not saying it didn't) I did however see SJW's whining that not all the white people in the game were evil.
>>Soldier 76
Never saw this one either, in fact it seemed a bit odd in it's apparent absence since I saw a ton of coverage of people complaining about the complaints only for me to not ever see the complaints themselves.
Again it's possible it happened and I just didn't see it.

>anyone that wants to talk about video games and not politics on a video games boards is a newfag underage election tourist

>lol u posted a link wrong their for ur argument is invalidated

Fuck off discôrd trannie

>Should return

>Shouldn't return, but probably will

Doesn't avellone work for Microsoft now?

Cyberpunk doesn't mean everyone is a fucking vampire. Just learn to enjoy some sun already.

This is a retarded argument. The game was released in 2004 and in development for years. There wasn't even a refugee crisis to refer to, even opaquely. The game explicitly namedrops Bush and the Republicans, those are the only blatantly obvious modern political references, everything else is your gay head canon

>>Shouldn't return, but probably will
How the fuck would Therese or Jeanette return without stomping all over the choices made in the previous game?

>identity politics are an evolutionary stage of leninist thought
this is your brain on /pol/

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You can keep them both alive.

Dont forget Mafia 3, the treatment of the KKK in RDR2, WE WUZ assassins creed, and the TLOU2 kiss

I for one prefer keeping Therese alive only

>Should return
>Shouldn't return, but probably will

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epic bait

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are you one of those people who say malks are only lolrandom

must be

You recognize God and his creation accepting even someone as cursed as you has a role in his design
like the wolf that hides in the night, you act as a reminder of the horrors that stalk the sheep that walk away from the shepard

When he described the ornaments on the sarcophagus. He didn't preach about muh oppression.

>There wasn't even a refugee crisis to refer to, even opaquely.
what are mexicans, jim?

Whats the PC from bloodlines doing now? Hes a decently big deal by end game.

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is the bloom modded?
i don't remember VtMB having bloom

yeah, describing what Lamastu fangirls believed

>tell the world the truth about that zoophilic monster
>lose humanity
uncalled for, the fledgling did nothing wrong

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