ITT: Cursed images
keep it vidya
ITT: Cursed images
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Remember gamergate
What the fuck
I legit can't recognize half the people in this pic.
Gamergate gives me Weegee flashbacks for some reasons.
I don't recognize a single person.
can't believe moot sold out so hard during that, keks
cod sknaht
Kind of a weird dose this time doc, but thanks anyway.
W-what did you put in this dose, doc?
thanks doc
I honestly don't get it.
I don't feel so good
Uhh, I don't feel so good, doc.
Thank you so much doc, a much needed dose
Vivian has cute pits
Is this dose laced with angel dust?
doc this isn't weed
I can recognize Yea Forums at least, and I think the gray guy is that Sargon homo, but the rest is a blank.
What did you do to my dose doc?
I'm dying, doctor. I think I need a stronger dose.
well shit
Gracias, doc
>where are you working out?
>All /fit/ no Yea Forums
I try not to
but this picture literally healed me
I hate gearbox' style so fucking much
Gamergate is like that cringy teen phase of anyone's life that you just want to forget. Then you realize some people around your age actually never grew up from that.
Gamergate may have been demonized and vilified by the mainstream press, but its goals were achieved. Most websites now disclose their relationships to any developers and many also disclose how they got their copies of the games they are reviewing. So it's a bit of pic related.
Why did they have to ruin Vivian? She was our beautiful daughteru
3d but face is drawn
as always, the thread is instantly derailed with off topic falseflag bait and a bunch of idiots replying to it and not posting anything related to the thread
Literally who cares about any of that, why are you going to any of those sites?
Never skip leg day, guys. Not even once.
Saving this thread with a blessed picture.
very cursed image
Post the original, this ones modified to make them look semi ok.
>Gamergate may have been demonized and vilified by the mainstream press
Gamergate was vilified by other gamers because it was stupid. I don't know why GGers seem to think that they hold any kind of majority with their opinions and try to scapegoat their detractors by calling them 'shills' or saying that the 'mainstream media' is to blame. Some things are just fucking stupid and GG was one of them. Most people couldn't keep up with the he-said she-said drama and none of it really mattered anyway, at its core it was an internet argument that made neither side look good and turned out to be thinly-veiled political debate.
Most people who play videogames don't even look at who reviews their games. I've been playing games my whole life and not once cared, almost everyone else I know doesn't even read reviews and the ones that do skim through a handful of them to get the gist and the score and that's it.
What about this is different? It looks off for sure but I can't tell what's wrong.
mozarella pasta spaghetti sauce please
No "eyeshadow".
call me retarded all you want, but i literally barely know anything about gamergate. What the fuck happened?
The only thing i know is that it started by some bitch trying to get reviews for her game by fucking reviewers and i dont know the rest.
Was it like, 2014? i barely even scratched the thing and still dont know much.
i am literally also too lazy to google it and i prefer to ask in a post instead
OP said cursed not blessed
Fuck off, flabby.
>some things are just fucking stupid and GG was one of them
Hey look, a random idiot on the internet has an opinion! There wasn't much to track and if you couldn't keep up with it you're clearly a mouth-breathing fuckwad.
Dumb bitch fucks dude from review site who gives her game a good review. What's hard to track about that?
>Most people who play videogames don't even look at who reviews their games
[citation needed]
Good job on making a retarded post! You've improved the quality of this board.
Any other monkbros see this on the regular?
She looks fine, just give her eyelashes and she'd still be cute.
It was some shit about a reviewer getting fired because he got dumped by his girlfriend who was also working in the same place. She turned out to be a massive feminist so a bunch of MRAs got mad and tried to turn it into a thing so they could 'expose' her under the guise of 'journalistic integrity'.
In other words, dumb person does bad thing and it becomes a platform for political arguments by neckbeards. Literally just like threads you see on Yea Forums everyday.
I'm sure some GGer will come in and correct me about something I don't care about, but that pretty much sums up the whole 'movement'. Neckbeards trying to get you on their side by pulling every 'Appeal to ____' fallacy out of their hairy arseholes. They will try to shock, confuse, bully and troll you into agreeing with them and then call you a shill or SRS or whatever the new word is if you don't rise to it. Overall, not very interesting, not back then and not now either.
I was so fucking mad the first time this happened to me in San Andreas. Just... put SOMETHING there to represent the trees if you can't load the real ones fast enough.
thanks doc
Salty Dumped BF dumped a open letter calling his "Dev"GF a slut who had slept with a reviewer (maybe more), as it was verified that Reviewer indeed had a personal connection to the Ex-GF, the creator of a game he reviewed/shilled without stating it, People did not like this and suspected collusion not ony from indies but also larger companies and wanted transparency from writers, since the creator was a woman and the game free people accused people accusing of collusion of being Misogynists shooting out hitpieces on critics, this galvanized the opposition who saw that reaction as a confirmation they were trying to hide something.
Cue months of shitflinging and "digging" to what may or may not be tinfoil levels and Moot just getting tired of it all and selling the site, also people calling eachother sluts and "pissbaby" causing galvanization into political extremism as it was used as recruitment grounds ("See ECELEB/POLITICIAN s/he is against the manbabies/SJW vote/sub/donate for/to her/him because WOKE/BASED!).
Frankly it is was a non-issue, that could been resolved in a apology that spiraled out of control due both sides being bullheaded,.
How about this, I'll post a piece of a cursed image.
Exodia is old and busted to be honest.
>Most people who play videogames don't even look at who reviews their games
>[citation needed]
Approximately 211 Million people in America play videogames. is the biggest review site in terms of unique monthly hits and the highest figure I can find for that is 24 Million unique [global] hits per month (And that's the highest, not the average).
If you want to find a games review site that gets more than 105.5 Million hits from the United States alone then go ahead. You can place that request for a citation firmly back in your own court.
Bodoque is that you?
>gearbox still has statues of this fuck hanging around their offices
the worst part is they seem like they're proud of it
this is fucking nothing compared to moltres poop
Not as bad as this, this might not seem related to vidya right now but....
Please tell me those aren't real bones
It is this, a Sonic character.
I don't get it, when was the picture with moot on the boat taken? Doesn't it just mean they broke up and she's seeing someone else?
>hold the fuck up
>these people exist
They should be culled
Im not sure, the thread i got it some had some back and forth if it was or not, i'd wager not, but it is still creepy.
Here is another for the PC Master Race.
Why? I don't think he's hurting anyone. Being fucking weird does not equall a death sentence
>keep it vidya
Btw Mexicans are scared of hee hee going to them in the middle of the night and raping them. It’s basically their version of Bloody Mary
Danke, Doktor.
Gotta preserve the white race by killing whites.
I think Kenny is going to get that boat
You think that thing will ever reproduce?
A human being has had there remains condemned to being sculpted into a furry Sonic sex toy, for another mans sexual pleasures, I never thought I would ever type these words in this order in my entire life. Yep, Just an average day on Yea Forums.
>Gamergate makes me go into a frothing multiparagraph emotionally charged rant every time it's mentioned
>B-but I don't even care about it
Bet nobody knows that these block goomba things can be killed if you crouch under them when they try to stomp you, you don't even get damage, similar to how Bowser can't hurt you if you crouch. Not sure if this applies to the all stars version though.
oh no
well, looks like I climb the mountain again
can't wait to see how my old man reflexes handle it now
I'm not sure, but thinking will get us nowhere. Killing whites who don't live like me is the only way to make sure we sustain a majority over other races on this particular land mass. We need to increase those integers and a cull is the only way I can see that happening.
Thanks,doctor mario.
Probably not, it's a 3D model.
>So butthurt about people with different political beliefs you literally can't stop falseflagging and strawmanning for five seconds
Rent free.
thank u doc
dzięki doktorku
Still better than MGS4
could've done better
user are you ok
Who are you quoting
Well whoever it was meant for knows who they are.
>So butthurt about people with different political beliefs
He says, after wanting to kill someone for what they enjoy.
Not the same poster. Please follow the reply chain correctly next time okay?
play on pc retard
only journos and uncle tom cocksucker "gamers" would get so autistically butthurt whenever gg is mentioned. Go back to retardera to cry about how we just internet-raped you in this thread.
Doc, I don't feel so goo-
it still happens on pc, especially while flying the hydra
Thank doc
Who's the muscle mommy in the middle of the bottom right picture
That's not Dr. Mario, dummy. Dr. Mario has a lab coat and stethescope.
it bought mainstream politics into vidya
Not curses, definitely on his way to a perfectly normal party and trying to figure out the best way of transporting that many watermelons there.
He looks more disproportionate than a space marine.
Wait they ported metal gear survive to switch?
There's nothing wrong with Space Marines
Muchos Gracias Doc
So you're fine with the guy in that picture? No problem then, not meant for you.
I'd say a perfect run of fucking Christopher Robin is as blessed as it gets.
Based 31 Minutos poster.
He literally doesn't matter to me at all. Just like the furry buying the Splatoon(?) copy. And he's nowhere near as funny as JustinRPG with his love ballads.
>Snorlax actually standing
Absolute heresy.
I don't understand.
D-Doc this is weird
Thanks doc
Nice of the doctor to invite us over for daily dose, gay Luigi
doc im fucking dying where's my actual me
...Hahaha, I'm your brother, I'm sure you understand.
>211 Million people in America play videogames.
citation fucking needed
Good, I think your empathetic live and let live attitude is commendable, user.
no mario and luigi dont go there!
Isn't this from the video of the Krystal vote?
No, that video is it's own kind of curse.
oh, wow
They were in videogames before gamergate. Gamergate was partially a response to games becoming obviously politicised.
Ohh did I win..?
It doesn't look like people at all. Whomever made this pic is really stretching it
There's nothing wrong with supporting Gamergate.
The corruption in journalism part, I mean; the part Totalbiscuit was involved in. If you're a sexist incel, however, then stay out, and fuck you for tainting the message of a formerly good movement.
But it was always about incels sperging out from the very get-go.
Thanks doc