What killed this game genre? Racing, football, even fucking wrestling still get games but nobody gives two fucks about BMX, or skateboarding anymore.
The fuck happened?
The absolute state of extreme sports games
the people interested in those things actually went outside and did them
It's definitely not oversaturation, though there's only one series of popular wrestling and football games and at least racing can be diverse enough to handle multiple series
I wonder what it's like to be so good at something you basically become it's face, then that thing becomes less cool and/or someone else replaces you, and then you gradually get too old to even do this thing you love? I wonder if its worse to have no real passion like that (me) or to have to experience that horrible slow decline.
At least he made plenty of money by slapping his name on everything.
nobody ever gave a fuck about bmx and it's also not the 90s anymore so no one cares about skateboarding either since the only thing most people knew was tony hawk
I don't think he's depressed or anything, he's just laughing at these people
Because the companies that used to make those games (EA/Activision) aren't interested in games you can't monetize out of the ass anymore, and you can't really do that with a skate/BMX game.
FIFA probably makes EA more money with ultimate team in a day than a new Skate game would do in a month.
>too old
Dude is still shredding at 50
Yeah, not sure what he’s on about - look at Rodney Mullen.
sequel plox
I'm glad I saved up some THPS titles to play on a later date, just recently finished first one, felt great, went on to THUG and it was 10/10 game
still to beat project8 and proving grounds
I think it was oversaturation with the Tony Hawk's series. Activision insisted on yearly releases, so they just declined more and more.
Project 8 was the last one that felt fresh to me. That one with the shitty plastic skateboard peripheral was the nail in the coffin though, anything after that was just to grasp at the license a bit longer.
Also, Skate came out and did the whole thing better.
check out thug pro if you haven't
If it was oversaturation, then all the other sports games that have yearly releases would be suffering as well
What the fuck? Tony Hawk is 50?
Here in the bongland the whole skater fad died out about 15 years ago
FIFA and Madden at least have roster updates, there's only so much chopping and changing of prominent skaters you can do
This is the answer, like it or not. OP even answered his own question.
>nobody gives two fucks about BMX, or skateboarding anymore.
I doubt Tony would be making tweets like the one in the OP if he was legitimately self conscious about his decline in popularity.
the studios killed it themselves
Tony Hawk became garbage after American Wasteland and they have like 10 TH games after but all was shit
Skate was dropped by EA for some retarded reason
ikr, why can't it be 90s all over again
Extreme things in general were just a late 90s/early 00s fad. Look athow all of the snowboarding, bmx, etc. games have been gone for over a decade even extreme versions of regular sports like nfl and nba street are gone
Doing rad things is no longer glorified, it's instead demonized
I'm not strictly talking about now or even him. I was more considering the effect of age on pro athletes who do it due to passion rather than for money. It must especially suck getting old in that situation. At least with vidya as long your hands and eyes work you can at least play theoretically until you breath your last.