Doesn't care for 2D Mario

NSMB is shit, but this faggot doesn't even seem to be into the NES and SNES Mario games. Could he be any more of a worthless cunt?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Most of his videos will have a "I've never played it, I've heard good things about this series". Dude's a shit nintendo tuber, much less for the wider vidya audience.

I can't remember this guy ever saying a single substantial thing.

Arlo is based. He unironically makes great content

What do you think are some good points he made over the years?

He hates games with a goal marker. Across the Mario franchise only likes the three Sandbox 3D Mario and two Paper Mario games. So yes his opinion is worthless.

He tiptoes around criticism of Nintendo games like they're a mob boss. His passion is for his nostalgic Gamecube and Wii era. He's the safest YouTuber ever.

>"I wonder if Arlo is a shit nintendo youtuber?"

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Why doesn't he lie about what he plays? I'd pretend to have done most every Nintendo game if i were him

Instead i actually have, but i don't into YouTube, while he had a massive following...wtfffff?

>NSMB is shit
You're no better. The games are solid. 2 is lackluster, but U and Luigi U are top tier, up there with World and 3.

this video finally made it click to me why people worship Thoudand Year Door. They don't give a flying fuck about the RPG elements, the unique gameplay or the settings they just want their fucking donut steel OCs back (see MUH TOADS) and the edgy storylines.

Why the fuck do you guys discuss this fucking cumrag muppet so much?
Please do not laugh at this manchild. He has autism and words hurt him deeply. Thank you.

>You're no better.
t. BAH BAH apologist

New regressed the series more than any amount of sports and party spinoff solely by the fact that there were so many of them. "New" is THE definition of soulless.


nice retort. maybe if the entire game was like that we'd be solid. too bad the majority of the sub-franchise is the same copypaste bullshit.

Because it's hard to keep up multiple lies, while telling the truth won't have you running into dead-ends. One misstep and people will call you out on it if you are lying, so lying about the games you play is pretty stupid.

I don't think this guy actually plays video games.

I don't think anyone is saying that the style of the """"New"""" series isn't the blandest, most uninspired shit imaginable, but from a level design perspective SMB Wii and SMB U are really good. I do not love these games, far from it, but they are competently made.

>uses "soulless" seriously
>bitching about the entire game not looking artsy fartsy
This is the lowest common denominator right here. Even lower than the people NSMB panders to. I'm just thankful this isn't the target audience, or every game would be Epic Yarn. Boring as fuck, but nice to look at.

He straight up says "im not into x" and everyone always jumps in with "i cant believe he called x shit! SHIT!"

>they just want their fucking donut steel OCs back (see MUH TOADS) and the edgy storylines.

No kidding. I cant believe how anyone can call a bunch of characters with next to no development or arc who essentially don't exist in the narrative the second they join the party, interesting.

>but from a level design perspective SMB Wii and SMB U are really good.

are you fucking serious? have you try soloing it? it's fairly obvious that those and the subsequent 3D World were built with multiplayer in mind and the wide open spaces you call "good level design" are proof of that.

Reminder that at one point this kiddie muppet knockoff became Yea Forumss spokesperson.

> don't give a flying fuck about the RPG elements
I'd be a lot more excited about new armors with unique effects if I weren't literally always buying/equipping them for the slightly better defense value and nothing else. There's only like three endgame builds in any given M&L game.
> unique gameplay
I'm sorry, am I supposed to enjoy increasingly complex and cinematic bros. attacks that I have to execute perfectly like twenty times per boss battle and never use otherwise?
> settings
Are you implying that any Paper Mario past Super had unique settings? How fucking dumb can you be?

> They just want their fucking donut steel OCs back
You mean... the sole source of any flavor other than "vaguely inoffensive, pretending-to-be-snarky tool partner"?
What part of TTYD was "edgy"?

now keep in mind I still Sticker Star is a blotch on the franchise but not for the reason the wanking socking wants you to think. It was shallow as fuck, battles were deemed obsolete except for boss battles, said battles were boring as fuck and the final boss still stands of one of the worst in nintendo and Nintendo has a bunch of final boss stinkers under their belt.

>What part of TTYD was "edgy"?

Chapter 3

>You mean... the sole source of any flavor other than "vaguely inoffensive, pretending-to-be-snarky tool partner"?

The question is, what is he into? Why is he making a youtube channel about video games if he barely has an opinion on any of them, and his opinion on those he does like is just shallow rephrasings of "I like this"?

100%ed the Wii game back in the day, and played a bit of the U one. Yes, they have good level design. The levels have a good grasp on pacing, where they introduce stage gimmicks in save environments, then escalate them into more and more complex situations, with some interludes, and then ramp it up for a "great finale" before coming up with a new idea for the next stage. That's essentially the entire identity these games have. Not all of these stage gimmicks are good, of course, but honestly, most of them are, or are used in a good way a few times in their respective level.

Just curious, what platformers do you generally like?

>Are you implying that any Paper Mario past Super had unique settings?

Not him but Color Splash had more new settings for the series than TTYD had settings.

>You mean... the sole source of any flavor other than "vaguely inoffensive, pretending-to-be-snarky tool partner"?

I believe you may have yourself mixed up there because inoffensive best describes the posse of lickspittlles that follow Mario around in the first two games.


your nostalgia is blinding you. they were one note memes that only existed as tools to solve problems. they were not enthralling characters. toads aren't much better but let's not pretend they were integral to the franchise. Sticker Star was shit but they served the same purpose as partners did and served the same purposes. Solutions to progressing the plot.

>where they introduce stage gimmicks in save environments, then escalate them into more and more complex situations, with some interludes, and then ramp it up for a "great finale" before coming up with a new idea for the next stage

congratulations you just described every half competant platformer in the history of ever.

Seething star allies fan

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Yeah, like I said, the games are competent, glad we agree.

my point was numbnuts that it wasn't special that mario did at that point in time. New was super super playing it safe and there was a reason why fans of old were tired of them from the word go. You might be younger and for that I do not blame you but do yourself a favor and just play more games.

user, I too grew up with the NES and SNES Marios. And yes, I never said they are special or taking risks in any way. But that does not take away from them being good games that are fun to play.

What platformers do you recommend that have a similar design style though? Especially from the timeframe of the late 2000s.

how the fuck did this worthless sack of shit get so popular? are nintendo babies really this bad? They need their news fed to them like children?

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My dude, are you trying to shit on the glitz pit?
Yeah, they don't do much for the plot, but they spice up combat with legitimately unique moves and combat attributes.
Color splash had no new settings. We've already had beaches, mountains, grasslands, "oh look it's retro how unique", train depots, crystalline caves, bowser's castle, and whatever the fuck else you're trying to call unique. Maybe a few of them had somewhat unique flavorful set pieces, but the whole didn't feel very new at all. I'll give it points for the old-style coliseum, though.
Contrast this with TTYD's "literal crime-infested shithole slum town", "mystic forest that has absolutely no green or purple", "town that lives and dies on its unique art style and vaguely depressed citizens", "knockoff hollywood complete with gladiatorial combat"... the list goes on.
> inoffensive best describes the posse of lickspittles that follow Mario around in the first two games.
You're telling me Huey rocks the boat more than Vivian or Bobbery? What the fuck are you smoking?
They weren't enthralling, you're right, but don't you dare pretend toads are better than characters you can at least identify on appearance.
If your entire species' only gag is "hey we all look the same! Don't you remember me? I'm toad #532!" that makes them worth as much as one or two partners, tops.

There aren't that many then. Super Mario Maker alone proves that designers seem to always forget this very basic structure of level design. The difficulty in those levels are all over the place. Hell even mine aren't as carefully crafted as Nintendo's. Say what you will about them being safe and on the easy side; they can still design levels better than any of us.

>'I'm not into Kirby'
>'I'm not into Splatoon'
>'I'm not into Smash'
>'I'm not into Mario games'
>'I'm not into 'x''
>anytime he plays a new game in a franchise he says he hasn't played one of their games in over a decade
>doesn't even like video games all that much
>only ever enjoys Pikmin
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

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He only became a "gaming" channel when he roasted Nintendo and realized he could make money doing it

But it looks like he just uploaded a video praising smm2

>"Edgy story lines"

TTYD is the opposite of edgy.

>You're telling me Huey rocks the boat more than Vivian or Bobbery? What the fuck are you smoking?

Huey has every scene designed with him in mind and even makes fun or complains at Mario. He looks like Bender from Futurama next to the duds from TTYD. With a few exceptions most of the partners dialogue is a canned text that the NPCs react the same way too. There's legitimately Toads (such as the Pirate Captain) that have more of a character arc than those non-characters. The generic toads have wittier dialogue.

>Maybe a few of them had somewhat unique flavorful set pieces,

Most of them have excellent design that combines the visuals and unique mechanics within the level. In TTYD the "levels" are little more than a pretty backdrop. Outside the Tree functionally they may as well have all been the same level since they tended to recycle puzzles.

> Huey has every scene designed with him in mind and even makes fun or complains at Mario.
Every partner has this within the chapter they're introduced, you fucking retard.
Partners are still more interesting than Huey by virtue of actually doing something outside of dialog.

> visuals and unique mechanics within the level.
I'm sorry, I must've missed the part where you mentioned the unique visuals and concepts. Oh, did it not have any? Paper Mario is not a puzzle game or a platformer, it's an RPG. They still did an admirable job with the puzzles for the limited toolset you had outside of fights.

World was worse than 3 and a clear downgrade in both aesthetics and gameplay. NSMBU is way better than World and at least tried to vary it's level aesthetics despite the clean art style.

>this random youtuber has a different opinion from me
>"I know what i'll do! I'll go onto Fourchannel dot org's vee board and make an eceleb thread about him! That'll validate my insecurities over vidya!"

He has unique gimmick that catch the attention to get clicks, that's it.

Nintendofags actually seem to hate him since even when he praises series he does it in ways they dislike that showcase he isn't actually a fan (seen several different fanbases claim this).

Still waiting for a reply for this one:
>What platformers do you recommend that have a similar design style though? Especially from the timeframe of the late 2000s.

That’s not WatchMojo

I stopped watching his videos because he doesn't seem to know shit about even basic video game shit. Like, during the Direct in February, he didn't even know that Dragon Quest was popular in Japan, let alone one of the cultural titans of the country. That was the point i stopped. I thought the puppet was going to add to the videos, but instead it's a crutch. Without it, the channel wouldn't survive.

The problem is that he seems to only be into Pikmin and Zelda, and it's, like, what kind of substantial opinion can you possibly have when your tastes are so limited?

Would you trust a film critic if the only movies he likes are The Godfather and Monster's Inc?

why are you mad about a puppet hes not even real