Will you be getting her game, Yea Forums

Will you be getting her game, Yea Forums

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Of course, Halo is an outstanding game franchise

I swear this is how art will be in a year
eventually 'profile' images won't be possible any more because the women will be so wide

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Is her penis blue too?

When are we gonna come up with a name for the figure in between thicc and chubby?

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its called high test

I would honestly get a boiner and cum in my pants the moment she walks in the same room as me


No but I will get pic related's game.

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fuck yeah, playing mp and coop Halo 3 is one of the best memories i have of the 360.

After thicc it’s all fat

Extra thicc?

perfect body type

Attached: perfectfemaleform.webm (640x640, 333K)

2 > 3 > 2A > 4 > 1/1A cortana. Stockholm Syndrome 343i fags need not apply.

4:3 women when

no, because nothing indicates that the gameplay moved away from the shit that it has been since its release

Those are some awful stretch marks

No, I'm buying HER game.

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Built for black cock.

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I already own all her games but yeah, i will

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s-sauce ?

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Fuck off, cuck.

gonna need that source bro

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man, I wasn't gonna fap tonight.

This, I already have Halo CE-4, all I need is Halo 5 and Infinite which I plan to get when I get an Xbox Scarlett Anaconda next year.

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Fucking re-tweet my negro.

>perfect body type
only with the dress on because you can't see all her fat and wide waist

>Implying I'd care
Fat goes with fat my guy.

perfect for back cocks

Only if you post feet!

>Fat goes with fat my guy
too bad it only matter when fat is pushed into places that matter meaning only ass, thighs, and tits. having a fridge waist is the opposite of perfect body

Same here except I don't think I'll be buying 5 and I'll probably buy infininte on PC.

She's perfect

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ass too big

Quasi-nigger's taste

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>Breast ptosis

Incorrect, this is

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I never understood why they gave her toes and a bellybutton

thubby? mcfurry?

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brick shit house

i'm not too worried about body type as long as girls aren't 300 pounds, go to the gym, and have good personalities. it's really not hard to wear a somewhat fashionable haircut and well fitting clothes, with an easy going personality and a quick smile. online dating has made me jaded as fuck

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I'm mainly getting Halo 5 for the important parts, Chief's side of things, dealing with Cortana claiming the Mantle, and the Genesis Intel since while I don't see it being important to Infinite, I do see Bastion being important in the future of the mainline series, I also can see the Absolute Records being important to the series future as well but under the Master Chief this time. The only important thing to come from Locke's side is the rise of Sali Nyon and that's it.

Only when they announce a release date.

no Halo wouldn't be fun with a mouse

>Consistently wearing tight cloths to the point where you have red lines like that
Jesus that cannot be comfortable. Why do that to yourself?

Sauce me brother before I die. None of my image searches yielded anything.

welcome to being a girl

Yeah, I suppose if I want to learn about the tory for Infininte I'll have to expose myself to that weapons grade waste. I really do not want to give them money for that game though

The only reasons you could like that are
>You're a nigger
>You're as fat, if not fatter
>Are The Architect

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Vivian blush.

the female form is a canvas

I'd hit that and then feel bad afterwards.

unironic question, how the fuck do you even get hard for a girl like that? do you just feel super comfortable and you're like "eh why not" or what?

Americans are disgusting people.


Not him but if I feel those tits and ass on my hands I can absolutely destroy that 100%. And I would.

for me

Cortana, Bing "Cortana nude ass"

I need all the Cortana wallpapers you have. The sluttier the better.

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Ah I see you're a man of culture as well

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Or better yet: don't be fat and go to the gym to train the muscles in those areas.

>This is how Halsey looked whe she was young.

Damn Keyes was lucky bastard

Not very slutty but still welcome

>Could have been a good thread
>Retards make it about 3DPD
It's so tiresome.

Have sex

I'd rather not.

M-M O M M Y !


That's my hammer you white honky nigger

I was expecting a anorexic skeleton desu
You let me down

More like you are unable without getting a prostitute, which is why you have that 3dpd mindset kek.

That's a lot of projecting. Are you having a bad day? Need to get something off your chest?


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Only difference is that SJWs like flatso's girls who are fat and flat

Is it weird that i find her face to be the most appealing feature
i'm so lonely

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you need to appeal to every degenerate

Imma give your ashy Irish ass a five second head-start...

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Would you a war criminal, Yea Forums?

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I would

No? Why would you think I'm projecting? That's just what I've found from anons who scream 3dpd. Usually they don't have access so they cry 3dpd. If it doesn't apply to you, fair game.

You don't see me saying "2DPD" despite the same lack of ability to have sex with 2D girls.
Your conclusion is flawed to say the least.

of course

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False equivalency, considering the major differences between the two. 2D is generally for people who are lonely so they use imaginary girlfriends as an outlet for their needs. Said people usually react negatively when others discuss 3d. I wouldn't call this a flawed conclusion considering the site we are on.

Dummy Thicc?

>2D is generally for people who are lonely so they use imaginary girlfriends for an outlet for their needs
Again with the projecting assumptions, and even a contradiction with an eariler post. You're on a roll here.


She's pretty cute for a fat girl.

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Nice. Not a single argument in defence and too busy crying "No you". Amazing. Great job.

I mean sure, but that doesn't change the fact I am currently a fat dude who likes fat chicks.


>I am currently fat
Just look up fasting and start doing it. I fasted for 10 days ( was drinking water with added salts during it ) and went from 88kg to 79kg. Sure some of it was water weight but it was a year ago and I've been floating around 75kg ever since.
Really, do some research. It's hella healthy too.
>I like fat chicks
Sadly there is no cure for this