S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 website got updated

New piece of art and music track on site. From their FB page.
>Hello, friends!
>Do you like our update on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 website - stalker2.com/?
>There is a lot of interesting things ahead - we will tell the latest news, rejoice you with exciting contests and, of course, talk about our games.
>Join, Stalker! And you will not stay without artifacts.

Also they set up new Twitter account twitter.com/stalker_thegame

Attached: stalker2_art_uhd.jpg (3840x2160, 1.6M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Same devs?

In name only

After Bloodlines 2, I'm afraid of sequels.

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post yfw IT BEGINS

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neck yourself.
All stalker games have had wildly different teams.

The dev team for like evey single S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has been different though

That's why CoP and clear sky are subpar

Hang yourself poltard

I'm trying to keep my expectations low, but I hope it turns out well.



So sergei finally hired one concept artist?

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What ?

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Interesting how the links for previous games only show Steam.

are you from the future?

we are going home bros

I wonder which will come out first, Stalker 2 or Anomaly 1.5

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OOGGA BOOGA BOOGA hahaha get it cus boogeyman?!?!?

Sure retard play dumb

Yeah i bet you have good reasons to hate bloodlines 2

Bloodlines 2 isn’t even out yet

gsc better not fuck it up/cancel it/fill it up with hohol anti vatnik propaganda

Hang yourself leftytranny


Or you just play the 1.5 beta right now

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Never comes out


So they're keeping old sarcophagus?

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>playing coc missouri merges
Yikes! Play OLR like the real niggas.

Considering how triggered some people get when some mods add female stalkers, I can't imagine the shitstorm if gsc does it as well.

It'll come out when Bannerlord does


Why wouldn't they? The second disaster in the games happened way before the real place got covered up.

I'll only play OLR when someone vastly overhaul the hud/graphics/weapons and hand models

I dunno, they could consider to update it to reflect real life.

It's not even about /pol/, forced bullshit should not be condoned regardless of whose doing it unless you're a retard who enjoys being fed propaganda. I hope Bloodlines 2 doesn't fall to this but every sign points to it.

I really fucking want this to be good bros

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No, but they are using V5 ruleset and world building, change most of the interesting mechanics, toned on disciplines, changed important parts of the clans, for example, Tremere rebelling against the pyramid, all elders and the sabbath moved to middle east, Lasombra is basically useless, old version was basically Jackie, now you can see in the dark, India still standing, Camarilla now accepts thinbloods, Gehenna is basically a ciclycal vampire war rather than papa vamps waking up hungry and causing the apocalypse, but, one good thing happened, the second inquisition, governments decided to crack down on vampires across the world.
Caine was the taxi driver.

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Epic games exclusive

New STALKER info and new Rammstein on the same day? Gods be praised!

great timing

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>I hope Bloodlines 2 doesn't fall to this but every sign points to it.
Not really. The biggest red flags are the pronouns selection and the senior writer. Mitsoda and Shaffer both being back is a good sign, and the devs have made it clear that getting Bloodlines 2 to feel like 1 was the priority. Their mention of active politicking in the games refers to the politics surrounding Kindred society and how they deal with rising technology. This thing could go either way, and how people hyperbolically declare the game shit, instead of having a balanced stance, irks me something fierce

Considering that the game takes place after Bloodlines, it's probably going to use the same lore as originally

we're going home bros

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>join the discord
>people are greentexting out of context
>people greentexting/quoting outside of imageboards in general

Literally why

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CoM is the only mod that exists that can actually pose a challenge to me anymore, anything else and my hobo stage lasts 2 hours tops


Retarded age restriction

>join the discord
you deserve to be called a subhuman for doing that in the first place


Thread theme (like there was ever any doubt)

>join discord

Greentexting allows to convey deeper emotions that wouldn't come across in text based communication. It is the closest thing there is to a sarcasm button or something similar.
I hate the jews
>I hate the jews

One of the book writers confirmed V5 was in development along side Bloodlines2, and White Wolf is quite autistic when comes plot, everything must be part of the books.

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white wolf doesnt handle the IP anymore god dammit. It got revoked by Paradox!


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>One of the book writers confirmed V5 was in development along side Bloodlines2
I understand this, but they can't really fuck with the lore too much if it's going to fit in with 1.
>and White Wolf is quite autistic when comes plot, everything must be part of the books.
White Wolf means nothing. Paradox will have the final say

Thread theme


Until I get a confirmation that Bloodlines 2 is following their own canon, I will not get my hopes up.

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>Law fags
The Zone is no place for you

The Zone must be controlled and destroyed.

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it's a direct sequel to the previous game and all of that happened atleast.

Discords are the quickest way of getting to see dev feedback though
just mute the chat lmfao

Vaporware or scam. Not sure what is better.


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>buy COP after watching some random meme upload of a controller trolling someone so they couldn't leave the Jupiter train station by some Dark Souls YT'er
>went in totally blind
>ended up putting 90 hours into vanilla COP alone
I'm excited lads

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damn, that looks fucking rad

Speaking of COP, gunslinger when?

>Forcing what you believe to be bettterment on everyone instead of allowing people to live how they wish and create their own happiness

maybe in few decades

who holds the barrier? Not fucking Duty that's for sure.

Duty sits on their ass at the bar while Freedom does literally all of the work.

>Freedom actively protects the zone from Monolith incursions
>first line of defence while also having to deal with Duty
Yeah, what a bunch of faggots




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Hey they akchually made poster. Maybe they will start developing game after all

olr 3.0

>ill only play olr when you take out the entire factor that makes it unique - aka the 2002 atmosphere and graphics
cringe, neck yourself

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>mention pol
>a million retards come out of the woodwork
Just give up you obnoxious losers, you'll never change or accomplish anything

Who cares? Borderlands 3 JUST got announced.

Consider suicide, Randy.

nice bait

Attached: 1539532778067.png (454x434, 10K)

who cares? Borderlands sucks.

Put Loners in front of Duty and Clear Sky in front of Ecologists and then it's 100% accurate.

>goes up at the same time as Randy's magic show

>all these SEETHING freedom cucks
Go fuck a bloodsucker.

best day of 2019. Memlands3+ror2+stalker2, of fuck

go jerk off a Colonel.

>duty cant even get rid of a pack of dogs on their yard


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I want to believe. I remember when it was first announced and they showed off screenshots, I thought "Man, I can't wait to have a computer that can run that!"

Now, I have a computer that can run it, and it's still not out. Go figure.

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>NATO weapons
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

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>Freedom are the ones watching the barrier to keep monolith out in SoC
>In CS it's literally just a bunch of based as fuck Loners holding the line
Fuck, I can't believe I fell for Duty bullshit or that didn't hit me till now. The fucking stoners are doing more to protect the zone then them. They aren't wrong in the zone being a threat to mankind though, but even clear sky has done more then those cucks to actually stop it.

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what this?

what's this? looks interesting

>freedom holds the line
>immediately after turning off brain snorker duty and military fags invade

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Attached: Man_that_was_a_bad_raid.webm (640x480, 2.82M)

Fan shortmovie on mod f.o.t.o.g.r.a.p.h

>even Clear Sky
You implying they didn't do much shit to prevent it?
If so, then you are wrong.

и eщё бoльшe пopeзaнных фич

Stalker truths
Best faction: Clear sky
Best game: CoP
Best mod: Vanilla

The fact that the world hasn’t ended and thinbloods have powers as evident in the trailer means they are using the new lore, it’s V5

Senpai shortmovie

now THAT'S what I call a controller

Attached: 1553764462390.png (283x308, 168K)

yes, but the devs confirmed that all the events of bloodlines 1 still happened and it's a direct sequel.

>download olr
>can't drop off the decoy box anywhere and getting the military documents doesn't update the quest
>first mission softlocks
Nice mod faggots.

vanilla a-life is so boring now

>whats a restart
also youre supposed to just pick up the docs for XA6A

>Bloodsucker after bloodsucking STALKER with 5 vodkas in him

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based and oblivion lost pilled

Attached: AKMSold.jpg (1024x768, 113K)

>and thinbloods have powers
Haven't they always had powers?

its faster than doing 2x"

Fuck, your right, my bad. I agree with the idea of duty to stop the zone but those faggots are too busy talking military dick to actually do anything to stop it. I tend to be friendly to freedom but never actually join up with them.

Attached: stalker_leaves_the_swamp_____by_bobrbor-d7g8gvl.jpg (799x999, 158K)

very based


Why would they? Real life is not STALKER.

I hope some of those ideas will stay.

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Why though?
Its not like someone is going to go into the hardly accessible center of the radioactive, dangerous exclusion and build a new sarcophagus that would take years to build?
i dont like this, stalkers mutants were always supposed to be humanoid prisoners, zombies who underwent exposure to radiation and mutated animals, not walking trees

it's creepy as fuck though.

Someone was a fan of trees it seems

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This one is my favorite

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>mfw it will be a watered down console shooter

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*blocks your path*

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How will SJWs ruin Stalker 2?

>Caine was the taxi driver.
is that a problem
i thought it was pretty clear it was him


>yfw it has denuvo and epic store exclusivity

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what did he bring?

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Is that a remix of the SoC menu theme?

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>Being able to afford denuvo


Attached: PEPSIMAN.jpg (596x460, 78K)

They don't seem similar at all.

Came here to post this very pic, I can't wait to utterly shit my pants the moment I see one of those.

Based and ammopilled.

isn't the same artifact found in monolith HQ?

You can hear the strings of the SoC main menu music spliced into the song.

Not a full remix but it definitely uses parts of the SoC menu theme.

is bALL

Fortnite and China money will help them with that, of course.

Never thought I'd see the day.

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>a fresh new vanilla stalker game just waiting for its bugs to be explored, patched, and modded
it's like stalkers going into the zone for the first time again

Epic game store exclusive

Looks like goldfish artifact.

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I seem to recall there was some creepy description of their behavior but I don't know if it was an official thing.

Yikes, my dude.

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I'm secretly hoping, they'll make it in proprietary engine, rather than in Unreal
I unironically would not mind if they made it in X-Ray


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They shoud just properly open source x-ray at this point. The sources were leaked years ago.

Lad. They're fucking mutants. Having a mutant turn into one of those bugs that blends in with leaves isn't far fetched.

>expecting anything other than an open world crafting survival game with Far Cry outposts
It's going to have a console release

I dont think that even the zone couldnt evolve someone to the point that they can turn into trees so fast

>not enjoying both



I'm very optimistic, but fact that they're going to use a different engine makes me a little bit concerned. Everything about the engine that made stalker great has to be reworked into another engine, which might prove difficult (i mean, imagine stalker with metro 2033 shooting feel). Too much polish could ruin the game, imagine stalker cop with carefully scripted encounters instead of (more or less janky and unpredictable) alive stuff. And modders won't be able to start working on their shit right on release, that's bad too. Then again, they couldn't release stalker 2 on x-ray technology nowadays, it just wouldn't sell. Making this kind of a sequel sounds like a terribly difficult job.

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Imagine them stalking stalkers in the deep woods, peering around real trees to watch them and waiting until night falls to drag loners away.
Imagine turning around at one point and seeing one of those lanky motherfuckers either sprinting after you or trying to go rigid and disguise itself.
"Has there always been a tree there?"
"Did that tree just move?"
"Wow, this tree sure looks weird, must have been shaped by an anom--"

I miss it Yea Forumsros

Wouldn't fit in the lore
Military don't last long in the zone

>build 1114 was made little over 17 years ago
>it released over 14 years ago
What the fuck

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Tbh CoP already felt fairly scripted. A lot of main missions were creative and interesting but a lot more scripted than the previous entries. So it depends entirely on whether they try to model Stalker 2 more on SoC or CoP. We'll see.

Imagine shared, semi-public, open developement, mby commision/competition based
>all those turbo-autism driven Russian modders uniting to make the greatest game ever under the direction of GSC
My fuckin' pants man
Basically what I'm afraid
It's like trying to make Call of Duty outside of that transmorphed, heavily modified Quake engine. It just wouldn't feel the same
Though maybe they can nail it, who knows

I'm 99% that's what this'll be

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I'm confident it won't be.

But user, we've already gone through that hell

holy shit, that image is 100% right

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how can you compare anomaly and olr

Come on just say it straight to me everyone

Which is the best mod out there ??
Id say anomaly but i played only Coc and Dead Air

A-Life is going to be a real bitch to implement again. There are very few people in the industry who know how to write good AI and the original creator of A-Life left the company. I probably won't buy the game if the AI is shit.

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>a super strong female kills the head of all factions and makes the zone disappear with the power of her estrogen. Her nickname is the 'controller' because the merest hint of pussy turns all male stalkers into zombies

SEETHING CoCk player

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Depends on what you're looking for. If you're talking about freeplay mods I'd say Anomaly. Only recently picked it up but really enjoyed it. Progression isn't as quick as vanilla CoCk where you can become OP within an hour while it also doesn't go all out with stupid autism shit like in Last Day. It's a nice balance and the 64bit engine is nice. Haven't played Dead Air so can't comment. Original DMM:AE for SoC was also a lot of fun while not being bloated.

i smell sergei from this shit. I dont trust until i see some reviews out there. Until then i will get metro exodus on steam

>game that takes place in an alternate reality should change to reflect real life

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Just copypaste the code over, dude lmao

who else /freedom/ here?

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COP felt really empty outside of the missions. The number of crazy encounters you had were tiny compared to the previous games. Mods help it a little but it's not the same.

but will it feature HIM?

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Shit I was never into stalker but I remember the memes here and stalker posts every fucking day. Twas great

>playing unfinished games
I hope you don't do this

how do fr*edom fags get the ganja? do they grow it in the zone or do they smuggle it inside the zone?

outside of a little polish, olr is playable from start to finish

retard, I never go there, but if you like videogame and still don't boycott sjw shit on sight, you're worse than a cuck.

CoP felt really like it was more of a zone themed amusement park than the zone.
Add to that the bandits being neutral, mercs being neutral and its pretty fucking boring

I agree. Loved the atmosphere and music of the maps but it definitely felt barren at times. Especially Pripyat areas which were just empty.

SoC was bustling. Maybe because each map was small and had clear main roads linking inhabited areas.

of course they grow it in the zone.
i would try chernobyl kush in a heartbeat, wouldnt you?

kill yourself you fucking faggot holy shit

Duty are dumb cunts who can't enforce their own rules and are built upon a fraud
Freedom > Duty forever

Both, probably

Nah, I'd be afraid it would mess with your mind, giving you nightmares and visions.

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>12 years later
>still mad

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What the fuck is his deal?

doody shitters go home

Attached: 1550365434152.jpg (589x95, 22K)

1 year later
>here is a wallpaper I made I hope you like it :)

Haven't played in a while. What are some good graphic mods?

he just wants to control you

Is Anomaly the survival simulator one?

i just hope there's mods. they're whats kept the previous games alive

Cant wait for 2027 to play it on my eye lenses


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I wonder what kind of dank ass zone hallucinogens freedom has cooked up

>freedumbs actually protect the people from endless waves of mutants and monolith exoskeletons
>all high rankings stalkers are either freedom neutral or mercs
>dutards bully rookies at the garbage, keep disturbing everyone at rostok and get captured by fucking bandits

>he doesn't bone the most dangerous mutants in the zone in order to establish his alpha male status
how low is your test

>zoophiles and also necrophiliacs

is this what "freedom" does to a person?

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
Yup I think we're making western gaming great again

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epic bro :)

have an upboat

>This is your brain on freedom

Attached: PPYPv5iaXi4U2bsy7nJkfgDV7M3fx-6mPJ0zhOWdXW4.jpg (960x720, 195K)

>clear sky
>losing against ragtag slavs with rusty aks and old shotguns
>get carried by a badass merc
>fight towards the reactor
>blow up in a emission and get your soldiers brainwashed
>absolutely btfo in less than a week
>your only job was to research the zone
why the fuck are clear sky so goddamn lame yet have the best aesthetics

Attached: clearskyexo.jpg (339x871, 46K)

shut up /pol/


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how can women even compete

Hope they are using a different engine cuz xray fucking sucks

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>Borderlands 3 get announced
>Risk of rain 2 realeses
>Stalker 2 is not dead
>exam got pushed a week
What a nice day

they have their own account registration for Cossacks 3 though

>photoshopped a plastic airsoft "gas mask" on a face
>piece of art
This is the first google result for "airsoft gas mask" by the way, this artist really put some work in.

Attached: GS1006BLK.jpg (1000x1000, 189K)

Because first they are scientists, second they are stalkers and third...they are soldiers.

>Pathologic 2 release date announced
Where is the catch of this day?

Show gameplay and maybe it'll be worth checking.

It has some differences to the art though

>only reason that duty is in yanov is because a bunch of chad freedomers let them in during an emission so they wont get fried

and who fucking cares?

>Muh /pol/ boogeyman

They did so to enjoy getting bum-fucked by domineering chads of Dolga cuz Free-do-me are soddy sub pooftas

I thought that too, I hope STALKER 2 keeps the PBF's. I don't want it to go Metro with the lame as fictional ones that don't even make sense.

Attached: 1544454632113.jpg (659x1024, 110K)

>gas masks look alike
holy shit! what a rip off


I haven't played stalker in a while, what's this anomaly thing?

coc+misery+a bunch of coc addons
so coc

I can already see how this would work, it basically camouflages with the trees and then appears behind you slashing with its limbs, and from that point on you'll never be around trees and feel safe ever again

why contain it, its cool

>literally preferring corridor shooter STALKER

Oh, i never really liked CoC.

Call of Chernobyl with Misery stuff features but without the meme difficulty, actually fun AI and a 64bit engine (that still run like shit)

You got it mixed around, Zulu was with Duty

>Game: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle
>Game 2

Attached: 65663774_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x800, 546K)

Never mind, I wasn't remembering things correctly.

Attached: 1525240784797.jpg (533x468, 154K)

what is worse name CD project red or GSC Game World?

>Game: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle
>10 year gap
>Game 2
It make sense

CoC was shit
SoC is best

Attached: 1526424196286.png (878x900, 352K)

>what is mirc
Fuck off newfag

>western modders only caring about muh bits for their engine changes
>while slavic BVLLS add an opengl renderer and port it to linux

Attached: 1538808950375.jpg (500x500, 115K)

*shoots you with muh nugget*

Attached: 1483866447413.jpg (1200x887, 634K)

>book name
>film name
>F.I.L.M N.A.M.E.
>F.I.L.M N.A.M.E.: Subtitle
>F.I.L.M N.A.M.E.: Subtitle
>F.I.L.M N.A.M.E.: Subtitle
>F.I.L.M N.A.M.E. 2

>implying discordfags even know what that is

Its b8 for investor sheleks from eastern slavs. I dont believe that they wrote even a single line of code by now.

>stalker 2 comes out
>battle royale mode
>multi-player focused
>10 hour long story mode
>60 dollars
>epic store exclusive

Attached: 1540291953036.jpg (800x600, 153K)

>implying there's more than 1 person in the "studio"

back to /sg/ with you

You're now aware that they'll build the game for consoles as well. Meaning casual difficulty and no reading because it will remind normalfags of VNs which trigger them

fucking LOSS

>for consoles as well

dont remind me

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Seems like around 11 weapons are still waiting to be completed


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Not enough bandages in the zone to stop this bleeding

kill yourself

Every once in a while, I search for r34 of female bloodsuckers and just ... imagine

I tried to play SoC, and stopped just after killing my way through the military base. The game turned into dumb and unenjoyable murderfest at this point, the enemies breed like rabbits, and the bodies-sown landscape in particular spots was almost Drakengard-ian. I could get into Caim's mind, not so much the Marked One's. But I do enjoy that he isn't much at all like common fps protagonist, he's slavic ugly, aging and balding.

Attached: 33-abeginning45haha.jpg (640x480, 51K)

>how do you do fellow Yea Forumsirgins?

Is there any VR mod/support for STALKER? It would be amazing I bet.


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What do you want to see in Stalker 2?

I want to see the further continuation of the whole noosphere/biosphere symbiosis.
The concept art for S2 already teased at this with walking trees and parasitic pigs, but I want shit like completely anomalous buildings and areas, that become zoetic when you enter them, where the seasons change over the course of days, where the world geometry changes in subtle yet unsettling ways, and where time and space seem to stand still (maybe utilize some non-euclidean level design youtube.com/watch?v=_xFbRecjKQA), instead of just "spooky building/tunnel with some dangerous moss and mutants in them". The Zone would get progressively more alien and surreal as the game goes on.

Oh, and a complete rework of the AI system so it's closer to the original, more ambitious vision GSC had for ALife.

And more AKs

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In the russian community it's well established CS and CoP are more like expansions to the first, even if they're standalone. Besides, the time gap is massive.

>This fag really believes that this "game" will come out and totally isnt a money scam.

Attached: 1552089983001.jpg (950x633, 102K)

that's neat

What's the music? It sounds like it's straight from the originals, but I can't quite place it.

It's a remix of the SoC menu theme

what did you mean by "this fag"?

Idlib when?

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It has female stalkers and that's about it. I can't see slavs getting influenced by sjws much.

Why is Soul/Souless only ever used as
>Thing I don'l like/new graphics bad
>Thing I do like/old graphics good

Depend on the slavs.

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That would be awesome. I know everyone wants what they love, but games have come a long way since the originals. Why not the mood of the originals but with more stuff? I'm not gonna get my hopes up, though.

>Both games end up as casualized console trash

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think ill start another playthrough of SoC. whate overhaul should i play this time

>"bonjour, marked one"

Fake news and r*ssian propaganda, OUN would beat that fags to death.

Also I'm on the fence about VTMB2 until more info/game is actually out.

>tfw nothing can recapture the feeling of entering Agroprom underground for the first time

I thought it was a loner place and they just decided "fuck it, lets just not shoot each other for now." Sure Hawaiian is obviously a freedom lover but still.

scared shitless for the first time
i miss that feel

Believe what want you want or what you see.

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It's one of them. The 1.5 beta has 3 questlines to follow, including one where Strelok comes back to the zone and you have to find him.

Why is a gay couple infront of two straight couples?

Those in control of the IP really, really wanted to insist he wasn't, despite the intent of the gamedevs - and more importantly the fact that the fans liked it.


scared? I think you mean Lab X-18, Agroprom underground is the first underground spot - it has bandits, bloodsuckers, military and a controller before you exit to the middle of the military base

not spooky, just tense and dark and focused


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CoP would have been the best if it had more random shit actually going on top of the more scripted side quests.
Most of them were nerds though.

GSC's last game was a PC exclusive title though

I guess not related to the setting.
>mod tools
>single player campaign
>free roam mode after the game is completed, create a character, select a faction, a starting location, starting equipment, and just live as a generic stalker
>maybe reactive environment like in Far Cry 2
>improved factions interactions system
>improved AI
>Improved equipment customization

For the setting.
>More unique and interesting labs
>NPC world building like slaves being used by the bandits, civilians like the journalist in one of the dialogs, international stalkers trying to make a life in zone
>Anomalies are more lethal
>more love for mercs and scientists

I don't see the problem with female stalkers, one of the books had a african stalker.

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lel, I instinctively jump every time this webm loops.

>I don't see the problem with female stalkers, one of the books had a african stalker.
great, it's already happened so.

I love this .webm, but it still feels like the player was playing without the sound
Like, no way he wouldn't hear the bloodsucker coming fast

Customizable blank slate character
Mod support

Think I can kinda hear it. Neat.

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What would happen with OpenGL, better performance?

coc 1.5

This is all I fucking want

>changed important parts of the clans
always been a thing. Malk ability was changed once way before all this and so was other clans
>Tremere rebelling against the pyramid
nothing new. Tremere have other groups once apart of them that rebelled
>sabbath moved to middle east
Yup because the elders ether told them too or because they want to fight the elder vamps. thats not new
>Lasombra is basically useless
retcon. if you had played the game then you would understand that ravnos waking up cause a series of events that caused gehenumnumnum
>Camarilla now accepts thinbloods
depends on your worth. Think of it like when lacroix used you to gain the box but never expected you to survive.
>Gehenna is basically a ciclycal vampire war
cool. the antis will wake up faster since what wakes them up is mass vampire deaths not a magical day waking them up, but certain events taking place that compels them to wake up like revnos waking up, dying, the magic nuke destroying the afterlife and everything else.

don't fall for the trap Yea Forums does with this game. I a leftist hate it because it was about people fighting for the rights of other people while having walks of all life to "OMG i'm a lesbian and born male, i also like to bite the dick off of trump supporters"(what i wrote actually happened)

There is no women in Zone. Only strong manly friendship

More portable code.

what an awful post!

No, I will not accept retcons, ever, destroy India, kill half of the population, start a war between humanity and the supernatural, and let Lasombra have the shadow armor.

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Wonder how much of cancelled STALKER 2 will come over to new STALKER 2.

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hopefully not that exoskeleton atleast, the old design is way better.

I really hope they keep the OG exoskeleton design
This just looks ugly


>ubisoft buys gsc in a surprise move
>apple of eden lmao

Out of my way, pleb.

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if there are women in stalker 2 the first thing i'm gonna do is mod them out.

Before the game was cancelled by the end of 2011.

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is that an official stalker 2 screenshot before cancellation?

smoothbrain looking ass

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It was published by some STALKER 2 devs as part of their portfolio.

Delet this freedom cuck

>ywn purge infidels with your monolith gf

*Blocks your path*
I wouldn't mind female stalkers if most were ecologists.

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not orange texting

Freedom are just dude weed retards.

Ayy lmao, she's actually a ported character from one of the russian stalker books. Never got the obsession of writers with female stalkers though.

because the overhaul makes it look like a shitty generic shooter made in unity

in one game, and it was a prequel.

Duty are LARPers who try to ruin everything for everyone else

It will be fun

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based fun frog poster

Well fuck I jumped and I've played this enough to know better.

Why isn't this Stalker 4?

Because CS and COP were more of standalone expansions.

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I wish we'd get a game that perfectly marries shoc and cop

They retconned it so they could make an oc donutsteel story for him in their godawful cash-in fanfiction books that they used to justify ending the OWoD setting only to backtrack later because half the fanbase thought NWoD was shit. As far as 'canon' goes, everything is still on the table for the setting.

There's plenty of minimods that tweak/expand CoC to be more difficult/immersive without the CoM autism and terribly overdone brown filter that makes everything ugly.

I really don't get the hype. It's fucking nothing. They clearly don't even have an alpha.


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Same but not for stalker desu

You mean, that promising looking sequel to the beloved cult classic that'll come out in 2020?

Or are you one of those truly based retards, who feel threatened by options in character creator?

What's so special about this franchise? I mean, it looks like just another shooter

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Why is Stalker so comfy lads?

You know they will. In fact, I believe if we all want the opposite we will get the exact opposite so lets try to confuse these people by wanting things we don't want and get the things that we really do want.

It's comfy and fun

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Unofficial STALKER song is max comfy

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im retarded

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gawd, the Clear Sky were such a cool looking faction, and I loved the swamp map

wish Clear Sky didn't play like it does

Holy shit back when Yea Forums memes had SOUL

Slavs don't bend to SJWs