>Dark souls level of customization
>Bloodborne setting and lore
>Sekiro's combat
Such a game would easily be GOAT
Now that we've seen what From is capable of
>Sekiro's combat
is shit
Disagree. Sekiro showed at the end of the day Dark Souls customization was just flash, Sekiro streamlined everything and the game is much better off from it.
After actually playing it I prefer Sekiro's setting tbqh. Senpou and Fountainhead > any area in BB
>implying we don't want the flash
Ive only played ds1 and sekiro and like sekiro more
The opening few areas of Sekiro had me worried especially when you first leave the temple and you're at the ashina outskirts they were kind of bland but once it starts embracing the weird mystical shit and you get to the other areas it gets awesome
What's wrong with flash?
Damn I fucking love reading 1/2 a sentence on some bloody phlegm that a ragdoll enemy dropped.
They need to redo their magic system kinda how they have been improving the combat. Using items is still a pain in the ass and sucks dick. Too many systems just haven't evolved in so many years. There is no excuse for the jank they keep leaving in their games but From gets a pass for some reason
Just made the game bloated and extended the length artificially, spending so much time minning and maxing and combining armor to keep yourself under whatever weight ratio you wanted dont get me wrong I've been there weve all been there but if you added up the numbers probably half my time in DS was spent playing dress up when I could have just been playing the game.
I do miss making my own character though I'll always prefer that.
Item lore makes no fucking sense in the world. Is there a sticky note attached to the item? Or is our player just psychic and can sense the story of items? This shit gets praised but its fucking trash
It is more to do, more to play. Sekiro is old on just the 2nd play through already. Game won't be talked about anymore after a month
>Item lore makes no fucking sense in the world
It isn't meant to. It's for the player.
>Items and level in RPGs make the game longer
Wow user you are really onto something! Its like if you took all the shit away from Diablo or any RPG you would just have a short game
>Sekiro is old on just the 2nd play through already. Game won't be talked about anymore after a month
People said the same thing about Bloodborne when it came out.
So? Because people were wrong before it cannot be true now? There aren't any boss strategies in this game there is nothing to mix up the gameplay. If the prosthetic tools were actually game changing it would be something interesting
What do you mean there are no boss strategies? In Souls you just dodge and roll, you need to learn the timing for your rolls, in Sekiro you dodge, jump and block, you need to learn the timing for those 3. So if anything Sekiro is more complex, but never worse than Souls. To be fair Souls PvE never had much staying power for me, all my subsequent playthroughs I did only to make alternate builds for PvP.
>There aren't any boss strategies in this game
What are you even saying? Theres more things to do in Sekiro's combat than in BB's combat.
>dark souls level of customization
>dark souls setting and lore
>dark souls combat
such a game would easily be GOAT
I prefer a 40h game where 20h is collecting different armor sets & weapons over a 30h game where 10h is collecting ceramic shards & pellets
>instead of roll, roll, stab it's parry, parry, stab
>omg this is so amazing!!!!! I have to parry lots instead of rolling!! Fromsoft is the king of action games!
Soulsfags never fail to shock me with how stupid they are.
I'd prefer Dark Souls 4 over Bloodborne 2 if it's more like DeS/DaS1 again.
My only gripe with Sekiro is that no one thought of introducing a crossbow. Be it as a prosthetic or at least an enemy wielding it.
It's a video game nigger, who the fuck cares?
Stick to playing Bioware trash where everything is explained via godawful exposition and long drawn-out cutscenes.
>rock paper scissors combat
no thanks
Good way to put lore without the game beating you over the head with exposition and cut scenes. Thats how i see it anyway.
>have to talk to nigga & stand there for 80 hours while he explains some stupid shit
Git gud
I don't know how people end up having to grind for pellets in this game.
The game throws a literal fucktoj of them at you from the start.
I just want to clarify something about the headless enemies...
They have an attack where they teleport behind you, reach into your ass, and pull something out
They then put that object up their OWN ass and moan
Specifically WHAT are they retrieving from your ass?
it's your spine you retard
Your soul.
Invasion though
I need it
I need well designed and atmospheric levels to fight people through
No one other than faggots like you wants to talk about your faggot Giant builds and PVP patch notes constant bitching.
>Game won't be talked about anymore after a month
Is that why Ocarina of Time is still talked about and replayed to this day?
>b-b-b-but it won't be top game streamed on twitch m-muh community muh social normalfag relevancy!!!
Kill yourself you braindead zoomer.
It's your shirikodama double retard
The Corrupted monk is the hardest fromsoft boss
>gets my favorite gear nerfed cause you're a shitter
I know it's an RPG but I don't really like weapons with stats. A sword is a sword at the end of the day have different movesets but just have one of each weapon and call it a day. I played through each of the Souls games with whatever weapon I found close-ish to the start of the game. Basically whichever sword I had in my inventory when I could upgrade it to a +5. I'm not a big fan of changin gear and whatnot.
You know what? I can agree.
If you're a shitter, maybe. There are much harder bosses in the game.
It's round and white though...
I think the main problem people have with sekiro's combat is that the enemy dictates the pace entirely.
There's not much player choice or strategies for boss fights aside from figuring them out and deflecting. Ocassionally you have a prosthetic tool they want you to use for a boss, or you can get a stealth kill in.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it's not for everyone. Some players like to improvise and think instead of getting gud.
A part of the playerbase will love it and others will feel let down.
That would actually be good instead whatever the fuck Sekiro was.
>enemy dicates the pace
have you seen how short wolf is?
makes sense his spine is tiny
which ones? i'm talking about the true corrupted monk
never even used firecrackers
>enemy dictates the pace entirely.
Want to know how I know you haven't gotten good at the combat?
Agreed. I feel like this was a problem with enemies that had Dark Souls 1 poise, unable to get staggered no matter what during certain animations starting from frame 1, meaning you WILL take damage if you happened to attack. It basically tells you to not do anything because you'll get killed. You can only stagger them AFTER they do some big attack and even then, only once. Doesn't leave much room for improvising. Feels intentional, since even some normal enemies have that.
eww wtf why?
the ape was disgusting to
why do they do this?
all of those games are perfect the way they are
nice meme
he's 5'8
I was taller when I was like 6
in a game where everyone else is 12 feet tall
worlds tallest 6 year old
You can't dictate the pace.
You have to rely on deflecting for bosses.
You have to wait for openings.
If you try to do something first they will simply block/deflect you.
Of course there are exceptions like the bull where you can run in and firecracker.
Convince me otherwise.
But the combat only works because you use a katana
There's nothing wrong with them blocking or deflecting you for starters.
>boss attacks
>aha this is my opening
>they stop their attack & deflect it
this is not acceptable and if you think otherwise you're a fucking nigger
they need to be in either idle, blocking or attacking state
they can't be in multiple states at once that's gay as shit
You can apply pressure to opponents by attacking, forcing them to block and usually bait a follow up that you yourself and counter.
How is this not you controlling the encounter?
its your prostate bro
Sekiro's combat is trash, it is slow, feels unresponsive compared to its other titles and most importantly shallow
the main talking piece of this game, the shinobi arm and its tools, is crutched by such a strict ammo limit that makes it feel like it might as well not exist
dont plan on buying another from title unless it is bloodborne 2
>rely on deflecting
>when you have to whittle down their health or they'll Insta recover, which means attacking
You have not played it, there is no way you can come to this conclusion otherwise, outright fabrication.
Japanese mythology is wild
I'm pay you 100 (You)s to fuck off.
If you stand still they will come with the same attack for you to counter, then you can attack after an opening.
It doesn't change much whether you attacked first.
After deflecting or jump kicking you can inflict the damage. You can't damage them unless you find an opening first. Everything you can do is limited by the enemy.
because you can't be in both states at once either
I'm afraid it is true, go play bloodborne and come back to this game, the speed and fluidity is like night and day
So what? There plenty of games where bosses can do things you can’t. Besides you can cancel attacks into parries extremely quickly
yeah, there's plenty of SHIT GAMES
You're fucking dumb lmao.
>It doesn't change much whether you attacked first.
Yes it does. If you deliberately pace your R1s (read: pace them) you increase their posture. They will parry you. After this point you can catch it, because their perfect parries have the exact same animation yours does, so you can easily detect it and perfect parry back. This leaves them either open or they retaliate back with another perfect parry. So on and so forth. You can deliberately control them this way. And once you master mikir counters and jump counters it's over. The prosthetics only increase your ability to control the battle. Just watch literally any webm where the player is actually good and look how many openings they create by using tools and combat arts plus watching for their perfect parries and retaliating appropriately. You can be relentless in the game and literally dictate how the enemy reacts to you and punishing them.
>What is building up enemy's posture
People are playing this like souls trying to only chip off hp and it makes me mad
This is what I was saying on another thread that sadly got archived as soon as I finished my effortpost. In Souls, your attack never gets actively dodged or blocked, this makes the fight revolve entirely around yourself and what kind of attack you're doing. Most of the normal fights, outside of bosses, are about either stunlocking or outspacing the opponent (or a combination of those two). This means the kind of attack you're doing matters a lot, sweeping attacks for crowd control, long pokes for outspacing, etc. In Sekiro, the pace of the combat is different. Outside of the smallest fry which you just kill in 3 hits, your attacks will get blocked and deflected and then the enemy will be on the offensive, making you deflect, then you'll be on the offensive again, etc. The fight constantly flows between offense and defense like that, no matter what you do you *will* have to learn how to deal with the enemy moveset beyond just using a roll with generous iframes and pushing the enemy's shit in or poking at him from a distance. But this design also means that in Sekiro you just "attack", and since the enemy will block it then deflect, there's not much difference between what kind of basic attacks you're doing. If Sekiro had a Kusarigama instead of a Katana, it would be the same damn thing, with the exception of different combat arts. Crowd control in Sekiro is done entirely via prosthetics, combat arts and using stealth to avoid those situations altogether, not through what kind of weapon you're using. All of this is what I think some players are having a hard time getting used to / liking
Is it still mythology if it's true?
>Besides you can cancel attacks into parries extremely quickly
Only at the beggining of the attack.
When the boss activates super armor out of the blue and attacks you're fucked because you have to watch your attack animation end.
>you deliberately pace your R1s
In a way the enemy dictates.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it isn't for everyone.
>>What is building up enemy's posture
yeah that'd work fine if some bosses didn't recover posture at the speed of light till you hit them a bunch
Have you ever tried holding R1 and using a thrust? Because that has a lot more range than the normal swipe, AND it can't be blocked, only deflected. I've gotten probably hundreds of vitality damage chunked off of enemies with it when blocking. Bosses too. It's one way to vary things.
You're bad, accept it and move on.
Nightjar slash gives you a fuckload of range but without the wind-up. Also shadowrush but it isn't worth quicksilver bullets spent
There are posture and hp bosses, even the game tells you that. For example you can bait and punish lady butterfly to chip away her hp and genichiro becomes easier when you realise aggression is the easy route
What bosses
>tried to play sekiro like a souls game
>mixing in dodging, parrying, non-parry blocking and jumping between lots of offense
>absolutely get shitted by everything
>stop dodging, only jump when red button thingy shows up
>just run circles around the enemy and press parry when enemy does some sort of attack
>literally beat the game in a day after being stuck on fucking butterfly lady
>was only stuck on butterfly due to trying to play the game by using the tools it gives you
sekiro has false-depth in the sense that it gives the player many options while only having a few of them as worthwhile. the entire game is just parrying with a super-generous frame window and running around to bait out attack patterns - basically MGR's revengeance mode but way easier
this is what happens when you balance your entire game around a single weapon playstyle, it sucks dick when you actually examine and study it
>bloodborne having lore
>having a good setting
lmfao god damn
Can the wolf kick or grab?
Most enemies can.
I just want a new Armored Core tbqhwy.
Nightjar slash has plenty of windup, though. I use it a lot, but it's very easy to get caught in the middle of it. The reversal is more useful I think. Did you mean spirit emblems?
This, but I attack once or twice instead of running circles.
>literally beat the game in a day after being stuck on fucking butterfly lady
Show achievements and playtime
butterfly & o'rin for starters
I have, I use the thrust when I know the enemy is in a recovery animation to do more damage. If the enemy would have been able to block an R1, it *will* deflect your thrust. I'd rather make them block like 2 or 3 regular r1s before they deflect to rack up more posture damage.
I really like Shadowrush, I don't know why but it doesn't seem to follow the above rules and it almost never gets blocked or deflected. I am swimming in Spirit Emblems anyways and it's a good tool to get extra damage to HP bars in.
we're getting Daemon Ex Machina soon but it looks and plays like a fucking mobile game, will probably flop horribly due to being on a shitty console, and will convince the brainless suits at the head of game development that nobody wants mecha games anymore
Let me guess, it took you 40 minutes to beat bosses? Your entire argument falls the fuck apart when you can literally watch videos of people playing the game the way you are saying "doesn't work." What's your excuse there? They have a different version of the game you do? Fucking retard.
Yeah. Press the jump button again in the air. Majorly damages posture if it catches them offguard/during a sweep.
No, I mean on the ground instead of pressing R1.
You could kick in dark souls.
That's not true though. I get the stab in more often than not during a thrust, because enemies are typically worse at deflecting than you are. If it's holding block, the thrust will connect for full damage.
>Beat the game in a day
KEK Shura ending
We've seen them completely fail. Posture is a flawed mechanic that isn't balanced enough to be worth using. Deflecting is stupid easy and even comparing it to parry in dark souls makes you look stupid. Prosthetics are incredibly fucking stupid because it effectively takes currency to "properly" fight some bosses, which you simply wont do because sprinting around is much more effective. The grapple is just lazy in its implementation, basically no different than a ladder to high ground for the most part.
>40 minutes to beat bosses
why would it? bosses that attack in a flurry or with an apparent telegraph take huge chunks of posture damage when you parry them, and the opposite 'vitality boss' fights are the ones you run circles to bait an attack and chunk their hp down.
even the final sword saint fight is unable to do anything if you just run around like a spastic, nothing in the entire game has the tracking to keep up with how fucking fast the player moves during a sprint (and there's no stamina to balance this lmao)
Dude i just fought genichiro and didn’t wait for shit, literally blasted him with attacks nonstop only pausing to parry and counter, you can be an aggressive madman with anyone as long as you time your defensives right
>false depth
>cause roll souls is so deep
>b-b-but muh pvp user!
>pick str weapon, enjoy easy mode
>looks and plays like a fucking mobile game
Yeah, this. Before the demos I imagined it would be going back to AC2 Another Age or AC3 style or something, but now I know it's basically ACV Fisher Price edition, but with mech designs from 4...
I mean, even the interface is similar.
>In a way the enemy dictates.
Show me how the boss is dictating the fight here. The player outright attacks in the middle of the bosses' attack, stuns him in the start up frames of some attacks, and also dodges some to get an opportunity for attacks. How is this dictated by the boss and not the player? The whole fight was the player being aggressive and dictating/predicting what the boss would do and punishing even in the middle of the boss animations.
Mechafags don't deserve anything.
>Blodborne setting and lore
I like the setting but the lore is pants on head retarded. I realize it's all up to opinion but mysterious ayys and lovecraft shit is always badly done.
as far as I've seen, thrust works great for shitter mobs, but any boss that isn't doing something will deflect it 100% of the time
>even the final sword saint fight is unable to do anything if you just run around like a spastic, nothing in the entire game has the tracking to keep up with how fucking fast the player moves during a sprint (and there's no stamina to balance this lmao)
So you did the hit and run tactic against the fucking Saint? Lmao, Jesus Christ it really did take you a while didn't it? Now argue how other players, hundreds of them on Youtube, can play not doing this strategy and going full on aggressive mode and win exactly how you described wasn't "working" for Butterfly.
a game with character customization and multiplayer objectively has more depth to it, you are right
In my experience charged attacks only land like that on the weakest soldiers. Everything else just deflects them 24/7, unless they were already in recovery or the middle of an animation that leaves them open to any attack.
are you really going to tell me that i beat the game incorrectly? wouldn't that make it a poorly designed combat system if what i'm doing is wrong but still lets me win?
>Dark souls level of customization
>Sekiro's combat
These work against each other. Being able to pad out some stats and carry you through an encounter is the entire opposite of what Sekiro has. If you mean more weapons? Cool. No upgrading them though. If you mean armor? Cool, but likely no defensive stats or straight pros to using armor over no armor.
I commend your ability to insert so many different mistakes into 3 lines of text
>are you really going to tell me that i beat the game incorrectly? wouldn't that make it a poorly designed combat system if what i'm doing is wrong but still lets me win?
No you utter retard.
You are literally the one saying the game has "false-depth" and "no options." You listed tactics that didn't "work" for you with Butterfly and yet, there's hundreds of people that beat her doing just that. There's hundreds of people beating bosses without running in circles. Literally hundreds. So what's your argument here? That it has no options or it does? Or is your argument basically boiling down to "this tactic didn't work for me so clearly it has false depth and no options." Faggot.
>Having more options is a bad thing
How's From dick tasting?
>I just want to play dressup!
>depth, when pvp is all meta garbage
Uh huh.
>Enemies dictate the combat
100% wrong. You are the one that just settles for the enemy's combat.
>t-t-the game will die in a m-month i swear!
>haha lol love those epic dark souls build i used to make duder but they really should nerf dark wood grain ring ppl shuldnt be havel flipping everywhere cuz it kills me everytime jeez!
Fucking kill yourself.
Sometimes attacks can stagger, but other times he stands still to wait for a dodge (the ichimonji overhead swing) because the player has no other options there.
I think we have a difference in understanding what dictating pace means.
>make combat 10 times faster
>items and most skills still take two weeks to activate
one of my very few problems with this game
most arts are useless because not only do they do next to nothing, they play fuckhuge animations that live you vulnerable, when you could land a couple hits in the same time and do more damage with plenty of time inbetween to block/dodge.
Honestly, From soft just need to continue making games like this with super intense encounters. I love the amount of respect that you need to show 80% of the enmies in the game and can't just musou annilihate them without thinking.
Dark Souls 3 had it with shit Midir and Gael, Bloodbourne and Sekiro basically have it all the time with the bosses. Fast paced brawls like in Sekiro against the Ape and duels like against Genichiro and Owl that can block and parry like you do are some of the most fun I've had in video games for a long time
i don't know why you're so hung up on the butterfly lady example, she's an extremely high-variance fight that can often be stunlocked in a corner if you get her in a comfy loop
someone mentioned it earlier, the claims of 'false depth' boil down to the game controlling the pace of your fight as opposed to the player having any real momentum impact over what is happening in most boss encounters. there are many fights where you're left playing completely reactive unless some form of gimmick exists or they decided whatever you're fighting should eat shit vs firecrackers (second ape lol)
the total overtake of momentum leads to many of the player's options becoming invalid very quickly, since a great majority of tools and gimmicks are based around offense. i don't really care what johnny2007 uploaded to youtube, gamer montages are always cherrypicked from best-of attempts and often totally inaccurate in representation of what can actually happen
you soul is in your ass?
What is that centipede supposed to do?
i feel kinda bad killing the ayys
can i kill the cave snek?
Game really needs more resources than just Spirit Emblems.
Combat Arts, Ninjutsu and Prosthetics all use them (and frequently use 2 or 3 when you only carry like 16) which in practice means you utterly ignore them most of the time except for maybe one tool especially suited to an encounter
In practice this means you are using firecrackers for 99% of the game because stunning bosses is too good to pass up and it only costs two to fire. There are rare exceptions like using shuriken to one shot dogs and knock butterfly out of the air or the spear on ape 2nd phase but they're not gameplay staples
Ideally you would be rewarded for varied gameplay approaches, not punished. Combat arts and ninjutsu granting spirit emblems on kill that you can then spend on prosthetics would create a gameplay loop rather than just buying boatloads of them and resting after every encounter
Why the fuck does the poison tool use an emblem for every swing?
i think owl was the biggest boi
he was big and wide but lanky at the same time
was weird
It’s linked to immortality.
manlet power fantasy game
The dude next to the save after fighting her tells you to get eaten. I'm not sure I haven't tried.
Why do baddies think their opinion matters?
"Sometimes" happen quite often throughout the game. In Dark Souls 1 your options when Manus goes on his autistic tracking little rage swing combo is either block or dodge depending on your build. In this case you can use a prosthetic tool like the axe to poise through that attack or dodge counterattack or parry it.
if you want a bloodborne 2 then your a brainlet
from hates sequels
Are you seriously this assblasted by this game that you need to come here instead of playing whatever the fuck you play?
>>tried to play sekiro like a souls game
>>mixing in dodging, parrying, non-parry blocking and jumping between lots of offense
>>absolutely get shitted by everything
been working for me
get every boss within 3-4 tries
>Bloodborne 2
Literally no one asks for this you motherfucker
Not every game needs to have a forced sequel
Yes, I found the Spirit Emblem system to be the worst part of the game. Maybe it's just because I'm an autist but it made me underutilize every tool and combat art. The prosthetics should have uses like Dark Souls 1 spells, and they should get restored via killing enemies and resting. Combat arts should just not cost anything, no matter how good they are.
>i don't know why you're so hung up on the butterfly lady example, she's an extremely high-variance fight that can often be stunlocked in a corner if you get her in a comfy loop
Because the gist of the argument is that he "tried" playing the game one way, gave up, decided it would never work, and then proceed to 1 single strategy that did work and now that's that. Set in stone. It's a faggot opinion that I don't take seriously because his example is counter to mine. He beat bosses running in fucking circles? Forget about johnny2007, I know for a fucking fact that I didn't do that.
sekiro is harder than metal gear rising
Remove emblems outright it's not like you can tool cheese anyway, except for firecrackers. Or more realistically, up the limit to like 50.
What problems is there with items? You have a quick bar slot you cycle through, and there’s an inventory you can scroll through. Is there a problem with this or are you just shitposting because you’re too dumb to notice actual designs that could be more intuitive.
I've seen people using the hell out of them and end up with 400+ emblems in storage. Might just be your autism hording it or dying a lot that uses up your resources faster.
>I don't want any depth, I just want a dumb action game.
Dark Souls customization wouldn't allow for Sekiro combat.
only game with good pvp was DeS and DS1
ds2s hitboxes hold it back
Bro Johnny2007 is a youtube gaming GOD. Truly a chad of Yea Forums that most anons aspire to be.
DLC bait
not only that but for the first time you can actually pause mid fight rather than panic scrolling for the cure antidote powder like in previous games
There better be a waifu route.
My biggest problems with this game are camera issues.
Why are some bosses fought in tight spaces where the camera unpredictably shits on you?
Beetter be because she has me intrigued when even Isshin in his prime was no match for her.
you're just bad
Are the sugars useful at all?
I never used them.
a attack on titan from game could actually be cool
flesh mechs
how do i kill the snek in the cave?
The one that reduces posture buildup is super noticeable and very useful, I honestly haven't noticed much effect from the others
The one that makes you almost invisible just breaks the game.
Beat cursed monk (second fight) on my second try. According to everybody, late game bosses should've been hard as fuck, but I'm absolutely destroying every single one of them so far. Owl in particular was piss easy. Does it really get hard from now on? I'm not complaining, but I kind of miss my first impression of the game being hard as balls.
>Dark souls level of customization
>Sekiro's combat
impossible. having a more standardized gameplay for every player allowed them to focus and balance the combat around that one thing, instead of worrying how everything plays for magic faggot 1, dex faggot 2, str faggot 3 etc
It's called "Lost Kingdoms 3".
>yfw she makes sword saint look like a pinwheel
deflects are harder than souls parries wtf are you on about
being an asshole with the scooty daggers in DS3 is extremely satisfying though
>poking a slow ultra-weapon user to death with infinite i-frames
>they switch to a longsword and try to R1 you to death as a counter
>you swap to a pocket mace and infinite poise them to death as a counter to their counter
actually don't understand the hate for DS3's "pvp meta" outside of people complaining about blatantly stupid shit like gael's greatsword; the game has some pretty good variety
>You have a quick bar slot you cycle through
>cycle through
this is the number one issue, it loops endlessly rather than stop at the corners of the slot
so you can't just tap left a couple of times and know intuitively that you're going to stop at item X
it just skips straight past the item and loops through, forcing your eye into the corner to see what item you're actually equipping
you can't even bind items to the number keys, feels like touch navigation in a car - physical buttons can be found and pressed blindly, touch screens can't
T. brainlet
just alien gods
they did everything right
>he stands still to wait for a dodge (the ichimonji overhead swing)
>because the player has no other options there.
Or you can parry it. Or if you don't want to wait, just jump which has more iframes and is fast as fuck and lets you position yourself for a counter attack faster.
the thrust jump art is good
This. Sekiro's refined combat comes from the lack of stats. I'm happy with both systems, though, and I appreaciate both ip's for what each of them offer.
This game rolled over on itself once you realise deflecting is piss easy. You aren't even punished for spamming block, because it resets so quickly that you can spam to hit the deflect. Its the easiest of the Souls games because of this. Retarded.
You can hold left or right and it'll jump to the first item in your list.
no, once the game 'clicks' it never un-clicks due to how shallow the combat system is. you find your groove, you learn if you're better at parrying or running around, and that's that. it never evolves, it never changes, you never get a new weapon, you never do anything to change your personal timings or parry windows
maybe the game is different on NG+, someone mentioned chip damage on parries but i haven't booted it back up
Midir sucked
Kalameet is way better
wtf I love japan now
No thanks.
I don't want Shitkiro rockpaperscissors parryspam in my Soulskino.
didn't know this option existed, but it doesn't seem possible with a mouse wheel anyway
>You aren't even punished for spamming block
You literally get posture broken by two attacks that lead into one-hit KO's by most bosses and enemies later on.
I loved pvping with stuff like the Zweihänder. You wouldn't think how often people get caught by a fully charged R2 stab because it's what they least expect. Easy 1hko on low vig noobs.
Your parry window gets smaller each time when you just spam block, it's a bad thing to do.
really doubt they'll change it
bullets kinda sucked for bb tools to
So when people say parry they mean deflect (blocking at impact) right?
Japan is based
Have you fought Owl in the estate? It's just a harder version. Also the demon of hatred
You can hold the dpad down to get to your first item. There's an advantage to cycling through and looping. Maybe you want to use an item that was in the second slot right after you used an item in the end of the slots, say the fifth slot. Just tap right twice. If it stopped at the end fifth slot, you would have to tap left 3 times. I get what you're saying, but looping does have some advantages. Maybe they should have given players a way to choose which one.
>if we mix everything together, it would be epic
You know nothing about game design.
Slow and methodical combat. Focus on defensive maneuvers and blocking
A bit more aggresive combat with default dex build
Will From Soft's next game focus on magic casting? That's the only playstile they yet need to improve.
>he hasn't done NG+ with kuro's charm where parry spamming gets punsihed
camera is fine in all of the games
SEKIRO is better than Dark souls 1,2,and 3 but not as good as Demon souls and Bloodborne because those games have Sekiro beat in the soundtrack department and in the customization and rpg elements.
Sekiro does have the best combat of the souls series instead of just bait and attack,but still suffers from gimpy hitboxes and poor camera controll.
Game could have used a new engine honestly
>Have you fought Owl in the estate
how do you do that?
Actually sekiros most powerful move is running and jumping
A guy i made up on the spot.
Read the Purification ending requirements
Music like Demon Souls or Bloodborne
Setting like Bloodborne
Combat like Sekiro
Not bad at all
i got her my 3rd or 4th
just had to pull out those firecrackers and ash
Retards that complain about teh camera easily get outted as lock on shitters. These people lock on brainlessly no matter what situation or environment they're in rather than manually switching between both lock on and manual camera movement. Lock on lock on lock on. All day. It's all they know. They're retards, don't give them the time of day.
If you're going for Return can you still fight him there or not
Do firecrackers work on every boss?
I thought they were only for beasts.
>15+ year old game
>sekiro combat
a magic-focused souls game with morrowind-levels of spell customization to the point an endgame character is basically using malcom reynolds cheat engine tables on every cast
>still suffers from gimpy hitboxes and poor camera controll.
What mate
The only ending that you can get locked to is Shura. The other 3 you can do all the requirements and not get locked to neither.
>You can apply pressure to opponents by attacking, forcing them to block and usually bait a follow up that you yourself and counter.
most bosses just shrug off the attack while doing a quick slash that will remove half of your lifebar while you'll chip 2% of their current lifebar (if he doesn't block at the same time)
you don't control shit since the point of the game is to play the underdog, you're the one who need to counter, not them
it's just bland trash
>Just play the same game twice and it'll be good mayn, I promise!
>Do firecrackers work on every boss?
they even work on the fucking sword saint at the end of the game
>kbm for sekiro
but if you beat the dragon before completing the requirements then you are fucked
it was only flash in bloodborne when they wanted to go full action but still tried to be a souls game, in dark souls its very fleshed out
New tenchu when
This game would have been that much better with an amazing, memorable soundtrack like bloodborne's or DS3. There are SOME okay tracks, but nothing I'd want to listen to outside of the game.. like with bloodborne. Seriously that ost is something else.
Firecrackers and pocket sand are absurdly op and will work on just about anything. So instead of eating shit trying to fit the niche offensive tools into a fight you just blind them and smash them with a combo or ichimonji
good luck beating any boss in less than an hour
There's literally no other mechanical difference between what you call "parryspam" and Souls combat other than the fact that the deflects have a stricter timing than a roll.
>Press a button when the enemy attacks
is the basis for all two, except the rolls are extremely forgiving. Also parries allow the fight to flow between offense and defense when in Souls you're just dodging until you wait for an opening in between the enemy's combo strings. You can also jump or dodge in Sekiro giving you two other options for added depth. Yours is a brainlet opinion.
Also applies to You keep having to learn the moveset of new enemies, just like in Souls, with the added complexity of what I said above. If you find Souls already too shallow then I respect your opinion, but I can't respect anyone who finds Sekiro shallow and Souls complex because it's literally the opposite.
but he lore is bland
damn i should have s
Apparently never because developers mistakenly believe that stealth games fail because nobody likes stealth games when the reality is nobody likes shitty, half baked stealth mechanics in predominantly action games. The half assed dedication to the stealth is the problem, but devs just figure that stealth itself is the problem.
>just play devil may cry many times to unlock dmd and it'll be good without punchbag enemies mayn, i promise!
>just play ninja gaiden multiple times to unlock master ninja it'll be good mayn, i promise!
Souls has multiplayer, so it is necessary to have customization options. People don't want everyone to look like default Ashen one knight character in co-op and PvP.
Sekiro is single player, so people are more accepting towards the idea that this game doesn't have stuff like that.
Well, Hitman keeps selling like shit regardless of its quality.
lol sure thing virgin, meanwhile us sprinting chads smash the game and pussy
dmc5 is more fun combat wise
sekiro is harder and interesting but dmc5 combat is just epic
No you don't. Genchiro phase of last boss proves how stupid deflecting is. If you let him wail into his long as combo where he basically flies and attacks a few times in succession, you do not have to time the blocks. Just spam block and you'll do as much posture damage on him as he does on you. The deflect window is way too big.
damn i should have saved scumed for owl
should i save scum for the last 3?
Hitman is a far cry from Tenchu. Mark of the Ninja is about as close as you can get to Tenchu's stealth with the issue being it's 2D and not 3D.
I enjoy exploring new areas more than fighting enemies or bosses.
What's wrong with me?
it doesn't help that every single hitman game plays like a goofy tech demo
>sekiro is harder and interesting
spotted the shitter, all of the From games are entirely skill floor, DMC has repeatedly had an extremely high ceiling which is substantially more interesting on top of having an actually designed action system instead of just r1lmao.
which ending is the true ending?
You can really tell it wasn't Miyazaki writing. It had a way different vibe. That said, I really liked Sekiro's setting. Genichiro was awesome, Isshin was awesome, and I really cared for the land of Ashina. It felt like a way more focused, character driven story than the mythological, grandiose setting of Souls, and I really like small-scale stories. Fuck saving the world. Bloodborne wasn't exactly that however, and I really loved BB's setting, I just liked Sekiro as well as I do BB, even though their story/setting is approached differently.
because there isn't a single improvement between hitman 1 and hitman 2019, the character keep being scripted machines that will follow their exact routine to the point where you can learn the game by heart because everything will be at the exact same place every single time, and that stopped being impressive 10 years ago
Haven't seen anyone talk about this yet but gosh darn is it handy.
You can just copy your save file before the Shura ending, and then paste it back to continue like normal.
Return appears to be the canon ending.
sekiros ost is most similar to those 2
He's actually right, you can reliably force bosses to block or eat damage and cancel their attacks from neutral.
The important thing is to watch what color sparks their block makes. If they're small and orange your attack was safe and you can swing again, when they finally block with a bright yellow splash that means they parried you and you need to block immediately.
This is really really obvious when fighting Genichiro, who you can continuously swing at the entire fight and force him to respond one of a few ways
Either he finally parries and you switch to blocking yourself for a deflect
He will try to pull out his bow, in which case you can keep hitting him and stagger him out of it
He will attempt a perilous attack, which you can stagger him out of and then continue hitting him if it's a sweep or stab, his Kung Fu you need to avoid
He will wind up his sword and gain hyper armor as he enters his very long series of slashes which can be parried but even if you don't and just block you recover from blocking faster than he does and can swing for damage as he recovers
In his final phase he gets lightning which you can just jump and redirect
>dmc5 combat is just epic
>gimpy hitboxes
literally what
the hitboxes in sekiro are perfect
and sekiro has a great ost
demons and bb are god tier though
nothing, I'm the same, and that's why DaS is my fav game of the bunch
Grab hitboxes are a bit too wide.
Lol tell that to great hollow
>and I really cared for the land of Ashina
you wot m8
I kept thinking "why the fuck would you care about a land with literally no people".
after deactivating the auto camera centering with cheatengine I honestly prefer kbm by now
if i'm already in the sakura tree place is it to late for purification? i spied on isshin but emma wasn't there
Some of the sweep hitboxes also feel a little too forgiving to the player, if you're even a tiny bit in the air they miss completely which is really obvious when fighting donkey kong and his giant arm sweep grab
The minor-npc quests were the worst in the From action-rpg games
which firecracker version is the best?
I don't think it's bland, but it doesn't seem to have the same depth as Souls.
You now remember
splinter cell
I like the combat but its pretty much just MGR with slightly better movement.
>He's actually right, you can reliably force bosses to block or eat damage and cancel their attacks from neutral.
I never say we couldn't, otherwise we wouldn't win any fight
I think it's just goes down to what we mean by "controlling the encounter"
What I meant was that for me, we're never on the offensive, while the enemies will keep using combos we'll have to dodge or parry, we're always the mosquitoe hitting once or twice before going back to full defense.
Then again, it's the point of the game.
the game was designed with a controller in mind
why use a kbm for anything besides fps and mobas
>the hitboxes in sekiro are perfect
not a very good statement when one of the starter minibosses like the chained ogre have DS2 levels of shitbox going on with their grabs and phantom tracking
I can understand if people say they don't like the combat system, even if I personally like it. But how can ANYONE say Darksouls or Bloodborne combat is better?
In these games every non total gimick boss needs the exact same strategy of strafing and dodging when the enemy attacks, and only attacking when you have an opening. You respond to every attack a boss does the same, evade it. You don't really interact with what the enemy is doing.
In Sekiro you need to look at what the enemy is doing and respond accordingly: Parry, dodge, jump, makiri, maybe use a tool or even attack. Visceral attacks are the only thing that come even close to that.
playing through the demon of hatred fight is a great illustration of why souls combat will never be good enough in a post-sekiro world.
it is a throwback fight, that uses almost nothing of the new systems (and what little it uses, it uses poorly) that feels unrefined and amateurish.
hopefully it's just like that as a love-letter/fuck you to souls fans and that From have learned those lessons and moved on.
the enemies dont even attack you, they just stand there waiting for you to wail on them
epic skill "dude"
armor actually makes a ton of difference for elemental dmg in bloodborne
Whatever you say.
>amazing, memorable soundtrack like ds3
kek retard
it's soulless loud sameshit orchestra garbage
doesnt count faggot
That's a horrible opinion. Souls style bosses don't work in a game that doesn't give you the same tools that Souls games so. Namely an effective way to dodge attacks.
It has the best lore in the series
This game was fun, but it got really boring once you mastered the combat.
>Almost every area looks the same
>Music is meh and forgettable
>You don't find any cool shit by exploring, because there are no weapons/spells.
>Prosthetics aren't interesting to upgrade, making exploring even less rewarding.
>Characters that are entirely one dimensional and cliché
Such a pity, because the combat itself is really fun and rewarding, but everything around it is just meh. Also it gets too easy with the thrust counter and other instant rock/paper plays - you can even parry out of attacks in some cases
How is it cheating?
How about Nioh level customization, Sekiro's setting and lore but more mythological and sekiro's combat and also better stealth
This is right, and one of the basics of getting good in this game. By constantly attacking and forcing a deflect, you make the enemy behave in a more predictable pattern. Their AI actually changes between them being on the offense and them counterattacking, and when they're counterattacking they're more predictable. You just have to learn the moves they can do when they deflect you, there's never too many.
You do see several people caring for it through the game and it isn't some generic evil empire or anything, just the land the characters are from, Isshin gave them the chance to be independent instead of bowing to the Interior Ministry forces. After Isshin's chad powers wane because he gets old they don't know what to do and don't want to be annexed by the Ministry, Genichiro is Isshin's grandson and he would do anything to defend his home. I found this quite compelling and I think Genichiro could have been the hero if the game had it that way.
"less is more" is a statement that applies well to sekiro, or would, if every boss weren't trivialized by firecrackers, pocket sand and sprinting around at 50mph
i dig that the game wants to support a big brain approach to things, the problem is that you can very easily avoid any and all of the busywork involved with its intricacies by abusing the aforementioned
>Almost every area looks the same
How can you even say this? Let me ask you, did you like Bloodborne? Because all the areas in that game were stale as sin. Sekiro areas have plenty of variety, man.
>kill all enemies
>have to kill them again
hurr durr
I just get bored and run around avoiding them the second time
I already killed them once in my head, they should be dead
shitty mechanic
Sekiro has nothing memorable from what i heard and its all basic japanes themesed music.
Stop sucking the games cock just casue you like it and admit criticism.
Demons Souls and Bloodborne Soundtracks were completely unique across the gaming genre since the nes
If you have enormous testicles some combat arts like mortal blade allow you to go full soulschad on bosses because they damage even through guard, I stunlocked the first corrupted monk and the ghost lady before her to death that way because seriously fuck those fights
I used whirlwind sweep or whatever to stunlock the dojo boss too
I think he means you're using i frames. I frames aren't cheating but they don't really show off whether or not the hitbox's size is dumb.
Fuck Nioh's garbage diablo loot low drop rate garabage trash dumpster fire holy fuck. Grinding for hours on one boss to get a decent weapon end game can fuck right off. Loved the combat, cancer loot can go.
dodging that boss is easy. what's dumb and unrefined (apart from him having more health than god), is the shitty thing that all big souls bosses do:
the most effective strategy is to fight them while hugging their crotch while half their attacks are just going over your head. 40-50% of all soulsborne bosses are basically this.
not him, but i-frames are basically cheating since you literally bend the rules of the universe to get your way out.
Too bad because From most likely know how important the i-frames on dodges are vital for souls games, they could have made a smoky animation during the i-frame to make it better.
>dumping the copypasta that is sekiro and not playing tenchu z
life is easy
i agree about 75%
I really liked the NPCs in Sekiro. I think the rewards were a bit undertuned, but the writing was great. There wasn't a single bad one, and they weren't needlessly obscure just for the sake of it like Souls. They weren't as iconic as Dark Souls 1's but they were better than Dark Souls 3 and Demon's. I don't even mention Dark Souls 2 because even Bethesda's Adoring Fan is written better than that. That's the game that had Laddersmith Gilligan and the Map NPC. That said, Lucatiel and Pate were fine.
That has nothing to do with your ridiculous opinion.
>souls combat will never be good enough in a post-sekiro world
This is a preposterous claim.
I didn't mean the loot, I meant how you can carry a shitloads of weapons on your person and use them situationally
don't lock on to everything you retarded faggot
your supposed to be unlocked have the time
I need to see NPCs scurrying around to feel like I should give a shit. It was a stronghold in the mountains full of dickweed soldiers, I couldn't care less about it.
the hug-to-death strat is a direct result of the design of souls-combat.
and mgr is perfect
Phoneposters should be range banned.
But you can do the exact same in Darksouls, what is even the point here?
Sure you can take 10 times as long for some bosses to beat them, or you could use all the tools the game gives you to have a fun, stylish and agressive combat system. I really want to see you do bosses like corrupted monk with you hit and run tactic.
Also this mentality of "I can hit and run everything" only shows that too many people play the game to prove to themselves that they aren't bad, and not just to enjoy the gameplay itself. You can also use the golden tanooki suit in Mario to get through the game for freem but why even play at that point?
Didn't play Bloodborne.
I don't see how Sekiro is very varied. Half of the time you're in the Ashina Castle area really. In fact you the main Castle hub is used 3 times with different phases. That's not varied at all.
What areas did you think were really different from the others? I got tired of jumping up along cliff-sides and the same hanging trees.
Whatever you say.
And it works in Souls games because the combat and mechanics are balanced around a lot of factors like this. Sekiro is not. You're making a stupid claim.
Completely wrong.
sekiro doesn't even have iframes
But the ingame tutorial told me to lock on.
iframes is cheating? Wow okay. So just jump back then? Sekiro jumps come out insanely fast and gain distance before the grab so much as touches you. Everything you dodge in Ninja Gaiden, the supposedly "best 3D action game ever," is literally through iframe abuse. I guess there's a lot of cheating going around.
>lying on the internet
>Bloodborne setting and lore
Please no.
it does not work.
people have been calling it out for the garbage it is for years now.
sekiro is from's way of addressing those criticisms and ultimately exposing how broken their own combat system used to be.
>You don't find any cool shit by exploring, because there are no weapons/spells.
No idea why so many people are saying this. I found like 7 prayer beads through exploring and I'm not even done with the game. Also rare upgrade materials which are useful for prosthetics which are actually extremely fun and good unlike what you said. And the characters are as good as they get with From's minimalistic take on dialogue and storytelling. Maybe you're under the idea that Souls characters are deeper and that's just insane. How are Sekiro characters cliche in any way?
What are you supposed to do with the tegu guy?
Setting in africa as a white man you kill niggers and apes and anything in between with a stick
Hanbie and the merchants and a lot of others have basically no Dialog
DeS npcs are great especially Stockpile Tomas
Ignorant crybabies like you have been whining about it for years. It has been incredibly successful for them in the past. There's nothing broken about it. You just don't like it.
>90% of the game's difficulty is just learning when a boss will gain random hyper armor and avoiding it
i don't own a mobile device
see iframes are "cheating" in the sense your character's hitbox is literally disabled and cannot properly display how god-awful the damage and grab frames actually are, not Literally Cheating in the sense of something you shouldn't be doing
sekiro has a lot of very poor hitbox interaction, either by being too bullshit or too forgiving in the way a lot of sweep attacks are basically scripted to never interact with your character model while you're in jump frames - really noticed that on the corrupted monk and guardian ape fights where limbs or weapons would just clip through your legs as if you had iframes active during a jump
Actually playing the bosses the right way makes the fights extremely short but focused and satisfying. Yes, you can run around like a headless chicken slowly whittling them down and win, it will take 20 fucking minutes though and not be enjoyable. They actually made the cheese less effective and fun than the right way to fight the boss. In Dark Souls you could just use magic or some overpowered weapon and win just as easily.
Its prob the most barebones of any of the souls games combat sorry. and don't pull the git gud. I've already beat it
git gud
I love how it's not slowed down like the other webm, because you can literally visibly see a full second dodging too early before the grab even comes out. Literally pause at 0:03, the hand connects with the character. Fromsoft just does a shitty job and managing that connection with animations/position when the player moves out of the way too early but not enough to get out of the grab. He legit got touched, though.
git gud
are you blind? he grabs your entire lower body
his grab hit
Nothing, exploring is thrilling as fuck.
That grab connected. See
>sweeps too forgiving
Thrusts aren't so it evens out.
MRG is pretty shallow and everything comes down to zandatsus like sekiro with the posture meter. Also the stealth mechanics are shallow much like sekiro's. Its a good game but its not exactly action game of all time because a unilateral mechanic dictates the entire fight.
He is Isshin putting on a costume and fighting the spies of the Ministry to relive his old days of fighting
Well, basic ass merchants never had much dialogue. Stockpile Thomas wasn't just a merchant, he was your inventory, an important NPC. If you want to compare use the Dirty Woman in Valley of Defilement or that one NPC in Stonefang Tunnel. And Sekiro's main merchant, the guy who asks for information at first, has a pretty interesting backstory, he was one of the bandits that attacked Hirata States except he gave up on that life and tried to start an honest business. The Memorial Mob is kind of mystical as well, though I don't know much about their lore.
>hand literally clips through character comletely touching the torso
>h-h-hitboxes are shit!!
It's the animation that's jank as fuck.
shit clunky and unresponsive controlls
can they just make them smooth
it's a bad system that lets you effectively ignore half of a boss' move set, one that the game designers have desperately tried (and failed) to counter directly through the way the bosses behave.
i'm just glad they'll never make another game like that again and i can hear hug-shitters cry about it forever as they get their asses handed to them because their precious 'strat' has been ruined.
but you know, opinions.
>no siding with Armstrong path
Almost perfect.
Yikes shit game
back to dmc5
well didn't expect that
he looks taller game has pretty nice lore
i heard you had to choose between him and the badger guy
the hand clearly hits you
>hurr why is the grab hitbox in his hands
Monsters shouldn't be able to turn 55 degrees in 16 milliseconds in the middle of an attack. Changing the animation to reflect the hitboxes will just make the game look as broken as it actually is. The animations should match the hitboxes. Full stop.
I beat the game, mister NPC.
>implying you need to understand combos at all in MGR or Sekiro
>implying the posture system isn't all that matter
>pretending like sekiro is some stylish game with a bunch of options like NG, Bayo, or the king of style DMC
Thats a nice self portrait user, I imagine journalists who know nothing about vidya look just like you.
got me there
is that a glitch? hitboxes have been perfect for me so far
and i;m 90% done
You can literally ignore the entire moveset of bosses in Sekiro using a different method. This is a moot point. They're not going to abandon the Souls style of combat just because they made Sekiro you braindead cunt.
>guys what if we combined-
How about you accept Sekiro is its own game and fuck off with your Nioh and Souls cancer.
Who are you even bitching at you retard?
why do people hate raiden? he was badass since he was introduced in mgs2
You can beat a game without being good at it.
Look at twitch plays, it's basically random inputs and they still beat games.
Cry more.
the rock blocked him
this shitposting is so lame
You're the one who started this little conversation because you were the one crying. Don't project. You made a stupid statement and you got corrected. Big deal.
>all these retards defending actual broken hitbox and animation
we've reached peak sekiro fanbase at this exact moment, in this exact thread
bayo is trash and dmc is overrated
you can see the shockwave hit you
Could have made it so when the hand touched the character, which the ogre clearly did, he grabs you only with that hand and has its own animation. That would have been more than enough, because no matter what you say, for that particular example, the player got touched. Period.
sekiro is an extension of the souls combat.
single roll / single parry as counters will never return to from sofware games again.
What ending should I go for? Already beat Owl
You std spreading cock juggling thundering of a mother.
if you say yikes or off you are an actual zoomer npc
>literal shockwave attack
lmao come on dude, there's other better examples than this
Weak bait.
You got anything to back that claim up other than your feelings? Because From owes everything to that Souls formula of gameplay. They're not going to drop it just because Sekiro didn't fail.
>he was badass
This is not what happens though. I have explained it before. In Souls, grabs are hitboxes that get thrown and if you touch them you get grabbed. In all the other games, the game handles this by teleporting you into the enemy's grab animation (low agiltiy rolls in DS2 have a lingering hitbox and that's why DS2 grabs look especially bad). In Sekiro, the enemy faces you to make it look better. In those webms the player gets touched by the Ogre's hand because of the reduced iframes and he gets grabbed, instead of teleporting the player to the front of the Ogre, the game makes the Ogre face you giving the illusion of tracking. If you jump or actually iframe the attack you'll notice the Ogre does not track that well. Check
All Soulsborne games have this, not exclusive to Sekiro in the least.
in great hollow the tree branches constantly fuck with the camera whenever you walk down a path. No lock on involved
I'm not even him you retard shit player.
Pretty sure you can still do it. Go spy Kuro and then talk to emma
It is objectively the best combat any game has so far had, so everything must be shit according to you
Some enemies are explicitly less dangerous if you pressure them by constantly attacking (and deflecting their counterattacks) instead of allowing them the opportunity to attack first.
> Parry spamming
> Good
That's the way i've been getting through this game, by cheesing everything by parry spam, why would you want this shit combat on anything is beyond me
One out of 50 I've seen are actually bad hitboxes, every other time like the classic chained ogre grab is simply just jankiess that is in From soft games and not the actual hitbox. Their games don't always have good transition animations between a hitbox touching you and the animation for the attack. People stepping into ogres arm during the grab animation, for example, and then seeing the game transition poorly to the actual throw animation makes it seem broken but it isn't
a third person narrator gives the descriptions
I prefer Sekiros setting and lore so far. And the combat with dozens of weapons would not be possible, it took years to make this greatest of all time combat for one weapon. Be realistic.
Not him but
> Objectively the best combat ever
Not even close kid
I hope you are not one of these people who claim Souls combat is better
Sekiro has more depth than any Souls game though, idiot
they have successfully extending their own combat system.
ultimately the innovation can be boiled down to idea of 'unblockable' attacks that must be dealt with in specific ways.
the combat variety this adds makes it very hard for both players and designers to go back to the old system.
it's just a far more engaging system and one that can serve as a blueprint for their next 5 games, the same way that the souls system did.
No flesh allowed in my armored core games.
I want bloodborne 2 but with a jump button
>not him but I didn't mention that
Don't act shocked when someone assumes you're the person they're talking to, mouth breather. I also wasn't the one crying about this shit. I don't have trouble with any of these games. I was talking about the animations being fucked up. It's jarring to watch an enemy instantaneously change their orientation in a single frame. It's jarring to watch the player pulled into an animation in a single frame when they're far from that spot beforehand. The animations should be smoother than that and people will no longer complain about the size of the hitboxes. If a player gets grabbed by one hand and then pulled to the center of the attack then it would be smoother.
It is, actually, it's not great, but it's far better than Sekiro
Soulsfags only deserve a bullet to the brain.
>Get to 0,03 frame per frame
>He turns in literally one frame mid jump
This is fucking hilarious
All these people who talk shit about the game's combat mechanic are just genuinely bad at it. Even more so, these people are PROBABLY good at souls games, and eat shit in Sekiro specifically because they just can't adapt to the new game mechanic
Then there's no reason to get good.
Congrats on playing yourself, dipshit.
Check , there's no way you can dislike deflect over rolling if you're not a hopeless nostalgiafag. It's a better system.
This is what happens though: It's just janky coding, not an actual unfair broken hitbox or tracking. There's webms of similar janky grabs in the other games as well, for example the Winter Lanterns in BB. This game just turns the enemy to face you instead of teleporting you to the enemy.
I don't really think the posture system would work well with other weapons, the katana is pretty much an R1 tool
adding the speed, control, jumping etc of Sekiro would be nice though. I tried DS3 earlier out of curiosity and it feels so fucking slow just to even move
>Sekiro is old on just the 2nd play through already
Imagine being this fucking desperate that you lie like this.
Sekiros 4 different endings have different, unique bosses. The whole story is pretty different in each. You literally haven't even beaten the game unless you have done four playthroughs.
Except for the fact that you CANNOT spam rolls, but you can spam parries
>the combat variety this adds makes it very hard for both players and designers to go back to the old system.
No it doesn't. The reason why it works in Sekiro is because everybody is playing the same character with the same moveset and same abilities no matter what. In souls games where you have a bare minimum amount of choice in how you approach the game or play the game there is no adequate way to implement a system like this that doesn't explicitly punish players for choosing the wrong way to play. In other words this system can only work for a game like Sekiro with very linear progression. You're still not offering up anything in the way of logic as to why you think this way. You just want it to be with way, or at least you're pretending like you want it to be this way. If a Souls game only had mechanics like Sekiro there would be hell to pay from the fans.
You guys are bitching about one enemy. For one week.
You are a fucking retard. Not a single person in this thread who said this shit had a single arguments as to why, only complaining to Sekiro combat.
What makes parry->attack worse than dodge-> attack if the latter is just easier and doesn't have variety like dealing with perilous attacks?
How is rolling around the battlefield waiting for combos to end better than the tight sword-to-sword combat of Sekiro. They're similar at the core except Sekiro has more depth.
how was he not? he 1v1ed doc oc solidus who was a perfect clone of big boss
he was almost as good as solid at the end of mgs2
was better than big jobber
I never bitched about the enemy. Get that through your fucking head. I was talking about the animations not matching up with the gameplay. It's a problem a lot of games have. It's not realistic to have enemies turn on a dime in a split second. They don't do it when they're idle or not attacking. They take time to turn. But suddenly when they're in an attack animation they can spin at 7200 RPM.
It clips through him. Rewind a couple frames slightly and you'll see.
There are lots of reasons: speedrunning, showing off (beat bosses without getting hit), finding exploits for fun, etc.
Are you one of those guys that never touches a game again once you beat it?
Ignore em, anyone spouting git gud and the like are Dark Souls falseflaggers trying to desperately pull us down to their level.
thanks fren
dlc when?
you can cancel light attacks into block
Bloodborne combat is just as good
still love my chikage and pizza cutter
and the tools are cool as hell
look at the giant snake tool
Depth is giving you options to use at any time, not forcing to use a different one depending on if an enemy is thrusting, sweeping or grabbing.
Rolls are way more lenient than deflect. Spamming the block button in Sekiro will keep you a shit player forever and you'll get killed by RNG because mid-late game enemies eat through your posture if you don't deflect correctly. It's extremely easy to roll an attack in Souls, and it will leave you out of range of any followup. And in the case of Dark Souls 3, you can effectively dodge like a retard, mashing it like no tomorrow. The only game that you can't mash roll in is low Agi Dark Souls 2, and that game has a shit combat system.
so return is the best ending right?
>ogre bad
Point stands, get good Dragonrot shitter.
For sure.
BB combat/boss design is still based on the old "dodge through stuff till the combo ends". Its why Guardian Ape and Demon of Hatred feel very much like a Souls boss compared to anything else in Sekiro. BB isn't as different from DaS3 as people think it is.
>ignores post he responds to
Quickest way to find out who lost an argument.
>dude the boss does 90% of your damage per hit and often does chain attacks, isnt that HARD?
Well, they all are pretty good, except for the edgy bad boy ending
Alright, but it's as if someone hit you with the last pixel of an attack and instakilled you
Why did the grab animation even go on if it connected that early?
I just think something weird happened there and the game both managed to see how it missed and actually check to see that it landed
Rolling is limited, you cannot keep rolling indefinitely, but can parry as much as you like.
That's the way i've been dealing with bosses, PARRY PARRY PARRY, i was getting my ass kicked by Genichiro until i parry spammed, when i got the timing, i pretty much perfect'd him.
DaS on the other hand, limits your rolls, you cannot roll and attack freely, and you have way more customization options with said attacks (Magic, different movesets etc)
>Dark Souls/Bloodborne
>Attack is coming, press 1 button
Attack is coming, press 1 of 3 buttons
Literally more depth, no matter how you twist it.
BB is very different than basedsouls3
What options do you have in Bloodborne besides dodge and parry (risk free from 40,000km away)?
Timestamp of your file
>obeying your father
I don't like the imprecise camera control of sticks in most games. And especially in from software games the camera tends to actively work against you in close quarters.
The game becomes incredibly unfun once Owl invaded Asahina
>rock no where present in dodge
>lmao rock blocked him
soulsdrones have weird ways of coping.
>killing him 5 minutes later
You can block, parry, and dodge in Dark Souls, but you'll only ever try to dodge unless you have no choice.
You can block, parry, dodge, and jump in Sekiro. But you'll only ever try to parry unless you have no choice.
You have 1 weapon in Sekiro.
You have a hundred in Dark Souls.
and attacking
>Parry spamming
How to tell someone didn't even reach Owl
Sekiro's lore is surprisingly good when you connect all the dots like why Sculptor trained Emma despite her not wanting to kill anyone.
It's not the last pixel though, it's literally the hand going through the torso. I imagine that if he was a pixel off that hand he wouldn't have gotten grabbed. Either they did it this way to catch panic roll shitters who do it as early as they see the danger red symbol or because From can't properly animate grabs or most likely both. Either way, the hitbox actually matched the model of the character and the player got hit.
from's been trending towards limiting player choice re:playstyle, first with bloodborne's limited weapon sets and now with sekiro.
sekiro adds variety and player freedom via upgrade trees and prosthetic devices. a system like sekiro's could be brought back to say, a bloodborne 2, without much issue since all you're doing is forcing players to dodge or, in bloodborne's case, shoot in specific ways to specific attacks. the posture bar isn't even what needs to carry through, it's the rock/paper/scissors dodge/counter that is more important (+ a reward system for doing those things)
the mainline souls series would be more problematic. which is why it's a good thing that they've explicitly said they're not making another one (unless miyazaki can be persuaded by someone internally that they've got a good new idea for it).
Both of those games have ways of bypassing that, retard.
>guy farts and player dies anyways
This is DS2 tier holy shit.
how is it bait
that's exactly what dmc5 is like
the game isnt about beating challenging enemies, it's about jumping around and collecting style points
You have a variety of attacks on multiple weapons you can use compared to Sekiro which is just R1s, the SINGLE combat art you can equip and the Shinobi Arm (this is bogged down by the same limiting factor on Soulsborne, too slow for their relative power).
The eternal soulsborne problem with its attack variety is that it gives you absolutely no reason to use it apart from gimmick situations (weapon bouncing off of walls).
It's the ending where you finally become hollow because of dying so much with the undead curse... I mean you become Shura because of dying so much with divine resurrection.
Am I supposed to fight 420 bull like a man?
And collecting style points happens to have an extremely high skill ceiling (it also influences how you beat enemies), are you retarded? I guess if you think Souls games are hard then no need to answer.
>>rock no where present in dodge
you can see it behind him you tard
In Souls you can't attack freely because you run out of stamina and then you don't get hit
In Sekiro you can't attack freely because the enemy will parry you, counterattack, and you'll get hit
In Souls rolls leave you far away from the enemy combo string, making you not have to dodge the followup if they're attacking constantly.
In Sekiro you're left in place, you have to deflect correctly or you get overpowered. This is why there's no parry cooldown, say the Souls boss does 3 swipes, you roll out of the way, you're clear of the 2nd and 3rd. In Sekiro you need to parry all three. Take a look at your retarded post
>when i got the timing
What the fuck are you even complaining about? The game made you learn the timing. These are the most idiotic posts I have seen in this thread. I don't care if the game isn't to your liking, but don't try to say Souls has objectively better combat.
>kill the looter in Hirata estate
>turns out he is the one that sells me the Kunai for the shuriken prosthetic upgrade
>wiki says that it appears in the offering box but there is nothing there for me
I'm at the Corrupted Monk 2 fight
Am I cucked forever?
>sekiro's combat
Why would I want this boring depthless trash?
>animations dont correspond to hitboxes in an action game
anyone who defends this is a faggot and probably likes DS2
I really like these people saying the game is easy and that the combat is easy to cheese, but they only got to the point they are by getting fucked up the ass. They're a bunch of retards.
>Putting the worst hitbox enemy in the game with one shot grabs in a small room with a giant bell in the middle for the camera to constantly get fucked up on
Found the worst spot in the entire game, what the fuck
stick to his ass
You're still talking out of your ass making insane assumptions and treating me like someone who hasn't beaten all of the games multiple times. The player freedom you're talking about directly contradicts the claim you made just a sentence beforehand about how From is limiting player choice. It's also stupid to claim the upgrades and prosthetics fundamentally change the gameplay enough to merit their existence. A second weapon choice would do more to expand gameplay than all of those prosthetics combined because it opens up an entire new avenue of how to approach combat.
I should have known better than to get involved in a conversation with someone who doesn't even capitalize their sentences. Ignorant fucks like you always type like this.
>arguing on the internet
>implying I have any dog in this fight and not simply enjoy calling shitters shitters
Loving Every Laugh
>i was getting my ass kicked by Genichiro until i parry spammed, when i got the timing, i pretty much perfect'd him.
Wow, are you telling me that you learned the enemy movement and got gut? When you perfected him you then surely also jumped his swiped and makiri countered his thrusts, and either avoided or reflected his lightning. It's almost as if you were actually doing something that is not rolling when an enemy attacks and attacking him when he is not
>the enemy dictates the pace entirely
isn't that dark souls? you have to wait 3 hours for the enemy to leave an opening so you can poke it with a stick and out-survive it, I think the only fight that you can decided the pace of is Gwyn since you can parry him to death
This. DaS combat is tight and deep.
>heh, I don't care that I'm a fucking retard and got called out for it because I wasn't actually trying in the first place
>if I were trying I surely would have won that argument
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?
I don't even give a fuck about looks, but having only single weapon kills most of game's replayability.
Thanks I just figured it out. First I thought there must be a trick in the arena.
The difference is that in Souls never forces you into a situation where dodge is not the best and easiest choice.
>already breaking out the anime girls
Amuse me more, slave.
Having absolutely nothing of worth anywhere in the world kills replayability for me. Oh lookie, another sugar candy I'll never use. Fantastic, 100 sen when there's nothing left in the game to buy. Dandy, more sugar.
No armor. No weapons. Nothing interesting at all. You can only hope to find a gourd seed or a prayer bead, but even those aren't enough to make anyone excited to explore or search for secrets. Just a barren landscape of disappointing glowing bags.
>Dark souls level of customization
i see no contradiction in what i typed, perhaps the vein that's bulging out of your forehead is getting in the way of your reading comprehension.
adding weapon choices to a system like sekiros, granted it is a tight, limited set of weapons like bloodborne's, is doable.
nigger im almost done with the game
cant believe there are zoomer memers retarded enough to spew gitgud for no reason at all
there are legitimate problems with the game, its very good, but its not perfect, this is one of them, if they want to make the game faster, then make the whole game faster. estus goes down quick enough but everything else not really, especially sugar, which coupled with its mediocre numbers and short duration make it situational at best, unusable at worst.
its not even so much about items as about arts. double ichi being miles better than any of the other free arts is because its slow by design which compensated by huge numbers, but most other arts arent that much faster while a lot weaker, plus its one of the best arts to be used in the jump to close gap simultaneously with charging, so double ichi spam kills genichiro at castle fight and makes life too easy in some other places, while shit like ninja jump and monk slaps are irrelevant in comparison.
Second weapon would likely completely trivialize certain bosses for a either weapon, by only having a single weapon the whole is easily tuned and maintains a steady increase in difficulty
What the fuck does Sekiro DLC look like? In past games you got a bunch of new weapons and armor, at best they can add more tools and arts you won't use?
Sekiro 2 should definitely have a few more weapon types, even Nioh only launched with 5
All of those things added together still does not equate to real depth or difficulty.
Hate to break it to you, but pattern recognition is not a very hard skill to have or improve on.
Sekiro combat plays out quite different than Souls. I never really felt the katana get boring because since enemies block and deflect, the kind of attack you're doing is almost meaningless compared to Dark Souls where enemies do not actively dodge or block. Souls combat revolves around your moveset, Sekiro combat revolves around the enemy moveset. I think it's better because it forces you to learn each new enemy's moves (except the worst trash moves that die in like 2 hits). In Souls, after playing all of them so much, I didn't even learn new enemies, I just avoided their first attack and stunlocked or outspaced them. Because of this, the kind of weapon you use actually matters more.
You can't parry more than 90% of the enemies in Souls. Adding that as an actual viable damage avoiding option is already reaching. Souls is about rolling. You don't do anything else than it on a typical fight. Blocking is just worse rolling and results in shit gameplay.
In Sekiro, all damage-avoiding options are used in the same fight. That's already more depth, no wordplay can twist it. You may not like how the combat plays out, especially what I said on my first answer to the other user, but saying it outright has less depth is a lie.
Doesn't change the fact that the choice is still the players'. This grants a depth of gameplay Sekiro lacks. If I want to in a Souls game I can sword and board the entire thing without dodging once. I can do nothing but use magic the entire game. I can use bows and arrows the entire game. I can do everything inbetween.
In Sekiro you have to play it the way they want you to. This is fine for a curated single player linear experience, but it shreds replayability.
what room
But he's insisting that Souls type gameplay will never exist again because of the existence of Sekiro. He thinks THIS is what the entire subgenre will be from now on.
And ChromeHounds.
From the kings of customization and expression to a very heavy handed approach to making sure players do EXACTLY what they want you to do and not a ounce more.
>the kind of attack you're doing is almost meaningless
You think this is acceptable for an attempted action game?
I'm not surprised it's you who's posting this shit. Learn how to stop avatarfagging, you stupid cunt.
What the fuck were they thinking?
seething bloodborne cuck
>In Souls you can't attack freely because you run out of stamina and then you get hit
This is what I meant to say. Both games work the same in that regard.
The second part is the most important though, in Sekiro you can block repeteadly because you need to deflect all the attacks, in Souls you don't need to and you can *still* spam roll in most of the entries. Yes, even in Dark Souls 1 roll spamming was great.
That the game is short on "real" bosses and has enough anime swordsman so nobody would really care if they threw a dark souls leftover as an optional boss
I liked the story but have so many questions.
>who exactly is the Divine Heir?
>was Owl/Sekiro hired by him?
>who exactly are the Owl and Sekiro? Their backstories are paper thin
>what the fuck was up with the part right at the beginning where Sekiro had "lost his will to live" and just gave up down in the well?
>who even is the lord of Ashina? Genichiro or Isshin?
>did the Sculpter also have a lord he killed?
>what the hell was the point of turning the people of Mibu Village into dragons?
>what exactly is the rejuvenating water?
>why are none of the monks from Senpou immortal despite researching the water for their whole lives, but Genichiro is after one sip?
Couldn't help but think the whole story was a shameless rip off of Dark Souls (lol immortality is bad for some reason, AGAIN) and I couldn't believe what the fuck I was watching for the Immortal Severance ending, bravo Miyazaki, bravo, another masterclass ending
But how is that an argument as to why Souls combat is better? What are you even arguing here? Pattern recognition is the only thing that both combat styles have in common
Sure, I didn't argue replayability. In that aspect Souls is way better. But all of those things you listed are playstyles that are as deep as a puddle. Depth does not equal content
Weapons have different movesets. There's a different strategy for every enemy depending on the weapon you choose. In Sekiro it's all the same from beginning to end. Your idea of depth is astonishingly off base.
tfw fucked it up and couldn't get the purifcation ending
bs how could i have known that without a guide
i just wanted to fight owl in the memory
> In Sekiro you can't attack freely because the enemy will parry you, counterattack, and you'll get hit
Wrong, the enemy parries you, then you parry his counter attack and repeat, this is why the game's combat sucks.
Genichiro: Parry > he attacks > parry > attacks > Parry, repeat until jumps up for an overhead or retreats with his bow, then spam attack (there's no downside for spam attacking), then repeat.
> In Sekiro you're left in place, you have to deflect correctly or you get overpowered. This is why there's no parry cooldown, say the Souls boss does 3 swipes, you roll out of the way, you're clear of the 2nd and 3rd. In Sekiro you need to parry all three.
But those multiple attacks have a really easy timing, you can pretty much tap the button
> don't care if the game isn't to your liking, but don't try to say Souls has objectively better combat.
Way more weapons, weapons have a more varied moveset, magic adds another layer of complexity, can have more weapons equiped at the same time etc
sekiro really has a boring world, I couldn't care less about the fantastical shit that was going on and just dismissed everything as jap folklore
their other games were cool because they were the japanese take on western concepts that miyazaki had to make up in his own mind as he he read english books as a teen, even the sparse story telling through item descriptions and deliberate item and drop placement was part of minute and carefully thought out design decisions
in sekiro you will find candy that boosts your attack power in a small incavation in the earth because "dude videogames lmao"
>There's a different strategy for every enemy depending on the weapon you choose
Unless your talking magic, which is just hit and run, how so? It still boils down to avoiding an attack until you have an opening.
Different weapons only change the timing and stamina management of your attacks. The fundamental combat system is the problem, not the variety in playstyles
This is the first Iosefka image I post in this thread, how is it avatarfagging? Also I am pretty sure there's several Anons talking
I think it's good as an evolution of Souls combat, yes. Souls' strength always rested with the enemy movesets. Your moves are extremely basic, there's no reason to use R2 in most situations, etc. This is what shitposters focus on when they say Dark Souls have bad combat. But the truth is, Souls enemy design is excellent and it makes the combat very fun with how they make you react to them. Sekiro is, to me, an evolution of this, with the focus shifting even more from your character to the enemies you face, which is like I said where Souls shines the most.
>"sekiro is trash"
holy shit, there is some next level autistic defense force over this game.
Miyazki actually wasn't in charge of the story for this game, he only advised on the story aspect and it was largely written by staff members.
Also a lot of the story stuff need the player to pay attention to like a specific sentence in a key item description while also sharing sake with a bunch of characters and eavsedropping on them multiple times to get the full story
new areas and enemies
Didn't read lol
Because you fucking retard you do it in every thread you participate in and your opinions are always shit. That's the consequence of exposing who you are. All the stupid shit you've said in the past is remembered. Keep your wannabe e-identity to your fucking self. Or at least put on a trip so I can filter you.
Upper catherdral ward though
>I think it's good as an evolution of Souls combat
You've evolved shit into shit with less variety but tighter execution, really not the improve you like to think it is.
New areas, enemies, NPC questlines and tools. Being greedy, new skill trees.
there's also some next level autistic hate force over this game
You could be using the slowest swinging weapon in the game, versus the fastest swinging 1H in the game. The strategy boils down to rolling through attacks until the boss ends his combo leaving him open for a brief period. 1 swing vs a bunch of small ones. The strategy never changes.
The single biggest thing in Souls that changes your flow of combat is the roll speed. Fat rolling vs fast rolling is a completely different game compared to 2H Greatsword vs 1H Axe
>>what the fuck was up with the part right at the beginning where Sekiro had "lost his will to live" and just gave up down in the well?
never got that one
>Different weapons only change the timing and stamina management of your attacks
Which is a very important distinction when we're discussing how deep the gameplay is. When Sekiro's approach to gameplay never actually changes the entire game, even in NG+ and beyond, that's a problem. Players have no choice. This does not make Sekiro deep.
immortally is bad because it spreads dragonrot
That's not true at all. You're completely ignoring that in Dark Souls you're not limited to just melee weapons you fucking retard. And having different timings for weapons IS MORE DEPTH THAN HAVING ONE WEAPON THE ENTIRE GAME.
>9 necklaces
>1 bead
>missed 2 from Emma's questline
I think conceptually and in terms of aesthetic design Bloodborne is their most interesting world, but in terms of my actual investment I'm way more into what's going on in Sekiro
pick none.
Oh and new bosses obviously.
I would like Sekiro's setting more if there was a little more background given. The intro makes it out to be literally Sengoku period Japan but then there's all sort of supernatural shit. I get that it's the mythology of Japan but what impact does this all have on the world itself? Is it always like this? Do the people of Sekiro's Japan constantly have to deal with this sort of shit? In Dark Souls and Bloodborne there are inciting incidents that give a reason for things being the way they are, but in Sekiro you're just expected to go along with the fact that this is how things are in this version of Japan.