Risk of rain 2 NO BEGGING BUNKER

risk of rain 2 no begging bunker. report all the begfags and get in here and get comfy

Attached: risky 2.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So is it FUN?



>Removing melee oriented characters because of lack of vision+imagination

They ought to just make it so mobs don't damage upon ANY physical contact, but only damage during attacks which actually land.
Let all characters be able to grab things (physics style like Gang Beasts)

Gun characters can shoot what they're grabbing
Melee characters can hit what they're grabbing (think Shadow of the Colossus styled fights for huge worms etc)

Removing any characters from the original would be a mistake

>Removing melee oriented characters
mercenary is in though

I swear if muh boy acrid is not there I'm gonna bomb their office.

Attached: ror2.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)




There's a neat item exchange box called the "3D Printer", go to it and select an item to exchange for the shown one

Attached: printer.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)


This might be a long shot but does anyone have a US copy they want to trade for an EU copy or some shit?

just got my shit kicked in on level 3 solo, lobby when

>multiplayer is now via steam
fuck right off


any1 wanna sell/trade the second copy for around the retail price?

pirates btfo

I don't mind paying for games but fuck (((steam)))

>crashed on joining

you do know rorbro actually gave out the game himself to people here?

>he can't get around that obscenely low barrier to entry

Attached: tenor.gif?itemid=4928596.gif (260x194, 1.38M)

I'm not using steam
I refuse to use it

get in here

>when the dev literally gave out the first game for free and was perfectly fine with piracy

go buy it on EPIC games then

You don't have to "use" steam to play multiplayer via steam.

Attached: DirectFluffyKoodoo-max-1mb.gif (400x225, 814K)

who else here got their ass pounded on the second level

Attached: rip.png (1920x1080, 1.35M)

>you don't have to use steam to use steam

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3 slots
It said friends only, couldn't figure out to change it to public

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this game is fucking amazing im erect

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ID: 109775240997100009

Reminder to everyone that tenor is the gif site which Discord uses

Which classes are playable in EA?

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Okay Epicfag

Activate it.

Attached: grief.png (520x240, 86K)

I hate all jewish kike launchers, I don't even know what the fuck Epic is
When I buy a game I want a DRM-free .exe file

Reminder that lots of people use discord because they have friends

What the fuck is a Lunar?
This thing wants 1 lunar.

Attached: Lunar.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

one left

Anybody know any character unlocks yet? Commando's at least BETTER in 3D, but I want to try out some other guys.

Too stupid to pirate.
Boogeyman bullshit aside, I haven't had a Yea Forums folder since URL image posting has been a thing. I just use my Pictures folder for all my hot OC.

Attached: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRO8-zCpTzSyRFtVDnMkfxT7btNj6e8wsm4SCnkHEqU32szpaOc.jpg (259x194, 5K)

>You don't have to install and sign up for steam to play steam multiplayer
Are you special ed?

fuck this guy

Attached: wwwwwwwwwww.jpg (1920x1080, 288K)

Tfw all the begfags want my extra copy

Attached: 1549261973717.jpg (987x657, 124K)

fuck merc. I want my miner

you don't even have a copy

>he doesn't know how to spoof steam

Attached: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQM5R2mOMDpz3b0sw-e_JJfrVzNnkdGYqFWeRyBN61j8i18985C.jpg (300x168, 12K)

>This game is not giftable in your territory.
So does that mean I don't get the second copy?
How does it even work?

Some enemies drop Lunar, it looks like a big coin. Paid up next time I saw one of these and I got a crown
>gain money when you damage things
>lose money when you get hurt
You get money on ALL sources of damage, it made me a gorillionare

Attached: overloading magma worm.png (300x165, 5K)

>Too stupid to pirate.
I already pirate every game
But you can't fucking pirate it if it uses steam multiplayer you utter retard
It's DRM

feels harder but hell yeah it is fun

>Challenge of the mountain spawns 2 bosses
I like this.
I keep dying but I like this

I got that too, seems you can't buy gift copies for other people, but if you buy it for yourself it still gives you a gift copy in your steam inventory to send to someone else

Attached: Chef.png (500x374, 69K)

but where the fuck is CHEF?

Attached: file.jpg (720x540, 25K)

Ok, Thanks

CHEF and HAN-D are the only characters I enjoyed in RoR, very sad to hear they're likely gone.

which classes are in it so far?

I got one a bit later.
Then I died before using it and when I started a new game I still had that lunar coin.
This is unexpected.

Alright have fun not playing most PC games nowadays.

I did this too
>double Imp Lords, easy
>double Vagrants, easy
>double big clay pot bosses on legs that fire a gorillion funballs at you

That's where I died

looking up to shoot wisps is annoying tbqhfam

how do you select what item to exchange?

alright, last try

anyone wanna trade?
everything in the pic is up for grabs

Attached: 1.png (9872x2760, 2.69M)

I used that thing before I knew what it does then I died and friend had to fight 4 bosses

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You know the devs come here when they put in a clipboard lobby feature, based as fuck

>buy one get one free

I just activated an altar thing using a lunar coin and it says "a blue orb appears." What does that mean?


god damn this game is the fucking dark souls of roguelite shooters

Someone should sticky this and start deleting Nintendogaf threads.

We are home lads! latenigga reporting in from after work. Downloading right now.

Are people begging for keys or something?

Yes, you get a free extra copy when you buy the game until March 30th

bros i'm begging i'm a poorfag help me

It's a Buy One Get One Free deal so everyone is begging them to add them on Steam and send it to them as a gift.

it's buy one get one free for today and tomorrow


>3D Risk of Rain

Attached: 1483995235999.jpg (444x512, 43K)

Lobby someone?

Attached: giphy.gif (400x166, 155K)

torrent when?

>Trailer is nothing but gameplay
Is this really 2019?

Okay, how do you dodge the beetle queen acid balls? Wherever I go and whatever I do I always get hit and it keep getting me killed.

The amount of boss is random, I got 2-3-4 bosses

you dont, its random

you also need 10 lunar to unlock a character in the bazaar between time

Attached: Screenshot (19).png (1915x1075, 2.47M)

that's bullshit and you know it.

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Give me those hot takes and first impressions please, day-1-purchase pioneers.
I enjoyed fucking around with anons in RoR and I want to know if it's comparing favorably so far.

Attached: 5135724.jpg (2208x657, 311K)

what level does that spawn on?

It's exactly what we wanted - more of the same, but better, and expanded upon.

someone gift me their extra copy thanks


Attached: 1484707730614.png (500x355, 287K)

it's literally the same shit in 3D

only disappointment so far is it's limited 4 player Coop so we can't have 10 anons going wild, but I'm sure someone will break that eventually

it's hard ;_;


Are all the enemies the same? What's the player cap?

Its really good, of course its still in EA and doesnt even have artifacts or all the characters but i think it might become an even better game. Its also not as buggy as ror 1

it's buy 1 get 1 free for like a day or something
why'd they do that

I NEED a 5 player option for fucks sake hopoo.

I bought a copy and have one to give away. You can have it if you post your Steam page with a funny joke that's related to Randy/Gearbox.

Anyone wanna trade their extra copy from purchase? i have some games collected over few years.

come one man
surely these games aren't that bad that nobody wants me to trade me a copy, right?

>Its also not as buggy as ror 1
I would find it hard to believe that it could be more buggy than RoR

is me

a big blue fuckoff portal spawned next to the teleporter on level 3, but I thinks its random
i got an event where there was only golems spawning, so that may have had something to do with it

so is the first game dead now

Attached: 1.jpg (400x400, 25K)

have a wishlist? No R2/Sekiro and stuff like that, can do some indie up to 10$

When is acrid

more like randy pitchfor kids
because he had cp

I give up, fuck me

he asked for a joke user


Attached: cadet annoyed.png (567x584, 289K)

colonial marines is a pretty big joke

Pretty sure han d is already in based on the shape of the shadow next to commando


>buy one get one free
>not realizing you can split the cost with a friend

dumb or friendless niggers

>do some shrine
>"you have been sequenced"
Guess it changes the stacks of your items
inb4 >easy mode, I was trying to unlock things

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_2019-03-28_14-23-07.jpg (1920x1080, 260K)

Torrent when? I want to download it there first since I want to test if my shit PC can even run this first.

gearbox publishing, thats the joke

Any lobbies? Lookin to pop my cherry

Attached: plush.png (480x480, 216K)

here's a good one
http s ://twinfinite . net/2019/03/risk-of-rain-2-available-in-early-access-on-steam-today/
"Today, during Gearbox Software’s PAX East stage show, Gearbox Publishing and Hopoo Games made an announcement about the Risk of Rain Franchise."
i wonder what this means for hopoo


here's a good one
_________________________________________________randy pitchford_________________________________________________

>these item logs
>yfw tougher times

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 883K)

I can't help being autistic

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Can anyone confirm they see the same thing i see?

Attached: my greatest achivement.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

>easy mode

Small update: piratefags working for the local play steamworks fix

Should be done this week so you can play with frens or other piratefags


i have no joke to say because i enjoyed borderlands 2

Games for ants, I see.

A person who only played a little bit of the first game.

Should I jump for the sequel?

Question for a friend who's interested, I don't have the game yet so I can't give him the info

How does server stuff work here? I'm seein you can invite people via code, but does it allow for connecting to game via steam itself? does it have a server list?


need another Yea Forumsirgin

I got u

Attached: my_view.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

Thank you fren

Attached: We gunna mek it.png (680x763, 303K)

ROR2 isn't as great as 1 for a good reason - there's no sense of urgency at all. Whenever you are in a bind, just run away. Can't do that in 1.

there's a quickplay option. the game uses steam servers so no more port forwarding and host begging

How do I unlock C H A R A C T E R S

I got the bow lady but that's it

Yo what difficulty should each of the levels be played on? I feel like I'm pretty fucked right now since this is the beginning of the third level and I'm on insane. I haven't played ror1 since 2014/15 so forgive me

Also does anyone wanna chill and make a lobby together? Just join for a while and then dip when you get bored. Add me on discord me!#1225

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is the online play region locked? or what the fuck is going on

Goddamnit I want to play it but I'm still at work

>invalid lobby ID

Oh jesus fuck i thought it was a glitch.

yes, you can invite via steam and it actually works
check log, hover over character, get requirements

stop playing on drizzle
some of the mobs will hunt you the fuck down

what you're describing can be done in RoR1 too


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streaming rn
twitch . tv /some1cp

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>tfw had to turn down a gift copy for ethical reasons
Anyone want it?

To be fair, it has been dead for a good while outside Yea Forums threads.


t. never made it past the 2nd level

Apparently they just made gifts region locked. So, you can only gift to people in your region.

I still haven't played it

global rule 11

hover over their achievements in the logbook
>Engineering Perfection: Complete 30 Stages
just play the game
>Warrior: Reach and complete 3rd Tele without dying
just play the game but git gud
>Pause: Free the Survivor suspended in time.
Most likely refers to the item that you can buy in the secret lunar shop for 10 coins
>True Respite: Kill yourself at the Obelisk
Probably refers to health shrines
>Verified: Complete the 1st Tele 5 times.
just play the game

pls kind sir

Make sure you specify where you're from, it's region locked.

>no AA
what the fuck man

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man, is it true that there's only 4 players max?
do you niggers think Hopoo will add more co-op slots?

I will trade you for other games off your wishlist of reasonable value?

Feels a lot harder but that's partially just due to losing familiarity with map layout and keybinds. I died on stage 3 on the easiest difficulty which is pretty embarrassing.

It's really fucking fun though. The transition to 3D feels as seamless as it looks, the music is still amazing, and the environments are comfy. Lots more variety as well, adding new stuff in addition to existing shit from RoR1 (enemies, items, new types of chests/shrines).

is this game like Nuclear Throne, EtG, Dead Cells or any other indie pixelshit rogue game?
I hate those but this looks quite fun


Attached: fuk.jpg (1920x1080, 445K)

seriously? alright i'll trade


lobby number: 109775240997126202

get IN

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how the fuck do you find the teleporter in the second level????? are there only two levels currently in the game?

>limited 4 player coop
Man really? Ror was best enjoyed in full parties

steamplay please

So is it good or not

yes and yes

>expecting a drm free multiplayer game post 2013
Steam MP is ideal for indie devs these days, way easier and clears a big barrier of entry for plens who can't into port opening. You're not gonna find a MP game that doesn't involve DRM these days

Its unity game and hoppo coding
It Will be one of the first mods

nah theres 5 i think. you dont always start on same level. its like the original game brainlet

Must be dirty cheap now, get it.

It's nice
>link RoR2 to a friend
>he tell me we could split the cost and buy it
>i refuse
>gift him game before he even releases something

Too bad, I'm gonna leave it sitting in my gift inventory. Get a job you disgusting Brazilian chimps.

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I have it, I've just been putting off playing it for years

1 more


The game is only in early access and there are four dedicated slots to "soon to be a thing" characters. Who knows how many more they'll add after those four are added. I wouldn't make any assumptions about class removal just yet.


that UI though

Attached: UI parody.jpg (1024x770, 163K)

but i'm canadian

do you like RoR?
do you like 3rd person shooter roguelites?



This is the power of non soi indie devs. Fucking based Hopoo.

Ì Hopoo so.

Anyone want to trade?
I'll buy you any $10 game for a copy.

Attached: yuyuko.png (182x216, 64K)

Can someone confirm if the GAME is actually region locked? Not the gift, the game.

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cuz its full bitch make another lobby

So how does multiplayer work? Is it really Steam only? Does it force you to use your Steam name/profile? Also can the singleplayer be played DRM free?


Really polished experience so far; decently optimized, really fun, lots of good new content, 3D gameplay is surprisingly intuitive coming off of a few hundred hours in RoR 1. The soundtrack is good as fuck, if that means anything to you.
All I wanted and more, really excited to see what actual good devs do with an EA title.


Attached: mung.jpg (540x720, 63K)

How is this with a controller? Is it decently playable? My pc is in my living room and running cables is pretty hard right now.

That and bringing back Acrid and Providence.

I miss glass

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>Boss Golem on level 1


can you unlock all the characters on drizzle mode?

it's not

buy me half of RoR

>Want to play RoR2 but not in the situation to spend money
Enjoy you guys. How is it so far? Optimized?

come here

how to unlock merc

Looking for the extra copy willing to trade wishlist games

Attached: 1538494980176.jpg (660x280, 52K)

You didn't start the first game with glass either, look around to see if there's unlockable relics.

lmao you know nothing about game development kid

it's pretty succinct imo, the only stupid thing is the objectives bar but that could be because i haven't found out how to get anything there other than "teleporter and kill boss thanks"

Mercenary is in, and they've stated they've been working on HAN-D, who is probably the most difficult melee character to get working in 3d.

Attached: community_image_1414412050.jpg (829x800, 187K)

are golems the new wurms

It's fine with a controller (the ability hotkeys feel natural) but I prefer m+kb since it's a 3D environment.

based and redpilled

They need to fucking improve how enemies telegraph their atacks, no point on having a dodge button if there is no clear way to know when you are getting hit

I have Color of Maddness and Crimson Court DD dlcs
can trade for free extra copy

2/4 Join you double niggers

Fuck, it looks like a really good game.
I'm gonna buy it bros

>They need to fucking improve how enemies telegraph their atacks
what enemies do you think don't telegraph enough? i've only made it to stage 3 but the golem, bison, imp, and every boss i've fought telegraph their attacks just fine
takes a bit to get used to their attack patterns but that's how video games work

some huntress running

Attached: huntress.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Can anyone confirm if you can run this game on a potato laptop?

As long as it’s playable and I’m not a gigantic disadvantage I’m in.

>Two identical bros posts in both RoR threads at the same time
I guess that now that they're published by Gearbox they have cuck shills. Still gonna get the game, but goddamn.

they better bring back the loader.
the grappling hook in a 3d space would be the tightest shit.

Yeah enemies aren't fast enough for it to be a big disadvantage desu. The bison and imps are kind of a bitch since they have teleport/charge attacks and you can't snap your aim to adjust for that on controller, but you can circumvent that by positioning yourself carefully around them.

host WHERE

Calm down bro

Fuck putting hitscan enemies in a game with no cover, those fucking wisps constantly manage to hit despite being on the move.

>no glass
>no command
>no spite

it's been so long that I forgot what base RoR is like

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But i cant so gib me key.

Hey, that's my name on the side.


Attached: fernet.jpg (300x300, 19K)

>no cover
There's cover in almost every map I've played on. I cheesed several Elder Wisps in my second run on the snowy map. Wisps are still a motherfucker in this game though, even harder than in RoR1.


get in.

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Attached: HAN-D.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)

new and upgraded

Attached: mult.png (626x336, 209K)

Right on. Downloading now.


It's the first time I am happy to have been so wrong. I fully expected this game to be trash since I loved the 1st one so much and couldnt accept the change from 2D to 3D. Faith in game devs restored.

I'm offering only one DLC tho

A few maps are big open areas with little structures or bits to take cover.

It's from lunar chests.

Attached: Glass.png (1920x1080, 865K)

ID: 109775240997142745


I thought this game was only coming out in the middle of this year?

So who's the big bad final boss this time? Anyone reach him yet?

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>4 players max
wtf hopoo

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How to unlock?

that's fine.

>Han-D and Acrid are out because MUH 3D
This game's bad. They can just rip off of Devil May Cry with a character and it'd be fine. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I'm not playing this until MP doesn't have 6 players at least

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there's literally hundreds of beggars if you don't have friends
there's also some offering to buy you shit up to like 10$ for it or trade it for humbun keys

so does it feel early access levels of unfinished or is it already worth the 20 bucks?

>"a blue orb appears"
what does it mean

Shit I'll sell mine for $10 where can I do that?

I never thought a 2d to 3d sequel could be a direct upgrade. This is on the level of mario 64 or ocarina of time.

Attached: unknown.png (513x471, 224K)

Worth 10 bucks.


post your id bud and pick a game
you are US right?


steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008887098 pretty please

bit buggy in some areas, price is gonna increase following the full release

buy now if you trust hopoo

>that fucking Beetle Queen
They fucking know their audience, alright.

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Not that dude but I don't like having my steam profile linked around with all the fucking scraper sites and the doxing culture these days. I know i'm a literal nobody but the kind of autism you see in /vg/ about other literal whos in MMO generals is right spooky and theres no way to change your steamID without just losing all your games.

If there was a way to play with people here without them being able to see my steam profile i'd be all over it.

see he might have left or already got a copy
I doubt anyone will give you actual $$$ due to the risk
you could try g2a once that shit goes up, but likely the price for that will be 5$ or less

>get to lvl 2 with 4players
>no teleporter
is that it for coop or what?

Hows Risk of Rain 2?
How is it like compared to the first one?
Is playing the first one necessary to enjoy 2?

huntress and MUL-T is obvious, but how do you unlock the other characters?

pretty comfy so far
did anyone else get a red item in the first stage this early?

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make it private with a blank username retard
nobody is gonna dox you if you're called "Joe" unless you do some dumb shit like talk about your school

Seems to be a bug where people can't see the teleporter.

>really fucking fun and well made, esp for an EA title
>more difficult so far, more variety in terms of map layout, items, enemies, everything; not as many characters (yet), not as comfy but that's because it's difficult

Much harder.

i think ill get this and give a free copy to a friend hopefully someone else in our group will do the same

Which one do you want?

I don't get what you're worried about. Make your steam profile private, make your ID a series of strings, make your username "assmcgee1239", and make the lobbies private. It's no less "secure" than having an account on literally any website ever made.

>tfw 15 fps

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I think the achievement 'Engineering Perfection' will probably unlock the engineer

>Hows Risk of Rain 2?
>How is it like compared to the first one?
like the first one but in 3d
>Is playing the first one necessary to enjoy 2?
the experience and mechanics from playing 1 help but it's not necessary

Attached: 8f8.jpg (778x1173, 158K)

So what the fuck is that thing? An user posted it last thread.

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try looking along the ground, it can blend in

So is this a sequel plot-wise or just the first game but in 3D?




It probably takes place after the original game. Some user posted a log that made it seem like the survivors are there more by choice than not. Or, it could be just the first game in 3D. I'm fucking retarded, user.

Never bothered to pick up the first RoR should I just jump to the sequel?

So how do I unlock new characters?

So I get a free extra copy if I buy it? Who wants it?

I saw one that was mostly underwater and underneath a fallen pillar.

Yeah, it's a sequel. First one was about getting off the planet and surviving with a deep message about how nothing on the planet is evil, everyone is just trying to survive.

Second one kinda ruins that message by sending everyone back down there to collect the items lost in the crash but overall it's not a big deal breaker. You can play the game without focusing on the lore, just like the first.

it's the first game (in an early state) in 3D

What do you want in exchange? i ahve some games I bought in the past and bundles


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Yeah, but trading is region locked. So if you bought it in south america, you can only trade with south americans, and so on.

But I wanted my favorite toxic lizard boi instead.

you can get varying amounts of things back for it ranging from love to humbun games to some people actually buying fresh new shit for you (up to like 10$)

once g2a adds it or the pirates get multiplayer, it's likely gonna plummet in value

They're the same game but probably at least marginally different due to the 3D, so sure. Hop right into 2.
There are probably a couple you have to find, and a couple that are determined by milestones and such. Like the first game.

seriously considering picking this up
does it have a server browser now or at least random matchmaking on steam where you can join a random game or is it still just IP only invites through the steam interface?
don't have any friends that would play this with me and as much fun as playing RoR1 with Yea Forums was I don't always want to start or join a thread and wait around until there's either an open lobby or make my own lobby and wait until enough people join it

So what are the playable characters?
Commando, Huntress, Engineer, Mercenary, the new MUL-T guy and what else?

It all depends if Providence is the final boss or not

Has the developer ever said why he didn't include direct connect multiplayer this time? Is it an anti piracy thing or is there some other reason? This game looks fun but there's no way I'm using Steam to play it

random matchamaking and really easy private lobbies

Wheres the fucking torrent

TORRENT WHERE????????????????

>tfw the game isn't uploaded to pirate yet


hopoo i know you're in here where is our 10+ player mayhem that we've all come to know and love

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I have one.

sweet, that's perfect. gonna pick it up right now then, hopefully I can convince at least one friend to play with me with the free copy
although realistically it's gonna go the same way getting games for a friend ever has, they'll probably play with me for an hour or two and then never touch it again

Can you play this with only 2 players? or does it have to be 4?

First game is fun even solo if you just want to grab it on the cheap.

2/4 JOIN

open, join

I have bunch of games from past puechases and some past bundled games.

Looking for extra copy you get from purchase.

Also have Darkest Dungeon DLCs

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I honestly doubt they're that fucking retarded

Anyone want to trade for dragons dogma?

cmon man, 18 euros?
I would buy it if it was same price as the original but damn
guess I'm a beggar then

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What achievements are tied to which characters?
>Engineering Perfection: Complete 30 Stages
>Warrior: Reach and complete 3rd Tele without dying
>Pause: Free the Survivor suspended in time.
>True Respite: Kill yourself at the Obelisk
>Verified: Complete the 1st Tele 5 times.

Explain further

Don't give up skeleton.

is there a cracked version somewhere?

Are you sad you can't name yourself NIGGER or other stupid shit anymore?

here u go fags

Attached: 2019-03-28_20-39-18.jpg (495x37, 20K)

>It's all about the natural cycle of life and death, and how nobody is really bad for surviving
That might be paraphrasing your post too hard user, but still. Just to recap, rain world is littered with cool artifacts and fauna with literal magical properties, and your cargo ship is leaving after picking up a lot of this shit. Providence is Captain fucking Planet and strikes you down before you and your crew can escape retribution for what they perceive as a crime against them, then puts you through a teleporting gauntlet of survival. The message isn't that nothing on the planet is evil, it's a message about humanity's wanton avarice and LITERALLY having Providence come down on them, either in the form of itself or the dangerous fauna. It's about rising above that, because the Merc's ending dialogue talks about how he's changed after the experience. From a man, to something more. Rising above his struggles, or some shit.

>get to level 2
>boss(es) are some ice golems
>kill two but the bar isn't all the way down
>can't progress until I "kill the boss"
>can't find the other ones anywhere

is this a bug or are they on the map in some fucking corner somewhere?

Huntress still thicc?

im sorry friend i had to go for a bit, crimson court would be preferred

collio, whats yer steam?


Attached: file.png (770x577, 425K)

Yes, my laptop is about as shit as it gets and it runs fine if I turn everything down

steamwork fix

Attached: 2019-03-28_20-40-53.jpg (578x27, 17K)

oh shit new dolphin porn

Ah okay. I didn't read too much of the lore for the first so it makes sense now why they'd come back.

Never played multiplayer in the first game, how does it work? what happens if one of you dies?

man hurry the fuck up iptorrents I don't wanna trust some random user

Attached: n9msi1R[1].png (740x721, 44K)

Starting soon, better be quick

i'd gladly take it friend i'm the same person quoted there

>$300 worth of bitcoin
How many bitcoins is it now? 0.000001?

I'd prefer you posted yours so the russian hackers cant DDoS me with malware

Do we know the confirmed characters? Is Sniper in?

Big drone

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The links are from cs rin ru

You stay dead until someone manages to clear the stage. Not sure if it's the same here.

use yopmail/sharkmail then
send here: [email protected]


>Kaguyanigger makes a shitty post
How surprising


Sniper isn't in atm but he is being worke don.

Anyone opened the time security chest yet?

how DO you unlock other characters


>make your ID a series of strings, make your username "assmcgee1239"

Go ahead and put yours in there, and try to change your steam ID. You can't.

No i'm just a boring ass neet that somehow constantly makes friends with mentally unstable stalkers. I've already talked to steam support about changing the ID but there's no way to do it.


So many frens, user.


Can I get a source? I'm "this" close to buying right now, but I want my snipes.

Any russki wants a copy?

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Does the magma worm have some sort of AoE? I swear I'm avoiding the fuckers but my health is getting drained like crazy and I often die.

You can scale it: 25%, 50% etc

I will take it, slav user!

I think they have an heat aura around them. If you stay close, your health will start dropping.


is the original and Risky Rain 2 comparable to other roguelites like Nuclear Throne or Spelunky, where you just pick a character, die a lot, eventually beat the game and that's it?

Yes. Just thank god that you haven't run into an overloading worm.

It's pretty agressive then, I lost half my health in a few seconds.

fucked up ID sorry

how is it for early access? what isn't in the game?

>no trading cards
>no achievements

that's gonna be a DROPPED from me.

Basically yeah, but you can play with other people. And if it's like the first one, you can find some relics that change how the game plays as well, like making everyone a glass cannon, killing enemies drop items sometimes, killing enemies makes them drop bombs that explode after kicking off the ground 3 times, and the tougher the enemy is, the more balls will rain.

Didn't play RoR1, how do I get gud at this. Keeping getting smashed by the teleport bosses

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>VAC ban
Come on, man

So Elite bosses exist uh, jesus, I'm getting my ass kicked by regular bosses I don't even want to imagine.

>tfw no more ropes

get IN

Let's go boys

Attached: 1546723358447.gif (200x200, 28K)

Got it during cod3 times when there was false vac ban wave
90% of people got unbanned but not me :

the only friend I had who played ror hasn't signed in for 19 months

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anyone wanna test what happens if you shoot the big lizard dude in the lunar shop area? he has a health bar so i assume you can probably just kill him

bro dont do this to yourself. move on.

we got it lads

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You learn how to skirt across the map more efficiently and find big mone items. The spirit of the game is "shoot it more", but items give you godlike powers, so you should get as many as you can and hit the teleporter before the next difficulty comes in.

I dont know why this keeps kicking people

bump again
I can accept region-locked copy, have BR and RU/CIS games too



Attached: 1552954455998.jpg (550x811, 63K)

try again please

performance is disappointing to be honest


Attached: 1527718444767.jpg (369x226, 11K)

runs fine and I have a gtx 960

post webms

___ _ ____ ____ ____ __

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Anyone wanna trade their extra copy?

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I have a 1060 and drops below 60fps even on lowish settings, I'm talking shadows disabled and shit


anyone trying to join this why does it say you got kicked?
i get a rock solid 60 on 1080p

>because they have friends
Not on this site, tranny

Damn he's looking cool, do want

Is that who you get from getting 10 lunar coins?

Pshh nothing personnel is back, bois.

game is out on csrin

can you play MP on pirated copies

I never played the first RoR but enjoy shooters would I like this?

Found a portal at the end of the level that instead of teleporting to the merchant, it teleported to a jumping puzzle instead, at the end is an obelisk that gives you the choice to kill yourself, you unlock merc by accepting death

finally an user btfos the retards who didn't watch the alpha gameplay of mercenary and baselessly assumed he was gone

no but within like 1 day you can

Only with other pirates


Really want to play it but no munny

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true respite unlocks mercenary



No, it needs steam to connect. But if you try connecting without a steam client, Gabe Newell personally rapes your mother to death.

begfags fuck off

steam gift

steam gift

I'm asking for trade you faggot not to get it asa gift.
Learn to read


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So, you gotta commit sudoku to get him?

Honorabu Sacrifice.

i'll gift someone a copy if you reply to this with your steam profile and proof you've played the first to a decent extent

They're cryptocurrency. You downloaded a miner.

Is there voice chat?

at least the game looks appropriate on potato settings

Rare drop from some enemies, one Moon shekel unlocks a portal where you can spend 10 to get a character.

2 year old laptop. toaster friendly?

yeah I'll probably wait until they implement this


here you go

Probably, the lowest settings are really low

cheers bud

Attached: 1466248840777.jpg (160x160, 4K)

>product already owned


Attached: file.png (476x400, 15K)

How do i get portals to open up?

pls no bully

Shit game. Send me a copy so I can prove it's shit to you plebs.

couple more


No problems here with my rx 480 try to reinstall your drivers

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The hell is this?

lol get owned poorfags, read the OP next time

hes just posting keys to risk of rain 1

Anyone wanna trade their extra copy for something? Post wishlist

Ah i see, no wonder why it said already owned

tell me how to unlock other characters or I'll murder you

But it says I own it. I don't own RoR 1.

I have enough money to buy the game and gift it to every person in this thread 8 times over but I'll be pirating it instead. umad?

I don't think I have RoR1

they're also in bitbin.it/3qBKggRI/


>don't own ror1
>product already owned
probably something else that everybody has

Still have these 2 DLCs for DD, can trade the 10$ one for copy or the 5$ +something small for copy

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The devs have already said that they're not the same people. Commando in 1 is not Commando in 2, for example.

>game is $20
>i literally have $20 to my name for the next two weeks
do i just buy it and starve to death along the way

I don't think you understand how value works user

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meant for

I played a lot more on pirate version.

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find a friend to split the cost then you'll have 10 dollars for the next two weeks

>install time: 10 mins
Love me some fucking light weight games.

>vandering vagrant AOE attack

steam is pqpvcs

Attached: ror1.jpg (143x65, 4K)

Buy it, then go to a denny's at 2 or 3 in the morning and just eat drunk people's leftovers

t. scavenger

>find a friend
you could have stopped there

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1 spot

got fond memories of staying up late at night farming monster lore drops

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ahahaha the pirated copy already works with multiplayer

i think i'll just find a pirate copy for now and buy the game on my next paycheck
i don't want to be a smelly beggar, but i don't feel like waiting either

This. Talk to the staff and they literally won't care. Just make sure you never have to see them outside denny's or else they look at you funny. Maybe scrounge up some money for tips too.

already gave away my copy. Would have given it to you had I come sooner. sorry user

this is probably nothing on the folks that play in the Yea Forums threads. got all them cheevos though

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Just did a game where I had me some wings and 3 feathers while launching rockets
Fucking amazing feeling
I love being a bee

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Snipe was mentioned in one of the dev blogs.

Is the cook in?

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Have 6 pages of steamgifts, ~ 1000+ humble games
Wanna trade for extra copy of ROR2

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Doin alright. This is my seventh level.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)

is enforcer in?

nobody gives a fuck

i couldn't give a fuck what you're doing as long as your not shitting up threads with ebegging

Join Lads.

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>mfw getting 15 sodas from sequenced


Oh wait, now i also remember seeing some webms of snipe gampelay. Thanks user.

>won't be home until 6 hours from now

Guess I'll settle on looking at webms