If you could have the physique of any game character, which would you choose?

If you could have the physique of any game character, which would you choose?

inb4 little girl

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Don’t be gay, dude.

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I'm ok with either one desu

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This, but with a retractable penis and internal testicles.

That isn't gay. Being gay is when you want another man's body instead of being comfortable with your own. Temporarily wanting a woman's body for sexual pleasure and curiosity haha is a-ok.


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I want to look like yoshi haha

Mike Haggar. Already have his name, why not?

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Is this the hourly tranny thread?

This is not how it works

>self improvement is gay

When did this meme start?

Sagat, who else

Honestly either one is fine.

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discord tranny shills

i wish Poison were my girlfriend

>self improvement

But there's only two men in that image. You mean boyfriend.

No way fag, even if I did become Poison I'm still only into women.

nice buzzword combo

Yes? The question in the OP doesn’t say anything about switching bodies.

Let me reiterate since you didn't understand.
>when you did nothing to change yourself

Ok, what are you basing this on?

t. discord tranny

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Are you retarded? Being gay means you want to fuck men.

>456257056 arguing that wishing to be a buff dude isn't gay, but wanting to be a girl is
>call him tranny
you're retarded

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So wanting to be a girl isn’t what trannies want? What’s going on?

but user being gay is when you touch another man's peepee

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Cristiano Ronaldo from the FIFA series.


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Severance was badass

truly based

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Elf chicks are always lezzing it up with each other, this is just a well-known fact

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Well that was bound to happen.

buff me up

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>ywn be a blonde Japanese high school chick

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If I had this guy's physique, I'd walk around shirtless all time time

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no contest

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tag:fat bastard

You fucks think your character is big? I'll show you MY TRUE POWER!

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This is what peak male body looks like

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Best ME boy, best body, I wish it were mine

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normal body
i just hate being tall alongside auschwitz-tier weight

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>tfw no eldritch horror body.
I just want to have a body fitting my mind.

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peak performance

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Seems that way. Discord is leaking again.

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Is Vega insane?

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Now this is peak physique

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don't need to wish for it because I already have it.

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He’s just quirky.

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>peak male body

far from it

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that one on the cover of Fifa 19?

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Absolute unit

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I want those thighs around my face


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>inb4 little girl
How about twink boy?

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how do i unlock delts bigger then head mode?

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I would have this body if not for 3 xl pizzas every Friday

Litterally me

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no cap

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Unironically juicing causes them to grow much larger than they normally would.

Good taste.

I just want to be a tall, confident bara wrestler.
Is that too much to ask?

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Bison. I'm a power lifter and his physique is the ideal. I know I'll never achieve it, but it's a goal that keeps me motivated.

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looks like textbook republican

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is this a tranny?

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Buncha dumbasses in this thread.

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Give me this physique.

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Pics of you?

>wanting to be a freakish monster with a 20 pack
So long as we're going the route of weird, I want to be Exdeath.

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All I know is I wouldn't pick being a shitty human because Im not a retard. Although something that can change sizes at will would be best, but the OP wasn't clear if that's allowed.

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But you can become fit. By exercise and dieting.

>tfw you want to be a /fit/ weeb samurai but don't have a practical reason to be /fit/ other than to look good
Our modern sedentary lifestyle is kind of depressing

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Dude, I wanna be a dragon...

ideal male, female and trap / girl (male) bodies, this is all about aesthetics, not performance

more ripped than the othermode (my own bodytype, but i can't go further because my genetics and i'm not interested in juicing), closer to the athletic / built type, but nowhere near humongous shit like a Street Fighter character like Ryu (bodybuilder-tier) or fat shit like bearmode (which is actually very effective performance-wise, but this is about aesthetics)

small shoulders, good waist-hip ratio, good breast size, round ass (shape is far more important than size), decent thighs and a flat tummy (a little bit of abs is fine, but just a little), most DoA girls (other than Marie Rose) are suitable examples

> trap / dickgirl
anime proportions aside, must look similar to the female, but flat-chested, a slightly more tubular upper body with smaller hips is also acceptable, but a v-shaped torso is not an option, should lack any kind of muscle definition on the upper body, even on the tummy. the dick needs to be intact, very small (Hermaphroditus-like) and preferably limp

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God tier taste

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I ain't that big anymore, but here I am. My job has me running around these days, so it's killing my gains.

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I am almost certain he's implying any physique, meaning height too

yes, she is

Post your butt cutie.

mitsurugi looks badass as fuck

Anything that is not a balding manlet with a small phimosis dick.

Why are dragons with humanoid bodies so hot?


I'm more interested in flying than being hot.

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Do you also want the tail?

Based and crazypilled

its costume, you moron

Settle down, retard.

No it’s when the balls touch.

Cybergod time

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Lets not go crazy here.

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This guy, I've got height and I'm fit, I just need another 10-20lbs of lean muscle or so.

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I would be very impressed.

>Not going strongfat
Also a good answer

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As long as I can stop being black I don't give a shit just get me out of hard mode

Sounds like somebody’s swallowed the propaganda.

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>All these organic fucbois

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