So was this game any good at all or not?
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I went in with an open mind. Some aspects are cool, like art style and music, but the writing is so terrible that I simply lost motivation to keep playing. The dev uses Alex as a self insert/mouthpiece to interact with this whole world and story he wrote pretty much for himself. Alex never shuts up and as a result, the player is completely left out of the narrative. The player isn't even allowed to make observations because Alex is always doing it out loud himself. It doesn't help that you're forced to lose or flee from the first 3-4 bosses you encounter, and the leveling system is beyond tedious.
Personally I feel like it's a shame since yiik(more like yikes) unironically had a lot of soul. I would give the developer another chance if he ever made a second game.
It's fucking trash.
What name did your parents give you?
What the fuck is this dialogue. Who the fuck talk that way. Jesus christ
Nope. It's pretentious hipster trash... Even the title sucks. I mean why YIIK? Sounds like "YEEK." Why not Y2K like any normal & sane person?
>I would give the developer another chance if he ever made a second game.
This is his second game. The picture on Alex's shirt is a reference to the first equally horrid RPG the dev team made.
>cool aspects
>like the music
Too obvious, user.
>is a reference to the first equally horrid RPG the dev team made.
that they are remaking
Self-inserting yourself as the main protagonist is so embarrassing.
everyone does it but they will often change enough things so that it’s not completely obvious.
How and why was this game referenced in VA-11 HALL-A?
this game is an empirical proof Yea Forums is mostly made up of underage retards
You know those faggots that when you argue with them they tell you to "read books" like putting down words on paper make them better than any other artform? The dev is one of those faggots and thought that making his game more like a book would make it better.
Don't take my word for it, look up the talk he had with Dick Masterson on his podcast. His major influences are all books.
He mentioned that while the character's appearance is based on him, he wrote the character as an unlikable fag on purpose. Apparently he gets better as the game progresses and he becomes a decent guy but that could just be bullshit
Look we can all agree it is pretentious hipster trash but everyone is dick riding the main character so hard because he's some unlikeable prick.
Plenty of other stories always have the main protagonist having some sort of flaw. But over time their character grows and evolves from the heroes journey. That's what happens to him and realizes how much of a hipster douche he was. It's typical character development.
Its one thing to have an unlikeable protagonist that becomes more likable as the story progresses, its another thing entirely to be stuck with him for 40 fucking hours before he changes.
Protag is better than Rufus.
>its another thing entirely to be stuck with him for 40 fucking hours before he changes.
No it's not like that at all lol
It looks like a hipster saw screenshots of Earthbound and tried to make a game off of it without understanding it's core.
Is there actually a real datamined true ending that or i got pranked again?
It's bad. Poorly written and tedious. It's like you can tell what exact games the developer was playing when he made this game which drives me up the fucking wall. There's nothing worse than a surface-level interpretation of Earthbound and Lovecraft.
the ending was bullshit
Reminder that BASED toby fox contributed the only good piece of music to this god-awful OST/game/trainwreck.
Maddox lost
>tip: video games are NOT a waste of time
The game is quite literally too non-sensical to allow for character development.
He only starts changing when the world already been destroyed and his friends are all dead.
The "true" protagonist is introduced only in the last 10% of the game.
The villains motives make fuck all sense.
The ending is a big "and all the universes and all the characters been erased from existence (including main alex) except YOUR'S, THE PLAYER.