Another one
Overrated crap like all souls games.
I'm looking forward to playing it but I have a feeling I won't be able to beat it either.
This is a relatively old article that has already been posted many times. I see Sekirobabs are struggling to stay relevant.
It's a new one from Forbes that came out 2 hours ago.
>its another fromsoft game is too hard meme
fuck sake getting tired of this shit whats wrong with these fucking faggot journalists
>t. soulsshitter
>needs to respect its players with an easy mode
>and ode to not bothering when things get too tough
these make me irrationally mad and i can't resist replying even though i know it doesn't matter what i type here.
Why cant they just rise to the challenge? Over coming challenges builds character and confidence.
I’ve been replaying Nioh before I get Sekiro
Nioh is so damn good
They need to... Dare I say it?
I can kinda see his point, although this is a game that should played.
I for instance never finished Lud and Zallen, because after I died 3 times I just quit and never returned to horse fuck valley.
It's not even hard once you learn to press L1, x and o.
Because they've been fed a constant diet of onions and the idea of manning the fuck up is scar and it's easier to cry for the game to be spoon fed to them
I read it and I get the point he was trying to make of knowing when to accept your limits, but he also had an air of "its the games fault for being so difficult" instead of the reality of "knowing when you dont want to put in the time to git gud"
He needed to word it better
>please respect me by treating me like a child
lmao get filtered faggot journo
Music and film critics spend years understanding their art form. Game """journalists""" demand things be easier instead of appreciating what a developer is attempting. They make this medium look like a joke.
because they are betas. they have never competed for anything in their life. Why do you think they chose being a game "Journalist"?
Does the world really need 100 faggots saying the same thing on 100 websites?
git gud faggot
I was fucking tilted fighting Butterfly until I finally realized how easy she is to parry. During the fight, I was bitching about how "this just isn't fun". Afterwards, I actually enjoyed it. Would do again
>knowing when to accept your limits,
i.e. how to be a stagnant faggot who never leaves their comfort zone or accomplishes anything in life
most skills in the world just require putting the time and effort to develop them. this is especially true for videogames. you'd have to be a literal retard or have a physical disability to think you can't beat dark souls or sekiro.
So, I've just seen a few things about Sekiro ehre and there but is the game more akin to Souls games or more Tenchu? Because I want to play an action game that is not slow and boring as the Souls games.
I mean you aren't wrong. I'm just saying its good advice for those are exactly like that, rather than bruteforcing it and not enjoying themselves
yeah, its a shame that they are all such pussies. getting good at Sekiro is incredibly satisfying. I pirated the game to test the waters and got about 10 hours in. Then I uninstalled it and bought it on steam - it was so satisfying to kill the chained ogre and the shinobi hunter on the first try this time around. these fags will never understand that feeling.
Also, I have found a VERY useful real life skill that can be hones playing sekiro: breathing steadily under stress. It's almost poetic that a game starring a Shinobi in Feudal Japan is good for training breathwork and meditative focus.
it's definitely not slow combat. I'd recommend at least trying it out.
>tfw can't overlevel or overgear and actually have to git gud to kill bad bois
>DS3 needed an easy mode
Why the game is piss easy?
Imagine being filtered out of Fromsoft's second best game.
I truly feel sad for them.
>Afterwards, I actually enjoyed it.
>play passively like a souls game
>get frustrated that you can't fucking chip away at a health bar
>go explore and fight easier enemies
>finally understand that the point of the game is offense and building up the posture gauge.
>come back and beat her on my first try.
Where can one pirate it? I'm banned from my usual private tracker sites and the release on TPB looks like actual malware.
that was my problem. It feels good practicing and defeating bosses by your skill, rather than a +15 Claymore
No one who says stuff like that wants to work at video games because they don't think it's worth it.
>bro i just want to relax and play the game
>Fought ape with 6 prayer beads
Uh, dunno about that cant outgear part.
Poor monkey couldnt even drop me to half.
Indeed, I did GIT
the best part is where he says "i beat all the other souls games" while also saying he abused the hell out of co-op in those games
It's for the better for them to be filtered early on. These scurbs would legit kill themselves should they ever bruteforce their way all the way to the Demon Of Hatred or the Sword Saint.
It's these fucker's JOBS to beat these games, and they can't even do that. Cushiest goddamn job of all time, play vidya for free and get paid, and they can't put in the time to git gud.
fuck these faggots, I hope they go first when the day of the rope comes.
Even if you don't personally enjoy fromsofts games you really should appreciate the butthurt caused by not adding journalist mode to it
lol you're completely right
Their jobs are actually to generate click revenue.
But to get those you need to beat mini bosses and not some trash mobs.
its actually not, he mentioned int he review he didnt raise his hand to review the game, and the person who did actually beat it and gave it a 92/100
But he felt his opinion was valid anyways because muh feefees
1337x is where I got it, but if you like it you should totally purchase it. it is a straight 10/10 game once you become skilled enough to where it doesnt feel like you are getting your head dunked in a toilet and swirlied the whole time.
Based Sekiro filtering the casuals.
I got frustrated with Genichiro because the little faggot pulled a perilous attack on me after slamming onto the ground WHEN HE NEVER DID IT BEFORE IN MY PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS. Like, fuck you, you fucking chink.
what were the articles on Nioh?
>inb4 no journalist even played it
What's his next game?
>inb4 Berserk
A few people have already speedrun the game in ~1 hour.
He'll be announcing his game focusing on the One Year War.
I'll buy it for the PS4 when the complete version with the DLC included comes out. I never buy anything before that or before the devs confirm that they won't release a DLC.
It's amazing how Sekiro managed to btfo casuals and PvP souls fags at the same time.
It's definitely in my top 3 alongside DS1 and Bloodborne, but the combat itself is becoming my favorite. I even like how they got rid of the leveling mechanic, forcing you to fight the bosses just to gain more damage and vitality.
I hope the DLC can bring more prosthetics and ninjutsus, since just the sword combat alone is at least in 70-80 % of my fights.
Should I play Nioh?
>game journalists
>rising to a challenge
They're game journalists. They play games solely to write dogshit reviews on them, but that means they actually have to at least finish the game first. Since they were too garbage, they opted to talk shit about the difficulty because they were salty and wanted to save time.
Isn't that from Gundam?
it's worth 1 playthrough at least
Everyone can beat a souls game. Some might be a bit better and some will be a bit worse but the absolute majority will die a lot and force their way through it. That's the genre and it was novel once. Now I just don't see the point anymore. Beating DS1 felt, forgive me, epic because it was unlike anything else I've played back then (as I didn't play DS). DS2 was fine albeit different, Bloodborne was nice and short and fresh enough but it was wearing thin. With DS3 it was enough for me. Half way through I realised the delight from the masochism was gone and all I had left was an annoying game. Yes, being annoyed and frustrated is part of the concept, but when you don't any longer feel any excitement from overcoming the nth boss in games that feel very similar to each other, what is the goal? Now that souls games are being shit out like CoD titles there is no sense of conquering. There will be a new DLC or game not before long. It doesn't feel like climbing a mountain, but like I'm the gamer sisyphus.
All in all, the Souls formula isn't as evergreen as Activision and From thinks it to be. You need a better motivation for playing a game like this than "its hard but i got good" now that the whole ordeal has become utterly banal.
its more like ninja gaiden crossed with diablo than a souls game, but it does take the levelling system from souls, at least
Except Nintendo haven't made a game with challenge in decades.
Sometimes they have totally optional "challenge", which is about as dumb as saying tacking a hard mode on a game makes it hardcore.
The only criticism I have of the game are the shitty camera controls in some areas of the game(Lady Butterfly/Guardian Ape) and the huge grab hitbox on enemies(Guardian ape's leap grab move/Snake Eyes grab)
The game is literally not even slightly fun. It's the most autistic, anti-fun game I've ever played. There is not a single aspect that is remotely fun. The entire team should be shot in the head in front of their families.
Its way more fun than sekiro because you can just destroy the bosses with your spirit and summons. It’s great.
I enjoyed it a lot. Its a great game even with its many flaws. The combat is pretty shallow yet very engaging. Having the danger sign pop up, seeing the enemy wind up a stab and then countering it is incredibly satisfying.
There's tons a good ideas that can be improved and expanded. I hope they make a sequel.
>Except Nintendo haven't made a game with challenge in decades
doesnt matter
even if nintendo made a game yesterday, these journos will just complain how sexist peach is
writing about a game they actually CAN play doesnt bring in clicks
post your 100% save of tropical freeze
I agree, I have not encountered a single boss fight so far that actually made me go " I finally did it! I beat 'em". Instead a I am just glad it's over and on to the next frustrating boss.
(sniff sniff)
What's sad is that you actually have to point at a fucking OPTIONAL challenge. You think you need to 100% the game to beat it?
Unteralterbach. Check the Pastebin on /aco/ /weg/.
That's weird, he combos either thrust or sweep about 75 percent of the time every time I fought him.... I know because it took me many tries to beat him.
I like that he is the true filter of the game. You can brute force your way through everyone else up to that point, but he forces you to learn deflect or you get stuffed. I feel like I didnt know shit about playing this game until I beat him.
>didn't complete every level
>I-I totally beat it guize
nice goalpost moving you stupid nigger
I've had a sneaking suspicion it was
there's way too much complaining threads
Pretty much exactly my process too.
Lady Butterfly really is when you need to get your shit together, because the critical main path really doesn't force you to do so in the beginning. That first real boss on horseback was pretty laughable.
but now that I have acquired this new way of playing, the flaming bull is raping my ass goddamnit
>Lady Butterfly really is when you need to get your shit together
Not really if you followwhat the game tells you (side dodging and attacking) You can keep her stunlocked for the entire phase. Genichiro doesn't have that type of weakness which is the real part where you need to get your shit together with parrying.
Okay, but stop comparing this game to souls. Besides the difficulty it doesnt play the same at all. This is an action game, not an RPG. This game is very fresh compared to their other shit...
Also there are lots of hard games out there that are very good, so games being hard will likely never go out of fashion.
lol you're killin me man I know the game. I was just making a reference to it
It's sad that you think this is an argument. You don't need to beat all those levels to beat the game. That's why you have to refer to it as 100%, it's like saying that modern Mario is difficult because there's completely optional shit like world star.
Hell yeah
Yeah, no. I'll give you that it's the most divergent souls-like FROM has made yet but it's still clearly one.
And hard is fine, but the question becomes hard for what? When I say you need a reason that can be a compelling story or world, end-game, MP or whatever. What I mean is that hardness in itself is a worn out motivation.
Finally beating Genichiro was incredibly satisfying for me. Guardian Ape was super easy in comparison, especially since he always takes damage from every attack and can be staggered and stunlocked in phase 1.
Phase 2 parrying the overhead and using the loaded spear to rip out the centipede was satisfying but also only took a fraction of the attempts genichiro took
Nioh is easy as fuck even avoiding the ridiculous amount of options to make you OP
Why can't people just understand that not everything is for everyone? Some games are designed to be a challenge, some are designed to be casual. These games are known for their difficulty, why would you buy it knowing this and then complain that you can't do it? Why are people so fucking stupid?
I don't think that this faggot know what respect means.
>takes the leveling system from souls
you didn't play sekiro
Onions and feminism
>What I mean is that hardness in itself is a worn out motivation.
I can smell the onions from here.
>still no screenshot
whatever casual lmao
he's talking about nioh
For some of us it's a weak motivation to derive personal superiority from wasting time on a video game.
>an ode to being a bitch
Not that guy, but just because the credits roll doesnt meant a game is over.... why would you want to rob yourself out of a big chunk of content in a game you paid for? We arent talking about the same levels at a higher difficulty either, this is straight up unplayed content we are talking about. I would argue you didnt finish if you didnt beat world star.
A real exception would be something like 3dland or galaxy where you just do the same shit again as Luigi and nothing is even different about how you use him.
Even if we agree that there are no difficult nintendo games, it's hard to say that there are passive. The games dont really play themselves, especially since at the time of that article the cutting edge competitors were pushing shit like Order 1866 qtefest or generic bamham hold square to win.
I don't think it's taking the specific form you describe. Controversy is just good for business. If you want your game to sell, just spam articles about it no matter how good or bad they are, anything that'll stir up a discussion.
oh wow look at that im retarded
>we will never have NES-hard Mario games ever again
To be fair you can grind skill points in Sekiro to make things a whole lot easier on yourself. I purposefully chose not to but man having rising and falling carp plus the reduced posture damage from sword attacks skills along with the healing boosts would have made some fights so much easier
Adrenaline is a good enough reason, man. It's why we play Ninja Gaiden on master and kick me sign runs in God Hand.
If you dont get it just go back to you onions latte mochiatto and play your baby games.
>playing video games raises your confidence
journos are retarded but this even dumber
The spear pulls out the centipede??? Beat him earlier today never tried it.
yeah but you couldn't do that or wouldn't know to do that in your initial playthrough at launch
I was wondering if articles were the same
I feel your pain user. I feel dread every time I beat a boss.
>NES Mario
I dont know, there is like a 1 in 3 chance you pick Kato the first time and immediately learn abusing LW will destroy every boss in the game.
> why would you want to rob yourself out of a big chunk of content in a game you paid for?
Not the other user, but it's completely because they don't enjoy the game, and are instead playing to check it off a list or to be able say they beat it to fit in. I often feel this with games that have true endings and stuff. Games I actually enjoy; I'll often restart as soon as I'm done to get another ending. Games I'm just playing to check off; not a chance, I'm "done" the game.
The game literally has the same level of difficulty as any entry in the Soulsborne series. No bullshitting and no exaggeration - it's the same level of difficulty. All this shows is that people beat the previous games by overleveling, abusing busted builds, or summoning for help. If you were to play Bloodborne as a straightforward playthrough with no grinding, you'd see the same level of challenge as Sekiro. I'm so fucking sick and tired of seeing people bitch about this game's difficulty, especially men. Grow a fucking pair and stop bitching like a little girl. We're living in a generation of sentient pussies.
And that's a good thing
>An ode to not bothering when things get too tough
The perfect description of millenials and zoomers
ok cool guy
He literally just said in a podcast that he doesn't like it because he doesn't know how to parry.
isshin p2 also puts me on tilt so i might be in the same boat as the "journalist"
they are truly the worst "critics" in media entertainment yes
and their SEETHING is only growing as publishers cut them out as middle-men and do nintendo directs or go straight to twitch streamers
based industry shutting out those hacks and forcing them to find new careers
I’m similar but I have somehow got the mortal blade and to the ape but now I’m stuck.
I have not played Sekiro and I don't plan to, so I don't really have a horse in the Sekiro race. I think it's important to mention that because I want to remind everyone that there's also a fun/difficulty equation you have to do whenever you're playing a game. Getting stuck in a great game is a challenge you'll master and surpass and have fun doing it. If you get stuck in a game that's kind of shitty you'll just stop playing it and forget about it in a week, I'm sure all of us have done this before.
13 hours in the screen shot bub
ah what a coincidence. i just finished masturbating to fuchur's art a few minutes ago. hes done good art outside of unteralterbach too.
>"gamers" consider them ignorant faggots who can't even play games
>publishers are beginning to ignore them in favor of streamers
Maybe I'm overly optimistic but the future of this shitheap field looks bright. Either it fades away all together or is taken over by those with a genuine interest in the medium, rather than the current hacks who couldn't make it in other fields and want a fast path to Community Manager type positions.
This. play some good shit like Nioh or Ninja Gaiden. Especially Ninja Gaiden you zoomer casuals. Soulsborne are literally babby's first hard game.
If you're a Soulsborne fan, no.
If you just like action rpgs, yes.
Just for you I read this article. And what he says has some truth to it, especially his point about how it doesn't respect the idea of coming into the game with a different idea for what you want out of it, especially given FROM's crazy good worldbuilding and exploration. It's like if a director could stop you finding shitty cult horror movies funny to an extent.
Also he even said he's doing okay at the game but mostly just doesn't feel like going on with it.
Plus you fucks that rabbit on about difficulty are sad anyway. Sekiro isn't that hard outside of some standout bosses.
>Either it fades away all together or is taken over by those with a genuine interest in the medium
Almost everyone in games journalism is into games. A lot. Because if you aren't the job is fucking shitty as fuck. The main reason for the disconnect between game playing audiences and reviewing. Is that the reviewer is doing it often on a shitty as fuck schedule where the publisher got the review copy out with 2 days before embargo and they had to rush it the fuck out because they need to be working on something else right after that. Those conditions would make anyone go "holy shit this game was short and I could just actually have fun with it"
side note: now not sure how much this is true, but I've heard Sony are actually pretty good at getting games there nice and early, which certainly is part of what helps them get such good scores, because the people playing it aren't on a crazy deadline and can play the game like a normal person might.
There was no articles besides a few ones criticizing it for being a Souls clone because no one cared. It flew under everyone's radar.
It's the opposite. Adding easy mode would disrespect its players. Nobody buys a From Soft game and expects any other difficulty but 'git gud.'
>If you were to play Bloodborne as a straightforward playthrough with no grinding, you'd see the same level of challenge as Sekiro
I don't agree with this. Encounters with both normal enemies and bosses in sekiro require more correct timings on average than BB. Defending in sekiro is also more complex because not everything attack can be beat with a dodge, and parries in sekiro are much less rewarding. There's also less healing in sekiro.
Is this game actually hard like ninja gaiden 1 or the adventure of bayou billy on the nes or are people just being dramatic. What’s a comparable game
It's artificially hard.
The whole git gud thing was always kind of annoying, but what is with all these people feeling so comfortable with admitting that they fucking gave up when shit got hard?
I know, eventually, I'm only probably going to get one ending of Sekiro, at best. But it's not going to be because it got hard, but because eventually you get burned out and want to play something different and life moves on. But until then, if you are genuinely into the game to such a degree, just give your all until you tap.
Because the person knows they feel incompetent but they want to channel that frustration at the game for not accomodating them to succeed insteead of just leaving it as a personal issue
Why blame yourself when you can blame someone/something else and be exempted from guilt?
Tried replaying Nioh last night and it felt like a clunky piece of shit compared to Sekiro.
Can't say that's a bad way to put it, if you suck at the game and give up then do so, but don't go butthurt by saying the game is bad because it was 2hard4u
>wow, if I stop dodging and start parrying the game really isn't that hard
That took me over 10 hours because I was playing alone on NG++. Not fun
That's saying something. this game is already a clunky piece of shit.
Look at miyamoto's face. He knows it's shit, doesn't he?
wtf I love Nintendo now?
But Nintendo, Mario especially, makes games that are on totally on opposite ends of the spectrum range in difficulty within the same game depending on how seriously you want to take it.
based fuchur
Sekiro is not Dark Souls. The sooner everyone realizes this the quicker they'll actually git gud. Stop trying to 'roll' away, stop trying to space out attacks, stop trying to manage nonexistent stamina and stop being an idiot.
Sekiro is a rhythm game where each enemy has their own rhythm that you parry to. Harder ones have more variations and mixups, but that's it. It's conceptually very simple and the only reason everyone is complaining about it is because they think it's something that it's not.
That was his point ya goof. Nintendo games are easy if you do the bare minimum to beat it. It's hard if you try to do everything.
Its like Souls.
Combat is pretty bad. You tap l1 repetedly (you can't really predict the swings, and this works better) and try anf find an opening to hit. You can't back off at any stage or their poise recovers. occasionally they will do an unblockable move that you can counter if you have fast enough reactions.
This is really dumb. I try to 100% every game I try to play on first run through without looking at a guide. If it lets you keep playing after beating it and getting everything you miss I usually try to go for it, but that is totally unnecessary. Especially since most of it is mindless grind. There are hundreds of thousands of games and very little time. It's not the same as when you were a kid.
How long before Yea Forums says this game is easy and people get shit on for complaining about the difficulty? This really does happen every time they release a game.
>inb4 it's different
Said the same with Bloodborne
how the fuck people say this game is hard? outside of bosses you are literally a killing machine just by spamming r1 and when you get the hp regen per kill the game turns into a joke
I've been stuck on Owl 2 for 5 hours.
Call me a casual but it got too fucking expensive for me to be playing difficult games. It's too easy to throw you controller across the room after dying 50 fucking times.
Oh, and if anything, 100%ing games is far more of "checking off" mentality. I envy people who can play games without caring about trivial stuff.
This, but I hate all journalists, not just gaming journalists.
That's not being a casual that's being a child.
I just have rage problems. I'm in my mid 20s and very short tempered when it comes to video games and shit.
use firecrackers in second phase
I can't even get close to the second phase.
can you parry those fat hammer guys?
Im not sure if Im mistiming.
games boring,slow and piss easy.
I already finished it, areas mostly felt too one-note besides the sunken valley
>infinitely complex sword-fighting game
>me after overcoming the kimono monkeys gimmick
this is me but for The Witness
too dumb for it
>Here, loot the same weapon for the one millionth time with one different stat value while playing the same level for the two millionth time
Nioh's target audience are actual autists
I beat that boss without ever solving the puzzle. I just stumbled upon the solution somehow. I still dont know what the solution is.
fuck this gook
if he cares so much about challenge then there should be a new f-zero game
What puzzle? You just chase 3 monkeys around and then get mad and start killing all the curse monkeys until you manage to hit the invisible fucker who is chasing you around.
i killed the invisible fucker second, the sniper last though.
i dont know what i did that made the invisible fucker vulnerable though. or what even allowed me to see the 3rd monkey.
Im stuck. I dont know how to reach the gun fort or ashina depths. I got the puppeteer ninjutsu to kill the serpent but hes not there since I missed the dried serpent item. I already have the mortal blade and talked with the divine child and gave her the letter.
Are there really only so many people who've gotten this ending yet?
In all fairness wasnt this just some random critic filling in who doesnt actually "specialise" in games? Cant expect much from an old dinosaur who never plays vidya
I didn't get that one yet. Is it really hard to get accidentally and when you've explored everything?
Guys, what about the kite thing? After I got the mortal blade I went to the old lady and gave her the rice so she told me to use the kite to get something but nothing happened.
>But Sekiro has forced me to realise that nowadays when I play a videogame I want to be rewarded with numbers and back-pats and superfluous indicators of progress.
smart birdo
>Demon of Hatred
Any tips boys?
All these faggots complained about how hard Dark souls was, then i got it and it was piss easy.. same with bloodborne.
Im not going to take the bait this time.
I always knew Jim was a shitter
Memorise every attack and when to do what.
There really isn't any other way to fight it. Just memorise all of it!
Stay on his left leg (your right)
Block/dodge stomps
Go play cod Gamespot
I played Nioh when it came out but never finished it because I didn't like it. I've been meaning on giving it another go but I have it on PS4. I don't remember how well it runs. Thinking of getting it on PC but I'm worried I won't like it again.
pirate it
This is the one fight where you can kind of incorporate bloodborne methodology. If you remember cleric beast you'll remember that the best way was to stick to it's hind legs and it works here most of the against demon of hatred. When you hug its dick and ass while moving around a bunch you only really need to worry about two things: his foot slam which you can parry and his big leap/shockwave of fire which you want to run a medium distance away and grapple back on him once he lands to get back in there and do damage.
You have to memorize which attacks you can deflect to stay in the thick of it and which ones you should run from
>needs to respect its players
>add an easy mode
So which one is it?
where can i download the latest translated version
It's too hard for me too but it's also possible to just find something else to play instead of writing an article about it for attention
fire umbrella makes it a joke
Ape gave me more trouble than the rest of the bosses so far for some reason. First phase was easy enough but in his second there were only three attacks I felt I could safely punish without always trading blows and that was his terror scream, his weird forward slide slice, and his jump attack so after a couple deaths I ended up just taking 15 minutes baiting him into those attacks to chip down his health. Then I first tried the second fight with him before the valley because he used the attacks I could punish more often.
humanity needs dinosaurs to return en masse. as a species were are plateauing in stupidity.
we need to struggle.
get the ability to puppet dudes when you backstab them do that to the small dude with the metal hat. He will hold the kite up as you run around to use it.
I fucking love games that casuals can't play.
The less accessible vidya is the better
Never be at mid range, keep your distance and wait for an opening to get in. Bait big fire dong attacks then rush in, get a few hits, then react accordingly as he has a lot of options.
Send help i died like 20 times on isshin part 2 yet.
I can kill genichi whatever without getting hit and have figured Isshin phase 1 out, but cant deal with his spear moveset.
stab it in the butt
run away when he leaps in the air, wait a second when he lands, grapple and punish him
when he does the fire wave attack in phase 2/3, run left and jump, and then grapple immediately. Probably the tightest window to avoid damage, but all of his other attacks can be easily avoided by just running or jumping
Thanks, bro.
any other /bell/ bros here?
>mfw modded the game to be heaven or hell
>mfw 1hit kill everything and I die in 1 hit
>mfw game is a lot more fun like this
fuck damage sponges
fuck confetti
and fuck from drones
doing bell + charmless run for NG+, having a lot more fun because it punishes you for crutching on deflects
The only thing I dislike is that if have to use a gimmick or item to kill an enemy. I don't care how hard you make the boss, but if I have to spam consumables and grind them afterwards I really don't think it is a good design. It's just annoying.
>design a combat system around health sponges/posture mechanic, which works perfectly and is very fun for the entire game
>design an enemy that completely circumvents posture and forces the player to whack away at his 3 billion HP for 30 minutes
sasuga miyazaki
the only enemies this is true for is the headless and the handful of mandatory shield mobs
yeah the undead/ghost enemies are just bad design.
Loving everything else though.
Yea Forums in a nutshell
Thanks for all the tips, managed to get him down in the end after banging my head against the wall.
Feels pretty satisfying when you manage to get them down as well as frustrating when you fuck up when you've learned the pattern.
i seriously hate people like you who despise enemies that have weaknesses. seriously fuck you. nobody likes being able to deal with every single enemy the same way.
they aren't bad design, the confetti availability is the perhaps bad design here. the enemies are perfectly fine design wise. they either needed to make confetti more available early or just move the enemies to later areas.
you are retarded
the bosses that dont deflect have higher posture, that's why you need to lower their health first
otherwise you would kill every boss that doesnt deflect in a few seconds
it's not a problem with the system, it's your pea brain
>they aren't bad design
Oh i didn't mean the fights themselves but the confetti issue.
i understand and like the posture/health system a lot, retard. but demon of hatred is a shit boss that doesnt belong in the game. it literally ignores the entirety of the combat system and forces you to play like it's bloodborne where you sit under him for the entire fight whacking away at a huge HP bar completely ignoring posture.
hell the least they could've done was make some tool useful (that isn't the umbrella to save your ass) jesus christ. it's literally the absolute worst fight in the game.
fuck confetti
This is only going to get so much worse btw.
Before people could just summon someone else to help them take down a boss they were finding difficult but now they actually have to learn how to fight the boss.
I think they should leave the game exactly how it is. However i do think that the game not having co-op is going to stop people from buying the soul-like genre from now on because it added major levels of accessibility to shitters. I mean co-op in the souls series was just a win win, didn't like it? just ignore it. Suck at the game or just can't get past a particular boss, it's there for you. Feel like killing a boss again or farming currency/souls, drop a sign.
Sekiro is objectively worse in my opinion because it lacks online functionality.
Of course it isnt made for him, this guy fucked up at Hellblade:Senua´s Sacrifice, your IQ must reach atleast 2 digits to play Sekiro.
It has one, it's called the trainer.
Post the article where the game journalist actually got good and stopped being a pussy
>it's not souls
>main attack is literally a weak straight sword R1 over and over
Anyway, this game is a boring test of endurance.
link of the podcast?
so i've mostly been exploring after beating Lady Butterfly, killing a few minibosses like the armoured warrior, o'rin of the water or the glutton and somehow made it to Mibu Village which is apparently a end-game area. I never battled the ape boss, never even saw it, but i did find a giant monkey skeleton in some nearby caves.
Did i fuck myself out of a boss fight?
I found a ghostly version of the Corrupted Monk boss as well, but i haven't even found the first Monk yet. If i kill him am i locking myself out of another boss?
At least the fuckers are honest
>Did i fuck myself out of a boss fight?
>I found a ghostly version of the Corrupted Monk boss as well, but i haven't even found the first Monk yet. If i kill him am i locking myself out of another boss?
You can take out bosses in different orders. Just like Dark Souls 1. There's one instance where if you take out boss X before boss Y, boss Z appears in another area.
brill, thanks homie
I one shot her, side step slash seems to hit her every time and combos into itself unless she moves way.
Such people should just watch
>Final fight
>4 phases
imagine getting elitist over single player games LOL
These are the type of people that have gone through Dark Souls games with co-op and still think those types of games are made for them. As soon as there is any diffculty that you have to solo, they complain.
seeThey have fooled themselves.
imagine getting elitist over being bad at single player games
you pretty much have to play it like a DS/BB boss by hitting it and then running away ad nauseum
You know he wrote that headline just to preempt that.
adding an easy mode would respect the WISHES of the people who do not play it, but not respect anyone.
no one is doing that, though. try to think before posting a platitude, punkass.
>most skills in the world just require putting the time and effort to develop them.
all skills only require time and effort, thats why they are called skills, as opposed to talents, which you are born with and no amount of time and effort will ever help you attain them.
I like the game but it's not like Activision haven't shilled shit here before.
Way too many Sekiro threads started the same exact way with the same exact posts.
>play some good shit
>Calling your shitty whining an "ode"
no fuck you
dark souls tells you that people stumped in the catacombs should get a blessed weapon to deal with the skeletons but a skilled player can rushdown the necromancers and btfo them before they can escape and let the skeletons come back
in sekiro this choice is completely removed from you with the confetti being almost mandatory to even approach the apparitions and the dumbass "terror" which once again is another reskinned bleed gauge, I'm sick of fromsoft spamming this gauge everywhere with a different name and trying to appear as if it would be smart or interest design, it was stupid enough in bloodborne and in sekiro its flat out retarded
I think what user is talking about is that perfectly deflecting his stomps and swipe he does, on top of hitting him constantly, doesn't give you much of an edge or difference in posture damage. After 15 or so attempts at him, where I got his moveset down pat, constantly deflecting, dodging hits and attacking him at literally every opportunity, you can get him down to 10-15% health before is posture breaks. Otherwise you'll just have tor educe his health to 0. So it's pretty much a chunking away at their health boss fight, due to posture only breaking after nonstop attacks and consistent deflects when he dips below the 15% health range. You fundamentally may as well be get him down to 0 regardless.
I would argue the Lady Butterfly camera being confusing is intentional, she’s mixing you up.
Meh IQ has nothing to do with it. Willpower has everything to do with it.
Failure is an instructor.
You only ever truely fail when you learn nothing from experience.
>im a giant faggot pls respect me
You can though. You could farm trash mobs all day for the skill points.
>make a fantastic 1 on 1 fighting system
>make the vast majority of encounters a clusterfuck of enemies
Kiting is tedious as fuck and the stealth is shit
Game are easy after you exploit the mechanics of gameplay. Dark Souls is highly exploitable just because it is just as unfair.
Where are these journalists all getting pleb filtered? I managed to kill butterfly, horse rider and bull, this is the first From game i've attempted. Am I going to make it?
>look mom, I posted it again!
You're 100% right.
Game is fun as fuck, you are forced to go balls to the wall. Rush the skill that gives you health on every execute and go sanic speed through everything.
If you play like a pussy you lose, it's actually a really fresh game design.
Who's he trying to kid? Game journalists don't finish any games.
There’s been rumors that George RR Martin might be working with From on something, though I wouldn’t call them reliable. Also, with the next gen of consoles coming soon, I’d be surprised if Sony hadn’t offered them a pile of money to make Bloodborne 2 and there were some rumors of an Aztec Bloodborne.
what kind of video game journalist can't beat a game on normal difficulty.
Oh wait there video game journalists lmao
>they respect you enough to know that with time and effort you can accomplish great feats in Sekiro then feel like a champion for finally beating the boss
lol add easy mode and respect me ;^)
Why do people confuse pandering with respect?
If this guy gives up on a peice of ENTERTAINMENT because it's too challenging the I guess that explains why he writes puff peices for online video game rags. If he sets the bar this low in meaningless areas of his life he's never going to amount to anything more than a pamphleteer.
these sites deliberately write articles that trigger people to get traffic on there site, that's all that matters to investors good or bad.
It's like the people who act like douches on youtube, they attract a lot of hates and dislikes but that's what youtubes algorithm depends on.
is it suppose to be the weeb version on moonlight greatsword?
It hurts their fee fees even knowing there's something out there that isn't catered to them.
>it NEEDS and easy mode
>an ode to not bothering when things get too tough
What kind of pussy writes this, even in the context as something as irrelevant as vidya gaems, and thinks they come out looking like anything other than a faggot?
Sony are busy shitting the bed in nearly every aspect of their business.
>shitty games "journalists" that don't even like games are mad that they can't give the game a real review because they can't see all the content
Truly, video games are the best medium of entertainment.
It's just Switchers trying to get attention because of lack of port. The Death Threats from them are even more pathetic!
Sekiro confirms 90% of players beat the bosses by summoning their friends.
I've blasted through DaS3 with a friend and we only had a tiny bit of difficulty on the Lorian fight because he punishes people who attack on his back. That was it, the entire game was a cakewalk with a friend, but absolutely harder than DaS2 and 1 playing solo.
Sekiro requires solo think, requires stealth, requires planning and smart usage of items instead of solving every single problem by rolling away.
Definitely. The combat system feels really good with the stances change, which at first I assumed would be a useless gimmick but it ended up being very intuitive to use and giving a lot of depth to all weapons. The equip system is bloated though, you play for 5 minutes and end up with 50 useless crap on your inventory.
and you're not a fucking beta? Lmao
I for one agree with this article
FROM is anti-inclusive with its outdated "Nintenhard" difficulty mindset.
Not everyone is privileged with good hand-eye coordination, reflexes and quick thinking, thus, this gameplay alienates many gamers.
An easy mode would rectify this transgression against persecuted players and FROM would be applauded by the disabled transgender furry community because of it
lmao this webm is golden
Correct. It just appeals to casuals who have never played an actual difficult game before and think this is somehow revolutionary.
Nioh is significantly easier than Bloodborne, which is the From game it's most often compared to (although now Sekiro may take on that mantle). With the exception of maybe two bosses, every boss in Sekiro scan be one-attempted or two-attempted by even a moderately skilled player, and that's WITHOUT taking into account absolutely broken bullshit like Sloth Talisman. I had to intentionally bar myself from using consumables, Ninjutsu Tech and Onmyo Magic just to keep some semblance of a challenge on bosses.
>All the shitters replying to this focusing on Nioh
Sekirofags are such pussies they'd probably start crying if they even touched a Ninja Gaiden game.
*every boss in Nioh, not Sekiro. Tired.
That's because no one is trying to play the assassin, they just want to go in, walk right into 5 guys and hit them in the face while slowly dodging away.
This game isn't souls in how you approach situations and casuals are way too deep into their own asses to notice.
ninja gaiden on normal is easier than any from game
>even a moderately skilled player
I highly doubt that with many people outright giving up at the first 3 bosses
Sekiro was much easier and the bosses were much less heart-pounding to me than Nioh first playthrough
out of all the bosses maybe only Demon was challenging and that's only until you discover his gimmick, then he becomes stupidly easy
Yo, you're a bitch kys
>Attack whenever with super fast no windup swings
>Deflect when enemies attack
>Sometimes jump and roll away
>Do some cool tricks meanwhile
>Infinitely complex
There's not even a secondary attack button for the sword. It is LITERALLY just ONE attack button and those fucks can't grasp even that.
The stealth is great since the levels allow for a multitude of different approaches. It's been decades since I last went to grind on the same level over and over again merely for fun and not for stats. I might have done that first mountain area 40 times before moving to the next, only letting enemies respawn to try to take them out in different ways.
>Compares the game to CELESTE no less.
Christ what a fucking pussy.