>game has Yea Forums reference
Game has Yea Forums reference
Other urls found in this thread:
name (x) number of games
Borderlands. And I remember back then people were like, "no fucking way Yea Forums is mainstream"
Ghost Recon Wildlands
>real life has Yea Forums reference
the deus ex one was pretty fucking funny
Battlefield 3
Deus Ex
>game references a meme sparked by a previous title in the franchise
took me a while to realize what #chan meant, thought it was a twitter thing
i stopped playing the moment i got to that point
>game has a 2chan reference
>game isn't even Japanese
>Game has Reddit reference
jesus i think i remember this one, can you refresh my memory?
>Game is all 2chan references
>Translators have to turn it all into Yea Forums references because otherwise none of it will make sense
People still pretend like Yea Forums isn't one of the most active boards on a site that receives millions of unique users daily.
I refunded rocket league when I saw the reddit flag
>game comments on haters
Scribblenauts is from a time when people thought it was awesome to have Yea Forums memes referenced in games. Yea Forums legit loved having Longcat and Tacgnol and Weegee
Not a particular thing they mention/said but like literally all the jokes were some sort of reference to Internet memes and most of them from Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is one of the most visited boards on Yea Forums. I think /pol/ would be first or second.
>Longcat and Tacgnol and Weegee
now THOSE were may-mays
Yea Forums is the second most active board
>longcat and tacgnol
>alpha minecraft
>/pol/ more active than Yea Forums
literally nani the fuck. that is alot of infiltration of reddit or some shit because actual /pol/ users are not as active as Yea Forums. all you see over there is falseflag threads and /pol/ calling them out on it.
This is now my favorite video on YouTube! XD
>/trash/ is the eighth most active board
Gotta thanks HG threads for that.
Omg I’m literally shaking
Don't forget bumpfag
that was so f*cking epic... take my upvote... you deserve it X'''D
Yea Forums surpassed /pol/ for a few months until the kiwi shooter and Mueller's report happened.
An /aco/ /weg/ shitposter's game.
Human Revolution's devs shilled the game on Yea Forums and the game itself has at least 3 references to Yea Forums.
since thread might get deleted soon ish now can you tell me what game it is?
Parental Love. It's a VN about fucking your daughters.
holy sh*t, this is fucking epic XD!
literally cant stop laughing XD
>fucking /vg/ is more active than Yea Forums
How the mighty have fallen.
Scribblenauts let you make a Tentaquil, which is a /vp/ meme
nu-Yea Forums is absolutely awful
its literally bunch of 15-18 yo normies spamming porn now
Technically 2chan but still
>He's got an opinion and posted suggestion but never reveals his name.
>"Read by someone, taken as a good one but nobody knew who had wrote it.”
>Few lines of the sentences lie. Anonymity is annoying me all the time.
>"It's like ""2 channnel"", where people can just throw their own anger.”
>And forget about those foul actions.
>All those psychos in the comments saying trolls actually deserve to die
Fucking normalfags lmao
i haven't been to Yea Forums since 2011. everytime i take a gander at the catalog every now and then it's flooded with gay shit or just straight up porn. Yea Forums is dead.
More acceptable than reddit, resetera, twitter, facebook, or just about any other internet reference.
They still have Caturday so It can't be that bad
Seems even that isn't true any more, now it seems like all it is is a bunch of threads with no replies spammed by probably bots or something
Isn't that just here but with porn rather than wojaks.
Destiny 2
How the fuck isn't Yea Forums more active
How the fuck is /pol/ the most active
I'm fucking sick of it all. The console warring retards, the constant twitter posts and outrage threads, the blatant underagefags.
I would genuinely prefer the return of "plus tip" spam to the shit we get these days.
take a look at Yea Forums catalog bro
I want to see a Template thread ban on Yea Forums like Yea Forums
videogames getting popular was a mistake
I wish there was a board like /vr/, but for videogames after 2001. Right now, Yea Forums is just a constant flood of falseflagging resetera posts, porn spam, and "what gatcha/F2P lootbox shit are you playing" threads with discussion of the single good monthly release for a few weeks until it's forgotten.
Getting a thread about a game more than 6 years old to 200+ posts is a fucking challenge.
Yea Forumstards went to /pol/ when they grew up.
It's strange, Yea Forums used to be the boogeyman of the internet, DDOSing shit, raids, screeching at people and sending death threats, getting that dongle lady fired, etc. Now they're just a porn board, and /pol/ has become the defacto boogeyman because they're "mean and say nigger".
>game has futaba references
metal gear solid 2
>game has @channel reference
Wait a fucking moment... that symbol...
>game has Jackie Chan reference
>game has futa references
VA-11 Hall-A
Hard to believe considering the same faggot threads being posted over and over again
go back to neppit
Random humor died in the late 2000’s
Games with Ricardo references WHEN?
gunvolt 2
Honestly an Yea Forums-tier moderation is desperately needed, no fun allowed is better than that.
/vr/ is really the black sheep of video game boards
Persona 5
Faggots will post shit like this but still watch pewdiepie and mr metokur
>game has a g*mergate reference
All the old Yea Forumstards went to /pol/ and nu-Yea Forums is just another porn board
>everybody is me
Reminder that Yea Forums now likes pewdiepie and mr metokur because they use ebin Yea Forums buzzwords
Say what you want about /pol/ The amount and quality of OC there is amazing.
You mean all the wojak and pepe/helper derrivations?
Yea Forums memes in general have been shit for many years now
Jackie Chan is an 8/10 though
Pants then: SOUL
Pants now: No Talon Zipper, SOULLESS
Super Paper Mario
I think he meant memes just like the one he replied too you flaming faggot
Jackie Chan: Stuntmaster Cuntmaster is the greatest game ever released and you can’t tell me otherwise.
I mean, just look at this face. That’s Chan The Man at his absolute best.
>game has harkach refrence
>/trash/ is in the top 10
>/trash/ is in the top 10
Holy shit it is. Fucking why?
I fucking hated that movie with the smiling slasher that actually had the stomach to mention Yea Forums and Yea Forums
containment board
Furry/MLP porn + some generals
>fag gets his shitpost deleted
>posts it again
>How the fuck is /pol/ the most active
Boomers, phoneposters, and normalfags.
>game has a Something Awful reference
>reddit flag
Future purchase cancelled.
Trash really needs a big banwave like the furry containment board got.
>Yea Forums hates Yea Forums references in their vidya
>meanwhile the jp devs they suck off also have 2ch memes in their games
>Something Awful
What's that?
Minecraft says "hi Yea Forums!" as a random quote thrown at you.
this better be bait
>board literally full of bots and spammers
>lower posts/min than Yea Forums
Yea Forums is such a shithole
jannies didnt delete it, it didnt break any rules after all
I deleted it and reworded it because the original post was attacking op for no reason