Old, boomer actress who complains about trump still has better taste in vidya than 90% of Yea Forums

>old, boomer actress who complains about trump still has better taste in vidya than 90% of Yea Forums

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Myst is a great game. Behead those who insult Trump, though.

Obama was called Satan and Hitler why do you guys freak out about this shit?

>zoomer makes shitty twitter thread about a literal who

I don't see the problem complaining about things you don't like.

>american politics
who the fuck cares

You're a retard with shit taste OP, let's not pretend like you were born when Myst came out

Obama wasn’t attacked anywhere near as often as Trump.

>Obama was called Satan and Hitler why do you guys freak out about this shit?
Fake News. Trump is literally the only President in history to be criticized and attacked.

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She was married to Frank Sinatra, you fuck!

in EU obama was a godsend for most ppl , idk over there in the US though

Insulting Trump is against the law

Based MIGA, israel first, America never. LMAO
Zionist Don crashing the USA with no survivors

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myst is one of the games everyone pretends to like but don't boot it since 1996 (if they even played it)

>Myst was good
>Riven was better.
All the reason I need to give Trump a second term

60 million Americans voted for a huge fucking idiot out of spite for Obama, even though Obama didn't actually accomplish anything they think he did.
What do you think?

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I hear about Trump every fucking day, it wasn't like this for Obama

Honest question, what games would Trump enjoy?
I'd say city builders, Sim City and Cities Skylines

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>zoomer who has only ever watched Marvel movies doesn't know about famous older actors

videogames are for losers

They gave Obama a Nobel Peace Price just for taking office

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Not him but that's true. Obama was attacked by Fox news and rednecks who called him a commie Muslim.
The rest of the media, the EU and celebrities fellated him regularly

Is this a joke?

> city builders, Sim City and Cities Skylines
too time consuming, too much thinking.
he plays phone games like candy crush

Thank God Lincoln dodged those bullets. What a man.

Almost as if Obama didn't appoint genuinely insane people like Betsy DeVos and didn't openly break the constitution (emoluments clause) or commit bank fraud.

Trump should be in the news every day, because he is a blatant criminal.

How are those 2 things related? Is this some bizarro way of garnering attention from boomers? Or is this just a fake tweet and I've been bamboozled into replying into this shit thread?

Who fucking wasn't?

I can't believe people are still rumpraw about that. The people who decide who gets that prize are a bunch of Norwegians anyway.

Obama was literally a non-citizen who usurped the presidency. Technically, his existence was unconstitutional. My only gripe with Trump is that he hasn’t had Obama deported yet.

People like you are why I can't get a fucking break from TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP
Trump Derangement Syndrome clearly is a thing

Obama also didn't cry and whine on Twitter all day.

>I have found most people to be kind and good heart which is the reason why I'm sure that they will see my political viewpoint is the absolute best
How egocentric

Literal who?

Democrats need to realize that every single non-republican is going to be called a godless socialist by republicans and Fox News.

I don't remember news reporters crying when Obama got elected

The thing modern walking simulators miss is how Cyan put intentionally obtuse "fuck you" puzzles into THEIR walking & thinking simulator to sell Prima guides.
of course with the internet all puzzles would be entirely optional as you could just look up a spoiler with a simple alt-tab so I guess I see why the modern-day dev doesn't even bother to try to make you really think.

Gorilla-themed tournament fighter.

If the US had any standards there would be a 24/7 riot outside of the White House. If you don't want to talk about Trump and how to destroy him and his administration, you are the only deranged person.

I’d take it you were too young to watch Fox News.

>"Talking heads" are reporters
Do you think op-eds and opinion columns are exactly the same as news articles? Because if you do you are very very very unintelligent.

Lmao listen to this dumbass. You type like a dumb boomer.
>blatant criminal

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Okay buddy, fight the good fight when you get to an asylum for me

>most people to be kind and good hearted
I found that most people are soulless husk no much different to chinese and they will stab you in the back given any opportunity.

But I am voting for him again

t. dumb foomers

Because it didn’t happen. Republicans bit their tongue and dealt with
Obama in a completely calm and professional way. Only liberals chimp out when someone they don’t like is elected.

Fox is just one though, literally every other news station is just a constant barrage of TRUMP BAD

Myst is unironically an amazing game

>Baby-boomers are the ones who hate Trump
>People who aren't baby-boomers dislike Trump

What the fuck? There is not a single empirical fact supporting this.

myst is the shitty nostalgia of computer games

at the time it was lauded almost entirely for its graphics (the puzzles were all shit) and hasn't aged well since

if you want a better myst game play quern

Gacha. He secretly has all the jannus

>Republicans bit their tongue and dealt with
>Obama in a completely calm and professional way.
This is why people fly over fly-over states.

>vote and pass legislation based on feelings
isn't this a dangerous way of doing things?

Fox isn’t news, though. They call themselves entertainment.

>I am very smart!
Maybe instead of trying to stroke your ego you can see the blatant favoritism the media had for Obama vs the pure concentrated hatred and obsession over Trump. Its bias, plain and simple

>am i right, gamers!?

Birthers are the dumbest segment of political conspiracy theorists. Dumber than the retards that still believe Trump colluded. Please take a step back to reconsider the decisions you've made to reach this point in your life.

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>he's behind on his memes
Yep, Rick Roll was a good meme

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Nope. Obama was not a corrupt criminal, Trump is. The media is way too soft on Trump.

Who are you quoting?

There's a difference between Fox News and Fox

Because it completely invalidates the meaning of a peace prize when you hand it to war criminals.

Disagreeing with you is not a criminal act

They weren't literally crying like liberals were when Trump took office.

>literally called nigger and people saying he was born in the dunes of the middle east relentlessly
>lol trump gets attacked way more often
fucking /pol/ delusion

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Remember when Obama promised to shut down Guantanamo?

>Obama was not a corrupt criminal
Can bombing the shit out of the middle east be called corrupt or just fucked?

It's real lmao, look it up. This is the perfect way to shitpost, just add a line about video games to something that's certain to stir up some shit.

We get it, you're underage

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>media is too soft of trump
Yeah, like the RUSSIAN CULLOOJIN saga?
>hes a blatant criminal
Where are the crimes? Where are the subpoenas? He just had a 2 year long dedicated investigation that lead to nothing. Looks like hes not a criminal sweety, sry :/
>Obama isnt a criminal
So being born in another country and ordering the spying of a presidential candidate arent crimes now?



It's the double-standard pure and simple. The mainstream media was soft on Obama for his entire presidency, but have no qualms with smearing Trump over every single little thing. And then journalists have the audacity to act like the victim when they're called out on their bullshit.

Then blame the Norwegians.
Trump is using eight times as many drone strikes as Obama and recently authorized nuclear technology deals with the Saudis, thanks for playing.

>muh myst

fuck off and die faggot

Someone post the Webm of how many videos Stephen Colbert has on Trump

>Nope. Obama was not a corrupt criminal
Isn't he black? Literally every third one of them was or will be in jail at some point in life.

>I am going to just say you are dumb instead of putting anything in my post that proves you are wrong
Every news outlet but fox and SM outlet had a love boner for Obama.

>So being born in another country
>honolulu, hawaii is another country
> ordering the spying of a presidential candidate arent crimes now?

>Yeah, like the RUSSIAN CULLOOJIN saga?
He literally stood in front of a crowd and asked Russia to hack his opponent.
>The mainstream media was soft on Obama for his entire presidency
According to what metric?
>And then journalists have the audacity to act like the victim when they're called out on their bullshit.
A president calling media the enemy is generally considered a pretty un-American thing.

I remember all the comedy "news" shows making non stop skits about Obama and all the morning and late night talk shows bring him up every fucking day
You don't have to take care of Liberal Boomer parents so you'll never understand

Can’t you /pol/ fucks go away? You’ve been spamming this board with your Trumpshit for 3 years now.

>born in Hawaii
>Obama didnt spy on Trump
Double wew

Wheres the proof that Trump colluded with Russia? Or did any crime as president? I'll wait.

>Every news outlet but fox and SM outlet had a love boner for Obama.
`Probably because didn't brag on tape about sexually assaulting women and didn't intentionally kill Puerto Ricans

He did nothing wrong

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>Trump is using eight times as many drone strikes as Obama

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do you have any evidence to prove he didn't?
>Double wew
prove it
>Wheres the proof that Trump colluded with Russia? Or did any crime as president? I'll wait.
I never claimed either of those

>didn't openly break the constitution
Obama went after whistleblowers, killed American citizens in Yemen, launched a few illegal wars, and committed treason when he supplied and armed al-Qaeda.
By law, Obama should be executed, but we all know there aren't consequences for shit like this.

>He literally stood in front of a crowd and asked Russia to hack his opponent.
user. If you’re going to lie, don’t make it so obvious. At least post a ytp tier video of him saying it.

Fox news literally said they are entertainment

He was Republican. Note how democrats never get attacked or criticized

>Most people are kind and good hearted


Myst is trash that boomers only pretend to like because there was a complete lack of options back in the day.


Since taking office, Donald Trump has loosened or eliminated many of the self-imposed constraints that Barack Obama instituted to manage the process of sentencing people to death from the air.

He eliminated the high threshold for taking lethal action – that the person represent a “continuing, imminent threat to U.S. persons” — and replaced it with, well, we’re not really sure how they pick their targets at this point.

He scrapped the extensive interagency review process that Obama had created to give administration officials a chance to examine the evidence and raise concerns before putting someone to death.

He effectively relaxed Obama’s rules for preventing civilian casualties in Somalia and Yemen by declaring parts of those countries to be war zones — “areas of active hostilities” – despite the lack of an actual war.

“We weren’t fighting to win, we were fighting to be politically correct,” Trump said on talk radio in October 2017. “The White House used to get calls, ‘Can we do this? Can we do that?’ to places and in places that they’ve never even heard of,” he said. “It was ridiculous, so I totally changed rules of engagement.”

In Somalia and Yemen, that has meant huge increases in drone strikes.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a British non-profit that meticulously tracks the drone wars, calculates that U.S. forces have launched 78 air strikes in Somalia since Trump became president – 43 of them this past year – compared to 33 during the eight years of the Obama presidency. Africa Command confirmed six air strikes just this month in what appears to be a failing campaign against al-Shabaab, an al Qaeda affiliate.

The Bureau reported 127 U.S. air strikes in Yemen in 2017, more than three times the amount in 2016. So far in 2018, those numbers have gone back to 2016 levels.

you absolute retard lmao, the entirety of his presidency they tried to claim he wasnt even an american to get him impeached

I honestly have no idea what side this thread is on now, but what about JFK?
Granted LBJ set up his assassination to get the presidency, but JFK was still attacked

Drones are fine under Trump. They were criminal only under Obama.

So you admit theres blatant bias? Good :)

This is incorrect, you should've been there.

>Not getting dabbed on by it's open sequel, Riven

>/pol/kiddies invade Yea Forums
Fuck's sake, mentally retarded kids. Take your worship of your evil fucking shitlord back to your safe zone.

He played pinball when he was a kid.

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>It's okay when Obama does it!

Literally no one. Not even burgers care about their own politics.

Swallow the red pill, idiot?

>Trump talked to some Russian once maybe
>Obama tours foreign countries during election campaign
>Meets heads of state and ministers
>Gets treated like a state guest
>Press statements all said they were coordinating future foreign policy
No collusion. Gets declared great statement.

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I don't know who this is but fuck Boomers. We're eating ourselves alive trying to fix the mess they made. How did the greatest generation spawn those fucking demons

2+2=5, we were always at war with eurasia and obama was never criticized.


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What's that game where you go bankrupt a dozen times but get bailed out by your Zionist friends?


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Cold hard fact : she never completed a puzzle in Myst.

No, it’s not. He was an illegal president so cannot carry out legal orders.

*great statesman
I need sleep

spotted the ignorant faggot

Who was Obama attacked by, Fox News? That goes without saying, the rest of the media sucked Obama’s dick 24/7. They treated him like he was the second coming.

>everyone's upset about the politics part when she thinks Myst is a better game than Doom, released in the same year

Nobody is falling for your tricks, Yangshill discord tranny

Only because /pol/ is just a bunch of fickle underaged edge lords

That’s legal, though. Trump was under suspicion of something entirely different.

Sim Tower, obviously.

>the media loved Obama and hates trump
>MaYbe ItS BeCauSe ObAma IsNt A CrimInAl
>wheres the proof hes a criminal
>i-i never said that!!!

She never says this, but if she did she'd be right faggot