
Attached: hornless4.jpg (660x1200, 195K)

Can we go to Ilsabard next?

Never ever.

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Sure, right after we visit 11 more shards.


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That lion mommy is taller than male Roes, user.
To anyone else he'd be a giant.

Isn't there only 5 or something shards left?

Why is there no good porn of the scions?

So we're not going to garlemald after all? It's just going to be alternate eorzea with the empire being a dungeon huh?

>If we did create a male design for the Viera, he would be quite elegant, handsome, and slim. He would look more like the Elezen race, but with bunny ears.

Get FUCKED you creepy shota faggots.

>He would look more like the Elezen race, but with bunny ears.
It only makes sense, given they based the Viera body off of female Elezen.

thank god

Not the neck though. Viera have normal necks.
>taller than femroes
>more ass than cats or lizards
>better faces than 'blanders
Viera can't lose!

>old thread dies
>no new one pops up but I'm too lazy to make one myself
>against better judgement decide to see if SHB has made /xivg/ any more tolerable
>It hasn't
Why are the only good threads here on Yea Forums? We actually discuss story, mechanics and gameplay.

There were 14 shards when Hydaelyn sealed Zodiark - the Source (the main shard the game's taken place on so far) and the First through Thirteenth Shards.. Every time a Calamity occurs on the Source, it causes a Rejoining; one of the shards is forcibly destroyed and its aether goes back to the Source (but it doesn't strengthen Hydaelyn herself - each Calamity has weakened her seal on Zodiark).

The Thirteenth Shard long ago fell to a Flood of Darkness, and is now the source of all the Voidsent that you've seen in the game. The First is in danger of falling completely to a Flood of Light - that's what we're trying to prevent and reverse in Shadowbringers.

That accounts for 3 of the Shards; since there have been seven Calamities, that means 7 of the others are just gone. 10/14 Shards - there are only 4 Shards left we haven't even seen a hint of in-game.

Attached: fran13.jpg (745x931, 170K)

>taller than Femroe
Ears don't count.

because avatarfagging is generally frowned upon
the only thing I wish we could get rid of is waifufaggotry but it's Yea Forums, that's basically a universal constant at this point
also a large part of it is

>could have had cute bunnyboys and tall, buff as fuck women
>instead we got the bog-standard "Cute bunnygirl" and "animal man"
>after they said they were never going to do genderlocked races again
>claim it's canon
>it's canonical that male veria and female ronso exist
welp, I should know better but I'm still disappointed.

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Yoshi said in an interview that they're taller not counting the ears. Apparently Fran is minimum height.

>Elezen race, but with bunny ears.
>creepy shota
Aren't Elezen one of the tallest races in the game? How is that shota? Don't be a fucking idiot.

>Apparently Fran is minimum height.
Holy fucking shit

It’s very hard to make a new race. What did you want from Yoshida, custom parts on an elezen for male viera and custom parts on a roegadyn for female ronso? Please, they’re a small indie team.

Just imagine how tall Max height will be...

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wtf sisters, I thought SE was progressive?! How could they be so transphobic to us?!

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>>after they said they were never going to do genderlocked races again
I don't think they ever actually said that.

>game describes them as savage and ruthless
>forced to live out on their own and to prove for themselves
>people really thought they would be a cute shota race

you people are fucking retarded, and deserve to feel like idiots for even thinking they would look like that in the first place.

>Want a tall character
>Still not sure if I want Viera or Male Aura

They had a perfectly good chance to give us a tall race with good proportions

Attached: 1553605610681.jpg (1912x2500, 3.01M)

>Make a race where the whole point is that they're hulking ogres.
>Shadowbringers makes a "new" race that's just bigger, better proportioned Roegadyn and a new race that's taller, more feminine, and more well endowed Femroes.
So this is the "Fuck Roegadyn players" expansion.

As a player of both male and female roes: I welcome this change. Manroe was getting boring, and femroe has no ass.

I don't want a cute shota race, I just want something that isn't boring and been done in every mmo/rpg. This reasoning doesn't even make sense because the women AREN'T "savage and ruthless" looking, they're the same cute bunny-ear girls you get everywhere else. It's boring.

Can anyone recommend a FC with mostly people mid 20s-30s?

I’m willing to server hop. I’m on Faerie (didn’t know it was a gay server, just picked it because cute name) and haven’t found any groups I like.

They could have just updated the meshes for Roe and made the other two more distinct.

Attached: fran12.jpg (1080x1080, 403K)

>This reasoning doesn't even make sense because the women AREN'T "savage and ruthless" looking
Because the women aren't the ones living innawoods literally 24/7, with no help from anyone whatsoever, living off whatever they can find. They WOULD be savage and ruthless but at least somewhat civilized given they have to return to the village sometimes to mate.

They should really go ahead and revamp the majority of the races, to be honest. Elezen are awkward as fuck looking and have been since release.

I'm still going to drop roe for Hrothgar/Viera. They're both more exotic, better proportioned, AND taller.

all the races have kinda long necks to be honest, most can just get away with breaking it up with a neck item.
on elezen it stands out really harshly though.

>They could have [thing that requires any level of effort, especially that which would have long term benefits]
Woah, let's not get crazy here.

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user, compare the Viera art to the way they look in XIV.
>long, hare-like limbs and proportions
>animal-like legs and feet
>just tall women with bunny ears so cute
It's just boring and uninspired. That aside, they already state that male viera are identical to female viera until adulthood, and the adult women develop breasts.

Attached: XII_Viera.jpg (330x800, 76K)

>minimum height Viera
>nearly as tall as max height au ra male not counting the ears
Oh my...

The fucking Ronso have human feet, it's silly. Can't wait for Burmecians to be female auri with rat ears and a snout.

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ready for amazon bunny mommy snu snu?

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The NPCs already break their necks staring at Roegadyn, are they gonna just stare at Viera/Ronso chests instead?

I'd rather have lion mommy snu snu, but I'll take what I can get.

All NPCs are now equipped with a stool. Lala NPCs have a ladder.

>Asahi cutscene reworked so he just whips out a folding stool to step on

*blocks your path*

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Every expansion is the Fuck Roegadyn expansion. Even the narrative shits on them. They succeed at nothing, they're good for nothing, and they're all either parasites or whipped dogs, Hoary Boulder the Based nonwithstanding.


Actually, what the fuck IS Gosetsu?
He has a Roe skeleton but he looks more like a big Hyur than anything.

Good personality, but he does nothing except hold up the roof for a second and get cucked by fate.

I'm on faerie. If you're looking for an fc that doesn't have any drama or anything you can join mine, there's not very many of us though.

Oriental Roegadyn are supposed to look different, but they were lazy and just gave him a unique face and pink skin. Same reason you get a brown roe woman in Onkoroko.

A shame really
Panteras deserve to be in a more successful game.

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Gosetsu us canonically a Highlander.
He just uses the roe skeleton since they're too lazy to make a custom one for him.

Source or you're full of shit.

>This shit again

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the far east has some unique clans of races, he's just a far east roe, like how all the random people out there are far east hyur rather than midlanders strictly speaking.

or in other words ps3 limitations

All highlanders are mhiggers

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I... what? I just figured he was a supremely buff Hyur dude. Oddly shaped, a bit like Steiner, but still just a human.

please understand
ps, new emotes in the mogstation!
-Director and Producer, YoshiP

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All of the XIV races are "human," they just have weird physiology.
Yes, even the Ronso.

Are they going to finally give a sound option to turn the shitty fucking grunts off?

How long until someone mods in lion mommies based on the NPC models?

Nope. And no body options, Viera just inherently have bigger added than every single other race.
$40 please!

Full trailer song when

>Implying Hrothgirls/Vieboys are getting models at all.


who cares

Femroes and Mancats had them in 1.0.
What makes you think this will be any different?

Obviously those guys or they wouldn't have asked, silly. I kinda want it myself.

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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Death it is

Enjoy your death.
Male Viera will basically be male elezens with bunny ears.

you're late you fucking disgrace

See you in the afterlife.

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Because that would require effort.

Its worth to craft my own armor?

crafters are sunk cost fallacy made manifest. if your crafters are level 1 and you're trying to get the latest tier crafted shit, just buy it. if you're already max level everything, may as well make your own shit.

I made 80mil last week making furniture on MateUs, user.

The question was about armor. Not how your personal experience is going on your server.

It can be a side benefit to help you cruise through alt levels if your crafters/gatherers are already leveled. Trying to HQ on-level gear is a time/money sink and you're going to outgrow leveling gear in like maybe 6-8 dungeon runs if you're trying to stay up to date.

What's even the difference between the clans? I just see milky white skin vs a slight tan.

got it thanks, how about leveling alts? what is the best way to level my low levels?

I was simply pointing out that crafting is far from a sunk cost fallacy.
Have a lion mommy and calm down, user.

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I leveled my pld along with my armorcrafter up until around level 35, then it became pointless to keep it equipped

I just woke up, cut me some slack.

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POTD through 30, dungeons and roulettes otherwise, and PVP gives a healthy chunk per match.

his point was that the viable crafter is the one who does ALL the crafters and gears them, which has an initial expense far in excess of what a newbie can do.
hell as a nublet I found the level 50 armorer quest wallet draining to do just from material cost.

What do you sell user? I'm having problems on my server that furnishing isn't selling as fast.

I just want a lion lady dancer.

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>Hildibrand quests have better storytelling and emotional payoff not to mention content than MSQ
What the balls

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They don't have to cater to Kirito wannabes or stretch content out to justify the purchase.

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Don't open this image it contains things that were not meant to be seen

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Never ever...

So SB got more content than HW right?

sure doesn't feel like it.

Yes, but it's mostly the same content.

It got better dungeons. Anyone who bitches about Eureka eating dungeons should compare Antitower to The Burn.

Pretty much it. The guy in-game describes it as one has light skin and the other has darker skin. I suppose there could be smaller physical differences like suncats vs mooncats where the eyes and teeth are different in addition to skin but those aren't noticeable at a glance.

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That's retarded, as the game gives you the full breadth of skin colors that are realistic by default. They're just being lazy again.

Yeah the MSQ felt like it should have just all been at once in 4.5 rather than split into a part 1 and part 2 especially when the part 2 was so anemic.

Felt like they did it just because its tradition at this point to have part 1 and part 2 of the finale even though there was clearly not enough material for part 2.

The pain never ends.

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Stop playing for 3 hours a day

It does but if this is the distinction they went with you will likely be locked from that full breadth at least a bit. The dark skin clan just won't be able to pick light options or if they can, the other can pick even lighter options and vice versa.

Definitely seems like the weakest clan distinction that exists so far. At least the other color swaps like hellsguard/sea wolf and wildwood/duskwight have drastically different skin colors available and very different lore. I doubt the two Viera clans will be that different from one another.


Why have I consecutively had shit luck in duty finder recently? I just want to do my roulettes and im getting dps who dont know what a stack marker is on sirensong sea, or healers who don't know how to dodge aoe's. It's always been bad, but it's been fucking terrible recently for whatever reason. No joke, the dps who avoided the stacks said to me "blaming others 4 your own death lol". I can't tell whether thats based as fuck or retarded.

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Maybe it'll determine if you can get droopy ears or not.

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Playable voidsent race when?

We already have Au Ra.

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Same here, the new patch must have brought back all the shitters.

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>tfw bigger and thiccer than Roes
we fucking won!

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>people still think Au Ra are voidsent

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I don't mind when new players failing mechs, but when it's mentors who can't heal a pack of 6 mobs even though I'm using all the mitigation possible throughout the pull it's really tragic.
I actually have 1 player in FC who has all jobs 70lvl and he talked about how tenacity is the best to meld on tanks. He said he knows what he's talking about because he played tanks in other games since 2005.

max height elezen female same height as fran I'm pretty sure

People don't actually think that Hrothgar have the exact same bodies as roes do they?

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But what about a male Genderlocked Succubus

Dancer will share gear with NIN, got it memorized?

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Is this supposed to make me upset? I love the Thundercats. Shame about the more recent cartoon and the upcoming reboot.


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nice roeskin

My big Ronso can't possibly be this cute

why are people calling the designs bad? This one looks great

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He's called a Roe during the early Stormblood MSQ when you're looking for him in Kugane.

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I can't wait to power bottom for all Hrothgar tops in 5.0!!!

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They don't actually have the same body shape. I'd post comparisons but the compression on the video is bad. Fucking YouTube.

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Gosetsu is a Roegadyn. Don't do this again bro.

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The other ones they showed off don't look that good, and their animation set looks really weird

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Even as both of those clans you get all humanoid skin tones. This is gay.

You got a comparison with his in game model?

they look less wide than the roes i guess

They're just squished. They literally use the same arms/legs.


Not really. I think it's mostly because for whatever reason they decided to show off the Hrothgar in an area really harsh lighting.



It also doesn't help that theyre wearing that ugly wide kilt. They should have just given them loin cloths.

>OF trannies actually think SE would put this pedoshit in

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wow I got the card I was grinding for as I sent this message, maybe god does really exist

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And? Every race in the game shares something with something else. The only ones that don't are lalas and male highlanders(torso only).

hey I happen to be playing blitzball at the moment. have this.

Attached: 20190328140730_1.jpg (1920x1080, 421K)

Don't worry user. I'm sure you'll get stuck on another card soon enough.


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this looks better i think

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>human nose

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I just want these guys

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max height elezen are like a couple centimeters taller, if you don't include the ears

Attached: bunnyzen.png (519x466, 440K)

what the fuck

>implying that's max

too bad son

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this better for you, dumb frogposter?

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>Got the win in the bag

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same plus is the best ruleset

I fucking hated Plus until it finally clicked and I understood it. Now it's free wins.

>min height viera are almost as tall as max height elezen
Oh my...

Hurry up and fight the big bad Hydaelyn, such a greedy bitch. Zodiark forever!

I've been playing this game for 4 years and I still can't comprehend how those rules work. I swear I've read it so many times I could recite it like a good christian boy recites the lord's prayer but it just doesn't click
I've also cleared every savage since gordias, goes to show how much brain matter you need to clear content in this game

You're lucky G'raha stopped us from curbstomping your weasly ass Elidibus

i see they're re-adding bulges back to the game

>play srycus tower
>not main tank
>boss wipes everyone else with gimmick when he has 1%
>shadow walled right before
>survive and beat the boss
feels good man

I want to cum inside dark-skinned rule 63 Griffith

7.0's final boss better be real-Zenos

Chad. I hope you got all the commendations

Yoshi must really love Zenos to be pushing him this hard when we've had way better antagonists. Why the fuck else would he get into Dissidia over Gaius except for Yoshi favoring him?

>pozfurs btfo
>twinkfags btfo
>trannyfags btfo
>pedofags btfo
>fujoshits btfo
...and all it cost was lion girls...
Was it worth it?

Attached: 1553442267172.png (692x808, 743K)

are you serious?

Attached: bulge.png (694x921, 938K)


>play mmo where races are lazily designed different stature humans
>complain when new races are lazily designed
Really makes one ponder.


Gaius was never an option, if you listened to interviews they said it was either Nael or Zenos and the Dissidia director wanted Zenos

is that even a question?

>Takes your 5 star Squall card and gives you a 1 star Tataru card
I fucking hate this game so much

but user, think of the liongirls we could have had...

notices bulge OwO whats this?
Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt I have a little itch o3o wags tail can you please get my itch~ puts paws on your chest nyea~ its a seven inch itch rubs your chest can you help me pwease squirms pwetty pwease sad face I need to be punished runs paws down your chest and bites lip like I need to be punished really good~ paws on your bulge as I lick my lips I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow you smell so musky :v licks shaft mmmm~ so musky drools all over your cock your daddy meat I like fondles Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe puts snout on balls and inhales deeply oh god im so hard~ licks balls punish me daddy~ nyea~ squirms more and wiggles butt I love your musky goodness bites lip please punish me licks lips nyea~ suckles on your tip so good licks pre of your cock salty goodness~ eyes role back and goes balls deep mmmm~ moans and suckles

>wanting girls
>when we had boy
based tranny

>it was either Nael or Zenos and the Dissidia director wanted Zenos
>could have had Nael
That makes me even more pissed off

Because they wanted a villain.

I want to be the lionboy, but fuck the liongirls.

I imagine this is what lallafel rpers are like.

Good tastes

think of what? Waifufags already got rabbits. Brainlets that want everything will end up with nothing.

Which should I make, Rangnarok Zeta or Last Resort Zeta? Or Ragnarok+Anima SCH weapon?

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Anima SCH weapon is kino because of that halo.

Thanks goodness we got roes with reskinned heads instead

Therion is 23 user, what? he looks like your typical SEA manlet.

Finally a man with taste

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fujoshis win again baybee

Fight for Hydaelyn, they said. She's one of the good ones, they said.

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>Male viera isnt lore friendly since even a few leaving the forest is very rare

>However we also have unlimited amounts of Azure Dragoons running around lol

So since lore matters now why isnt DRG a 1-per-server class

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Kinda disappointed we saw him instead of the Dwarf primal.

Hydaelyn is still riding with Minfilia. Thancred protects Hydaelyn/Minfilia from LightLion in the trailer.

I'm not sure if other WoLs are canon.

You're supposed to pretend those are just normal Dragoons, and all WHM party members are just Conjurers

Can't wait to clap Griffith

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>implying players are real characters
when you call adventurers you call shitters like squadron members

Beast tribe doesn't mean a primal.

Other WoLs aren't canon you dumbshit. In lore you're the only one, any party member you see is some random adventurer with the echo.

Ysayle was a Warrior of Light so we know Hydaelyn can and does choose others too, and it is canon that WoL calls on "gifted friends" to help out with everything. But your friends are just implied to have the Echo.

That doesn't work because even then there's only like, what 12 dragoons? and all of them are born of noble elezen households.

It's not like PLD where they just had out soul crystals, DRG soul crystals are passed down.

So it's okay when yoshi does it with anything else then

something something they simply do not exist to us

Anyone who's slain a dragon is selected for dragoon training, it's just that most end up crippled or dead during Jump training.

>other WoLs arent canon

And by extension, neither would anyone else playing male viera

You are canonically the only Warrior of Light running around the Source right now. At best anyone with you on a raid is "actually" just an Echo-having adventurer and a base Class if the Job Lore means that there's only supposed to be one (e.g. the Warrior of Light is currently the only non-Padjali White Mage)

>Dwarf primal
They are the crafter tribe just like Moggles and Damazu. We aren't getting a primal from them

You aren't getting shots rabbits

Moogles have a primal though

>this is true
>they are making a super weapon to wipe out the """humans""" and sin eaters both
I can't wait to help

Giant of Babil here we come

Doesn't work that way, unlike male miqo's actual male viera are literally so rare no one has SEEN them ever. that's already way different dusk's or keeper's who are said to be rare but not so rare as being fucking myths.

>So since lore matters now why isnt DRG a 1-per-server class
Now where did I hear that brain dead statement before.

Attached: Room Temperature IQ.png (1803x660, 71K)

no, they doesn't. The mog king is from 2.0 and is not a pirmal

He's from 1.0 and he is a primal. Do you not know what a primal is?

>Red Mage main
That job attracts the worst of autists

>Always thought kimahri was cool as fuck
>kimahri race looks sick
>can't play em cause everyone will think you're a furry
>hate nothing on this earth more than furries
Fuck this gay earth.

show me his tribe crystal



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Self-loathing isn't healthy

It's funny how he screwed up lore himself there.

I can't be a furry because I hate furries

>wants to play a furry
>claims to hate furries
More proof that most furry hate comes from self-hating furries.

Sure buddy

What? You don't need an aetheryte to be a primal.

Attached: 1545300343232.png (810x156, 281K)

Beast races in general wouldn’t get the bad rap they get if furries didn’t exist. Most of the time they’re brought up furfags always have to be brought into the topic. It fucking sucks.

What a retard, how do you get so much stuff wrong while trying to prove a point?

ask all the tribes that have a crystal with their primal


Well i dont want shota rabbits, actually i just want a tall race that isnt lankmaster flex or beefbara stroganoff

My max height hyur is still shorter than i am IRL

You furries ruined anthropmorphs forever, I hope you all die of aids.

Also all furry art is elementary school tier.

He's not wrong about that singular point just because you dislike the OF, faggot

Sure thing bud

Imagine being this stupid

Could people summon WoL primal if they believed hard enough?

Why are you projecting your furry insecurities onto others?

>Pretending to be another user after being outed as a retard
Every single point you mentioned in your worthless OF post is wrong.

Attached: 1553794999427.png (399x382, 87K)

>There is more than one Dragoon in lore.
>Retainers exist in lore.
>Glamour exists in lore.
>Magic-wielding Garleans are conscripts, not purebloods.
>Lalafells can be physically adept, Pipin being the proof.
>Roegadyn are noted for their magic, even hired as mercenaries by Garleans so they have magic-users in their ranks.

I can guarantee we'll fight a primal version of ourselves at some point.

Yes, they could even raise up the actual WoL into a primal like Louisoix was raised up into Phoenix.

>he doesn't want to be a badass forest rambo

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Justify multiple White Mages. Or even Red Mages, since they're a practically extinct order now

>The final boss is (You)

Are you daft?
The WoL is already a primal.
They're canonically a super-primal that's able to both produce and absorb aether just like odin.

>Justify multiple White Mages
Multiple Amdapori ruins were exposed after the Calamity, plus battlegrounds around Nymian and Mhachi ruins. Could find a soul crystal or texts detailing white magic abilities in any of those places.
>Or even Red Mages, since they're a practically extinct order now
They're not an extinct order, and X'ruhn wanders around constantly and is willing to teach people how to do it. There are also records on red magic in Gyr Abania, in Ishgard, and in Sharlayan.

someone hasn’t been keeping up on their lore

as long as there's faith, aether and a bit of desperation yes.

That's not how Odin or WoL works bro, stop skipping cutscenes. Odin isn't even a primal.

>y-you need to be a bodybuilder to survive in the forest!
>quite elegant, handsome, and slim
nice headcanon faggot

Yes, yes: the sword is the primal.
Either way: the point stands.

The WoL was confirmed to be a primal back in HW. Stop skipping the cutscenes you trannies

You're confusing your headcanon that you built up around the spooky vision of WoL with actual lore.

[citation needed]

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Go and rewatch all the warior of darkness bullshit again

What exactly are you referring to? Because you're out of your god damn mind. How about you go rewatch the scenes and show us what the fuck you're talking about.

Its only sort of implied. It would tie up a lot of loose ends yes, but there's no solid proof.

>m-momy please and do this for me! Waaaa I can’t do it myself abbuubuuuu waaaah ; ;

Holy shit you have no idea how to source your arguments.

So you don't actually have any proof. What you're probably thinking of is when they mention that WoL is so dense with aether that our death would trigger an aetherial vacuum that would cause a Calamity.

[ c i t a t i o n n e e d e d]

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>it's a "the WoL is a primal" theory thread
C'mon bros, it's not 2014 any longer.

No: they all but directly state it.
You guys need to pay more attention.
The WoL is an ascian-like primal entity created by hydaelyn to combat the ascians.
>created multiple times before: in one they acted as a herald giving Cid head band

Meant for

That's not how it fucking works and you have no fucking idea what a primal even is.
>created multiple times before: in one they acted as a herald giving Cid head band
That was a metaphor for you Echo-visioning into his brain to reawaken his memories. In 1.0, that's how the Echo worked. You physically appeared in and could manipulate their memories. You could even bring things and people into and out of Echo visions with you.

"Okay, so if you follow my headcanon, it's actually exactly what they would have said"

So, like all the rest of the fucked lore, it's all cope and semantics, got it

If they all but directly stated it then you can provide a citation. Unless of course, they actually didn't and you once again confused your headcanon with actual lore.
All you have to do to prove us wrong is provide a single unaltered picture, should be simple enough.

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Koji literally used the WHM example I gave during an interview because roleplayers kept pestering him for ways to justify it.

Yeah, what i said doesnt change just because Koji was the one who said this

There's an elezen npc there that is taller than Fran so I guess max height elezen are actually taller. Cannot really tell what height is Fran though so we will see.

>oh yeah justify this stuff in the lore
>"Okay here are lore justifications that directly work with the canon we're given."
>wow cope


Don't worry, Enkidu is immortal.

>user tries to reason with OF retard
>Is suprised when OF retard refuses to be reasoned with
In other news, water is wet and sky is blue

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None of what you said somehow goes against what i said

The justifications given, from an "official" source or otherwise are just coping or bullshit and you know it, they dont give a fuck about the lore

Everyone gets to be a padjal, everyone gets to be a Foul-flinging BLM despite there being one stone of Shatotto

Everyone is an Azure DRG despite there only being two

This. It's very clear during the opening few quests of stormblood where you get yugiri's and gosetsu's sketch. No one you show it to says anything about him being hyur, but rather instantly know it's a roe. This also makes a lot of sense because, being a far eastern version, a lot more common there.

Recently, it was implied the people of kugane barely even see miqote. This only further solidifies the above.

>Quests call him a Roegadyn
>LORE BOOK calls him a Roegadyn

retards think hien is a midlander, don't bother with them

i like how every piece of hrothgar art always draws them off-model to try and salvage the design

The jobs of your friends you play with aren't canon. They're at most just classes, not jobs.

>people can't segregate gameplay mechanics and story
Is it really that difficult to acknowledge that in lore your PC was given A-Towa-Cant's soulstone and any other WHM PCs are not actually canon? I just sort of gloss over these details without caring that much.

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As long as there's a way to justify how people in your party are doing what they're doing, that's all that matters. Do you think canonically everyone in your group has done the job quests? No, you're supposed to imagine they're other adventurers who have found their own ways.
>Azure DRG powers
There are other dragons with eyes. You don't need to draw power from Nidhogg's. It won't be as powerful but you could do it.
>BLM powers
There are multiple BLM soul crystals, but even then you can just be a normal, extremely powerful Thaumaturge. Mumuepo in Halatali HM used to be the THM guildmaster. He can cast Flare spells several times the size of even WoL's, AND he has a Stop spell.

Is that why they say the sky's the limit? :^)

>Canonically and lore-wise, only Pad'Jal can be WHMs

Male viera exist.
You just can't play one.

Are you okay, OF retard?

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>Canonically and lore-wise, only Pad'Jal can be WHMs
Except there was once an entire country of white mages. You're confusing the fact that it's illegal to be a white mage with it being impossible to be a white mage. Hell, if you're a roleplayer you could even have a cool character going with you using illegal magic to help people while the Elementals are calling for your head.

What do you want from your main job.
Choose one new thing:

Ninja is now melee or range dps and all their combo change animation based on melee or ranged, they still do the same thing however in ranged mode you don't get the positional bonuses
Get rid of the Mudra and make them all individual skills that share the same timer, the ping at times is dumb.
Very minor but don't like Huton timer go down if not in combat.

No one said they don't exist. Just fucking wait 2 years, at the minimum, and you MIGHT get male viera. There is a chance. Just let Yoshi know you want it and just fuckin' wait.

>Apparently Fran is minimum height

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Jesus Christ that'll be the only reason I'd download that game. The horrendously slow starting combat wasn't doing it for me.

so she's a bunlet?

There's no way Viera are THAT tall, if they're taller than even Roegadyn are, they're easily fucking 9-9.5 feet if we're apparently not counting ears. Even Hrothgar didn't look that big.

YoshiP directly stated it at FFJP, user.

one of these days i need to deliberately die constantly in a fight and maybe ill finally be the one to win the loot roll

>More proof that most furry hate comes from self-hating furries.
This could genuinely be the case for theses people. It's just like the common phenomenon of people bashing lolicon, while being revealed that they are pedophiles.

Femroes cap out at 8.2ft. They couldbe 8.3 for all we know.

Apparently it is.

Because western trannies want their snowflake OCs and nips are chasing the usual heavy hitters and gachatrain for making doujins.

>discord tranny the game

Jesus, I misremembered just how tall they can be. I thought it was like 7.6 at the tallest

the fuck is this?

Innocence, one of the Sin Eaters we'll be fighting.

i used to think like this but fuck it, we are living in clown world after all

Uhm, where's YOUR Ozma mount, sweetie?

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Holy shit. user can't be this retarded.

Where's your white gorilla mount

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If female hrothgar were added, they'd be played by less than a percent of the playerbase. Just another female roegadyn.

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same for male hrothgar what's your point?

i'm pretty sure Sharlayan probably have ancient amdapori and mhachi texts and through there they can recreate some of the spells, but will great limitations since they lack the stone

please redpill me on sin eaters!
i missed the summary.

It works, the game tracks all your shit and rewards bad play more often than good play
It's also constantly parsing you and matching you with people in the DF based on that number to try and create groups that will fall into an average dps range, so the better you do the worse you're teammates are likely to be when pugging

basically light versions of voidsent

They definitely do, and they use them. You can see the Mhachi techniques in how they bind voidsent to do shit like guard library books, and their Quickening magic they use to make Porrogos and those owls are the same thing the Mhachi used to make familiars like Cait Sith. They also use Amdapori golem techniques.

>letting furries dictate what you can and cannot do
You have already lost.

basically lightsent.
the world of darkness where all voidsent are from is actually the 13th shard that got overtaken by darkness.


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Are you on drugs or something.
And in any case you got it the opposite way. Pad'jals are WHM/Conjurers because they are taken by them when they are children to train, so you can say that Padjals CAN ONLY be WHM (and that's bullshit also because we don't have proof of that).

>the ending of the Ivalice raid series
Can only hope the NieR raid is as good.

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Beings of light that are there to eradicate all darkness through violence, including the darkness that dwells in man

>random people online will think differently of me!
For god's sake man...

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It's not so bad anymore. The bots have somehow gotten even worse since the mechanics changes. RDPS is finally where they belong. Competent healers are still an issue, but for the most part PVP is in a good spot balance wise.

it's more accurate to say that conjury comes naturally to them because of their connection to elemental spirits, so why the fuck wouldn't they go down that path?

True user, true.

They don't really have a choice. The WHM questline revealed that when a Padjal is born, they're taken by force to live in an enclave and learn all this stuff.

That's even better. I missed all the shit live.

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Hrothgars NTRing catboys out of their catgirl harems when

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>Cant handle high IQ player battles
>Has to play simon says against training dummies

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Since we haven't seen a padjal who has "escaped" their fate of being beholden to the elementals via conjury(yet) its a safe assumption to make though.

Cucks stopping to repeatedly vomit their fantasies when?

the 60-70 whm questline shows that it becomes a problem if they don't get training to as least know what they're doing with conjury because they're going to get elemental attention regardless of whether they can control it properly or not.

PvP only sucks if you have a trash team.
Which is most of the time.

never because they're all getting fucked by futatrannies

They really need to bring 1.0 back.

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>play healer
>never die
i'm a genius!

Where's the Aetheryte crystals for all the other Primals, like Susano, Tsukuyomi, Enkidu, etc?

>no gcd
>unreachable skill ceiling
reminder that only credible competitive activity in the game is lord of verminion

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it'll happen soon enough

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>It's literally just a trace of Omega-M

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you want to halve the movement speed, quarter the FPS, and dc every 10 minutes?

>but even then you can just be a normal, extremely powerful Thaumaturge

It doesnt work that way, even intermediate black magic lethally sears your insides if you dont have a conduit (the stone)

>miqo'te women getting the mating press from hroths while catboys watch

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>a healer
that it. fuck you yoshida. im pissed i took a picture with you.

That's because black magic is drawing aether from the land and routing it through your body. So the surge of power is roasting your insides. Mumuepo literally does that stuff with thaumaturgy because he has enough aether reserves to manage it without drawing from the land.

Never touch my job again and fuck off to sam

>and female hrothgar
This is probably such a small minority that you can dismiss people pretending to care out of hand. Nobody wants cute muscle women, look at Roegadyn players.

Post the picture with your face covered.

Remove trick attack and remove its 1000% permanent raid spot

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keep your furry cuck shit to yourself please

healers don't have rights, they're just slaves

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>healers don’t have rights
>heal pls

>Stuns you with brute punch
>Lasers you away
God I love cocky healers and just wiping them out

Now this user gets it. now all we need is piercing debuff and litany nerfed/removed and finally we can have some goddamn diversity in this meta.


>remove TA
>Patch notes for 5.0: NIN has been removed from the game

don't hurt my soul like this.

>Healers are going extinct in 5.0
>Tanks lose their only defence of "kick me, I have instant queue times"
>Remaining healers gain full control over party dynamics
Day of the rope is coming, Warrior-kun.

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Thats a nice head you have there

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then everyone would just pick the jobs with the highest dps, but of course that's what you want, dumb sam/monk player

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>mnkeys still seething about ninja

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Really makes you think...

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Like fuck
SCH, NIN, DRG, BRD, WAR are the only fucking jobs anyone ever fucking wants

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my favourite was sprout girl.

Healer main here, I literally can’t think of a new healer style the game needs. They need to do more work making white mage playable.

give trick attack to the white mage

>why are the harder jobs more useful bawww
you don't want to replace the nin anyway, his life is suffering

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Nice disinfo
We only care about GL4, blunt not cucking us anymore and getting an actual aura

How many years have they been whining now

Make Lillies great 4once


Now, silly user, it's almost like we need to make some adjustments as to what the baseline for party support on a DPS class should be. DRG's prescense basically forces either BRD or MCH into one of the slots, and then obiously you're either gonna wanna fill in with either something more safe (like RDM) for prog, and then something higher damage but still giving that sweet rDPS meta.

All i fucking want is for shit to be balanced, and for more comps to be possible than the standard. Also, seriously, fuck TA. Ir's stupidly strong for a single skill and is the only thing keeping NIN relevant. Give me a damn magic meta for once, Yoshida, you coward. Not like it really matters though, everything can clear all content as long as you have a fully unique 8man roster and some people with brain stems

The only thing that I can think of is adding a 'cool' healer to attract people who don't normally play healers.

What's the best way to make money in 4.5? I took a short break but it seems like I can't mine memesand for easy 100k in a day anymore?

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>MNK is basically unused despite being much harder than NIN
The hardest part of NIN is getting a connection good enough to input your narutos.

>WHM gets Faith, increases party magic damage
>SCH gets Bravery, increases party physical damage

>he thinks ninja is hard
just shut up and lb, cuck. nobody even cares about your dps.

Yeah, but what would said “Cool healer”DO to make it distinct from “Regen, shields, or buffs”? Bigger heals? Larger shield proportion?

it seems more a matter about dps queu times than actually wanting to play a new class

Someone break this down for me.

Dps main here, i literally can't think of a new dps style the game needs. They need to do more work making machinist playable.

Oh wait we're getting another bard lol of course what was i thinking

and then WHM is still garbage, because all tanks are physical, NIN and DRG are phyiscal, and BRD/MCH are still physical. Literally the only person who would benefit is WHM.

>AST gets both

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>Chemist as a healer with lowest number of targetted cures, instead heals using variations of potion toss: almost all heals are targetted aoes akin to Shadow flare or salted earth with instant and lasting variations.
>Add in mixing mechanic for extra variety in spells

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>they're adding a new tank because they can design the tanks around the MT/OT roles and have two tanks each
What could they design healers around to better help implement a new one? Apparently regen/shield isn't really enough of a distinction.

>tfw casually played through Deltascape as WHM
>tfw joined a static that went through Sigmascape with a SAM
>tfw currently in a static with a RDM
I agree slash/blunt/pierce debuffs need to go but I've never played with a group that was full on autistic about comps. As long as it wasn't something retarded like all DRG my teams have gotten along fine. Is this an aether thing?

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Sorry sweetie, were gay. If anything were gonna NTR catgirls.

There are near infinite ways to make new DPSes or Tanks. We already have a healer for each “Style” of heals.

I can't wait for shad so monks can stop pretending their job that used to be easiest is suddenly hard
As bad as smn

lets be fucking honest here, half the reason for gunbreaker is to get people who like gunblades into the game.
hell yoshi admitted as much.

>targeted AoEs
Imagine the input delay

>no one gets in your fucking AOE heals
>job is dead on arrival

my dps is higher than yours

Pinglets need not apply

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Probably. I'm a gilgacuck and honestly they can be super anal about it here. I feel like the only reason I got into my pugs was because either they didn't actually care or wanted my big heals because prog/clears (i'm also whm).

also hrothgaranon are you gay or straight? inquiring minds want to know

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They used to be easiest because MNKs used to be the samurai. Now they are the Machinist of the melee DPS with an upkeep mechanic.

Keep in mind a few things:

Playable Viera won't have heels, this easily puts them up like half a fulm.
Ears don't count, you wouldn't look at the top of someone's ears when talking to them, you do so at eye level
Fran is using an edited Elezen skeleton.

as if scholar and the like don't already have that problem.
MotherFUCKER my fairies spells do not have a 15 mile range you ranged caster piece of shit.

That's cute, but no. I play a real class, not a buff dispenser.


>Machinist of the melee DPS
but mch is easy..

Shields and Leeching

>healer designed around targeted aoe heals
>just drop them all on ley lines
Finally a healer who can adjust.

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>alright lets get everyone up to full during this stack mechanic

ninjas and dragoons have the same rights as the healers: none

I just do 380 gear crafting. I have no idea why, but it still sells this late in the cycle. I make about 40 mil a week.

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like geomancer?

Agreed. Now healers will have literally no excuse (not that they had one before). Hopefully they remove Rescue as a role action next.

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Should I resub?

Machinist is finger cancer. MNK is a machinist with constant maintenance.


only big brain dps is blm

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if you wanna catch up for expac yes, otherwise hold off for a little while more.

All these people bitching about MUH META composition. How many of you are even in statics, let alone statics who adhere strictly to the meta? Just a casual look through FFlogs even some of the top groups aren't full meta.

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>but mch is easy
End of HW MCH is piano porn
End of SB MCH is arthritis tier

it will sell until Scaeven gear becomes available with poetic tomes in 5.0

It's not hard to maintain GL stacks holy shit

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>Nobody wants cute muscle women
Yeah, I want cute muscle CAT women instead.

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God I hate that scalie nigger and his bullshit """guides"""

>keeping a DoT up, a dmg up and 3 stacks that you gain naturally doing your rotation is hard
so these are the zoomers that play ffxiv...

T. Hasn’t actually played with the current boss design and also neglects Tornado Kick

>Grey and greenlets talk about which jobs are hard and which aren't

This user touches on a good point, AST is the problem fucking up healer balance, it's shields, regens, and buffs, taking up 3 different niches at once and was put in so early they painted themselves into a corner


>they don't know about the Tornado Kick rotation

monks are the kind of people that think positionals make a job harder

I finally came up with a name, then I did a character search and 1 other person used the first name so now I have to start all over

If only shit jobs like sam actually did more dps than my drg.
I wonder why is there so many shitter sams.


>that you naturally gain during rotation
9 GCDs of delay before you get back to full is not an acceptable timeframe, and all of your kit to assist is spent on speeding back up after Tornado Kick.

use form shift as well as perfect balance. they are there and they are short enough cooldown to be used as needed

>I have positionals too, stop crying
>says the DRG

You use them for Tornado Kick. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

>i pressed a button then did the same thing 5 times
monk is hard..

I've been doing TK for a couple months now. It's not hard at all. Always TK before a snap punch but never before a demolish. Reapply demolish to refill your third GL stack va PB or after you use riddle of wind.

Fucking children, I'm not even a purple parser for alphascape. This shit isn't hard at all. Maintaining good uptime and positionals so you aren't losing out on GCDs? Yeah, that takes practice, but TK took like a week to get down.

They do, because they make your tank your true enemy.
>Boss ass is facing a wall, pit, aoe of hurt

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I'm not the one dropping my stacks every other mechanic, now am I?

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>form shift
Is still a GCD
>perfect balance
Has already been used for speeding back up after Tornado Kick and to add some extra DPS.

Imagine doing this

*FFXIV is hard
FTFY, because that's every job

No but you're parsing grey because you're afraid of the high risk high reward Tornado Kick rotation

the trannies are ON FIRE today

Guaranteed to be better than an idiot who thinks moving slightly left and right is difficult. If this is too hard you can switch classes.

>monk loses 20 potency from fucking up their positionals
>drg loses 40
>nin loses 60-160
>b-but monk has more

TK Monk is the single hardest job in the game right now. This is not up for debate. If you want to say otherwise, post your logs.

post ur fflogs

Nobody is even talking about positionals except the ones trying to claim MNK is easy you fucking retard

oh does that mean I can just not give a shit unless I'm in savage content and just land every hit from behind?

>if nin loses him most valuable positional the party is probably kicking him from the duty

monk is 100% positionals.

Every single MNK attack is a positional. Being unable to get at their back/side means that three GCDs get reduced potency.

I parse purple and orange. I decided to check out the Balance to see if I could push myself into consistent oranges and toward 99s. Looked at Nemekh's horseshit, started doing it, suddenly I'm parsing blue. When I investigated top SMNs on fflogs, I noticed they were doing exactly what I was doing before, not whatever made-up bullshit that scalie faggot was pushing. Fuck him and fuck the Balance for not kicking his lying ass out.

>uwah, I have to land trick attack!
>that’s one whole attack!

Now how many positionals does each job have?

you say that like it's a bigger loss, there aren't a lot of mechanics that make you waste more than 3 positionals
Doing aeolian from the front is a bigger loss than losing 2 gcds on monk

>start asking for parses
>no replies
really makes you think huh

A debuff healer would be nice.

>my job is hard because I have to move
>w-well it's not actually m-moving, it's more like taking one step left and one right

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yoshi is a hack and won't listen to my necromancer ideas

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All these words and he said absolutely nothing of value, interest, or philosophical significance.

There’s a lot of reasons you are unable to get at back or side, and the fact that you always need one or the other has you miss out on absurd amounts of damage.

Real talk, if you have trouble with tornado kick rotation, stick to SAM. MNK is "hard" because of the requirement for positionals. Every bootshine you don't use from the rear is one missed crit, and because of how bosses position themselves, especially those in SB, your true north is not going to cover for every time you wont be hitting a positional due to mechanics.

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which starting class has the best early game experience

Probably pugilist or thaumaturge, not that it means much since it still sucks dick until at least lvl 45

Probably one of the tanks. Early DPS is suffering and early healer is one button to attack.

Is there a proper necromancer job or similar in ff games? cannot really remember,

thats what dancer could/should have been
im ok with it being dps but dancer felt like a chance for them to add a new kind of healer to the game or something

They should add an healer that's sole healing playstyle is to place healing wells so people move the fuck out of mechanics and into being healed.

true north will cover for every perfect balance

Im confused when would I use tornado kick not in Savage or extreme trials

>the tardwrangler

None. When you get to max level and then get an ARR dungeon or trial in roulette you always wonder how the fuck anyone managed with so few options at your disposal.

then you lack imagination.

Timed heals (EverQuest Cleric)
Sacrificial heals (EQ2 Defiler)
reactive-based healer (EQ2 Templar)
permanent synastry healer (Holy Paladin)
viral heals (WoW Mistweaver Monk)
offensive healer (Rift Chloromancer)
Buff/Debuff specialist (literally every support spec of City of Heroes)
punishment healer (EQ2 Inquisitor)
hell, just a healer that ISNT a spellcaster would be a game changer. Give us crossbow chemist with no cast times. suddenly its a massive change in style.

Or even still, give us something that separates the healers in terms of gameplay. Think outside of the box. Look at supports in dozens of different games for ideas. Thresh from League of Legends has a big dumb lantern that rescues people who click on it. EQ2 Druids have a self-rez. WoW shaman can drop totems that buff their allies or debuff their foes. Hell, fix crowd control to make it more useful and suddenly things get even better.

Dont get me wrong. literally none of these things will happen, but to say they wouldnt be needed or desired shows a lack of vision.

you probably just had bad rng or something breh, the game has so little player agency at the top level that crit/dh rng and party comp like having a nin sway your damage at least an order of magnitude more than any stupid optimizations. Even killtime can give you the shaft if you're a heavily cooldown dependent job.

just remove brotherhood so all of these frustrated monks can switch to sam in peace, no one gives a fuck about mantra anyway

theres one in ff5