The combat and variety of movesets in DMC5 is much better than just parry, swing, parry, parry stab

The combat and variety of movesets in DMC5 is much better than just parry, swing, parry, parry stab.

Attached: devil may cry 5.jpg (460x215, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

But DMCV is less fun and visceral. I can't explain it, but there's something infinitely more entertaining about Sekiro than DMCV.

Git gud

Fuck off, falseflagging nincel. Both DMC5 and Sekiro are good.

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show me your s ranks in dmd and hah mode

Imagine being stupid enough to compare a character hack-and-slash/beatup game to an action RPG. OP confirmed battery sucker as a child

Sekiro isn't an RPG.

rent free, DMC-fags

>action rpg
Sekiro is a poor man's tenchu

>you grind for powerups
>you level up your HP
>you level up your ATK

>you "grind"
if you felt the need to grind ur a shitter and terrible at the game

I would say tpbp if not for the wojak
But you're on point

It's far better than any Tenchu game. Tenchu had worse AI, combat, variety, etc.

It had much better variety and exploration as well as being able to grapple anywhere and not on special points.

Yet it's still less fun, funny how that works out. Almost like complexity means nothing and combat boils down to the rhythm, feel and enemies that are active and exciting to fight than how many optional mechanics a game has backed only by a style meter that can't even really keep up.

DMC has those too (except attack).

It's far more fun, and dmc5 has perfect rhythm thanks to the style meter and mixing and matching your attacks.

The difference between DMC5 and Sekiro is the difference between Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and EA Skate and anyone who can't see that and insists on comparing them like they're functionally identical is retarded.

Who cares about variety? Not every game runs on it or needs a checklist of unique moves to count. Sekiro's strength is great feedback and pace in fights, much more feeling and detail than just having a spreadsheet of moves and their framedata.

Vergil fight in DMC5 still feels impersonal due to how distanced you're for most of it. Vergil for big part either does ranged attacks or zips around cutting everything. When he tries to combo you're supposed to jump back until you've mastered your RG there at which point you're still not exchanging blows, you just wait for the string to end. Sekiro has godawful move variety where just basic attack is 90% of the game, but it nailed boss fights feeling interactive with Wolf getting great feedback on blocking, and being forced into offence even if most of your blows are just blocked or parried.

Sekiro combat is really well made for what it was trying to do. DMC5 is about variety, Sekiro is about tightness. DMC5 pays more attention to the player character, Sekiro shifts it onto enemy. DMC5 is very proactive while Sekiro is reactive. DMC5 has medium high pace but lots of space. Sekiro doesn't give you much space and keeps pace even higher.

DMC actually has extremely few "power ups", there are a couple but for the most part you're expanding your skill list rather than adding strength.

The HP increases you're right about.

Yeah and Super Mario World has a lot less variety in animals you can ride compared to Donkey Kong Country.

true, it is better than MGR

Royal guard is unironically better designed than Sekiro's parry system, and it's just one way to play the game.

dmcucks eternally obsessed

Wrong. Tenchu was confined to levels. Exploration wasn't any better or worse, but a Tenchu levels were smaller and not interconnected. It was
Furthermore, variety was stunted in Tenchu due to not being able to bring all your items.
Finally the grapple system in Sekiro works for the game because its fast paced. Tenchu is slow boring dogshit where enemies pose no threat to you, so you can spend an hour looking through binoculars for your chosen grapple point.
The combat was so so much worse and less varied it was comedy.

the problem is sekiro isn't tenchu when it could have been. its not souls either, its some bastardized ass game that looks like it was designed to eat quarters or some shit instead. I get wanting to make new games but sekiro isn't really making new games for fromsoftware, this is pretty par for the course as it relates to their mediocre output in the mid 2000s, except now they know their shit will go viral and get praised instead of rightfully shit on.

Well, that's because DMCV doesn't exist. DMC5, on the othet hand, blows Sekiro the fuck out.


Enemies actively attack you in Sekiro and even the weakest ones can fuck your shit, so it's a better action game. It simply has, frankly speaking, more action.

DMC5 is literally just a combo simulator, it doesn't even have cool characters anymore like the old games did.

Attached: 1553786802062.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>that combat
Looks like some of the most sluggish shit I've seen in a long time

This. There is literally nothing that Sekiro does that DMC5 doesn't do better as far as gameplay goes.

DMC5 has a better ost and characters and lore too. Sekiro wins in graphics and exploration but that's about it

It's objectively better than any DMC. 5 especially since it doesn't even have old turbo mode so it's slow as fuck as well as being incredibly easy and boring to play.

>Looks like some of the most sluggish shit I've seen in a long time
And if you played the game that boss would stomp your shit into the ground, guaranteed. If you even made it that far.

Attached: 1552877537267.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

This looks like fucking shit.

DMC5 doesn't have a single good boss or any good enemies.

Please don't use words you don't understand.

today I will remind them

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I don't want to play Sekiro, it looks boring to me. Play DMC5 on hell or hell

That's a tutorial boss for Sin Devil Trigger. You also don't have an SSS rank so you aren't winning.

Wait what?

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Stop giving Barry attention.

He failed at starting shit between FFfags and KHfags, he failed at starting shit between KHfags and DMCfags, and now we have to make sure he fails at starting shit between DMCfags and Sekirofags.

You'd have to be delusional to call that shitty combat "good", typical of a Fromdrone. And you clearly haven't played DMC from your retarded description of it. Don't even try to pretend you know what you're talking about because you obviously don't.

>B rank
Yeah you don't play dmc, fuck off fromfag

>You also don't have an SSS rank so you aren't winning.
Just don't get hit you'll automatically get that rank.

I do understand it, Sekiro is objectively a better action game. Any enemy will fuck your shit up in seconds if you let them.

A waste of time.

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>Playing on Human mode

Like this user said>shitposting about a game you haven't played

I don't know why people think you can't like both games.

If you think that active fightning is good go play a real fightning game. Then eventually youll realize that it all leads to meta framedata and minmaxing. In DMC games you do not have to worry about any of that. You can use any of your 100+ moves and do the fuck you want.

Punching bag: the game, is a shit action series.

Looks like if samurai showdown was a shitty 3d fighting game

>Any enemy will fuck your shit up in seconds if you let them.
That applies to literally every game ever, you braindead retard. I like Sekiro, but you're just embarrassing to talk to. Stop posting.

Its about pressing buttons and doing combos with a very very wide variety of options. As I said if you want active fightning just play a fightning game instead of dodge into punish what all Souls games boil down into.

But also
>awful visuals
>non-existent level design
>bad pacing
>joke story
>copy/pasted decade old gameplay
>forced to play game twice before real challenge

>shitposting about a game you haven't played
Yes, that's what you're doing. You haven't played DMC so stop pretending otherwise.

Screencap this post since he's gonna repeat this.
This thread is made by an autist known as XV-kun. He started as some fanboy defending XV to death but after Tabata getting fired and FFXV has been officially killed off early, he started creating artificial rivalry such as KH vs DMC, RE vs DMC, and TWEWY vs KH. All failed since he's way too obvious. I have proof
then people pointed it out so he changed his format, which also didn't work since mods banned him for samefagging and all his samefag replies got deleted together

Know what to do with this info. He has zero defense against it and mods themselves confirmed its him thanks to a bunch of anons contacting them on IRC. Currently he's avoiding using same images and copypasta replies since he's now under rangeban from both mods and ISPs due to the NZ shooting. His current method of shitposting is now peddling Sekiro with DMC after failing to do so with KH vs DMC

Learn to report these posts since mods are quick to act against his autism.

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>paying 100k to beat a boss
you sure showed everyone

No shit it leads to frame data and optimizing, that's the whole fun, why even bother playing action games if you can just get away with any moves? Just get a lego set

>That applies to literally every game ever,
Except DMC because enemies stand around for longer than that and even when they attack you they aren't a threat because they do no damage. Imagine even getting hit more than a couple of times in DMC, you'd have to be a fucking retard.

I completed every difficulty in 3 and 4, 5 just DMD since the game was just so shit.

The people shitposting at each other about this was inevitable. People have always been willing to acknowledge the heart of DMC is the deep combat system, and that in general the level design and story are secondary, if fun. Souls has usually been backwards -- the combat can be a lot of fun but is usually very straightforward (if variable depending on moveset, at least). But the world and fantasy and personality of it can really suck you in, and make you stick around. But with Sekiro, the fantasy is not nearly as unfamiliar and intriguing to people -- sengoku era japan and pagodas are extremely familiar, so even doing them very well is nothing too distracting, leaving you to focus on the combat. Add to that that Sekiro's other aspect -- stealth -- is some surface level shit, and all the enemies have the AI of a challenged turkey, and the only thing left to focus on is the combat.

You just proved that you haven't even touched 5. Isn't this getting old, Barry? Go play a video game or something.


Go to sleep, Barry. XV will never be good.

You have a mental illness. Who the fuck is Barry?

shut up nerd

When was the last time you slept, Barry? When was the last time you had direct sunlight on your face? When was the last time you even had fun playing a video game, Barry? You can be better than this.

I enjoyed the hell out of Sekiro but can't see myself going back to it anytime soon, the replay value just isn't there for me even after giving kuro his charm back for the hard mode. Prosthetic tools aren't interesting at all because the way they just hard counter certain enemies it becomes press this button to delete this guy from the fight. On top of that the little gimmicks for bosses are not satisfying at all to use, stealth killing the monk twice or using snap seeds to take half of the ghost versions health just isn't fun in any way, its about as enjoyable as using the faust hat to one shot Vergil.

Sekiro is in this weird spot for me where it doesn't have the appeal Souls games did for replaying with all the bullshit to find for different builds, and it doesn't have nearly enough depth and variety to its combat to make me want to keep playing the way "pure" action games do.

If you want stylish combo action, just play SSX

>8 seconds
>enemy attacks 5 times, one was underneath a cloud of smoke

>22 seconds
>enemy attacks once, slowly

>B Rank
>Level 4 faust
>All those orbs
So you grinded a bunch then went down to Human and proceeded to make this Webm

since you can buy orbs it's a p2w game

shit tier action lmao

>People have always been willing to acknowledge the heart of DMC is the deep combat system
It’s not deep, you do not think about the moves you are going to use and the game doesn’t demand you use them. You simply do whatever you want with a care in the world.

Depth is tekken, which has a similarly large movelist but what move you use actually matters. Execution is tighter too.

>5 just DMD since the game was just so shit.
OK user how do you get Dante Must Die before finishing Devil Hunter?
Be honest now

We've all seen these webms many times, Barry. They didn't work then and they're not going to work now.

>needing to buy orbs in DMC5

because it lets you to do different things. like I will just use souls games as example because thats how this thread is going: you just dodge and hit back, there is really no other options. And yes legos are better with more freedom too than going by the instructions.

Killing Urizen in the prologue.

Stop trying to ignite a feud between DMC and Souls fans, Barry.

No you didn't, stop lying

Kill urizen in the prologue.

That unlocks SoS difficulty
Try again and be more specific

ok, look. I knew someone was going to say this as I was putting it together but I did it anyway cuz I was trying to compare the two. You can at least acknowledge that at higher difficulties like Dante Must Die, where the enemies CAN 2-3 shot you requires you to do "something", right? Even if it's just dodge? Except that you also have a lot of other options, like parry, royal release, sword-cross parry. So what's one word for "has a lot of options, and therefore people really enjoy exploring all of them"?

People play DMCs for hundreds of hours just messing around with all the different *OPTIONS*. Ok, you don't like the word "deep" for that, whatever. What word will you accept? OPTIONOUS?

both are fun dmc are are fun even when you turn your brain off. cant do that foe sekiro since if you shut your brain even basic mob can rape you.

Do it again on SoS


Breadth or variety, like Skyrim or Minecraft basically

yea so just beat it on SOS. But it is very difficult I would say.. so difficult that he might aswell be bullshitting. you dont even have breakers unlocked or dt or well majority of your moves

Turning another bait thread into a DMC thread. Post
>favorite weapon
>favorite boss
>favorite OST
>favorite game

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I simply dont believe that Fromsoft can make anything thats as quality as Capcom.
They are several tiers lower as a developer.

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>But DMCV is less fun and visceral
Soulsborne games were made for people with slow hands.

but in sekiro you only need to know when to press buttons and training muscle memory is not a requirement

Oh wow, one of capcom drones again

Then you do it again. I don't know why you're acting like a retard though, I didn't say I didn't do DH first(I only skipped SoS). Iliiterate retard, the distinction was compared to previous games where I beat all difficulties.

Testing to bait a certain autist

Attached: Absolute state of Barry.webm (1178x332, 2.85M)

>those hand movements
That looks like some kind of autism

Doesn't answer how you get it on Demon Hunter user which you were posting about user since you said you only beat the game on DMD, come on I know you can answer it
He's saying he only beat the game on Dante Must Die user and there's only one way you can unlock it before finishing Devil Hunter
Fun fact is he's awfully close, you beat Urizen but it has to be the first time though without any type of upgrade, lose and you can't get it

>too complex! must be autism!

King Cerberus

The most handsome demon!

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it really does

DMC is a boring button masher.

Guy who made that webm here, it's on SoS not Human. You're also an idiot for thinking that people who use that webm for shitposting purposes own or have played the game.

I'm so fucking sick of the campaign. If Bloody Palace was more than a few days away I'd be seething right now
>finished four and a half difficulty modes before deciding it can get fucked
>still suck shit as Dante and haven't S ranked all his missions

guy who postere it here, I pirated it and beat it

he's operating on another plane of existence now

Then you should have the ranks, right? post it

cavalieres theme is magical

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I am being genuine when I say this: I just don't get the point of dmc games. Like, playing through them is probably really fun for the first few times, but after that, what's the point. I really like action games, I've played dmc1-4 and I've also played all the ninja Gaiden games and also the god of war games, and mgr, bayo, and more.

I just don't understand how people can always say dmc is the best when in my opinion it isn't, and after a playthrough or two, there's nothing left to do. Is "style" really what keeps you guys going? Its not even like getting SSS is even that hard, and I vastly prefer the challenge and general gameplay of other action games.

I'm not trying to shit on those that do enjoy it most, I just really don't understand why?

uninstalled already.

Sekirobro here. thanks to a bunch of DMCbros, Sekiro threads now know who to report and ignore since someone archived all of that autist's samefagging

eat shit nigger holy fuck 6 years of shitposting is insanity

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Vergil 3
Silver Bullet

You're really not that good at falseflagging, are you?

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I just wish we could play all the missions as any character. It shouldn't be too hard to fix the "impossible" parts in the nero missons that other characters can't do, it would extend the replayability by a shit load. I get it would be weird having dante running to help himself who is already fighting urizen in a couple of missions but they could just make it an unlockable thing and remove the cut-scenes.

fair opinion. I really really liked MGR and Bayo, but both had different failings as well. People shouldn't try to sell DMC as the "best" action game, it's just one flavor that I come back to. Out of curiousity, what's your go-to action game when you want to replay one?

not false flagging ...

>If you even made it that far.
From someone who actually beat the boss: that webm is literally just mikiri counter after deflecting the jump attack. Follow-up attacks do almost nothing, mikiri does all the work. And he ALWAYS does the thrust after jump attack in phase 1 btw, slowness of the jump makes it extremely easy to deflect, and you always know to mikiri after it, and you always get the correct timing on mikiri by just spamming the button.

The fact you're posting it as if it's some impressive feat and proof of how good combat is just outs you as full of shit. Anyone who has played the game will call you out. And it's people who hasn't that may accept this amazing feat, memorization of two consecutive button prompts, as "good combat" because they only see awsum ebin animation on the webm.

>I'm not trying to shit on those that do enjoy it most, I just really don't understand why?
doing cool combos is fun and the insane amount of creativity allowed is what keeps players playing.

I enjoy the constantly rising skill ceiling. I've never got anywhere near the top but even in my replays of DMC4 in the weeks coming up to DMC5 I was learning new things

cringe at how you had to spam guard when the owl did the jump attack. whoever you are, you are shit at this game and shouldn't be making webms about it, incel.

>people still bite these threads
Holy fuck not even /pol/ is that retarded

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But you can do just as cool combos in other games? And some of those games even have just as many if not more combos? So why?

It's about getting better. Going back to that boss that gave you so much trouble and beating it with no damage taken, and then going to the next difficulty level and getting your ass kicked all over again. It's like a fighting game, only you're really just competing against yourself. There's always a higher level of proficiency to attain, whether it's avoiding all damage, executing insane combos, or even just trying to keep the style rank up for as much as possible.

I'm not kidding when I say it's purely autists who praise DMC so much. People who spend literally hundreds or thousands of hours practicing combos against enemies who just stand around and take it. The games are alright but the fanbase is completely deranged.

If you want to unlock every combat art in the game on your first playthrough then you need to grind.

>having dante running to help himself who is already fighting urizen
They have Nero saying he has no arm, and characters saying he's basically human in NG+, when that's obviously not the case. I don't think story matters much after the first lap.

It would be easy to implement, yeah, and it would be great.

The DMC-kun is nuts though, XV-kun has never posted in a Sekiro thread as far as I've seen. Nor is he even awake right now.

A combo isn’t cool if it’s functionally the same as everything else

the combo variety in dmc5 is almost infinite, I'm not sure what other games you're talking about though.

and you just outed yourself

Attached: Barry tries falseflagging.png (748x274, 19K)

You have fundamentally misunderstood DMC and from this comment alone I can understand that you have no idea about the potential for combos in DMC compared to other games. You are probably a beginner or very casual player.

Memorizing combat patterns is fun and challenging though. You're trying to trivialize things that make the game a better action title than DMC, why?

There is no DMC-kun. That's just shitposters and baiters
Sekirobrainlets thought DMC threads were invading their threads for months even though in the actual DMC threads there was only praise for Sekiro.

give it up, it's literal autism

he's right about cloud and kh in general and you know it, he's wrong about XV though, since that sucks too

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Take your meds.

Sent the thread to the mods. Better prepare another VPN, Barry boy

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>There is no DMC-kun.
The guy who acts exactly like Barry is "DMC-kun", posting archive posts and pics like Hell, that might even BE Barry false-flagging. He acts exactly like him, he's insane.

Working on these knuckle timings, but does anyone have advice for consistently getting gerbera cancels? I can only get two before the target drops.

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Tell that to the thousands of autists who does nothing but combos all day.

>post awareness of shitposting is autism
wew lad now you're just grasping

>>post awareness of shitposting is autism
Shitposting is shitposting, acting like Barry is not okay. It's a sign of mental illness.

Oh well, bloody palace and mission 13 will have to do.

>brought awareness to both fanbases and now they're ignoring Barry
Whatever helps you sleep, bud. Thread already is turning into a discussion thread

Attached: 1542316184762.jpg (619x517, 50K)

this is Barry's true power, he brings out the inner Barry in all of us

luckily he can still be defeated if we stay positive and enjoy video games

>spend your entire day, every day, attacking a person that isn't even posting
>the person you're attacking acts the exact same way
Imagine being this mentally ill and assblasted.

>I just don't understand how people can always say dmc is the best when in my opinion it isn't
Because different people have different opinions. Think of DMC as an action sandbox. You're given an extensive toolkit and can basically run wild with it, the tradeoff for this is certain other aspects (mainly enemies and encounters) have to be less focused to allow these tools to integrate and work together. With some games like Bayo your options are more limited, at NSIC you will need to offset as standard in order to keep up with the enemy and you will need to constantly dodge (mainly with your standard built-in dodge) or moon-parry the constant barrage coming at you; this allows for a more focused encounter and enemy design, it's a relentless bullet ballet and your first priority is surviving it. Dante can dodge with dashes, rolls, jumps, two trick-teleports, moves with built in i-frames (all of which work as well as each other), or he can parry the enemy's attack with any of his own attacks, or block with royalguard, or brute force through them with super armour moves or DT or sin DT, or control the battle with ranged gun blasts, it's much more about exploring the tools you're given and finding your own way of using them. Some people just prefer one style more than the other. This is why God Hand will always be the GOAT, it perfectly balances both in a way no other game has.

>146 posts
>53 IPs

Tik tok Barry, soon you will get locked up for doxxing and trying to rape a woman just because she said she didn't like FF15

Attached: barry.jpg (1898x287, 203K)

I wonder what he did to this DMC kid to get him acting like this, it's really pathetic.

Can I get more context on that? I've seen him sperging out over some fangirl, but what's the reason for it?

I'm having way more fun with Sekiro.

Playing dmc5 on Normal and Hard was a drag, most enemies don't feel like a threat.

Just because she said FF15 was shit

The poster you're talking to has only read about things that happened back then, he's a newfag. The 'drama' happened years ago on other websites.

Disappointed the ost doesn't include it desu.

It's awesome how DMC enemies are punching bags that exist just so I can do wicked combos.

t. Barry

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I really like how people see any form of genuine passion or intense training as autism

The only variety in DMC5's combat is the handful of missions where you play as Dante.
Nero and V combat is shallow as fuck.

No I'm just someone who made fun of him years before you even got here. Your reply says it all, you don't even know who that girl was.

>he doesn't know

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I actually like playing Nero more after i learned to exceed/max-act

DMC controls are actually too complex, just because it's retarded to do with 5 buttons what could objectively be done with 4 buttons.

oh boy we're still entertaining the autist?

>genuine passion or intense training
>genuine passion or intense training
>genuine passion or intense training
>genuine passion or intense training
>genuine passion or intense training
For a shitty video game? This is text book autism. If that person's mother saw them doing that they would worry for their child's mental AND physyical health.

I agree with you on V, but Nero gets really fun when he gets his devil trigger.

Bringer Knuckle especially makes Nero an absolute goddamn clusterfuck of executing near-simultaneous actions and momentum management. It's a shitload of fun, but it's still a shame that he can't cycle his Breakers.

I played some demons souls this morning. Still my favorite in the series, the atmosphere

The same thing can be said about Sekiro or those meme hard games

Cavalier Angelo is one of the best bosses in gaming period, not just in dmc. Sekiro on the other hand is so poorly balanced that the shitty mini bosses are harder than some proper bosses and some actual bosses are just bullet sponges that aren't fun at all to fight.

All videogames are inherently shitty and a waste of time if you're that reductive about things.

I guess all pianists, guitarists, tennis players, gymnasts, drag racers, florists, dart players, pool players, and professional drivers are autistic then. It's fine if you don't like the game, but being a prick about it doesn't make you cool or objectively correct. I hate Overwatch and literally everything about it but I'm not going to berate or ostracize my friends for liking that half-and-half TF2/MOBA garbage

>but Sekiro
What the fuck?

And no one but DMC autists are breaking their hands in their intense and passionate autismal training. What's your point?

>Cavalier Angelo is one of the best bosses in gaming period,

Attached: 6731406525_4b24e9eb1b_o.png (375x375, 138K)

>Cavalier Angelo is one of the best bosses in gaming period
DMCfags, everyone.

Not him but most players aren't doing that either, I doubt most people even bothered to change the control layout, it's not really a case of breaking your hands it's just the optimal layout for play doesn't let you hold the controller like most games.

>but in sekiro you only need to know when to press buttons
and which game doesn't? you dingus.

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Those are some great counterpoint you've raised. Really made me change my opinion.

The only reason you know all of this is because he killed you countless times. And I like how you didn't reply to the other post haha.

He was a shit boss, there's nothing else to say. You must be new to gaming. SNES games had better encounters.

I hope you aren't going to mention the Owl or Isshin as candidates for best bosses next.

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>the cope on the replies to this post
holy kek

Genichiro is a way better boss than cavaliere Angelo.

I'm saying you're a reductive asshole and if you're complaining about autism in videogfames then stop playing them because by your own logic they are all useless and autistic. Why be good at fighting games, or shooters, or even chess? None of those things contribute anything substantial to a survive or thrive situation, so why bother? Oh wait, maybe it's because different people have different ideas of what is fun and engaging and using a fucking claw grip for controllers is not a new thing. Also, Guitarists regularly cut their fingers even after strengthing their skin, drag racers throw a rod fairly regularly even with forged internals, Pro Gymnasts regularly break their legs/ankles, and we all know how the "autistic" pursuit of speed can turn out for racers.

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He's an easy boss on DH like they all are, but ON DMD he's god tier because you have to learn to react to his attacks and not just spam hits. Fighting a devil triggered cavaliere is one of the most intense and exciting and fun gaming moments of this generation. Right up there with the orphan from bloodborne. That's not to say that sekiro isn't intense, it's just not fun.



Genichiro isn't better because he's very easy to cheese. If you get him locked into a corner he has a genoinely hard time getting out. Also his phase 3 is a fucking joke because he just fails around like a dumb shit and barely hits you. I'd say my favorite boss of the game is actually the Guardian ape, because his two phases feel genuinely distinct and also he's not another fucking samurai with a big sword.

Hi can somebody please post 'judgement delet'

here's loli nico in return

Attached: 1553373094742.jpg (1367x1871, 860K)

ALL of Sekiro's bosses are except the bull and horse.

It's still a better boss before and after learning how to style on him.

Someone post some awesome Sekiro combat videos.

Don't really know how to respond to that lack of an argument so I'm going to take a page from your book and just call you gay. Fag.

>parry thrust on the same button as sidestep
Take an airhike

Imagine deluding yourself into thinking being a DMC autist is the same as being an artist.

Honestly curious what makes you think this. The boss does fuck all, his attacks are all static and aren't even aiming for the character in most cases.

Cavaliere is pretty easy too. Judging from design, cavaliere Angelo felt very bland to me, the way other bosses didn't. You could say the same about Genichiro but his style fits Sekiro's rhythm perfectly while also being the first enemy which uses supernatural shit in close and ranged combat(didn't fight granny till then). It made him stand out when I first fought him and also lightning reversal.

>grinded a bunch
and you can't do that in Sekiro. Either you GIT or you cry.

Attached: eat_shit.jpg (741x1080, 41K)

Thats why DMC5 redefined the action genre while Sekishit dethroned Dark Souls 2 as worst From game.

sorry bruv but nothing in Sekiro comes close to dodging shit with boxer dante

Attached: jetenginenoises.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>style fits Sekiro's rhythm perfectly
Getting him in loop with r1. Wow

>it's another sekiro vs DMC5 thread
both games strive for different things.
how come tards feel the need to act superior because they prefer one game over the other?

Cavalier is basically the closest the game comes to sekiro combat and the game basically gives you like 10 different ways of dealing with his moves. From trickster to defensive jumping to Balrog jumping to countering to using the Balrog sway to royal guarding. The list is endless and the game basically lets you fight however you like. Genichiro just demands that you press L1 in the right time and maybe the occasional mikiri counter and dodge and head jump. Learning to counter cavaliere felt rewarding because it's one of many ways to deal with him, learning to deal with genichiro felt like a chore because it's the only way to deal with him. This extends to all the bosses in sekiro, there's only a single way of dealing with them, there's no freedom and it's such a downgrade compared to the souls series. I'm just severely disappointed that this is what from has put out as the next big thing. Basically souls but with less freedom and even worse balance.
He's got several attacks that definitely aren't static and will fuck you over if you don't react. In general when I say the bosses in dmc5 are better, I say it in DMD. I know it's a cop out to say that if you haven't fought cavaliere in DMD you haven't seen what the boss is worth but it's the truth.
I like cavaliere as basically the final evolution of nelo angelo. Sure he's nothing amazing design wise but I like his aesthetic. His animations are top notch and you feel the weight of his attacks.

The grapple hook is context sensitive meaning you have no freedom only to go to a specific spot. In Tenchu you can grapple anywhere, meaning you have actual exploration. It's more fun to explore an actual level than a bunch of hallways that are "interconnected".

Iframing is harder in Sekiro but you can do the exact same thing, meaning doing something like that is way cooler in ninja souls. And getting hit in Sekiro is actually punising unlike in DMC, so again, it's cooler in Sekiro.

Reminder that Sekiro is rated higher than DMC5 despite it getting 2/5 ratings for being too hard.

Sekiro players can’t stand the idea that someone could have fun with a “less challenging” game because they’re only interested in bragging rights.

>trying to fuel a fanbase war between sekiro and DMC5
just, why? both games are good and are too different to be compared

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>In Tenchu you can grapple anywhere
No you couldn't and Tenchu games are tiny levels with very few things to find. It's barely exploration but I did like doing it too.

no dempsey roll and kidney shots so its automatically worse bro

Attached: TIqk6Sj.gif (320x180, 2.18M)

He thinks winning the fight is the point of Devil May Cry. Just like how Tony Hawks is about realistic doing kickflips...

DMC focuses on doing fancy moves in a cool way, while Sekiro is about staying alive. You have beat DMC like two times before it gets hard.

It was less calling them the same thing and more pointing out that passion for any activity from an outsider's perspective can be misconstrued as autistic, but y'know, sure, you're absolutely correct, and I'm fucking out

>actually punising
When enemy can kill you in 2 hits, despite having 5-6 necklace

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bap bap
bap bap bap bap
bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap

I don't get the mentality of people shitting on a game for being difficult.

except for dmc1.


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t. Kamiya purist/Matosis parrot

DMD doesn't change anything notable though, the boss is still a push over and he still runs away because the game just has shit enemy design that can't handle anything. I'm acutally baffled at your opinion here.

I think they are both great games and excel at what they are trying to do, and I hope many anons get to enjoy playing both.

Have a blessed day op.


Attached: IGNITE THE FLAMES.jpg (482x352, 77K)

please, you can stunlock almost everyone with firecracker and consumables, which you can grind

>there's no freedom
>worse balance
t. stuck at Genichad

You're just bad.

This is probably it. Even basic enemies are a challenge most action games don't have that feeling, but that's just what souls is.

Anons are bored I guess. It's like comparing Tetris to Sliding puzzle. Yeah, both games have squares, but they're different and shouldn't be pitted against each other like this because it turns into a "who can insult this game and its playerbase the best" contest.
but who cares, people only want to argue on this site.

I love it when a game is difficult.

Attached: devil may cry V dante.jpg (1013x665, 149K)

its never getting to zero bro, Balrog is the best weapon since Lucifer

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They couldn't enjoy it.

winding up Real Impact
still winding
still winding, the enemy is starting to recover from stagger and that other enemy is beginning his telegraph
still winding
toss the rose

Balrog for best gauntlets

Wow, you're right. I sure do love the hallway simulator levels and boring environments and the pay to win continue system in DMC5 as well!!

>shit enemy design
>reskinned drunktard 3 times

You can grapple on to most things what are you on about? How is being able to explore an entire level "barely exploation". You can either climb to the top of a building to see what's there, or you can't. In Tenchu you can. Could you post a vid of where you can't climb up to prove your point?

I killed owl (father)

DMC5 has soul, its fulled up and its overflowing
Sekiro is souless, which is weird since its a souls game

Attached: 1520760679482.jpg (800x600, 36K)

Post a cool combo video.

Imagine how they would have reacted to old school games that are actually difficult.

who made this thread, fag?

To be fair the reskins look fantastic. But it's just one enemy, an enemy that's better than anything in any DMC by the way.

>He uses continues

>pay to win continue system
>reviving at all
>not just reseting from checkpoint

Attached: tenor.gif (500x281, 992K)

>having to make your own rules because the game is that boring

A Sekiro player baiting for (You)s.

Go to a DMC5 thread, it’s all fujoposting, mechanics discussion, mods, and memes about Dan and Reuben. Nobody is discussing Sekiro, half the thread is people venting about fighting Furies on DMD and responses about how “you’re only casual if you give up”. Nobody is swinging their dicks around about the difficulty or challenge because they don’t fucking care, because it’s not what DMC is about.

I don't get this criticism. The game has been out for like 6 days. Why do you think that people will not come up with more ways to fight the bosses? Most people claiming this don't even use prosthetics, hell I bet 60% never even found Raven's mist. Unless you are claiming to be exceptionally familiar with all the upgraded prosthetics and mechanics, how can you claim that there is only one way to beat bosses?

Everyone used game genies then

This is a really stupid argument. Play any Tenchu and you'll notice how your grapple star is dark red indicating you can't grapple to a thing. And even if you can grapple to something Rikimaru usually falls to the ground afterward having nothing to grab onto.

Not saying Sekiro is some spiderman shit but neither is Tenchu. And explorating a small Tenchu level is the opposite of interesting esp compared to the extremely detailed and vertical world of Sekiro which has many things to find.

Better than Sekiro le sengoku period meme setting and its awesome enemy and boss variety of dude samurais lmao

Sekiro cutscenes have way more soul, and no gay looking demons.

>he enjoys having a shit rank
maybe these games arent for you, since all you want is parry, riposte, backstab, parry riposte repeat

Attached: 1552854585784.png (1618x911, 1.53M)

>one enemy
>same spear samurai general
>same katana samurai general
Talk about 2-3-4 healthbars

Caring about a useless grade a game gives you is autistic

This guy is sayying Cavalier is a good boss, he's insane.

>he damage controls
>by talkinn about 2 more enemies that shit on all of DMC's enemy design

Reminder, 50% below DS3, 30% below Bloodbourne. SWEET KEK.

Attached: ohnononono.png (681x177, 20K)

kinda defeats the point though, cheats were definitely fun as fuck but you lose the sense of accomplishment and the ability to say "I beat that game" etc

Say what you want about the gameplay but from sure did play it safe with the enemy design. Compare sekiro to Nioh and see how lacking it is.

>t.D student
Post your mission grades.

But that's the DMC replay value, S rank all mission on all fucking difficulties. Are you retarded?

>wait for the string to end
That's how i know you should GIT GUD. Every option in DMC works for everything if you are good enough.
>Arguing about feel
That's literally you opinion, and nothing more.

Attached: TP-Command-Grab.webm (720x405, 2.9M)

The games always let you cheat with items, since it's an arcade game which let you cheat with pay to win. It's actual casual filter, you just broke the balance of the game.

Devil May Cry's difficulty was intentional, according to Kamiya, who called it his "challenge to those who played light, casual games"


post some then

not him but what is your favourite boss? maybe it's just the music and the fact the boss was basically made to be a royal guard timing dummy but he's fun as fuck imo

Not that user but it's true. The best DMC enemies post DMC1 have almost all either been DMC1 inspired or straight up copied from the Original, exceptions being Alto/bianco Angelo, judeccas and a few others(none from 3 tho).

Great proof. You can grapple things when you come into their reach, that doesn't mean they are ungrapple-able. What would you be able to climb if there was nothing to grab onto?

>enemy design
>Reskinned bosses with additional phases that don't change anything

>shit talking a game you haven't played

>parry in Sekiro
>parry window is outrageously huge, Mikiri counters also have a huge window to parry
>no penalty for missing it
>parry in DMC V
>you actually need to time it properly so weapons can class or you can absorb with RG
>depending on timing, you can lose DT extremely fast, if you don't parry properly and have no DT, not only are you damaged but you're also stunned giving the enemy a free attack

This is now a DMC thread, post DMC screenshots. This game is so pretty, holy fuck

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Cavalier is a great boss.

I didn't like any of them, I honestly think DMC5 is a piece of shit.

Attached: F1FA7365-F932-40FE-A48E-9B8023E5C490.jpg (1000x774, 187K)

I meant post the cutscenes you think have more soul the DMC

I don't know why I bothered replying to you.

Based Memezaki did it again. What a madman

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You realize those aren't even bosses, right?

Not him but the best boss in 5 is Vergil, and not counting him I actually prefer final form Urizen.

Cavaliere Angelo’s not bad, but there’s quite a bit of “now run to the other end of the arena” and the windows for parrying on his attacks are such that you’ll get a lot of them accidentally just throwing cuts at him.

man these kind off ''cut up shit from cutscenes with an edgy song in the background'' videos are terrible

looks like a ps3 game

Shitter spotted


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No, but you might be if you find that fun

Got a B on the 2nd mission and uninstalled it because it was putting me to sleep cause all the combos I had were just spam Y in different intervals

shockwaves are evolving


Attached: 1553393424755.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

Sekiro really looks like a PS3 game, i mean, look at these graphics. How could they release something like that

Attached: Sekiro.jpg (640x360, 72K)

Please post a single piece of proof that you've beaten the game, even on human.

Sekiro is a bigger piece of shit

Nah. It's pretty good.

Attached: 49627633_385665695312300_2211747319971793572_n.jpg (750x497, 46K)

Like Genichiro that gets one SHOCKWAVE attack or corrupted monk having same fucking moveset as apparation and 1-2 phases.

>all the combos I had
The BnB strings aren’t the point, the point is chaining together your command attacks. The BnBs fill space, they’re the equivalent of a light auto-combo in an anime fighter.

Vergil 3
Vergil 2

Attached: file.png (1920x907, 1.6M)

Grow up.

Attached: DevilMayCry5 2019.03.11 - (1920x1080, 122K)

nah, its like those videos where people take anime and stick a shitty emo track over it


Attached: TUMMY.png (500x835, 669K)

You can fucking get her in a loop, like r1 r1 parry repeat. Based Sekiro wins again

you guys are insane, regular enemies are total cannon fodder in Sekiro

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I really can't imagine the state of mind you have to be in to look at dmc5 and think it looks boring, i'm jaded as fuck but cmon Barry be serious for a minute.

Attached: fuck you.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Nah Sekiro was awesome.

I want to hear her stuttering during sex.

I'm crying :(

>all those ballerina spins
How is it that Dante is a wacky woohoo pizza man dipshit who Michael-Jackson-dances his way through fights with literal demons, and yet somehow his fundamentals with a sword are better than “Mostly Realistic Samurai Guy”

You have to break throught the guard of every enemy in the game and if you fuck up half of your HP bar is gone. In DMC you press one button and they're in the air helpless.

>playing on human
This is Phase 1 of that boss on its real difficulty.

Attached: shadow-walk.webm (900x506, 2.9M)

DMCuck are still mad about Sekiro completely BTFOing them I see

>one tattooed nipple
man she really does thinks to my dick

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You replied to the wrong post.

>favorite weapon
>favorite boss
Vergil 3
>favorite OST
>favorite game

Nah, it's still better than half of those things you described.

The person who made the webm posted in this thread, retard.

>Guy who made that webm here, it's on SoS not Human. You're also an idiot for thinking that people who use that webm for shitposting purposes own or have played the game.

Honestly i'm considering playing DMC5 specifically because I want that guys cock

Attached: rxxx.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

This is going to be canon now isn’t it, even though it’s just what some modder decided on

not really

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Nope, it was bad you shill

Attached: hitboxes.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

I want to fuck EX-color Nico.

yes really

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I want to fuck Nico period

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you can easily r1 spam them to deathblow
don't tell you're actually wasting your time trying to bait regular enemies into a parry lmao

here is a (you) bro, hope you get better from that down syndrome

Hi Barry.

Cash first.

Attached: D4D311A1-F995-443E-883B-DF9AE9FB8E8C.png (540x560, 208K)

Why did you remind me. All dmc 4 female cast just hnggg

You mean failing to even sell as much as DS3 or Bloodbourne in the same timeframe? lel

here is a (you) bro, hope you get better from that down syndrome

He's right.

Where do all this capcom drones come from?
You're way more autistic than the musou community, if you want difficulty go play ninja gaiden, god hand or some bullet hell, not pizza fanservice demon slayer

jesus christ you don't even know how to play your new hardcore simulator like not a retard but trying to act all smug

Kinda bullshit, but the guy in this video should have ran instead of dodging twice. Dodging doesn't have iframes like Souls or BB so his play as incredibly shit.

>god hand
>smash right stick to iframe

Says the one implying you can R1 spam every enemy in the game. Autist.

It's not capcom drones, that's From soft's crew. DMC threads are comfy and chill. It was From fanboys who kept making threads about Sekiro dethroning all video games in history including Souls heh. #1 shills on Yea Forums

Sure thing

Attached: lol.webm (640x360, 1.35M)

>dodging the attack you're supposed to jump over

deserved it

we're talking about regular enemies dumb fuck
are all sekirofags retards with zero reading comprehension skills or it's just you?

DMC5 threads had fanboys indoctrinated into shilldom from the advertising campaign. It's unreal, there are like 5 XV-kuns defending DMC.

who the fuck is barry I swear you guy are schizo

>we're talking about regular enemies
>dumb fuck
here is a (you) bro, hope you get better from that down syndrome

>dodged away from the attack
>should've missed if you look at the animations
>nuh uh, you're supposed to jump

Attached: 1537988738143.jpg (800x600, 57K)

I think you haven't seen many threads these days
They ALWAYS have some dmc or mh spammer shitposting instead of staying in their own threads, even this one for example is made to mock the other fanbase
And yes, dmc threads are chill, and so do are the souls ones, but only when there isn't a shitposter around

>>No, but you might be if you find that fun

DMC threads are full of fujos where an honest nigga can't ask for proper advice

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okay, imagine if you fight with a guy irl
he tries to swing his fist at you and it looks like you succesfully dodged the attack
despite that, he still hits you, even though his fist didn't actually connect with your body
sounds bullshit, right?
but you could've just jumped away from the guy, right?

Itsuno is based



>Guy who made that webm here
Sure, Barry.

DMC is only good when you fight enemies literally, even then you feel to powerfull against most enemies

>favorite weapon
Ebony & Ivory
>favorite boss
Vergil 3
>favorite OST
We Shall Never Surrender
>favorite game

Was literally just in a sekiro thread, turned into random shit discussions about race, and then racist post itself directed towards asians, kek.

>Itsuno is based
How is a a fetish freak with shit taste based? You people are fucked in the head.

what's the matter "bro", finally realizing what a mouth breathing retard you are, "bro"?

Once again shitposters lose another thread. How many times has this happened?

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Except this thread was made by a sekiro shill to bait.

Already selling more than Devil May Shart lol

not as bad as the shilling by fromdrones.

t. Roastie

Reminds me of the shark dude in BB

>but Fromsoft
What the fuck?

But it's not.

Dante's technique is surprisingly grounded for all of the weapons he uses, actually. The most he ever gets is marginally action-movie-retarded like using Rebellion like a baseball bat or turning his handguns sideways when doing Honeycomb Fire or whatever the fuck prop and shredder are supposed to be.

99% of his attacks in DMC5 are things you would reasonably expect to see someone trained in that martial art to do, at least it feels like it. Even Balrog has him punch like an actual boxer and kickbox like an actual capoeira fighter.

have you been living under a rock these past few months?

Why can't you like both?
Sekiro is better than 5 though, should've been more 3 than 4

Quantity is not quality. DMC games are just dialing a combo on brain dead enemies. I haven't played sekiro but the amount of ass hurt it's causing proves you have to be on point with your move set.

>DMC games are just dialing a combo
there are very few dial a combos.

He doesn't know what it means to dial a combo, which is ironic because if you give him a chance he'll happily tell you that Ninja Gaiden is a better series than DMC (despite literally all of Ryu's moveset being preposterous dial-a-combos)

He's not talking about what you think. He's just saying you do combos on dead enemies.

Because from software hasn't really bothered to revise their design formula back from fucking demon's souls. Back then the rolling attack was slow so now the rolling attack should be slow too!

I wish you could combo dead enemies in DMC. One of Aztez's great innovations was the ability to juggle an enemy past the point of it being dead for as long as you were able to maximize your combo points.

Not him, but you're pretty retarded if you think regular mobs aren't just fodder. Their AI is braindead that you can stagger R1 to stunlock 99% of them.

Not him but NG is a better series. It's faster, more fun, more challenging, and looks cooler. It's a shame they stopped making them, a modern NG would be so fucking cool.

>The fire

What the fuck.

They are a challenge until you know the controls and the flow of the game. Then they are shit and a chore to kill. The honeymoon of From ends when you git gud enough, whereas in DMC it just begins as only when you git gud you can start doing stylish shit.

>those floor textures

Attached: 1506271878516.jpg (352x351, 45K)

Yeah but it's not even fast. It's like, why, especially when using a weapon as lightweight as a katana, and especially in a game that's as much about intention and hunting openings (and with as little spastic cancelling as possible) why would the main character willingly leave his back turned to his only opponent for that long that often?

It's really jarring. It's not even like Geralt doing his ridiculous 360 windmills where at least he's doing it quickly and smoothly, it's like this gigantic, lurching opening where he looks both ways for oncoming cars before stepping in to strike.

>mfw even that thumbnail looks better than dmc5

If there's one thing that you can say about from, it's that these fuckers recycle anything they can. That fire effect is the same as bloodborne and dark souls 3. Meaning it hasn't changed since the start of the current Gen.
Sekiro isn't a realistic game, it's kind of meant to be the movie version of a ninja, with clashing blades and massive jumps and shit. It's style over realism, I'm okay with that.

hard to tell because the bit rate is so shit, but he's clearly inside the hand of a grab attack. The rotation is a dumb glitch, it should have moved him in front of the guy instead of putting the guy facing him, but would have got hit either way.

Attached: sekiro.jpg (598x330, 15K)

>your own rules
>the game actually punishes you for using continues
Imagine critizicing something you haven't even played

it's probably the most realistic ninja game...

>these fuckers recycle anything they can

That's why I held off from buying Sekiro at full price. I could see the rehashed assets and animations in the goddamn trailers.

>saying this in a japanese video game and anime board
Here is a (you) user

Fuck bait posting.
Post hot pictures.

Attached: 1553456177694.jpg (781x1080, 145K)


Attached: legendary_skeltal.gif (400x194, 2.64M)

Nothing was recycled.

>people are actually this delusional


This is falseflagging right? Both are different takes on fast paced action games? Why can't we all get along?


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>That ass

Where is the porn.

Attached: vq0XYxxq_400x400.jpg (180x180, 6K)

I want to BITE Lady ASS

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>Sekiro isn't a realistic game
But it behaves like one. I mean, yeah, magic and demons and prosthetic bone arm dragonrot, I'll handwave that, but the character's not Vergil/Hayabusa slicing a zillion times a second and turning his blade into a fucking food processor for human meat.

Every one of his strikes seems to be done with care and purpose, and the enemy parries a great deal of them. But instead of lining them up, he just spins around and leaves himself exposed like a complete fucking retard for like a full goddamn minute before throwing a single little cut. He's not even winding up for some big rotating 360 spin shit like Link in Ocarina, just one swing. What the actual hell, man.

Look at this shit, Dante's behaving like a fucking moron (switching which hand holds the sword and which foot he leads with, turning the blade into a goddamn reverse grip and twirling it across his palm, swinging it like a fucking Louisville Slugger) but he never turns his back to his enemy or lets up his attack at a moment that would leave him wide open.

He's a goddamn clown with a JRPG-sized blade made of scales and chicken toes and yet he uses a sword more like a sword is actually meant to be used.

Dark Souls never had this problem, did it? I don't remember seeing a lot of loopy-doopy spinny shit in that game.

Attached: DanteSwordUse.webm (853x480, 2.85M)

kill yourself dmc Dante is god also I know you being sarcastic


It's just as unrealistic as the rest of them, because real ninjas weren't fucking super soldiers, they were spies more than they were assassins.
The problem here is that from is too lazy to develop proper positional based hitboxes for grabs where if you narrowly avoid a grab you get slapped instead of grabbed. Nobody would complain if a half dodged grab made you take damage, it's just the fact that if you so much as touch the hit box you're screwed.
I can think of at least a few particles and animations that were. For example the Guardian ape is a serious copy of the anchor sharks from bloodborne in phase 2. A ton of the attacks feel like some shit from dark souls the overhead helm splitter attacks in particular are like shit that Gael and artorias did. The flute players looks straight out of bloodborne in a bad way, and so on. I'm sure there's more but it doesn't really matter. Recycling isn't really a bad thing, I'm just saying that from does it a lot.

Check Rule 34 dummy

Attached: lewd.png (955x373, 696K)

why must we fight brothers. why cant we let bygones be bygones. these are two games in tenuously similar genres with different design focuses and therefore it is not so useful to compare them.


Attached: 1551892931304.png (1110x649, 646K)

Casuals will argue DMC 5 is better.

Real gamers will know Sekiro is better.

Attached: 1544101928944.png (678x690, 388K)

Then post those soul moments in senior, soulsnutass


sekiro is a glorified simon says game

Dante definitely turns his back on the enemy for some attacks, which is fitting for his character. Cavalier combos come to mind, and cerberus too.
Anyway like I said I think they went for style, with Sekiro the twirl is there to make it feel like he's using the momentum from the dash into the hit. I just don't think this is what sekiro does wrong, it feels mostly grounded but with enough out there to make it feel fantastical and also like a classic ninja movie.
And yes dark souls definitely had a ton of impractical animations. The abyss greatsword comes to mind.

i did that when i was like 10
when i was out with my friends i'd always grab like a stick and swing it around like a dumb idiot just like that

Damn right fellow gamer, Sekiro is only for hardcore gamers!

Do you dress in black and recite poetry too?

Holy shit he's holding a fucking light saber. The memes have gone too far.

>He really was Kylo

Star Wars game by Itsuno when

i dress in various colors but mostly black

>better than “Mostly Realistic Samurai Guy”
That's thanks to Capcoms experience with animation in fighting games, where characters have to show their story and themes through their moves. This may seem like some basic shit but remember that Itsuno had to literally teach ninja theory the rules of animation for DmC.

Attached: ROYAL RELEASE.webm (700x394, 2.44M)

There isn't a single asset that was recycled.


>Dante definitely turns his back on the enemy for some attacks
It's remarkably rare, actually.

>Cavalier combos come to mind, and cerberus too.
Cavaliere it makes sense because it's a literal goddamn motorcycle, it weighs what a motorcycle weighs and has both momentum and a motor/wheels that drag it along the ground. Dante is along for the ride on that weapon, and even then it's only like two attacks where he does it.

He super-rarely turns his back when using Cerberus (I think there are a couple of moments in the canned tri-staff combos) and those moments when he does it's pretty clear it's inertia-driven because the prior swing began with a full-body rotation into it and trying to stop a weighted flail weapon longer than your body and reverse it's direction is very different than doing the same with a 3-pound katana the length of your arm.

Cerberus' movelist is pretty clearly derived from actual eastern martial arts, too, that's the thing. That's what bo combat, nunchaku combat, tri-staff combat looks like (as much as any formal school of combat with those weapons can be considered real combat and not basically theater dreamed up by monks). And there's a huge baseline for how someone is supposed to fight with a katana and Sekiro isn't at all how it looks, that's what jars me about it. I can live with over-the-top showy nonsense but it needs to actually be that, constant flurries of windmills and a relentless all-angles onslaught. Not "oh here, let me spin around once before trying to pin the tail on the donkey"

Attached: CerberusMoves.webm (853x480, 2.86M)



Holy shit, I didn't know Dante could walk on that too. That was too stylish.

>bait thread turned into dmc thread

I love DMChads

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Prove me wrong.

>one shill samefagging in a dead thread


Needs to be a little more homosex.

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That's the problem, you should be able to see that in game. Instead you see that he escaped the attack, but the game detected he didn't.
>meanwhile in DMCV

Attached: beauty.webm (720x360, 2.43M)

None of those are recycled.

He was caught because he was pushed into a rock, he was closer than the devs intended him to be. Dodging and jumping does have iframes in too they're just really small and it matters which direction you're going.

And only 2 enemies have grabs that glitch out if you don't avoid them proplerly(which normal people do).

I'll half-buy this; enemy hitboxes should definitely obey this rule, but I don't think player hitboxes should.

So this is the dmc thread?
I got past misson 5 DMD but it took me forever and got an A, how do i deal good damage to Elder Geryon? It took me like straight 7 minutes. I had no real problem against the guy himself, except when he does the aoe time stop and the balls, if i have no DT to get iframes i'm fucked.

that's not the owl you dumb nigger.

>sword goes right through character
>no damage

you're going in circles


And you haven't shown us any recycled content.

the tracking on many moves is fucking shit.
its making me jump away rather than dodge to the side.

are you illiterate? he just explained by the post I linked

You're not a dev

He said a bunch of bullshit.

I'm not retarded either.

I already said you're in denial

even worse, you're a low life shill

I'm not in denial, you're autistic and lying. Where is your proof? You have none.

He clearly just dodged and was inside the iframes. The game is clear on this.

Attached: FURY-STATUS-BTFO.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>this mad your shitpost is getting called out


Attached: 1553694261852.png (540x721, 465K)

illiterate and spouting buzzwords? I can't convince the delusional.

Buzzwords? Where?

did a vergilfag user ever get around to posting a second part of this?

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For me it's about mastery of the mechanics and progressing up the skill ladder. I mean take the different difficulties for example, it's not just the buff to enemy damage but the enemy groups change as well as their attacks become faster. This incremental progression puts you in the zone which is highly satisfying to overcome and is ultimately huge value for your money with it's replayability.


That's nice and all but have either of you considered shutting the fuck up?

Attached: D1sywnzX0AAEUC_.jpg (1200x675, 64K)

Look at how you're acting. You are autistic, clearly.

you're a broken record at this point. kill yourself

Save nightmare for when Geryon slows time on you. Power up Griffin with dt for extra damage and use him as your primary damage dealer. Keep Shadow close to dodge incoming lightning bolts. If you can position Shadow properly when Geryon isn't running around, a well timed skewer coupled with a dt power up does decent damage.

>needing ice age to reliably hit Fury

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As are you, but a lying autist as well. Literally no evidence to your claims, you can't get more autistic than this.

you're blind dude

i thought I told you to kill yourself

What weapon benefits the most from Devil Trigger, for Dante and Nero respectively.

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Suck it

>Play DMC5, had a pretty good time but disliked quite a bit about it
>everyone is gushing and in love with the game
>Play Sekiro and have an almost magic experience and love it immensely
>everyone I know can't stand it

Such a strange feeling and I don't even think its a contrarian experience because I went blind and day one on both of these games

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Did you think KH3 was disappointing?
Assuming you've played KH1 / KH2, of course.

post demon bussy

You first you lying faggot. What the fuck is wrong with you?

You're just not a braindead retard, we're in the minority unfortunately.

literally shut the fuck up you're both retarded and embarrassing

>he's still replying to me
you must really long for interaction here. go outside for once.

Literally not me.

This thread feels like this image.

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>Did you think KH3 was disappointing
Definitely not the best game and had a lot of its fair share of problems. Still liked the game and in terms of personal enjoyment experience, its kind of like how I felt with playing DMC5. Disappointing only because I didn't love it that much but still a good game I think

>How does one get good with Cerberus?

Few things to keep in mind. First of all, you need to be in Swordmaster. It's simply required to get the most out of its combos because of the way the modes work. There are a lot of links for nunchaku to bo, and a lot of links for bo to tri-staff, but the links for nunchaku to tri-staff are limited because of the long wind-up on some of the attacks.

Second, remember that tri-staff combos (and several of the bo combos) are largely canned animations; unlike most combos in DMC, you don't have to press repeatedly to continue generating hits. Because of the charge-up mechanic, you can basically start part of an attack and immediately hold the button down to ready the lightning mode; the animations are designed with this in mind.

In accordance with that, you can use a swordmaster canned combo and then start charging up a standard melee attack, and you can also change your lock on and input directions to be ready for the next attack to come out. This helps keep things connected.

Attached: KingCerberus.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

>tfw love both games to death

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Grow up losers.

Souls thread

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christ this is embarrasing for you. just leave with whatever little dignity you have left

A liar pretending like he has the high ground. Your autistic rage toward the game has brought you to this pathetic state.

for dante I would say gauntlets with real impact or the DSD. I've found you can really lay into enemies with those. I'm still trying to git gud and S rank DMD before doing HaH. beaten every other mode though.

quite the opposite. sekirofags like you are mad as hell about dmc5 hence why you and they shitpost so hard about it.

DMC5 has more indepth combat desu

And you can't say it isn't hard until you've you beaten DMD

DMC games are an extreme sport game like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, but wrapped up in the presentation of combat. The game is like playing a cheap summer action movie.

Here's what I mean: suppose you're watching, like, a Jet Li movie, and Jet Li comes to this temple, right, and there are 5 basic mooks with ninja weapons running at him. There is no tension in this scene. We know the mooks aren't going to kill Jet Li or give him any trouble. Jet Li is going to beat them to death with the most ridiculous and elaborate set of wire fighting moves that a ballet-choreographer can come up with. Where does the enjoyment in that scene derive from, if there's no tension or realistic threat? It's from seeing the creativity and ingenuity that goes into exactly HOW he reduces them to flying human paste.

DMC is like playing an action movie because that's what it asks of you, the player. It doesn't say "survive this encounter", because those mooks were never going to kill Our Hero. It says "here's an enormously elaborate set of actions you can use, kill these mooks in the most impressive way that you possibly can". It makes you into the real-time director and actor of some John-Wick-tier schlock and throws tools at you to do it. The better you get, the more elaborate your fight choreography.

The bosses can, of course, pose a challenge, as can the rare "high tier" enemies, but that's part of the charm too. First you're Uma Thurman battling a hundred disposable school girls, and then Go-Go Yubari trapses down the staircase with that mace-sickle thing and the drama escalates because Shit Just Got Real.

That's what makes DMC so fun and charming. It plays out exactly like your favorite cheesy action movie. It's only about challenge to the extent that challenge serves the pacing of that sort of EDGE OF YOUR SEAT WILD RIDE shit.

stop trying to get the last laugh you fucking retards
its not hard to shut the fuck up

And now he's projecting.

>Even basic enemies are a challenge most action games don't have that feeling, but that's just what souls is.
that's not what souls is

It's true but apples and oranges my dude. I wouldn't compare the two games since one is like a ninja themed metroid-vania game and the other is a stylish high energy character action game.

I mean here's a non food metaphor it shouldn't be too hard to follow for Americans: I wouldn't want to watch Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai if I was in the mood for an action comedy with zombies in it. I would watch Evil Dead 2. Nor would I watch Abraham Lincoln Vampire hunter if I felt in the mood for some Japanese period piece with supernatural elements.

I just wanted to shill for Onmyōji and Onmyōji 2 those are some nice ass dumbass abe no semei adaptions

Attached: monkey-business.gif (921x1168, 335K)

again with the buzzwords, it's the truth. dmc5 had mostly orderly discussion before sekirofags saw it as a threat to their shilled game

And yet the game is still a complete bore to play. It's hilarious how Sekiro turned out to be a much better action game, it's almost like cawmbos is not the end-all be-all of what makes a good action game

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Wait what's wrong with sucking batteries?

In the real world people liked 1, 2, and 3 because they were fun hack and slashes with a badass character. People kind of hated 4 when it came out but as the "muh combos" crowd grew it became more popular. 5 is pretty shit just like 4 was but it had a very successful marketing campaign so the fanboys are indoctrinated as fuck after, for the first time, trying the series out aided by thousands of memes.

It's pure fanatacism and nothing else.

You don't know what a buzzword is. I'm not a "sekirofag", I just called you out on a blatant lie. You're fucking pathetic.

Imagine thinking Sekiro has better combat than DMC 5

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Enemy step out of his moves when he's trying to bite you. When he is changing heads, just stand there blocking with royal guard. That's it.

those words you were saying are meaningless, that's why it's a buzzword

>I'm not
sure you aren't

>blatant lie.
that you haven't refuted yet. lol you keep getting BTFO

It's apples and oranges since they both set out to do different things. with that said itsuno's and miyazaki's games are still boring as fuck to play

>that you haven't refuted yet
I have though, I've asked for evidence of recycled assets and you haven't provided any. You're extremely assmad about Sekiro going so far as to lie about assets being recycled. Absolutely pathetic and autismal.

It does though, simply because enemies are a threat.



Is this you NG-kun?
I know you hate DMCfags and all, but let's be honest here, both Sekiro and DMC lacks something that the other has and needs to be a great action game

I'm glad we can agree on something.

are you braindead? you didn't say why they weren't evidence.

DMC doesn't have anything Sekiro lacks.

You don't have any evidence.

It does. Fun

Sekiro is boring because there's literally no variety to the combat, it's just minmaxing/cheesing enemies

Sure I can beat it, but i'll just be doing the same shit over and over until I get the pattern recognition down, how is that fun?

DMC at least lets me be creative with enemies, even if they are easy.

I can't.

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I'm having way more fun with Sekiro.

>they're still going

Attached: 7435245.png (708x404, 325K)

>you didn't say why
sasuga broken record kun



Pretty sure more people are having fun with Sekiro than DMC mate.

Because you're a fromdrone thus have abysmal taste

Not exactly. Sekiro really does have no replayability. I actually started a fresh playthrough which (spoiler you can take additional hardships at the start of every NG after you've beaten the game once) and it's kind of lacking the same imapct after beating it once.

Like because the difficulty was tuned so high there's no place to go. And after playing through using most combat arts on every boss it's almost criminal how the objectively best option is ichimonji on enemies that need to be posture broken and Cross on the enemies that need to be hp killed like Demon of Wrath. Rush has all of two bosses where it's preferable.

Kind of wish they added some difficulties or that NG+ actually added movesets.

Attached: O6eOxLc.jpg (1920x1080, 509K)

>no photo evidence
>no asset comparisons
>no copied code
Just the word of a liar. You're so sad.

>DMC at least lets me be creative with enemies
You are still doing the same shit.

It has 4 endings.

>better animation
>weapon variety
>character variety
>combat variety
>fun mods for laughs
Just to name a few

I don't even like Souls games. I prefer Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden. Coming into dmc5 after those games, there is just no excitement in fighting enemies that don't fight back.

>liar liar liar
you're definitely broken

It's not apples and oranges at all, it's more like juicy organic oranges and pretty on the outside but stale and unsatisfying supermaket oranges. Or are we gonna start taking every action game as it'w own genre to avoid comparing them?

In don't hate DMCfags unless they are being obnoxious just like NGfags, Yes no game is perfect but Sekiro has a lot more of the qualities required for a good action game in my opinion.

and DMC does?

>better animation
>weapon variety
Not really
>character variety
>combat variety
False, you do the same things on every mob. Bosses are different but instead of juggle you juse avoid damage
>fun mods for laughs
Sekiro has that too