What's the canon ending?
What's the canon ending?
Allying with Elijah
no ending is canon
all of them
none of them
Unironically the NCR ending, Fallout 4 makes slight mentions of it apparently and Bethesda confirmed it awhile ago
I don't know, can you repeat the question
Does it matter? There's no sequel.
The only NCR references I can recall are Kellogg and Nick's detective file describing the Mysterious Stranger.
Closest thing to a mention is Avellone thinking an independent Vegas courier with 8+ INT Courier taking charge in a tweet years ago. But a writer's suggested canon isn't the real canon.
Makes sense considering how fucking pozzed and retarded Bethesda is.Gaining control of a dam would obviously fix a corrupt bureaucracy that can't even protect its citizens against a bunch of drugged out raiders, which is going to be their excuse to never ever set another fallout game in the west coast.
Trap in the vault
Spiritual successor to New Vegas set in the Texas Commonwealth when
Installing the Sunny Smiles Companion Mod and living at the motel place with her and her dog until you grow old and die.
Wild card killing benny
The canon ending is:
fnv.exe has stopped working
Why didn't they let courier take control anyway? I felt scammed in my first run.
The true canon ending:
New Vegas is demolished by tunneler invasion.
>Fallout 4 makes slight mentions of it
No, it doesn't.
I don't have enough question marks for this.
>Bethesda confirmed it awhile ago
lmao proofs rooster bb
>ha ha dudes even if you don't choose to nuke everyone like I want you to do everything you worked toward in the game is going to be ruined lmao gonna invade the desert with lots of goblins ha ha everyones gonna die
>FUCK fallout
More like Wild Card, sleeping with Benny, not killing him.
Joining the Chinease apparently.
Those died with the queen.
>any ending other than yes man
every faction in the Mojave is too retarded to have control.
Seriously, what is this guy's problem?
playing for 10 minutes then uninstalling and never touching it again
What? Doesnt fallout 4 take place 20 years from NV?
>implying they only have one queen
The Enclave would've been good.
He wants Fallout to still be post-apocalyptic
But Fallout has never been post apocalyptic. Even FO1 shows that civilization has been making progress with cities forming, trade routes forming and major factions rising up.
Fallout 1 was at the extreme edge of post-apocalypse, being set 80 years after the bombs with settlements coming back, even their own established currency
Fallout 2, which is the one he worked on, was definitely post-post-apocalypse from start to finish
"What he wants" is bullshit
Fallout 4
Yes they only have one queen.