Why don't gamers understand Fallout's message?

Why don't gamers understand Fallout's message?

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pretty sure liberty prime was just in the game because bethesda thought it would be cool to have a giant robot

I wanna fuck an assaultron

It never stops being funny that Amerifats would rather spend their money stockpiling bombs they don't even use instead of providing healthcare for their citizens

People with extreme beliefs are close to the parody line of thinking so they fail to recognize it's satire. Same with Chapelle's Show. We laugh at the same jokes for different reasons. This is why meme culture was a mistake. We all joked about niggers and shit but stormfags thought we were being serious. so they moved in and took over.

>Bethesda would rather celebrate American patriotism than reiterate a bunch of left wing anti-American talking points
pretty based.

Fuck Communism you stupid scitzo faggot

Weapons technology has a better return on investment than keeping poors alive. example: the internet

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would these be actually funny if reversed?

Is this what incels call hammy fictional retro-futuristic action RPGs now?

wtf guys you said no game was political except games that support women

Everyone knew it was satire. People loved Liberty Prime because the satirical hyper patriotic nuke-tossing robot is so much more fun to identify with than everything else.

Got ya covered, partner

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>parody of red scare
Except there were Chinese communist infiltrators in D.C. and America was fighting a war against communist China before the bombs dropped? Why doesn't Bethesda understand their own setting? Also commies should unironically get the rope and their own sympathizers are retarded radical leftists and college kids, pretty much everyone right of Stalin despises commies.

Liberty Prime being reused for...reasons...in Fo4 pretty much confirms this
>omg we need this robot to stop on the institute's ceilings lol
>okay lets never use it again

That's fucking retarded, the power armor was made to fight chinks, not Russians

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>Also commies should unironically get the rope and their own sympathizers are retarded radical leftists and college kids, pretty much everyone right of Stalin despises commies.
Oh shit dude you're so cool. Want to be friends?

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I do know someone who played through Deus Ex and missed all the political themes.
They just thought it was a cool game where you're a hacker cyborgman fighting the Illuminati.

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Sounds like he understood it more then you

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>Why doesn't Bethesda understand their own setting?


Probably the same reason people think Fallout 3 and 4 are good.

They have the downs

I doubt it, have you played Deus Ex?

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>implying it wasn't Bethesda's retarded writing that got liberty prime in the first place.

And i'm not even disagreeing with what liberty prime was being portrayed as, especially when he is throwing mini-nukes as if they were footballs. However, to try and convey any given message or reason from one of Bethesda's games, would likely end up with you lobotomizing yourself.

>Fallout 3

>stop having fun, games can't be that! You gotta do the big think all the time!
Unironically kys

>Why doesn't Bethesda understand their own setting?
>their own setting

>its an op missed the actual message and thinks everyone else is the dumb one episode

>video games journalism in the 21st century.png

When the original devs had it the message was more leftist.
Bethesda,by and large, does not share that philosophy so the message has changed.

If you dont unironically despise niggers then you have never been around them

Me too

Hey guess what? Fallout 3 sucks shit.

>things only get invented if you bundle R&D expenses with a fuckload of tanks and cruise missiles
Can't believe this con still works on amerisharts

I’m sure you couldn’t bring significant change to your country of 5-10 million how am I suppose to make a difference in a country with a pop of almost 400 million?

you can realize and enjoy both aspects, it's like starship troopers movie.

Bethesda's Fallout is gutter trash desu
Fallout 3 was fucking awful and Fallout 4 is even worse

We use bombs pretty regularly, it's what finished off ISIS and we just sell off the excess to the Saudis or Isrealies. Now tanks, bombers, and a naval fleet three times bigger than the next biggest one, those are relics and are where most our fucking taxes dissapear into.

How many people fly over to your shithole cuck country for groundbreaking medical procedures? Oh and how many weeks do you have to wait on a hospital visit for mundane shit like a broken arm? Can't wait for eurocucks to be blocked off the Internet in about a week. Feels really good to know all the faggotry from Yurop on Yea Forums will be silent come April.

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>Except there were Chinese communist infiltrators in D.C. and America was fighting a war against communist China before the bombs dropped?
>The parody of the red scare isn’t a parody of the red scare because its a parody of the red scare

Reminder to laugh at Yurops while they still have access to the internet because Articles 11 and 13 will have them completely cut off by Google and other ISP's.

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That's the power of subtlety though, something that current designers and storytellers fail to grasp
The idea you can make a thought-provoking story that doesn't feel like it was slapped on your face and it's not required to have fun is unthinkable to progressives who want everything to be obvious and doesn't require second though

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Given the state of Bethesda's writing...
I'd imagine the thought process was closer to: "wouldn't it be cool if there was a giant robot shouting 'MURICA FUCK YEAH' propaganda?"

Bethesda's writing is very superficial and focused more on form than reality.
Which isn't a bad thing, by the way.

I fucking doubt that's what Bethesda had in mind.

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>Implying the article 13 shit will actually have an effect on anything
It will be the next Net Neutrality, nothing will happen

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I'm just mad we'll never have a giant robot to kill commies

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well yea, americans are brainwashed into thinking a $2 pill is actually $500 and completely support the vultures called insurance companies. america is in the business of killing people, not helping. that includes its own citizens



That's just how they do things.
Freedom is a core part of their ideology; Americanism.

Dont mind me sir, just having a cup of BREXIT.

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It's not a parody of the red scare because there is no "scare"; literally everything about communists invading the US is true in the Fallout-verse, and all this "death to communism" rhetoric from Prime is completely justified.

The robot’s not wrong about communism though

insurance companies are literally socialism. why not go balls in with socialized healthcare or actually do freedom and do away with insurance and just pay up front healthcare?

Wasn’t there actual communist infiltration in the real world?

Yeah McCarthy was right

>he thinks that people didn't understand this completely unsubtle message
If you are a hardcore anticommunist and bethesda makes a parody of your beliefs in the form of a badass robot that throws nukes like a football, it seems that the best course of action is to say that you agree with the robot then take certain quotes out of context by the robot in order to fit your own beliefs. It would not be very smart to start screaming and throwing a fit over a fictional video game character because it "misrepresents your belief". It is like bioshock and the ancaps or communists saying shit like liberals get the bullet too.

>porn block

Britfag here, yeah socialised healthcare is nice and all until you realise you've let in millions of immigrants overloading the system, and then everyone demanding the NHS take on more and more burdens and thus needing more and more money, and then everyone complains that it isnt getting enough funding so the government tries to lift the burden by privatising minor sectors, but that gets people rilled up so the next election people vote for the party who promises to reverse the changes only making the issue worse...
THEN taking out millions of pounds in loans from other nations to pay for it all, but that gets people mad, so they elect the party that started privatising but they privatise even more to pay off the debt...

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What porn block? I can access any porn I want.

People are indulging in the satire you fucking commie sympathizing mongoloid.

you're retarded
insurance is good
socialized healthcare is even gooder

Eh not really, depends on the country. If you go into a stead population growth and a GDP advancing to support that then its great.

Why don’t the Chinese have a bigger role in fallout?

>Why doesnt the EU have a bigger role
>Why doesnt New York have a bigger role
>Why doesnt Canada have a bigger role
>Why doesnt Russia have a bigger role
Maybe its because its all wasteland, user.


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Unsurprisingly enough, mutts don't even contribute anything to the medical field. They just buy out patents of what other countries have made.

As a Brit i can't enjoy this film knowing all the characters were fucking Argies.
Why the director did it?

>porn block passes before Brexit
THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF BONGISTAN! Go back to playing in the bathtub with your rubber duckies and toy ships remembering you weren't a total fuck-up back in the day.

I didn't realize brain surgeries, heart transplants and dialysis machines didn't contribute much to the medical field, damn you btfo us 56%ers alright.

NYC is a wasteland. IIRC upstate didn't get hit nearly as hard, I think it gets a passing mention throughout the series a few times.

What fucking pornblock dude?

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Literally if you look up half the inventions that are mutt "owned" and actually read into them then you'll see that it's just a bought out patent that they claim as their own.

>brain surgeries
Older than muttland itself.
>heart transplants
First done in USSR.
>dialysis machines
Made by a dutch.
The fuck are you smoking?

This. when will some amerifats and uk fags understand that communism fucking kills

Wait, Fallout has a message?

Are you on DMT and MDMA? Or just browsing because half the shit you know about Europe is made up or exaggerated. Anyone communists in the UK are upper-class fuckos anyways.

Eastern yuropeen here. You're fucking retarded.

He probably didn't talk or really listen to most NPCs and skipped as much dialogue as he could then. Deus Ex is really thick in political themes but not so much so that you can't ignore it if you want to.

>Fallout 3's morale

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I don't know I'd call Deus Ex is subtle. At the end of the first mission you have a long talk with a baritone voiced man about the corporate capture of the federal government and tax policy.
It was a different time I guess.
I also feel like Deus Ex is simply good game that's written well. For example, JC Denton usually represents a opposing point of view in these conversations makes them inherently more interesting to listen to.

Shit, this post is fucked. I'm sorry.

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Emil Pagliaro or whatever he's called isn't actually clever enough to make that kind of point.
I'd sooner believe that he just put that in there because it's funny.

Shitters who use this meme rarely ever understand the difference between a “message” in a piece of art and a theme

>At the end of the first mission you have a long talk with a baritone voiced man about the corporate capture of the federal government and tax policy.
If I remember correctly, you only get all of that dialogue if you bother to talk to him again. Alex calls you over back to HQ as soon as you find him. It's "subtle" in that the politics are there for the people who are interested but not in the way of the people who are just looking for a fun game.

>It's not a parody of the red scare because there is no "scare"; literally everything about communists invading the US is true in the Fallout-verse,
because it was put there by the writers to parody the red scare

Remember to refresh your wank loicense.

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The USA aren't even in the Top 10 of countries providing the best healthcare or having the highest life expectancy, i don't know what you're talking about.
I would advise you seek help but you probably can't afford it.

People always talk how free health care is some super utopian shit, but I heard from some telling me that they were deathly afraid of the doctors they have cause they tend to be shit or get procedures mixed up. I ask them about just getting a different doctor or reporting them, but they would say they cannot choose cause free healthcare.

What country? With the NHS in the UK, you get service alright if you've booked for a check-up and since all documents are online any doctor can come up to you and have instant digital access to your medical history and needs.

Can you not make jokes of something that you understand

Don't remember which country, but this was probably like a year ago chatting with said person.

Typical euro cuck preferring to take his pants off and bend over to malicious foreign powers.

The NHS is keep sending me patient surveys. This is the third time, and I don't know why they anal on getting my information.

Me, a fat fuck up.

I don't let games brainwash me. I just play for entertainment.

the only nigs i know are the most reliable and hardworking people at my place of work though this might just be a new england thing

Policy most likely mate, my guess is how the NHS has to open an official investigation if a mother dies during labour so they know where they fucked up.

I haven't been to the NHS in, at least, 10 years. And as a result I didn't fill in the survey since it would be pointless.
But they sent three of the same survey, with notification of the previous two times they sent it.

the cubans have a higher life expectency than you

Well user thats Bureaucracy for ya.

It's cheaper and easier to fly to Europe, get major surgery done, and spend a week recovering in luxury than it is to get the same exact procedure in America. Our healthcare system is completely fucked and you're in complete denial if you can't realize that.

Well it's gay.

This is why I fucking HATE Fallout 4's "restore the old world" themes. The whole point of Fallout is the show how the old world was a degenerate fascist nightmare that ended up destroying itself. The relics and images of pre-war America are not meant to be nostalgic, they're meant to be dark and comical depictions of a world overrun with consumerism and blind nationalism.