I just replayed this after two years of hating it and god damn, I actually enjoyed the shit out of it

I just replayed this after two years of hating it and god damn, I actually enjoyed the shit out of it.

>a story of unique bros on a journey to find themselves, defeating their own flaws
>that rival character arc
>Epic Elite 4 stadiums
>Lysander is fucking Thanos-tier based
>so many ways to get filthy rich
>that battle on the bridge as your friends steel you for Victory Road

Its not perfect by any means but I found it endearing in its efforts.

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I've been telling you

>playing pokemon for the story

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I never really hated it, it was just really forgettable. It felt like they started too many things then forgot to resolve them or just gave them a slap job.
The friends were entirely ineffectual and worthless because they just didn't consistently appear and received little development. The Pokemon also didn't appeal to me for the most part. Villain was lame.
Other than that, I don't really get why people hated it. Those things aren't great, but the games had solid online, the most involved friend features apart from ORAS, and a huge selection of species available. Wonder Trade alone gave me a lot of time put into my log.
Overall not my favorite but it's not awful.

SM is so much worse on every conceivable level that I never understood why they get lumped together so often. XY is flawed but it's not miserable and has a lot of redeeming factors.

honestly it has one of the best takes of a rival - wherein you're the actual superior one and the rival gets bullied and you see their frustration

I think it really fell apart after the 2nd gym. The areas became slogs (except the swamp route hilariously enough, and I guess the one with the lost hotel), the friends were annoying as fuck and used poorly and the postgame was nonexistent. That said I really had a fun time with it, largely due to how fun the online was. Friend Safari and Wondertrading were my shit, and it was fun getting new outfits and breeding out stuff with how improved systems were compared to gen 5.

>a story of unique bros on a journey to find themselves, defeating their own flaws
What? Having a character arc doesn't mean it's a good story, just means it's a very basic story. Every pokemon game has had this since diamond and pearl.
>that rival character arc
Are you serious? The rival in x and y are underdeveloped to make room for the other annoying chucklefucks
>Epic Elite 4 stadiums
Every pokemon game has had this
>Lysander is fucking Thanos-tier based
Now this is shitposting
>so many ways to get filthy rich
>that battle on the bridge as your friends steel you for Victory Road
Yeah this was cool, but is it really something that effects the quality of the game

All of your points strongly relate to the end game of x and y, not to 95%

I don't hate either but I vastly prefer Gen 7 simply because of the Pokemon selection. It was difficult to make a team I liked in 6.

>playing pokemon

>almost immediately after being given your kalos starter you are given a kanto starter and a megastone for them
What did Gamefreak mean by this?

>how can we extract all the money from nostalgiafags

I liked it too, but it looked pretty rushed after the second badge. I really loved harvesting berries tho, why didn't they keep that

It's not the worst Pokémon game. It's better than Sun and Moon, ORAS, and all of Gen 3 for sure. XY let's me dress my cute girl up however I want and I'll have a spot for it because of that. SM customization was ass in comparison. I unironically loved playing dress up with my Pokégirl


Why did you hate it to begin with? It was pretty solid. It could have been better and there were many parts that were lacking, but at least it's not sun and moon

Yeah well I tried the same thing but crashed and burned after reaching lumiose
Can't be fucked to go any further

>a story of unique bros on a journey to find themselves, defeating their own flaws
I'm replaying it and just caught a Skrelp for my team and that's fucking gay OP, they're all fucking annoying and get in the way.
The rival's not bad though and I agree with everything else. I'm hoping Kalos will be in SwSh but kek it's Game Freak

Never got why people hated it. I don't think it was as good as some games overall, but it still had its advantages over previous games and disadvantages.

Yeah, I liked that too. The rival dynamic was one of the better ones honestly. Trevor was interesting as a character too because of his focus on completing the dex reather than being champion. Trevor and Shauna were pretty useless though, but my dick likes Shauna so...

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What's wrong with gen 3?

>that endless horde of flare grunts/admins before fighting the legendary
Almost made me quit the game, holy shit

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X and Y had shit battle but it had GOAT:
