Sekiro Help Thread

This thread is for anons who are having trouble beating certain bosses, or looking for specific items/NPCs/gear.

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Is there a fucking trick to the shield guys? They're not hard, but it takes like half a fucking hour to kill one because they just keep circling without attacking.

I hope this is bait
You use the axe on them
Literally breaks the shield instantly

Use the axe prosthetic

I guess I shouldn't attempt the memory until I get it, huh?

Not that guy, but I'm confused. Sometimes an axe just BTFO rats (those dudes with hats as shields), and sometimes it deals only about 1/3 posture damage, and that's it. What gives?

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You get it before the shield guys....

dont miss. it only deals full death blow posture damage on break.

I guess I missed it then. Only found the flamethrower.

Any tips for the second phase of the giant gorilla?

I'm stuck at folding screen monkeys wtf do I do here

I keep on dying against Lady Butterfly and I'm almost out of snap seeds to break that illusion attack. Where can I find more of these snap seeds? I found a bundle where the snek was and a dying samurai gave some to me. I'm not sure which NPC sells these.

>there are cuckoldd who dodged even once during lady butterflies first phase
>there are cuckolds who didn't posture break her before she even gets to 75% health
These are the people complaining about MUH UNFAIR ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY, lads.

anons I killed the ogre but I continued my path and there's a horrible monster in a hole and is all dark. and everything looped me back to the stairs. I continued the time travel part but I'm with lady butterfly now. but I think thats going to be the end of that segment. where do I go after the ogre in the present? How do I get more snap peas

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Simply just wait until the illusions go away. I didn't even use the snap seeds the dead man gives you right before the boss.

Its literally in that same area as well....

This jewju the drunk is beating me up. Sad! Especially since i beat the first boss and the bull on my 2nd try.

Why do you need snap seeds? The illusions fuck off in 20 seconds.
I come to these threads and legitimately think I'm playing a different game than these anons.

There's a cliffside idol after the ogre you can go down with a fun section right after

You can slash them they give you the ammo for your prosthetic as well.

It is in memory, You missed it.

There are a total of 15 memories, right? I beat the game (Return ending) but have only 14. I found out there's one more boss that's exclusive for the Shura ending (Isshin Ashina). Is it impossible to get the last memory now without starting a NG+?

you can just run around for a while and she will remove the illusions

Demon of hatred is pushing my shit in help.

So I'm ready to fight the final boss but I want to take care of some things before hand so I'm ready for NG+.

I'm one prayer bead away from completing my ninth necklace so if you guys can think of any that are easy to miss I'd appreciate it. I know I missed two from Emma's side quest. Hitting myself because I started it by noticing I could eavesdrop on Kuro but didn't do it when Emma went to visit the sculptor.

Also, is there a way to farm fulminated mercury? I assume I won't be able to get any right away on NG+. What about fish scales? I can't afford the last Lapis Lazuli.

You don't need the snap peas for butterfly but you get more by progressing. After ogre is a small fort with a general, which you probably cleared. Going right takes you to the headless, aka that dark hole - don't fight him this early. Instead go straight, to the broken bridge. Down and to the left of the broken bridge you will find ledges leading to a sculptors idol and an area you'll need to grapple and stealth through to avoid a giant enemy.

Don't let him see you. Use the little tent.

Which monkey am I suppose to control and send to the snake?

Deflect, don't dodge. Except for the scream, obviously.

Clear adds by attacking then running away. Once fatty is the only one left, get a stealth attack on him. Then run away AGAIN. Straight out from the entrance fatty guards is a small pond, and on the shore is a samurai. Talk to him and he'll Ally with you for the fight. With all his goons gone and 1hb down, you'll double team him to death

There only one monkey next to snake...

How many have you killed? You have to sneak on the red one, you have to lure one of them near the waterfall or the room with the big door, one is stunned by the bell and the last one is invisible and keeps following you, just turn around a try to hit him or use firecrackers.

The one next to the snake. There's a path to the left of the pillar in front of him, you have to drop down.

stay close to him and his fire attacks will miss
just jump up when he does the charge
when he does the fire wave, run sideways, jump and hook on him
you can use the whistle to stun him

How do you get away from the scream anyway? I assume you need to grapple from the trees but he's usually torn all the nearby ones down

>everyone’s solution to everything is Firecrackers
>at flaming bull and never found it
I like to think I did my fair share of exploration and the merchant thief guy won’t give me any new info.
Where the hell are these firecrackers?

Guys how do i git gud against ghost mini boss after lone shadow in the well?

I know getting hit is lame, but being unable to block hard homing projectiles seems a bit overkill. Maybe there is a prosthetic i should be using or should divine confetti be enough?

It's not isshin you're missing, it's Emma. And no

You don't need to, it is easier to use the feather to dodge its attacks.

Upgraded umbrella also repels fire
Otherwise treat him like a souls boss

About the dragonrot thing, it appears randomly affecting people and I only cure dragonrot after I affected 3 people. Other than that, I dunno what dragonrot does. Will it kill the affected NPCs at a set amount of time?

Just skip him for now

Whats the strategy to beat that shadow ninja dude in a hole next to that other samurai who was following a shamisen? he is near that seven spears dude and uses insane amount of kicks which break my stamina

Stay on his ass and above all, learn to recognize and parry each part of the 4 hit combo that hits by his feet.

Stay under him at all times, dodge his stomps and keep hitting him. Use the fire resist umbrella to block his fire aoe then use grapple on him to avoid the shockwave. Jump his perilous attack or lose 80% life, when you approach him after the perilous watch for when he moves his arms because it's probably going to be a fireball attack which is blocked fully by fire umbrella.

He does a little anamation before the scream, should be enough time to run away, also his scream reaches further from the front.

Just keep running and slashing him. The most important thing in this fight is positioning. Attack him from a place with the least amount of floating orbs and have an escape route in mind to run away when he throws the big balls or the streams.

See those weirdo flames on the roofs? Follow them. Look around, try to sneak on the monkeys. If you can't see any then listen. The green one will hear you coming a mile away so use gachiin's sugar when you're trailing him. The last one is invisible and will come to you, actually hit him out of instict while I was sitting still on a rooftop. Maybe look out for footprints?

I don't like cheap kills. I'll get him by myself.
Just wish the altar wasn't so far away.

Go past the initial hole and there's a second clearing where you can get the drop on him and take out one deathblow.

Just keep parrying his attacks, eventually he'll kick forward with his foot (red kanji) which counts as a thrust that you can counter

It only stops you from progressing their questilnes while they are infected. Just ignore it and use a cure when a shitload of people are already infected.

>wasting the seeds
Lock off, run behind a pillar, cut down any that gets too close, they die in one hit. Run behind another pillar when LB dispels them because they'll become butterfly projectiles. Reengage.

Damn I checked the cave, I missed him I guess

Hit until he counters, then block until he charges kick, jump to the side and start attacking again, rinse and repeat. You're gonna encounter guys like him a lot, and i mead A LOT, so you'd better not cheese him

I'm down to the last one but nothing is behind me, how do I find it

That fight is pretty bullshit mostly because of the camera losing focus.

For some reason i felt punished when deflecting his kicks as he will instantly throw stronger attacks after being deflected. I would say deflect, hit a couple of times and back off also jump a lot because his tracking attacks can't follow you up there.

What is this thing? I can't use my prosthetic in the water.

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He leaves footprints, but I find it easier to walk around a bit and when you start hearing him, just slash the air behind you until you get him.

You can swim underwater later, remember where that is though he drops smething mildly useful.

Nothing special, just this chill lad

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you can dive later

Is there an end to the huge orbs? I was doing fine dodging them while sprinting but i swear to god he didn't stop launching them at any time, at one point there were too many big orbs to dodge and terror got me.

Isn't that the dude I saw in that dark area? That area and the one in the pond are two separate locations.

UH HEY can anybody tell me why Fromsoft STILL can't fix that stupid problem where your lock-on just unlocks for no reason on a boss?

Owl 2 is slapping my asscheeks, how do I deal with his firecracker spamming ass?

Remember the lady that gives you the bell for Hirata? In a peak near that are, where you see the crows.

There's 5 of them

There are several headless in the game. By the way there's another one next to him.

Upgraded umbrella.

Don't run too far away from the boss

Is best to dodge or jump out of the way of the flaming bull? it keeps pushing my shit in

The sculptor turned into a tree stump in my game. Did he died?

>don't like cheap kills
"A shinobi should know the difference between victory and honor"

Fucking explore instead of going unga bunga

My pirated copy on PC works fine with my dual shock controller, but it displays xbox prompts which are fucking with me. Anyone know how to change it?

There is one headless guy for each type of candy. They are the guys the candies are named after.

nexus mods

He went Nuclear

You might have seen him raging around on fire

he turned into a demon

Should have bought it on steam then.

He only throws three of them at a time for me, that's weird

Thanks, dude.
I’ll have to check it out later.

Guys, how long and hard is Sekiro? I am watching DSP (for the salt) and by the look of it, it look like he is going to snap. He haven't beat any major boss yet just minibosses like one arm man and drunk fat man and he have over 90 deaths. I know Phil is shit but this is insanity.

Theres enough scales to get all rewards but maybe not if you didnt feed the fish the regular bait before killing it. Did you give the fountainhead water to the mibu village npc and then revisit afterwards?

Just dodge or deflect every attack. No but seriously, the video gives you a good idea of where his openings are.

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There's a mod that fixes it

Guardian ape is gay. Scares the fuck out me and psyches me out. To make matters worse I think I am doing him late so there is no excuse for me.

My vitality is 14
Attack power is 6

I feel super gay right now.

He became a shura like he feared he would.

if you refuse to learn and just blame the game for your mistakes then you're never going to beat it

Just deflect when it charges at you. It'll stop after, giving you a chance to hit it. Rinse and repeat.

Just hit his ass when he's making a u-turn. He'll get stunned easily if you hit him a lot

I finished the Rematch with the lightning bow faggot. Where do I go next? Senpou Temple, the spooky forest or the gun cliffs? Also, HOW THE FUCK DO I KILL HEADLESS! I got the divine confetti but I’m moving too slow to parry or dodge his attacks! Is there something I’m missing?
Lastly, I got two gourd seeds, but that CUNY Emma isn’t upgrading my shit. Wat do?

Also mercury is pretty farmable from gunfort with bell on. Also seems to drop from the red soldiers when ashina is under siege

The malcontents ring for finger upgrade, some wiki told me an apparition appears after gorilla, but he’s not there. Do I have to beat more of the game or something?

There should be an ending where Wolf and Emma gets married and adopts Kuro and Rice Loli.

He's a failed shura, I forget who says this but it's a fact that he didn't go full shura


Why would I do that when I got it for free and can apparently fix my issue with mods?

Be agressive on his first form. Stay away in his second form and punish him when he jumps in. Run around and hit him from behind. Deflect his overhead attack for a massive knockdown

I haven't revisited, I'll do that now. I've found one bait that I didn't give the fish before I killed it so I know I missed that one. Thanks.

I'm trying to but I'm always too afraid of dying to something around the corner to truly take in my possible paths.

It has some huge difficulty spikes but isn't that hard. Once you get a feeling for the combat, only the late game bosses are hard.
It is 20-30 hours long if you are reasonably good and like exploring, depending on the ending you want to get.

Where do I get Iron or whatever for the first prosthetic upgrade?
I have 1 but I think I picked it up somewhere.
Do enemies eventually drop it or something?

Buying it wouldn't do any good anyway as it always has Xbox prompts unless you mod it. It's universal across PC. Hence the mods

how do I equip mortal blade after I get it? or is it just a story weapon and you don't actually use it to battle

it's where you fight double gorilla

There’s a skill for it. That’s it.

you can find them, get them from enemies or buy them from vendors

You can use it with certain special abilities

Use pacifying agent before the fight starts to boost resistance. When he vanishes he'll always appear behind you for a grab so make sure you press the dash button before he appears. When he does appear and you face him he'll do some weird sound and twitchingbthing. That's when you hit him. Rinse and repeat. Make sure you have enough confetti.

Is he missing an arm because someone took the branch from the sakura tree?

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ALWAYS sprint against him. Always stay under him and mashing that R1. If he jumps or runs away, sprint to him asap. His fire attacks will miss. The only attacks you need to be careful of are his foot stomps.

Yes, actually.

good game

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Also how do I know if I'm deflecting too slow/fast? I feel like I see orange sparks either way when fighting normal mooks
Does successful deflection always put basic grunts into deathblow state?

Bros.. How many tries did Owl take you?

Yeah, it was Owl who did that.

I ended up just backpedaling back and forth in the tunnel while punishing his open moves with shurikens/normal attacks and interrupting his attempts at sick af combos
took me only 8 tries today

Guys, can we talk about fountainhead palace?
Why is this area both absolutely beautiful and also downright terrifying at the same time?
What's up with those Ayy Lmaos playing lute?
Why can we see them later on in the level, eating some of their own?
Have they gone mad?
Why is there a giant Koi with a human head and teeth?
(I know it's implied that it's the carp scale merchant, from the area in the past, that became the giant Koi)
Why does the white bull have a skeleton head, but the rest of it's skin is beautifully pale?
And why is the dragon so goddamn creepy, I'm talking like uncanny valey tier of creepiness....

Idk, this level just seems so darn fascinating.

looks like a skill problem

Exactly 5. Actually not the hardest boss for me. I still have trouble with 7 spears of Ashina

No, but it does a lot of posture damage.

Is his sword the moonlight of this game or is that a stretch

What was Owl trying to accomplish? I still don't get it. Why betray Sekiro in the estate?

15-20, I kept dying of poison before saying "fuck it" and just disengaging when he throws it.

Is there some trick to beating the Owl fight? I hadn't had any trouble before this fight and this guy is kicking my shit in

>beat the entire game
>helped out the Divine Child with her requests
>beat Demon of Hate
>wondering why I'm still missing a prosthetic tool
>check what it is
>missed the Flame Vent at the very beginning of the game

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Found this spot in Mibu to be a nice XP and money farm for the point in the game. That cluster of enemies game be over 500XP and are right next to an Idol.

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Guys the ape is raping me and I have 14 vitality and 6 attack power.

Should I just admit defeat? I can’t do this shit anymore every boss I get my anus prolapsed by all of these fuckers. I just want it to end. End me bros. Just help me commit Seppuku.

Or you can pop the stealth buff and fuck up that purple guy in the water.

>Isshin the Sword Saint
>miles harder when he picks up a spear

What did he mean by this?

I don't understand perilous attacks. What exactly are they? And more importantly how do I not die from them?

He is a retard child.

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Deflect > Attack > Deflect > Attack
When he throws shuriken at you he'll do the jump slash where you can hit him w or 3 times if he misses.
When he jumps away and throws shuriken just move to either side, they'll always miss.
When he tosses up the smoke bomb that disables healing just run towards him and hit him or move to his side which is less risky.

I'm in the same boat, fighting him right now
I thought I was good when wolf lopped off his head
>mfw he gets back up

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>Isshin the sword saint
>is the sword saint
>isn't shin

dragon blood

They can be either grabs, sweeps or thrusts. For grabs, you dodge or jump away, you have to jump over sweeps and get a kick on the head of your enemy for extra posture damage and thrusts can be mikiri countered for posture damage (you can actually parry them, but the window is smaller and you don't do posture damage)

Why does the chicken attack you? What did I do to the chicken?

Means they can't be blocked and have to be either dodged or deflected. You can't deflect graps or sweeps. Grab = dodge Sweep = jump and jump again on the enemy's head Thrust = dodge to the side or mikiri counter/deflect

Jump the danger attacks, punish. Jump the crawling attack, punish. Then run away 90% of time.

I cured dragonrot twice already because of this boss, how many more times can I infect the world.

Man this game just isnt really fun

Haha yeah I have totally got to his second phase guy... I can’t even beat his 1st phase I’m too afraid.

You don't need to care about dragonrot at that point unless you want to buy something form someone infected

Looking forward the the eventual Tomoe expansion. The built her character up so much, dis gon be good.

Ever played monster hunter? Just wait for him to do his attacks.

Is there some sort of floating kanji for each to warn me? Or is it just a case of learn each enemy?

>like 6 atk bonus power
>6 health bar ups later
>mortal blade: GET
>Headless are STILL the hardest fucking thing in the game

Terror is the most absolute BULLSHIT mechanic in this fucking game holy shit. I can body them HP wise but LOLTERROR just one shots your shit goddamn

i can only beat genichiro first phase by blocking and ichimoji doubling any opening. After he goes 2 i just cant seem to get it. every video it looks easier but for me i just get my ass destroyed

Is mt Kongo be after genichiro fight?

>Curing dragonrot in the middle of fighting a boss
Literally why, what a waste

Oh shit sorry I spoiled it

The only reason to buy games on launch is to take part in help threads, the only threads on Yea Forumswhere people actually discuss video games.

>Gives you the spooks

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Just learn the enemy

This is the truth. For me as well at least. I can’t even return it because I have a physical copy and I keep going back to it and getting a little further then I I get stuck again. My hands actually hurt and my wrists this game stresses me out.

Chickens are fucking assholes. I guarantee you if they were really that big they would attack people for no reason.

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What lapis prosthetic should I get first? my gut says either the shuriken or the blue fire

I have 4 lapis the now

The kanji stands for danger and is the same for all 3 types of perilous attacks. You need to look at how the enemy moves. It's actually easy to tell most of the time unless the enemy has unusual or no weapons, then it can be harder

Learn to parry his combo and mikiri/jump counter his perilous attacks. Spamming ichimoji won't take you anywhere after him.

>Isshin ripping my ass apart frequently
I am not really having fun with the fight due to how much damage he does and how much he spergs out in 2nd phase.

Nah dude donkey spoiled me. I don’t care about spoilers bro I’m jaded.

It is all the same kanji, you have to pay attention to their animation. Generally, sweeps are telegraphed by enemies bringing their weapon horizontally to their sides, in thrusts they bring the weapon back pointing to you and grabs are pretty easy to spot. The thing is not to panic when you see the kanji and pay attention to what they are going before deciding what to do.

Isn't she just the servant to Lord Takeru? I find it badass that she's a skilled swordswoman. And she developed her style inspired by her love for Takeru

Harder than any souls game
Took me 35 hours

You can parry his spear phase user. Parry the overhead, parry the sword and spear swipes. Build up his posture and stay aggressive.

Yeah dude, have you seen the feet of regular chickens? A rooster that size would tear your god damn gut open

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I was doing it at the alter, after the boss killed me.

Shuriken. Blue flame is kind of useless. Its only good on appirations like headless and doesnt work on normal enemies. You have already have confetti so its redundant.

anywhere I can torrent this?
t. poorfag

I got the axe because it is the most fun.

>only options left are to continue slamming my head against the hatred demon or end the game
why did they put a dark souls boss in this game, if I wanted to autisticly roll/sprint around some behemoths ankles for 10 minutes I wouldn't be playing sekiro


Fighting Owl makes me want to quit

And the strongest person that we know of in the Sekiro Universe. We know that Isshin in his prime was extremely powerful, and when he fought Tomoe he barely left with his life. Plus creating all the lightning techniques.

Not him, but also I can't beat the spear guy after the shield guys. How should I go about killing the normal enemies? Lookout, archer, then the two guys in that hill. I know to sneak attack the spear guy, but I don't know how to deal with him afterwards.

Fatigue gets me honestly. Ginichiro fight is pointless, 1st and 2nd phase he attacks with these long sweeping chains that do 3x the posture damage to you than what you do to him on perfect parry. So shit feels like it takes forever cause until half hp his posture regens incredibly fast. Remove Ginichiro and I’d enjoy him more. It’s Hollow Knight all over again.

Am I playing this game wrong? I’m starting to fight bosses with 3 health bars and it’s so unforgiving when I only have 2 charges of potion. Are you suppose to play flawlessly?

Ever played in Kiseki?
I feel like Miyazaki did.

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For you, stupid.

You can first first 2 phases in one minute each. Just keep constantly attacking never let up, deflect every attack. And make sure to special counter all his danger attacks.

thank you!

Is there something I'm supposed to do with the I assume drunk guy in Ashina Depths. The one that is in the house right before the Ghost Corrupted Monk.

>3 healthbars
>2 potions
wtf are you doing nigga?

Kill regular enemies first. Leave the area and comeback after the aggro is off for a stealth skill on the spear guy. Deflect > Attack keep that rythm going counter his thrusts and jump his sweeps

>learn the ability to underwater dive

Okay I can't really recall all the places that had water now, is there any notable places I should go diving at? any good rewards or something? not going to backtrack through the whole game looking for puddles

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>he hasn't played idiot ball with shichinen kun

>when I only have 2 charges of potion
have you been exploring/checking vendors? you should have way more upgrades by then

Too hard.

All you need to do with demon is sprint against him and be bellow him at all times. No need to dodge like a das boss.


do you have a magnet?

I would unironically appreciate a mode that's a bit less difficult

Just beat him. I have no advice for phase 1.
For phase 2 just play it like a souls boss.
Like sprint like a retard away from him, and run around him. He has like 4 attacks :
-some kind 4 hit sword lunge, it's like he is falling every time he does this, wait for the 4th hit, go in, hit like twice, sprint out
-There's like two sweep, the "special" one with the kanji, and another wierd one where he falls doing it and does nothing else. Just stay out of range, go in when he is done, 2 hit, and go back to sprinting.

It's lame as fuck, but it works

Now for another boss later
Now how the fuck do I beat the 2 monkey, this is just retarded

Why did they copy Nioh with guardian spirits for this fight?

Where is my Wolf spirit?

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if you mean genichiro, you can have like 7 gourds at that point

>Hitari Estate Lake and Rivers
>At the the first sunken valley idol go backwards instead of forwards, you end up at a pool
>Mibu Village
>The lake where the snake destroyed the bridge
>The pool in the monk area
>The the Guardian Ape arena

I remember reading that the thief in the memory returns as a shopkeeper later in the game, where and when?

And it feels so fucking satisfying doing it

You give him the drink from the palace later on in the game. (The drink is inside a chest) after that, talk to him and he'll give you an item (don't remember what it was) leave rest up and come back and he'll be turned into a palace noble. Kill him and he gives you another item. Go back to the hut with the guy that has a basket on his head, sadly he drank the water because he was too thirsty and you'll have to kill him

I know what to do I'm just saying that this is exactly the type of boss fight that kept me from ever playing ds much
sekiro combat is way better

Should I even use the stun or keep emblems for the umbrella. I went into this fight with 300 emblems in the bank, now I'm down to my last 50.

1770exp in 40 seconds but it's only available when Ashina Castle gets sieged

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He is at the gate right right before fighting the first ogre miniboss.

the memory you get from beating demon of hatred

Wait you fight owl again? When? I'm at Isshin and have only fought him once

Just google codex sekiro

Terror mage in abandoned dungeon.


I didn't use any prosthetics. You can use the stun for free damamge I guess.

so is there a sekrit ending on final NG?

Don't worry about it.

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Isn't there a way to kill all the goons without having to run away then comeback, seems tedious you know. Is there a way to mikiri counter the spear guy?

How the fuck do you time Sword Saint's lightning attack? I've managed to redirect it exactly one time out of a dozen tries.

you have to eavesdrop and do some mini storyline with emma then you go back to hirata, required for purification ending

Its part of how you unlock another ending. After beating owl for the first time you have to talk to emma, do some eavesdropping on her, kuro, sculptor. Eventually it leads to you getting another bell and a 2nd memory to use at the buddha

Double monkey trouble was insanely easy. No idea why people had trouble. Use long lasting firecrackers. Wail on the 2nd monkey, cracker again and it’s dead. Crackers destroy its posture.

When the lightning hits you, press attack.

Oh, cool. Can I still do it even if I'm at Isshin?

what endings are kino?

Remember you can just sprint backwards at any time even locked on.

Because the sword monkey is always up in your ass. Never gives you enough room to hit the brown monkey once or twice for the eventual deathblow.

Give me tips for Genichiro. I have been putting off on his fight but now literally have nothing else to kill. Compared to Corrupted Monk, is he harder?

You get 2 lives nigger just go back to the buddha statue if you die, better yet but Gud and kill the enemy who killed you


Owl 2 is a fucking faggot, please help. I can’t even get past the first phase.

Not unless you have the stealth upgrades sadly. Also you can mikiri counter his thrusts

For the second phase of guardian ape, be sure to use the spear's pull ability when he falls down for massive posture damage. For double ape get the gouging shuriken upgrade and just spam it on the 2nd ape. He barely has any hp and should be almost dead with 15. That or use firecrackers. That shit rapes his posture

You get gourd charged from bosses?

i think you can do it before beating the divine dragon not sure not that far myself

Shura and Return. The other two are stupid and make no sense.

Sadly no, it has to be done after you beat the owl the first time. At the point you are at the required NPC's are gone are locked into other plots

I played ever Souls game and Bloodborne and never understood how people can defend their shitty combat system. Some people even praise it as good or great, it's not even average for me.
The fun in the games is the world, the replayability, the exploration and overcomming the difficulty. The combat system was always trash.

Dark Souls 90% of bosses:
>Strafe around the boss and roll when he attacks
>When you find an opening hit him two times
>Rinse and repeat

Bloodborne is somewhat better because it's faster and has visceral attacks, but boils down to essentially the same

Could anyone have told me that sending the monk guy to the peddler locked me out of a fucking ending. Fuck the quests in this stupid game.

Fuck off, how many bosses did I cuck myself out of? I have to replay the entire goddamn game now.

>fighting the Monk on the bridge
>at attempt four
>he goes into phase two
>jump into the trees and frantically zip around to avoid the clones
>see a death blow marker appear on one
>jump down on it
>mfw it instantly kills his second health bar

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Be agressive until he tackles you with his shoulder. Once he does that deflect all of his combo attacks until you get an opener later. Every other attack can be deflected and counterattacked immidiately.

Dont cure until after a boss win

I didn't know this was possible. Does it need a skill?

What if a character dies while trying to beat a boss?

they wont die

Shura and Severance are great visually and are appropriate ends to the plot, true ending isn't that interesting to watch but has a sequel hook, I haven't seen purification.


Yes, anti-air deathblow. Allows to instantly deathblow anyone who dares to jump, in the cast of this guy you need a confetti buff on.

You can also skip first phase

Owl 2 doesnt have any big tricks too it. Just keep up pressure and learn to deflect all his attacks. When he throws his firecrackers if you quickly dodge forward twice you can get behind him for a bunch of hits or use Ichimonji combat art which I prefer for the posture damage.

If you keep up pressure you should be able to deathblow him when he is around half HP due to posture damage.

Nope. You have to do it before Divine Dragon.
It doesn't. NPC questlines don't affect Endings

No ya tard. Emma literally tells ya that you can increase the sippy limit by bringing her gourd seeds. That user is saying that by the time you reach Genichiro you should have found enough seeds to upgrade the gourd to hold 7 charges.

I was focusing the headless one, didn't notice that the other one didn't have a lot of hp.

I just want to get over with the game because I really like the lore, but Owl doesn't let me. It's really frustrating to spend hours on one boss

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Yes I understand how to do the redirect. Read my question again.
I jump and get hit then start mashing R1 but almost always hit the ground before actually doing the redirect.

Just 1 boss, 2 prayer beads.

Holy shit, are there any other bosses that let you do this shit?

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Severance is stupid. Turning into a sculptor makes no sense.

How is his Dragonrot going?

I'm at 9 and still haven't beat him

Do it again

What am I suppose to do with the autistic monk?

He's waiting for me to do something it seems, but I don't remenber what he wanted.

You're not helping.

>keep up pressure
But he has a move where he hits you and jumps away, so he immediately recovers posture. And he always follows up his firecrackers with an attack, so how do you have the time to dodge in twice and Ichimonji?

he wants you to spirit him away
maybe there's a prostethic tool that does that...

When the lightning hits you, you get sparks around your body, press r1 and it redirects it back. Make sure Isshin is on the floor as well.

Bring him the white pinwheel, then gotta use the fan prosthetic on him

So Blazing Bull, Undying Ape and Owl the top 3 casual filters in this game?

Meanwhile in Sekiro:
>You attack a boss 3 times. First time it goes through, second time he blocks, third time he deflects
>He repostes and you reflect his attack and dodge his second attack
>Now you have an opening and attack again
>He deflects and you miss your parry, take one hit
>Immediately use the feather and teleport behind him and do a followup attack nothing personal kid
>He attacks you (you parry) and then jumps back to directly shoot projectiles at you
>Then he leaps at you again with a thrust that you makiri counter, and punish him with a ichimonji

I just described genichiro the third boss in the game

>a buff that lasts 15 seconds

If you need buffs to beat a boss then 15 seconds isn't long enough to help.

There are two easy ways to deal with them, easiest is R2 with axe and insta-kill with R1. Second way is jump kick them, 99% of the time after doing this they charge forward at you and after the charge they have to catch a breath and are exposed from behind for a few seconds, so sidestep the charge while guarding and run in to attack their back, if you have that sword charge ashina skill use that to insta-kill, otherwise jump kick them again and repeat with a regular attack.

Find the flower he asked for, it's the pure white pinwheel, do NOT give him the red and white one

Are you retarded?

Where is it? I only found the the red and white one.

Just found a way to absolutely cheese O'Rin.

If you ignore her and run past her, she will still aggro on you. Still ignore her, and run towards the bridge. Next, assuming you got her to follow you onto the bridge, lure her towards the very end. This is the limit of her aggro range. Now, get her to attack you once more, preferably with her dive. The second she gets off the bridge she will very slowly try to walk towards the end of the bridge again. Just circle around her and keep slashing at her back.

Dead ghost

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there's nothing wrong with giving him the red and white one
you can just give him the white one after that

Not too bad then at least.

Genichiro is the number 1 filter imo.

Yeah already did that

Oh I see thanks.

How could you have possibly known this?
Were there any hints that I miss?

Get good

I died in the tutorial. How fucked am I?

Butterfly is

If i remember it should be done where near where the armored warrior boss is in senpou

Then slap him with the fan tool
He asks for a white flower, the only item that looks like a white flower in the zone that you can interact with is the pinwheel

>not manning up and pinning her to the ground on your dick

Buddishm exists in universe, it's not a coincidence that the sculptor is a shinobi missing his left forearm who failed to keep his master alive. If you do so as well without falling to shura you become him.

It took me hours to finally understand the combat. The white robbed spear boy in hirata estate completely filtered me.

What I did for his first 2 phase
Be in his face all the time, don’t let him gain distance for bow strafe. Hit him twice when his blocking because it will cover two of his options which is counterattack or bow attack, you’ll get his pattern really quickly. Third phase, run around and deflect lightning for posture damage. I just stagger kill him at all 3 phases with him having 3/4 of health.

how is a completely optional boss a filter

I mean, it's not a hard mechanic to master. You only have to press two buttons. Jump and Attack.

That's where I found the red and white one.

Lump of Fat Wax where?

>But he has a move where he hits you and jumps away, so he immediately recovers posture
Thats fine like I side just always be moving
towards him constantly attacking, chipping his HP down slowly. When he is around half HP his posture wont recover fast enough and you can kill him
>And he always follows up his firecrackers with an attack, so how do you have the time to dodge in twice and Ichimonji?
When the throws his firecrackers and you dodge twice forward you get behind him before the firecrackers explode and his followup attack hits where you were before you dodged behind him. It might take a little bit to get the timing down because you have to do it right when he begins to throw the fireworks. If you are even a little bit late they will hit you.

Also if you don't wanna cheese her that bad, but want to make it easier, sneak up behind her and then throw a ceremic tile Infront of her. She'll get alerted and let you deathblow the first bar

What happens if you give him the wrong one? Also, what happens if you use the bait from the second pot guy? I used the first because I wanted to see if he would really turn into a carp.

Can anyone please please tell me if it's possible to download someone else's save file and play it? My save just got corrupted

What's the maximum charges for the healing gourd? So far I found 6 seeds (7 chargers currently).

There's so much Buddha statues that you'd think that Buddha is always watching.

>I can give the Sakura Droplet to Kuro or the girl
I got a bad feeling, bros. Am I going to ruin my game by giving it to one of them?

Monks in senpou drop them and also a bunch of them all over the area. Usually behind statues/shrines

I dunno dude for these kinds of games that should be kinda obvious. You get some vague request from an NPC, you keep that shit in mind and then go on exploring the area. Once you have searched every nook and cranny you are bound to find something that might be what the NPC is asking for.

>What happens if you give him the wrong one?
he just says it's the wrong one
then you can either give him the right one, or lure him to the abandoned dungeon


It does the same thing giving it to either one. It doesnt ruin anything or even change much, if you want to know it just gives you another resurrection charge


They both use it for the same thing

She refuses the sakura droplet and tells you to give it yo Kuro instead. Trust me, I tried.

Git gud and use only 2 charges

He is.
This is the boss that teaches you mikiri counter by force.

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Sekiro makes me wish that there were trick weapons with the gameplay style. Would work perfectly with it

>tfw didn't know I needed confetti for these guys
>wittled them all down with my normal attacks
Christ, I hated these fuckers.

He has a trick weapon where his arm used to be

That sounds like it takes too much time to even be worthy of a cheese, just like throw a pot fragment at her ass and stab her. The rest should be pretty easy since her move set is predictable as fuck.

He said red white flower though

>that fucking bebe

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Oh okay, so it doesn't matter to the story at all, then. I wonder why they even let you give it to either of them in that case.
Are you trying to trick me, bro?

ty ty

I beat him on my first try without mikiri counter. Took one healthbar with a sneak attack and the other by mindlessly spamming attack/parry

Ok fuck it I have crawled every inch of this stupid ass mountain, where is the rice loli at? I can only go as far as the temple where you get the skill book and that’s it.

not really i thought the same maybe the dlc will let us use something like it

Keep pressure on him, force the pace of the fight. The key is that you're making him react, not the other way around. Even blocking his attacks is beneficial.

If you havnt completed Ashina Castle you have to do that first.

Ring the bell in the temple with the golden buddhas. You get teleported to the rice loli after the boss fight

I just beat the dual king kong fight, this fight made me realize how usefull some tools can be. Inflicting burn is great

It's much quicker than the normal way since you can literally slash at her almost without pause. Only perfect parrying would be faster

>precious bait


Fug. That means I gotta fight Gen don’t I.

Git gud phaggot

Just progress the story beat genichiro

In which body of water is the underwater headless? I haven't found it

>Sekiro 2
>comfy Journey to the West style story
>party of Kuro, Divine Child and Emma
>potential for cute scenes of everyone resting up at inns between zones or seeing the countryside together

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Ashina Castle

It's Genichiro since he's mandatory and requires you to actually know what sweeps, thrusts and deflects are. The other mandatory bosses up to this point give you a good amount of leniency on how you want to approach them.

Pretty sure you teleported to the rice loli after beating the temple..

O'rin is impossible, even with the cheap deathblow she takes no posture buildup whatsoever and I'm not wasting confetti on this cunt

I just killed one of the snakes after jumping on its head. I fucked up and fell down after going to some ladder, what did I miss that was still up there?

What is the recommended order of ending to get?
When should I back up my save?

This game is so ez

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How far along was I if I had 14 vitality and 7 attack power and I had just beaten double apes? I'm looking to replace my corrupted save file and I found one that's 80% done but I think that's way too far

Not gonna lie when I first saw screen shots of it I thought that shit was shooped to make it look like Pearl Slugs.

There's one in fountainhead, and one in the ashina moat

In fountianhead palace there are two next to each other

cheese him with shadowrush

If they are blocking with their dumb hat it'll BTFO them if they aren't only 1/3rd goes.
The skill which chains axe into sword is good because even if you don't btfo them first time the second time does.

>one in fountainhead

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I'll tell you a secret. Keep the shuriken equipped the whole fight. Her second phase she spawns next to the large Buddha. If you constantly pressure her she can never do any illusion casts (even the first one you've been fooled into believing will always go off). If you have to give distance, you can use shuriken to stall her. If she gets a cast off run around the boundaries of the stage.

I feel the exact same way. It is so special I enjoy just hanging out there honestly. I think it being really late in the game adds to its interest. I definitely want to understand the lore of that area

Just whittle her health bro. And run away from her, just sprint while locked.

what the fuck were they thinking with the "buy every single skill" trophy??

jesus h christ, i have been grinding for hours in ng plus plus at end game and i still need like a million xp

Got a couple of questions.
What do I do with the loli rice?
I gave one to an old lady who gave me a cryptic clue about a kite that I don't understand at all.
I killed Butterfly lady, and Illusion Monkeys. Other than the strange village with the Cursed Monk boss or the Snake Valley with the gunfort are there any other big areas I've missed so far?
Finally what's the best way to grind money? It's the biggest limiting factor for my arm upgrades right now.

I ain’t even good and I killed her pretty easily after getting the DB on her. All you gotta do is just parry her and wait for her sweep Slash to come. The Mario stomp on her does a good chunk of posture damage. Also she attacks quite frequently so you can maintain that posture bar even if she is still recovering posture a bit fast.

The underwater headless are among the easiest bosses in the game. They are patheticly easy.

eat the rice

Go to Ashina Castle, start at the first idol you find inside the building, during the third visit when enemy positions change again a purple ninja fucker will be standing literally right next to the idol with his back turned. Kill him and rest, he drops 1k SP per kill, you can have everything in like half an hour.

>Mfw old Man Isshin with fire sword is way harder than Prime Isshin with spear lightning

I got the mortal blade and now all the warp points at ashina are offline, what th efuck? I went to the abandoned entrance whichi is the closest and now the bridge is down...

where the fuck do I go??

Jamie pull that shit up

you guys realize that it isn't rice she's giving you. You know what it really is, right?

Just started it and got my ass handed and the parry mechanics beaten into me by the first fully armored samurai with the big ass katana.
Even managed to give the sculptor dragonrot from dying too much to him.
Will dragonrotted npcs prove to be a problem down the line?
Also, only way I can kill that fatfuck with hammer reliably is by assasination, fuck.
Currently stuck trying to mikiro parry the shinobi hunter.

So I'm stuck at 4 points rn
at a door in harata state after the drunkard i feel really dumb on that one i just don't want to waste all the items i was just given
in the reservoir at the spear guy and the ninja guy(i know how to git gud for spear boy just need to apply it)
and the armored guy on the mountain

I've been wondering about that skill since I got it. So it works if you just attack any enemy who jumps in the air?

What is it???

>half an hour
I grinded this spot in NG++++ which gave me 4k exp per kill, still took me 2-3 hours to get the last 20 skill points I needed

You, sir, are a smarter man than I and I recognize your larger penis. Thank you. She's dead and I'm not. Fuck honor.
I can not get the timing down. It's like Dancer of the Boreal Valley all over again, she's so floaty and weird that I can't hit any sort of consistent rhythm.
I can run forever tho.

And Harrenhal? I shupose that's of the table ashwell?

You have a diving skill, there is a moat beneath the bridge.

>keep mixing up left and right buttons
God I am fucking retarded.

If you want to meet the loli, you have to beat the monkey.

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corrupted monk is my kryptonite. big slow attacks that always make me prepare to defend myself too early fuck me up.

Littlefinger posting? in my sekiro threads?

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armored guy on mountain is simply a matter of deathblowing him newr a ledge so he falls of.

For fatass drunk boy kill all mobs except for him, flee back untill he resets then stealth attack drunk man
Then run to npc for help

Don't worry about loli till after a major decision in the story with owl .
Grind money at a shine casrltle antechamber. Sneak attack the 3 patrolling blue samurai. Make sure you activate the demon bell for divine confetti drops too.

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You could try using the umbrella, that will give you a bigger window.

I don't even understand why they were a boss

and firecrackers are monks kryptonite

>How do I get more snap peas

You don't, they won't become easily available until you've defeated Corrupted Monk, the real one, not the one in Mibu.

Wait til you fight her again with an additional health bar ;)

i killed the fatass on the first try i'm just stuck at the door right after i know i need to use those seeds but i don't get where

Ah Lord user, and when will you be having your friend?

Dragonrot stops you from progressing with NPC questlines. You can heal all of them later. Don't worry about it.

I exaggerated a little bit, but you still kill the guy and reset his spawn in about five seconds, it's stupidly fast

So if i sent the big retard to The dungeon am i unable to continue the Thief's shop quest?

you can easy kill granny without snap peas

Stuck as in you cannot enter because you lack the key or stuck as in lady butterfly is kicking your ass?

the snap seeds can be used on the boss fight, they're not used to open any doors

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Any secret rooms to look out for early game?, I have Ashina Castle, Gun Fort, Mibu village and Senpou Temple all open to me.

I liked Zweihander and Kirkhammer in previous games. What weapons or fighting style do you recommend for Sekiro?

prayer bead in the Estate


Yeah, but dont worry sending him to the thiefs shop is the end of that questline anyway and all it does it make you able to by 3 different mid tier materials from him, and he only has a stock of 3 of each so its not a big deal.

I killed Owl yesterday. Fuck that cunt. Small opennings and poison attack+heal negger is a nightmare

Had to skip all of the Abandoned Dungeon Surgeon's dialogue because of that reviving shithead of a zombie, didn't know why he needed a samurai, and led the guy looking for the tune there. Is there any way to save him? I killed the surgeon out of frustration but now I want to know.

there are three secret walls, one just before lady butterfly and one in ashina castle where two blue dudes are sitting down, chilling
The third is underneath the final big building in mibu village

Can't be as bad as Proof of Concord farming, or the farming in Nioh for the shopkeeper.

Bros... where the fuck is the rice loli fan art?

so i need a key ok, though i had to use snap seeds
and that reminds me that i have another spear boy to kill in harata
ok though, they were meant to "kill" invisible walls

I can't fucking beat this orangutan demon of fuck you bullshit. I get hit by his leg stomp literally everytime. Dodging or jumping his retarded gigantic legbox still hits me every fucking time.
Also fuck his insta up swipe with his left arm

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Probably the katana

Isshin phase 3.

Lightning reversal is absolutely not working. He's killed me with this 7 times now. I jump in the air, I get hit by the lightning, I hit R1, I die. I get hit by lightning, I land and hit R1, I die. I get hit by the lightning and press R1 at the same time, I die. What the fuck happened?

cucked myself out of true ending by beating the fountainhead boss before giving Kuro rice, any known way to use cheat engine/save editing to skip that quest stage or temporarily put him back in the palace?

Secret room in Ashina Castle antechamber, hug the wall with the poster on it.
In the Hitari Estate right before the butterfly lady there is another secret room you get to by hugging a wall with another poster.

Have you unlocked the skill for it?

I see no other reason besides a bug

Because Miyazaki occasionally likes to harken back to when he made kino (demon's souls) and not just HARDCORE action games with the same kind of fights throughout the whole thing

Am I the only guy who specifically loses to bosses so I can fight them again? Holy crap do I enjoy fighting the bosses, but I'm getting really tired of the trash mobs.

>continues after shura end
>you play as the secret love child of emma and genchiro who was born immortal vecause he was conceived after his father drunk the rejuvenating waters


It's not a skill. It's a mechanic. I read the scroll. I used it against Genichiro in the initial fight with him. I even managed to use it once against Isshin the first time I got to his phase 3, but it hasn't worked since.

Why are you even trying to dodge or jump that? It's really easy to parry the leg stomps and if you have a gap closer as a combat art it gives you plenty of time to attack him.

You must be doing something wrong, I managed to do them on reaction at a moments notice.

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Got two of those but I’ve never heard of the mibu village one. Is it the tenple where the townspeople gather?

Are there any other saint swords besides Butterfly/Horse/Corrupt clone I can before Genchiro?

>Emma and genichiro
>not kuro and rice loli

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building just before the fake monk fight, you can crawl underneath it and use a fake wall

>Headless monkey
>Literally any time I go to take more than a single hit on him he screams

This is the first boss I think in the game that is just outright bad design. It's not fun to have to get a single hit in then back of, rinse and repeat, that scream move isn't something that should be outright spammed 5+ times within a 60 second span.

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Yeah, you can crawl under the house and use shinobi door to get inside.

Can you kill Roberto's father without pushing him off the bridge?

kuro is for sekiro and sekiro only. even if sekiro betrayed him

You aren't fighting him correctly. Parry his strikes then he does this one big strike where he stands up very tall and straight and comes down, parry that and he falls over for many free hits.

Having trouble on owl, I can block and punish him just fine, but because of his massive posture damage, I always have to back off eventually, even when I'm parrying every hit. and it feels like his bumrush moves are way to massive to reliably dodge/jump(especially when I'm trying to retreat), even when I anticipate them.

So any tips on how to mitigate his pressure or reliably keep him on the defensive? Either that or insight into his offensive attack patterns/combos so I can safely evade or escape them to reset my posture?

Also not sure about what gear I should go at him with, most offensive stuff seems to slow to be worth using, and I wanna try and reserve the "teleports behind you" feathers for phase 2

it's not hard for me to punish and bully him and chip at his hp, but I can't maintain the pressure for very long before my posture gets broken and I have to back off.

Also, should I be:
>up in his face,
>trying to flank/get behind him,
>stay just outside his Sword range and bait out his ranged attacks,
>or just run around like a bitch and take hits when I can?

Best spot to farm EXP and gold? Trying to get all skills and prosthetic upgrades before going to NG+. Currently the Fountainhead Palace seems to be the easiest place for that.

You know that Ashina art that you can just fuck a nigger's posture up? Use that when he's doing it. Also, I think there's a safe spot during his scream since I jumped when he did it and I wasn't affected.

1. Tips for Owl?
2. Once I beat him, does Ashina go back to 'normal'? I need to go get the Umbrella from Old Gate.

i have no idea. are you locking onto him? are you not? are you spamming r1? have you tried restarting the game?

it worked fine for me

get the purple gourd that gets rid of terror and makes you more resilient against terror build up and jump backwards. he really telegraphs that move and i don't know if it's because of that attack but i seem to fly backwards really far if i jump backwards when hit by that shock wave

Get double ichimonji skill or at least regular ichimonji, when he does his air attack sidestep it and ichimonji him x2, it will heal your posture bar as well as do good hp and posture damage

>complain about boss
>beat it easily immediately afterwards
works every time.

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this might be the best pre ng+

Just beat Owl, pretty fun fight. Much more enjoyable than fighting the Ape (first phase at least) was.
So, how do I transfer a save to a legit copy? Fuck it, I'm buying the game. It's far too fun to not support it.

there should be a thing on the floor you can move to open the door to the boss, i dont think you need any key for it

1. 2. No. But you can still go back to him.

>parry the leg
wtf you can do that? I tried to parry him to but his leg seems to goes behind me and hit me anyway

Not worth farming before NG+, the enemies in NG+ Give way way way more XP and gold than in NG. A basic pleb enemy in NG+ might give 400XP where in NG you would have to kill one of those purple ninjas. It would be faster to just start NG+.

What do you do with the tooth from training guy?

Owl wanted to be immortal..old biddy too probably. Why? Because they were old. And the enemies of Ashina were closing in.

Sekiro was young and fiercely loyal to Kuro. They couldn't be sure he wouldn't side against them. And anyway, the bandit attack was supposed to be cover. They sent the samurai away and staged an attack via the bandits as a false flag. Sekiro wasn't even supposed to be there. The old man who accused you of being the traitor says you left just before the attack.

I found that just being aggressive and closing the distance whenever he disengages was best. You could also just run around like a bitch and bait his double shuriken+sword slam to get hits in too. But that takes forever and is boring

unless you're able to perfect deflect most of his moves, being on the offensive isn't going to work since he's just going to posture break you. just bait out his jump swing, deflect/dodge and hit him a few times, or hit him after his double slash. there are other openings but stick to just those two to be safe. after getting him to about 50-75% of his health go on the offensive since his posture literally stops with decreasing

i did that and then the door at the bottom of the stair is blocked is blocked

>kill fire bull
>2 fags come in and kill me
>appear in the inside of a castle and can't return to the room the bull was

Kill yourself.
No, really. That's what it does. It lets you kill yourself.

talk to owl

go where you fought the spearwielding maniac miniboss and follow that path

The same as the blue powder but it has unlimited uses.

Yeah I know, but why would I ever want to do that? like just to lose aggro?

I've explored a lot of Senpou Temple but I feel like there's nowhere to go now. I killed the miniboss in the room with the centipede creatures and have found the main hall idol. I can't figure out how to advance now. Am I done here until I find a new way in?

You are correct to save feathers for phase 2. You want to HP chip him until his posture bar has a red flash meaning it's going to start regenerating slowly, that's around 60% hp. Then get in his face and apply pressure while parrying his attacks. It helps to try to always parry early so that if you miss the timing you still block, then you can adjust on the fly and do it slightly later if you keep missing parries. Second health bar he kinda goes bananas and I found it too chaotic to try to posture break him and just went for HP death, but the feathers help with that and he likes to spam the 2x shuriken then jump move which you can sidestep and punish for more HP damage. When he tosses the lloyd's talisman you can also smack him in the face once then dodge away before getting hit by it.

Hey guys, I've defeated the final boss and the kid is laying on the ground, should I interact with him If I don't want to go to NG+ yet?

But why did he fake his death in the burning area. He could have just stayed hidden. Also since owl kills you after you beat lady butterfly how did kuro even escape. If he was willing to let kuro go why did they even attack in the first place.

it gives you the choice after the ending credits

Killed genichiro? That's your next step

what owl ? the old hag near the sculpture ?

Emma has no memory

I don't think so I got a deathblow on him when I was pretty far away from the edge and he got sucked off like a vacuum.
It was like one of thise Dark Souls 2 hitbox webms but for the enemy instead of the player.

You can parry both of his leg stomps attacks. The strong delayed one and the one where he does a quick stomp with each leg. For his delayed one after you pull off a parry, I recommend using Nightjar Slash, it's pretty good in this fight.

They should have made mortal blade work better for them. The headless that slow you are just fucking annoying, thankfully their drops are crap so I wont bother till end game on later plays

you can kiss him for another Sakura Droplet

no motherfucker, i said go back to the spear wielding miniboss and follow that path

Your dad. Go to where the shinobi hunter was and proceed down that path

It’s not the same thing and you know it m8.

At least the failsafe from dark souls is still in.

Ashina is forever fucked now
Just run to Old Grave real quick to buy the item from Blackhat. And if he ain't there, go check the offering box near the immortal training dummy.

Really? No other choices at Senpou?

This. He's literally a Blangongalala.

I found that one way easier than the first one. I swear that one dies so much quicker, and that new attack it has isn't particularly deadly

There are enemies later on you "should" stealth else they drain your soul. You can use the tooth to kill yourself before being complete drained, once drained you get perma death on next death.

It's fucking done. Six hours and ten minutes on this fight.

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I have 14 vit 5 atk but o'rin and the monk absolutely destroy me
what do

Thanks m8s, really appreciate it.

You can't progress Senpou until you beat him.

You'll be going back there later

Okay. Thanks Senpai

>flame vent
What am I missing? I have a couple nodes locked in the prosthetic upgrade tree that I can't see. I'm at the Ape right now; should I have found it by this point?

You can't. You send them there if you want to kill them for no reason.

i didn't know there was a specific way for each of them i just kept fucking running at them until i got them

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NG+ is a really cathartic experience. Being able to 1 shot all those bosses that fucked you over like Demon of hatred or the Ape feels good.

obtain skill
or use snap seeds and firecrackers on the monk
you can backstab o'rin if you throw a ceramic shard at her first

Kill ape

If you have a the free revive and the two others, it the items make it so when you kill yourself and revive with the free one, there is no more black bar stopping the other revives. It last until you rest or die for real.

Last one you get for killing the ape you're good dude

Ok. Thanks, user.

>kill owl dad after two hours
>finally some progress
>instantly locked with a three hp rehash boss
fuck this, i'm done for tonight

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You're missing the whistle finger which you get from killing the undying ape in Sunken Valley

git gud

I just beat O'Rin a little bit ago. I stayed at slightly out of her range to bait the jump attack because that's easy to parry then jump over her sweep and bop her head.
She seems to recover posture fairly slow relative to other minibosses, both times I only had her fatigue at like 60% when her posture broke.

Seems everything in the game can be parried. I was trying to dodge Seven Ashina Spears and wound up split in half since I thought I couldn't parry that with my tiny katana. The first time I tried parrying him, his posture broke before he even got to 50% hp.

>twin purple ninjas on the roof boss

Literally how the fuck? also is there a save point close to this shit goddamn running all the way from the bottom to the top each time is maddening

Still can't figure out why the game runs choppy on both low and max settings with nearly no difference.

And I don't have a second monitor.

Even playing NG it's so much easier because you've acquired proficiency.

Firecrackers for the monk, there isn't much secret with her or any gimmicks, just get the timings down. Trust me, you will need to know it for later.

If I beat Corrupted monk before O’Rin does jinzaemon die or what?


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Go around the other way so you can grab the ashina dojo idol. Then you can sneak in and use the puppeteer jutsu on one ninja.

>Accidentally kill invis monkey while attacking illusions
>another monkey is just wondering on roof, kill him
>chase a monkey and kill it
>a monkey runs at me, stab it

After this I read that the fight is almost like a puzzle, disapointed the AI threw itself at me

Go in through the other entrance so you can use the idol before the ninja miniboss, then you can sneak kill the weaker one before they notice you

Yes. Look for the open windows where you find the idols

You're missing the finger whistle

>sneak attack pupateer the normal enemy
>proceed to fuck over the miniboss easily
There is a save literally right next to that boss. Get to it by going through the antichamber

You mean the dojo? You can stealth kill the non boss one or puppet ninjutsu him to double team the boss and kill him easily.

this game has good duels but any multiple fight is abysmal.

I love that puppet ability, I used it on a chained ogre before demon of hate and it went ham

my dick

Suggestions on what skills to upgrade first?

I got the deathblow heal skill and I'm focusing my upgrades on maxing all Ashina Sword Styles.

I think savegames are in Appdata/Roaming/Sekiro

That's what the stealth shit is for.

Almost the same thing happened to me. I just changed the green monkey down, accidentally fell and spawned right behind the red monkey. Purple monkey just jumped onto the platform where I was for some reason and I killed it.

Double ichimonji is really useful. Assuming you already have mikiri counter because it's honestly essiential

>You know that Ashina art that you can just fuck a nigger's posture up? Use that when he's doing it
Thanks asshole, it didn't even phase him and I died.

>Is his sword the moonlight of this game or is that a stretch

The answer for anything Dark Souls related is no. His sword is a legendary real life sword called the Seven Branch Sword.

Just throwing this out there. It annoys me a little bit to see people expecting every part of this game to be a Dark Douls reference, when it's not. Everything in Sekiro is squarely Japanese Mythology.

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So I just killed the lightning bitch at the fountainhead palace and doing the return ending, will going back to the Estate for the pot merchant fuck that up and put me on route for a different ending? I ask because I have owls bell.

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Gourd healing also comes in handy. Ichimonji completely wrecks everything and I haven't even upgraded it to double. The recover posture on deathblow skill seems kind useless the first time around since you recover so fast.

>fighting the dragon
>panic and parry his swing instead of trying to dodge
>it actually deflects
It is at this moment that I realize I've been fighting non-human bosses wrong for the whole game

I don't even understand how the fuck Isshin, Saint of Swords emerged from that body

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Moonlight sword isn't a DS thing its a Fromsoft thing, its in most of their other games.

Tomoe is Tomoe Gozen and Takeru is Yamato Takeru.

Anyone else agrees and thinks From is going with that angle? Throwing such famous names around is to much of coincidence.

New thread?

its fine, you can get the items for every ending if you want and then choose.

He turned into a saint, which is pretty much a god.

Should I even fight O'Rin? I feel like she's doing way too much posture damage for me to handle right now. As far as I can tell she's optional so should I come back later?

Anyone knows when I can eavesdrop on Kuro for the whats-its-name ending? I've already eavesdropped on Emma with Isshin and the Sculptor.
I just beat the true Corrupted monk so I'm at the Fountainhead Palace for reference, but he and Emma always stays in the same.

I've already got the Cold Crystal Tears from the loli for the other ending.

Use the bell. You get a sick boss fight.
Also, once you reach the ending, you get to choose which ending you want anyway, so it isn't a big deal.