TCG thread

>Magic Arena New Set (War) in 2 weeks
>Hearthstone in 1,5 weeks
>Eternal tomorrow
>Arena Cosmetic are up = that will be 20$ + tip

Are you hyped, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you fucking understand what that means?

Does War really come out in 2 weeks? They haven't done any spoilers for it

Trading Card Games. Its what Magic is (and the others commonly refered to). No need to play autistic word games.

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Well, it comes out in four weeks for paper players. We get in 2 weeks. Spoilers start at PAX (This weekend) and the monday starts the real spoiler season.

Oh and we get billion planeswalkers this time around.

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If it were physical, then sure. You're referring to CCGs such as Arena, Eternal, and Hearthstone.

not even the dude but it can't be a TCG if you can't trade.
Magic arena, HS and all those are OCG - Online Card Game

i thought we weren't supposed to talk about Magic Arena on Yea Forums, and that it belongs to /tg/


>worse jace TMS

he will always be GOAT

What cardgame I should start playing?

funny, cause my arena thread some 4-5 weeks ago on /tg/ got deleted and I got a warning that it belongs on Yea Forums

Isnt war in may?


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>only have 30k gold saved up



I dont think I'll ever be remotely interested in Arena until they start adding the Eternal formats and cardpools in, I just play too many Eternal formats man, Cube, EDH, Pauper, Modern, a little Legacy. I just can't play Standard ever. And I'm not touching the current Limited, every set is basically almost the same as the last.

Pssh, nothing personal kid....

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I wanted to like MtG more than I actually did. I got into it with the release of Ixalan after having a friend talk about it, and being new it looked like there was a whole universe of interesting cards and interactions and deck themes. Only to discover if you want to actually play you have to play either meta or counter-meta, and deal with the most autistic and faggoty fanbase that rivals /shmupg/ in retardation

>planeswalkers: the set
Fuck no, I'm bailing. Superfriends is absolute

>I quit MTGO when they removed two headed giant

It just got me so mad and they nerfed my urza deck literally a few months after I finally got a copy of Kharn


Kind of sad that all the cool multiplayer formats like 2 headed, ffa, planechase, archenemy etc. arent supported more.

He's actually starting to dip in price. Saw some $50 listings the other day.


>He's actually starting to dip in price. Saw some $50 listings the other day.
Thank god, playing paleo without the ability to go into sword is suffering

>Got back into magic last summer to give me and my girlfriend something fun to do
>Sign up for arena beta
>"We'll send you a key soon!"
>Crickets for 3+ months

No thanks.

Good thing it's been in open beta since September, chucklehead

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>poptepic poster
How do they do it every single time


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How do we make Orzhov good?

Wait when ever have they nerfed Tron? Isn't it at its strongest right now?

Redpill me on Yugioh, that card makes me want to get into it.

No shit and I lost interest waiting and stopped giving a fuck for them to throw me a bone.

I don't remember exactly what it was anymore, it was quite a long time ago.
also it was modern tron, not legacy if that helps

>Japan get's this shit
Why did it have to end in the west. God, fuck, shit.

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The only nerf Tron has had was when Eye of Ugin got banned, which barely affected the deck and that banning wasn't even targeted at Tron

by making everything else worse

it ruined my Tron deck because I ran mono-B and didn't want to cash out to splash green into it.
I know it would be easy to just go green and get the good ass cards but I was already pretty tired of MTG and specially MTGO


Why is no one talking about Hearthstone?

At a glance Yugioh might look similar to Magic, but with no mana, but that's not really true.
Yugioh is a very different game from anything else available for a few reasons.
>There are (almost) no costs other than what the card says it costs.
>You have a pool of 15 cards you can access at any time, you do not need to worry about drawing them.
>There is a ridiculous amount of effects to get specific things you want out of your deck and into your hand or onto the board.
>The minimum number of cards you can play is 40

This makes Yugioh far more consistent and far faster than anything else. The game is based on building up boards that can disrupt and negate (boards with a floodgate and 2-3 disruptions are common) and breaking these boards.

because it is boring resource-based garbage.
Resource systems ruin card games.

Mono B Tron was never a competitive deck and I don't see how losing Eye of Ugin would make it unplayable

I think you're wrong about resources, and the ridiculous amounts of RNG is what makes Hearthstone suck ass.

Eye of ugin was my only reliable way to get my bombs, I even played two of them.
I know it wasn't the most competitive deck, but I will never not love counterspelling and eldrazi in the same deck.

Op mentions eternal but not shadow verse new xpac, wtf

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Eye of Ugin can't fetch Karn and Ugin, the two cards you play on curve in Tron to make your opponent scoop.
If the best thing you could do on turn 4 after assembling Tron is drop Eye so you can tutor for a fatty, you're probably not winning

Only played magic and briedly tried ygo, but am interested in expanding my horizons with one of the smaller cardgames, like cardfight vanguard or force of will.

Does any of these (or other smaller ones) have any good videogames so I don't have to travel just to play a single match?

as I said, i agree it wasn't a tier 1 deck but I loved it and had fun.
Instead of going for a turn 4 win every time I had syncopate and other CS to draw the game a bit longer.
last time I played standard I also played R/W/U sphinx revelation/Assemble the legion.
That was basically my only win cons, I added some burn as I updated the deck but I just love janky control decks

Links suck ass. Play Speed Duels.

2hg literally had an entire set dedicated to it last summer and the first time they supported it was in Oath anyway. It's more alive than it has ever been.

>It's more alive than it has ever been.

did they bring it back to MTGO after removing it because "no one plays it"?

Who the fuck plays 2HG?

Nigga pls

What this?

Babby magic for japanese babbies

Vanguard and Buddyfight both have manual simulators.
They also have outdated Japanese only 3ds games

Okay but are they wrong? Who is playing 2HG on MTGO?

I'm sorry but there's only 1 gamestore that does FNM in my area and it's filled with overweight sweaty neckbeards that smell like something crawled up inside of them and died so I gotta go to MTGO to play when it's not DND night with the bois

I regularly played it with my friends, and talked about how supported it is now so someone must play it right?

I never had any issues finding a game when they still had the mode, but seeing as WotC never revealed any numbers, no one knows

Fuck shadowverse.
Shit went downhill so fast.

>Instead of going for a turn 4 win every time I had syncopate and other CS to draw the game a bit longer.
That's not mono black, stupid

>Links suck ass
Now that Firewall, Knightmare Goblin and Gumblar are banned, I honestly can no longer complain about Link Summoning.
Sure Reprodocus/Summon Sorc might be getting out of hand. But once we do get Needlefiber, she's going to prison and will be staying there forever alongside Firewall Dragon.

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Fuck I meant Mono-u, I'm retarded, sorry user, as I said it's been a while and I fucked blUe for Black.

Duel Masters

unironically hyped to use this absolute unit as an avatar.

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I prefer neck beards and fat goth girls to college normies who are only in the hobby because vice said it was inclusive

2HG is a game VARIANT. What do you actually want them to do to show support for it when they released the second set to ever actually support it less than a year ago?

Literally what do you expect them to do? MTGO is a fucking dinosaur and removing 2HG from it isn't removing support for it from the actual game.

Crimson Curse released today for Gwent.

The fact that you're forced to use links if you want more than one extra deck monster on the field is absolutely ass. Imagine if you had to Synchro before Fusing.

I’m having fun maybe you just haven’t devoted yourself to his darkness yet

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Can you disable the shitty 3d pop up summons?

>college normies
my friend group would never be seen as normies, we just shower regularly, that's it.

I don't and didn't expect them to support it, but going as far as removing it was still a shitty move.
Highlander is also a variant, so is Momir basic, they haven't removed those have they?

>Augur of bolas confirmed for war of the spark
because it needs to be even easier to find that dive down.

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You can shower you can even be attractive but when you start asking me how to tap mana or offering to pay for someone else to paint your warhammer figures get the fuck out of my hard castle normie reeeeee

>March 2019 still worried about ur agro or mono blue, not noticing the rising tide of white weenie and esper control

>asking me how to tap mana
>offering to pay for someone else to paint your warhammer figures

I've played magic for a few years less than DnD, which is 10+ years.
Though I've never painted my Chaos army, my fat friend does it for me because he's way more creative than me, I would just give them some blach & red and be done with it, he did an amazing job though, still have my Greater demon of Khorne sitting on my shelf looking all badass

Link solved the big issue of late XYZ/Pendulum era yugioh, which was absurd toolboxing and the insane powercreep of the r4nk engine. If you could put 2 level 4s onto the board, you do basically anything. 3 level 4s make Ptolemaeus, which turns into Infinity which is an omninegate. 3 level 4s make Shock Master, which is "your opponent cannot play yugioh". 2 level 4s make THE LIGHTNING, BABY, which outs everything in the game.

The way links addressed this was stifling r4nkspamming by only letting you summon one at a time without link summoning. And to link summon you need to cut into your extra deck slots, forcing you sacrifice the absurd versatility of the r4nk engine.

Links were good for the game and then they printed Firewall Dragon

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I’ve played card games, board and table top for 25 years but the age doesn’t matter so much as the culture shift, nerds became main stream and thus you have plenty of normal people trying a game for the community control not so much the game itself. I try not to gate keep but it’s not the hardcore or casual divide, it’s what your intention walking in is. Often this intention is flawed, if your judging people’s appearance in a hobby shop on a Friday night maybe you for this category.

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I quit in wonderland.
Game where at the absolute low point then.
Most fun where memeing with discard dragon but those faggots never gave it any support at all after imperial dragoon.

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Too bad im having a hard time building a high alert deck with his arbiter of law card.

What are they called?

Currently every class has a viable deck both in rotation and unlimited, new xpac hasn’t solved the meta and quick cheap agro will get you a lot of gold

all the planeswalkers lose their sparks and they become legendary creatures

and here I was hoping Pride mate would rotate soon.fuck my life.

I’m still running 4 teferi main board

I don't give a shit about how you look, my best friend is a fat fuck.
I care that when you opened the door to the shop on magic night it would smell like a goddamn shitstorm and playing against them would be even worse.
I usually wear a hoodie & jogging pants anywhere that doesn't require me to look "the part" but I fucking shower every time I have to go outside.
Me and my friendgroupbeen friends for 15ish years now started playing wow, went on to DnD and picked up magic shortly after, we didn't participate in "nerd culture" until way later, we played with each other.
My intention walking in friday night was playing some fucking magic, but I also expect people to have basic hygiene and shower before going outside, if you have an issue with body odour/sweating then you put on deodorant and maybe bring one if it's really bad.
There's no excuse for smelling like dead things

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More like they are going to drop some rare or uncommon planeswalkers that have no plus abilities

Is artifact still on Life Support? Never played it. I like the model of actually having sort of an online TCG with the Steam marketplace, but I heard f2p peasants had a fit. What happened to that million dollar tourney?

architect of law, like all planeswalker deck exclusive planeswalkers, is purposefully made to be terrible.

>nicol bolas is going to lose
>bunch of walkers that hardly show up are going to get cut down by the main guys because why not
>next few years are just going to be chasing bolas to different planes to free them from his grasp.

MtG nerds in my experience don't smell, that's unironically fat melee faggots. MtG nerds are super autistic though, they're nice and friendly of course but autistic as fuck

Cardfight Area and Buddyfight Area for the manual sims.

Again you tote a stereotype that is minor and only limited to one type of person, you want the funk of 40
Thosand years ? Try a smash tourney it’s not limited to magic and fmv is basically the most normie friendly activity at a shop you should see more cardigans than pearl
Jam shirts

>That feel when to Force of Will digital game.

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2019... I am forgotten...

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We shall arise my brother

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You should 1v1

When are fowfags getting their general on /tg/ back?

It doesnt matter how many viable classes there are if all decks are win at T7 or lower.
I want to have at least some control style decks viable to have some fun. But no such fun where allowed with shit like Aegis and Dimension shift.

user, I wanted to like FoW, I really did, but the game was a clusterfuck because FoWCo did not give a damn. I had fun for about 2 months, and then our locals died.

The game is never really dead.

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I wish someone would resurrect the greatest card game, or at least make a rip off.

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>That flavour

He is not exactly the problem you see, its the fact that im relying too much on High Alert and sometimes and i mulligan my hand 3 times and dont draw a single one, and since my deck is stacked with creatures with 0/5 and 0/6 my enemy has enough time to set up his board


Thx man. Will look into them. Are they like cockatrice?

What happened to this game anyway? Saw some people raving about it a few years ago but now it seems to be completely dead. It doesn't even seem to be sold in my country anymore
Wanted to try it out, but if there ain't no digital version I expect I never will.

I just said how it was at my shop, it might not be like that at yours and it might not be like that anymore at the shop, but it was the reason I didn't come back for FNM.
I have heard the horror stories of smashfags, to the point of them being banned from venues because it took them weeks to get the smell out, luckily I don't play fighting games so I've never had to live with it

The game had great Flavor text

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It's completely dead in burgerland. There's one local store that hosts and the shopkeep keeps it around because he always wins world qualifiers that almost nobody attends so it's basically a free ticket to japan for him.

Felicia Days is the best card in Smash up.

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Good hustle. I don't blame him.

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They're similar to cockatrice only with an actual lobby you can walk around and chat in

go to jail

>please bring me another guy
This word choice really bothers me for some reason

There was one translator for the entire game and he was also in charge of distribution of product, marketing, logistics, and pretty much everything stateside.


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Try seraph then it’s the closet to control and pretty viable

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FOWCO also pretty much killed FoW to try and push their new game, which has some pretty fuckin lewd artwork.

Shocker, nobody here plays it because they burned any and all good reputation.

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Sounds perfect. Thanks for the help user.
Fuck. Is it alive anywhere at all then? Saddened that even if I travel halfway across the world there are still no chance of trying it out.

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That’s a yike from me dawg

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Don't forget stores not picking it up because they have their hands full with other anime games that are already known entities

She's great in Dead of Winter.

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>Is it alive anywhere at all then
There might be an online client somewhere, but you'll have to go searching for it. You honestly didn't miss much, I'll copy paste a post from /tg/ about the game that sums it up pretty well. Keep in mind that the gameplay is almost exactly like MTG with a few mechanical changes here and there.
The game is very difficult to balance because good strategies become immensely OP, exacerbated by how consistent the game is.

The ruler system means a good ruler matters a lot. In other games, a strong strategy is inherently balanced by luck and consistency - you gotta be able to draw the right card. In FoW your main strategy might just be sitting on the board every game, waiting for turn 3 or 4 to go off or contributing utility every turn.

The lands being in a separate deck was because they felt getting land screwed is unfun. This makes the game even more consistent. You will reliably play out the same scenario every single game. There's very little variance and skill involved within games once you know the matchup.

The mulligan system is like Hearthstone so your starting hand is very likely to be exactly what you need.

This all sounds like a TCG player's wet dream until you see what it does to a meta. The game becomes stale very quickly. The fun of every game spiralling out into interesting permutations and combinations in most TCGs is gone. It's just the same match being played over and over and the already poorly balanced and R&D'd game becomes so much worse due to how consistent the game is.

Credit due she’s a 4/10 married to a 80 year old millionaire who Somehow convinced the world she was a nerdy girl next door whose single

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>and then they printed Firewall Dragon
It is the first time a current YGO anime MC has his ace card banned.
It is like if DM was ban.

She is not married to anybody. Do you have any proof of that?

She’s been married to this man Patrick Duncan for a decade, she just hides it to not have it hurt her career

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>Patrick Duncan
wiki says he's married to Cynthia Ashley Cooper

Wrong patrick, that patrick duncan has been dead for quite some years.
still hasn't posted any proof though

What I love about Firewall Dragon is that you could just print card which just has one of the two effects and it's still broken and degenerate.

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He’s the baby daddy

Got myself a prerelease ticket and a box to draft with friends later the release week. Dont give a single fuck about cosmetics in arena though.

>actually thinking this card is good
How to easily spot post planeswalker players

yea that's proof enough for me dawg, she's on the oldie train

Her looks faded fast and her career is tied to it so I don’t blame her I mean even Olivia Munn figures out cash in early and not on gamers

That's too bad. Would still have liked to try it, but I guess no general proves it had no staying power.

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There used to be a weeb TCG General on /tg/ that was dominated by Force of Will.
What happened was the Bushiroad games split and formed their own general and FOW discussion vanished after that

A strange situation. Was the "domination" just shitposting then, if the actual game wasn't anything special?

Even heavily promoted card games like Netscape die, force of will didn’t have a chance when games like eternal have to give away 80 packs to get a player base

Game is dead, they already got rid of Garfield.

Garfield bailed when paid streamers refused to stream even for shekels

How does Bushiroad keep their games afloat then?

Weiss is alive solely because of the collectors, very few people actually play the fucking game.

No, they just took up most of the posts.
Weiss has collectors
Vanguard came out right when there was a lull in YGO and now there's a loyal base
Buddyfight is where Bushiroad players that want way more complexity go

How does it attract collectors then? Don't know any more of Bushiroads games than that they have several going at the same time.

They pick up popular and obscure shows that people like and offer goodies like full arts, signed cards, exclusive sleeves and others
They're getting Jojo part 5 in a few months too

Ok, that makes sense then.

I want to get into Wiess because it has Puyo Puyo and Disgaea, but I have no idea how it works even after looking at detailed tutorials and a couple matches. Is it worth it?

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Unless you want to import cards and find a group playing the Japanese game you aren't going to be playing Puyo Puyo.
Disgaea is available in English but I don't think it's good as the deck's getting there in years